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/lit/ - Literature

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22680259 No.22680259 [Reply] [Original]

Has /lit/ experienced the masterpiece of Catholic fiction known as Empress Theresa?

>> No.22680363

Nope, I've only heard of its infamy. I bet it's better than Shitkickers though

>> No.22680533

It falls into that dubious canon of weird "outsider" art by crazy people who don't have the best grip on reality. Henry Darger's Realms of the Unreal, Tommy Wiseau's The Room, and Chris-Chan's Sonichu also fall under this umbrella.

>> No.22680544

Is this an autism thing?

>> No.22680605

I've remember hearing that the author starts putting his sexual fetishes in the book some years ago. Apart from that it is most likely better than half of the "top books" /lit/ will recommend.

>> No.22680622

I don't think so. The writer is a boomer who served in the military and he seems to have a normal life. I think it's moreso a "I've never read a novel in my life, and I have no idea how to tell a story, but let's take a crack at writing an epic based on what I've learned from watching Stanley Kubrick films" thing.

>> No.22680915

Very much so
That's one of the worst piece of fanfiction ever produced

>> No.22681375
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what are some books before the 1900's or 2000's that would fit into this?

>> No.22681443

>6 hour video on Eve online.
This is why he went off the grid for 2 years? Why? I started watching it and then 5 minutes in I closed the tab thinking "I have no interest in this topic. I have no intention of watching this for 6 hours."

Does it get interesting? Should I give it a second chance?

>> No.22681521

Down the Rabbit Hole? Not sure connection to this thread but I'm pretty sure he was either having a mental breakdown or just vacationing for a solid year of that time on paypiggy bucks.

I watched the first 10 minutes and it was typical stock videogame footage and website screencap overlays played over a bloated as fuck "woah what is this 10 year old MMO everyone on YouTube is already aware of. Joseph Anderson did the same shit with his 50 hour whatever Witcher series - once you have a solid paypig base you can apparently just take half a year off but keep your Reddit loyalists satisfied by crying about "how deeeeeeeeeeep" you're going by making a basic ass videos stretched to 6 hours, even though half of it is just ad lib and Wikipedia reading played over generic gameplay/corporate promo material.

>> No.22681546

>Does it get interesting? Should I give it a second chance?
not if you have any interest in the topic at all, it’s quite bland but it was good background noise

>> No.22681965

My point still stands.

>> No.22681973

you clearly did not listen to this abomination if you think so

>> No.22682866

he did a video on empress theresa. I'm guessing many people have learned about it there first (like me).

>> No.22682919

>I'm pretty sure he was either having a mental breakdown or just vacationing for a solid year of that time on paypiggy bucks.
He was busy being a vtuber lol

>> No.22682988

there was one British youtuber who did entire series on that. He suffered greatly

>> No.22683118

He always gave me gay vibes, but holy fuck this is grim.


>> No.22683159

Here you go


>> No.22683163

I was on the subway and someone had mixed stray diarrhea and the blood of a murdered infant to write on the wall with their uncircumcised dick “I <3 Reddit!” and it was better than Shitkickers