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File: 50 KB, 797x192, eloquence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22528759 No.22528759 [Reply] [Original]

eloquence bros.....how do we respond

>> No.22528765

She’s a charlatan and the only “people” who take her seriously effeminate jewboys in NYC and mediocre white women who think they’re God’s gift to high art just because daddy paid for them to go to Vassar, Oberlin, or Smith

>> No.22528766

Naturalism fallacy.

>> No.22528773

i ain't no eloquence bro

>> No.22528799

is this "insight" typical of Sontags widely praised wit and intellect...?

>> No.22528802

Early life detected
Opinion rejected

>> No.22528805

Anglophones in the XIXc were way more eloquent and way less atomized, what tf is this broad talking about. You can't be eloquent now because of the negrofication of American culture (by extension, all of the American Empire)

>> No.22528820

Brain dead comment that describes a nihilist self-focused that can't think about contributing to others through refining your rhetoric or speech. How many great thinkers and speakers were from more homogenous climes than modern you and me? How many of them were much more interwoven into their communities than most modern people? And yet is there not a decline in eloquence, in rhetoric?

Imagine not living in a homestead or commune or with your extended family, like this sad example of someone who I don't believe ever could exhibit such intimacy, and not wanting to better yourself for your children and uncles and parents and beloved. I learn to articulate myself because as a man and father there is a need to instruct children clearly and competently. There is a need to learn how to speak in an interesting and entertaining way for any number of reasons, but this person cannot imagine it being a natural joy to be a raconteur, to tell a story so well and humorously that people ask for you to talk to them about a mundane event years later. My great uncle, who never went 40 miles from where he was born, nor did he ever go a day without a child on his knee or coffee with any number of those he loved, could tell a story about pulling a tree stump that was so entertaining that sometimes we feared that we were going to the well too often in winding him up, yet he always genially obliged.

What does this quote say about eloquence? Its a betrayal of the self, like someone who suspiciously talks about how incredible it is that there are men who can be friends without making it sexual. It shows a lack of love, a lack of understanding that speech is a tool that we can show that love, that speech and communication is a defining characteristic of humanity and it can bring us together and allow us greater acts of service and kindness and charity to those closest to us. What a sad world this person lives in, the world of false eloquence: see there deracination, look yes upon the double definitions of phrases in a repetition of no new nuance. Why is it that society looks towards people who fail as experts on the subject? I'd never hire an architect whose last five houses to build my home, I'd never ask someone who cannot sustain an intimate relationship to tell me about how to relate to others; such is the modern project.

>> No.22528822

Interesting that she describes eloquence as "thinking in words" or having an internal monologue. Did she not have one? Was she an NPC?

>> No.22528825

Fallacy fallacy

>> No.22528830

tsk tsk!

>> No.22528835

What's the context? This sounds like a self-hating (jewish probably) socialist talking about poors.

>> No.22528856

>People living in groups, families, communes, say little
Fucking retard, this is not even close to being true.

>> No.22528958

Where does she get the premise that people in groups say little? People are good at what they practice at, and people in antiquity had little to do but talk amongst each other. I would credit that for the superiority of pre-modern thinkers, so it's odd that she claims the opposite -- Oh who am I kidding? She just wants to boast about being an enlightened introvert online.

>> No.22529046

Her father died when she was young and her mom was by all accounts distant and cold. Seems she's just extrapolating from her unhappy upper middle class upbringing. Obviously resonates with a certain type of person

>> No.22529048

“It’s not natural to try so hard to be ‘natural’”
- Anon

>> No.22529056
File: 157 KB, 720x986, k4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's not natural for her. For others, it is natural to go beyond mere nature.

>> No.22529068

I mean she's not completely wrong, ornate speech stands opposite of the colloquial orc noise and is usually developed during introspective activities like reading and writing. Transient nature of conversational language makes embellishments pointless and often off-putting. She's wrong about muh community though, languages degenerate as more people use them, linguistic complexity cannot survive too many minds, it needs a tight collective will to maintain that complexity. That's why even buttfuck african tribalspeaks shared by 200 unga bungas have greater grammaical variety than english.

>> No.22529108

Fallacy fallacy fallacy

>> No.22529116

Facts. No cap she's bussin that talking smart is bad fr.

>> No.22529125

I don't think in words. I wouldn't say that it is a byproduct of those things, but it is definitely a separate thing from what she listed on the first part of it.

>> No.22529165

Most social interactions have a specific beat and tone that you can't deviate a lot from, you have to know the patterns that each situation calls for rather than being effortful in every single exchange. It's limited but I don't think it's limiting, just a completely separate competence from what makes someone a good writer or orator.

>> No.22529168

>it is not natural to speak well
It is not natural to speak at all. How many beasts of the earth or fowl of the air communicate in language? Language itself is artificial, thus, the artificiality of ornamented language cannot be contrary to the essence of language.

>> No.22529169

The one poster with a functioning brain ITT

>> No.22529186

Ofncourse she is not wrong, but saying "a highly polished intellectual skill is not natural" is not exactly a brilliant insight. Same goes for haute cuisine, baroque gardens, olympiad-level athletics etc etc.

>> No.22529248

If this was said by someone like Nietzsche or Klages you would be wanking your little willies to this, but instead you fume at this yenta

>> No.22529257

I don't know, I have somewhat mixed feelings about what she just said because of "rap battles" or whatever people call it. They are exactly thinking about words and there is hardly something more "eloquent" than speaking in rhymes, and yet people do it socially. It takes two for a battle to happen, I don't think she ever saw anything like that.

>> No.22529270

Speak for yourself. I already laugh enough at Nietzsche and Klagges as it is, if they had said something this dumb I would laugh all the more.

>> No.22529283
File: 345 KB, 1920x1080, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is over for Nietzschelets

>> No.22529295

Opposite. Solitude has turned me in to a inarticulate mass of barely humanoid sludge.

>> No.22529329

I think you didn't get what she meant. She is talking about the meeting another person, and then getting into eloquence. As if rhetoric would be something impossible to achieve if you are exposing your intent to your interlocutor. But even then, I don't know, I'm not sure of it.

>> No.22529346

No, this is a regarded Goodreads quote probably ripped from important context. Read “On Photography” if you want actually interesting hermeneutics/semiotics.

>> No.22529367

Speaking eloquently is very natural if you are well read. This is why the common man speaks like a nigger. It has nothing to do with solitude or individuality. It's just literary osmosis.

>> No.22529378

*snap* caught him

>> No.22529838
File: 65 KB, 900x598, kneeling-900x598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22530582

Its quite literally the opposite. More extroverted people are better at speaking. Writing might be different, but speaking in a fluid and effective fashion is something built up through experience.

>> No.22530626

No need for the picture. i can tell it was said by a woman just from the words

>> No.22530636

eloquence is pretty gay honestly

>> No.22530659

This must explain why men are better writer than women.

>> No.22530675

It is dumb faggot.

>> No.22530694

There's nothing "natural" about being well read.

>> No.22530722

>For others, it is natural to go beyond mere nature.
So based sister.

>> No.22530738

Has nothing to do with being "extroverted" pseud. Amazing how many people here are slaves to their logocentric notions.

>> No.22530742

>natural to go beyond beyond nature
Oh, wow, what a brilliant observation! It's truly mind-blowing how someone can claim to be "natural" while simultaneously trying to go beyond nature. I mean, isn't it just the epitome of logical inconsistency? It's like saying you want to swim on dry land or fly without wings. Clearly, some people have a knack for defying the laws of nature, or at least they think they do. But hey, who needs logical coherence when you can just throw around fancy words and sound profound, right? Bravo!

>> No.22530763

Where do I start with Sontag? I think I got filtered by Against interpretation. Boring.

>> No.22530803

No one cares, nigga

>> No.22530810

terminal cope

>> No.22530813

Endless repeatability fallacy

>> No.22530814

>think about the group! social context!
Its always the women that say this.

>> No.22530821

This isn't wrong but she's just saying it (ironically) in a rather obscurantist way.

When you're talking to someone in-person you're usually just doing normal things and talking about base subjects (how was work, what's for dinner, etc) and that doesn't require abstract eloquence the way written thought does.

>> No.22530831

>No one cares, nigga
Ah, such eloquence and sophistication in your choice of words! How refreshing. I must say, your intellectual prowess truly shines through in that well-thought-out response. It's simply awe-inspiring how you manage to contribute such meaningful and insightful comments to our conversation. Keep up the good work, my friend.

>> No.22530859
File: 24 KB, 236x476, evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it seems you failed to understand what I am saying, allow me to put it this way. Are skyscrapers natural? No? Then where do they come from? Someone built them, I suppose. But then wouldn't this mean that it is in the nature of some people to be able to build skyscrapers? Meaning, it is actually natural for - at least some - human beings to build skyscrapers? Meaning, skyscrapers are in a way also natural, despite not being a direct product of nature. This is why I specifically used the term "mere nature", since Sontag seems to be imposing a universal, passive standard of "natural" or "unnatural" on everything, when it is not actually so. Human beings have independent rational and spiritual faculties. This is what sets us apart from pigs, for example. It is natural for us to have these faculties, which are not a part of nature as such, but only of our own nature. It should also be noted that the level of presence or absence of these faculties also varies from person to person, according to the individual nature of the human being in question, because each human being is complex and amazing, precisely to the extent to which it is not merely natural in the generic and biologistic sense.

>> No.22530865

Hit the spoiler box next time you post this creepy cunt's ugly face. Christ.

>> No.22530872

It's been run through the smilifying face editor AI, anon. Thanks for letting me know of your repulsive character and allergy to fun, however. I could've done without it, but I appreciate your need to communicate with others.

>> No.22530876

What we actually say is just the tip of the iceberg of what we actually think and feel. Eloquence is just the bringing, to the level of consciousness, of this iceberg.

>> No.22530890

she didn't say it's bad because it's unnatural, she just stated thst it's unnatural which it is. but so is everything, you eat burgerd at McDonald's every day instead of hunting. it's unnatural but is it going to stop you? you're trapped in this unnatural machine and you have to survive somehow

>> No.22530904

>natural to go beyond nature
>let me put a stupid picture for an extra credibility
Oh, my apologies! How could I have missed the profound wisdom contained within your previous response? You've truly managed to unravel the mysteries of the universe with your skyscraper analogy. It's truly a groundbreaking revelation that human beings possess rational and spiritual faculties, distinct from the rest of the animal kingdom. And of course, the fact that these faculties vary from person to person only adds to the complexity and wonder of our existence. Who needs a universal standard of "natural" or "unnatural" when we can just redefine it to fit our own narratives, right? Bravo once again for your remarkable insights!

>> No.22530918
File: 83 KB, 1080x918, 2023-09-25 17.59.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's right

>> No.22530920

You have repeated what I said in a sarcastic tone but have provided no argument or refutation, so I am at a bit of a loss on what to do. I hope you are having a good time, at least.

>> No.22530950

>no picture this time
You are literally attaching a stupid picture to a phrase reinventing the meaning of a word to make yourself sound smart. It is literally a bunch of shit with a nice picture attached.

>> No.22531051
File: 38 KB, 474x649, Julius Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just your slanderous view of the matter, actually. Allow me to try to maximally dumb down my original statement: if we take "natural" to mean primitive, as Sontag quite clearly implies and as many people affirm, then it is also truly natural for some people to be a different way, since to them it is natural to be eloquent, rational, ethical, moral, spiritual etc, in contrast to the animal nature and to pure bios. I don't think it's an exceptionally challenging concept to wrap your head around the idea of personal nature vs the biologistic-primitivistic view of nature ("mere nature") which, I should note, is very commonly known, especially on this board.
I suppose an even simpler way to explain it would be to say "do not reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator". Some people do not follow the path of inertia, but instead carry in them the drive to go beyond it. And those people will strive to excel in all things, including in speech, because it is in their nature to do so - quite contrary to the claim that it is "natural" for everyone to "have few verbal means".

>> No.22531067

Are you drinking anon? Some nice upwells of memory and so on but runaway thought is very unpleasant reading.

>> No.22531088

>more pictures
>same stupid retardation
>instagram motivational crap
I mean, you are ready, you should start your own page. Daily Evola motivationals, I´m sure that those mystic retards will love it. I´m done talking to you, inventing meaning to words is religitard tier shit.

>> No.22531093

>my nature is to not be natural
WOW we got a bad ass here
>insert black scicencey dude pic

>> No.22531099

Remember when I told you to tick that little spoiler box last? This was a missed opportunity

>> No.22531113

>le engineer maker eloquent skyscrapers
A true spirit of excellence incarnated. You are posting instagram motivational tier crap here and expect to go unpunished?

>> No.22531117


>> No.22531118

I have been extremely patient and charitable with you, and you still limit yourself to simple ad hominem and empty sarcasm. As a point of fact, you have not even challenged anything I have said. You have not even asked me for clarification. You are just dismissing and lampooning without engaging in any way. You laugh at what I say but you do not even bother to identify a specific point in need of improvement that would be necessary to convince you. Your disagreement with me seemed to originally stem from simply not being on the same page, and instead of easily addressing this you have been digging yourself into this hole of pointless and ignorant hostility. I don't think you'll gain anything further from this conversation. I certainly won't. As for any third party reader, I've already done plenty enough to defend my case. So I am going to bow out here. Continue pretending that I am the one trying to be a "bad ass baddie" or what have you despite the fact that my tone has been by far more respectful than yours has. Enjoy your evening.

>> No.22531125

>wasting my time
I´m not reading that crap.

>> No.22531134

Based as fuck.

>> No.22531137

>licking his own ass

>> No.22531138

Would pay for someone to do a dramatic reading of this

>> No.22531139

Do any of you think eloquently either? To me well written or spoken language seems unnatural in the sense that it’s curated and refined with an intentionality beyond what would be practical for immediate thought. Like I just tend to think via continuously adding more words to a sentence or fragment until their specific meaning in my idiolect summed together means what I’m trying to get at but if I wrote a novel like that I feel people would think it’s garbage

>> No.22531145

>resentful, bitter old feminist hag spewing some sad demoralizing bullshit
>how could this happen?
>cold, distant mother
>father (...) died (...) when Susan was five years old
>unhappy childhood

Every time.

>> No.22531148

Your ego can't handle the fact that you look like a fuckin clown, eh? Not so respectful as that other anon. It's pretty clear you're a fool.

>> No.22531169

>´nooo you fool, you are supposed to take instagram motivational posts seriously´
>*seething over a shitpost to your shitpost*

>> No.22531200

You are not an intellectually dishonest rodent. Have a good evening.

>> No.22531206

>y-y-y-you are a jew
KEK bravo!

>> No.22531207

The two of you are equally pathetic, ego-drive and cringe just so you know

>> No.22531228

Why yes, Gigantic Ego, pleased to meet you.
>pathetic and cringe
I´m going to randomly pick shitposts and shit on them. Just because, it is literally one of my past time activities.

>> No.22531235

Sometimes it's cathartic to call a spade a spade. I think you are perhaps a fool yourself if you lump he and I together, though

>> No.22531254

>look at me
>I´m so over it
>I should totally have an instagram motivational page

>> No.22531271

Ok you guys are actually pretty cool. Have a nice day/evening :)

>> No.22531283

KEK thanks, have a nice evening.

>> No.22531290

have a nice day

>> No.22531304

Yeah fuck you too, man.

>> No.22531318


>> No.22531453

She's wrong. McLuhan explained it half a century ago. More than that. The written word made men eloquent. The TV took eloquence away again.

>> No.22531466

That's not a normal apostrophe. There's something fishy about this post. You're not real.

>> No.22531719

Great post, anon, very nice. Especially:
>What does this quote say about eloquence? Its a betrayal of the self, like someone who suspiciously talks about how incredible it is that there are men who can be friends without making it sexual. It shows a lack of love, a lack of understanding that speech is a tool that we can show that love, that speech and communication is a defining characteristic of humanity and it can bring us together and allow us greater acts of service and kindness and charity to those closest to us. What a sad world this person lives in, the world of false eloquence: see there deracination, look yes upon the double definitions of phrases in a repetition of no new nuance. Why is it that society looks towards people who fail as experts on the subject? I'd never hire an architect whose last five houses to build my home, I'd never ask someone who cannot sustain an intimate relationship to tell me about how to relate to others; such is the modern project

You should be a writer someday, maybe.

>> No.22531751

There is a thought that every writer has a certain number of poorly turned phrases or malformed paragraphs in them, it is my practice to try and get all of them out of the way as soon as possible. Soon I will have ran out of every unfortunate utterance leaving me only with the vintage.

>> No.22531769
File: 610 KB, 500x666, 1685713031271529.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its a betrayal of the self, like someone who suspiciously talks about how incredible it is that there are men who can be friends without making it sexual.

I enjoy your implication of what should be understood by any who wish to dismiss such words out-of-hand. She is a woman. She does not understand the world. There is nothing to be valued from their words post-industrial revolution.

>> No.22531786

as someone who think in words could you try to explain to me how you think because i cant imagine how that works while the opposite probably is easier.
i guess you could say im blocked by my own perception which prevent me from imagining how a mind so vastly different from my own function.

>> No.22531795

what do you even want to say.
anything learned or at least mastered most likely isnt natural by any means since otherwise you wouldnt have to learn it.

>> No.22531800

civil bad savage good

>> No.22531803

>that doesn't require abstract eloquence the way written thought does.
just saying written thought is too vague and depending on the things you want to convey maximum eloquence for the sake of it might not be the best idea.
i think eloquence should be in service of the idea/concept or whatever you want to share.

>> No.22531842

it's funny that you called him the retard when you evidently don't know what naturalism is.

>> No.22531932
File: 18 KB, 539x301, 1.2-8230c2c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that a decent way to make you feel what I'm talking about is that read this while talking random things that just come up to your head, but you are still reading it. This is somewhat how things are inside my head, but there is a bit more to it.
I'm really bad at understanding problems verbally, because I have to translate them from language to my own language and only then start working on it (because I cannot think using regular English, or Portuguese, I have a really hard time doing it), but once I understand it, I have no trouble thinking about it while talking to people, because I don´t think using language it is mostly about those expressions and math or whatever you want to call it, something like pic rel and this link:
But my ideas actually don´t have a name, so I will usually end up with a phrase that is incomplete so it is up to me to remember what that black box means in English, Portuguese or something.

>> No.22531941
File: 165 KB, 720x1391, flesh nexus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"individuality is painful"
Of course, it's not natural for this person to be taught how to express itself. But she's wrong that communal peoples are silent; in fact, they're constantly chattering at a low, idle level that barely communicates anything.

>> No.22531947
File: 44 KB, 708x536, Capture - Copy (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its also a symptom of autism
if you shit on someone for talking funny your just punching a handy capped person

>> No.22532022

You write like someone who lives in a group/family/commune but wishes he didn't.

>> No.22532672

Eloquence consists in the warmness of harmonical preciseness; elegance consists in the coolness of rational conciseness.

Cool like the shore, warm from the core.

>> No.22532739

One can only speak on what literature can be, not what it should be.

>> No.22532748

what the fuck is going on here

>> No.22532757

Please, talk more. More and more and more. Any topic. You don’t need any book learning. In fact, if the topic doesn’t interest you just talk over him. Talk over him until he has to shut you up. Remember what daddy always said- the world revolves around you

That’s because I am a Gen X parent so I am the peak of carelessness and laissez faire parenting. The world has to deal with my kid for me

>> No.22532760



>> No.22532763

Being a gen X is so fuckin cool because you can be a laid back mush for brains dipshit and no one calls you out on it because everyone else of my Gen are mush for brains too

>> No.22532778


>> No.22532930

warmth dude

>> No.22532945

can I suck your dick

>> No.22532949

she is dead, you can't respond

>> No.22532962

This girl quite obviously had a shitty life, and I'm sorry for her but the fact of the matter is that you should not trust anything coming from miserable people. A female jew with an unhappy childhood is bound to be overcome by resentment, neurosis and deep hatred towards any kind of white establishment, hence the pathological drive to undermine it from within. By attacking its beauty standards, its aesthetic achievements, its cultural expression, like eloquence or even the arts, philosophical discourse, etc. You see this phenomenon over and over again in the semite intelligentsia of the twentieth century. The Frankfurt School and critical theory all follow in these footsteps.

At some point one has to realize that jewish people are caught in a millenial self-reinforcing death loop of resentment and persecution which propagates through their culture and memetics like a gust of warm air, endlessly calling for vengeance and retribution. They are outnumbered ; rather then open warfare their only outlet is the undermining of the world of ideas and thoughts. For people familiar with molecular biology, they operate precisely like a virus, infiltrating loci of information replication and hijacking the reproduction of ideas (genes) from within. It's how they have been coaxed into operating from centuries of oppression, and ever since the Shoah the process has been accelerating up to a critical point ; now the defense mechanism has become the modus operandi in itself, the inextricable Ur-phenomenon of their dasein as a group.

>> No.22532987

I love how charlatan just means "people I don't agree with" on this board.

>> No.22533071

Sounds like you never read that hack,
Dyel jewboy

>> No.22533546
File: 2.08 MB, 1534x1600, IMG_5428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m stunned.

>> No.22533612

Got him.

>> No.22533722


>> No.22534513
File: 259 KB, 974x1211, IMG_20230601_212531_541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A strong and sane world wouldn't have let a creature like Sontag anywhere near any form of public communication to begin with. A merciful death from exposure along with her family after a one-way ticket to the north pole is as pure a demise as any jew can hope for.

>> No.22534515

“A high school male could overpower you”

>> No.22534523
File: 85 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_2199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22534552

based and equity-is-only-possible-at-the-bottom pilled

>> No.22534588

Unnaturalness of dialogues in fiction is something I find interesting.

>> No.22534707

Hey, anyone getting really mad at this should check this out: https://www.vatican.va/archive/bible/genesis/documents/bible_genesis_en.html

Read up to the part about the snake, pretty interesting stuff

>> No.22534881

