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22510678 No.22510678 [Reply] [Original]

>Under the weight of the blows and outrages which fell upon His head, and powerless before them, He sighed humanly, He sighed just like us.

>There He is carrying His cross! I see Him falling under its weight, because our human appendages are weak, and bend under the weight of burdens. He wipes the sweat from His forehead. Around Him, there are only wild beasts. No one feels pity. No one cries for Him. They all laugh. Yet there is one small consolation: there is someone who believes in His pains. Two eyes understood Him. A heart beats, like His, at the moment of the supreme agony.

>‘Behind Him came two women and a multitude who were crying.’

>‘When they came to the place called Calvary, they crucified Him there, along with two criminals, one on the right, the other on the left.’ (Luke 23:33). He was not an athlete able to resist, confront and fight until he was beaten.

>I see Him frail, emaciated and gentle. He stretches out his thin, exhausted arm on the wood of the cross, and says to the beasts, ‘Strike.’ Unfortunately; there are moments which seem like a hundred years. They take His hand. Here is the nail. He feels its first contact with His emaciated hand. Ah! The first blow! The second. He feels His arm riveted to the cross. The awful pain pervades His body. He wants to cry out, but, even for that, He no longer has the strength. He groans!

>The same thing for the other hand. He stretches it out so that it is in place, whilst He remains still, transfixed by pain. His flesh and bones tremble.

>Now, through the feet: here is the nail. The hammer blows are heard, one after the other. Each blow makes Him shudder. It pierces His brain.

>Later, a lost voice: ‘I am thirsty!’ (John 29:28).

>‘It was already about the sixth hour and there were dark clouds upon the Earth. The Sun was blacked out, and the veil of the Temple was torn asunder’ (Luke 23:44, 45).

>‘Lord, Lord – why have You forsaken Me?’ (Matthew 27:46).

>> No.22510683
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>And then, ‘Father, into Your hands, I commend My spirit’ (Luke 23:46).

>And I, on my knees, at the foot of this cross from where the soul of His Son left a human body to go to God, I pray, ‘Our Father, who art in heaven’. And to the soul which is raised up, I pray also, ‘Remember my loved ones. Take them under Your protection. Forgive them, give them peace. Give strength to the living and victory over their enemies, for the blossoming of Christian and Legionary Romania, and that, O Lord, your Romanian nation returns to You in the hope of its resurrection. Amen!’

>Christ is Risen.

>‘He rose from His tomb, on the third day. I saw Him.’

>‘I do not believe it’, says Thomas.

>And Christ came amongst them. He called Thomas and says to him, ‘Put your finger here and look at my hands; bring forth your hand, and put it into my side!’ (John 20:27).

>‘My Lord and my God’ (John 20:28), exclaims Thomas, after having touched with his own hands the pierced side and hands of the Redeemer.

>Christ rose, sowing thereby throughout the world until the end of time, Hope; the hope that we will never perish under the burden of injustice, however heavy, weighing upon our feeble bodies.

>We shall rise, we shall conquer.

>Christ rose, sowing the hope of the Resurrection; the hope that our life does not finish here, with its transient sixty or seventy years; that it continues in the beyond; that we will meet our dearest loved ones, and that we will never be separated from them again.

>We are going to rise in the name of Christ and only through Christ, because outside of faith in Christ, no one will rise or be saved.

—Prison Notes. Corneliu Codreanu. Writing while undergoing torture in a Romanian Prison by Communist guards.

He wrote all of these without losing faith for his nation and God.

>> No.22510718

The gramsci of Fascism is just Gramsci lmao, the first text here ever wrote as a political journalist was a piece where he defends mussolini and supports his position that italy should join WW1