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22631462 No.22631462 [Reply] [Original]

Books on self-hating formerly right-wing trans women?
Basically the incel to trans pipeline?

Some books a little germane I liked include:
- The Mass Psychology of Fascism by Wilhelm Reich
- Homophobia by Martin Kantor
- The Velvet Rage by Alan Downs
- Right-Wing Women by Andrea Dworkin

>> No.22631564

It's like 95% porn addiction, doesn't deserve much literary analysis

>> No.22631570

Both of these things are just caused by being too online and going along with anything that people are doing. It's literally just two different manifestations of the same type of mindset.

>> No.22631592

What are some good books on being too online?
I know there are a few papers studying 4chan.
What are some good books on porn addiction?

>> No.22631608

Here's my little novella
>dorky teenager discovers porn
>makes him orgasm and feel good
>prefers it over social interactions at school
>rushes home each day to coom and puts minimal effort into everything else
>entire life centres around masturbating
many such cases!

>> No.22631614

Fundamentally, with transgender girls versus nationalism, the issue is actually much smaller than that, and only looks like "supremacy vs leftism" if you ignore how tiny a singular human is. It's the psychological landscape that's important here, and it goes beyond mere memetic ideologies.

In reality, what she is dealing with is: Have Aryan children as a biological man married to a biological female vs Be a beautiful girl and not suffer the insanity of society and modern dating/marriage.

One side is the exact nightmare opposite of escapism, which is to ignore the girly desires to be cute, whimsical, girly, and light-hearted, and thus desire to maintain the concept of Western civilization and your bloodline. To get a job, focus on capitalism, ponder if war or genocide is necessary, to wonder if border-control matters, and all this for the sake of your children who will have to live in an even more desolate and forsaken world.

On the other hand, it is very simple to see how lovely it'd be to be a sweet, fun-loving girl and be doted on by your boyfriend or girlfriend, play video games, and let the world rot around you without a care in the world. Once you decide to castrate yourself, it doesn't really matter if civilization collapses. Your bloodline won't be part of the future anyways, and the inherent treachery that all society, including your own race, is happy to inflict upon you for being transgender only proves how fickle nationalism really was.

If the aryan race was loyal to each other then they should support their own people no matter if she's in their political cult, or just being a transgender girl. The treachery of a race against their own people just for something like that is reason enough to figure that nationalism has no future.

If my best friend all my life was the ultimate nazi, and one day, I decided to become a girl, but I still wanted to be his friend .... would he look upon me as an enemy?

If yes, then he's a traitor, and our bond-of-blood was worth nothing. The only solution then, is not to forsake transgender girls, but for Aryans to maintain their loyalty to their people, no matter what.

>> No.22631617

either take your meds or have sex

>> No.22631628

Everyone is “too online”. It’s a non-sequitur

The only reason porn addiction is common among these types is because male sexual freedom is constrained due to pandering to women.

>> No.22631629


You summarized my entire post down to that?
Fuck. You are good. Yes, you are indeed clever.

>> No.22631655

>the troon appears again
You will never be a woman

>> No.22631661

>reddit spacing
every time

>> No.22631662

Freeze your sperm?
I am "too online" for real.
Like I know it's an overused thought terminating cliche.
But I genuinely face severe difficulties interacting with people in real life and retreat online a lot.
I don't really feel like talking in detail about all my issues.
But trust me I am severely impaired in a lot of ways.

>> No.22631684

>shitpost topic
> Actually relevant books mentioned
uncanny, normally it's all shit

>> No.22631688

Honest question just no idea how to ask it appropriately.
I'm kind of autistic.

>> No.22631689

The troons and the chuds need to meet on the battlefield and just get it over with. Hopefully they’ll wipe each out. No more shitty threads on /lit/

>> No.22631691


You can message me on XMPP if you'd like and I essentially am so ridiculously long-winded, that you will indeed find me akin to a book.


>> No.22631693

You sound like a chud

>> No.22631696

>and the inherent treachery that all society, including your own race, is happy to inflict upon you for being transgender only proves how fickle nationalism really was.
>contribute to civilisational decline
>wow why are those chuds trying to save civilisation so hecking hostile to me?!?
42% yourself already

>> No.22631699

look, here's what happens. if we start from the premise that you're predisposed to be trans, then we can trace a path from nazi to tranny in as a really retarded cope. if you're born as a guy but due to tranny genes absolutely suck ass at it, unable to fit in with the men and unable to play the role that the women want you to play, making you a social outcast, you're likely to cope with it in different ways. one of them is the nazi pipeline,trying to blame your failure as a man to something external, so like feminism or jews emasculating you, thinking that if it weren't for that then you'd be content and succeed as a man and become socially valuable. being a social outcast puts you in the sights for the mass indoctrination online, specially on 4chan and nerdy spaces (the reason they become nerdy is because it s acceptable for a man to do while not being manly). once you're promised that dream, and told that it's been stolen from you you're likely to become radicalized.
from being a nazi to being a tranny you just have to see the other boards, /r9k/ or /gif/ are perfect examples. there is a torrent of male emasculation fetishist, be it the people who want to become sissies the people who want to be cucked by masculine black men or the people who want to be dominated by women. that type of fetish is just the result of the politics, you start to fetishize the taboo nature of it,. for the trannies there it quickly becomes addicting as an exciting escapade, relief from the masculinity they've forced themselves to maintain all this time. and so they may take more comfort in it an eventually realize they actually hate being a man and prefer to be a woman. the only thing you can do at that point is to undo the chud brain that makes you think of it as a humiliating thing and boom, you've got your exnazi trans

>> No.22632234

You can't frame transgenderism as a cowardly desertion of your duty to the future AND frame it as them "betraying" you.
You betrayed THEM first, it's only natural they'd forsake you.

>> No.22632580
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If a Confederacy of dunces had been written today Ignacius would be a transgender neo-nazi.

>> No.22632600

Transgenders are the ultimate gift to the right, I swear the hand of providence must be at work in the transgender phenomenon. Male autism is an ambivalent source of power, male autists can be leaders and theorists or weird little fixers and hackers, but they can also produce endless drama and do weird degenerate shit and ruin an entire movement. Anyone neurotic enough to be leftist or rightist is likely to be an autistic male, and the ambivalence of this autism would normally fall evenly on both left and right, each getting their fair share of neurotic degenerates and genius savants (and all shades between the two extremes).

But the transgender phenomenon acts as a kind of automatic sorter that funnels the majority of degeneracy-inclined, neurosis and drama-inclined autists to the left, while also terrifying the remaining degeneracy- and drama-inclined neurotics on the right and acting as a cautionary tale of "do we really want to introduce troon type drama like the left is constantly underdoing?"

Meanwhile because troons are just autistic crazed men, they have the typical male autistic inability to feel shame or to regulate their emotions, and the left's individualist and hedonist ideologies give them the free rein that every Chrischan wants (but should never get, for his own good) to act like a total lunatic. So they naturally gravitate to the top of every leftist group through sheer male aggression and sheer autistic lack of shame and self-awareness, and all the others, women and metrosexual go-along jimmy males, just passively let it happen because they are ideologically blinkered into "supporting" what is really an invasive species of insane autistic men with impossible to satisfy emotional needs and narcissistic and borderline personality disorders.

Over time the left's image has been turned into one giant flailing troon, leading a procession of confused demoralized women who have to constantly affirm that women don't exist and are slaves to dick even within womanhood, and heckin' chungus bipoly men who don't care either way and are likely to troon out themselves at some point. Imagine trying to be a communist in 2025 and every communist venue you go to online or offline has screaming troons telling you that to get your official communist sash you have to swear an oath to defend drag queens.

Whatever higher being set this chain of events in motion is really an artist.

>> No.22632608

niggas in the first world unironically live like this

>> No.22632696

Yeah well you’re not remarkable in any way

>> No.22632698
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This is what state & megacorp systemic psyops do to mfer's. AI overlords cannot come soon enough to throw every last troon, incel neo-fascists, and globalist banker and politician into death camps.

>> No.22632744

Thank you very much.
Reading a description on Wikipedia I find it quite strikes close to home.
I will take a look at A Confederacy of Dunces.
I worry a bit it might be too sad for me to read but I will try.

>> No.22632758

What are you favorite books on personality disorders?
I kind of liked Hard to Love: Understanding and Overcoming Male Borderline Personality Disorder by Joseph Nowinski.
I also liked Distancing: Avoidant Personality Disorder by Martin Kantor.
Unfortunately I am pretty unread in psychiatry and disability studies.

>> No.22632837

It's crazy how far gone someone can be, to advocate for death camps and at the same time to believe themselves to be one of the sane, well-adjusted individuals.

>> No.22632857

Would you prefer Neural-VR torture for every last group of degenerates I listed? Or maybe that I tell you that I am being facetious, and that you overthought a 4chan post?

>> No.22632860

The best thing would be to find an autobio from one of those kinds of people, but with today's internet culture being primarily focused on public shaming I don't think many transgenders would be willing to come out and talk about their neo-nazi past-life. The next best thing would be to join some manga or VN d*scord and find one there, as it's not an incel -> trans pipeline so much as an incel -> massive weeb -> trans one.
This >>22631699 pretty much sums it up psychologically, though I'm not sure how many of them actually have porn addictions. It's about escapism and wanting to find a community with other outcasts; first that leads them here, then this site and similar ones become their life and they start believing everything they read, then da joooooz, then they stumble upon something or someone that makes them realize they want to be a girl, then they join transgender communities and consequently drop all of their /pol/ beliefs so that they can fit in. The only question is if it's genetic and they inherently want to be a woman, or if it comes from suggestion at some point during the pipeline.

>> No.22632933

Closest thing I know about is the VICE documentary about Dajana Pospis

>> No.22632956
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This article about the transmaxxing community (incels who transition because they think being a transwoman is easier than being a beta male) has a link to a 73 page document:


That's the closest thing to a book I have seen from that community

>> No.22633034

I'd rather not read Vintologi's weirdness.
It's just one deranged tranny repressor incel IMO.
I would recommend you listen to Episode 239: Transmaxxing of QAnon Anonymous though?

>> No.22633053
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>they are ideologically blinkered into "supporting" what is really an invasive species of insane autistic men with impossible to satisfy emotional needs and narcissistic and borderline personality disorders
autistic artillery is guided by god

>> No.22633072

Good post, thanks for sharing.

>> No.22633082

Trannies are delusional and mentally ill people supported by the establishment to help put a lid on any real counter-culture.

Can't have a counter-culture when it is illegal to tell men in dresses that they are still men.

>> No.22633205
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trans former nazi retard here
it was a combination of drinking the poltard koolaid, fashion, trolling and anger that formed who i was back then
there wasn't much self hatred, just an uncritical worldview and a desire to fit in (trannies often have a community shaped wound the size of a small country)
the edgy nazi friends i hung around with at the time were also outcasts and strangely okay with me being trans and were more curious than combative so i felt like i fit in for once
it wasn't until the right wing media circuit co-opted anti trans stuff as a core issue and hit critical mass that my friends slowly became more and more hostile to me, which confused me further considering they were primarily quoting a jew and his grift network
this made me realize how fucking stupid it was and how i was inadvertently harming my close trans friends
anyway it was more like being in a shitposter cult and i think my nazi friends at the time only tolerated me because im hot
im mostly a leftytard now but i still enjoy dropping the occasional n-word

>> No.22633216

You will never be a woman

>> No.22633264

oh wow is that one of the ten books constantly shilled here? that's such an epic literary analogy! maybe trans nazis are also like slothrop or the guy from no more human!! thanks for your erudite reference, you're so well read!!!

>> No.22633285

I don't even need to make fun of this post

>> No.22633303

This post touches on an important point about sexual economy - beta male boys grow up their entire lives seeing girls get everything nice and decent while they're expected to just "tough it out" without any societal reward for doing so, naturally these males will either become blackpilled incel types or 'try to become girls or die trying'. Those two groups are conditioned to hate each other but have more in common than either group would like to admit - the former acts like all trannies are Chris chan while the latter has a similarly outlandish caricature of the average politically-fringe loner male.

In material terms there are simply not enough "trad wives" to go around for that mass of online white nationalist males. There isn't any pressing incentive in 2023 for women to abrogate all of their power and submit themselves to a man, and this extends to the few women connected to those circles. I have observed bizarre cases of White women in ostensibly 'trad' circles trying to utterly rewrite the female role in history or pre-Christian religion in order to maintain their same feminist worldview in a subculture that is diametrically opposed to feminism. A lot of their male counterparts will be desperate enough for their based TERF gf to overlook these contradictions.

It shouldn't surprise anyone that when ~60% of males are told that they don't deserve access to femininity, that those on the more "female-minded" side of the spectrum (in the way that Weininger or Evola meant) will, often after growing old enough to realize the nature of biolgical women, take up that role themselves. Any further analysis of the tranny mindset should be considered only after that. I realize this is the literature board and I don't know any books that would talk about this, but I will compensate with observation as someone familiar with such movements: transgenderism and even the nazi-tranny pipeline are here to stay at least as long as the material reasons are swept under the rug. So perhaps a book will be written about it in the future.

>> No.22633310

there is no such book faggot so take this claptrap to any other board

>> No.22633314

post discarded

>> No.22633316

This still overrates the tranny phenomenon. The most "feminine" man in Weininger's sense will just become a pussy bitch who plays video games all day and lets the state fuck him in the ass. Only actual retarded porn-sick faggots become trannies. It's not some natural process. It's porn-addicted retards putting themselves in goon comas and turning themselves into faggots.

>> No.22633325
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Guys that can't dominate women will turn to dominating themselves into becoming women, or try to dominate or get dominated by queers.
The women of 2023 are so much different than the women of 2013 because all of their brains have been completely formatted by the algorithm they worship through their phones.
>you never had a chance
The #1 thing a man can do to get pussy in 2023 is to treat women like even more garbage than before, because women are 100% used to being absolutely worshiped by simps.

>> No.22633397

He has a thousand people in his discord and r9k is full of transmaxxing posts all day. I think it's more than just one schizo.

>> No.22633434

thats true but youre still a talentless avatarfaggot

>> No.22633443

/r9k/ frightens me, when I used it back in the day there was no gay shit at all. If anything the biggest problem was too many roasties.

I think the culture just moved on. /r9k/'s demographic is more likely to feel normal and resigned to "inceldom" and just chill and have a good time anyway. Also, /r9k/'s basic outlook just spread over the entire male zoomer generation. Most people with IQs over 90 are misogynistic by default now, it's no longer a fringe opinion. The only people who still go to /r9k/ are ultrafaggots because it's the only function remaining to the board.

>> No.22633517

OP should write a book. It's an interesting topic but no one is tackling it.

>right wing women by Andrea Dworkin
That one is about literal women and tackles subjects mtfs couldn't grasp like abortion. It is also irrelevant to the incel to trans pipeline because what draws lonely men to nazism and what draws average women to normie republicanism are not the same thing.

>> No.22633585
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I'm far too disorganized to write a memoir.
I do write some weird erotic horror poetry stuff and some gibbled semibio stuff.
Not sure I'll be able to publish any of it.
Big thing I'm working on right now is this big book list.

>> No.22633742

A manga you might be interested in is Okaeri Alice, by Shuzo Oshimi. You can read its afterword (and the subsequent shitfest of a discussion surrounding it) here: >>>/a/258502358 .
Also are there any psychology books that you would recommend for someone generally interested in the field? I've read some Jung and Freud, and a few other scattered books, but I'm still new to this stuff. Mainly interested in internal worlds and how avoidants or generally lonely people live.

>> No.22633752

addiction is addiction

>> No.22633788

What the fuck this is exactly what I'm working on and Dunces is my main inspiration

>> No.22633795

Are you a lonely person looking to read about people like yourself or are you just curious about what chronic loneliness is like? I've been a borderline shut in for a long time so I could probably answer any questions you have.

>> No.22633819

Color me surprised that a lot of dysgenic racial supremacists, who go around picking unprovoked fights with non-whites online, turn into a bunch of trannies. Honestly, you'd help your races by offing yourselves. Even browned mongrels are preferable to tranny abominations like you.

>> No.22633820
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not much evidence linking porn addiction and transgenderism, yet your worldview depends on it

>> No.22633833

>im mad for no reason

>> No.22633844

I'm not mad, but I have many reasons to feel schadenfreude. If a mentally deranged tranny, who oscillates between two artificial extremes, commits suicide after reading my post, then I wouldn't feel an iota of guilt. In fact, I would consider it a win. You can join them in hell too if that's what you wish, faggot.

>> No.22633852

>im not mad
>entire post is you being mad

>> No.22633879

You're likely either addicted to pornography, or you're coping with being homosexual - very few "trans" people nowadays are actually battling with gender dysphoria and are simply coping with one of those two problems, which is honestly rather sad for the group who DOES suffer from dysphoria.

>> No.22633885 [DELETED] 
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Why aren't there any trannies on /lit/ with hit books?

>> No.22633890

kill yourself

>> No.22633892

I can relate to that stuff but I'm mainly interested in the pathology of it. The ways that social animals pretty much self-sabotage their nature and live the rest of their lives either literally or mentally alone. The fact that our most unique traits as humans are 1. our richly developed consciousnesses, and 2. the amount of effort we put into killing ourselves, doesn't seem like a coincidence. I want to know more about the mind and what it's up to.
The kind of books I would be interested in would have a wide-net approach of gathering together as many cases as they can handle and drawing comparisons between them. A deep dive into any one person's neuroses would be interesting but too specialized, though I am interested to know what you think led to you turning out the way you did.

>> No.22633938

It is the opposite of sad. The only book I ever actually lol at

>> No.22633944 [DELETED] 
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Cry harder Alex

>> No.22633947

> ignore the girly desires to be cute, whimsical, girly, and light-hearted
You are utterly delusional.
Women don't think like that. You don't know what being a woman is like. You're just larping as your own pornbrained *idea* of a woman.
This guy's pretty dead-on as well, though "forsaking" the future isn't your only (or even first) problem. Not by a long shot. You made many egregious mistakes before coming to that.

>> No.22633970
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This post is art

>> No.22634018

Interesting perspective. Well-put.

>> No.22634031
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I am trans girl
My magnum opus will be a lovecraftian version of the Odyssey with a Norman protagonist

>> No.22634074

Haha shit I was that case. My parents probably heard me cranking it at 3am many times cause my chair would swivel. Thankfully I moved out far away for uni and acquired some social life. Now I am working and reverting to this dumb shit

>> No.22634076

>Women don't think like that. You don't know what being a woman is like. You're just larping as your own pornbrained *idea* of a woman.
How is the view that women desire to be cute and girly "porn brained"? This has been the archetype of young females for thousands of years before the modern notion that they should just desire to have careers became prevalent.

>> No.22634126

>trannies are pornbrained
Aren't trannies into porn because they need something to cope with? Compulsive mastrubation because of gender dysphoria doesn't sound so weird.

>> No.22634130
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This post is why I love the Coincidence Detector extension, laughing my ass off

>> No.22634146

Probably read into Distancing by Martin Kantor, The Velvet Rage by Alan Downs, Sexual Outsiders by David Ortmann and Richard Sprott and Times Square Red Times Square Blue by Samuel Delaney.
Also read My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness by Kabi Nagata and read the Kalevala particularly the parts about Kullervo also kind of a reach but you might want to read into the Bhuddist story of Milarepa?

>> No.22634193

Every time someone tries to spite God they end up like this. God's greatest enemies troon out, is that not already a worldly punishment for them?

>> No.22634202
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When real women talk about their looks-anxieties, they usually use words like "pretty" or "beautiful." E.g. "am I pretty," or "can I be beautiful" etc.
You, on the other hand, used terms like "cute," "whimsical," "girly," and "light-hearted." Terms that absolutely reek of a moe-anime porn addict's understanding of womanhood.
On the internet, no one's supposed to know you're a dog. But even in writing, you fail to pass. Text-only forums should be the easiest place to larp as a chick. Yet through your word choice alone, I can already smell your body odor, your filthy sheets, and your trash-filled, garishly colored room.
You're not a woman. You'll never be a woman. You don't even remotely understand what this thing is that you so desperately think you want.

>> No.22634215

This sums it up so well

>> No.22634227
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>Terms that absolutely reek of a moe-anime porn addict's understanding of womanhood.
old hag detected
and for the record, i watch it for the plot

>> No.22634234
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And I ain't even a chick lol. I just understand them a whole lot better than you do.

>> No.22634241

Nah he's right you literally just don't talk to women let alone resemble them

>> No.22634261

Danke. Been meaning to read that Nagata manga for a while now

>> No.22634275

>self-hating formerly right-wing trans women? Basically the incel to trans pipeline?
They haven't been observed yet. The idea that changing your gender means changing your politics was only ever an intuition.

>> No.22634288
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I agree with you in spirit, but in this specific case, you're wrong. Modern young women absolutely do regularly refer to themselves as being "cute".

>> No.22634292

kill yourself

>> No.22634301

1. She's talking about things in Japan. "Cuteness" has a very different significance over there.
2. Women DO often say "cute outfuts." But they're never preoccupied with things like "I want to be cute" or "Am I cute" or "I just wanna be a cute wittle girl uwu."

>> No.22634303

*cute outfits.
Damn these typos. That's the second one I've noticed today mere seconds after posting lol.

>> No.22634317

>But they're never preoccupied with things like "I want to be cute" or "Am I cute" or "I just wanna be a cute wittle girl uwu.
Aside from the last one, my wife says the other two relatively regularly, and asks me what would make her look cute to me when we go shopping. Perhaps the pornbrained world has broken her and other women, but some of them do indeed think like this.

>> No.22634325

>But they're never preoccupied with things like "I want to be cute" or "Am I cute"
Never had a gf?

>> No.22634328

Don't be goaded into further hairsplitting over this. The tranny faggot knows you're right overall, so your job is done. Trannies have a disgusting, diseased conception of femininity and I hope they all kill themselves.

>> No.22634333
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>tfw born just in time for ai waifus to inherit the earth
3dpd has no chance.

>> No.22634365
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trannies are gay but I occasionally jerk off to F1NN5TER.

>> No.22634366

Based. Fair enough.
Though these are fairly interetesting points. I've heard women worry about those things, but I've never heard them phrase it in that particular manner: "cute."
Perhaps it's just a regional thing where I am, then. Although I'm definitely still right about the way "cute" was used back there being indicitive of transgenderism.

Another thing that women never actually do, but which I always see trannies and anime girls do, is fret and tease each other over cup size. For all the body anxieties women seem to have, I have NEVER heard one wail in grief over how tiny her tits were. It simply does not happen. So I've no idea why it's so prevalent in tranime.

>> No.22634397

>Another thing that women never actually do, but which I always see trannies and anime girls do, is fret and tease each other over cup size.
Never seen a tranny do this, and in anime it's plainly just fanservice for the mostly male audience.

>> No.22634463
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>real women don't want to be cute
tell me you haven't met women and live off of an early 2000's monolithic idea about what female empowerment looks like

>> No.22634472

What he's saying is there a difference between "cute" in a woman's mind and the trannies all consuming obsession with the word cute. They need two different words for it: cute and trancute
Just like how a FTM will never have the same aura of masculinity they desperately desire as a regular guy, and their attempts to emulate will always come off as unfit and pathetic

>> No.22634500

how do you know so much about the mind of women and trannies' are you either group? do you just form your opinions on the shit you see here about how women are vapid but in a way trannies can't be bc they're gross or whatever way you rationalize it. if it wasn't "cute" you'd say "hot" is the pornbrained one, and if it wasn't you'd think "pretty" was the pornbrained one
>aura of masculinity they desperately desire as a regular guy,
what would that be? Also not all men are the same, some aren't masculine at all. the reason you consider these two ideas, cute/transcute and masc/tranmasc different is because they're different, but because you want to separate the groups artificially. if a cis guy acted exactly as a trans guy acted you'd think one has a more real masculine aura because the idea that it can be performed by the opposite sex makes the whole gender stereotype appear artificial.

>> No.22634513

I have a gf and have had plenty of sex over the years so I'm basically an expert compared to you pornsick weirdos

>> No.22634525

Mhm. The guy who's never seen a woman want to be cute. Very trustworthy

>> No.22634537

Not what I said. I jumped in here >>22634472 and stated that women's idea of cute is different from trannies and they're not obsessed with it in the same way.
Regardless I'm loading up vidya with my gf in the other room right now and you're advocating for trannies online so I think we know who's better here.

>> No.22634543
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It's pornbrained because it sounds like you're describing anime girls. The words whimsical, fun loving and light hearted are the biggest tells that you have never lived as a woman.

Real womanhood is more multifaceted. There's days when you can be whimsical and there's days when you keep bleeding through your tampons and everything feels like shit. The idea that women want to be feminine all the time and have no issues when it comes to dating are weird, too. Tomboys have been a thing since forever and smelly baggy manclothes are great to be comfy and avoid getting sexualized.

>> No.22634571

But a big part of the reason women want to be cute is to attract high status men. For many it's not a genuine preference, it's just the girl version of looksmaxxing. And when it is a preference it's almost never a full time thing or a lifestyle or whatever.

>> No.22634650
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>> No.22634652
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>They need two different words for it: cute and trancute
Good point.
Although arguably, we already DO have two different words for it: cute and "kawaii."

>> No.22634653

Do you have any books on this idea of trans being tryhards?

>> No.22634668
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>> No.22634730
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Back when I used Ovarit, I heard stories about trannies who tried to "playfully tease" other actual biological women over how their (fake) tits were bigger than their (real) ones.
It was one of the cringiest things I'd ever heard described.
So yeah, the whole "kyaaaa your breasts are bigger than mine!" thing is something plenty of trannies think is TOTALLY real. I'm not sure you quite appreciate just how deluded these people really are.

>> No.22634774

not that nigga but I don't think there's an issue with the anime version of women because that is what male to female trannies are trying to achieve. That and disney princess type stuff. They believe that women are rewarded with love resources and attention simply for existing, that's what they want. That fantasy still exists for troons regardless of whether women really are rewarded with all those things or not. They see the woman as a passive object and believe that (as failed/neurotic/autistic/introverted males) they have a better chance at attaining to love and sex by being transitioning because *they are already closer to their self-conception of what women are as males than they are to akpha men*. With some cynicism I can kinda see how that thought process is internally coherent and logical.
As for the thread topic, there doesn't seem to be a chud to tranny pipeline or any affinity between extreme right politics and transgenderism beyond the fact that both are on the social fringe. This whole thread reeks of retarded troonjak-chudjak shipping art tier memes

>> No.22635083
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>Back when I used Ovarit
go back

>> No.22635090
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The world isn't yours, buddy. It never was.

>> No.22635102

Am I the only far right guy who is hardline heterosexual on this board? /fitlit/ was a mistake, now this place is a fag magnet.

>> No.22635104

Back when I used ovarit I remember hearing about the autobiography of an autogynephile who insisted sissy shit was an integral part of womanhood. I don't remember the title though.

>> No.22635118
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im not sure if a terf hangout is a trustworthy source for information on transgenderism but feel free to be retarded if it reinforces your worldview

>> No.22635120

I think the problem here is that I've consumed a lot of Japanese media growing up
In Japan cuteness is a concept that both men and women have adopted and it's closer to the kind of cuteness that a baby or a puppy would invoke
In the West that concept does exist but I feel like it doesn't apply to people as much as it does in Japan
So we have stories written for teenage girls by women, there's a girl who is gifted with magical powers and some supernatural being comes into her life
The girl is going to act in ways that are cute
The people around her are going to act in ways that are cute
The supernatural being who is a man will act in a way that is cute, for example sulking, blushing, being shy, getting carried away by his emotions, etc
I feel like that doesn't really happen as much in the West

>> No.22635125

It's a lot more trustworthy than a troon echochamber, freak.

>> No.22635136

>no im neither a woman nor a tranny, but yes I can tell you everything about how both groups think as a whole
if you wanted to make an actual argument that you could substantiate you'd have to talk about trans men compared to cis men, but you can't because your only difference is incelhood.

>> No.22635152

>there doesn't seem to be a chud to tranny pipeline
I am personally a trans woman who in college fell into a lot of incel stuff.
Not like a bait thing just trying to understand why I got sad and weird and why sad weird people get into weird politics stuff.
Also want to know if there's any advice on getting out of this sort of situation.
Not a lot of advice out there on how to deal with phobias when your phobias are stuff like sex, women and racism.
You are probably thinking about Andrea Long Chu.
She's actually a pretty boring second wave feminist theater kid.
I was really disappointed in her book Females.

>> No.22635158
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He wouldn't at all, he'd be almost identical to how he was in the 1960's. He'd just be a Twitter tradposter, but not even Ignatius had this level of cognitive dissonance

>> No.22635163

>Also want to know if there's any advice on getting out of this sort of situation.
gradually getting off 4chan is the first step IMO, at least the worse boards or the bad threads. you don't have to be racist forever, literally interact with more people and you bigotry will slowly fade away, try not to judge others as stereotypes but as people. you don't have to punish yourself for wrongthink, it will go away once you don't surround yourself by that kind of content. act normal and you'll eventually start thinking normally again, people won't peek into your mind to judge you just don't be weird openly.

>> No.22635169

>Not a lot of advice out there on how to deal with phobias when your phobias are stuff like sex, women and racism.
Watch American History X

>> No.22635188

it's actually really funny seeing you disgusting degenerate trannies saying 'act normal', you are all malformed abortions of individuals, emerging past the end of porn addiction and perversity as a strange groping for 'normality', not realizing that you are the antonym of it. get fucked. yall should have considered transitioning into alpha males instead of axe wounds.

>> No.22635199

by act normal i meant act "like a normie". you for example are not acting normal ( degenerate, trannies, alpha males, axe wounds. no normal person says this) a good example of what not to become

>> No.22635206

the filthiest 500 lb neckbeard creepo autist racist is more normal than you ever will be, he is also 'cuter', more wholesome, and actually has the opportunity to turn his life around. go fuck yourself, you're lucky to live in such an abnormal society than doesn't immediately correct your perversion with liberal beatings.

>> No.22635220

> Society is in favor of you and tolerant of your identity! THAT MEANS YOU'RE WEIRD!
ok then

>> No.22635224

youtube comments and twitter
turns out it's not actually an interesting phenomenon at all and they're just gullible fucking idiots who fall for whatever stupid scheme you set up in front of them and will suffer horribly throughout the remainder of their lives as malicious entities on the internet take advantage of them again and again. personal computing was a dire mistake. it's inhumane to subject surplus men to this kind of shit

>> No.22635237

Honestly you sound like you're at the beginning of the incel to trans pipeline and you're going to transition in a few months. Being that angry isn't healthy, anon.

>> No.22635284

>Not like a bait thing just trying to understand why I got sad and weird and why sad weird people get into weird politics stuff.
I'm with you there, it's because we aren't compatible with the normal courses of life that give people honors, happiness, success, love and such. People turn to extremist politics when they are desperate and hopeless, "if society were different everything woulda gone right for me" is it for some people. For others extremism isn't necessarily rooted in resentment but rather intense isolation and introspection, too much time on the hands, too much time to goon with other transgenders in discord, too much time to collect racial crime statistics. Normalfags are too busy working, drinking, going to parties, socializing and such to have time for that stuff. Or they're busy being awarded honors by society/their job/their academic institution etc. (don't think that normalfags are less intelligent than online freaks for a second, that's just pure resentment).
Chuds and trannies are just similar because we were raised by the internet. We're captured by the spirit of the age in the worst way. The same social factors largely produce both. Also chuds and trannies are both fucking terrible with women, they just diverge on the solution to the female question with the tranny internalizing the woman to achieve romantic satisfaction and the chud plotting to bring about a new order wherein women are social inferiors with their sexual leverage over men curtailed. But to be honest that's more incels than chuds, a good amount of chuds don't really think about women much

>> No.22635299

nice headcanon anon

>> No.22635373

Hey anon your niche hobby coping mechanism is gonna pay off, you just have to wait 5-10 years to hone your craft and then wagmi i believe in u. Tranny or incel, it doesn't matter those 7 years of quality socialization you missed out on can be made up for if you look to take an active understanding of human interaction you will outstrip those who only learned through repetition. >>22635284 is right you aren't smarter than normies but normie media habits are more damaging than huffing industrial solvents you actually are in a better position than you realize, being early on this social fault line means u will have time to learn and establish yourself before things get even worse for more people

>> No.22635474

>why'd you transition?
>cheaper car insurance
My sides are gone

>> No.22635520

A little righteous anger is a sign of healthy testosterone levels.

>> No.22635567

What about far-right trans ppl? They are rare but they do exist. What's the psychology behind them?

>> No.22635586
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