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22659203 No.22659203 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about processed food, internet addiction, microplastics in everything, pornography, video games, all materials being estrogenic, postmodernism, non-stop advertisements and subliminal messaging, elite using all art and media to promote their ideology, loss of education, lack of meaning, decline of art... etc etc.. please only books from a right wing perspective. I don't believe the left wing perspective can honestly talk about these topics.

>> No.22659213

Healy's books on the drug industry would be useful

>> No.22659216

What you're asking is too broad.
At Our Wits' End by Dutton and Woodley covers some of this from an IQ perspective, although I personally find their main argument a little weak.
Boomers by Helen Andrews.

>> No.22659219

>please only books from a right wing perspective. I don't believe the left wing perspective can honestly talk about these topics.
He said while invoking the amorphous "elite" and their "ideology"

>> No.22659222

You think the elite is right wing? Look at Netflix and social media and literally everything the elite put out

>> No.22659234

I'm saying it's ironic that you're so concerned about the authors you're looking for speaking honestly while sheepishly alluding to purposefully vague boogeymen instead of being specific and honest.
You're doing it again by suggesting pathologically neoliberal corpos like Netflix and "social media" are "left wing" because...?

>> No.22659240

You fucking retard. If you were a eugenics-practicing billionaire would you or would you not want a cowed and feminized populace beneath you? All the shit you mentioned is essentially control inflicted on the lower classes to keep them(us) from getting uppity. It's like saying that hobbling a slave is "left wing." It's the most right wing thing imaginable.

>> No.22659244

But... But, I saw a black on Netflix! SAVE ME NORMAN ROCKWELL AAAAHHHHH

>> No.22659248

Elon Musk already proved the ADL runs and controls social media and the internet. We know they control the FBI. We know who lobbies politicians. We got the papers on the ideology of all the biggest companies and elite. It's left wing.. the evidence is there.. but you don't even need that. Look at what these companies put out themselves... You don't need the papers to prove Netflix and these companes are left wing. Just look at the content they put out. Look at the advertisements. Look at the censorship. What do you think they are? Right wing? Catholic? Lol

>> No.22659249

Embarassing post ngl

>> No.22659254

My bad, I meant the other Rockwell.

>> No.22659255

All you just said is leftism is the ideology used to control the masses and I agree. Getting rid of right ideology is the best way for the elite to stay in control

>> No.22659260
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OP, read just the first chapter of this ASAP:
as it describes what happened to Republican Rome and what is currently happening to us.

I also recommend reading this:


Also read Christopher Lasch, Revolt of the Elites. Contrast his conception of a strong classical republican middle class with today's dysgenic lumpenproletariat (see the Gutenberg link above for this first). No one has yet combined all these themes: deliberate social engineering by elites, dysgenics, competence dearth, etc. I recommend reading this:

Pic related

>> No.22659261

Thats better

>> No.22659265

Ted's manifesto.

>> No.22659267
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Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.22659271

Ted is anti idpol left wing
Pynchon is mega left wing 60s hippie trash

>> No.22659275
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Skousen too

>> No.22659278

What compass brain does to a retard. It's a travesty. You don't get that "right wing" groups oppose each other all the time, do you? You think you're on the same side as political dynasty WASPs who've ruled the continent since the 1700's? You think thr yoke they place you in is because they're "left wing?" This is like if a slave in the cotton fields called Robert E. Lee a leftist. You're not the subject of communists you eunuch. You are the subject of the world's most successful ethno-religious upper class.

>> No.22659281


>> No.22659283

I don't care what the actual beliefs of the elite are. I know all they care about is eating babies. What they use is left wing ideology for control. That's all I'm saying and you don't seem to deny it..

>> No.22659292

For a laugh, I'd like you to describe what you think left wing ideology to be.

>> No.22659294
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He was in the navy

>> No.22659297

2016 did irreparable damage to this website.

>> No.22659310

I know everything you could ever know. I know every variation of leftism. I've talked to Cockshott. I know John Roemer and the Analytical Marxists. I know Guild Socialism. I know workers of the ship of the means of production. Lenin's State Captialism. The withering of the state. Marx's debate with Bakunin. I know workers cooperatives. I've read all the debates between State socialists and anarchists. I know economic market socialists. I know social democracy. I know idpol capitalist leftists. I know everything

>> No.22659315

I am attempting to free you of "left"/"right" brain worms. You are not owned by "leftists." Social democrats and communists and punks and HR mammies are, unfortunately, the exact same breed as you. You need to identify your enemies right. You will not free yourself by attacking "communism" because you will not convince the world that the entire capital-C Capitalist class are somehow "leftists." It makes you sound like a tinfoil hat wearing idiot. You are not "right wing" Israeli Jews corralling their ethnic underclass behind walls are right wing. Figure out what you are and who your enemies are and don't wave at stupid shit like the idea that the entire world is somehow governed by two "sides."

>> No.22659317

>please only books from a right wing perspective. I don't believe the left wing perspective can honestly talk about these topics.
good goy

>> No.22659321

If we say plastics and processed food are estrogenic and turning boys into girls.. they will say that’s okay nothing wrong with turning boys into girls. If we say pornography is harming the youth they will say it's good and sex work is yaaas girl. If we say video games are harming they brain they will say there is nothing wrong with having hobbies. If we say there is a loss of tradition they will say that is good. Good there is no such thing as masculinity. They will say postmodernism is good. And traditionalist art is racist.. and that rap is good there is no decline... buy the next rap album

>> No.22659323

Jacques Ellul is relevant honestly

>> No.22659327

I don't have a problem with leftist ideology retarded. I don't care about your leftypol anti idpol worker ownership. I care about the elite using Idpol leftism as a control tool... read your Cockshott I don't give a shit about that.. the elite don't care about that either lol

>> No.22659338

What left wing sources are defending microplastics in food?

>> No.22659339
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>> No.22659345

Pedantic fuck picking the one thing that leftists agree with the right one while ignoring everything else I said. Be sincere. Be a man. Stop debating like a pussy. Defend yourself with honor

>> No.22659353

You need meds

>> No.22659354

>Be sincere
Why did you feel the need to be dishonest then?

>> No.22659358

You think I'm advocating for collective ownership? Are you retarded? I'm not saying you should ally with the rainbow races. I'm saying you simply ARE one if them. You are a nigger. If you weren't, you'd have been born rich. Simple as.

>> No.22659362

Not an argument.
Still ignoring everything else. I'm disappointed in you. You prove my point anyways though by acting like this. You can't take someone seriously who acts in this way.

>> No.22659365

So you are the elite... I don't fault you. You are unethical but you have won. I hope for your downfall. Not much else I can do

>> No.22659373

>you're being dishonest on this point
Uh, why?
Dude, it's okay, you can just say "Yeah sorry I was being a little hyperbolic and did a little strawmanning there" and we can go from there.

>> No.22659380

The point of the post isn't to diss leftists or debate about leftism. It's to ask for book recommendations. So you come in being pedantic about one meaningless point for what reason?

>> No.22659393

Because you asked about a book on microplastics and initially I was going to recommend some, but it appears what you really want is a book that sells you a diabolical capeshit plot by a cabal of leftist elites to turn everyone into trannies and that's such a batshit premise that you're going to have trouble finding material that validates it.

>> No.22659395

How is it batshit it's the truth?

>> No.22659400

I rest my case.

>> No.22659515

McLuhan also

>> No.22659544
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>be sincere
>but also filter my information to confirm my biases only!

lmao spot posting

>> No.22659588

Confirming biases? Truth is truth. Everything is subjective is a leftist position proving my point. No your evil ideology isn't valid just because you want it to be.

>> No.22659608
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>please only books from a right wing perspective. I don't believe the left wing perspective can honestly talk about these topics.

>> No.22659615

If I was a eugenics-practicing technocratic billionaire running a population control program, I would be a quintessentially mercantile creature enacting left wing politics upon society

>> No.22659631

Situationist art was terrible.. that's the best way to know if someone in a movement is worth reading. Is the art good or not?

>> No.22659635

>it's DA JOOZ
well it is now, but it was just as bad before they took control when it was the Anglos and the Dutch. The change in ownership didn't practically mean anything when global capitalism was shilling globohomo from the very start, just because it was Christian-flavored to start with doesn't mean it was good

>> No.22659649

Not him but I would rather die in bondage than work alongside trannies on anything
>You've been psyopped!!
Okay, so what? The psyop can't be countered. They are too disgusting to work with. That's it.

>> No.22659655

R/collapse is full of jokes about how microplastics are heckin good cause their endocrine disruption cracked someone's egg
>Inb4 they're just jokes goy
Fuck you

>> No.22659665


>> No.22660108

"any books that reinforce my ideas instead of challenge them"
midwit spotted

>> No.22660115

Yeah you're only allowed to read books that are against your views.. real high IQ take

>> No.22660118
File: 24 KB, 452x286, youretellingmesomeonewoulddothat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>R/collapse is full of jokes
>Inb4 they're just jokes goy
But... even you admit they're jokes...

>> No.22660187

i feel you OP, i've been in the same boat, the road to the truth will lead you into despair first and then ultimately enlightenment. it's better to ask the questions first and you're on the right track.

it's best to rid yourself of the idea of politics. all of society boils down to complexities & power. money being the root cause of all this evil you see. usury, interest, monopolized banking created by power hungry individuals combined with an underlying ever-present need for progress has lead us to where we are. we're going through the equivalent of the fall of the roman empire. but chin up, it was always bound to be this way. some ancient chinese guy said "may you live in interesting times" and you and i my friend are very lucky in that regard.

watch this 1 hour long video called "How to Enjoy the End of the World" a very logical, sober explanation of societies and why they are always finite.

i'd highly recommend you read Ted Kaczynski manifesto too, a brief & simple read, might not be 100% accurate but it very much lays the sociocultural-technological groundwork for this collapse.

this is an in-depth analysis of global warming with some important takeaways that could be useful in your thinking. tldr; is the globe is warming sort of fast.

another pivotal recommendation is the Club of Rome's report The Limits to Growth. i didn't read all of it, but they ran a computer model and systematically calculated the lifespan of our global civilization, with accounted-for altering scenarios. we're on track for one of the scenarios and the upper time limit is like the next 100 years.

"collapse aware" is a term i'd recommend you to look up

spiritually speaking, it's best to approach a buddhist/hinduist or daoist mentality aka suffering is inherent to the universe, change is ever-present & unstoppable, there is no free will & destiny is destiny sort of thing. make your own conclusions however, this is my advice, save this shit if you want i'm not gonna type this out again, good luck

>> No.22660379

Yeah pretty much

>> No.22660388

Hi I'm a Marxist I've never read Marx

>> No.22660478
File: 794 KB, 1532x682, Screenshot 2023-10-04 at 22.42.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so diversity is taking the wheel and is driving our standard of living straight off the next cliff. how can the elite be this mad? turning everything into brazil harms the bankers too, no?
que fucking bono? jews? china?
its jews and china isn't it.
these groups invented and injected these ways of thinking into the west and now it just rots. what senseless sin. rand was right.

>> No.22660571

its funny people worrying about climate change should be the biggest anti-immigration faction there in existence, because first world carbon footprint, but they are not, quite the opposite. And employers who are usually conservative profit most from the newly imported cheap labour class. what is this bullshit? I dont think our biggest problem is muh global heating 2 more weeks, the real problem is diversity. cant maintain western civ without western people. Immigration Act of 1965 is what fucked America. How can we unfuck this shit? will we ship em back to their deserts once shit gets real?

>> No.22660579

Right here's an example of why I don't read left authors

>> No.22660582

Kind of redundant

>> No.22660628

Jokes tell you what people really think

>> No.22660683

They're also a coping mechanism for dealing with existential dread. Have you considered it's gallows humor poking fun at corporate spin doctors in a societal collapse-themed forum? Come on, man.

>> No.22660931

Just read ISAIF https://www.wildernessfront.com/the-manifesto

>> No.22660949

hey if you want to be an NPC that never challenges his beliefs be my guest

>> No.22661113

>pornography: Your brain on porn
>Non-stop advertisement and subliminal messaging: False Gods by Adolf Eichmann, and Beware of the world to come by CJBBOOKS
>Elite using all art and media to promote their ideology: How the Catholic Church built western civilization, also Practical idealism by Kalergi
>Lack of Education: The Israel lobby and the US, The problem with Rudolf Hess, and The lighting and the Sun by Savitri Devi

>> No.22661124

Thanks bro anything else

>> No.22661236

just draw all your curtains and lurk /pol/ all day. no grass touching allowed

>> No.22661507

fly away to reddit and be free, little bird

>> No.22661513

>grass touching
most terminally online phrase of all time, right next to terminally online, of course

>> No.22661718
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>> No.22661888

If you honestly want to learn something, start with Norbert Wiener on the closest thing we ever got to dark magic and delete any notion of right wing/ left wing spectacle out of your brain.

>> No.22662352

what’s your coping strategy after so many blackpills

>> No.22662361
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so it's hackneyed advice, doesn't stop it from being sensible advice

>> No.22662376

Read Miles Mathis. Also
The Roman Empire never ended. It only changed its name. The old Roman families going back to the Senate spread their seed far and wide. Goths, Gauls, Britons, Picts, doesn't matter. Their kings, who "replaced" the Romans, were Roman by blood, and the empire effectively continued unchanged because of the Franks. And to add insult to injury, the Komenes of the Byzantine Empire spread their seed westward too, sealing the pact so to speak. All European nobility for the last 2000 years has been Roman and it hasn't ended. Wait until you find out that Rome itself was founded by the Tyrians *cough* I mean the Trojans...
The Chinese are Jews, anon. Li = Lee = Levi. Who are the Tocharians? Who are the Xiongnu? Who are the Yuezhi? Why are Cimmerians/Scythians carbon fucking copies of "Mongols", yet one is pale and red-haired and the other "mongoloid"? Who realy was Genghis Kohen *cough* sorry, meant Khan?
>turning everything into brazil harms the bankers too, no?
Temporary chaos. Are you familiar with "solve et coagula"? You must break society before you can reshape it. The funny thing anons afraid of the NWO don't realize is that WE LIVE IN IT RIGHT NOW AND HAVE BEEN FOR MILLENNIA! You can pick almost any major civilization and find traces of seafaring merchants with red hair. Fucking Easter Island was run by them back in 800AD. The current plan, as it always has been, is to sow the seeds of ethnic and religious division with fake wars and fake hate crimes to keep your eyes off of depopulation schemes and national theft by global banks.

>> No.22662381

>Miles Mathis
the guy who claims everyone is a CIA agent?

>> No.22662396
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It's amusing how much unironic seething and coping this post has produced.
>Netflix literally saturates everything they make with blacks, transvestites, homosexuality, and rhetoric straight out of Marx in between demands for reparations and the vilification of religion, free commerce, association, and speech
>"ok but what makes that left wing exactly?"
The only thing that prevents these would be obscurantists and useful idiots from being dizzyingly absurd is the simple fact they are all the same and are a broken record that's been repeating trite idiocy for a decade now. They think that if they pretend something like class consciousness is of essence it can distract from demographics, and then insist you're the reductionist missing the big picture. It never enters their shrunken brains that there are macro-effects from something like religion or ethnic homogeneity that aren't just desirable but necessary for a functional society.

Any technical manual. The only thing that matters is actually doing things and having actual skills and meeting and associating with actual people. Everything else is noise. People don't like this answer because it suggests the solutions for our ills if they exist do so in the very distant future. That is the case though. It won't happen in your lifetime and it won't happen at all if you're a useless piece of shit.

>> No.22662404

>It's amusing how much unironic seething and coping this post has produced.
It got two replies anon

>> No.22662416

arguments on this site are made not with opinions or ideas, but with snide remarks and mockery and derision. "lol u mad" is considered a valid counter here.

>> No.22662426

Two replies that ostensibly weren't written by bots. That's in the absolute top percentile, most people don't engage at all with their replies, if they're people at all.

>> No.22662432

maybe if you don't know how to count
you understand you can reply to a reply, right anon?

>> No.22662435

was any American president ever right wing? which was the last?
serious question here, can you answer?

>> No.22662437

Trump as answer to both

>> No.22662441
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>make demands of substantiation for claims of others
>immediately retreat into retardation and irony when pressed even slightly in return
don't you guys ever get bored of talking and not saying anything? what's the fucking point? do you do it for free? is your time THAT worthless?

>> No.22662447

Why are (crypto)jews trying to pilpull OP? They have effectively highjacked the thread to a tangent over the use of the extremely polymorphic word 'leftist' which in context is obviously understood by anyone with a modicum of good faith. All the while totally avoiding the actual topic of discussion. The thread could simply have mentioned material on endocrine disruption. In the unlikely case it was written by a 'leftist' (implying) it would probably not have been a focus. For the record some papers came out recently where some leftists openly embrace endocrine disruption and the 'queering' of nature and turning the frogs gay and the birds trans.

>> No.22662460
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Pic related is pretty good, it makes normgroids seethe so that's a bonus.

>> No.22662567

Excellent bait OP. Right wingers are the ones who fed you processed food, internect addictive content, porn, videogames, invasive ads, loss of education and who destroyed art by prioritizing (their, not yours) profits over anything else.

>> No.22663151

spiritual truths & meditation mostly. when you first start really looking around it's quite a shock. total demoralization, panic as you think about pure survival, hysterics as you uncover more and more. but slowly you climb out of the depths, slowly you start realizing truths that go beyond civilization and humanity. with this deepening spiritual perspective also comes a generally better to live so it's a win anyway. if you can emotionally overcome the collapse of the entire world you can overcome a lot of other things.

everybody's spirituality is different, but there's some hardcore truths in daoism and hinduism, like "suffering is inherent to the universe" "everything is cyclical" "there is no free will" that really do give me reassuring answers in times like these. spirituality can give you a cosmic, eternal basis of understanding that can soften the blow of realizing the end of everything you know. chin up, it was always bound to be this way, read tao te ching and meditate on the endlessness of the current moment

>> No.22663173

They only put that out because it sells. Corporations don't give a fuck about gay rights and all that stuff, it's easy PR and makes them money.

>> No.22663212

Directionbrains struggle to grasp the concept of rainbow capitalism.

>> No.22663308

As I said 12 times in the thread. The elite aren't leftists. They use leftism for controlling the masses. Being a billionaire and eating a baby isn't a political ideology. Maybe Libertarianism but that isn't very conservative. Traditionalist Christians are the only ones against everything you wrote

>> No.22664216


>> No.22665486
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