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/lit/ - Literature

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22702003 No.22702003 [Reply] [Original]

Who here has applied for, or received, grants for writing?

The Canadian government allocated 500 million for art and culture post 2020 and has spent at least 200 million on art projects. Have you got a piece of your government's pie for writing?

>> No.22702024

I received £7,000 grant from a local government programme. That was six months ago. In a couple of weeks I'm expected to give a talk about my book at the town's arts centre alongside a couple of other recipients - this was one of the conditions of the grant. They've even invited one of the writers I mentioned in my application letter. My ex messaged me to say she's happy for me and is going to swing by (for the free wine if nothing else hahaha we joke like old times). But here's the problem. I haven't written a word of it. Even in my notes.docx is empty. I've spent most of my 'dedicated writing time' getting high and playing Might & Magic III: Isles of Terra on DosBox, or else sitting in the botanical gardens and reading Golgo 13. The coordinator's been emailing me, she's chipper, encouraging, and I have to tell her I'm still proofreading the manuscript - but I've been telling her that for seven weeks now, and I think she's starting to realise. I think as long as I can produce an 'excerpt' to read, as if it's only a slight selection from a finished work, I might be able to get away with it, and if they need to see the full file, technical difficulties shall by my escape. But I feel sick thinking about it.

>> No.22702029
File: 35 KB, 602x315, main-qimg-ff0e08bf4f78d9f20e6bf4afb2cf3dcc-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop talking

>Check privilege

>Enjoy discomfort

>Get curious

Anything else?

>> No.22702035

>Golgo 13
What a Chad. Just set up your own LLM to generate few hal assed chapters and edit it while in an alcohol induced frenzy.

>> No.22702040

Grim & bleak.

>> No.22702048

What the fuck I love communism now.

>> No.22702059

Jason Bryan is very pleased with the progress of his latest thread, who is this anonymous spill pen that just blessed my thread with their schizo ramblings?

>> No.22702073

I could write you a book in like 72 hours, what does it need to be about?

>> No.22702077

How much of the 7k is still remaining now? Also, could you donate me around 45-50 quid? I wish to buy a second hand cpu to write some stuff that I'm sure will be damn good. Look, if I ever get published, I'll pay you back along with a certain percentage of the money I make.

>> No.22702105

He put it all up his nose, which is exactly what you should do

>> No.22703140

This is what happens when you get paid or pay someone up front.

>> No.22703149

You gotta fake your death and move to portugal anon. Theres no other way out of this.

>> No.22703165

>Have you got a piece of your government's pie for writing?

Since I will not be writing about transgender marxism and the magnificence of Derrida, no I will not be receiving a piece of my government's pie.

t. disillusioned grad student. Don't do it guys. Or if you do, pick a Christian or Jewish school.

>> No.22703397

Jesus, and I thought I was bad

>> No.22704420

Deliver an empty book with the first page saying
>intentionally left blank
and give it a fancy title

>> No.22704495

Nothing will happen except you'll be blacklisted lmao. They gave you the money so you could work on the project. If you failed to produce anything that's on you. It just means no one is going to give you money anymore because you've shown lack of money wasn't what was stopping you from producing art.

Essentially, you'll never be able to get a grant again in your life, and you've ruined this chance for other artists in your community.

>> No.22704598

The grants usually go to established artists.

>> No.22704603

Have government grants ever produced anything good?

>> No.22704693

We do a little frauding

>> No.22704696

These "people" have literally made an app to determine whether the participant is an aryan

>> No.22704697

Will the technical difficulties be something akin to shooting yourself in the face? That would be really cool, anon.

>> No.22704701

Title the book Blank Slate

>> No.22704715

What are you referring to?

>> No.22704731

vancouver art gallery

>> No.22704744

This is like 90% of "artists" who get free money. Don't worry, you'll fit in.

>> No.22704769

Unironically your only option at this point is to plagiarize. Rip something an old Amp issue or whatever. It's over either way.

>> No.22704868

>and you've ruined this chance for other artists in your community.
It broadly effects the perceptions and biases regarding artists or creatives as a whole. I don’t want to denigrate anon too harshly but six months to write a few pages isn’t demanding.

>> No.22704974

The comodification of art is undoubtedly one of the worse things to happen to human expression. However, even worse is the idea that every person who feels so is a talented artist, and that capitalism, the patriarchy, or whatever other cultural Marxist Boogeyman, is the only thing stopping them from achieving their dreams. While there are many talented artists who unfortunately die in obscurity, for factors beyond their control. There are also thousands more untalented but overconfident hacks who's disgraceful efforts thankfully never see the light of day. And considering the demographics these programs overwhelmingly target, most of these grants will be going to the latter. To summarize, mass literacy was a mistake. It would be much preferable if we returned to the days when the only artists where landed gentry and one in a million talents

>> No.22705003

Canada is in an incredibly bizarre cultural space... does anyone actually believe this is organic art?

>> No.22705043

pay me and I'll write the book for you anon, problem solved

>> No.22705241

Okay, I'm a Canuck. How do I get my hands on government art money?

>> No.22705259

Imagine if you told someone 5 years ago the Canadian government would fun an AI that would determine how much of an Aryan you are... nobody would have believed it.

>> No.22705263

nobody in the laboring classes goes to a museum or gallery, and that's most of the population. They're expressions of state propaganda targeted towards the intellectual class who has already been mindfucked by a 4 year degree

>> No.22705383

Okay, and?

>> No.22705432

I mean, if this is the art of 2023... I can't even imagine the shit they are going to come up with in the next few years of insanity.

>> No.22706424

I wish I could get in on it!

>> No.22706467

Me too. Not even an artist, just want free money for doing shit lol

>> No.22706497

If people are getting money from the government to build AI tools to determine what Nazi I most look like... they will fund nearly anything retarded and ridiculous as long as it checks the right boxes.

>> No.22706506

I need to get a list of those boxes so I can create to ultimate funding sinkhole. And then do the opposite.

>> No.22706521
File: 335 KB, 1024x1024, coffee 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could write 7k words in 4 days, 1 of which would be spent brainstorming the general structure. Spend the remaining 3 days of the first week doing proofreading. Then take a look at the plot structure to get advice from an editor, revise what I need to over the course of the second week. That's being generous. Get off your fat fucking ass and work motherfucker.

I BELIEVE IN YOU. I'M A LAZY MENTALLY ILL FUCK AND I CAN DO IT, YOU CAN TOO. Get to work now. Do not delay. Grab some pic related if you need it.

>> No.22706665

You have chatgpt. What type of book does it need to be? If its fiction that thats easy you can shit out a 30k novella in weekended. Just write 5k words a day for a week and you got it. I can write 3k words in afternoon with one hand on my dick, that is how I masturbate now.

Write a short essay on how AI is gonna ruin writing forever and why you need more money to produce art. 7k is nothing, say you need 70k if you want anything decent to recreate the Renascence in 21st century. Then talk about how you were abused as a child and a Arabic immigrant thought you how to shadow box to fight off crazed white nationalists, then talk about how you spent four months travailing SEA trying to find yourself.

>> No.22706693

Was about to say something like >>22704744 but as you went into more detail and when you say "feel sick thinking about it", that's not good man. That suggests you're psychologically blacking it out because you know how hard it'll be. You need to put all other things away and work on that, like as much time as you possibly can, to have any chance at all of doing well. It's not the £7,000 but the principle of it.

What technical difficulties can there be with a text file? Technical difficulties sounds more like something crammed with math or chemical formulae, don't say technical difficulties, say you are really sorry but you don't feel like it's ready yet, maybe you know how to improve it and are changing it up a bit. That's what you say. Noone will ever know if you go at it for double digit hours a day from now on with clear writing goals in terms of word/page count.

I'm sorry but this: " Even in my notes.docx is empty." makes me laugh.

You either sink or you swim now. Imagine how embarrassing it'll be if you stutter and stumble around without anything to say.

You still have time. You can do nearly anything within a few weeks, but it's not going to happen if you don't start instantly.

>> No.22707690

Yeah and where do I apply? I want to write an AI script that will tell you how misogynistic you are by a look at your face! Should be worth at least 500k.

>> No.22707707

based time waster

>> No.22707735

I know of one person who got a $5,000 grant to create a patch quilt in a certain style of a native band here in Canada, they did 4 sqaures of the blanket and it was hung up in the Vancouver Art Gallery for like half a year. This was 10 or so years ago.

They got it through their indian band office, so I don't think it qualifies as a real "grant" since it was meant for their ethnic group anyways.

>> No.22707922

Space stuff?

>> No.22708028

Canada just gets cucked by China and the US... Canada is supposed to be a quiet vassal state where they experiment on the population with social engineering.

>> No.22708398

Cant you just get AI to do it? Write your little excerpt that's good and just use the AI content as filler.

>> No.22708413

Canada has a decent space agency, I work with them and we have agreements with multiple launch states and punch way above our population in space.

>> No.22708422
File: 10 KB, 275x183, praise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ausfag here, i know you're not going to believe me but this is a true story.
After years of frustration at being rejected by publishers i decided to lie. I applied for a grant that was for "queer indigenous authors writing about their experiences"
I wrote an utter bullshit novel while living it up on the money they gave me. That novel will be published in a few months by a major Australian publisher.
The lie has gone too far now and i don't know how to get out of it.

>> No.22708448


>> No.22708518

AI zoomers are why /lit/ and lit in general is dead.

>> No.22708526

What else could he do? Write an entire book in "a couple of weeks"? Admit he hasn't done shit and face who knows what consequences?

>> No.22708544

He should write 5 pages and make a statement about not writing more because of climate change. Instant hero.

>> No.22709451


Just ride it as long as you can. Maybe you will get a Nobel prize

>> No.22709497

MM3 terra is such a great game. Don't play MM4, it's just crap compared to the one you're trying.

Might as well just write a fanfic involving that game as your arts project mate. Just be extremely pretentious. I'm sure the art expos showing up at your gallery only took a day of work at most

>> No.22709521

Dark Side of Xeen was such an amazing game growing up. All the talking characters was revolutionary.

>> No.22709540

I was playing light side a while ago and it just didn't resonate. Map was kind of lame, I could explore all of it before I could beat the dungeons. Dungeons never resonated with me. Not enough real towns either since most of them are empty. I think I was just played out, never got to the darkside

>> No.22709545

Dark side was waaaaay more fleshed out

>> No.22709604

Just pull a Victor Hugo. He got paid up front to make another novel, yet he barely wrote a few pages. His main motivation for making one of the greatest novels of all time was not being absolutely screwed by publishers wanting their money back and fullfilling their written agreement. As long as your community keeps giving you shit, but is willing to give you another chance. You'll be forced to make something. Desperation makes art free flowly

>> No.22709628

Good advice.