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22622444 No.22622444 [Reply] [Original]

Today a new mythos is dawning – the Mythos of the Blood; the belief that the godly essence is to be defended through the Blood. The old beliefs will be brought back to honor again. The whole secret knowledge of nature, of the divine, the demonic. We will wash off the Christian veneer and bring out a religion peculiar to our race.


Post Esoteric Hitlerism Literature.

>> No.22622580


>> No.22622614
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Christianity IS white.

>AFTER recognising the necessity of a regeneration of the human race, if we follow up the possibilities of its ennoblement we light on little else than obstacles. [...] We cannot withhold our acknowledgment that the human family consists of irremediably disparate races, whereof the noblest well might rule the more ignoble, yet never raise them to their level by commixture, but simply sink to theirs. Indeed this one relation might suffice to explain our fall; even its cheerlessness should not blind us to it: if it is reasonable to assume that the dissolution of our earthly globe is purely a question of time, we probably shall have to accustom ourselves to the idea of the human species dying out. On the other hand there is such a matter as life beyond all time and space, and the question whether the world has a moral meaning we here will try to answer by asking ourselves if we mean to go to ground as beasts or gods.

>If the falsehood of our whole Civilisation bears witness to corrupted blood in its supporters, 'twould be no stretch for us to say that the blood of Christendom itself is curdled. And what a blood? None other than the blood of the Redeemer's self, which erewhile poured its hallowing stream into the veins of his true heroes.

>The blood of the Saviour, the issue from his head, his wounds upon the cross,—who impiously would ask its race, if white or other? Divine we call it, and its source might dimly be approached in what we termed the human species' bond of union, its aptitude for Conscious Suffering. [...] Thus, if we found the faculty of conscious suffering peculiarly developed in the so-called white race, in the Saviour's blood we now must recognise the quintessence of consciously willed suffering itself, that godlike Pity which streams through all the human species, its fount and origin.

>The blood in the Redeemer's veins might thus have flowed, as divine sublimate of the species itself, from the redemptive Will's supreme endeavour to save mankind at deaththroes in its noblest races.

>Notwithstanding that we have seen the blood of noblest races vitiated by admixture, the partaking of the blood of Jesus, as symbolised in the only genuine sacrament of the Christian religion, might flourish among the very lowest races as the most divine purification. This would therefore have been the antidote to the decline of races through comingling, and perhaps our earth-ball brought forth breathing life only to serve that order of salvation.

>To us Equality is only thinkable as based upon a universal moral concord, such as we can but deem true Christianity elect to bring about; and that only on the subsoil of a true, but no mere "rational" Morality (as I lately saw desired by a philologist), can a true aesthetic Art bear fruit, the life and sufferings
of all great seers and artists of the past proclaim aloud.

>> No.22622658

Cringe American Freemasonry babble.

>> No.22622676

Old age and a failing body does a number on even the best of men. Nietzsche was basically right about Parsifal if he could have just been more measured in his response.

>> No.22622702

Didn't read.

>> No.22622727

You were filtered and believed Nietzsche's lies. No where does Parsifal shame sex or attack life, rather Wagner shows just how central Christian morality is to white values. But he didn't expect plebs to understand his esoteric, yet highly scientific, ideas. He was confident the effect of his music would be understandable by even the uninitiated.

>Among other things, he says he will never again speak about religion, explain his ideas, for instance, regarding the blood of Christ; these are things one all of a sudden grasps—-let those who can understand them, one cannot explain them. —

>> No.22622747

Gay but nice trips

>> No.22622751
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This is now a CHRISTIAN racialism thread.

>The very shape of the Divine had presented itself in anthropomorphic guise; it was the body of the quintessence of all pitying Love, stretched out upon the cross of pain and suffering. A—symbol?—beckoning to the highest pity, to worship of suffering, to imitation of this breaking of all self-seeking Will: nay, a picture, a very effigy! In this, and its effect upon the human heart, lies all the spell whereby the Church soon made the Græco-Roman world her own. But what was bound to prove her ruin, and lead at last to the ever louder "Atheism" of our day, was the tyrant-prompted thought of tracing back this Godliness upon the cross to the Jewish "Creator of heaven and earth," a wrathful God of Punishment who seemed to promise greater power than the self-offering, all-loving Saviour of the Poor. That god was doomed by Art: Jehova in the fiery bush, or even the reverend Father with the snow-white beard who looked down from out the clouds in blessing on his Son, could say but little to the believing soul, however masterly the artist's hand; whereas the suffering god upon the cross, "the Head with wounds all bleeding," still fills us with ecstatic throes, in the rudest reproduction.

>The departure-point for the Jews winning a share in a development of the Christian religion lay ready in the historical fact—that Jesus of Nazareth was born in a corner of their little land, Judæa. Instead of seeing in so incomparably humble an origin a proof that among the ruling and highly-cultured nations of that historic period no birthplace could be found for the Redeemer of the Poor; that for very reason of its utmost lowliness this Galilee, distinguished by the contempt of the Jews themselves, could alone be chosen for cradle of the new belief,—to the first believers, poor shepherds and husbandmen in dull subjection to the Jewish law, it seemed imperative to trace the descent of their Saviour from the royal house of David, as if to exculpate his bold attack on all that Jewish law. Though it is more than doubtful if Jesus himself was of Jewish extraction, since the dwellers in Galilee were despised by the Jews on express account of their impure origin, we may gladly leave this point with all that concerns the history of the Redeemer to the Historian, who for his part declares that "he can make nothing of a sinless Jesus." For us it is sufficient to derive the ruin of the Christian religion from its drawing upon Judaism for the elaboration of its dogmas.

>> No.22622790

Christianity is bred from sodomite apelings

>> No.22622855

The Aryan religion has already made itself manifest. Her name is Communism

>> No.22622879

Is it true Richard Wagner was 5'5''?

>> No.22622901

I read a book an anon suggested to me and it said nazis are gay jews

>> No.22622914

I‘ve actually never read Contra Wagner. I know some general outlines of his attacks and have listened to the gruesomely dour effect of that work celebrating millennia of jewish brain rot in its culminated state however.

>> No.22622932

Oh jesus

>> No.22623159

Holy larp

>> No.22624113

Miguel Serrano collection on internet archive

>> No.22624118
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>> No.22624128


>> No.22625486

You... you do know that none of the OG nazis liked Rosenberg,and thought he was a weak lazy homo, right?

Oh god, you actually think this is worth spending your time on?

>> No.22625706
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Nazis get hung.