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/lit/ - Literature

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22679695 No.22679695 [Reply] [Original]

Are you participating in the biggest /lit/ event of all time? Are you going to try to win F Gardner’s prize?

>> No.22679698

frank, any updates on filing suit on amp press for copyright violation? i know of some good attorneys in chicago that would handle it if you hadn't already hired one. pretty open and shut case

>> No.22679703

Is this the prize for people who don't make the cut for the special olympics?
It's Jason. Frank has used his daddy's money to pay Jason to shill for him. Where have you been?

>> No.22679708

I heard Frank actually banged Jason's baby momma and the baby came out black

>> No.22679710

Jason is a 95 IQ retard who somehow thinks making Gardner threads means Gardner will like him, despite amp getting DMCA for copyright violations already, and possibly a full-fledged lawsuit in the future

>> No.22679715

Hi I’m Bill.

>> No.22679727

It is good to be low IQ, most low IQ people are pretty happy in general, while many high IQ people are depressed all the time and virgins late into their 20's, if they ever lose it.

I mean, Jason might have a low IQ but he's almost ready to release a 3rd book, while you might have a higher IQ, where are the novels you have written?

>> No.22679740

(Jason Bryan)
Thanks for admitting you make these threads, fucking retard. You may get sued also for copyright violations as part of amp press for infringing on Gardner's intellectual property for Call of United.

>> No.22679745

kill yourself

>> No.22679750

My third novel (fourth book) will be out around early spring and is looking like it will be put out by one of the big 4 but still in negotiations so not sure who I will go with. I lost my virginity at 15 and am not sure what my IQ is, I got 126 the one time I was tested but I had been up all night drinking and smoking pot so I am not sure how accurate it is. I am not depressed but I would not call myself happy, I tend to sabotage myself because I fall into complacency rather easily so aim for something short of happiness. None of my books were self published.

>> No.22679756
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It is all well-poisoning around this place. I only post the "Ring ring..." images, but I'm on my laptop so I don't have any of my AI images with me other than ones about the recent hockey nigger murder.

>> No.22679759

Cool, post your books, I'm interested to see what they are!

>> No.22679763

kill yourself

>> No.22679765

Is "well-poisoning" what thieves like you and amp press call stealing others intellectual property? Be ready for a barrister to call you

>> No.22679770

The only person who posts their work here are the sorts who cry about being banned everywhere despite it being effortless to make new accounts (You). I actually want my work to get out there, playing the victim holds no appeal for me.

>> No.22679772

I don't have a phone number. I just have an iPhone 4 to take pics.

>> No.22679774

Still in BC? Not a problem.

>> No.22679775

So why won't you post your books here? I'm interested in seeing your work.

>> No.22679782

I mean, if you can prove it, go for it?

>> No.22679785

>it being effortless to make new accounts
Do you even have any followers on social media? When you lose an account with 1000's of followers, it isn't exactly easy to get them back.

>> No.22679789

Still in BC or not? Do i have to check records in each province?

>> No.22679793

I mean, go for it, what are you waiting for?

>> No.22679796

So your IQ is barely into the mid double digits? Same reason I don't post it on any social media, it opens your work to being tied to the current trends of that social media.
I have no social media accounts so no followers. I don't believe you ever had thousands of followers unless you include bots.

>> No.22679798

Cool, I'll check each provincial record
lmao if you think you and kenneth can steal someone's work, profit off of it, and not go to court
have fun

>> No.22679801

Jason Bryan never stole anything dude. Go ahead and come after me, I will be laughing so hard.

>> No.22679804

Is this Kenneth Hartley? just want to be clear if it goes to that level

>> No.22679805

Sounds like you're just lying. No reason to not share the books you've written.

>> No.22679812

So 4chan does not have a reputation which will carry over to people who post on 4chan? I suppose this is why so many well known authors publicly admit to posting on 4chan.

>> No.22679818

I mean if you don't even have the balls to post a link to your books on here, it is clearly a lie. What, are you afraid that on an anonymous image board a link to your book would take down your entire reputation? Seems like an extremely cowardly mindset.

>> No.22679822

>t. Kenneth Hartley, a retard who posts his own arrest record on 4chan

>> No.22679825

>if you don't have the balls to commit career suicide you clearly are lying.
Perhaps it is cowardly but I am pretty close to making a living off of my writing instead of trying to sell my self published books outside of grocery stores.

>> No.22679831

Sure you are.

>> No.22679842

Frank stole the meme he's using for his ads and YouTube channel. He doesn't have standing to complain about copyright.

>> No.22679854

kill yourself

>> No.22679857

You mean Frank copied and pasted a photoshop meme of himself? Are you seriously arguing an imagine of F Gardner is owned by someone else? I am laffin

>> No.22679862
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>> No.22679864

It is not that impressive, I technically could have lived off of the $16k I made from writing last last year and would have lived more comfortably than I did when I was 19, but I would rather work a day job for a few months every year and not struggle to get by. My yearly expenses are about $12k. I moved somewhere cheap and got away from the cities, life became easier and I had more time to work on things other than getting by. My rent is $550 a month and even dish washing pays $16/hour here, I do finish carpentry for ~$25-50/hour so fairly easy to offset my writing income.

Even in Canada this is possibly, I live on the boarder with Ontario and things are not so different in Thunder Bay. You want to fail, you want to be the victim.

>> No.22679875

Call of United Airlines is public domain

>> No.22679903

There's a copyright by "amp press" on the back cover. Might want to get in touch with a barrister, Kenneth.

>> No.22679919

The copyright page in the LSP edition of Airlines clearly states the work is public domain.

>> No.22679927

Ironic that your stupidity in editing goes so far that it implicates you in property theft, Kenneth.
Will be interesting to subpoena records to see where the Amazon "profits" of a "public domain" book are sent. Gardner hasn't seen anything from this. You're fucked.

>> No.22679937

Anybody is allowed to profit all day off of works in the public domain. Besides, I love Gardner now; the F Games is the pinnacle turboflex of the year.

>> No.22679947

>Anybody is allowed to profit all day off of works in the public domain
lol. lmao, even. gross and negligent copyright infringement under a commercial press
you're severely over your head, kenneth

>> No.22679956

you’re so cute. you might be convincing to third parties ITT, but I’m comfortable. show me the copyright for Airlines.

>> No.22679964

>You mean Frank copied and pasted a photoshop meme of himself?
He took something that was created by someone else to use as the header of his YouTube channel as well as a means of advertising (toward revenue). So, when it comes to crying about copyright, he's a hypocrite. You can only justify one or the other.

>> No.22679972

>releasing a public domain work that violates a copyrighted work is legal
>places a copyright on the back cover out of gross negligence
Did you seriously never think this through?

>> No.22679975

Excuse me, please put some respect on Gardner’s name in an F Gardner thread. Thank you.

>> No.22679988

Parody is fair use, and besides, all that is parodied in Airlines is the writer’s style. The latest edition includes the standard artistic disclaimer that all likeness to IRL is coincidental. There is no currently open or active copyright disputes against Airlines, there is no reasonable claim to be made.

>> No.22679989

It’s pretty funny. 1 guy who is an internet schizo blew the fuck out multiple anthologies and magazines and brought this board together now. This one man is actually smarter than entire groups of people. Gardner’s a genius.

>> No.22679994

Agreed. I’m formulating my public tribute now.

>> No.22679996

>There is no currently open or active copyright disputes against Airlines
Good, hope you've saved some money for a barrister in any future civil suits.
Since you don't even have a phone number kenneth, be aware that Canadian civil law does not provide legal aid or public defenders for defendants, as it's been clear you've been in contact with the criminal system before.

>> No.22680013

He took something that was created by someone else to use as the header of his YouTube channel as well as a means of advertising (toward revenue). So, when it comes to crying about copyright, he's a hypocrite. You can only justify one or the other.

>> No.22680018

I’ll receive an injunction or a cease and desist before any meaningful litigation.

>> No.22680023

Are you claiming to own the copyright to F Gardner himself?

>> No.22680028

Yeah I read it the first time you posted it. Idc if he stole some damb header. The internet is all about remixing and stealing shit. Gardner is a natural leader.

>> No.22680030

You don't have to believe him but stop being a retard. No one in their right mind would want to be publically associated with this website. If that's cowardly so is wearing a seatbelt.

>> No.22680031

We both know you're too much of a scatterbrain to c & d without getting to civil court.

>> No.22680033

>53 replies
>9 posters
At least two of those posters are Jason and at least two more are Frank and one the &Amp fah so 4 other anons itt. This might be the saddest samefagging I have ever seen, not even trying to hide it.

>> No.22680041

the amp discord fags are trying to convince frank not to go ham on them

>> No.22680042

>pic related
I’ve made it this far.

>> No.22680045

Are you Frank, Jason or an amp discord fag? Pretty much zero chance you are one of the other 4 anons.

>> No.22680047

You're a fucking huge pussy if you're took afraid to share a link to your published work on here. If you're AFRAID of being associated with 4Chan you must be afraid of a ton of other shit. You're the corporate dick-sucker type of writer who is the antithesis of what I want to be.

>> No.22680051

Buckle up, your criminal defendant experience might come in handy

>> No.22680054

I would love for Frank to go ham on me. I’ve been begging for blood all year. It just wasn’t until the F Games that I realized Frank is the undisputed monarch of /lit/. I highly doubt he himself cares about Airlines, the dude clearly has higher minded things on the go than my reprinting of some anonymous open source parody.

>> No.22680055

Franks talking on the server. Is he even aware of this thread? I haven’t even seen it posted.

>> No.22680057

thanks kenneth hartley. Going to post your documents again?

>> No.22680058
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>> No.22680061

Checked. Probably not, like I said, he’s busy establishing actual #Mythos and #Lore

>> No.22680063

Remains to be seen. Hope you're not as stupid as you seem.

>> No.22680064

I think that’s a Jason Bryan post you’re referring to. Also, no.

>> No.22680069

I’m way stupider than I seem, my girl. If you saw me IRL you’d understand.

>> No.22680094

Gardner is a meme. However, you can't grandstand about copyright law when you directly monitize the work of someone else without permission. Either you're fine with being parodied because of you're meme status and shut up about baseless copyright complaints or you don't complain about it while there's a meme you stole from someone to use as the intro to your YouTube channel/in advertisements.

>> No.22680101

>Replies: 71
>Posters: 10

>> No.22680105

Now I'm definitely thinking Frank should sue you, Hartley.

>> No.22680114

What makes you think Frank is grandstanding about copyright law? What makes you think he’s not fine with being parodied?
It doesn’t work like that, my girl.

>> No.22680119

>my girl
are you a faggot?

>> No.22680127 [DELETED] 

Kiss my araeIf you saw me IRL you’d understand.

>> No.22680129

Kiss my arse if you saw me IRL you’d understand.

>> No.22680131

>Thunder Bay mentioned on fucking /lit/
I'll see you fags at On Deck.

>> No.22680136

Weird how despite being a huge country, all the leafs on /lit/ live among like three cities.

>> No.22680137

>my araeIf

>> No.22680141

this is the mind of kenneth hartley, schizophrenic

>> No.22680156

just a typo, anon. slow, deep breaths.

>> No.22680162

Thunder Bay is definitely not one of them. There used to be two people in that city that browsed /lit/, and it's down to one since I moved.

>> No.22680168

Thunder Bay is one of them, kek. Don’t report me though, I haven’t doxxed anybody.

>> No.22680171


>> No.22680197

>I'll see you fags at On Deck.
I don't know what that means, as I said I live across the boarder. I have worked in Thunder Bay/the area a few times but that is it. Weird area, everyone seems to go to bed at like 7pm, roads are empty and bars/restaurants have like 3 people in them even on weekends.

>> No.22680207

Gardner is talking about Sonic on discord right now. Kek

>> No.22680215

See, that’s exactly what a chill artist with a loyal cult following would do. What a beast.

>> No.22680224

>kenneth revealed jason bryan is his pen name ITT
what a fucktard

>> No.22680236

Yes, one man is half of all Canadian writers on /lit/.

>> No.22680238 [DELETED] 

Actually that would be all of the lead writers on /; Ari and Atlas aren’t writers.

>> No.22680256

I can’t tell if this is a redemption arc or villain arc for Gardner. The vibes of the F Games feel oddly heroic. But it also feels like Darth Vader throwing you a birthday party. But it happens to be a great party and Darth Vader is drunk and being chill af. Truly something only from /lit/

>> No.22680257

>Actually that would be all of the lead writers on /; Ari and Atlas aren’t writers.
kek at this kenneth tard admitting it again, then deleting the post

>> No.22680271

It’s undoubtedly a redemption arc. And it’s so beautifully timed that only a genius could have pulled it off. And the prize money? And the (Formerly Chuck) reference? C’mon, it’s wildly entertaining. 2024 is going to be so fucking whitepilled I can’t wait.
>archiving typos
I openly admit that he and I are one person. Nothing to see here.

>> No.22680277

How fucking retarded do you have to be to publish a copyright infringement of an author while trying to suck up to him because your former friends hate you? You're a fucking moron and so easy to read

>> No.22680323

Checked, but Airlines doesn’t infringe on any of Frank’s work. Frank’s family is chock-full of high powered, connected lawyers, and he could easily issue me a DMCA, or some copyright injunction. Like I mentioned, all Frank has to do is ask me, and I’ll gladly remove the book.
(You) are the one falsely accusing him of giving a fuck about Airlines when he is clearly just chadmaxing in his Nano server talking about Sonic.

>> No.22680333

, the bisexual crack head wrote nervously
>Airlines doesn’t infringe on any of Frank’s work
No wonder you're poor. Not clever enough to write well, too beta for your cum cult, too stupid to understand copyright law.

>> No.22680350

Checked and rekt. I kneel.