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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 74 KB, 550x370, sailors-dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22555476 No.22555476 [Reply] [Original]

The "sailor's dream" edition

Previous: >>22544782

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy006XITBBY

/wg/ NaNoWriMo Discord (for all you joiners): https://discord.gg/RsaJX8nX

>> No.22555607
File: 85 KB, 1124x660, giacomo-leopardi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was late to post in the other thread so here it is again. My translation from Leopardi.

> Alla Luna

>> No.22555654

How much action is necessary in the opening chapter of a fantasy story? I know opening in medias res is the current meme for stories, but starting with tension high instead of building up to it feels so limiting.

>> No.22555656

None whatsoever. The Lord of the Rings opens with several chapters without any action.

>> No.22555667

what's the hardest part about writing

>> No.22555669
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The next /lit/ hit, to be published until the end of the year.

>> No.22555670

>/wg/ NaNoWriMo Discord
pls stop shilling this groomer platform

>> No.22555677

Editing what you've written into something worth reading.

>> No.22555681

Getting others to read

>> No.22555683

Define action. For example the first GoT chapter has a fight scene, but the whole chapter isn't an "action chapter".

Essentially the main purpose of setting action in the opening is to establish tension and tone. If it's just a scene of a bunch of soldiers killing orcs or whatever, it's probably pointless. A book isn't some blockbuster movie, it doesn't need to start with a committee mandated action scene interspersed with comedy.

>> No.22555687

Squalid used twice within two paragraphs in unrelated contexts, 0.4/10.

>> No.22555698

It’s my server. It’s not associated with any other server and it’s the only server I have. I’m the only mod there. I won’t put up with any shenanigans.

>> No.22555702

ok groomer

>> No.22555707

It still cannibalizes discussion from here,
Discord is killing forums
pls stop using for wg

>> No.22555709

What’s it about?

>> No.22555713

Reads like Gardner.

>> No.22555734

What the hell? It’s my server.

>> No.22555737

Thank you to the OP for adding it.

>> No.22555739


>> No.22555787


>> No.22555808

probably still more trustworthy than the /lit/ tinychat from years ago. had like communist camwhores who would try to brick your router for saying trump could win the election. I remember some piano playing jew who would do that inbetween showing his gravity bong and talking about flunking his math degree.

no offense, just saying. besides if you're serious about writing maybe it's not a good idea to leave an easily identifiable chat record on a compromised platform. dunno, maybe this discord channel is different, but there's some pretty insufferable blowhards on /lit/.

>> No.22555812
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Tell me this is shit.

>> No.22555817

any of that stuff (discord, tinychat) is wack
>communist camwhores who would try to brick your router for saying trump could win the election. I remember some piano playing jew who would do that inbetween showing his gravity bong and talking about flunking his math degree.
that is lol and basically what i imagine when i see SJW opinions on here

>> No.22555819

I got blasted for having a shit opening chapter. I gave up.

>> No.22555820

Oh not bad.
Thanks for posting I really enjoyed it.

>> No.22555826

the first chapter should have your Protagonist, a portrayal of his psychological and moral weakness and the overall conflict in it

>> No.22555829

for me it's literally typing the words, not that it is hard or that I have difficulty finding the words, but literally the act of sitting there for hours typing

>> No.22555894
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>> No.22555902


>> No.22555911

0 action necessary. Just make it interesting.

>> No.22555917

not going to lie, at first I was thinking it says into the depths of the urinal

>> No.22555919

That really pisses me off

>> No.22555954
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>> No.22555978

>work tomorrow
>should sleep
>gonna edit my masterpiece

>> No.22556082

>no work
>not working on my masterpiece

>> No.22556095

it’s not shit. every good short story needs this type of ending so that’s good, although I think it was a bit of an asspull unless a bunch of the set up just went over my head or something. also you definitely 100% absolutely must not do the thing where you repeat a sentence twice. otherwise I like it.

>> No.22556103

It requires long bouts of solitude and peace. And obviously once your actual writing is finished, almost nobody cares to read it.

>> No.22556109

>tense errors
Nice bait

>> No.22556141

It’s not total shit. Your prose is trying too hard. I always say this, but please just use your natural voice. So, so many writers try way too hard to embellish their prose by attempting something beyond them. You might want to read more, and maybe compare your prose to that of a celebrated master.
For example:
>To how this apparition came to be was a mystery in itself, but how it came to us was a memory as vivid as each individual pine needle from an evergreen.
The first word of this sentence is redundant, and errant. Ask yourself why you chose to start this sentence with that word. It may be because you want to sound more sophisticated. Stop trying to sound sophisticated, it never works ever. Sophisticated writers can tap into sophisticated writing after much reading and writing practice, you may be short on both. Your example excerpt has many other examples of clunky purple grammar as well. You can do better. Good luck and never give up.

>> No.22556171

Please don’t use that cover.
Anyway, straight out of the gate here:
> The Beast’s intoned cry shook me from my train ride nap.
Remove the word intoned. I know you really want to use this word because you discovered it and want to flex but the verbiage gets in your own way.
> There you are. I’ve been looking up and down the train for you,” Hannah said, pushing her voice into the shrill, sing-songy tone she used to speak to me.
>“Hello, Hannah,“ I croaked out.
I might instead say
Pushing her voice into a shrill, song-songy tone. She always used to do that.

Otherwise I might put the word “that” between ‘she’ and ‘used’ to better clarify that it’s something *she would do*.
>I croaked out.
This is sort of cringey attribution. If you are determined to use basic attribution (which you don’t have to do), just stick with the word “said”. Anything else can come across as amateur.
I might instead say
“Hello Hannah.” My voice croaked.

That is also if you’re intent on using the work croaked which I just don’t recommend because I don’t love overly descriptive attribution.
Good luck never give up.

>> No.22556172

This is good. It’s a fairly brief poem so you’re on easy mode but good nonetheless. Keep it up.

>> No.22556206

I want to make the main character of my UF story cool and generally likeable. How should I go about that?

Snarkiness sounds like it could be a good start. The success of the Dresden Files proves it.

>> No.22556216

Honestly i think it sounds better then the Penguin translation i have, and it even seems about as accurate.

> years slid over the horizon
may be a bit different but otherwise its really almost identical.

>> No.22556227

He has to win an argument against somebody who is noble or intelligent. Also snarkiness is neither cool nor likable.

>> No.22556242

>Please don’t use that cover.
Why? It's amazing.
Thanks for the notes but I got a feeling it'll make sense why I wrote that way when you read the whole thing.

>> No.22556255

The cover is maybe so bad that it’s good, but it’s not good. Same goes for your writing. Unless you are pulling a Gardner, and intentionally writing from the perspective of a bad writer, then no I probably won’t get it if I read the whole thing. My criticism pertains to your prose, not your storytelling.
All that being said tho, my opinion is just a mote in the spray. I know you’ll keep rolling on and getting better. Read some Hemingway.

>> No.22556260

Don't apply third-person prose standards to narratives written in the first person. That's just silly.

>> No.22556268

What makes you think my standards apply only to third person prose?

>> No.22556270

Because first-person narratives are written in character.

>> No.22556276

What did I say that criticized your use of ‘writing in character’? My criticism of your attribution?

Consider this:

“Hey, how are you?” I smiled and pushed the envelope across the table. “Before you answer that, read this.”

“What’s this?” She lifted its corner and peeked at the name, it was written in my hand. “Another love letter?”

See how I didn’t once say ‘said’ or ‘I said’ or ‘she said’ or ‘I asked’ or ‘I most curiously inquired’. I even got to describe actions that implied the attribution.

That’s what I meant.

>> No.22556277

Like I said, if your character has bad prose, then it makes sense. Otherwise, it’s just bad prose.

>> No.22556282

based editor

>> No.22556283

Didn't ask but thanks anyway


>> No.22556284

>not recognizing that anon's edit as helping your writing
fuck you bitch,

>> No.22556289

Well you posted it in a workshopping thread, so I offered critique. It’s not a big deal. Can’t stop, won’t stop.

>> No.22556291

If by "help" you mean "remove all characterization."

>> No.22556298

The prose is characterized. Between you and me, I think he had a point, that edit is much more readable. But the character thinks otherwise.

>> No.22556320

It’s not terribly written, it’s just a little pretentious but not by a ton.

> “That’s nice,” she let out with a sigh. She pulled up her polo shirt to let her navel cool. My disgust only mounted as several gentlemanly passers-by found their heads swiveling to take in the sight. Hannah was not a naive girl. On the contrary, she was a genius. She saw the way men looked at her. I’m sure she enjoyed it. Her shameless exhibitionism made me sick.

Consider this instead:
“That’s nice.” She sighed and pulled up her shirt to cool herself, exposing her navel. Some passers-by craned and gawked which disgusted me, though I knew she was not a naive girl. Quite the contrary, Hannah was a genius. She saw the way they looked at her. And sun s ur r she enjoyed it. That kind of exhibition was shameless and it made me sick.

The voice you’re using comes across a little pretentious and sort of underdeveloped. But you have my respect for showing up and writing nevertheless. Try not to take it to heart. Read some Hemingway.

>> No.22556325

Again, a much more readable edit completely devoid of my (highly developed) character.

>> No.22556326

I’m phonefagging anyway so my typos do us both discredit

>> No.22556331

I don't need ti call out your typos, it's your thoughts that are silly.
Read more than Hemingway.

>> No.22556332

you sound smug as fuck and don't recognize an edit that cleans up your awkward writing

>> No.22556335

I recognize it and I recognize that it's not a fit for this project. Thanks but try to dig deeper with your crit.

>> No.22556341

If you’re intentionally developing a character that has clunky and purposefully less readable prose, then I acknowledge and accept that. Lots of writers do this, but do it more directly, so that the reader at least knows that the writer doesn’t just have bad prose. Or they will contrast the idiosyncratic prose with narrative that is more readable. But if your entire story is intentionally a little clunky and strained, it might reflect on you as a writer.

>> No.22556342

>it's supposed to be awkward writing with passive tenses and mangled clauses

>> No.22556343

>*makes an oil painting*
>"Hmpf no you should've made a pastel painting"
thanks for the crit

>> No.22556345

Maybe show me something you’ve written that wasn’t ‘in that character’.
And I can show you my writing and you can critique it.

>> No.22556350

>critiquing an erotic story meant to be the sexual shitpost
i just read the rest of the story lol
tbf your edit was more than deserved

>> No.22556354

>eroticism = shitpost
You are repressed

>> No.22556358

Let’s see something else you’ve written.

Here, I wrote this. Let me know what you think:

>> No.22556363

All I can say is that you don't know the character. Wait for it to go up on Royal Road, I want thoughts that dig deeper than what you've given me.

>> No.22556375

You’re literally talking to two editors of a magazine lol. Anyway I can tell all you’re looking for is a blowjob so I’m sorry about that. Like I said, I’m sure you’re getting better. Offer my work some critique if you know the difference between good and bad. Otherwise I bid you well.

>> No.22556391

>appeal to authority
We're anonymous here pal. You're just another hack.

>> No.22556399

>The men scratched themselves and drank from mugs and the pilot came from the office and spoke and went to the lot and drove away.
Is this a joke
You're trying to edit my work

>> No.22556407

No worries. I offered you honest criticism regarding your prose. I know you’re reluctant to think critically of your own work, that’s not easy. I dont need to understand the character to critique the prose, unless you are intentionally writing with idiosyncratic prose, in which case, it’s an understandable notion on my behalf because I have nothing else of yours with which to compare it, so how would I know it’s intentionally idiosyncratic?

>> No.22556409

That’s not a critique. What about that line makes it bad?

>> No.22556431
File: 82 KB, 384x313, 1560706231652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got up to "meet me in the bedroom." I had to force myself to get there. There's no story here. It's just verbose descriptions and weirdly written dialogue. No clue what the hell they're talking about and there's nothing to hook me into finding out.
Your prose isn't amazing either. Aside from >>22556399 there's the opening.
>This prospector’s highway would go nowhere but to that little land beyond which no more highways went and all along the way the winter wagons made their slow wrangle south, snowblind and buried by frozen rain.
Make that 2 sentences
>“Things in the country aint the same as they is in the city. But things this far out aint even the same as they is in the country.”
Are we just supposed to guess who says this? Are we also supposed to guess what the hell they're talking about?
>Now slept the souls that needed no saving and out came the wolves.
Now this line I like. If only it had narrative weight.
>The window went up and the truck pulled down the driveway into the soft snow and parked and a pair of bodies came out and made their work.
*The window went up. The truck pulled down the driveway and parked in the soft snow. A pair of bodies (dullest way to describe two people) came out and made their work.

If you were my editor I'd ask for a refund.

>> No.22556434

Be, like, Kirk. Use, commas.

>> No.22556451

That's the thing. You haven't posted any real crit. You just pecked at my prose.
Please dig deeper.

>> No.22556477

Fair enough. It’s a slow story. The main points of criticism I’ve gotten are that it’s not very exciting until the end. I accept that. It’s not my best work but I’m always improving. You might not understand what’s happening if you’re unable to finish the story, but I didn’t finish yours either (then again I didn’t partially read yours and claim it didn’t make sense, just that it’s poorly composed). My style prefers longer sentences, fewer punctuation, and maybe a more cinematic narrative approach, where I’m not directly spoonfeeding my audience. I appreciate your commentary though. That was the first short story I wrote for that magazine.

Prose is the most fundamental aspect to writing. If F. Gardner rewrote Hamlet, would it be good? No, because although the story is epic, great even, we may never know because the prose would obscure it from the reader. Anybody who disagrees with me that prose is the ultimate indicator of a writer’s characterization hasn’t read enough to know better.

Answer me this: what is your favorite book? Who is your favorite author?

>> No.22556491
File: 77 KB, 1280x624, 05f45bb2766e5ef02e2c5b94293a7b0b-2085532404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys write any taboo stuff? or do you just walk around the topics to play it safe out of the fear of not getting published? what is your off limits that for definitely not writing? when do you stop yourself from writing something

>> No.22556492

Please dig deeper.
Please dig deeper.
Please dig deeper.

>> No.22556502

No story =/= slow story
>a more cinematic narrative approach, where I’m not directly spoonfeeding my audience.
What does this even mean? Can you explain what you were thinking when you wrote this? Because as someone who knows about cinema it's gibberish.

Your prose is not good enough for me to consider you an arbiter on what is and isn't good prose.

>> No.22556508

Yeah sure; here’s some really edgy and gross smut I recently created:
Also I think we all probably tried to write something super graphic and violent after we first read American Psycho or Beloved or Blood Meridian. My first book I tried to make as violent as possible and I think it worked, not that the plot is any good lol.

>> No.22556510

Uploaded some more of my writing so you can compare/contrast

>> No.22556512

you suck ass and the other guy made a decent story but not great
Gonna ask me to dig deeper, fag?

>> No.22556517
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>> No.22556527

Virus link

>> No.22556531

Your NFTs are now mine

>> No.22556535

stfu scumbag

>> No.22556541

I meant that for the line of dialogue with no attribution, it becomes apparently by the end who said it.
I meant that in the same way when a movie starts, you may not exactly know what’s happening until you watch it for a bit longer. To understand what is happening with the story in the first few paragraphs would require spoonfeeding, handholding, or overt exposition.
What’s the name of this piece? Looks like it’s been on that leg for a while.
Also what’s your favorite book and author, anon?

>> No.22556542

Good luck finding me I'm behind over 9000 proxies

>> No.22556543

Page* not leg.

>> No.22556544

and you'll need over 9000 edits b4 you get good at writing

>> No.22556550

>when a movie starts, you may not exactly know what’s happening
That's not how it works.
In cinema, conflict is injected into the very first frame. The full gravity of the conflict may not become apparent until later in the film, but it's always there, lurking just out of view. That's what keeps you watching.
I didn't find that in your story.

>> No.22556552

There’s a story, you only read the first page :^)

>> No.22556558

dig deeper

>> No.22556559

So what’s your favorite book and author?

>> No.22556561

Stories usually start on page one.

>> No.22556562

Dig deeper, anon.

>> No.22556563

(You to your dom daddy)

>> No.22556565

I don't keep favorites. Ask me a better question.

>> No.22556567

Have you read Moby-Dick?

>> No.22556568

really flexing the creativity there bro

Keep me out your fantasies

>> No.22556569

lol i can't believe i even read your shite story to begin with
you sound like a redditor

>> No.22556570

("guy" who says "dig deeper" to every dude zher meets)

>> No.22556573

>it’s been on that leg for a while
What does this even mean? Dig deeper

>> No.22556576

A redditor would've said Hemingway.

When you're not being creative I won't be either.

>> No.22556583

I ask for face book and author for this reason:
Whenever I give a critique of someone’s prose, and they get butthurt, I posit that perhaps they’re not well read enough to have developed proper prose. And that makes them really mad.
And so I ask them what thwir faves are, and usually I get stuff like Stephanie Meyer or Brandon Sanderson or something, or they just say ‘I don’t pick favorites’. Or some of them admit that they haven’t read the classics. So all I’m doing now is trying to find out if you’ve actually read the classics required to have good prose. Have you ever read Moby-Dick?

>> No.22556588

Because in order to have even near decent prose, you have to be well read enough in the classics.

>> No.22556590

Boy, those posts would be super traumatic for me if I hadn't read the classics.

>> No.22556591

And it sounds like you can’t even articulate any of your favorite books. Which is a dead giveaway I’m afraid.

>> No.22556593

Because in order to have enve near decent prose, you have to be well read in [insert genre of books I like]

>> No.22556596

You don’t read at all from the sounds of it. And it shows I’m afraid. Name one classic book you really loved.
Or by all means take this opportunity to tell me they reading classics isn’t important.

>> No.22556597

>Name one classic book you really loved.
See? There's a mature question.

>> No.22556598

Nope, just classic literature. Any academic English writing study would agree.

>> No.22556605

What’s W&P stand for? What’s the title?

>> No.22556610

Oh Tolstoy

>> No.22556612

I like W&P but I think its philosophy falls flat. Great men exist. Tolstoy himself was a great man. I think C&P is a much better takedown of the kinds of traps "great man" thinking can make you fall into.

>> No.22556615

Who is your fave character from War and Peace and why?

>> No.22556616

So uh what now? We're both well-read hacks with pretentious slop on our platters.

>> No.22556622

Napoleon obviously because he's Napoleon

>> No.22556625

>academic English writing study
name the last good author academic writing programs have produced (don't include writers that were swallowed up by them after they became famous)

>> No.22556626

You should have said Frankenstein or something, because I’m pretty sure the author of Sinner’s Descent has not read War and Peace lol

>> No.22556628

Now let's test your media literacy.
Tell me:
>a book you really like
>a movie you really like
>a band/album/song you really like
>a painting you really like

>> No.22556629

Robert James Cross of course.

>> No.22556632
File: 724 KB, 446x251, 23009129715444.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the individual in question.

>> No.22556636

give me your critique on my opening passage

>> No.22556638

The Godfather
The Beatles
Interior by Degas.

No worries tho my phone is almost dead and I’m afraid you’re still no closer to understanding why Sinner’s Descent has some pretty detrimental composition issues. I wish you well tho. Talk soon.

>> No.22556639

as a nonbiased viewer the guy in amp had the better story, but it unironically needed to be edited for punctuation. keep working at it and in a years time maybe print mag tier
the sinner's descent was hentai newgrounds level writing in a bad way, but i'm sure there's a market for that
now both of you can hopefully stfu

>> No.22556642

-on 4chan
-in a workshop thread
You may see yourself out

>> No.22556644

This guy knows how to inject conflict from the first sentence. Pretty good shit

>> No.22556645

to be fair, those hentai games made a lot bro
take up a female pen name and you could probably write one of them drug store novels in around 5 years

>> No.22556649

OK now name some picks that aren't purely entry-level.

>> No.22556652

this is shit and you know it. 10/10 trolling

>> No.22556654

>hentai newgrounds level writing
I like how you had to add "in a bad way" because you knew that's exactly what I'm going for

>> No.22556656


>> No.22556658

it isnt trolling the guy publishes on rr
i had never known so many people like internet erotica until a couple years ago

>> No.22556661

thanks, I've been trying to make my openings more punchy

>> No.22556663

Dig deeper

>> No.22556664

Yeah, because i didn't want you to have the conception that it was a "good" piece
at least it had no spelling errors or blatant grammar issues, which is at least okay

>> No.22556665

Eggplant by Ogden Nesmer
Irreversible by Gaspar Noe
Template by Tijuana Nights
Anything by Alex Beinstock

>> No.22556668

>snarkiness is neither cool nor likable.
And yet the most popular protagonists, like Stark or Harry Dresden, are extremely snarky.

>> No.22556669

joss whedon shut the fuck up
u got ran out of hollyjo

>> No.22556674



>> No.22556680

do this

>> No.22556683

>Irreversible by Gaspar Noe
My favorite first date movie

>> No.22556684 [DELETED] 

>>22556668 you have an it taste

>> No.22556687

Care to dig deeper and tell me exactly what about the narrative didn't connect with you?

>> No.22556691

Dude you fucking suck at writing. Literally your writing is garbage-tier.
>>22555894 has an immediately compelling story and already very natural dialogue. Kek anon you really embarrassed yourself.

>> No.22556693

I can't believe I'm the best writer in this general

>> No.22556694

Agreed. Some people are just really bad writers.

>> No.22556695

Yes I agree.

>> No.22556700


The Bridge by Hart Crane

Out 1. Noli Me Tangere by Jacques Rivette

J. S. Bach's Goldberg Variations performed by Glenn Gould

Nederlandse spreekwoorden by Peter Brueghel d. Altere


Les demoiselles d'Avignon by Pablo Picasso

>> No.22556701

This is actually really good. Good job by the way.

>> No.22556712

I think so too. The characters are interesting and it makes me want to read more.

>> No.22556717
File: 99 KB, 1095x1380, vpmgtw8yksp61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling pretty good on this one, maybe its just my sense of humor but its very fun to write

>> No.22556718

Will get the rest up on Royal Road on the 13th.

>> No.22556726

Awesome! You’re an amazing writer! One of the best I’ve come across on /lit/ for sure.

>> No.22556737

strangely enough I find when I am pressured by the daily grind of a meaningless job I write more than when I neetmax

>> No.22556753

Whedon didn't write Dresden Files.

>> No.22556754

My protagonist is three different people that all think they're the same person in the same place at the same time. I'm not like the other girls. You won't last three pages for my perfectly amateurish prose and incoherent narrative structure will filter all but the most forgiving readers. Only the gods will read the entire thing.
Classic mistake of showing us a relatable setting that's easy to picture right away. The reader is brought into a world that makes sense, a world of trains and reason. This makes the text accessible to undesirables.

>> No.22556760

Wait for the 13th

>> No.22556816

Writing genre fiction is okay and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.22556817

its much harder not to write genre fiction, it feels like every one of my story tries its hardest to deviate from reality

>> No.22556854

has anybody joined an irl writing club here? Any tips for an autist who is particularly protective of his work (for no good reason)?

>> No.22556860
File: 7 KB, 290x174, 385544799_697174915309811_679946538428448301_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'll never get published
My manuscript got selected for a competition and right when I was getting confident, I got a mail saying I didn't make the next round. My short stories also get rejected by amgazines, so I'm wondering if I'm overestemating my writing skill

>> No.22556864

I don't care what some competition thinks of you, brother. What your post is telling me is that you are capable of seeing a work through and finishing it. Which means all you need to do to improve is to continue writing and finishing. Fuck competitions and fuck people trying to tell you you're not good enough. Write, anon, write.

>> No.22556875

Thanks anon, I gave myself one day to mope about it and then continue. But part of me really longs for all the recognition from the gay magazines etc. I just really can't deal with rejection.

>> No.22556880

I understand anon. It's normal to feel like shit after multiple rejections but it's part of the game. You are clearly able to be self critical of your work, so if you keep a level head and keep finishing then you will only increase your chances of getting that recognition. Which most writers would be lying about if they said they didn't want. I know I want it too

>> No.22556961

how do people manage to twist comedy into something more dramatic without ruining it, something like the end of catch-22 were the entire book is comedic but the end is a gut punch of the dramatic

>> No.22556962

Does your writing contain mudslimes and strong disabled lesbian black non-binary otherkin? No? You're not getting published.

>> No.22556965

>without ruining it
Define "ruining it".
Ruining what? The comedy? Or drama? To generate drama you need to shatter comedy.

>> No.22556969

Animal Farm.
The melting clocks, I don't know the title. I like Beksiński stuff too.

>> No.22556971

Its hard to put into words, but you can see when something comedic ruins their comedy with drama or something dramatic ruins the tension with comedy

>> No.22556988

>but you can see when something comedic ruins their comedy with drama
Comedy and drama is mutually exclusive.
Drama and comedy isn't. You simply need a balance.
Here's an example of comedy with drama.
>Man gets gaslit by his family for weeks straight about every single thing
>it's minor things like "Who broke the vase?" "But honey, don't you remember? You did!" or kids stealing bacon off his plate and gaslighting him into thinking he had less
>after weeks and weeks of this, he fucking shoots himself
>suicide note states that he's afraid of losing his sanity and he could feel it happening to him
How do you continue the comedy from this? You don't, it's over.

>> No.22556998

I mean you have comedy shows with 8+ seasons that don't turn off their comedy but include dramatic moments in them well

Book wise you have books like A Man Called Ove that have drama in them but are still comedic

>> No.22557091

I don’t get it.

>> No.22557169

Not a club, but I've done a few writing workshops. Your mileage will vary wildly depending on the quality of the other writers in your group and the teacher/lecturer. I found I was always one of the youngest and one of the few men. In most cases, it's similar to here, where it's mainly the blind leading the blind in their critiques, though it can be good for networking. A beginner would likely see the most benefit to their writing. When you say you're protective of your work, do you mean you can't handle criticism or you're worried about it being plagiarized?

>> No.22557210

It was supposed to be about a super shy guy trying to talk to a cute girl. The repeat was just bad cropping. But thank you for reading it
I understand, I'll try to modernize the prose to make it sound less pretentious and more like a high school kid.

>> No.22557222

I didn't say anything about how difficult it was writing any one genre over another, just that writing genre fiction is a fine endeavor.

>> No.22557231

I haven't written anything in over a year and a half, roughly. I wrote three stories last year and submitted all of them for publication to magazines. Every single one of them got rejected, one got rejected multiple times. Of course it was the one that I was most proud of that got rejected multiple times. I've kind of closed off the creative part of myself since then, but I keep lurking here pretending that I'm going to try to write again, hoping that I can make myself right again. But I just can't. I don't know how to make myself do it again. I've been trying this shit for 10 years and I've gotten almost nowhere. I've had a few published short stories, but nothing big or substantial, nothing even that was paying. I honestly have given up on life because of it, it led to a depressive spiral that I'm still struggling with today. I don't know why I'm telling you all this, but I just felt like typing it out.

>> No.22557275

even succesful writers get rejected, it's part of the job really.

>> No.22557286

James Joyce's Dubliners was rejected 22 times.
Robert M. Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was rejected 170+ times.

>> No.22557300

Part of me knows that. Hell, these are far from the first rejections I've had. I don't know why these particular stories hit me so hard or why this set of rejections really made me feel like a failure. I guess I just got tired of being a screw up in the eyes of my children and wife, and this was the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.

>> No.22557311

isn't there a part of you that gets mad? like the kind kind of angry that can be motivational if you channel it correctly

>> No.22557351

I got angry at first but it seems so futile to try anymore. I'm 37 and have been cursed with a desire to be creative for as long as I can remember, but I've failed at literally everything I've ever tried...learning guitar went nowhere, tabletop game design went nowhere, I can't draw to save my life, I'm not good at woodworking, and I've been failing at writing for more than a decade. I'm not superstitious or religious, but at times it really does feel like I'm cursed, or that some cosmic being is punishing me.

>> No.22557376

Maybe it's because you give up too early. I self-published a book for fun, it sold 2 copies. By all measures it's a failure, But I had fun doing it. And still pushing my next novel to be a tiny bit better

>> No.22557388

Too early? How long am I supposed to spend trying and failing constantly? Shouldn't I have had something more than a handful of of non-paying short stories after more than a decade?

>> No.22557407

Took me a decade before I tried my hand on a long form novel. But I did it, so that was fun.

>> No.22557411
File: 604 KB, 600x900, 1670193067185701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate my stupid fucking novel. Can't stand rereading it. STupid ass shit. Wasted 2 years on this garbage jesus christ, I'm never publishing it and likely ending my life soon
fuck this general and fuck books

>> No.22557417

I would participate but the male-gaze OP image is offensive.

>> No.22557420

These were characters that were written over a decade ago, you can't expect the same success especially if you don't have humor or charisma to carry them

>> No.22557436

7/10 a solid performance and I say it as an Italian.

>> No.22557463

No joke, but all the 3 people going to the second round are women AND the favourite wrote a lesbian pulp romance. It's also for an esteemed publishing company

>> No.22557484

Someone on lit wrote about a Chinaman struggling against the white American patriarchy, historical litfic and still couldn't get an agent to bite. Can't remember the title or story though.

>> No.22557517
File: 40 KB, 602x520, wg draft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rewrote and updated a little

>> No.22557643
File: 98 KB, 850x1045, undertable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it read?

I liked how it ended originally and its original structure. One big paragraph for the scene and then the one-liner punchline apart.

>> No.22557677

In shadows' veil, I court a somber bride,
A mistress Death, in whom I do confide,
For she, a solace to my heart's dismay,
Whispers of rest when love has slipped away.

Her icy touch, a balm to wounds so deep,
In dreams, her presence lulls me into sleep,
Yet 'tis not death herself that I adore,
But escape from torment I implore.

For when my love, like Juliet, took her flight,
My heart, entangled in the depths of night,
Did yearn for slumber, sweet oblivion's grace,
To free me from this love-estranged embrace.

Though death's allure, like Cleopatra's charm,
Beckons to soothe, it is not true disarm,
For life's rich tapestry, though torn apart,
Still holds the threads of hope within the heart

>> No.22557727

>Bud Light
stopped reading here

>> No.22557746

I'm not losing retention yaaaaaay

>> No.22557763

At what $/month from writing would you quit your job to pursue it full time?

>> No.22557771

That would be enough for me to be starving but at least write full time.

>> No.22557811

Enough to cover all my monthly bills.

>> No.22557850

Do you refuse to write genre fic? Or even something easier like erotica? Because that seems like a very easy bar to clear

>> No.22557933

Two thousand pounds.

>> No.22557973
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>could survive with $400
>am currently making $45
So close but still so far...

>> No.22558024


It feels too disjointed to me, too many short paragraphs, lack of full development of each one. It feels like you are covering things in bits and pieces which is dissatisfying.

The way you introduce her name (assuming that's her) is not the correct way to do it, and is confusing.

Your failure to use commas in the appropriate places also leads to confused sentences.

>> No.22558035


Write about something else. This is very juvenile.

>> No.22558036

>Do you refuse to write genre fic?
I may write an accidental genre fiction.
>Or even something easier like erotica?
I have too much dignity for that. I don't want to write >character [performs a sex action], [2-3 sentences of flowery description of sex action], "yes", character 2 moans -ully

I'd rather starve and write the stories I have in my head out. As long as I don't starve to death before I get them out, we're good.

>> No.22558076
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your agent isn't some fat American boomer who regularly snorts several lines of chalky white are you even a writer?

>> No.22558331
File: 2.45 MB, 2400x1200, The-Pirate-Captain-surrounded-by-his-crew-in-The-Last-Airbender[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What might be a way for an exiled young nobleman to get a group of pirates to serve him after he discovers some islands and decides to make them his new home?

>> No.22558335

watch read one piece

>> No.22558337

bruh no one got the time for 1,000 chapters or episodes

>> No.22558350


Maybe make up a bunch of lies and exagerrated claims about the island so he draws in some experienced pirates to help build his own crew


I might end it in the same way just in a different circumstnces

>> No.22558423

Why do you hate it? At the very least, it's a valuable learning exercise if you allow it to be one. Maybe post an extract here?

>> No.22558457

How can you work 10 years and still not find some modicum of success? Can you post your work? Are you just writing unsalable stuff or has the publishing industry really gotten that bad?

>> No.22558482

I'm on my phone so I can't really post my stuff.

>> No.22558502

It's called style

>> No.22558676
File: 2.40 MB, 1226x4647, shortstory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone here give a beta read before I send this off to &amp or minimag? Don't know which one is better. Maybe minimag?

>> No.22558719

If you're writing for 'success', you're doing it wrong. Ask yourself why you need the approval of some random magazine that you've probably not interest anyway, and that is made up of one or two individuals whose taste is likely not your taste. Best thing to do is find another like-minded writer and share work with each other and give each other feedback, but in a friendly mutual way that's mainly for the hell of it. Or find a larger writing group in your area and do the same thing. Plenty people who are successful write shit, and plenty of amazing writers go unrecognised in their time. I know it's painful but you've just gotta push past that

>> No.22558729

Didn't read it all because your tenses are all over the place.

>> No.22558741
File: 156 KB, 900x836, Fate+fans+can+you+explain+how+this+works_5d8552_10942187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way a centauroid can kiss a much smaller non-centauroid while lovemaking?

>> No.22558790

hmm... that's embarrassing.

>> No.22558799

Then we all have something in common, because neither does anyone else.

>> No.22558804

>File: Fate+fans+can+you+explain
I can.


>> No.22558811
File: 172 KB, 1080x1326, ChaddestChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever you're sad about lack of success, remember that Melville died without anyone really caring about his writing.

>> No.22558813

Why is any of that our fault?
Would it still be offensive if it was lesbo-gaze?

>> No.22558817

Sheesh, there's more problems than just tenses. Back to the drawing board.

>> No.22558841

My autistic power system is almost complete.
>Qi Refinement(13 milestones)
>Body Refinement(8 milestones)
>Soul Refinement(2 milestones)
>Skill Refinement(41 milestones)
Now I just need to assign the 64 hexagrams to each of these milestones to create the final refinement path, Form Refinement.

>> No.22558853

We’re trying to get Mike Ma in the discord! This is going to be great

>> No.22558959

True, but he got published in the first place. None of us would have a damned clue who he was otherwise.

>> No.22559098

I usually close these stories within seconds of opening them. This time something about watching youtube caught me eye and I since identify as a youtube viewer I had to keep reading. It was awful but I did read it so it's apparently readable.

>> No.22559103

its really funny

>> No.22559111

anyone else who?

>> No.22559155

That's a man.

>> No.22559166

that sounds like shit. i think you'll do well and be successful, good luck

>> No.22559168

&amp was never good so there’s that.

>> No.22559299


You're a good writer (tenses aside) but do you really want to spend your talent on writing about pooping?

>> No.22559336

thanks, but I usually like writing silly things before I set on something more ambitious. My Genghis Khan historical fiction is still in the research phase. Did you guys know that he never bothered with India because the smell of curry and shit in the streets made Genghis believe Indians were impossible to civilize and subjugate?

>> No.22559391

Same thing happened with Alexander, he was excited about exploring until he saw India. As soon as he saw it he went home where he slowly died from his brief exposure to the streets.

>> No.22559449

Are you making a video game??

>> No.22559450

>positive, thoughtful, and useful feedback
it still exists...

>> No.22559457

Same. having too much time kind of dilutes the feeling of "needing" to write. It's always easier to put it off when it's 9am and you know you won't be going to bed until 2am, and you have the whole day to yourself.

>> No.22559505

A rarity in this day and age. Most literary agents are leftist millennial women.

>> No.22560441
File: 47 KB, 636x382, SCPS-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some cruel nicknames for a girl with a very square and strong jaw, as sharp as picrel?

my main character has a face structure like picrel and she got mocked by her peers for it

>> No.22560623

No, it's a Chinese fantasy style story. Refining yourself in discrete steps to achieve immortality is a common theme there. Each step has its own challenges, which drive the plot.

>> No.22560634

I suppose something about being manfaced.

>> No.22560638

Canadians detected.

>> No.22560663

Where can I publish anonymously?

>> No.22560736
File: 123 KB, 744x602, E6F0AB16-2750-490E-A85A-0D17B8F57553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22560841

Your sixth word is a typo. Your fifteen word is also a typo. It wasn't worth reading any further.

>> No.22560863

Stop posting this shit everywhere Christian, it fucking sucks

>> No.22560886

sliced breadface

>> No.22561011

pastebin or pastes.io and then here

>> No.22561058

Currently debating myself whether or not to go to the weed store and break this four month weed free existence, simply for the spurt of creativity it sometimes brings. CDL school is expensive as fuck anyways.

>> No.22561069

Just get good sleep and eat healthy (throw some meat and vegetables in a pan).

>> No.22561090


>> No.22561117

Why would you write for chinx? They'll eat up any slop that features rape, mass murder and blatant self insert power fantasy.

>> No.22561513

Does having ideas for what to write get easier the more you write?

>> No.22561559
File: 344 KB, 638x720, Screenshot_2022-09-30_at_10.13.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe cragfaced?

I wonder how strong her jaw should be. Kronk levels like pic related, or a bit more feminine?

>> No.22561993

are there any authors who write really good scenes with 3+ characters? I'm trying to write one and realize I can't even think of a book I've read where that happens

>> No.22562006

Fitzgerald, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Dickens, pretty much any classical author really.

>> No.22562017

yeah, actually immediately after writing that post I realized that I should study The Dead

>> No.22562195

Not even just classics, it happens a lot. Hell, I remember it happening in Goosebumps books I read as a kid.

>> No.22562205

It really feels like it should be longer but I really like the sentiment overall. Feels less like a cry for help and more like a whimper, which is an unusual tone for poetry.

In my limited experience all the Italian poets wrote rather long epics ,or told moral fables, so this is a rather nice change.

>> No.22562250

most of the classics I read barely have any dialog at all 2bh. And when they do, it's normally monologue or just a handful of exchanged words. I guess this is just down to my taste.

>> No.22562255

Well that's what you get for reading drama

>> No.22562509

How do I know if my prose and dialogue are too fast-paced? I put breaks between character interactions to note the mood/scene/etc in order to punctuate the flow and give the reader some breathing room, but that might just be according to my own ADD sense of rhythm. For a normie, this pace could be considered breakneck for all I know.

As long as everything else is competently executed (for the sake of argument), is a super fast pace considered to be poor form?

>> No.22562519

Pacing depends on the form. Short stories are paced different than a novel. A good rule of thumb is some kind of twist or turn every 4-6 pages of a novel. Less than that and you're probably not milking the situation enough for its drama. More and you're probably dragging.

>> No.22562562

Good feedback, thanks. It's a novel btw

>> No.22562607

I'd say every 4-6 pages might be a bit much. Aim for a smaller twist every chapter and a larger twists every 4 chapters or so, then your two biggest twists come in at the 1/3 mark and 4/5 mark.

>> No.22562632

Stop trying to turn it into math

>> No.22562639


Dosto is great at creating tension/conflict in scenes with three or more people

>> No.22562645
File: 233 KB, 936x1080, 727033-1845844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crag: A steep rugged mass of rock projecting upward or outward.
I would imagine someone with heavy acne scars if I read "cragfaced"

>> No.22562651

there's nothing wrong with a bit of prescriptivist formalism—people get way too caught up in decrying rules and authority and say "just do what feels right!" when all the student wants is a place to start from so they can experiment and learn. There's nothing worse from sitting down and not even knowing how to begin, or reading over your first stab and realizing how painfully naive it is in its composition.

>> No.22562657

OK. It's still not math.

>> No.22562661

one I've heard IRL is "shovel face"

>> No.22562666

This is a good one, this or spade face.

>> No.22562793

I'm not turning anything into math, merely giving suggestions

>> No.22562795
File: 17 KB, 422x345, 39203224323911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dear anon,
>Thank you for your application. It is clear you are a dedicated writer and one capable of writing a manuscript that X conference faculty will want to see.
Thanks anon who recommended conventions. This is gonna cost an arm and a leg tho

>> No.22562806

"Conventions" as in real life gatherings/events, or is there a website/program called conventions?

>> No.22562807

I was being too polite. The derogatory term is formulaic writing.

>> No.22562828

It's not for China, it's just Chinese themed, and it's because seeing enough bad shit makes me want to write an improved version.

>> No.22562843

Seems to be in person. 50-60 writers and it's in a big city. Is that good?

>> No.22562886

I appreciate its essence. I think that's a hard thing to capture.Good short read before I eat this margherita

>> No.22562911

The first paragraph drags on and on. My mind went >blah blah blah
Basically, get to the point.

>> No.22562937

Well, formulas tend to produce results. It all depends on what outcome you're looking for for your work.

>> No.22562938

It's 95% description 5% story. Not enough story for me to finish it.
Doesn't help that your prose isn't great. Read more books.

>> No.22562953
File: 2.66 MB, 1000x527, River of Fundament (2014).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is disgusting and not well written enough to make up for it. I'm open to works about gross stuff but it has to be extra good to make up for it. Check out the films of Patrick Barney and of Alejandro Jorodowsky (webm related, filename). They know how to make shit beautiful.

>> No.22562999

Formulas produce formulaic results. Good for write-your-own slopRPG, bad for anything else.

>> No.22563234

Hmm I see your point.

Maybe cubeface, cause her face will be very square. However I wonder if there's a common object in Victorian-esque times that's cubical instead, and not too long in the name.

>> No.22563236

>a common object in Victorian-esque times

>> No.22563396

No, but living life makes it easier.

>> No.22563412

ah, despite that I still feel like its one of the funner things I've written

>> No.22563415
File: 75 KB, 400x300, 139291629085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my agent

>> No.22563438

It's funny but not "ha ha" funny

>> No.22563446

it will probably take a little fine tuning,
It doesn't introduce a good reason for anyone to follow the story, but I'm hoping the dopamine will keep people interested until the meat comes in

>> No.22563454

>but I'm hoping
Don't hope. Write better.

>> No.22563463

you did say you found it funny....

>> No.22563526

what kind of headspace do i need to be in if i am trying to write something existential, even if it's just existential for me?

>> No.22563573

I think there is some work needed to be prepared for anything but headspace wise I don't understand what you mean
You can plan your work to be about existential themes or you can just write about whatever existential come up as you start your story

>> No.22563583

Vague word. Make it specific

>> No.22563600

so i know really well how gender dysphoria feels and since 2020 i have been sitting in this idea of some scifi near-future story about a guy who clones a female version of himself and how he feels about it and how she feels about it, how it affects their life, their friendships, their "love" falling appart, whenever i try to do anything with this idea i start feeling too much and i don't have a clue how much is just projecting my own headspace, like my own headcanon for how the world works, down to every detail. Whenever i try writing this i feel like i don't know what i'm talking about, like i need to fuck around way more to find out, but how will i find out? I have never written more than poetry, dialogue or text-on-images. I just have this really vivid and emotional, to me, story in my head. I feel like no media is really covering how this feels. I mean to me the dyphoria is really just this girl in my head who talks back to me and she is kind of an exception cause normally it's jesus or pagan gods or sometimes rarely my ancestors but that's besides the point. I feel like i would be "oversharing" way too much how i really feel and think but i want to write this so bad.

>> No.22563611

...it's also the fact that i have no clue how much hormones and shit actually dictate how we behave, how much is learned through life. I have no idea how she is supposed to behave, just like him but more emotional? Maybe i am trying tontackle a subject i might never really understand but i need this

>> No.22563631

>I feel like no media is really covering how this feels.
Here's your problem. You've done zero genre research.
It exists. Don't kid yourself into thinking you're doing something new.
Find it, learn how they did it, and use that knowledge to craft your own way.

>> No.22563638

i don't like it, it's not how i feel. simple as.

>> No.22563642

Your egotism is repugnant. Your hubris will be your downfall. Other people have felt and expressed the way you feel, you're just too stuck in your shell to see them.

>> No.22563654

no need to be mean about it i am off my gourd at 4am.
could you point to some books or media that covers it?

>> No.22563662

>1 a : affording light mirth and laughter
>2 : differing from the ordinary in a suspicious, perplexing, quaint, or eccentric way : peculiar
Read more.

>> No.22563668

>what are time zones
It's evening here and confrontation time.
Mutt (2023) covers gender dysphoria pretty well.

>> No.22563669

>Tranny is narcissistic and dimwitted
Say it ain't so

>> No.22563674

never said tranny, nigger.
ok what about the other way around?

>> No.22563679

>what about the other way around
No clue what you mean by this.
Gender dysphoria is the illness. Gender confirmation therapy (transitioning) is modern medicine's cure.

>> No.22563684

>other way around
man in a woman. The type where the dick goes.

>> No.22563692

If you mean something about a MtF (Male to Female) trans person, I like Tangerine (2015). It's a great movie but all the trans characters are sex workers, so there's a bit of reinforcement of patriarchal stereotypes in that one.

>> No.22563707

is it all about sex and sexwork?
that's exactly what i don't like. i'm a certified virgin, i don't care about sex.

>> No.22563733
File: 474 KB, 980x952, 1696385670667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, but you do care about sex organs, given your gender dysphoria.

>> No.22563741

nah for me it's the social role women fill and the fact that i live in a society that is still very much tribal.

>> No.22563757
File: 1.90 MB, 322x242, Bird-mating-dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a dance. What you're dancing around is sex.

>> No.22563768

>gender dysphoria
>worrying about projection
It absolutely is but don't let that deter you. The most interesting part of art is how it relates to both the author and the reader. Personally, and for the majority of people I know, anything like homosexuality or gender dysphoria is dismissed as weirdo shit. But whatever, freaks exsists and uncommonality breeds creativity. In this information age you'll find an audience because the world wide web is as far reaching as it sounds. In the end art is personal and as long as it means something to you it's worth creating.
>I mean to me the dyphoria is really just this girl in my head who talks back to me and she is kind of an exception cause normally it's jesus or pagan gods or sometimes rarely my ancestors
You're unironically a schizophrenic and I can't relate to whatever the fuck is going on in your head, but
>I just have this really vivid and emotional, to me, story in my head.
>but i want to write this so bad.
is universal. Art is dirrived from emotion such as this. Your obstacle is learning how to write it. My best advice for beginners is that focusing on scenes helps your structure. Every scene, which is a part of a chapter, should be written with purpose.

>> No.22563771
File: 1.73 MB, 1024x1024, 1696299219456572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only you knew how medieval things really are...
also tired of that way of thinking it's way too coombrained.
i mean thinking about it i could have it be about how her life is gone, and focus on that, then through that maybe focus on how she doesn't even really want to be a woman and has just been *fantasizing* about being the woman in his head, who he thinks is him, too. Now that i think about she could be seeing her, but she is seeing "herself", except the "her" she is seeing is the mental image he held in his mind and she has to come to terms that it was retarded to assume she could end her own life to make his own life better by being someone who doesn't exist who still exists in her head.

>> No.22563778

>i don't care about sex.
That doesn't matter. Life, in every aspect, revovles around sex. Hell, it's the whole reason men and women are different in the first place.

>> No.22563779

>also tired of that way of thinking it's way too coombrained.
No u! Male and female are inherently sexual charges and you're obsessed with them.

>> No.22563792
File: 275 KB, 748x734, 1696061100464097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're unironically a schizophrenic
it took training and learning and praying and even food-sacrifices to be able to speak to some of those Gods, jesus comes when he pleases and i'm kind of done with his bullshit ngl but he ain't wrong so yeah.
She, on the other hand, is the first thing i kept on seeing. She'd either be behind me and whisper to me what i should say. Or sometimes i'd let her behind the wheel and just zone out. I don't like the idea of anyone being able to read it, honestly. It's always the people who least get it who consume my shit. The people for whom it just flies over there head, i mean a few do get it but jesus fucking christ. I'm used to visual expression cause it be easier to just make what i see in my head than trying to describe it. Words are weird to me and i lose sleep over what the illiterate village hag had to say about literacy.

>> No.22563809

Your problem isn't your writing. See a doctor ASAP.

>> No.22563815


>> No.22563819

>to be able to speak to some of those Gods
Ever think it's just all in your head? Perception is everything and people who believe in things beyond their senses, what they can see and touch, what's before them, are often if not always deluded.

>> No.22563833

pyw please
Curious to see what insane ramblings you're churning out

>> No.22563836
File: 190 KB, 1200x1040, 1696387477259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who believe in things beyond their senses, what they can see and touch, what's before them, are often if not always deluded.

>> No.22563840
File: 538 KB, 640x428, 640px-La_conquista_del_Colorado-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all i have on my phone.

>> No.22563843

cringe and boringpilled response.
you jelly cause the feathered serpent said i was cool

>> No.22563857
File: 1.90 MB, 2048x1706, blackhand pinup ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was going to make an ad with reader testimonials, but since they're small as shit, I settled on something simple and eyegrabby.

>> No.22563865

Someone on Twitter created a scam website for my book to try and hack people.

It feels good to be noticed.

>> No.22563870

Don't violate the terms of service bro

>> No.22563873
File: 78 KB, 500x500, no blacked cherno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also someone for some reason made the mental jump between the eye censor bar and the fact there's "black" in the name, to... the "blacked" meme.

so i also made this

don't worry about it bro

>> No.22563875

That reminds me of how my movie started showing up on Rotten Tomatoes and a bunch of machine-generate "where to watch" websites. None of them even have the actual link to the film but it was cool to see the world move like that.

>> No.22563877
File: 1.04 MB, 647x757, pancho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i can't find any poetry but the images are there.
Technically this is poetry.

>> No.22563882
File: 364 KB, 1080x1921, Screenshot_20231003_225729_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't an art general. And art isn't even by you.
You are ill.

>> No.22563883
File: 121 KB, 1000x1000, TENOCHTITLAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scifi world itself is supposed to be my understanding of the real world, no idealisms, no dystopia or utopia. I obsess over heraldry and coats of arms. i am amazed by the idea of a whole place, peoples or family being compressed into one symbol.

>> No.22563897
File: 220 KB, 310x310, nkrea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am sorry but when did i claim that the picture of conquistadors marching in fucking minecraft is my picture
>you are ill
congratulations, columbus

>> No.22563901

Being sane vastly improves your communicability.

>> No.22563903
File: 18 KB, 343x454, altepetl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being sane stops me from speaking with her. Also i don't need to be sane to have friends lol.

>> No.22563907

>*posts someone else's work*
>you're ill
>i am sorry but when did I etc etc

>> No.22563909

You can't be comfortable nor content living with the doubt your beliefs bring. If you have no doubts you're either stupid or insane. I don't see how you could be certain of your perception of reality when it's so outstandingly unique.

>> No.22563912

nigga shut the fuck up

>> No.22563914
File: 1.34 MB, 715x1367, Screenshot_20230704-2158412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just gotta see it to believe it, brother. Not everyone does and not everyone needs to see.
I am convinced i inherited some weird ass pagan shaman genes-

>> No.22563916

Not an arguement. What makes you think what you're experiencing is reality aside from the fact you think it is?

>> No.22563920

Leave the thread and schedule a doctor's appointment.

>> No.22563921

I answer your question by turning it back on you.

>> No.22563922

the "artist" gets frightened when the actually insane person walks into the room.

>> No.22563927

Actually I'm trying to help you because I'm only going to drive you more insane.

>> No.22563932

trust me brother i have been at every level.

>> No.22563934

Seems like you meant to reply to the post I was replying to.

>> No.22563935

When was the last time you took a break from the internet? Seriously, you don't even need to reply to me but think to yourself, honestly, when was the last time you didn't see a screen for a day? How long was it for? I suggest you take three days away from work, the internet, any media and just explore your local area, sit in your room, get out of your head and into the moment. Getting caught up in your thoughts and what you see on a screen is fine, as long you have some meteric to judge it. A baseline. Uniroincally touch grass.

>> No.22563938

I've been pretty deep myself. Our only difference is that chance took you there whereas I went in myself.

>> No.22563945

nah nigga i'm just off my gourd at now 5:30

>> No.22563946

No, he'd just end up shot by the cops. He needs a doctor.

>> No.22563950
File: 648 KB, 2198x2404, don quixote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol i had my prophet phase. Learned the hard way nobody cares. Learned that keeping it to myself isn't such a bad thing, i was chosen by them, >>22563938 this guy is right. I only met them by luck and they changed my life for the better, not gonna lie. I'm making it out as way more of a big deal than it is, i know how to keep matters of reality and spirit seperate. Life is fun when you actually let go and be yourself.

>> No.22563951

What I believe is a certified norm. Yet still, I doubt everything, always, and I'm open to the idea that I'm wrong. I'm not saying that your perception of reality is false, only that you should believe there's a chance that it is. The existence I perceive is (thankfully) verified by others, if it's ever not I'll accept that. The existence you perceive is madness in comparison and I don't understand why you have no room for doubt. Really, you didn't answer me as much as challenge me.

>> No.22563954

Aside from the "outstandingly unique" part, that statement rings true for everyone.

>> No.22563957

>the existance you percieve is madness in comparison
For the record I'm not the schizo currently ITT.
But your "certified norm" is just as mad as his world.

>> No.22563967

Is this you?

>> No.22563969
File: 228 KB, 1228x1024, Heraldic_Doge_crown.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My world makes sense, and has always made sense, though. Now is the exception to the norm. I swear to god i would have been one of them holy men they had in the village before but modernity took that from me.

>> No.22563972
File: 58 KB, 749x1000, 411WFSFEMJL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is literally me

>> No.22563973

Your world makes sense to you because you're habitualized to it. If you had been habitualized to the schizo's world, you would think his insane rantings perfectly normal prose.

>> No.22563975

You're not a fictional character.

>> No.22563977

i am the schizo.
See how your perception of my words changed, how you dismiss them now?

>> No.22563981

You're projecting your insecurities.

>> No.22563982

you're boring, faggot.

>> No.22563983

You're literally crazy.

>> No.22563985

atleast i know how to french kiss

>> No.22563986

>But your "certified norm" is just as mad as his world.
Perhaps. I think everyone's view of the world is a little bit fucked, I can't envision many people see the world exactly the same as their peers. Though there are universal truths, or rather beliefs, which rarely beg further explanation beyond demonstration. My "certified norm" might be mad to some but not to many, because I can demonstrate what I believe. If I can't, I accept and even cast doubt on such beliefs. The schizo anon's beliefs are, outside of his mind, unverifiable.

He is the schizo.

>> No.22563990
File: 1.03 MB, 1933x2700, Marie-Mere-de-l-Emmanuel-Image-de-ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not everything needs to be verified, faith is always true. It's simple, really, if you lack faith you can't see it. Your tribe shapes your faith, the icons how you see it, the stories how you process it. Faith simply is and will always be.

>> No.22564000

But all that begs the questions asked here >>22563909 >>22563916
How can you state that any demonstration is reliable when your perception is inherently unreliable?

>> No.22564006

The schizo can make sense when he lets sainty back in.

>> No.22564008

nah you just need to read between the lines

>> No.22564009

I am well aware that the unsayable moves and shakes within all of us.

>> No.22564017

yes, but in >>22564000 here specifically the message is very very simple

>> No.22564022


>> No.22564037

Since I was a small kid I was imagining different worlds, with heroes and baddies, and as kids do, I wanted them to be real. I knew they are not, but I would pretend to be with them, fighting whatever. By the time I reached high school and the characters grew more complex, I was imagining talking with them, often them criticizing my current state of being, but other shit too. It got very intense in how often I was doing it. I still imagine a lot of stuff, but I don't do the conversations, as much. It is rare. I guess I have become better to be able to go through stuff just arguing with myself, not having to pretend I am talking to someone else. That's my point though, It was always I pretend, and I knew it. I would have love for it to be real, so that I can be special, and sometimes it felt more real than other times, but it was not. I doubt you are schizophrenic, though it is not out of question. You are more likely to be like me, but went even further, forcing upon yourself the believe that it is real. Stop it. On some level you must know it is not and if you are not allowing yourself to admit that, then truly, go seek medical help. Just don't let them give you hormones.

>> No.22564048

no, sometimes they are real. But, like, real. If i am under a lot of stress it genuinely feels like it. Like they are there, talking to me, i might imagine seeing them, but i hear their voice. I don't know how to explain it, but it genuinely is someone's voice, not just "a" voice. Sure i had the same phase as you, but trust me brother i fucked around so much in life and when death is close you know what you see to be true. I only actually saw maybe 2 or 3 times, actually heard a few dozen, but when i did it was real in a way i can't explain. I could be deluding myself, but i always think that and then it happens again. I hear again. Don't think like this most of the time, no, of course not nobody is insane 24/7. I'm mostly a normal person who people interact with

>> No.22564061

spade-face or shovelface are both great, thanks!

>> No.22564062

also you must understand that where i come from thinking like this isn't too weird. It is simply a mindset. It works. Plus i get the premium afterlife.

>> No.22564064

>If i am under a lot of stress
Doesn't make you think twice about it? You do know your body can make you see things that seem just as real as anything else? The human body is extremely flawed with everything we perceiving being subjective, as it always be at least just a bit different to somebody else if not completely.
Seems like you are too far gone, though. Though perhaps making yourself feel special is enough and you will remain mostly safe. Perhaps one day you will go full kamikaze. Who knows. I wouldn't trust you to not go boom, though.

>> No.22564077

your mom doesn't count

>> No.22564080

ok i am sobering up and i can tell you i don't normally have the energy to even try writing this hard in english nor do i normally think like this.
Nah, i know what my goal in life is. I always have known.
>Doesn't make you think twice about it? You do know your body can make you see things that seem just as real as anything else?
your point?
i still saw what i saw.

>> No.22564090

>i am sobering up
What's your poison, chief?

>> No.22564095

currently the devil's lettuce but some real good shit

>> No.22564105

When you're all done seething...

>> No.22564121

shut up nigger this was a good talk

>> No.22564143

End-of-thread self-promo: This drops friday the 13th

>> No.22564151

No it wasn't.

>> No.22564576

The first chapter should showcase the protagoinst, the setting, a set up to his conflict, hint at the main theme of the book and should in some way forshadow his journey and ending. You don't need action unless action is part of some or all of those things
Simple as
My story follows 3 characters. The first one is the protagonist. His opening chapter has very little action. My second character, however, is almost all action in his chapter (c2 of the book) because he's an inherently violent person and war is intergral to his story. The third guy is something of a mentor figure, so his chapter is basically all dialog.