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22568414 No.22568414 [Reply] [Original]

we all know what hypermasculine literature looks like (mishima, junger, BAP) but what are some hyperfeminine books? are there any? would they be the "kidnapped by the mafia boss's vampire son) erotica? Would you consider the "femcel" books to be hyperfeminine?
perhaps the Steppford wives could count as they portray it even if it's a critique of it.

>> No.22568426

Interesting topic
Don't really know any examples

>> No.22568430

only ernst junger fits here, BAP is a gay jewish yale writer who larps about the military yet couldn't ever hold a steady job nor has ever served in any capacity
mishima was just a chill nationalist author who lifted weights and was gay

>> No.22568446

Colleen Hoover's bibliography

>> No.22568514

That is literally what feminism is, plenty of feminist writers to pick from.

>> No.22568527

mishima was masculine in life but not prose but otherwise correct

>> No.22568557

no it’s not you fucking retard

>> No.22568574

Not all feminists are hyperfem. In fact i would argue many of them were against femininity as an oppressive construct and were rather butch. But yes, im sure there are feminine feminists, but who? name names!. I know there's been a re evaluation of feminine values recently so it would be worth searching there. But there must have been other feminists, or even proto-feminists who embraced femininity. For example i like saint theresa of avila's writting. San Juan de la cruz, despite being a man, has many great poems made to teach nums about the relationship they should have with God. And many of them are romatic tales of the soul as a woman and God as a lover who saves the soul.
I would also count sappho as hyper feminine.
I like the scences in Maria Luisa Bombal's novels where the women reconnect with nature and desl with the pains of love.
Very niche examples but that's mostly what i read.

>> No.22568608

I believe it CANNOT be romance, nor even some sort of erotic idealism. Keeping romance aside, I think I have an answer, and although it's not literature, I think ANIME has some examples.

I don't really watch much anime to be honest, but there is "Lucky Star," which seems to be pretty "femme." Just as an example. I don't have anything else to list, because the only anime I've watched are those cool plot/character based ones.

Now, I am not here to mention anime, but to mention that a "hyperfem" genre does seem to exist, at least in anime, and it's not about romance or feminism. It's about "cute girls doing cute things," right?

Just cute, pink, adorable, fluffy stuff that points to not bimbo, not feminism, not romance, not femcel, but something truly girly and feminine, where the feelings you have inside yourself as you watch, is not lust or something crude like feminism, but is just a soft, lovely girly feeling. Something gentle, something meek, something shy, and something beautiful.

>> No.22568611

>Just cute, pink, adorable, fluffy stuff that points to not bimbo, not feminism, not romance, not femcel, but something truly girly and feminine, where the feelings you have inside yourself as you watch, is not lust or something crude like feminism, but is just a soft, lovely girly feeling. Something gentle, something meek, something shy, and something beautiful.
um based. hello kitty is this and so is Jane austen for the most part

>> No.22568619

Anïs Nin’s diaries and erotic short stories. Very erotic but in a way that is woman-centric (she writes for an audience of women, just as jünger writes for an audience of men). Thinking of it in hyperfeminity/femcel distinction is kind of silly and z00mer of you. Writing for an audience of one’s peers is usually what writers do.

>> No.22568629

jane austen, sylvia plath and ottessa moshfegh

>> No.22568659

Entertainment by and for women are always about sex and crime.
women want to associate with rage and crimes of passion. It mainly helps them hone their own persecution complex (stalker stories). She needs every benefit of every doubt to go her way when the next person gets sick of her meddling and snaps. Also women love true crime because they love gossip. it's literally gossip that gets juicier and more salacious with every episode.

>> No.22568730

>hypermasculinity consists of being gay
fuck you guys and your "masculine" faggotry

>> No.22568742

Yeah. Kind of embarrassing. Should be authors like Jack London, Leigh Fermor, Mailer
Junger's a good one though.

>> No.22568757

lispector and luce irigaray,

>> No.22568760
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>> No.22568787

Bret Easton Ellis

>> No.22569225

Women (generally) prefer character-driven stories, men (generally) prefer plot-driven stories. If I had to pick a hyperfeminine author in that vein it would be someone like Jane Austen or one of the Bronte sisters. If you mean "hyperfeminine" in the sense that feminine ideals of beauty and agreeableness are elevated then something like medieval courtly love poetry, Petrarch's/Shakespeare's sonnets etc. might be the ideal.
I've never read anything from Mailer, is he closer to a Hunter S. Thompson or a Jon Krakauer? Also I haven't seen Ernest Hemingway mentioned in this thread, which is disappointing.

>> No.22569307

Hyperfeminity is a trans exclusive trait the same way hypermasculinity is borderline homoerotic. Women don't need to be hyperfemenine because even when they are butch or slightly masculine their traits or features remain naturally soft and feminine.
Extremely cute, pink, adorable, fluffy stuff is not feminine, but rather an idea of what a cute girl could be and not what a cute girl actually is. So that isn't gonna attract nor is gonna be made by women, is gonna attract and made by clueless gay boys.

>> No.22569325

Wouldn’t that imply that the most masculine form of sex would be if I were to stick my dick inside a trans-man’s girlpussy? That sounds kinda gay

>> No.22569417

No, but nice cope.

>> No.22569575

Are lesbians the most feminine form of sex?

>> No.22569579

Delicious Burritos - The Anus

>> No.22569595

The first names that popped into my head were Blavatsky and Sylvia Plath.

>> No.22569750

more like sissy literature

>> No.22569845

>Just cute, pink, adorable, fluffy stuff that points to not bimbo, not feminism, not romance, not femcel, but something truly girly and feminine, where the feelings you have inside yourself as you watch, is not lust or something crude like feminism, but is just a soft, lovely girly feeling. Something gentle, something meek, something shy, and something beautiful.

Fucking beautiful out.

>> No.22570143

you don't understand,they're reclaiming because being a "not like other girls" girl is now frowned upon so this is the response to that.

>> No.22570187

>being a "not like other girls" girl is now frowned upon
What's that? A person who menstruates?

>> No.22570199

??? wtf are you talking about.it's just the annoying pick-me-girls

>> No.22570244

4chan is a self-hypnosis tool. This thread is the collective journal of a bunch of people. You become the things you post.

>> No.22570257
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Probably erotica and teen novels about friendship like pic related. Or airport novels like eat pray love.

>> No.22570265

>hypermasculine literature
>(mishima, junger, BAP)
>two homosexuals (which are literal nerds) and an acid-head

>> No.22570309
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Only men watch the cute girls doing cute things animes because the characters represent men's ideal version of girls, not real girls. It's the genderswapped equivalent of this fujoshi shit with uwu softbois acting like women's ideal version of men.

>> No.22570430


Yes, but your post holds no sharp point.
I know what books my mom reads. I know what books my sister read.

Hyperfem as a genre is the discussion here, and so I do not think my post about "soft, cute, pink girls" is wrong.

It is not necessarily for men, but we are not talking about marketing or popularity. Just the genre itself, and what it even is.

>> No.22570465
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This is the Feminine Spirit when it looks into its abyss and reaches its most extreme depth. In this sense this is one of the archetypes of hyperfemininity ––a femininity that excedes itself until destroying itself ––in the same way the ultramasculinity of a Mishima leads to his death. It makes sense that a Woody Allen, one of the greatest neurotic Jews, could be the one to understand it.
What writer was able to stare at the female's abyss? Perhaps Joyce, perhaps the Brontë sisters. Jane Austen, in contrast, is the paradigm of regular femininity.

>> No.22570492

Because of the fact that masculinity is always exteriorized masculinity can only become conscious of itself in the mirror that another man can provide. This is why hypermasculinity is always homosexual. Jünger is not really hypermasculine, he is rather a paradigm of regular masculinity, content with looking at the world and not at itself.

>> No.22570498

There is nothing more feminine than sex with a woman.

>> No.22570587
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Only some yaoi is hyperfeminine. You wouldn't call killing stalking feminine even if it's for women but picrel is both yaoi and hyperfeminine
Yeah i think bronte's could be. It is feminine tempest. Perhaps there are two feminine styles. The natural one and the artificial one, the artificial one is narcissistic, superficial and relies on the world's expectations of ideal femininity. the natural one is less explicilty feminine but its strenght in emotionality and the themes that it touches make it uniquely feminine. Compare paris hilton to someone like sappho. Both feminine, but one is artificial and the other is natural. Jünger is naturally masculine while mishima or a body builder are artificial. Hyperfeminine and hypermasculine can lead to a camp territory, becoming parodies of itself. Look at the barbie movie for example.

>> No.22570603

>so is Jane austen

What. Jane Austen is about extreme formality and women judging the shit out of each other and liking each other just for being pretty but hating each other for being *prettier* and all the while generally one female in the story who isn’t like this but still is extremely formal and cerebral.

>> No.22570640
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If all it takes for something to qualify as hyperfeminine is soft cute pinkness then the ultimate hyperfem literature would be bimbofication erotica for sissies and transwomen. Picture related

>> No.22570680

I wouldn't claim that the necessary libidinal investment in the image of manhood is necessarily homosexual.
But that may be my own biases. I have only found raging faggots and introverted poor-little-thing homosexuals in my travels. I assume that being an insider gives one more insight into this

>> No.22571374

>eat pray love
Took long enough for someone to post it. This is it. Concentrated estrogen in written form. The audiobook will turn you into a tranny faster than any sissy hypno.

Has never explained anything. Men and women are fundamentally different especially around anything to do with sexuality or gender. Women consume chick lit about cute stuff and are the main audience, only a few autistic men indulge in those cutesy overload.

>> No.22571392

>Jane Austen is about extreme formality and women judging the shit out of each other and liking each other just for being pretty but hating each other for being *prettier* and all the while generally one female in the story who isn’t like this but still is extremely formal and cerebral.
austen knew women thats fo sho

>> No.22571531

Homoeros, not "sexual" in the sense of two men falling in love. It's about one man who, rather than being "vain" or "narcissistic" and admires himself, he is being honest and true, and admiring the strength, honor, and courage of another man, or whatever is defined as manly in that context.

The reader is the one who is NOT the vain narcissist. The reader is the man who wants to see a man do great things.

Thus, the content of the novel itself does NOT need to be homoerotic/sexual. No, the content should obviously be the obvious. War, work, creation, invention, art, something glorious and noble. It's about adoration and admiration, NOT "romance" in some petty, crude form.

No. This cannot be right. There must be more to it than "pretty dresses" and "pink girliness."

That's why I mentioned Lucky Star. You see, I am a transgender girl, and I would never conflate what you posted with "hyperfem." What you posted is (valid, sure but,) still just sissy literature, and not hyperfem.

By necessity, hyperfem must go the same direction as hypermasculine, and thus exemplify the best attributes of a female.

But, as Jane Austen fanatics have been saying, is that "prettiness?" Pettiness? Judging each other? No, I think Lucky Star, or something like it, is closer, because Lucky Star by its nature is not like that, but instead, is about the FRIENDSHIP of these girls, and what they do, what they talk about, their hopes and dreams. But of course, the fact that they are soft and cute is important too.

Yet, I would not hold "Lucky Star" as the epitome of this. In fact, I've only seen a few episodes due to its popularity, and became bored very fast.

Yeah, but the point isn't about whether or not I like something. It's about analysis of the genre, so that future works can learn from our discussions and incorporate the truth of femininity into those yet-to-be-written novels.

>> No.22571568

But the best attributes of females are the fact that used menstrual pads smell nice and when we fart sometimes it goes up our cooters.

>> No.22571596

Explain teenage girls then

>> No.22571618

Teenage girls aren't hyperfeminine unless you're talking about 18 year olds who do porn.

>> No.22571635

You have never been around teen girls; they play sports, rough house with each other, and listen to rap and metal these days

>> No.22571636

Lesbian erotica.

>> No.22571665
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subtype of hyperfemme

>> No.22572240

Sophie Kinsella

>> No.22572870


>> No.22572911

this stuff about women being useless is already done in all sofia copolla's diarrhea like lost in translation.