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22536244 No.22536244 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a 24 year old, and just spent the last 2 days reading this, this awoke something in me and I'm afraid.

>> No.22536264

The desire to learn French? Don’t worry, it’ll pass; it was Nabokov’s least important language regardless, he only wrote one little novella in the language.

>> No.22536269

there's no thought crime, just forget about it and move along you'll be fine, it's not like a werewolf ilness that turns you into an uncontrolable monster out of nowhere

>> No.22536314

Hebephilia is like that Roman empire meme except nobody will admit to thinking about it. I guarantee it's way more common than anyone thinks. It's only fucked up if you act on it.

>> No.22536325

I'm currently reading this and it is also awaking something in me (more french hatred)

>> No.22536336

What do you mean "Roman Empire meme"?
And yeah, it is surprisingly common. Even if the internet, especially Twitter, would tell you other wise. I've seen a lot of middle aged men flirt with teenagers and even date them.

>> No.22536368

>What do you mean "Roman Empire meme"?
There has been a new trend in tiktok of women asking their husbands/boyfriends if they ever think about the Roman Empire and the vast majority of them answering that they think about it multiple times a week, so it has become a "meme" that all men think about the Roman Empire almost daily while women don't think about it at all.

Anon is just saying that all men are hebephiles and women don't know it, and men will never admit it due to the social implications/women being creeped out by it.

>> No.22536602
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>> No.22536962

Watch the movie (latest adaptation) you will change your mind

>> No.22536976

You didn't get it
Don't worry a lot of people don't get it

>> No.22537492

I think I got it, probably most people misunderstand it as being a "fucked up" love story, at least that's what I had read as a common interpretation for years without reading spoilers or actually reading the book, but now that I read it in my opinion the point of the story is we are only getting Humbert's biased version of what happened, we are being wooed by Humbert into liking him, empathizing with him and all of it is thanks to Nabokov beautiful writing.
He uses two pedophiles, one who fits more of our expectations of what a pedophile is, Quilty, and the other is Humbert, this makes it so we are even more on Humbert's side wanting him to "succeed", "because at least Humbert is one of the good ones" when in reality that statement shouldn't make sense, but in Humbert's head it does as he actually cares for her, or at least that's what he says he does and that's what he makes you believe all throughout the book when that's a contradictory statement to all his actions, so Nabokov succeeds in making you sympathyze with the a pedo and even feel jealousy for him when Lolita is taken by the "evil pedo", that doesn't change that reading those lines made me feel a certain way and I cared for Humbert even if what he did was "wrong".

>> No.22538604

only thing H did wrong was to fall for that little skank instead of finding an innocent little girl to groom properly