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22561137 No.22561137 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about the spanish jew converso infiltration of the Catholic church?

>> No.22561147

There are none because it NEVER HAPPENED chud now go touch grass in your walkable city and eat some bugs

>> No.22561153
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>> No.22561193

Are you a retard? The Jesuits literally had a law preventing Jewish converts from joining up until the Catholic Church collapsed with the crisis culminating in Vatican II. You had to prove that your ancestors going back like 4 generations were Christian.

>> No.22561196

Ignatius was literally a jew

>> No.22561197

Ignoring your ridiculous OP, I'm a Jesuit. I'd recommend you to just read his Spiritual Exercises first and go from there. His autobiography would be a good next step. No, the Jesuits aren't some crazy organization of evil men stroking their beards, but the whole thing about us trying to take over the world is true. What else is a Christian organization to do? We were commanded to spread the gospel, after all.

>> No.22561202

Here come the jew shills to shut it down

>> No.22561218

He literally wasn't. Many of the initial recruits to the Jesuits were formerly Jewish or Muslim converts but the Jesuits soon set up an admission criteria that excluded anyone with Jewish or Muslim ancestry from joining and this literally lasted from the 1590s until 1946 (again, this was the beginning of the Catholic Church's collapse, which just less than 20 years later led to Vatican II).

There is evidence that St. Ignatius opposed racism against Jews for their lineage and even said something like he would consider it a blessing to have Jewish ancestry which makes no sense if he actually had it.

>> No.22561225

His wikipedia page states that his family was converso. Just look at his nose bro

>> No.22561229
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why do anti-semites worship a dead rabbi?

>> No.22561251

Are you lying? I can't find that anywhere.
>Ignatius of Loyola was born Iñigo López de Oñaz y Loyola in the castle at Loyola, in the municipality of Azpeitia, Gipuzkoa, in the Basque region of Spain.[7] His parents, Don Beltrán Ibáñez de Oñaz y Loyola and Doña María (or Marina) Sáenz de Licona y Balda, who were of the minor nobility,[8] from the clan of Loyola, were involved in the Basque war of the bands. Their manor house was demolished on the orders of the King of Castile in 1456 for their depredations in Gipuzkoa, with Iñigo's paternal grandfather being expelled to Andalusia by Henry IV.[9] Íñigo was the youngest of their thirteen children. Their eldest son, Juan Pérez, had soldiered in forces commanded by Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, but died fighting in the Italian Wars (1494–1559).[10]
He was a Spanish nobleman.

Even if he were Jewish (which I have never ever heard before), it is impossible for a "Jewish infiltration of the Catholic Church" to have come through the Jesuits since they soon erected laws preventing just that very possibility by disqualifying anyone with Jewish or Muslim ancestry from joining.

>> No.22561254

Read Houston Stewart Chamberlain if you are genuinely asking. If you are trolling just know it’s more in line with ‘I’m just pretending to be retarded’ than actuslly clever

>> No.22561285
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A better answer would be to just go directly to the bible itself.

>> No.22561289

I hope your not getting this from wikipedia which is edited by the masonry/ the jews/ the feds.

From my knowledge the jesuits are the jews who were forced to convert to catholicism but retained their talmudic belief system.

>> No.22561295

Your knowledge is not just wrong, you're a retard who can't be bothered to read the thread.

>> No.22561304

Are christcucks really talking about infiltrations after stealing the entire religion from the jews and oc donuting in some magical hippie nigga who totally said gentiles can play too?

>> No.22561305

I have his main work and need to read it

>> No.22561307

Ignatius was a hidalgo descended from a Jewish family converted to Christianity and his secretary, Diego Laínez, was Jewish by birth. (C. Carrete y C. Fraile, Los judeoconversos de Almazán. 1501-1505. Origen familiar de los Laínez, Salamanca, Universidad Pontificia, 1987). The meditative isolation required for the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius is the Christian transposition of the Qabbalistic hitbonenuth.

“In the course of the investigation, it emerged that the Jew Juan Sánchez, a wealthy silk merchant living in Toledo and a convert to Christianity, i.e., converso, was accused of having secretly returned to the practice of Judaism and therefore considered a marrano [crypto-Jews]. After a raid by the Suprema, the Inquisition Tribunal, Juan Sánchez had chosen to make a confession and therefore, having been judged guilty, had atoned for his guilt on July 20, 1485: he was flogged in public, forced to put on the black ‘sambenito’ (blessed sackcloth) and paid a considerable fine. After this bitter matter, Juan Sánchez and his family moved to Ávila, changed their surnames, and his sons lived as nobles and married women from the most important social circles in Ávila. The marrano was none other than the father of don Alonso de Cepeda, therefore grandfather of doña Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada. […] Teresa was aware of this family background, but never mentioned it in her writings, although some signs revealed a connection with the religious tradition of her family. In fact, similarities are appreciable between Judaism and Theresa’s mysticism, for example between the Jewish prayer and Theresa’s oration; the “we will do and listen” of the Torah and Teresa’s “works”; halacha, the path through existence of the Jew and Teresa’s Path of Perfection; kavannáh and deveqúth as participation to the divine Presence, the shekinah, and the concentration as taught and practiced by Teresa; berachà, the blessing that gives rhythm to the day of the pious Jew and that is similarly present in all the works of the Carmelite; tzimtzum, the contraction of God in the individual own profound essence leaving space and autonomy to creation corresponds to the contraction of Teresa’s life in a delimited space, accepting the tzimtzum of one’s own body and spirit in celibacy. All experienced within history in order to restore the world, in tikkun ‘olam, in communion with the Most High. (Vito Luigi Valente, “Nonno marrano,” L’Osservatore Romano, 2.10.2014)

Those jewish techniques were used in favor of Catholicism, against the protestant expansion.

>> No.22561309
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if you hate them why rely on their literature at all? why pray to their god? why even be involved in nominating and worshiping one of them as their own prophesized savior?

>> No.22561313

I don't know. I'm not a Christian.

>> No.22561316

The Jesuits are based: up there with the Roman infantry, the Assassins, the Templars, Fourierists, and Opus Dei.

>> No.22561330

You can find similarities in many religious practices. “Meditative isolation” is not evidence he stole from Jews.

>> No.22561337

But when the Jews to convert so the apocalypse starts.

>> No.22561338

Except these practices came directly from jew conversos retard

>> No.22561343

Christianity isn’t a racial religion. No Christian hates a Jew because he is a Jew by lineage. The reason the Jesuits prevented those of Jewish lineage from joining their order is to prevent crypto-Jews from subverting the order. And the reason for historical Christian antisemitism is (1) because the Jews have a different religion which blasphemes Jesus and (2) because the Jews were opposed to the Christian monarchical order which persecuted them and supported the various liberal revolutions. Hating Jews for racial reasons alone is another form of materialism and has always been rejected by the Church.

>> No.22561349
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all your practices came from them, going back to Yeshua and the apostles, stupid anti-semite

>> No.22561357

He wasn’t ‘Spanish’, he was Basque, and his real name was Ignazio Loiolakoa

>> No.22561358

There is nothing non-Christian about the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius. The Jesuit order quickly banned conversos from joining so it is impossible for the alleged “Jewish infiltration” to have come from the jesuits long term.

>> No.22561360

Jews seething

>> No.22561372

Christian anti-Judaism, religious opposition, simply amounts to arguing Christians are the real Jews, which makes Christian anti-Semitism, the blood or ethnic opposition, even more absurd.
you are viciously retarded if you worship one as master of the universe

>> No.22561375

I dont, retard. Imagine bitching out of anti semitism because its “materialism.”

What the fuck?

>> No.22561376

>inb4 LARPagans start calling proto-Indo-Europeans jews

>> No.22561385

Jesus wasn’t Jewish, he was Galilean, as in Gallic, from France/German Rhine border. Also, he wasn’t a priest type. He was a working class carpenter who just happened to notice things and felt the need to defend certain ideas out of the love for his family, friends, and the small town he was born in

>> No.22561390

beyond retarded

>> No.22561397

Youre a coping jew. Imagine believing Jesus was an inbred subhuman like yourself.

>> No.22561429

>uhhh he was a Gaul, that's why he was so conversant in Judaism and went to the Temple and had a Jewish name and talked to other people with Jewish names about Jewish stuff in a Jewish country
stupid anti-semite

>> No.22561433
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Seethe more inbred chud

>> No.22561442

what is that supposed to prove? that you are the fedoras of the 2020s?

>> No.22561453
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Denounce the talmud jew

>> No.22561473

Idk I mean he literally said he existed before Abraham. I can't think of a more anti-Jewish statement desu

>> No.22561492

>he literally said he existed before Abraham
nobody knew or cared who that was outside of his Jewish audience—try again!

>> No.22561521

>jesus, the total antithesis of the jew, was jewish

Nobody with even a modicum of intelligence believes this, jew. Jews are a pathetic snivelling race. Its why they killed Jesus. He mogged tf out of them.

>> No.22561537
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>a debate among my mythologically monolithic opponents?

>> No.22561552
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Compare Chad Jesus to your average chud jew. They hated him because they envied him.

How does it feel to be a 24/7 ass blasted, balding, impotent faggot jew that even God rejected?

>> No.22561572

why were they in conflict with him in the first place? what was he disagreeing with them on how to interpret? why did large numbers of them side with him? why did the Romans allow them to sort it out privately and then hand over their "criminals" for execution by the state? you are very stupid

>> No.22561577

The jews killed Jesus because he mogged them. He was a 6’+ Aryan gigachad, literally God himself, and the jews just couldnt cope so they chimped out and have held a grudge now for 2000 years and counting.

Jews are giga-betas.

>> No.22561588

Ignatius Loyola and Francis Xavier were heroes, and the Jesuit Order were awesome back then
it all went wrong in the late 19th century
Jesuits before then are great, Jesuits after then have been awful

>> No.22561594

neo nazi teenager touch grass

>> No.22561609

jewish beta chud has no response to my Aryan intellect

>> No.22561613

Ignatius was a jew though. Therefore he was a subhuman nigger and is currently burning in hell for eternity. Simple as

>> No.22561619

>worships dead rabbi as lord of the universe
ahah like all your cattle grandsires before you!

>> No.22561625
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I dont take anything you say seriously, solely because you are a jew. Does that make you seethe, Chuddie?

>> No.22561633

>(((Jesuit Order)))
Basques are not jewish. kys.

>> No.22561636

Look another jewish faggot deflecting from the massive schnozz on Ignatius. The dude was a gigakike this is well documented. Why are you so pressed, Schlomo?

>> No.22561646

as Tolkien once said, regrettably I am not one of them, but regardless, why are you then venerating their scriptures and worshiping one of them as master of the universe if they cannot be trusted to say anything true? Are they perhaps allowed to write but not to speak? Pilpul of the highest order, my latinx friend

>> No.22561668
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>Whoever makes the assertion that Christ was a Jew is either ignorant or insincere: ignorant when he confuses religion and race, insincere when he knows the history of Galilee and partly conceals, partly distorts the very entangled facts in favour of his religious prejudices or, it may be, to curry favour with the Jews. The probability that Christ was no Jew, that He had not a drop of genuinely Jewish blood in his veins, is so great that it is almost equivalent to a certainty. To what race did He belong? This is a question that cannot be answered at all.

>> No.22561735
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>Christian anti-Semitism, the blood or ethnic opposition, even more absurd
It doesn't exist. I already explained why the Jesuits banned convert Jews-by-blood to join the order. NOT because Christians are heckin mean and racist, but because there were many crypto-Jews who even though they claimed to have converted to Christianity nevertheless did not adopt a Christian character, a Christian culture, a Christian attitude, or a Christian outlook. They would've therefore subverted the order which was not acceptable to the Jesuits.

The Church has at times persecuted and opposed Jews, NOT because of race, but because of their behaviour. They wanted to see the death of the Christian European order, which is why they supported the various left wing revolutionary movements. Their books and their creeds blaspheme Christ, their usurious behaviour was a poison to Christian society, and therefore Christendom persecuted them.

This has never been a racial thing.

>> No.22561756

>he's got a big nose therefore he's Jewish
Ignatius was from a minor noble family in the Basque Country, aka one of the last holdouts against the Arabs. If anyone is a true blooded Spaniard, it's him and his ilk.

>> No.22561773

Its inherently racial, retard. You think their behavior is learned? Kek.

A jew will be a subhuman perverted piece of shit no matter when or where it is raised. No different from a baby nigger killing someone willy nilly despite living in a white area, a pitbull attacking its pit mommy, or a beaver in a zoo building a dam.

>> No.22561803

>two anti-semitic idiots arguing over whose Judaism is better
the final form of christlarping

>> No.22561810

Racial analyses are always going to be inadequate because race does not determine everything about a man's character. There are racial patterns and correlations but no absolute racial determinism. Even your own brainwashed example of a "nigger killing someone despite living in a white area", is just a correlation that you've falsely given the weight of absolute determinism. Yes, blacks are generally more prone to crime, but there are many blacks who do not commit crime whatsoever, in fact most of them are not murderers (which should be obvious).

The point of Christianity is that man is able to transcend his fallen nature with the help of God. Christianity does not favour any races; it encourages all to seek Virtue through submitting to God's commandments and partaking of the Sacraments.

>> No.22561816

>t. Cucked nigger loving retard

>> No.22561825

Shut the fuck up kike. Your comment is nonsensical

>> No.22561850

You're not even a Christian, I don't see why you are talking about this.

Christianity is not a racial religion. There are Ethiopian converts in the Bible who attained Christian Virtue & piety through repentance & conversion.

If you want a racial religion, convert to Judaism.

>> No.22561867

>two anti-semitic idiots arguing over whose Judaism is better
You just defined anti semitism as hatred of Jews for the blood. Neither I nor any true Christian possesses such hatred. I am "anti-semitic" in the sense that I oppose the expressly anti-Christian political advancements of Jewry historically.

>> No.22561877

Youre just a milquetoast shitskin loving retard. Go try to save your jews and your niggers bro let me know how it goes

>> No.22561881
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>More than half of the posts in this thread filtered
What a thread.

>> No.22561884

You're not a Christian. Why are you pretending?

>> No.22561903

Why do you worship niggers and jews?

>> No.22561916

You believe that a black man committing murder is genetically inevitable. You are so brainwashed that your perception of reality is warped to the point of delusion. Christianity is a religion for all of mankind, not a specific race. Convert to Judaism.

>> No.22561924

You must be a mutt, spic maybe?

>> No.22561936

Don't forget how Jesuits were filled with people from order called Alumnbrados, or the illuminated ones. Inquisition paid them a visit, and did nothing. Later on Jesuits went on to train Adam Weisshaupt, who went on to create Bavarian Illuminati. Said order was crushed by the king, but its members fled around Europe and kept low profile. Later on the members were partaking on French Revolution.
Meditative practices like ones of St. John of the cross and master Eckhart were crushed by the church, and brought back to combat Protestantism. Ironically many reformers were inspired by mystics like the ones church crushed just to bring them back for its defense.
But that's Vatican for you. Hypocrites to the end. Protecting jews and their revolutions, leading to the slaughter of its own church's members. Stomping its own mystics and holy men, not unlike the jews murdering the prophets God sends them.

>> No.22561955

I'm white. I bet you don't talk to people like this in real life. You are a coward.

>> No.22561971

The Catholic Church was always opposed to the liberal revolutions. "Jesuits went to train the founder of the Illuminati" lol you mean he went to Catholic school like millions of people do.

>> No.22561984
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there's a historical distinction yes, but I don't believe present-day tradlarpers on this site are genuinely opposed for religious reasons since their thomist cosplay is downstream of their political anxieties—in other words you are of both types and one might be said to even drive the other

>> No.22561986

The Jews really do be staying on some anons brains full time I guess. Talk about obsessed

>> No.22562000
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There are anons here who are zealots to such a degree that it would make Torquemada blush; proselytizing in every thread, and just being zealots in general. Many don’t even go to church, practice the basic tenets like humility, love, tolerance, and compassion. Wonder if they see the hypocrisy in themselves

>> No.22562010

>order filled with members of almnbrados (the illuminated)
>the order educates man that goes on to create Bavarian Illuminati
Must be coincidence. Vatican isn't conserving anything now, and never did before. It only cares about political power. The jewish revolutions were always opposed by monarchs, not the church.

>> No.22562021

I oppose the political organisation of Jewry, I have no individual hatred for any Jew because of his blood. I oppose them just as I oppose the influence of Freemasonry. It's not racial and with Christians it never has been. Traditional Catholics -- "tradlarpers" -- are not national socialists.

>> No.22562033

And the Church supported those monarchs. Have you ever read an encyclical from the Popes reacting to the revolutions?
Pope Pius IX:
>The Roman Pontiff cannot, and ought never to, reconcile himself or come to terms with, progress, liberalism, or modern civilisation.
Or what about Pope Leo XIII, condemning those who:
>"attempt to reconcile the precepts of the Gospel with those of the [french] revolution"
in his encyclical against Freemasonry?
This all changed at Vatican II though. That's a whole different story.

>> No.22562039

>i oppose them
you don't oppose anybody you are just seething with ressentiment, but thank you for confirming your religion is political surrogacy

>> No.22562047

Why is it so hard to have a conversation with people on here? Are you seriously this enraged over an internet debate

>> No.22562067

who is getting mad? you are trying to claim political opposition to Jewish people for social-historical reasons stemming from theological disputes isn't anti-semitic because you're not an official nazi or something—an obvious and dishonest tardlarp retreat into religion having been smashed politically, what's funny of course is the religion you've chosen is a form of Judaism, because you are a retard

>> No.22562079

Yea the guy you responded to is a fucking moron. I hate these fence sitting milquetoast nitpicking types. Just advocate for TKD and TND like a normal person. Theres no need to obfuscate your beliefs. Thats bitch shit

>> No.22562089

I respect your honesty ivan, miguel here is trying too hard

>> No.22562097

>This all changed at Vatican II though. That's a whole different story.
Its just going with the politics of the time, like always.
>And the Church supported those monarchs
There was power struggle between the two. Vatican literally sided with Italian city states, with bourgeois people (bourgeois literally means city people), who went on to be the seed bed for every liberal Jewish revolution. It did in hope of power. The Jesuits were known to be the secret service of the Vatican, weakening nations from the inside. Not that monarch were goody two shoes.
In short, Vatican's history is ''I'm genius! OH NO!''.

>> No.22562098

>i dont oppose jews on racial grounds, i just dislike their political actions

Newsflash, bucko, jews hate you and every other non jew. You taking some obscure non racial stance on the issue is ironically enough, cowardice. Why are you so scared of race? Its an essential part of our reality and jews and other non whites understand this. It seems to be only christian whites that are so mindfucked and cowed by the jewish propaganda and state that they fear to utter any acknowledgement of racial realities.

>> No.22562100
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Yeah, right.

>> No.22562105

You (or someone else) defined anti-semitism as hatred of Jews for their blood. This implies that you can take any first-class Jew, even a Christian convert, with no malice in him, and hate him purely because he has Jewish lineage. I completely reject any such notion. However, I acknowledge that historically the Jews considered as a political entity have used their influence to support the modern revolutionary movements which I oppose as being contrary to a true Catholic social order. Not the Jews alone, but also the Freemasons, groups such as the Illuminati and others involved in the Enlightenment, have done the same. Moreover I oppose these groups for their false theological/philosophical teachings.

It is not my business to decide whether I am an "anti-semite" or not. That is a word with many definitions. I have laid my opinion out, and that's all I can do.

Am I a retard? -- I hope not. All any man can do is see the world how it appears to him. Perhaps I have some intellectual vices that prohibit me from apprehending the truth in its fullest. But as a philosopher and a Christian I strive to find truth as much as I can.

>> No.22562124

Pick any random jew in this country and 99/100 times they will harbor aggressively anti white and anti christian views. Are you going to simp for them because “not all jews”?

Maybe you have never known a jew? I have known many. Without exception they have been vile, filthy people.

>> No.22562137

>I oppose as being contrary to a true Catholic social order
your motives are really not important here, they can be classified as religious, racial, political, etc., and even overlap but you've already stated you oppose "them" categorically so any attempt to pilpul around that smells bad, but it is nice to receive yet another confirmation that your tradcath cosplay is political from your own hand—why this retreat into a religion so thoroughly unable to sway politics if you are concerned with politics? You should become a transgender anti-semite if you want to shake things up. With your neostigmata for all to see, your every word would be sacred

>> No.22562160
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>this thread…

>> No.22562172

I am not afraid of race. I acknowledge the existence of racial differences and my own political awakening came from watching race realist content online. However I do not hate any other race, do not wish to dominate or exploit them, and acknowledge that the average of the genus does not apply to every single individual within it. I am not opposed to segregation, but I will not call a black man a monkey, nor assume malice in him automatically, nor wish to see him suffer.
I have never known one, and I have no doubt that you are correct. However that is hatred on the basis of behaviour and not purely on the basis of blood.
I converted because of spiritual & moral concerns. Politics is important, but as we are living in a declining culture, there is very little use in obsessing over it.

>> No.22562179

Where does behavior come from?

>> No.22562180

Most based order there is

>> No.22562184
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>my own political awakening came from watching race realist content online.
>I converted because of spiritual & moral concerns.
the genealogy of your morality is not really hard to figure out

>> No.22562243

Blood influences behaviour, which is why we can observe racial patterns. I agree. Segregation is natural and people do it without even being forced to. But for all the differences there are some commonalities of human nature that make inter-communication possible. And no race is without virtuous and praiseworthy people. I cannot hate someone for their blood.

>> No.22562306
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Not quite the same but perhaps related.

>> No.22562307

What do you have against hate? I hate niggers and jews just as i hate the rats and termites in my house. Its not to the point im apopleptic and seething constantly. However i understand what they are and what they are doing to me and my people (house in the case of rats/termites.)

A rat or a termite that is not in my house causing destruction and harm is fine to me. It is no different than any other animal.

The issue arises when their very existence within my home (country) is causing harm. That is why i hate them. They DESERVE to be hated. If you do not hate the niggers and jews IN YOUR COUNTRY then there is something disordered in your thought process fren. They dont deserve the benefit of the doubt. They are ALL guilty of transgressions against us simply by existing and taking space in our nations, not to mention the active genocide and mass murders they perpetrate daily against us.

>> No.22562330

>>22562243 (me)
Looking at our posts it seems we do agree on this subject. I agree with your original post

>> No.22562334

I mixed up the me. I created the first tagged post, the longer one

I wish lit had ids this shits retarded

>> No.22562567
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>spanish jew converso infiltration of the Catholic church?
Catholicism is irredeemable, they are all out of control by this point.