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22655648 No.22655648 [Reply] [Original]

What is the current state of publishing? What agents or magazines are best to send submissions to?

>> No.22655677
File: 80 KB, 1080x1197, IMG_1366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s the same old /pol/ bait thread infinitely rehashed with different twitter screenshots

>> No.22655685

>it's the same old thin lipped awkward meme by someone who doesn't want to see his worldview being shattered

>> No.22655695

Just self publish desu, you're never gonna make a living off this shit anyways so might as well just put it out there in case there's an audience for it.

>> No.22655696

Nobody who makes these sorts of critiques knows the first thing about economics.

If you believe that these publishing industries are leaving money on the table by rejecting great writers who are commercially viable purely because they are white men, then YOU should start your own publishing company and scoop up all this talent that is irrationally going to waste.

You will make yourself a rich white man, instead of just an angry one.

>> No.22655707
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>> No.22655710

>commercially viable
(((Your))) reasoning is kosher

>> No.22655725

There is a huge gap in the market by not selling to men. Can writers and publishers somehow not make their product appealing enough so that men will buy their product???
Companies exist to make money so why not jump onto that instead of trying to make a buck on an insanely oversaturated market.
t. business analyst

>> No.22655730

I just wanted to shill this piece okay
It's heckin good business advice

>> No.22655734

The gap is filled by a few very important customers like Larry Fink. Because he and other huge hedge fund managers have a greater purchasing power than the entire consumer market several times over, it's more profitable in the short-run to publish stories for them than to publish stories for real people.

>> No.22655738

Again, you have no idea how economics works.

If you think these white male writers are not commercially viable AND at the same time you believe that the publishing companies should publish them ANYWAY, then what you're asking is that these companies LOSE MONEY to publish these white men for..... some reason.

Well, that's okay if you want that, but don't expect it to happen. People aren't in the habit of giving away money to random people, especially not white people who can just get a comfortable job somewhere else.

>> No.22655743

True, I forgot about the digitalization of the world so anything old is better to be done away with. Traditional publishing must be run into the ground. Thanks Larry

>> No.22655748

just self-publish on Amazon KDP. if your stuff is good and catches on, you own all the rights and earnings. no need to give any profits to publishers or agents these days.

>> No.22655758

Educate yourself, or stop playing dumb if you already know, you vile bad faith arguing leftist

>> No.22655759

>stop playing dumb
He's not *playing* dumb.

>> No.22655760

>companies are all rational and never make mistakes
Lmao your brain on basic boomernomics. We’ve seen a string of massive failures stemming from ideological capture already.
>just make your own publishing house
Yeah we see how that “free market” goes when someone actually does make alternatives and suddenly “just make your own app” turns into “just build your own internet”. As if this is not a coalition of industries with an agenda to harm anyone stepping outside their enforced consensus.

>> No.22655766

You are making the claim that there are loads of commercially viable, great white authors out there whom people would want to read. But these companies are rejecting them because of a prejudice against white men. You are making that claim, not me.

This means you have just spotted a massive business opportunity because your competitors are acting irrationally.
>>companies are all rational and never make mistakes
Exactly the opposite! These companies are acting irrationally, so you can outcompete them. Do it now.

>> No.22655767

There are plenty of straight white men being published today. You just don’t read contemporary literature and are hyper focused on books that act as confirmation bias for you. I don’t get it. What do you want to see published? Racist, nationalistic tracts? If you don’t see why a publisher would steer clear of those, then you are too dumb for the world

>> No.22655772

>immediately assumes they are racist fascists as to have an easier time disavowing what is said
Do you have an actual argument?

>> No.22655774

Men don't read.

>> No.22655777

But why can't these companies sell to men??? How is it possible business don't know how to sell their product???
Marketeers take pscychology classes to learn how to sell products but they can't psyop men into buying books, whats up with that?

>> No.22655782

They used to before? Is there no attractive voice in the literary world? Can't women sell to men? That's pretty incel of you, women can do everything.

>> No.22655784

Only boys read, but that market was swallowed by comics, cartoons, video games, and movies, if not other hobbies. The last boys' fiction were pulp magazines. And they died around 1950s.

>> No.22655788

So what do you want to see? The market is flush with Franzen’s, Fosse’s, Krasznahorkai’s,….

>> No.22655792

No men used to read a whole lot too. Huh but even then, that doesn't explain why publishers today can't sell to men. Do they hate making money?
Is there no talent good enough to draw in men? There's this huge gap in the market by not selling to men!!!

>> No.22655798

I want to see more books about men travelling by boat and being desillusioned in exotic places.

>> No.22655799

Most men don't read. Sorry. That's just true. Even if there was a market for Franzen or DFW, that entrance soon closed after the 80s ended. It's almost impossible to even get in college magazines now without repeating mantras and state doctrine about neoliberal representative democracy.

>> No.22655803

Men wore makeup in ancient Egypt. Modern cosmetics industry has a huge gap in it's market.

>> No.22655807

Men don't pick up books now. They mainly get into hobbies or work all their life. Even movies are mainly tailored towards women.

>> No.22655808

Indeed, why can't these marketeers sell to men??? They learn how to wage psychological warfare but cant sell books to men???

>> No.22655809

I’m in agreement that most men don’t read. I’m just pointing out that OP and his ilk has no knowledge about current day publishing and are just trying to start pol threads.

>> No.22655811

And why don't they? Does the industry not have good enough voices? Don't they know how to reach men? Not selling to men is a losing out on profits, are they just bad at being a business?

>> No.22655812

I am OP. I'm not conservative. I just want art. I've only had a handful of publications (less than 15), and most magazines I send to almost always feature stuff only because a minority wrote it.

>> No.22655815

Can’t force people to read. Publishers target their audience. It’s simple economics to make money.

>> No.22655821

No you can't force people to do anything. Has nothing to do with marketing though. Do they suck at marketing or don't they have good enough products? Wasted potential by not knowing or not being able to sell to men.

>> No.22655827

Not really. Amazon destroyed all possibilities of making money in publishing. They buy out books at a massive discount, fuck around with prices, and dominate the market. The only way to make money is to sell to avid or passionate readers. Those are all college age white women obsessed with feminism and postcolonialism. No one but English majors, a massive majority being women, care about African free verse poetry.

>> No.22655828

Certainly a questionable twitter screenshot that is bait. There are thousands of older books that are considered art. The market today is over saturated so you will need to sift a lot more than 15 books. I think you just have to accept that reading is becoming obsolete as an art form. It’s best to make peace with that and read the thousands of books that are art

>> No.22655832

It’s the men’s own damn fault for not reading

>> No.22655840

Amazon is a bookseller but not a publisher. Why can't amazon and publishers not sell to men? They are losing out on a lot of money.
What you are saying rn is they are selling to group because group consumes product. That's okay but then you don't explain why they are unable to sell to other group. They don't cater to men because men don't buy but men don't buy because they aren't catered to? Are they bad at being a business?
The golden answer wins it all.

>> No.22655844

>white people are not commercially viable in literature because they could just be working at hedge funds instead

ok good post bro

>> No.22655845

>The market today is over saturated so you will need to sift a lot more than 15 books.
I meant I have published 15 publications in magazines. Most of the others in the magazines were women, gay, a minority, or someone pretending to care about those things.

>> No.22655847

>Nobody who makes these sorts of critiques knows the first thing about economics.
You err in assuming profit is their singular motive.

>> No.22655849

But why don't they read? Are current authors not good enough to appeal to men? That can't be it.

>> No.22655853

I don't know if you're ESL or not, but you need to stop. It's very grating to read.

>> No.22655860

>ad hominems
It is annoying to you because you are not smart enough to actually come to an answer.
If you had just said you weren't smart enough to answer we wouldn't be here. Take responsibility next time.

>> No.22655864

You typed all that out for the smallest ejection of dopamine. Now, please stay sated. And type no more.

>> No.22655873

I accept your concession but do promise in return to actually think before you say anything from now on.

>> No.22655876

Might as well ask most men why they don’t wear dresses, are current dresses not good enough for them? They just don’t like reading. And perhaps a newfags such as yourself should familiarize yourself with warosu. I can help you if you’d like because these half assed threads are made all the time

>> No.22655878

Applied for a job yet? You seem very idle and bored.

>> No.22655887

>ad hominems
Just say "I am not smart enough to actually form an answer"
Unless you can say why companies want to lose out on a lot of money by not proactively taking measures to appeal to men.

>> No.22655888

> Fosse’s, Krasznahorkai’s
You’re a genuine retard who has not read them by simply including them in that list with Franzen, you utter fucking retard

>> No.22655894

I won't be bored with you around my friend. Please keep seething and keep me company.

>> No.22655902

Also, dresses and books are not the same, culturally and functionally. This must be embarassing for you...

>> No.22655918

NO, because if profit *isn't* their motive, and they are acting economically irrationally by leaving profit on the table, then it follows that you or someone else can go fill this massive gap in the market.

Economic theory does not predict that businesses will never act irrationally. However it does say that when such a thing happens, competitors can swoop in and fill that gap.

>> No.22655920

quite the gap

>> No.22655935

They are all straight, white male authors.
If you don’t realize why publishers don’t market towards men who don’t read, maybe it’s embarrassing for you…to make money one caters to the demographic that makes them money

>> No.22655944

The thing is that publishers aren't putting out as many books as they used to. They need as much traction as they can get. And the easiest form of marketing that DOESN'T need investment first, is choosing socially progressive things, either because readers or even organisations buy copies, or because they can get arts funding.

>> No.22655948

I'm not gonna start up again. Losing out on 50% of the population as a loyal consumerbase is one of the dumbest business moves imaginable. I understand why they sell to their consumers, I don't understand why they are okay with not getting to earn more when the current market is already saturated.
It is just

>> No.22655962

Why do fishing and hunting companies heavily market towards men? They are ignoring 50% of the population. Men just don’t read. No need to bitch that you partake in a feminine hobby

>> No.22655964

They do market to men somewhat, mainly through fantasy and military fiction. But they're different types of men, and often will have different interests, tastes, and focuses.

>> No.22655967

so women writers were not discriminated against in the past using the same argument?

>> No.22655972

Fishing and hunting is intended for specific groups. They sell to hunters and fishermen. The division is between hunters/fishermen vs non hunters/fishermen
Is entertainment (books) intended for a single gender? Do only women want to be entertained? Why can't those who sell entertainment sell to others who also want to be entertained i.e. men. Your example is meaningless and the mechanics of the formula aren't even similar.

>> No.22655973

> They are all straight, white male authors
Published in Norway and Hungary in the 80s is different than current state of American publishing houses, you utter disingenuous mong

>> No.22655974
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This come from an article on NPR

>> No.22655977

>Videogames aren't appealing to girls
>Companies do their best to change the landscape to sell to them
>Doesn't happen with books

>> No.22655986

>Fishing and hunting is intended for specific groups. They sell to hunters and fishermen. The division is between hunters/fishermen vs non hunters/fishermen
And the division in publishing is between readers and non readers. And most readers are women in the same way most hunters/fisherman are men. It's exactly the same reasoning

>> No.22655987

All those authors have released books recently. All those authors have a following of some sort in America

>> No.22655994
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Honestly, I think I'd be content with self-publishing and gifting my book to friends and family.
I'm writing a novel in secret because my parents have been telling me I should be a writer for the past 30 years and if I ever finish it, I could self-publish it on amazon, order a physical copy and give it to my mother as a xmas or birthday gift.
Surprise! Every time I grumbled "I dunno..." when you and Dad told me I should write something, I was writing a novel in secret just for you! I hope you like it :)

>> No.22655999

Tools and entertainment are not at all similar anon. They have different purposes. Entertainment is wanted by Everyone on this earth. Tools are just needed by those who hunt/fish in this scenario. No need to reach like this anon.
The difference is in generality.

>> No.22656001

Following? Maybe among academics, including bored students.

>> No.22656005

You just need to make peace that you are in a feminine hobby. I have. I will never run out of books to read and probably only 20% of my books are contemporary

And once again, do you want me to explain the archives to you?

>> No.22656009

>these longstanding published authors who get translated for niche — relative to the average reader — literary fiction publishing houses that prioritize translations and established authors means any white male can get published these days
Genuine fucking retard

>> No.22656015

I don't know what third world shithole your ESL ass is in but in the US people hunt and fish for entertainment. There is commercial fishing but that's like saying books are a tool since there are technical manuals. The gender skewed hunting/fishing market demographics are exactly the same situation as the publishing industries.

>> No.22656016

>ad hominem again
Just say "I am not smart enough to actually give an answer"
This being a "feminine" hobby is because entertainment companies somehow do not know how to sell entertainment, something universally wanted, to 50% of the population.
I would be shocked, if tool and gear companies would be unable to sell their products to those who have need for it.

>> No.22656017

That’s the market for literary books, one’s that can be seen as art. OP’s gripe should be with American men for not reading but he’s retardedly beating on some slant

>> No.22656024

They aren't but thanks for once again not really thinking before you answer. Most of the world is indeed not the US but that doesn't matter for something as big as books.

>> No.22656025

Do you want me to explain warosu to you? It seems you are unaware this thread seems to be made every week

>> No.22656033

Books aren't entertainment anymore. They're some niche aristocratic hobby for people who went to university. The "fun" stuff like fanfiction and some schlocky subgenres are only read for community belonging, since people like to organise into in groups and out groups.

>> No.22656034

And you answer in this thread everytime. And you never know how to answer this question.
Because you aren't smart enough. Which is fine, idk anything about horses but I don't talk about them.

>> No.22656039

YA is one of the biggest genres sold, both in the US and worldwide. The status is a nice boon but books are still meant to entertain. I get what you mean though.

>> No.22656040

I am OP. I don't even live in America. Most of the magazines in my country are only supported by and for arts funding. That means making state propaganda.

>> No.22656047

I avoid these threads but circumstances have left me bored at the moment so no I don’t pop up in these threads. If you are aware these threads are made all the time yet still make it then you are simply a mischief maker and a poor member of the lit community. You know you will never get an answer that satisfies you so all you are doing is bitching like a woman which would suit you because reading is feminine as well. So what do you want to hear? That it’s the jews and libs? Does that satisfy you? If so wrap the thread up and don’t make such a big retard thread in the future. Post about the books you are reading

>> No.22656050

Ah, I see. It’s a /pol/ thread. Just as I expected

>> No.22656053

Look at any arts funding in the Baltics. It's all for minority literature to change society and make new myths for various identity clans.

>> No.22656056

>Needs to make me a caricature to have a point
>Called me a newfag earlier but suddenly isn't in these threads enough yet still knows what is being said here
Come on now....
You should have left the thread yourself if you care about being a proper respectable /lit/erati.

>> No.22656057

The truth just pours out. /pol/tards just can’t help themselves making propagandistic threads

>> No.22656066

Just sage if you hate the thread then damn lmao

>> No.22656070

I wonder how much more depressing the mainstream publishing numbers would get if you substracted jews, half-jews or quarter-jews from the "published white male" stack.

>> No.22656079

Ya due no dat 1 kan c da threds wen skrulling thru da cat-o-log, hmmph? One can know what threads are made without participating in them. If you want to be a valuable member of the community and reinvigorate the male interest in reading then perhaps making threads about what you are reading is the way to go about it. Time to tuck in your shirt, wipe the snot off your nose and be a big boy. Whining is a bitchmade endeavor. Be a man not a complainer

>> No.22656080

don't insult king like that

>> No.22656090

Lol, you need to call me all these names and see me as this specific type of vermin because you can't stand being called not smart enough to comment on something. You don't care about being a good member at all lol. Grow up.

>> No.22656091
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>> No.22656104

So wat book ya reading?

>> No.22656109

Death on credit, read some Maeve Brennan earlier. Will probs continue reading Ravenna by uhhh I honestly forgot her name.

>> No.22656118
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This one my non believing friend. Would recommend

>> No.22656127
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>> No.22656129

Then make threads about them instead of retart propaganda threads

>> No.22656136

I do but I know you need to believe this to see me in a way that suits you. Why do you care so much as to attack people who think this needs to be addressed? Are you that callous to what people think is a problem or are you just intent on proving them wrong for some reason?

>> No.22656143
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> This means you have just spotted a massive business opportunity
This is where you repeat your claim I address in the post you’re replying to. You have no defense of my criticisms whatsoever. Try again. Pay attention to the build your own internet part.

>companies are all rational and never make mistakes
Lmao your brain on basic boomernomics. We’ve seen a string of massive failures stemming from ideological capture already.
>just make your own publishing house
Yeah we see how that “free market” goes when someone actually does make alternatives and suddenly “just make your own app” turns into “just build your own internet”. As if this is not a coalition of industries with an agenda to harm anyone stepping outside their enforced consensus.

>> No.22656676

You make these threads constantly but you already know the answer? You just want someone to say you're a poor victimized little boy and that your books are underrated

>> No.22656778

You can't sell books to people who don't like reading

>> No.22656785
File: 172 KB, 1080x1344, tradpubsales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well spotted. The vast majority of modern publishers do not in fact make money on the vast majority of what they choose to publish, and as such their editors have a lot of leeway on choosing commercially unviable books.

>> No.22656810

plenty of right wing niche publishers must suck if you are a leftoid tho

>> No.22656840

>And why don't they?
Videogames. Male readership imploded as videogames became the main form of passive entertainment for men in the late 90s and 00s. Amazon, ideological capture of the publishing industry, etc. all play a role, but videogames were the biggest single factor.

>> No.22656850

>Books will lose out to videogames
>Gamergirl culture is here to stay
It's over for books isn't it

>> No.22656891

Hence a risk.

Take 10 books.

9 of those books probably sell 100 units at $20 and it takes $5000 to print and edit. Then a few free to reviewers. These are sold at a loss.

1 book is a hit and sells 10k units (still VERY LITTLE) at $20 and makes $200k. That single book carries the company. All are hoping to score a million seller. One million seller book keeps the company afloat for at least another year.

>> No.22656899

What a shit industry desu, might as well call it gambling

>> No.22656902

I disagree. Boys are starting to read more fiction (there's a trend due to male influencers trying to better themselves, and part of that is reading). But they're not reading new fiction right now, they're reading classics. This is going to take another 10 years or so after they burn through the classics, and demand new books that cater to them.

Publishers need to start gearing up to a bunch of pseudo intellectual boys wanting to read. They only can consume so much isekai, manga, and other easy reads

>> No.22656905

Will make for an awkward shift if true

>> No.22656925

Prestige publishing is captured and fishing for agitprop friendly content. Which isn't to say you can't or won't get a foot in the door, it's just that what was always a long shot has additional gatekeeping layers less present last century.

With On Demand and the internet and social media, there's no reason not to be your own marketing. It's not unheard of to get picked up just for that built in impressions machine-- publisher's idea of marketing has long been defective and low effort.

>all this talent that is irrationally going to waste
What is true and good is never popular, nothing more so than what's economical to print to appease mass market swinish tastes.

>> No.22656952

Current state of publishing? Like everyone else they manufacture trends, milk it dry and repeat the process. Just like they did with the fashion industry, might as well outsource production to china.

>> No.22656990

Wait, so at the end of the road for every great, its always racism and replacement theory?

>> No.22657002

Well said. That's also why so many writers and people in the industry are speculating on the indie publishing being huge. Culture is more varied, and writers are becoming more esoteric, so it's inevitable that publishing goes in a more indie direction in a massive scale

>> No.22657082

the gatekeepers are literary agents, who are delusional fart sniffing blue hairs. yes indeed they have no business sense--if they knew a dollar when they smelled one, they wouldn't have become a literary agent. if you had accountants working as literary agents your post would have a point, but we don't live in that world.

also, "commercially viable" and "good" are two different things.
this is what i've been saying. they incessantly market to the same dwindling, tapped-out market of hyper-readers chasing diminishing returns instead of publishing books that would appeal to the segments of the population NOT currently buying books. the publishing world has no fucking grasp of marketing. all these dumb bored fucks sitting around jacking it to instagram whores are unconverted customers.

i know that jaquelynne has been the heart of the market for two decades but she can only read so many fucking books before her eyeballs fall out. try publishing something that can compete with doomscrolling twitter to get jack's dollars out of his pocket. it isn't that fucking hard--harry potter and game of thrones made him bite. how about some books for the rest of the population who don't make spending 10% of their paycheck at trendy bookstores with an in-house coffee shop their personality?

>> No.22657112

I don't blame these businesses going the safe route. It will make publishing houses lose influence in the future, just like anon says here. >>22657002
Their tunnel vision might actually allow for more variety in the future again.

>> No.22657220

If that's the case I'll have to query indie publishers. Apparently many of them accept direct queries without agent. God preserve me, if you read as many agent profiles as I have you'd think every agent in the world wants the same fucking book about a persnicketty feminist defying cottage-core-age close-mindedness getting dicked by a Duke while professing to be a gay cat-mom from Maryland who likes horses and baking. That, or books about bipoclbgtqftwljdlghldhglks+++ from a brown author.

What leaves me bothered is there is no logistics to sell or even market indie books. social media marketing, the trend du jour, centers around a handful of things which go viral. there's no diversity of thought on a social media platform. people can't buy what they don't know exists and there's no way to filter books by tag. the closest thing we have to a book database is goodreads which is a bland pile of corporate jeetcode. if there's one good thing about AO3 and the fanfiction space, they've innovated methods for people to find their niche little obsessions expediently with the tag system. if indie publishing is to thrive it needs ways to connect with consumers who want to buy their niche products and we don't have a method to serve that need.

>> No.22657307


>books about bipoclbgtqftwljdlghldhglks+++ from a brown author.

Reminder that a white woman wrote a book about Mexicans (American Dirt) and made a fortune off of it.

>> No.22657315
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This is unfortunate, but not surprising to anyone paying attention. Women buy 80% of the books and are 74% of employees in the publishing industry compared to men's 23%. So, yes, there's a bias against men, particularly straight men, white or otherwise, in the industry. But the fact that boys/men are involved in the industry less and purchasing fewer and fewer books is driving the divide. Manga outselling books and the success of Royal Road shows boys & men will read and even financially support stories that appeal to them. The top authors on there are making thousands a month off patreon alone, but tapping into that market seems beyond most publishers. They've already been losing relevance since Amazon came onto the scene. If they can't evolve, they'll be fazed out. Simple as that.

>> No.22657374

Your mistake is believing that markets dictate what companies do. The United States and the world are not bottom-up free markets. Choice is an illusion to make you content. The truth is that major corporations coerce you to buy what they want you to buy through social pressure campaigns and strategic elimination of competing products. The rich dictate what is allowed on the market and the consumers buy it because it is the only option.

>> No.22657436

This anon isn't wrong. You vill eat zee bugs.

>> No.22657485

It’s kinda sad and gay seeing leftists have their consolation prize in “the free market doesn’t like white men therefore you free market supporter white men dug your own grave” type takes. It’s just so bitter and adolescent, plus out of touch cause chuds don’t give a shit about muh free market anymore. Plus plus that wasn’t ever what people meant by market freedom in the communism v capitalism debates of the past and lefties probably know that but they make that cheap critique anyways

>> No.22657520

I found an embarrassingly awful press release from an actual publisher awhile back about a new novelist, I can dig it up if anyone cares but it's so bad it actually killed my enthusiasm to enter the world of published fiction

>> No.22657555


>> No.22657621



>> No.22657629

Publishing is geared towards female smut readers, because they are the ones that buy the most books.
Well, that's my guess.
Might as well self publish.

>> No.22657630


yes, please post

>> No.22657649

I enjoyed playing video games, but I also liked to read some fantasy books as a teenager, for example, Back Company by Glen Cook or Myth series books by Robert Asprin.

>> No.22657707

Excellent bait.

>> No.22658088

Is there anything more pathetic than people begging the powers that be to treat them better?
they know

>> No.22658771

Based desu. I'm getting more and more to that point of only really writing for myself and the people I care about rather than any larger audience. The world today just seems entirely too touchy.

>> No.22658798

Traditional publishing has been dying a slow death for decades now, and it's never coming back. Self publishing is the way of the future, whether you like it or not.

>> No.22658809

Racism is based
Great Replacement is based
Weak faggots like that twatter handle will go extinct and this is good

This lol, companies waste money all the time

>> No.22658817

It’s so funny when midwits like you invoke “basic economics”. Not only does economic theory not apply, you don’t even actually know economic theory. And to give you an example that illustrates how wrong you are. Every R1 university in the United States subsidized dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of programs and departments which operate at a net loss every year and many of those colleges and universities operate at a net loss. It does not cease their operations and it doesn’t stop them from doing what they’re doing. If your “basic economics” were remotely an accurate picture of reality, this should not be possible.

t. BS & MA in Economics

>> No.22658822

> if you think white men are being discriminated against, just start your own global research university, bro
> the market will just make you rich

>> No.22658825

If the large publishers with their armies of accountants and lawyers can’t create positive cash flow or high enough margins on sales to secure themselves long-term, you would be an absolute buffoon to think you can just swoop in with your little start up publisher and just start gobbling up all the (imagined) money on the table like it’s Hungry Hippos. You are naive.

>> No.22659403

Comcast sucks so let me just start a whole new telecommunications company from the ground up

>> No.22659581

at first I was a bit angry, but, if you think about it, young white men don't read books, we either read non-fiction, go on the internet, or have other meaningful hobbies

>> No.22659633

Most lawyers and accountants are genuine retards.

>> No.22659643
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>> No.22659816

>dude just start your own thousands of agents, thousands of editors, big five publishing houses!
You are legitimately braindead.

>> No.22659823

The "woman" part would be key here.

>> No.22659864


It's funny how they never break the stats down by religion...

>> No.22659948
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Is it me or this guy looks so gay? I bet he has "husband" or "father" in his bio lol.

>> No.22660545
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Took way longer to find than I was expecting


Shit had me dying. This is what an industry dominated by braindead women looks like

>> No.22660966

Even as a woman I despise this bitch for equating women with motherhood. Imagine a man being this obsessed with fatherhood. Get a life and a hobby and stop making your crotch droppings your personality! You degrade all of womenkind. Who needs men oppressing us when we have cunts like this.

All I want is books that don't force the female characters to become mombie breeders. Breederism should be its own scarlet letter category separated from the rest of us and penned off, like smut. BARF

>> No.22661144

>woman writes about hysterical woman issues
>industry climbs all over itself for it
>nobody ever has or ever will hear about it
>tranny seethes about woman things
Don't worry, men pretending to be women will soon replace all the women, and then you can be published for writing detestable self-obsessed garbage instead.

>> No.22661159

Is it true that female agents tip their male clients whenever they sell a manuscript?

>> No.22661168
File: 3.14 MB, 1238x500, laughing-hard-harry-potter-water-spill-e9mx0vxqmsfc1ids.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the dystopian edge of the female experience

>> No.22661170

tip with a blowjob*

>> No.22661180

LOL yeah that's why amazon and ebay could never quite beat Sears, eh? Boomernomics.

>> No.22661183

You are
1. Obese
2. Tranny resembling

>> No.22661315

You have the business sense and naivete of a child. You think we live in a meritocracy? You think that if a good book just exists somewhere on the internet it will magically find success? The publishing industry is an incestuous ponzi scheme. It's the story of the emperor with no clothes.

There are just 5 major publishers in the US and they account for 77% of all paperback sales. This is because they have a monopoly on retail stores: all the Barnes and Nobles, all the Walmarts, all the airport book stores. Five publishers own all these shelf spaces. If you self publish your book will NEVER be sold in these locations. Never. Normies only buy what's in front of them. They will never go on amazon and dig through 20,000 pages of self published crap to look for a diamond in the rough, but they will pick up something with a half decent cover in the checkout line while buying a Redbull. That's how books sell. That's why book stores have Starbucks in them now.

Publishing industries are not "leaving money on the table" by ignoring good works. They are buring good works because they can generate money out of shit. The CEO of Random House has a neice that wants to publish a book? Done. Quality does not matter. Put them on a nomination for a Hugo Award (for marketing purposes, not actual merit) and stuff their book in every store. Handbook for Mortals got 1,000,000 tiktok views? Publish it. Quality does not matter.

Start your own publishing house? That shit is easy. Putting your book on retail shelf space? That shit is hard. Selling online? Name five independent publishers. Go ahead and look at the books in your house and tell me how many you own from a small press. I'll wait.

>> No.22661339
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kek JCO is a posterchild diversity hire, the fact she is too dumb to realize it is proof in itself

>> No.22661360
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men read, just not the same stuff and not following the same patterns.

>> No.22661405


>> No.22661463

It sounds like the truth to me

>> No.22661659

>Name five independent publishers.
Weird House Press
Tenebrous Press
Hippocampus Press
P'rea Press
Severed Press
And that's all in one subgenre.
>Go ahead and look at the books in your house and tell me how many you own from a small press. I'll wait.
I have ten hardbacks from indie presses right next to me, and far more in storage. You're just shit and don't read; that is why you don't know how this works.

>> No.22661880

>horrifying dystopia where women can't have consequence free sex and kill their babies with impunity

>> No.22661974

nta but just 10? Do you only have 15 books or something. I have a couple hundred books and if you do too but just have 10 indie releases that's quite pathetic. Just 10 goddamn. Bet you bought em online too. Just 10 Jesus. As if that is a big number fuck man. 10

>> No.22662318

I said I had more in storage. You obviously don't read. You just buy books to pretend to be part of any sort of reading culture.

>> No.22662355

None of those presses literally have anything worth reading. It’s certainly glorified self-publishing and use a website to hide the fact that they use amazon

>> No.22662402

How do you know? You don't read. You think big publishers even own their own printers? They pay some Chinese printers to do it. Which is "self publishing".

>> No.22662412

I have read and own more books than you ever will, genreslop dullard :)

>> No.22662423

Who cares about "literature"? It's just a marketing ploy by the leftovers of corporate Universities and publishing houses to shill you public domain texts that cost them nothing and already has word of mouth selling it. Most canons or syllabi now centre around books that are becoming increasingly "genre" anyway, like magical realism and whatever bullshit the intelligentsia make up to legitimise new state ideology.
If you read to sound smart, then you are insecure in your critical abilities to read.

>> No.22662652

YWNBAW tranny

>> No.22662660

>Twenty percent of book reviewers are disabled
Explains a lot

>> No.22662761

That hole is retarded. And not just for that shit take.

>> No.22663365

Well put.

>> No.22663675


If you were male writer, who would be the dream agent and dream editor? Do they even exist? Are there any men left in the industry?

>> No.22663831

Notice how you didn't say something like 1 in 5 books is from an indepedent publisher lmao. How many do you actually have and what would be the percentage they make up of your total collection.

>> No.22664128
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>Are there any men left in the industry?
When you look at lists of powerful agents, the men in the industry are all far leftists and/or jews. They are all unironic tranny supporting white hating liberals. Take a look for yourself, these are women but the men are the same.
I have yet to find any agent that has spoken in favor of Christian morality on their social media. If anyone knows a Catholic agent that is actually traditionalist I would greatly appreciate it.

>> No.22664633

Publishing fiction is not a competitive market, becoming a respected publisher that retailers will stock is incredibly time consuming and expensive. Also, you would not get any grant money unless you bent the knee to all the social justice initiatives in the industry.

>> No.22664649

Claiming disability is high status in socjus spaces, they never have multiple sclerosis or anything, just fibromyalgia, long covid, "AuDHD"...

>> No.22664655

Damn based! I couldn't do that tho my parents never read :(

>> No.22664671


>noted author--an old woman--calmly relates an anecdote that a friend said it's kinda hard for white guys to get published these days
>young faggot with a faggot moustache is the one to metaphorically "clutch his pearls" over what an old woman said, on behalf of his empty secular pseudo-morality, and takes great pains to be hyperbolic and misrepresent what was written by passing it through the faulty interpretative filter of his disordered mind in order to achieve his pre-determined emotional affect/effect

>> No.22664677

Jason Bryan was right again:



Been saying this shit for years, it is why I am banned on all social media.

>> No.22665412

I have literally hundreds of books. Why should I go to my mother's house to find out how many I have? Pleb!

>> No.22665625

>these are women but the men are the same
so you can't answer the question. Your agent has to totally align with your politics? it can only be an ideological book you're pushing in the first place... The point is, in the 20th century, sure many of the big agents were probably Jewish, but they were also men putting out real literature! And where's that today?

>> No.22665857

Not him
Agent doesn't have to align with my politics but more often than not I have to align with theirs.
Pretty much any classic would not be able to be published today. Agents wouldn't even make it past the first page. This has nothing to do with the writing but entirely to do with the nature of the stories and their protagonists.

>> No.22666316
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>> No.22666955


I believe it's to ultimately condition men into accepting gender neutral product or just accept everything about female empowerment. Harry Potter being an example of gender neutral, Game of Thrones the TV series decaying towards female empowerment. That's all I've got because it doesn't fully make sense as to why the male market is not just neglected, but heavily discouraged.

>> No.22667382

its hilarious seeing white men think they are the most oppressed group in the world, only shows them to be the most fragile

>> No.22667389

I guess you didn't have much faith in your work to begin with

>> No.22667392

>is that a cute black girl! ahhh help me hitler!

>> No.22667421

Cute? Where?

>> No.22667443

>Someone who is not a white man mentions a situation in which white men are disadvantaged
>"wow white men think they are the most oppressed group in the world, so fragile"

>> No.22667511

>in which white men are disadvantaged
Oh NOOOO! The horror of white men not being the most popular demographic for books anymore. That means society is collapsing, and us white men need our tummys rubbed when we go to bed because we're scared of being replaced. The richest and most powerful people in the world are totally not white. They're all brown and different with an agenda. Even my retarded conspiracy on jews controlling thing is correct, they're definitely not white people. Oh, I'm so scared of being genocided

You're the most fragile, delusional, and most of all pathetic retard I've read in a while, either get rid of whatever brain disease you have or fuck off forever

>White btw

>> No.22667605

>antiwhite tirade
>jews count as white
>by the way i‘m white

Really makes you think

>> No.22667621


>> No.22667712

believe whatever keeps you up at night pussy

>> No.22667751

Telecom is a great example because say you do actually lay your own line, a bunch of t1 and t2 ISPs can just decide not to do business with you and your internet is suddenly a intranet.
In Canada it isn't even legal to create your own t1 ISP if you had the money to do it because the Shaw family lobbied the government.

>> No.22667803

How do you historically explain publishers printing obscure experimental prose works that had zero chances of commercial success? Things aren't as simple as your economic theory seems to suggest.

>> No.22667807

Because those practically nonexistent publishers received grants and donations from independently wealthy connoisseurs. Are you retarded?

>> No.22667841

>umm this isn't happening, also its good that this is happening
>umm this doesn't actually matter, also it's really important that its like this
Which fucking one is it?

>> No.22668139

>believes in some simplistic rational choice theory of economic agency
That's pretty naive, lol. Doesn't explain something like Dalkey Archive Press or other publishers of obscure literary fiction. And "donations from independently wealthy connoisseurs" contradicts the very premise my post was questioning, so an amusing self-own.

>> No.22668155

Both and neither. The best bet is to not pay attention to imbeciles.

>> No.22668171
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>centrism/moderation is impossible
>you can either be a spoiled rich leftist faggot who hates himself and dedicates his life to running defense for freaks and monsters and people who cut their kids' penises off, or a white nationalist

>> No.22668217

What’s the “funny” part? That the vast majority of these women are former WASP/atheists? Or are you making the assertion that Jews (particularly women) control publishing and they’re gatekeeping people like yourself from making breakthroughs? If they are indeed ‘Jews’ then they’re more keen on publishing material that sells rather than empty virtue signaling. Jews don’t run businesses that place profit lower than arbitrary social trends, if you don’t sell they don’t publish, it’s a simple pragmatism that somehow evades /pol/tards when they construct feeble oppression narratives.
So no it’s not funny because that data wouldn’t support your flawed perceptions of publishing regardless, unless your shallow worldview is the joke? The issue you have is that you don’t write anything worth paying for and that your target demo doesn’t buy books.

>> No.22668228

You shush, I'm putting the finishing touches on the the great detached centrist novella of our time

>> No.22668233

To a centrist the world seems a mad place

>> No.22668285

who knows, who cares. write what you want to write.

>> No.22668314

kill yourself

>> No.22668349

>commercially viable
Ehhh... I don't think this is the case. People like King and Sanderson have this market cornered. The real beef is in the margins. 100% of all passion funded critical darling books are woke trash now. These books were never going to sell an insane amount but they were going to tickle a few minds and make a return back to society in 5-10 years. It's a bit analogous to crop rotation. If you keep growing a cash crop without pivoting or resting you deplete all the nutrients in the soil. Woke shit is a certain kind of nutrient but if you're excluding its competitors you are going to end up with a substrate where nothing grows.

Human creativity is a series of mirrors. It's mimicry and replication all the way down. You need strong inspiring examples at the top appreciated by the few to then pass through the hands of charlatans who flanderize the idea for mass appeal. The publishing industry got its roles mixed up and pushed the "nutrient" class as the commercial class. Now there is nothing to riff off of because there is homogenization of the field.

>> No.22668571

>what is marketing
It's what get shit sold. People (read: women) purchase hype. You can literally sell any book(/thing) if it's marketed well. Now shut the fuck up you disingenuous wall-of-text retard and go back

>> No.22669848

White women run the publishing industry, retard. Of course they're gonna succeed.

>> No.22669854

And you're an incel. And not just for this shit post.

>> No.22670197

I don't even know what the woman is trying to say about the new author's novel. It's a bunch of buzzwords and jargon.

>> No.22670560

Radicals from the left are growing, radicals from the alt-right are definitely growing, but centrist are without a doubt still the majority. It'll probably stay that way for as long as America exist. Anyone who doesn't know this is delusional as fuck

>> No.22670979

Behold! The quintessence of leftism: antiwhite hatred, self-debasement, snark, and an overwhelming sense of self-righteousness.
Everything you think is wrong.

>> No.22671478

So is independent publishing worthwhile? I've checked a few out for my genre and I'm certainly not worse than the people they've put on and found some comps. Google says to expect a $3k advance or larger. The books they have up get like, 1500-3k sales on amazon. It feels like settling though, I've been aiming for the tradpub trophy.

I've got about 150 agent rejections (multiple novels.) Kinda getting fed up wtih it. They're looking for a very certain flavor I'm not about because I won't do family saga or chick-lit.
I've found others that actually do have books I would read. The books aren't necessarily bad, and they're less pozzed than big 5. My concern is reach and marketing ability though. Like everyone else on 4chan I'm an introverted digital ghost with no social media presence. I'm worried independents will toss it up in their catalog and forget about it.

>> No.22671563
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The people you want to reach as a writer don't exist anymore, they're playing video games and watching YouTube. They're not reading because reading doesn't stimulate the brain like scrolling TikTok.

Post the top 3 cool authors in 2023. Who is even writing anything that is in the mainstream worth talking about? WHO?

>> No.22672190

Well it's because they are hecking valid and equal, not because Publishers desperately try to check diversity boxes.

>> No.22672196

Jordan Peterson
Some mostly irrelevant "thinking fast and slow" read-a-like
Isaacson's Musk biography

>> No.22672237

There's a website that you can subscribe to that provides varying lengths of cliffnotes on novels, all so that people can appear to have read without doing the work.

Reading is dead.

Book sales are up, but the quality of work has gone down dramatically.

>> No.22672366

Especially in the ebook section there is a lot of AI work. Before GPT, people at least paid Philippinos to ghostwrite (read: copy from old material) novels before shilling them to get to Amazon's top sections.

>> No.22673912

Male readership moved to litrpgs and other web fiction I.E. Royal Road. All the income is from donations or patreon. In fact, I personally believe more male readers are reading Jap Light novels or Wuxia/Xianxia than (((Western Novels))).

>> No.22673941
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Juden Peterstein is controlled opposition. He would never interview Jason Bryan or any other Canadian dissenters.

Writing is dead because the algorithm and big tech work together to top-down the culture, nothing is allowed to bubble up. We are too globohomo'ed and atomized to form any cultural resistance anymore.

Vancouver on Halloween, what do you notice:

Only 5-7 years ago Granville on Halloween was full of mostly white people in costume having a jovial time. All of our culture and traditions, as young as they are, are being replaced in front of us and if you object, they will call you a conspiracy nutjob, a schizo, and a threat to democracy.

The male writers in the west are simply not allowed to make an income off writing dissenting material. The only people allowed to spread their message and profit from it are serving the establishment. I never even see on /lit/ anyone talking about books that challenge the 2023 paradigm of what to expect from modern life? In less than 20 years, we went from a society with many individuals with many different opinions to a conformist society being replaced by foreigners while foreigners also control our cultural flow. Here in Canada, all of the culture is disseminated through the phone and computer. There is next to nothing organic outside of crackhead and the little redneck culture we have left.

It is mind-boggling to see how the culture, in just 20 years, has completely flipped and unrecognizable.

>> No.22674286

Interestingly enough, most of the top web fiction by income is apolitical. Edgy in content, maybe, but very apolitical. Self censoring? Who knows. Fantasy and litrpg reign supreme. Korea and China have eaten a large portion of readership by pure volume of pages, which is interesting. Chink Wuxia novels are very long.

>> No.22674464 [DELETED] 

All the people crying at this post talking about how you just can't beat the heckin big corporations have since defended capitalism precisely due to its competitive nature in some other thread btw

>> No.22674471

All the people crying at these posts talking about how you just can't beat the heckin big corporations at their own game have since defended capitalism precisely due to its competitive nature in some other thread btw

>> No.22674505

What's everyone's theory on why men don't read? I have absolutely no idea how it became synonymous with 'unmanly'. There is absolutely nothing manly about ignorance.

>> No.22674877

Boys are increasingly getting left behind in schools by teachers in favor of girls. With the disappearance of male led YA because of book sales being so heavily female, they go from reading middle grade novels in elementary school to manga, light novels, and recently web novels instead. With all the distractions nowadays like streaming, video games, and internet porn, their attention spans are shot and most don't bother making the jump to adult books.

>> No.22674919

Chink web novels also have traditional heroes' story stuff, save the world, kill your enemies, get the jade beauty etc. Westernized shit is all pozzed. Is it any wonder younger males are gravitating away?

>> No.22675293

>publishing for money
you cunts aren't after tenure?????

>> No.22675788

>their attention spans are short
This explains all of it.

>> No.22675890

What themes are dominant in east Asian culture?

>> No.22676033

Giving and receiving face, mercy to one's enemies is to be cruel to oneself. Law of the jungle reigns supreme.

>> No.22676080
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1380, TraditionalCatholicAmerica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vancouver on Halloween, what do you notice
There is only one cure and that is a Traditional Catholic Reconquista. You must convert immediately to Traditional Catholicism, pray the rosary every day, and we will expel these invaders. The same goes for Europe. Ave Christus Rex.

>> No.22676092

So is he still dressing up /pol/-slop as “dissenting literature”? Kek

>> No.22676099

france controlled almost none of that area and you know it

>> No.22676117

If the mentality of an industry i was in was we need more straight white men and less non straight white men, it would be safe to assume i probably mostly look for and try to hire straight white men. However, for some reason when it's flipped no one seems to realize what that implies. They're either naive, stupid, or don't care. They have quotas and hiring initiatives for non Europeans and women in most industries. Are we really supposed to believe that some people in these positions who this way and are in the exact place to make that a reality are somehow less biased then the White men they claimed were gatekeeping the industry? That's retarded. You can legally discriminate against Europeans and men in the hiring process. You can argue that's it's acceptable, but you can't say it's not discrimination. This shit is literal newspeak and i can't stand people who pretend they don't know what anyone is talking about when it comes up. They're either dense, disingenuous, or afraid to talk about it. It's Orwellian.

>> No.22676284


Just take care of the Mormon problem before you get too ambitious

>> No.22677205
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>But why can't these companies sell to men??? How is it possible business don't know how to sell their product???
>Marketeers take pscychology classes to learn how to sell products but they can't psyop men into buying books, whats up with that?
Men buy books and read them. But it depends on the kind of book. When it comes to business books, books on sports, books on weight lifting, PUA books, history, investing, military thrillers, right-wing nationalist stuff, etc, men are happy to buy copies. You think blue-haired lesbian feminists read Tom Clancy?
The problem is that media gatekeepers like the NYT Book Review and NPR, and left-leaning feminista the Academies spit out to fill publishing agent slots, give all the attention, publicity and praise to minority shit. If it's gay, feminist, Jewish, non-white or ideally anti-white, it's trumpeted everywhere; and if it isn't, it's not mentioned. That doesn't mean that what's not mentioned doesn't sell. Mein Kampf has sold way more copies than Ibram X. Kendi.
Most men don't read.
Most _people_ don't read. Unless it's something they care about. Men read books, and buy books, provided the book is about something that interests them, the same way they buy beer provided you're not stupid enough to slap a tranny on it, like Butt Light. Most publishers and agents nowadays are women, Jews and leftists, so they slap trannies, queers and blacks all over everything. The number one bestselling book, this year and every year, nonethless remains the Bible. You're just never going to see that fact headlined.

>> No.22677216

It became a feminine hobby. Just like video games. I'm old enough to remember when mostly boys played video games. Girls as a group never played as much as boys. Some individual girls did, but most didn't.

>> No.22677577

>Most _people_ don't read
This is really fucking depressing. It's a general educational problem that people don't want to be exposed to new, challenging ideas anymore. The West is fucked.

>> No.22677630
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They did, those are historical lines.
At least they are white, pleasant to be around, and not criminals. Indians are disgusting pagans, muslims are violent rapists, and the chinese are closer to animals as this anon states >>22676033 These people are incompatible with western morality which is to say Traditional Catholic morality of self sacrifice, chastity, piety, kindness, humility, love. They must be expelled from our lands. Convert to Traditional Catholicism immediately.

>> No.22677658

I would, but Christians today are hard cringe. True, honest, educated Christians are hard to come by these days. You'll probably only find a few in remote monasteries.

>> No.22677680


>> No.22677696

I'd argue that plus the constant stream of catered content. As the anon who you replied to said, even when someone does read, they tend to pick books they find easy to digest, in terms of what they find to be agreeable topics. People just naturally seek that which fits their existing worldview, educated, or no.

>> No.22677698
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It was Traditional Catholicism that evangelized them. They regretably then became heretic protestants which eventually led to them being invaded by muslims. Scandinavia is Traditional Catholic clay.
Heliga Birgitta be för oss

>> No.22677786

Wishful thinking.

>> No.22677824
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There really is just not that much of a reason to read or write a book, outside of the Bible. The most successful authors are just writing thinly veiled screenplays. Reading and writing is really more of a lifestyle brand these days, and women are really susceptible to marketing, and women buy like 90% of books.

So yeah I don't know that its a big conspiracy. I would be more willing to believe it the other way around. Like there are all these men writing books? Like what? What for? Men should write epic poetry, songs, poetry, oral story telling. Not fucking.. books.

>> No.22677833

Found the kike

>> No.22677863

Most money in the publishing industry these days is done by selling romance and fantasy schlock to females and they're not interested in reading books by white men. On top of that, all independent publishing is dominated by women and leftists.

>> No.22677885

>What is the current state of publishing
Jewish Zionism.

>> No.22677920

The key is to make a book that appeals to women. Based authors writers should just frame stories from a woman's pov. Look at 13 Shades of Grey. That book is literally what incels and red pilled guys say can happen for Christian Gray type guys. That dude gets to dominate women because he's rich and handsome. Women only complain about the red pill when it's framed in a certain way. Women think men can't write women, but i think overall they can and they do it way better. Women just don't like seeing women through men's eyes.

>> No.22677949

That's the hardest thing. They're so entrenched and have so much money that you can't compete. Anyone who does gets bought out or destroyed. There is a market for indie publishers, but they have to fight an uphill battle. They lack everything the large companies have. E reading made it more possible. The same thing happened with video games, but it's slightly different. If you really want to make a game that doesn't rely on other companies, you need to write your own game engine.

>> No.22677959

It basically turns into warfare relatively quickly if people really understood what that means. We get coerced and forced into this shit.

>> No.22678004

You're not being replaced
You're not becoming a minority
Actually you are
Actually it's good
Actually White people are inherently evil
Actually White people are bad
Actually there is legal discrimination against Whites is a thing and it's good
Actually it's making up for blah blah blah unearned privilege
There's no difference between the rhetoric toward White people and the first they came for the <insert group>
No one cares, people notice, no one cares, they deny, gaslight, and even eventually admit it's a thing, but it's good. We can't even advocate for our own interests without someone accusing us (often times another White person) of being an evil White supremacist. The only acceptable figures in European history are those who sacrificed for others, not their own people, other people, non Europeans. You're literally the self hating pussy, assuming you're not non European. It's full scale demoralization and the anti European rhetoric especially regarding the US makes zero sense. The US being some evil White supremacist state falls apart under their own logic unless there was some subversion. Weirdly enough the rhetoric ramped up after WW2. If you take a step back it's pretty clear someone has been trying to destroy our country from within and they're doing a good job of it.

>> No.22678020


They are propping up everyone else while replacing white people as fast as they can.

Jason Bryan is banned everywhere online for talking about this.

>> No.22678041

>cody touched a little girl
shes dying tonight isn't she?

>> No.22678047
File: 194 KB, 632x856, 1698968189972502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jew when no one pays direct attention to them
>FUCK white people, I'm not white, I will be uniquely involved in and responsible for the DESTRUCTION of whiteness which is a CANCER!
>susan sontag: "The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone — its ideologies and inventions — which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself."
>noel ignatieff: "Whiteness is not a culture. It is nothing but a reflection of privilege, and exists for no reason other than to defend it. The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists. Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as 'the white race' is destroyed—not 'deconstructed' but destroyed."
>mark potok has post-it note charting white population decline on his office wall

jew when people start noticing what they're saying and doing
>pic related
>"We noble White Western European individuals are in trouble! Antisemitism has nothing to do with Jews, which I only am incidentally, and everything to do with the decline of the European White Western people and our values of Freedom and Liberty and Equality!"

>> No.22678104

I noticed this as well here in the US. The US in the 2000s before and after 9/11 was completely different. It still felt like it had some buffer zone between what is foreign and what is American. Now i can't tell the difference. Even just the landscape of politics is completely different. I'll pick a random year, 2003. In the 2003, you had White Americans, Black Americans, a small amount of natives, and a growing contingent of Hispanics. Hispanics were the largest community you would go into and be surrounded by Spanish and latin American culture while still being in the US. Everyone else was a small minority, now it's like every single immigrant's group has larger areas.

There's a lot of different people, languages, and cultures all coming together. They carry with them all the baggage from their home countries. Pakistanis and Indians for example. You have loud contingents of people advocating for their own shit that relates to their own conflicts meanwhile Americans that were already here are still arguing over the American Civil War. It's schizophrenic. They're so detached from our problems and show up with their own from halfway across the world. It's crazy that i'm supposed to view some fob as the same amount of American as me, a random black guy descended from slaves, and a native. Exception to hispanics from Mexico because of our history and some Chinese people. Natives were already here, and many whites and blacks are descended from people who were here before and during the founding. People complain about the US being White and Black, unfortunately Natives are a smaller minority, but it's because of our history. If you're not Native (to a lesser extent unfortunately), White, or Black, you're just not going to be the main voice of the US. It makes sense if you also realize Natives got displaced, so it logically follows that after White people Blacks would be considered Americans first and foremost.

>> No.22679146


As a black person you should know the main purpose of all this immigration is to make you, Jews and other minorities safe in the long run. As long as there's this white majority, at any moment, with another Donald Trump kind of figure they could just turn around and genocide all the blacks and jews just like that. The population replacement has been carefully thought out by jewish leaders to make everybody safer. You should be grateful for it. In a few decades, whites will no longer be a majority in this country and you will be safe.

>> No.22679152


>> No.22679476

These two posts are great examples of historical illiteracy and shallow romanticization of the past

>> No.22679751

>These people are incompatible with western morality which is to say Traditional Catholic morality of self sacrifice, chastity, piety, kindness, humility, love

Wake up. It's 2023. The Catholic Church is a rotting corpse dumped in a river after being mugged, raped, skinned and impersonated by the latest incarnation of progressivism. If traditional morality was so great, how did it die so pathetically, how is it that the bastions of European Christianity resemble a retirement home? Have you seen the age profile of the average Catholic church? Have you even heard of the latest Catholic pope, outright negating Catholic doctrine every few weeks?

>> No.22679758

kill yourself

>> No.22679788

>Book sales are up, but the quality of work has gone down dramatically.
My friend remodeled his house and his wife insisted on a huge bookshelf placed across the entire wall of the living room. That isn't a bad thing in itself but it is completely filled with tripe. All The Love We Cannot Feel type novels. Not even Harry Potter. That is what is selling, the 21st century equivalent of pulp fiction and dime-store novels.

>> No.22679797

lol seriously

>> No.22679800

DAW / Penguin:
>To this end, DAW is actively seeking new works of science fiction and fantasy written by and/or featuring people of color, Native people, disabled people, neurodiverse people, LGBTQIA+ people, and those from other underrepresented or marginalized communities.
Triada US:
>ALWAYS seeking: diversity. Race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, mentality, health, economic status, religious affiliation, all of it. The obvious shouldn’t need to be said — that I want my projects to reflect the beautiful diversity of the world, that I want to see and share with others life through another’s eyes, that I want to see these differences expressed through art and creation and culture, that these books need to be on bookshelves — but that’s the state of things. So yes, there is no question to it: I want diversity.
Book Ends Literary Agency:
>This is your semi-annual reminder that while I'm looking for diversity and own voices across the board, I am particularly interested in seeing submissions in the mystery and historical romance genres. Please send! #mswl
Knight Agency:
>Really want to find queer teen lit.
P.S. Literacy Agency:
>“Young Adult: LGBTQ+ rom com, psychological horror, a new take on vampires, a girl in a rock band, an eerie mystery.”
KT Literacy
>#ownvoices#marginalizedvoicesfriendship-based adventure a la Goonies, please! #MG #YA #amquerying #amwriting
Lynette Novak
>Seeking: manuscripts from POC, diverse authors,#LGBTQ,#OwnVoices, & all voices that have been silenced but NEED to be heard. I support you & want to share your stories with the world.
Kiki Nguyen
>No funny business, but I want more tattooed queer LIs, THANK YOU. Neck tata, knuckle tats, knee tats, lips tats, I’ll take an eyelid or two as well. I am DESPERATE.#mswl
Leah Spann, DAW / Penguin
>I am always looking for inclusive storytelling. LGBTQIA+ characters, less explored mythologies, SFF from authors of color, neurodivergence.
Elana Roth Parker
>I have never stopped looking for Black voices to add to my list of authors. If you write fun, escapist stories for MG or YA, I'm here! Currently hungry for rom-coms and light fantasy, but open to an adventure.
Lynnette Novak
>Seeking: manuscripts from POC, diverse authors,#LGBTQ,#OwnVoices, & all voices that have been silenced but NEED to be heard. I support you & want to share your stories with the world.

>> No.22679806

>Save a document on PC
>Hope that it magically-technologically becomes part of the Matrix

>> No.22679807
File: 78 KB, 828x390, 1699153697471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catty drama between AWFL authoresses and their uppity poc counterparts. It’s hilarious because no one wants to read their foidslop about Tumblr meltdowns.

>> No.22679808

Elana is a cunt

>> No.22679813

Damn, you just btfo that guy.

>> No.22679814

>You think that if a good book just exists somewhere on the internet it will magically find success?

>> No.22679819

Bear in mind the effect on the next generation. they are growing up having never known anything else. That society from 20 years ago might as well be Ancient Greece to them.

>> No.22679826

Most women work in publishing --> They prefer to read books by women because they write about stuff that are more relevant to them --> They mostly buy books by other women --> Women becomes the main audience for non-fiction books. --> More and more books cater to women because women are the biggest audience for non-fiction books.

>> No.22679829

The upside to this is you can write the most racist, stereotypical caricatures acting as vile as possible and if you send it in under a minority pen name with a backstory of "fighting oppression by reclaiming my experience of bigotry" you are almost guaranteed to be published

>> No.22679834

>Comments are turned off. Learn more

>> No.22679859

The modern American economy has more bureaucrats than the Soviet Union did before collapse because it is centrally planned by the owners of the central bank which also own the asset management firms which allocated 0% interest printed fiat to economically unviable organizations, such as the publishing industry which is a make work program for obese middle aged liberal women with degrees that are useless but have to work because the two income household requirement was pushed to increase profits for the owners of the system.

>> No.22679911

Wow, glad to see that people are still writing manuscripts! Nothing beats paper and pen.

>> No.22679915


>> No.22679961
File: 133 KB, 1241x1236, 1000002597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Writing is dead because the algorithm and big tech work together to top-down the culture, nothing is allowed to bubble up. We are too globohomo'ed and atomized to form any cultural resistance anymore.
Very true but we do have the ability to do so. Putting your words in front of eyes is easier than ever even if outside traditional publishing. The issue is that it is not very monetizable. Once we stop making everyone do some shitty job that saps your soul, time, and energy just to afford to live then maybe you'll see people start writing and reading in their free time.

>The male writers in the west are simply not allowed to make an income off writing dissenting material.
There's like a thousand right wing grifters who are making money hand over fist. The truth is that the establishment is not left or right it exists to secure the existence of the powerful. Currently, the allowable "left" and "right" views are brawling it out for the title of king of the shitpile. Nobody is actually intelligent enough to truly dissent anymore because the control apparatuses have become so much more sophisticated. Eventually, no matter who wins, our quality of life will continue to decrease for reasons that are unfathomable to any modern acceptable political position. When that happens people will start to get smarter and actually be able to dissent. We're just in a weird cultural moment that will eventually pass.

>> No.22680193

>Once we stop making everyone do some shitty job that saps your soul, time, and energy just to afford to live then maybe you'll see people start writing and reading in their free time.
The pandemic lockdown puts this to rest. Gibs left and right, repayment freezes, no school, no work, nowhere to go, abundant free time for everyone. A UBI advocate's wet dream. What wondrous creations came out of this, what genius works of art, philosophy, science, literature?
Nothing came out of it. People stayed home, watched Netflix and got fat. The typical excuses of "no time, I'm tired, too busy" were stripped away and what was left was the bare nakedness of ugly souls. Turns out it isn't 'shitty jobs' keeping people from exercising, creating and reading, it is the people themselves.

>> No.22680290

>There's like a thousand right wing grifters

Who? (Genuinely curious). Are we talking substack or actual books? I can't think of anyone making decent money, except maybe Curtis Yarvin.

>> No.22680349

>never shatters the worldview

>> No.22680388

Most of the consumerist market for newer books is women buying romance fantasy books.
Publishers are going to prioritize frumpy femMC goes to magic school and is surprisingly cooler than everyone else over literary fiction because litfic doesn't make money.
Seriously, when was the last time you bought a newer book?
Also the recent winner of the nobel lit prize was a Catholic Norwegian man.
If you want the publishing world to prioritize litfic more, buy more litfic instead of pirating classics all day.

>> No.22680567

>Muh Trump
I really hope this isn't meant to be serious. Mass immigration causes the exact opposite of what you claim.

>> No.22681994

Yeah, no.

>> No.22682016

I mean... how can people not notice this in 2023?

>> No.22682049

I wonder how you guys react to any expression of anti-capitalistic sentiments.

>> No.22682050
File: 157 KB, 572x443, TraditionalCatholicGF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people are happy to consume modernity(materialism) because it is easy and taught abundantly by their jew masters through school, television, films, professional sports, everywhere. They know nothing else. Catholicism is difficult, it is self sacrificial, you must deny material pleasures so that you may attain salvation.
Which of the two is more appealing to modern people, the judeo satanic path: do what you want whenever you want, indulge in the pleasures of the world.
Or the Catholic path: submit to and obey God by rejecting the pleasures of the world, and do God's will by rejecting your own.
jorger bergoglio is a jesuit we have always known he is not Catholic
Regardless the gates of hell will not triumph over the Catholic church. This is canon. Pray the rosary everyday, the Reconquista approaches.
you are a jew

>> No.22682108

Materialist people are the most brain-dead you'll ever meet, real estate agent levels of sovl.

>> No.22682117

Not mentioned: religion is fake

>> No.22682124

Go ghost hunting, you might have an experience that changes your opinion.

>> No.22682172

>/pol/ thread
>Devolves into Catholicism schizo ramblings
Always the fucking same.
Ever noticed how chud culture is just catholicism repackaged?
>No fap
>Traditional values
>Rejecting modernity
>Hating jews
It's all the same.

>> No.22682257

Almost like we are on a path to hell that is universally recognizable

>> No.22682274

I agree with most anti-capitalist sentiments. The modern publishing industry is primarily ideologically driven and I think the ideology is poisonous. You putting words in people's mouths is not an argument.

>> No.22682282

>all the seething replies

>> No.22682318

Yes. I’ve done this. Most I’ve made is like 100 bucks across four different graphic novels. Everyone that reads them likes them but marketing without a million-dollar budget is never going to lead to a career. Most money I’ve made was selling stickers of Pokémon I’ve drawn. Made just over $1000 bucks across 6 months in two different hobby shops.

>> No.22682377

Antisemitism makes Gad... Saad

>> No.22682423

If you head outside the same 5 or 10 normie titles and gacha, gaming is still 95% male.

>> No.22682429

It wasn't devised as an argument. It's undeniably true that many people who complain about ESG/woke shit are the type of dipshit right-liberal who enabled its very comeuppance. Good on you for not being like that.

>> No.22682443

No one really is begging anymore though. Just checking out of society and leaving it to the freaks

>> No.22682454

Thats because centrism is inherently retarded.

>> No.22682494

As always, the root of the problem is letting women into the workforce.

>> No.22682566

>that many people who complain about ESG/woke shit are the type of dipshit right-liberal who enabled its very comeuppance.
Anyone who has spoken up since 2015-2016 has just been banned on all platforms but a handful of places

>> No.22682588

if you really cared about your art getting to a wider audience, you'd suck up your pride, become a transsexual, and become a gay too. Otherwise you're not commited.

>> No.22682594

I'm bisexual and have a disability but didn't mention that in my query. Should I have?

>> No.22682596

I mean, you just described 90% of the establishment "right wing", add "be jewish" and we're near 100%

>> No.22682600

Are you "non-white"?

>> No.22682601

Why didn't you?

>> No.22682611

I guess I'm stupid. I'm a white male but I have a disability and I'm from the lgbt community. I'm not a sjw though but I'm wondering if I'm more likely to get manuscript requests if I mention that?

>> No.22682614

Mention I'm bi and disability*

>> No.22682619

You have two aces up your sleeve and didn't use them?

>> No.22682624

Would I get more requests?

I just started mentioning it in my queries, tactfully of course

>> No.22682627

>Not using 2 jokers in $CURRENTYEAR
Your disability is being retarded, isn't it?

>> No.22682640

I'm too altruistic. I don't like people feeling sympathy for me. I guess I gotta learn to work with the system. I have dissociation. I sometimes can't drive and focus on things. I feel weird emotions or im watching myself in a fog. It's not fun. I wish I didn't have it.

>> No.22682649


>> No.22682651

You're basically retarded and a weak man, no wonder you are a fag

>> No.22682660

Actually my iq tested 124 by a neuropsychologist, so no.

>> No.22682666

And you will never have kids, you can barely function, and you're too retarded to even benefit from your special identities

>> No.22682674

Fuck off loser I do almost everything. I have a son and daughter with my wife and they love me. Yeah sometimes I space out, but I redirect myself and look after my family. We just went to Disneyland in the summer.

Kill yourself.

>> No.22682692


>> No.22682799
File: 3.89 MB, 3500x6701, jewdified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews will always complain of what is being done to them but never about what they did to deserve it

>> No.22682809

I know, I'm cheering for the sandniggers over the kikes 100%

>> No.22682812

I wasn't serious, bro. You are a rare beacon of sense in this current sea of Olympian victimhood. I honestly don't understand how diversity hires or women who were hired for the quota never think
>shit I'm just here because of a checkbox and everybody knows it
Wish you the best.

>> No.22682969

Thanks, I truly appreciate it.

Yeah I work in independent film and people tell me I have sensible rational way of looking at things and being creative. I believe in being a decent person and trying to make tjhe world more altruistic. I feel like if I identify about a "handicap/label" I'm being a shitty human being. But maybe I should take advantage of those labels if it'll help me advance when so many cringy autists get to be successful.

>> No.22683054

Itt: whiny chuds

>> No.22683209

>constantly whines about white privilege
>constantly demands diversity which means less straight white males
If I nooootice things, I'm a chud, apparently

>> No.22683266

the jews are funding the muslims, you retard. They are and have always been on the same side, this is political theater in order to rope whites into another war, while the jews laugh from the sidelines. The only proper side is a Traditional Catholic Reconquista of our lands.

>> No.22683319

Traditional Catholic Reconquista... lmfao

>> No.22683669

My digits are the percentage of the Bible you’ve actually read.

>> No.22684111

I try to do the same and all it has brought me was being overtaken by sociopaths. What I've learned from that is that if you want to have a career, the sociopaths make you play their game and they're better at it than you. Having friends in the business is near meaningless for a career. On the other hand, IF you succeed you can try to make a change, boost the good ones and foster sane work ethics. I have kinda given up desu, but I don't think it's impossible.
Good luck.