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/lit/ - Literature

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22470543 No.22470543 [Reply] [Original]

clown edition

previous >>22465539

>> No.22470562

I keep going back and forth, in my head, between wanting a pure virgin wife and an ex prostitute one. Anyone who's actually dated one have any experience to share?

>> No.22470568

I miss the times when my greatest concern was not pissing my pants at work

>> No.22470579

I’ve never met one. Virgin women are an extinct species

>> No.22470583

>virgin women
>virgin men
>too much

>> No.22470609

Incels are a paradox. How most incels aren't seething roasties, is inconceivable to me. It's like going to rehab without ever having taken a shot of heroin. My theory is that incels had actual sex as teens but they were too drunk to remember. I think the same thing happened to me because I sometimes think about having sex even though I never actually had sex (or remember so). I know this can happen because I read novels where the character looses his virginity, but when he wakes up he could swear he didn't have sex with the woman lying next to him.

>> No.22470633

>incels had actual sex as teens but they were too drunk to remember.
nope, never happened.

>> No.22470635

so how about those rape charges being dropped against chris chan HUH

FUCKING NORAH on every level of knowing this would happen

i think i'm more angry because now I'm going to be going back to sonichu.com once in a while to keep looking at it, it's disgusting and the show needs to be axed

>> No.22470654

Why would someone feel an intense need for something he never had?

>> No.22470662

social pressure dummy, if you read what people say about this, or listen to jordanpeterson, some men possess a queer biological quirk where busting nut makes them cum like a woman, and it takes over their mind to the point that it's all they can think of....... these effeminiate men, homosexuals mostly, make a culture out of saying boing boing on top of a woman and high fiving, because its how they cope with not living in a martial society and possessing the social status of a free citizen in a republic where their dignity matters.

>> No.22470976

Every now and then I will see a very elderly person and will experience a terror of aging that goes beyond the usual anxiety about growing old. It’s not that I fear I will miss the strength and energy of being younger, or wonder what it will be like when the enthusiasm for sex fades, or how to cope with a lifetime of memory, or even the regular aches and pains of a failing body and crumbling mind. It’s the horrible idea of being confined to a deteriorating flesh prison and still, despite it all, wanting to live, that still this is better than the alternative. To cling desperately to life when there is so little of it left strikes me as a horror.

>> No.22470988

I bought an used book and inaide it there's
"Contratulations, Danny you who is a wonderful person."
>tfw Danny is probably dead by now

>> No.22471089
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I got into my first relationship, as a virgin, and then after three weeks of treating her like a goddess, right before she thought we were going to have sex, I dumped her. I don't even know why I did it desu. She's been all sad and confused ever since. Now I want to find another woman and pull the same thing all over again. What's wrong with me?

>> No.22471102

Jannies, could you please purge this board of all the non literature-related threads. This is seriously getting out of hand. It's basically /b/ here and the discussion is suffering for it. We implore you. Been here since 2015 so not a true oldfag but /lit/ was never such an intellectual wasteland as it is now.

>> No.22471113

Sometimes I peer over an endless snaking column of stalled car traffic and am filled with an ineffable cosmic dread. I see a visage of raw extinction, of gibbering absurdity, of time wasted and moments lost. A sight ominous and sublime, like some great and terrible idol of a domineering bitter god.

>> No.22471121

a chaste womanizer sounds pretty hilarious i both feel bad for the women and want to buy you a beer

>> No.22471123

On a lark I decided to write some fiction for the first time in forever. Genre fiction too; I guess I did enjoy Bakker quite a bit and was a bit sad there wasn't more like it.

An excerpt from my attempt:

Beneath the Quayid’s short black hair, a web of scars marred the left side of what had once been a handsome face. An empty space covered by a drooping eyelid occupied the space where the man’s left eye had once been.

This was not the eye that bothered the palace servants though. It was the other, irised in an unnatural shade of bright forest green. This color was rumored to be the effect of the man’s other wounds. The man had fought a djinn it was said, a athastrai — a demon of the Astral Plane — and he had lived.

This rumor could have been laughed off if not for those other scars. Even before his service to the Framandar, the man had apparently been a successful mercenary leader in the endless wars of the Crishaldeen who lived across the Intermarim Sea to the north. Amhose knew that military commanders always had such small legends attributed to them over time. But those scars…

Across the man’s back, and wrapping around his left arm like a serpent, were two great scars. Amhose had seen them himself once when he was sent to bring more wine to the man’s quarters. They were like nothing he had seen before. They looked like the bark of a tree growing out of the man’s inflamed skin. From the large scars a web of smaller scars stretched out, like tree roots digging into the man’s skin. The touch of a djinn indeed! The man was cursed.


Sigfrid could feel the last night’s wine on him, even as he dreamed. When had he been drinking? Ah, right! With the members of the Company. Yes, we were celebrating our victory.

He felt the warmth of a soft body pushed up against his, the slight movement on a hand across his chest. Yes, that’s right, the campaign took us near the Electorate of Lustan. Margarette knew we were close. She came to me by night.

Sigfrid sighed, feeling tired even as he slept. What time is it? Ah, it’s getting light, I should be getting up. There will be work to do, and God knows how long the lads were up last night? I know how they get after a win. Hell, some will still be up drinking. Still, he felt so tired.

As if hearing his thoughts, Margarette shifted her head onto his chest, loose strands of her chestnut curls tickling his clean shaven cheek.

“Don’t get up yet Sig. Surely, the men can cook breakfast without you watching over them. You can stay here with me,” Margarette pleaded, her voice rising with an entreating lilt on the last words.

>> No.22471131
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"You don’t know how they’ve been of late. The war has been hard, Margarette. What we saw in Hesha and Vurdenburg… many of the men have gone sour. They get to drinking and it’s hard to control them — their fun starts to turn cruel.” He shook his head. “ It’s best to keep them busy. And there is always work to do.”

Sigfrid winced, recalling how he had come upon Volkwin and Kratz preparing to burn a cat they had trapped in a sack for sport. They had been with some of the new recruits, those whose names he hadn’t bothered learning.

Why bother? They’d desert within a few months, like-as-not, considering the way the pay was always coming up short. Or, as like, they’d be dead. The Ruschian Disease was spreading like wildfire through the Hundred Kingdoms of the Rhiemar Empire, and in Lustan it was no different from the rest.

The epidemic had begun in the Bishopric of Ruscht, in the east of the Empire. Last summer, six armies had converged on Ruscht. The rebels of the Amelior Confederacy, flush from their slew of victories in the west, now sought to defend their foothold across the east bank of the Rhonar. Meanwhile, newly mustered imperial forces had marched up from Ven, the capital of the Empire, in an attempt to take the lightly garrisoned bishopric and thereby regain the initiative.

What had followed was an elaborate cat and mouse game, as the two larger, more cumbersome imperial armies had tried to pin down each of the four smaller rebel armies before they could link up. Where each army went, a trail of destruction had followed.

In name, the Amelior rebels were fighting to protect the episcopacy of Prince Alarick, the Bishop of Ruscht. The Bishop had been officially deposed as a heretic by the Holy See two years earlier. This had been done at the request of the Rhiemar Emperor, after the Bishopric had given material support to the rebellion. Until now though, the imperial forces had lacked the capacity to make Alarick’s removal a reality. Now they had planned to make good on it.

Allegedly, the rebels were also fighting to protect the “religious liberties” of the people of the Bishopric. In truth though, the bulk of the rebel forces engaged in this part of the war were foreigners or mercenaries. They cared very little about the well being of those they were ostensibly fighting to “protect,” and looted with impunity across the Bishopric. At the same time, the imperials, their treasuries exhausted, had given their own forces almost free reign to abuse the populace, a sort of “compensation by pillage,” to make up for the soldiers’ short pay.

Following the rebel defeat outside the gates of Tübin, the Amelior armies had abandoned the lower half of the bishopric, dispersing westward for other goals. As they withdrew across the Rhonar, the rebels fired the town to cover their retreat, a last brutal act of indifference towards the people they claimed to be fighting for...

>> No.22471142

People who deny evolution should be publicly executed.

>> No.22471156

Ever since my brother died my dad has been talking about him as if he were a saint and good person who got a bad hand in life. Thats not how I remember it. I remember my brother terrorizing me, destroying my life, and generally being a nasty, manipulative, sociopathic person to everyone around him. I'm not sure if it would be worth raising this issue to my dad, but I've spent the last month listening to my dad sanctify my brother and it's wearing on me. I had a mini meltdown in my car today from the frustration of it.

>> No.22471161

Don't take it personally. Your dad had a unique relationship with your brother as his father. Parent-child relationships are in a class of their own. He's just processing the trauma of losing a son in a way that works for him.

>> No.22471162

I hate science and I hate the antichrist

>> No.22471164

Try going for walks, hearing a relative talk about death can poison the mind faster than crack. My uncle died last year and grandma is living with us, she talks 2/47 about death, illness and deceased people, I HAVE to go for walks in the park otherwise i'm going to ack myself. I lost 10kg due to depression in the first half of this year.

>> No.22471172

>I hate science
It's not about "muh science". It's a fact like how the ears are involved in hearing.
>I hate the Antichrist
Right, you love a Jew because you are spiritually one. Kys and eat shit in hell with your beloved Jew.

>> No.22471174

Mindset and having a healthy structure/routine filled with improvement (phycal and mental), socialization (humans need humans) self-reflection (to understand within) is what makes life bearable to suffer through
In short, I need to get a job. NEETing without money literally kills me

>> No.22471186

if you research this subject it's actually quite funny - in an obviously designed to mess you up sense: you 'will' hate "the antichrist" and then it'll turn out that the antichris was jesus all along, and that the guy you thought was jesus was the antichrist; both guys will do identical super deeds and elevate humanity, but one is bad for some reason.
christian scripture.

imo it's just designed to make you suspicious of anybody doing anything great, especially if they're motivated by peace and ending a war.

>> No.22471187

Oh fugg dont tell me my dad will be talking about it for years. I live with him and cant afford to move out.
Well he keeps asking me if there's anything we could have done to prevent it and trying to reconstruct everything. Unfortunately I withheld a lot of details about my brother from my dad. So when I tell him no, he was destined to die like this on account of the person he is, I then have to divulge decade old dirty laundry. I'm not sure if telling him this would maybe alleviate it for him, because once I acknowledged the necessity of his death I could move on.

>> No.22471207

I don't deny evolution nor do I follow any of the Abrahamic religions (but I'll side with them any day because it makes you faggots seethe so much). Science is a blight on the Earth. What was the point of it all? So that we can increase crop yields, allowing us to sustain billions more negroes than we otherwise could? Gee thanks science!

>> No.22471208

Ask yourself, what possible action could you take to diminish the overall suffering in this case? Not only yours but also your dad's and the rest of your family. Your dad is clinging to the idea that your brother had redeeming qualities. Maybe he did to other people. Everyone has a different relationship to someone else. Would tarnishing your dad's image of your brother change anything? It won't change how you feel about your brother. It won't change your brother, obviously. All it will do is deprive your dad of love for his deceased son, supposing that he believes you and doesn't take offense at your claims.
>Well he keeps asking me if there's anything we could have done to prevent it and trying to reconstruct everything.
I would tell him that this is not a question not you or anyone can answer. Not just about your brother but about anything. I'd tell him it's a waste of energy to wonder what could have happened differently. Your brother is gone. He's not around to learn the lessons he should have. Your father needs to come to terms with that and accept it. God only knows.

However you are entirely within your rights to tell your father that you are not comfortable discussing your brother with him and that you felt differently and need to move on in your own way. He should respect that. It's just a question of whether your father's ignorance of your relationship with your brother serves a function for him that is worth preserving.

>> No.22471209

oh wow shit man haha huh cars

>> No.22471220

>I don't deny evolution nor do I follow any of the Abrahamic religions
Then you're arguing with a strawman.
I am a Mahayana Buddhist and panpsychist.
>Science is a blight on the Earth. What was the point of it all
I agree, but evolution is not necessarily science. Look up Empedocles.
>So that we can increase crop yields, allowing us to sustain billions more negroes than we otherwise could? Gee thanks science!
I am an anti-industrialist. It was actually due to the logocentric elements in Abrahamism we even have to put up with the cancerous industrial system. Read Klages or something.
>but I'll side with them any day because it makes you faggots seethe so much
You don't know all of my philosophical and metaphysical beliefs. I recommend not making presumptions.

>> No.22471229

Oh. Yeah I'm quite familiar with Klages and Empedocles. I don't know why you're anal about evolution but since it's not arising from muh science I guess you're a cool dude

>> No.22471236 [DELETED] 

i was talking mad shit about the i.t. department on signal at work and then i realized they can mitm signal probably and read all my messages. never use the corporate wifi. i forgot i had that shit on autojoin from before the pandemic.

>> No.22471249

Is it just me or /lit/ hardly discusses about literature anymore?

I remember as a /lit/ tourist people was talking about Blood Meridian, Ernest Hemingway, someone would ask questions like "What book would you ask your citizens to read if you're a leader of a country?" It was a pretty comfy place now it's boring to me. I dread going here rather than excited. Nowadays I hardly see people here discuss about Blood Meridian anymore, Three-Body Problem, or even writing commentary. It doesn't feel like it's about literature anymore.

>> No.22471255 [DELETED] 

same. /lit/ is hella dead. it's just religion and philosophy now. also there used to be stoner threads, white noise threads, tcol49 threads, etc. but even then the signal to noise ratio was not great, but now it's just all noise. it's friday night and i had a kinda anxiety-lite day at work i just want to fuck around on /lit/ but there's nothing good at all.

>> No.22471259
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I also do not accept Neo-Darwinists and view evolution as a creative, processual force and accept arguments that Earth's biosphere constitutes a superorganism.

Read Klages' essay "Man and Earth" to understand why I'm pissed:

>From time immemorial, the "love" of the Christian has never prevented him from persecuting religious pagans with a murderous hatred; and this same "love" doesn’t prevent him even now from abolishing the sacred rituals of conquered tribal cultures. It is a well-known fact that Buddhism proscribes the killing of animals, because the Buddhist recognizes the obvious fact that each and every earthly creature shares a common nature with man himself. But when one objects to the Italian’s murdering of an animal, he will immediately respond by assuring you that the creature "has no soul," and "is not a Christian." This indicates clearly that, for the devout Christian, only man has a right to live. To the people of the ancient world, religion, which at one time also proceeded according to this pattern that even now springs up in hovels of the people, restrains its standard bearer, and yet it excites him on the other hand, and permits the power of one who threaten the peace of the world to prosper until it has become the terrifying megalomania that considers the bloodiest offenses against life to be permitted, and even commanded, provided such deeds result in "benefits" to humanity. Capitalism, along with its pathfinder, science, is in point of fact the fulfillment of Christianity; the church, like science, constitutes a consortium of special interests; and the "one" that is addressed by a secularized morality is indistinguishable from the life-hostile "ego," which, in the name of the unique godhead of the spirit—only now coupled with a blind cosmology--accounts for the war that has been waged against the innumerable, "many" gods of the world; earlier ages were at least more honest in their opposition to the cosmic deities, for they frankly approached the fray in the menacing aspect of judges…

>> No.22471276

Yeah, /lit/ has changed for the worse. It’s so bad that if I come here I mostly look for shelf and stack threads

>> No.22471277

The root of leftist, socialist, egalitarian sentiments is severe inferiority complex
They don't even argue that their mode of society is superior to conservatives wich one might think would be a good way of arguing in favour of it
They know exactly socialism is inferior to conservative class society, that's exactly why they want socialism
Preference of the inferior over the superior
It's a fetish actually

>> No.22471307

My political philosophy is a mix of individualist (close to egoist) anarchism and absolute monarchism.

>> No.22471318

Ikr. I remember feeling invigorated by /lit/. I remember threads where people would ask your top five favorite books and decide whether you're a pleb or patrician. I remember the abundance of threads discussing about Oblomov or any famous Russian literature. I remember people talking about Gravity's Rainbow. Dune. I remember someone compiled existentialism books and called it ryan-core

>> No.22471322

I hate politics so much. If you aren’t going to be involved in them then why put so much energy, emotion into them and let them take up too much headspace? Never have a seen someone become real political and it was a change for the better. They always seem to make people more argumentative, bitter, and angry

>> No.22471327

Preference of inferior nigton to superior Saxonic
Preference of inferior homosexual infertility over superior heterosexual fertility
Preference of inferior atheism to superior theism
Preference of promiscuous degeneracy to superior monogamous stable house life
Preference of inferior stupidity to superior intelligence
Preference of inferior zoom conference to superior debatal assembly
Preference of inferior appartment to superior three roofed house with garden
Preference of inferior dirtyness to superior hygiene
Preference of inferior discomfort to superior comfort
Preference of inferior weakness to superior strength
Preference of inferior despotism to superior statal organization
Preference of inferior lawlessness to superior lawfulness
Preference of inferior equality to superior hierarchy
Preference of inferior tiredness to superior wakefulness
Preference of inferior short term reward to superior long term reward
Preference of inferior money to superior private property
Preference of inferior sugarfat diet to superior carbs and protein diet
Preference of inferior fatness to superior fitness
Preference of inferior obedience to superior leadership
Preference of inferior work to superior planning
Preference of inferior fast food to superior restaurant meals
Preference of inferior laziness to superior activeness

>> No.22471336

Ikr. What's with these humans setting themselves for mediocrity? They say it's survival. But what is survival if it's simply "eat to live"?

>> No.22471338

I remember I used to be able to lurk in threads and scroll through /lit/ for a couple hours. Now I wonder what compels anons to post the shit they do or why they make the threads they make. What’s the fucking point? Especially when most of them are lame ass rehashes. I do think a lot is rose tinted glasses though. At a certain point you outgrow /lit/ and 4channel. You don’t get as much from it anymore and the edgelord humor gets cringey. The zoomer takeover and the oldfags leaving has made an absolutely noticeable difference though. I mostly come here out of habit anymore if I have a few minutes to kill

>> No.22471383

These leftoids largely responsible for the social reforms of the 21st Century are normie to such a degree that they don't even know why they go to work, they just do it out of pleb cattle mentality. It is not that they have ever felt the foot of oppression in the widest sense on their boos, like perhaps some unskilled labourer, and became "socialist" as a consequence but in a rather energetic sense, and it is only because of their mid-high education that that they aren't complaining about wanting a higher wage. They feel neither the drive nor need to change anything about their situation, and their entire political opinion can be summed up to a preference of the inferior over the superior.

>> No.22471398

What is the metric for inferiority and superiority?

>> No.22471400

How close it is to God's order

>> No.22471413

Simply, what is better and what brings more benefits.
Show me the man who after feeling the foot of oppression from someone else, parent, teacher, boss, who, after having felt the foot of oppression, who's spirit didn't become enflamed, enraged at such an injustice; he has not felt the foot of oppression, he does not know what oppression is.

>> No.22471416

day of the rope will be postponed because of hope nonsense

>> No.22471426

But by this metric someone like Che Guevara would be amongst the most superior of men. He even put his money where his mouth is, gave his life for it, fought and died nobly
>some abstract bullshit

>> No.22471452

Che Guevara was a pathetic coward, like all activist socialists.
I mean someone could argue for Che Guevara being among the most superior of men the point is that the person making the argument implicitly prefers superiority to inferiority, while your average leftoid consciously prefers inferiority to superiority. Everywhere an inferior choice can be done to the superior one, they take the inferior, a great example is their preference for inferior, simple language to superior, complex language like it was spoken during the times of Shakespeare.
The second point I am going to make is that to these middle class leftists the meaning of the word oppression is something strange and they just use it as a buzzword to polemize. Oppression in itself is neither positive nor negative, in my opinion, it should be temporary and it is only fruitful when applied to people who are willing to learn anyways because it's effects on people who are unwilling to learn, or who have already lost their faith in society, it is always negative. Wether someone has a right to oppress or not is an entirely different question again, naturally it only happens from parent to child, the patriarchal theory of the first states of antiquity extended this right by arguing that the head of the state is the fictional father of it's members and as a result, has an inherent right to oppress everyone. From this ancient notion was derived the modern state, who oppresses, as it is it's nature, however, the goals of the state, now in hands of the cattle minded leftoids, is aiming at goals so confuse that it's legitimacy to oppress might become increasingly questioned by people who are still not complete normie degenerates.

>> No.22471498

>Now I wonder what compels anons to post the shit they do or why they make the threads they make.
Boredom. Seriously. You have no idea how bored I am.

>> No.22471564

Politics should be banned. On /lit/? No, I mean in real life. Bye-bye politics.

>> No.22471583
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Need advice because /adv/ is useless

Just started Uni

I met this exchange student from Switzerland two weeks ago who is in the same dorm as me.

She is cute but mostly I value her maturity among other things and the fact she is a very sweet introvert I find attractive and endearing.

But it feels so hard to get close to her

We hung out for a whole day for a school event which I really enjoyed.

Then she made a couple of girlfriends and I just kind of ended up in their group.

The problem is she has a lot less free time so I've been mostly hanging out with the other girls and other than that one time we have never been without the other girls.

Another problem is she is kind of an introvert, not shy but she speaks very softly and everyone else is a lot more talkative including me.

I know you are supposed to pay attention to the girl and try to give her attention so I get self-conscious and I just feel shitty when if find myself talking about myself.

All I really want is to be alone with her and tell her all the things I value about her and that I care about what she thinks and feels.

But no, even my female friends have told me I have to play it cool and pretend I don't give a fuck and try to be confident which is not hard for me but I'm afraid she will think I'm arrogant.

I fucking hate this, somebody help me!!

>> No.22471605

College really is just High School 2.0 huh. Anyway, dont worry about it. I had a very similar problem with a girl Ive been in love with for years. Totally dropped the ball on it and ruined my chances. I seethe every day. But life goes on man. Fish in the sea, not meant to, etc etc.

>> No.22471625

Pretending not to give a fuck only works if she's already into you.
If she isn't, you have to make it clear you want to get to know her better. And to do that you need to meet her outside the group. Ask her out to another school event or make up some excuse about studying together over lunch or go balls out and ask her out for a coffee.
You write with reddit spacing btw very annoying and gay

>> No.22471652

Seems like the only way your gonna get what you want out of this is by asking her out or making it obvious to her that you don’t just want to be her friend. I’m a women and i think the the whole “i wanna make you think i don’t care about you” thing is gay. Maybe try being flirty and mean at the same time, it works wonders on the female psyche. We love it

>> No.22471781

Seems like every time I post here I'm thinking about being lonely and having no gf. There's other things going on in my life but I think most people would give even less of a shit about them than whiny incel post #1897411. At least if I remain part of the faceless conglomerate of losers someone might reply to my posts with something meaningful or helpful simply due to the sheer volume of posts on this topic; anything specific to me would doubtless invite either no interest whatsoever or mockery.

>> No.22471787

Why don’t you just go talk to women and find a gf? It’s not that hard

>> No.22471791

i don't want to summon no circus

>> No.22471795 [DELETED] 

i used to be like that in college. now i don't care about anything. you should enjoy it while you still give a shit.

>> No.22471798

I’m a feminine-looking man who can’t grow a beard (just peach fuzz and neckbeards even after months of not shaving at the age of 24). I’m under six foot and my dick is only six inches on a good day. It’s clear that the only sexual marketplace value I could have is as a twink / bottom.
How should I go about becoming this? I want to valued by somebody, but I don’t want to have to wear diapers though.

>> No.22471801

disgusting worm

>> No.22471806

I'm pretty ugly. Multiple women have told me that I'm one of the ugliest guys they've ever seen. If I'm in a social situation with women that has nothing to do with romance or intimacy then I usually get along fine but as soon as the topic comes up they make it clear that I'm outside the category of dateable men. After getting this reaction from dozens and dozens of women during my life I've pretty much given up on trying.

>> No.22471809

>All I really want is to be alone with her and tell her all the things I value about her and that I care about what she thinks and feels.
Dude just create that opportunity and ask her out for a coffee. And please don't fawn over her like that when you're with her. Get your emotions in check otherwise she'll resent you for being weak

>> No.22471815

Whatever loopy fuck you green bitch ass nigga go jerk off to trannies cal green nigger

>> No.22471823

What does the word “meme” even mean at this point? For example “___ is a meme”. Is it literally just popular thing now?

>> No.22471989

I have to get this off my chest, I can't take it anymore. If you are ever in a situation where you have to host a presentation, you know, like a Microsoft PowerPoint kinda deal, please listen closely. I'm begging you, please, please, I'm on my knees here, DO NOT do do this ONE thing, ever, at any point. It's so embarrassing and lacks self-awareness, it wastes everyone's time, and it just shows a complete lack of confidence, and frankly, a lack of respect to the listeners, it's insulting.

Do NOT, and I repeat, do NOT just blindly read off your slides, slide by slide, word by word. And Lord almighty have mercy, do NOT have long unreadable tiny-font paragraphs per slide. Ugh, I get nauseous thinking about it. At least have the balls to make eye contact with your audience, for Pete's sake, you are supposed to be presenting here, not narrating. My eyes are up here, bud.

Think of it this way, the slides are just backup singers okay? They sing the chorus. Just make bullet points, in nice, big, thick, readable font, so my pea brain can remember what you're saying. But I'm there for you, the star of the show, not some hastily cobbled together word vomit condensed into a slide-by-slide car crash. You got that, Jack? You make me sick, come back when you have a real presentation. Get out of my office.

>> No.22472035
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I hate everything and want to die so much bros

>> No.22472039

What’s wrong, anon?

>> No.22472092

Everything. What’s right, anon?

>> No.22472100

Needle in the hay

>> No.22472103


>> No.22472104

this board is fucking disintegrating

>> No.22472106

love that song
love that album too

>> No.22472107

so, what's next

>> No.22472120

You tell me.

>> No.22472123

My mind is a mess. My emotions are all tangled and muddled. I can't tell what I am thinking. I don't know who I am. I can't translate my thoughts into words.

>> No.22472135
File: 31 KB, 480x725, IMG_4060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women literally just want someone to constantly show them a good time. You have to constantly “do something” or they will get bored quickly. It isn’t difficult to entertain them. They like novelty. But it’s exhausting to have to constantly do this. I gave up on women.

>> No.22472141

> I can't translate my thoughts into words

did it pretty well in your reply

>> No.22472148
File: 1.13 MB, 1162x1332, women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22472153

What happened?

>> No.22472157

You never know

>> No.22472163

What do you want to happen next?

>> No.22472169


>> No.22472176

What kinds of things are you repressing?

>> No.22472181

i am repressing the breakthrough

>> No.22472183
File: 36 KB, 498x356, 1694099799263565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think that it's not worth living in mordern society, I don't like the idea of a relationship or having kids in this world and I think it's not really gonna get better.

>> No.22472186

Nothing forever

>> No.22472190

Mommy didn't pick me up when I was a crying baby.

>> No.22472191

i have very bad manners. i don't think you understand.

>> No.22472194

What kind of bad manners?

>> No.22472201

How do I keep my mind focused in a single book?

>> No.22472209

Lol, where do I begin? I don't rven know why 2+2=4. It doesn't matter anyways, I just want acceptance. Evrn then that doesn't matter. It's not like I cam accept others.

>> No.22472213

Based. I don’t know how people have faith in so many things that they don’t understand.

>> No.22472218
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Idk anon. I don’t even like to read.

>> No.22472263


>> No.22472274

What are you testing?

>> No.22472275

I made a post. It said "post successful" but it never appeared in this thread. Now I'm confused where my post went.

>> No.22472285

He’s flaunting his high testosterone levels.

>> No.22472299

what did lsd anon do to the world

>> No.22472360

>do NOT just blindly read off your slides, slide by slide, word by word.
I agree. It's shocking how many people do this. What is the point of a presentation when I can just read what you're saying off the slide faster than you can speak?

>> No.22472387

All the girls/women who's had any romantic interests in me are either the eldest child (amongst their siblings) or with daddy issues. Sometimes its both together. What gives?

>> No.22472392 [DELETED] 

if you are reading, its already too late. you've entered the curse of peepee poopoo nigger. if you do not share this on 5 other threads, a kfc smelling nigger with black eyes and a poop stained dress will rape you in the night. you have 5 days until he rips your anushole apart with his razer sharp teeth during your sleep..

>> No.22472403

What’s the point of the slides if you’re just going to explain everything in your speech?

>> No.22472439

Feels like I'm emerging from a lifelong veil of depressive thinking and am realising that I am allowed to enjoy life. I know I haven't been low forever and that there has been respite from this feeling at odd intervals over the years but only now do I begin to feel that there is a world beyond the shrunken horizon my myopic isolation has set before me. I have never felt this way in nearly three decades on this earth. I don't know what I want my life to look like. I want to keep the feeling alive.

>> No.22472459

I am so overworked and miserable right now I don't even have the energy to fantasize about suicide.

>> No.22472460

Can you look for a lower-stress job?

>> No.22472462

i'm smug posting about how finite the jest is

>> No.22472504

I actually like my job, I just fucked up and volunteered for a bunch of overtime overseas, and I hate it. A mistake I won't be making again. I know this might sound crazy but living in a hotel for two months and working 12 hour night shifts 6 days a week SUCKS! Can't wait to go back home and drink my coffee and read and have weekends.

>> No.22472561

>You have to constantly “do something”
sounds like a classic case of Depressive Trauma induced ADD and Hypochondria; where the little boy who had his arsehole blown open by his uncle is dancing aroundbtrying to distract himself from thinking for even one moment

as it were

the real question though, is how does a man not reach the conclusion to kick the creature from the car?

>> No.22472575

Listening to a rather mousy looking ASMRtist and went about looking her up to find out that she did erotic audio on reddit.
I lost my faith in womanhood

>> No.22472917

>listens to audio to make himself "tingle"
>same person has done other pleasure audio
>grrr I hate women
just kys dude

>> No.22473378
File: 65 KB, 1080x720, 20230228_190630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to delete the hentai I have and rid of porn from my life
>the fucking artist's page is gone from the internet and there's no archive of it elsewhere
I don't know if I wanna pull the trigger

>> No.22473393

>must defend whores at all costs
Retard. Being a whore is bad. ASMR is gay but it's possible to make it nonsexually, therefore it is possible to make it without being a whore. Women shouldn't be whores.

>> No.22473406

Simping aint easy

>> No.22473429

You are trying to defend the idea that women “ASMRtists” are doing that sort of thing non-sexually. It sounds like you’re defending women and their abilities so long as they aren’t slutty. Losing game.

>> No.22473452

I'm still confused where ASMR came from. I know what it means but the realization that the concept of "sound" has been seeded into the internet culture as an initialed concept gives me the shudders about how cretinous humans are becoming.

like... videogames files are source of ambient audio. Is this actually a highly superior form of ASMR?

does GTA1 STREET_TRAFFIC.wav or _POLICE_RADIO.wav work for you? i can call you on the phone and play it for you if you want to give me a hundred bucks. I'll throw in an occasional 1920_AUTOMOBILE_HORN for free.

commerce is dumb.

>> No.22473469

When I was faced with this I found it helpful to nut to it one more time, and in the clarity after to get rid of it and a few similar things. Obviously helpful if you don‘t need to be degenerate once more, but it‘s for a good cause if it gets you past this stumbling block. Good luck mang.

>> No.22473590

"Swish! Swish! Swish!" said the Instructor to the class, he was explaining how to use the magic wand, that is: the penis.

"Oh no," shouted Ronald Weasels, as he came across the front row, "I'll never be a Wizert," and he fell to this knees sobbing, spreading his semen all over his face quite inadvertently.

Hermonia watched all of this unfold from her hiding place in the cupboard in the corner of the class room, "girls not allowed!" she hissed, "now I know why!" and she took out her magical dildo and flapped it all around, "transformius meus boyus nowus!" she whispered, and the cupboard exploded.

"Satans britches!" exclaimed Professor Dumbfuch, and he put hi hands on his hips in what was probably intended to be a display of authority and annoyance but seemed rather flamboyant instead, "who are you?" he shouted at the boy who had emerged from the cupboard, "by Lucifers tendrils!" he added.

The boy who had emerged from the cupboard staggered around, "by golly!" he said, with a snorty snotty sort of voice; he upper teeth hung over his lower lip , a great pair of thick spectacles balanced upon his upturned nose; which resembled much of a pig, and his face was a polka dot tapestry of modern art, "I did done think I did done something clever!" he lisped, and then he said, "duh?!" as he struggled to remember what it was he had done.

Professor Dumbfuch cursed under his breath at the ignorant blathering poltroons he was forced to endure and have call him 'sir', his fists clenched in the pockets of his petticoats and he ordered to boy to take out his penis and participate in the class.

"My pee-pee?" mooed Hermione, "Wha- I thhhhink I got one of them somewhere.." and she pulled out her waistband and looked down, much to the amusement of the entire class.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

This wasn't so hard. No pun intended. Hermiones brain seemed to settle with the chemical input of a thimbleful of testosterone upon her own seething mess of unbridled rampant sexually charged estrogen, and her senses seemed to have recovered their normal faculty.

She looked at Ronald Weasal who stood beside her, "swish! swish!" he was saying, repeating after the teacher, "hey Ron," she hissed, catching his attention, "you're doing great," and she nodded down at his penis and gave him a long and lustful wink, "keep it up," and she giggled, "no pun intended!"

"URGH!" shouted Ron, "you fucking queer!" and he backed away, knocking into the boys to the side of him, their pensies slashing across his own backside, causing him to utter another "URGH!"

Professor Dumbfuch nearly lost his temper, "By the ball sack of the METATRON," he roared, "WEASELS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

And Ron, again, collapsed onto the floor sobbing into his hands. It was all too much for him.

>> No.22473620

I'm being drawn towards Fascist ideology.
Ideas of communal identity, group effort, empire, and strength.

These things appeal to me. They give me a rise in my chest. I's nice. My attachment to Fascism is still just a vibe right now. Liberal ideas of a utopian world where everyone sings cumbaya and trades with each other doesn't appeal to me as much as the Fascist idea of purpose and meaning through national struggle.

>> No.22473644

Some weeks had passed in Pighead Borstal. Heromoania had utterly forgotten how to reverse her magical spell which had inverted her sex, although technically speaking the inverse of that was true. What's worse was that Ronald McDonald thought she was a flaming faggot, because, apparently, the slight drip of male hormones into her brain had awoken some deepsea lusts that had dwelled within the murky pits of her estrogen addled normalcy, and because of this she was horny as fuck for Ron. As in like: all the time and dripping wet.

What's worse is that Gyno Wezzles, who was Rons piping hot little sister, had developed a full on fucklust for Heromonion. What's worse is that Professor Dumbfuch had declared Heromoniumb a 'Tardy Pupil' for having seemingly vanished witho a trace, and that handsome fucking awful boy Draco Dragoncock had 'falsely reported' seeing Hermione with a dick in her mouth, riding the 4/20 bus to Cumtown, and he had been believed.

"You've got such a nice arse," purred Gyno Wezzles, rubbing her palms all over Hermons fat sweaty body, "I bet you've never had anyone stick their tongue up there, have you?!"

"FUCKING JESUS!" shouted Hermione, leaping to her feet.

There was a clumsy knock on Professor Dumbfucks door, "come in," he called, "not pun intended," he mumbled, sniggering to himself. His eyes skirted up from his porno magazine, and he grimaced, "you," he said, in a flat monotone.

Hermon Goering began to stutter, playing with her chest, "um, golly willies, Professor Dumbfuch-"

"THAT IS NOT HOW MY NAME IS PRONOUNCED" Professor Dumbfuch shouted, throwing down his magazine and pounding his desk with his fists. He pounded several more times before the anger was sapped from his brain, at least as much so as it could, given the nature of his employment. He took to his feet, "by Prosperines strung out body," he wailed, throwing himself to the open window, "I would that Hermione Grangie would come back to my class, I fucking MISS HER," and he began to cry.

And Hermion Ganggangs fact unshaven face lit up as like Sol on the wax of Icarus, "but Professor," sh said, "actually, I am a girl!"

Professor Dumbfuch was motionless, but his shoulders fell slightly, "oh god," he sobbed, "why does it just get worse, and worse, and worse...?"

"I mean that I 'AM' Hermon Gangbang, I casted a spell in the cupboard to make myself a boy, so I could be a weel withert, and gosh golly bananas candlesticks oatmeal," and she trailed away as the tears poured from her face, like stuck bag of old oil being caught on a rusty nail and the contents spilling all down the cellar steps.

Professor Dumdumb turned, "is it so?!" he pontificated, all of sudden seated and smoking a pipe, "well that is a rather pickle," he chortled, "no pun intended," and then added, "by Satans Underpants," for it was sort of his job to make those sort of references for th purposes of edification to the student body of Magic really was all about - this anyway is Christian Novel.

>> No.22473697

Hermonia stood, bollock naked, before the Professor, "swish, swish," laughed the Professor, drumming his hands on the arm rest of his chair, "swish swish!" he kept saying, until slaver fell from his mouth and he face turned the pigment of an eggplant. Hermonia danced this way and that, singing, "doo doo doo," in some half-hearted effort to entertain the foul old man.

"Enough!" Professor Dumbfuch shouted, and Hermonia stumbled to a halt, she was caked in sweat and felt absolutely ridiculous, "alright, alright," muttered the Professor, grasping his wand, "I'll turn you into a woman," and he laughed a some private joke which Hermon didn't understand, but which Hagrid, who had entered he room with Hermon, found incredibly amusing.

"Wait," cried Robbie Coltrane, "before you change her back, Dumbledonk, I must ask something," and he looked away, almost in shame, "I must know... and you, Hermog, are the only one who can answer this question."

"We have no time!" shouted the Professor, "the Wyvern approaches!" and indeed, a big dragon was coming.

"I must know!" shouted Hagboy, "how would you compare being rogered in the rectum to being creamed in the quim? Is it..." and tears welled in his eyes, "..is it the same?"

"I am a virgin," said Hermione, "so I would not know."

Hagridace turned into a scowl, "well then..." and he began to growl and groan, "YOU ARE JUST USELESS!" and he flounced out of the room.

Professor Dumbfuch sighed, "it is time," he said, "to being this to end," and he waved his wand, "turnus backus," he muttered and went back to his Comfy Chair, and the spell was instantly broken.

"Oh thank you!" cried Hermiemoon, and she ran to the magical mirror which leered from the back of the classroom, and she admired her body as it always had been: her snorty snout, her upper teeth hanging over her lower lip, a great pair of thick spectacles balanced upon her upturned nose; which resembled much of a pig, and her face a polka dot tapestry of modern art.

"I say, Professor," she lisped, wiping snort from her nose, and snorting as little pig in the manner she always did, "that was all jolly fun, but I think I'd like to just forget all about this," and she sang, "fa la a la la," and skipped from the classroom with her tiny teats bouncing upon her flabby belly.

Professor Dumbfuch sighed and turned his attention back to his class, "now where were we?" he asked a random eight year old.


>> No.22473711

>And Hermion Ganggangs fact unshaven face
*fat unshaven, DUHHHH

>> No.22473727

/lit/ is an infinite loop anymore. I don’t understand why anons feel the need to make the same cancerous threads everyday

>> No.22473759

you just realizing this? shiiiit /catalog/ this is the fastfood burger the market craves via addiction, whereas: you seek the good liguini of the back alley unknown restaurant - it's run by the mafia or it'd never pay the rent

but dam u jst realizing this shit forreal

>> No.22473850

Nah. I’ve resigned myself to it a while ago but every so often I feel the need to voice my frustration

>> No.22473907

Sexual repression is the key to intellectual greatness.
Past the two week mark of total abstinence for some reason it unleashes something godlike in my brain.

>> No.22473939

ASMR regressed from 3D audioscapes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUDTlvagjJA

The shivers you can get from these when objects come near your head is a side effect which became the centerpiece coined as Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response.

>> No.22473943
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I've thought about joining orthodoxy but what if I dont get anything from it?

>> No.22473999

I cannot stand how many pointless novels exist. When I go to the grocery store, there are 50 cowboy novels or secret squirrel black ops novels on the shelf that all are the literary equivalent of absolute mush.

Nonfiction is not much better. Everyone has their own little “How to X” book in the world. Take coding for example. If you buy a book that starts with beginner’s guide to code, and your first introductory paragraph does not start with “These are the programs we will be using, these are the techniques you will be learning.” but instead immediately jumps into something like setting a program, you have gone too far.

Self help and motivation books are garbage. Every podcaster has one. Spending a few years as a SEAL does not mean you qualify as a leader. It may mean you have the mental toughness to endure horrid conditions of lack of sleep and have been a top level athlete at one point in time, but telling someone that they should take a cold shower isn’t inherently helping them in life. The only person it is only really helping, is the author and his ghost writer.

>> No.22474020

>people are gullible

>> No.22474030

You are a coomer NPC of course the Sacraments are closed off to you.

>> No.22474037


>> No.22474038

>what do I get from it
Sexual repression

>> No.22474042

>average linux user
>without programming socks

>> No.22474052

what's the hindu position on people born outside of the caste system? what's their spiritual condition? is the lack of a hereditary social position and the potentially limitless social mobility of non-hindus considered morally wrong?

>> No.22474065

>My attachment to Fascism is still just a vibe right now
Why do zoomies treat politics like collecting pokemons? Or like choosing an outfit to wear?

>> No.22474071

They might be re-born as low-caste Hindus if they lead a virtuous life

>> No.22474099
File: 178 KB, 579x432, James Joyce holding a newspaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are indeed hardly more than a dozen original themes in world LITERATURE ... Tristan und Isolde is an example of an original theme. Richard Wagner kept on modifying it, often unconsciously, in Lohengrin, in Tannhauser; and he thought he was treating something entirely new when he wrote Parsifal.

>> No.22474354

There are people on this website that begin their replies with "Eh"

>> No.22474394

All my chocolate edibles are melting in this late summer heat. I'd keep them in the fridge if it wouldn't alarm my very sweet but ultra-Tory flatmate. I hope that once they've melted and resolidified into lumpier forms it will affect only aesthetics and not potency.

>> No.22474403

How do you feel about being vegetarian and standing for four hours straight?

>> No.22474411

Lots of incel threads today

>> No.22474506

there's something significant and illuminative of the appeal of gambling in the fact that you can't gamble alone. or wait - there's russian roulette. but maybe that's an exception for the reason that to play the game is at the same time to accept the consequences. it's the lag, and the possibility to forbear from undertaking the consequences, that otherwise differentiates solo play from entering a casino, or slinking into the bookies, and submitting yourself to social objectivity.

>> No.22474514

I got too drunk last night. I was sexting with some girl on Tinder and eventually we facetimed and she showed me her pussy and ttities while I jerked off.

I hope she didn't film that lol

>> No.22474523

>I hope she didn't film that lol
I think your problem is less getting too drunk than being way too paranoid. It sounds like a decent night in - in your place I'd chill out.

>> No.22474528

>the fact that you can't gamble alone. or wait - there's russian roulette
How tf do you play russian roullete alone?
Pretty sure that's just shooting yourself. Not much of a gamble..

>> No.22474531

fuck this modern life, this shit is sad

>> No.22474533


its been a while since ive been single I dunno how this works anymore

>> No.22474545

sometimes i wish i could impulsively leave my rigorous academics behind and become a professional mime. i would never have to talk to anybody again in a professional setting (at least while performing) i mean i’m too much of a realist to actually do it and i like my current life too much but i often find myself searching for something more

>> No.22474555

I bet professional mimes talk alot about scheduling and getting permits to work in parks and shit.

>> No.22474557

I mean this genuinely when I say that this is the best literature I've read since reading The Castle last year.

>> No.22474569 [DELETED] 

I want to write an erotic story about a femcel, working at the train station cafe, who meets an older man who makes her feel, for the first time, attractive, even lethal, and who soon becomes her first boyfriend. But after she moves into his flat on the pine-bound street at the edge of town - breeblock wall along the front drive - she's barely had to time to finish unpacking all her clothes before she finds out that he's acquired a sordid reputation as the local drunkard, a man who sits on the trail bench at night with a gin bottle and an FM radio, a man who once had his car stolen by a prostitute he'd booked for an in-call, a man you crossed the street to avoid, an embarrassment, though to the street more than to himself, since he still keeps a staunch dignity about him. She thinks, I will change him, I'll give him love that's better than gin. The end result is that she ends up, weak-willed whorelet that she is, an alcoholic too, sitting on the trail bench at night, hearing the FM's serenade, drinking from a plastic goblet the corner-shop's waters of Lethe.

>> No.22474574

I feel bloated. I hate eating. I hate fatties. Saw so many of them today. I despise every single one of them. No excuse exist for their gluttony. Yet I can sympathise with them since the fleeting pleasures food brings are sometimes the only thing that can sate my despair. I hate eating. I feel bloated

>> No.22474578

I want to write an erotic story about a femcel, working at the train station cafe, who meets an older man who makes her feel, for the first time, attractive, even lethal, and who soon becomes her first boyfriend. But after she moves into his flat on the pine-bound street at the edge of town - breezeblock wall enclosing the front drive - she's barely had to time to finish unpacking all her clothes before she finds out that he's acquired a sordid reputation as the local drunkard, a man who sits on the trail bench at night with a gin bottle and an FM radio, a man who once had his car stolen by a prostitute he'd booked for an in-call, a man you crossed the street to avoid, an embarrassment, though to the street more than to himself, since he still keeps a staunch dignity about him. She thinks, I will change him, I'll give him love that's better than gin. The end result is that she ends up, weak-willed whorelet that she is, an alcoholic too, sitting on the trail bench at night, hearing the FM's serenade, drinking from a plastic goblet the corner-shop's waters of Lethe.

>> No.22474595

>How tf do you play russian roullete alone?
by pulling the trigger. as i said in my post above, to play the game is at the same time to accept the consequences, when playing russian roulette.

>> No.22474603

And you don't seem to understand
A shame you seemed an honest woman

And you don't seem the lying kind
A shame that I can read your mind

>> No.22474621

well yeah of course but it would be nice to be a mute performer is all i’m saying

>> No.22474628 [DELETED] 

anyone know an accredited online literature masters that will take anyone? my work will pay for it as long as it's not super expensive, it just has to be accredited. i have a lame undergrad gpa and i'm not in the mood to cram for the gre, so it has to be some desperate school with an online program that basically takes anyone. i'm sure these exist and people on /lit/ know it. i would also settle for a digital art mfa. ok, or an mail order mba, again as long as it's accredited. where can i find some bottom of the barrel grad programs?

>> No.22474659

i would read this, do it.

>> No.22474718

I like doing creative stuff and I know that it's what I want to do for money, the problem is that I enjoy too much creative stuff and can't actually seem to settle down on anything. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't know that practising in one thing means I'm losing time on something else

>> No.22474992

So many regrets and lost opportunities. No matter how good I'm doing now, and I'm doing pretty damn good, those memories still haunt me. I wish it wasnt like this

>> No.22475029

Cogito ergo zoom
I think
Therefore I drink and drive

>> No.22475040

If you skip to 3:30 in this video of Mark Cuban you see him make the same points Derrida does in Signature Event Context:

>> No.22475232

I feel like weed, psychedelics, and the like are things which probably shouldn't be entirely illegal in an ideal world because a responsible adult with good self-control could handle them without developing a mental reliance or strong craving for them and could be trusted to use them responsibly, but I have far too little trust in normies to ever advocate for such a position in real life, to trust the average joe to not become a sedated lotus eater. I have never really heard anyone advocate for this sort of position online or in real life, people are either completely pro or contra. I guess it's partly because it would be really hard to argue on the basis of not trusting the people who you would have to convince to see your point, everybody thinks they'd be one of the responsible people with self-control when obviously such people are like one in a dozen at best if people were to be truthful in their self-evaluation.

>> No.22475351
File: 17 KB, 188x269, images (42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could just human sacrifice the irresponsible for a change
(Nezahualcoyotl murdered his 4 sons, all of who slept with his mistresses)

>> No.22475371
File: 86 KB, 369x411, Screenshot_20230909_182128_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22475422

Because zoomers live in an age of spiritual destitution. We are struggling as a whole generation to find meaning and purpose in a society which could not have been better designed to produce alienation.

>> No.22475450
File: 84 KB, 1024x980, Noticer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh as I got older, I realised that women overall just have this nature in them to want to control things. The problem is, although they can get control very easily they more often than not aren't very responsible with it. Or they misuse it that it leads to destruction, most of the times without even meaning or intending to. Eg. Being accepting of things that are blatantly wrong to gain social favor, such as transgenderism and the covid vaccine, dressing and acting like sluts

It always starts in the homes, where they destroy the husband, so he becomes a weaker (simp) version of himself just to survive her (remember that silly "happy wife happy life" motto that basically implies to give in to her every whim which then often backfires long term), or he ends up leaving. Then the women have free reign to impose their nature onto their kids and control them in some way. Sometimes it's done covertly, through excess coddling which they claim is "love" but then destroys the kids long term as it leaves them unprepared for real life. Or they impose their own traumas, neurosis, complaints about other people (like their father) onto the kids which they then start to identify with passively. Then the cycle continues where the daughters become like her by being controlling with future partners and kids, and the sons either become straight up incels or end up marry women like her who weakens them which stops them from protecting their kids as they should from her. Both sons/daughters thinking it's the normal way to be.


>> No.22475460
File: 99 KB, 700x693, 1693746123836597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seems to be the reason why a lot of issues in society stem from absentee father's or weak father's. Eg. trannies, incels, school shooters to thugs, sluts, daddy issue girls, angry/resentful people

I feel there really needs to be a balance of energies. Women need to be self aware of their nature and give up this controlling nature and men need to be strong enough to be able to HANDLE that nature so that it doesn't ruin their kids and protect them from it.

Seems to be why women are the more neurotic, anxiety ridden types. It all stems from wanting to control things, or not being able to control things. Once you come to this realisation you will notice this in basically ALL women in your life, from your coworkers, HR roasties, relatives, even your own mother and grandmother you love so much. Even if you ask them something that requires a simple yes or no, they will speak in tangents to control. Heck, what is makeup? Another thing they can use to control their appearance.

They all do it so some extent and just like that, can switch sides so easily to control the situation and keep life comfy for themselves if it becomes the social norm or to control others perception of them.

I think it's men's job to relieve them of this hell they live in. It's why despite what they say, they always want a man of higher status and more dominant than them. So they can finally relax and have them take the reigns/lead. If they don't trust the man they're with, they go into their control overdrive and they destroy their man and impose their nature on the kids which continues the cycle. You'll notice it in any failed or failing relationship, it almost always stems from the man not being strong enough to lead the relationship/family properly that the woman ended up taking over covertly and brought it to it's destruction

>> No.22475515

I know a guy who really did end up marrying a cute tomboy.
She's one of my friends from high school, a track runner with short hair and visible abs and a thing for traditionally "manly" stuff like wrenching on cars as well as walking around in nice dresses. These days she's a nationally ranked mile runner.
I'm happy for the guy but extremely jealous. He's living the dream. At the same time it gives me a bit of optimism.

>> No.22475524

this is where i want to be. i can feel someone calling me. i don't think you get it. why do people want this.

>> No.22475530

I can't be the only one to feel like the world has been frozen in time since 2016. Like things haven't moved either forward, backward, or sideways since.

>> No.22475684

>I realised that women overall just have this nature in them to want to control things.
I know what you mean. I roomed with a woman for the first time this past year and she got mad at me cause I left the door open briefly while I got something from my car.
She also wanted to have household chores on a schedule.
With a lot of guys as long as nothing is on fire they don't give shit.

>> No.22475726

I fucked up. Took a shift out at this remote location (security) from like 7a.m to afternoon.
Normally work nightshift, so I'm dead tired bloodshot eyes since I got no sleep but the shift was $25/hr so I couldn't turn it down.
>hot af like 90 fahrenheit
>get super sweaty and smelly
>Nearing end of shift can barely keep my eyes open
>car pulls up
>they're just staring at me but I don't think anything of it. Assume it's either a worker or if it's my replacement they should approach soon.
It's my replacement, and she thinks I was asleep for some reason,, and proceeds to tell me that this is very bad. "I was sitting there for 10 minutes and you didn't notice me. That is really really bad"
And lecture me on how my shirt should be tucked in.
I must have looked a mess with my bloodshot eyes, untucked shirt, and smelling like sweat.
Kind of afraid she's gonna report me and ill lose my job. I need to be more careful.

>> No.22475754

yeah that's what this is <_<;

>> No.22475798

give me her name

>> No.22475815

>Kind of afraid she's gonna report me and ill lose my job. I need to be more careful.

Don't be afraid. Your thoughts are lies. You weren't doing anything actually wrong were you?

>> No.22475863

I hate myself. I hate the way I look, sound, my personality, my temperament, my mannerisms. I just don’t like myself.

>> No.22475902


>> No.22475954

Well bros I may have unironically met the tard wife today.

>> No.22475955

Bro I'm tall, handsome, and have a deep, smooth voice everyone loves. But I'm awkward as fuck and cannot talk to girls. You ha e no idea how tantalizing it is to have a qt flirt with me and become annoyed and disgusted within minutes of seeing me spill my spaghetti

>> No.22475975

I feel like normies rarely, if ever read for pleasure or to acquire knowledge. The overwhelming majority of what they read are worthless pop history, pornographic romance novels, or literature that never really ventures past such profound takes as "bad people bad", "rural white people are weird and icky", or "brown people are so amazing". Even if I politically agreed with them I couldn't fathom enjoying what they read because it's all so shallow and one note.

>> No.22475981

You have to overcome this or you will live your whole life in its shadow until one day something happens to you that starts a chain reaction that leads, gradually or not, to a healthier self-image, and you will suddenly realize, holy shit I wasted years and years of my life wallowing in this unnecessary self-pity.

One of the most important things that everybody needs to integrate into their personality, as a kind of baseline principle, is that you just aren't that interesting to others by default. Ugly, monstrous people get by just fine most of the time. Most people are just trying to get to the end of the day, most people don't notice the rude customers or the ugly people on the bus. In fact, if you gain self-confidence and realize your own charismatic assets, you may even be disappointed when you go around trying to engage them with people, and finding that a lot of people just want to end the interactions as quickly as possible even though you were being charming or interesting. That's because the baseline and default of human interaction is indifference.

If you have horrendous acne, no one cares. Lots of people with horrendous acne have partners who love them. No one really cares if you're fat, although you should obviously try to fix it. Nobody really remembers your awkwardness.

It can actually become a form of narcissism to spend your whole life wallowing in how "interestingly" bad or broken you are. You need to start with a clean slate every morning so you can get started writing what matters to you on the slate, having the experiences you want to have, etc. If the slate is 90% filled with navel gazing about how everybody can tell you're standing weird in line, you only have 10% left over to actually live your life.

Most repulsive and notably autistic people you meet will reveal that they actually have a mostly normal level of self-confidence. They may have specific things they fret over but that's it.

>> No.22475995

look up hypergamy you inane twat.

>> No.22476007

The more directly eroticism approaches its subject matter, the less exciting and interesting it becomes.

>> No.22476013

To be handsome
Enough to bed
Brings no solace,
If never wed

>> No.22476043
File: 51 KB, 230x250, IMG_0969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexuals going at it again in the apartment above me

>> No.22476044 [DELETED] 

>live flat chests
>every girl in my area is fat or a titty monster
>alao can't bring up the subject with anyone without getting called a pedo
I exist to suffer

>> No.22476063

What kind of retarded philosophizing is this. It’s an innate feeling. There’s no thinking to be done. People want to fuck and loved by virtue of existing and being people. Incels exist when they can’t fuck or be loved, and their actions are a result of the intense pain they feel, not being able to fulfill the most basic and innate of human desires. It’s not social pressure. It’s not some conspiracy that they had it but don’t remember. That’s retarded

>> No.22476066

I broke up with my practice gf who genuinely loved me because I'm now more confident to pursue more attractive girls and I feel like an absolute piece of shit for it

>> No.22476074

in the Netherlands its a basic human right. should come here out west.

>> No.22476078

does it get easier living with women? I'm living with my mum for a bit and I'm about to throw a massive tantrum.

>> No.22476079

Shut up roastie

>> No.22476080

womens entire lives revolve around the idea of sex, just not the act itself, to which they withhold from potential suitors so they can continue being a pervert without the strings attached.

>> No.22476083

I only watch doctor roleplays nowadays to go to sleep. I tend to not like ASMR storytelling as the story distracts me from my potential goal.

>> No.22476087

How long were you with the practice gf for? When did you break up

>> No.22476118

I was with her for 6 months, broke up with her 2 months ago

>> No.22476132

I am finally genuinely enjoy reading books now. I used to do it just to look like an intellectual. But now I have acknowledged openly that I am an idiot and this board introduced me to many works (Thanks to the anon who recommended Ficciones by Borges). Like I enjoy reading now bros, finished 2 books so far.

>> No.22476158

The creatures may be small, but they are wise in knowing how to govern themselves—the definition of wisdom. Badgers: the rock badger is able to live on rocky heights that provide security from its enemies. Locusts: though vulnerable individually their huge swarms are impossible to deflect.

The wise make peace and avoid strife, for strife eventually harms those who provoke it.

>> No.22476186

You can learn social skills but I cannot acquire looks.

>> No.22476237
File: 255 KB, 1687x2045, 1690634760069331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> a chaste womanizer

>> No.22476260

I can't comprehend these levels of normalfaggotry

>> No.22476303

not if you're autistic, genius

>> No.22476304

it usually happens for women
>find anxious/fat/mentally ill etc women
>she becomes better
>now she has more confidence
>dumps you because she can get a better quality man

>> No.22476372

>You weren't doing anything actually wrong were you?
That's not what matters. Appearances matter more than whether or not you're actually doing anything wrong.
Idk maybe I'm just getting into a paranoid frame of mind.
Starting to feel again as well like my roommates gonna kick me out. Like im always worried I'm in their way, or that i strike people as dangerous. The last is the most worrisome.
People keep a running count and it adds up
People just concoct whatever justification post hoc for fucking you over if the smallest thing bothers them.
I smell bad can't seem to get the smell to leave. That will be another thing they add to the list. Then theyll add the fact that ive a list to the list. This morning I'm gonna take a really long shower.

>> No.22476382

Contextual but usually it just means some idea or concept that you need background or esoteric knowledge on to 'get'. Like an inside joke but it doesn't even need to be funny anymore

>> No.22476389

I don't even feel that depressed but I can't seem to manage life in the sense that my living space is a complete mess, I pay bills late for no good reason, I don't keep up to date with important things I need to. I just don't have a reason to try in the real world, I'd rather spend my time thinking inside my head or receiving external stimulation. Maybe I'm just so used to feeling dejected that I no longer feel it as a bad thing, it has just become my baseline

>> No.22476390

It was Los Angeles, a city that thrived under the veil of darkness, with its secrets entwined like the webs of a spider. The year was 1952, a time when the world was starting to see cracks in the facade of innocence. In an unremarkable edifice nestled amidst the labyrinthine warehouse district, discrete meetings took place behind closed doors, where only the chosen few were privy to the twilight dealings.

The man in charge, a commanding figure exuding an air of authority, held court within these walls. His eyes, sharp and penetrating, scanned the room as he inquired about the next lady to be presented before him. His female assistant, a thirty-year-old, shapely brunette. She was attired in a knee-length skirt and a white blouse, her curvaceous rear accentuated by her undergarment lines.

A woman by the name of Ms. Ming, of exotic Chinese descent, was next in line. As she entered the room, her slender grace and delicate features captivated all who laid eyes upon her. Her porcelain-pale complexion seemed to glow in the dimly lit space, adding an ethereal aura to her presence.

The man engaged in customary formalities, extracting information from Ms. Ming with skillful precision. Despite her discernible accent, she responded eloquently and confidently, not allowing it to hinder her intelligence or demeanor. Sensing it was time, the man silently signaled his assistant, and like a phantom emerging from the shadows, the enforcer stepped forward.

The man turned to Ms. Lily Ming and requested, “Madam, I shall require you to rise. As peculiar as it may sound, we must determine your weight.” Though slightly bewildered, Ms. Ming complied. It was then that the enforcer sprang into action, swiftly seizing the twenty-five-year-old by the arms from behind. “Hold her firmly, Rex,” commanded the man, as Ms. Ming’s shrieks rang out. Shock and terror pulsed through her veins, echoed by the piercing screams that reverberated off the cold, lifeless walls. Resistance proved futile as Rex, the imposing enforcer, held her captive against his sturdy frame.

In the midst of the chaos, Shirley, the man’s assistant, adeptly executed her calculated plan, undeterred by the commotion unfolding before her. She swiftly, yet deliberately, exposed Ms. Ming’s vulnerability, lifting her skirt and revealing the intimate fabric that clung to her trembling body. Shirley’s actions held a certain calculated coldness, born out of necessity, as she inspected the raven-colored tresses adorning Ms. Ming’s private area, subsequently inspecting its moist, almost wet condition.

Satisfied with her findings, Shirley unearthed a hidden compartment within a bookshelf, a concealed sanctuary housing an aquarium filled with water and clusters of aquatic vegetation. The contents of this secret reservoir held a purpose far from conventional, serving as an environment suitable for the peculiar creature that awaited its new host.

>> No.22476393

>That will be another thing they add to the list. Then theyll add the fact that ive a list to the list.
Whispered. Weird. He's so weird. Whispered i just don't know what to do anymore, see what i have to deal with?
The other day i went to the bathroom. Door is locked i knock. Then realize, embarrassed, that it's occupied. 10 minutes later i do the same thing.
Fuck they'll add that to the "creep list".
Paranoia like this becomes self fulfilling.
I need to perform some act of small niceties to ensure they don't hate me. I will offer to make coffee for my roommates. Just to ensure they're indebted even in a small way. Reciprocal debt is social currency, a form of insurance.
All this hair it's hiding dirt and sweat in the corners where i cant see that are stinking up the whole place and rotting and im the only one that doesn't realize.
I need to wash everything again.
It's always accumulating but it doesn't wash out.
I need to quiet my mind but i can't seem to
Can't remember the last time i had a real good sleep
Wven when i do fall asleep it's discontented by this sense of total insecurity.
Jen this video actually encapsulates my state of mind: https://youtu.be/dctsAsvRLA0?si=YvFtvM7bkxn2RvzD

>> No.22476396

Meanwhile, the captive Ms. Ming found herself consumed by a paralyzing terror that transcended the physical realm. Her palpable fear caused an involuntary release, a stream of urine cascading onto the floor, staining not only the concrete but also her captor’s shoes and trousers. Rex displayed no concern; it was not his first encounter with a lady who had relieved herself upon him (or worse), and undoubtedly it would not be his last.

With the stage set, the man turned his attention back to Shirley, entrusting her with the necessary proceedings. Her hands, unyielding and devoid of emotion, grasped an obsidian-black creature, a writhing monstrosity that seemed to possess a malevolent energy. Shirley, unperturbed by its unsettling nature, positioned the creature within the confines of Ms. Ming’s soiled undergarments.

The worm-like creature squirmed within its newfound habitat, restrained by the fabric that held it. Unfazed by its movements, Shirley delicately returned the undergarments to their original place, securing the aberration within. Though her words carried a soothing tone, the reality of Ms. Ming’s captivity remained unchanged. Lily continued to struggle ferociously, mustering all of her human strength, which, alas, only precipitated further urination.

The room reeked of tainted innocence, a mixture of urine and fear that hung heavily, cloaking the proceedings in a sulphurous odorous mist.

“Fortunately, these creatures bear no mind to a mere sprinkling of urine,” commented the boss matter-of-factly.

“Quite so,” agreed Shirley, unconsciously pressing her hand against her own crotch over her attire.

“You see, her resistance is dwindling,” Shirley observed, wedging her skirted backside against a corner of a metallic desk. Ms. Ming’s dark eyes appeared increasingly serene, replaced by a dulled, almost vacant expression. “I believe she is nearly prepared,” declared her superior. “And not a moment too soon, for it certainly reeks of a chamber pot in this room, would you not agree, Shirley?” “Oh, indeed, sir. Ms. Ming has undeniably created quite a damp mess.” “The spillage of a Chinese maiden’s pee isn’t precisely my cup of tea,” she giggled, “but at least we’re not dealing with any brown dumplings right?!"

The man, stern and resolute, chastised Shirley for her indiscretion, reminding her of the professionalism required in their line of work. Shirley acquiesced, though her hand lingered upon her own hidden desires beneath her gray attire, lulled into indulgence amid the unfolding darkness.

Grant Ms. Ming a mere ten minutes longer, and she shall be complete, eh?” “Indeed,” uttered Shirley, who, unconsciously, struggled to restrain her impulses.

Unfazed by Shirley’s eagerness, the boss interjected, “Hold your horses, my dear. Allow her an additional five minutes, to ensure her well-being during this peculiar ordeal,” he advised.

>> No.22476399

Tommorow i will take out the trash, do all the dishes, deep clean kitchen, and call my parents.
That way they are super indebted and my service will ensure my place here.
I'm not actually on the lease so I need to be careful cause if they wanted me gone they could make it happen.
I hold no cards of my own.

>> No.22476400

I suffer terribly under sloth. If I was to give my genetic composition, I'm 40% Middle European and 60% sloth. Not that I don't have a job, but as soon as I get home I put on some comfortable pants and sloth all day, lying on the couch or bed with the TV or radio/music on and do nuffin all day. It was still manageable in the past but now my slothfulness has started to reach Oblomovian levels.

>> No.22476401

“Yes, sir,” Shirley responded, her voice gaining an inadvertent huskiness as time advanced.

“Ah, I perceive that Ms. Ming is now finished. Observe the emptiness in her eyes, akin to tiny stars gleaming in an abyss. Shirley, my dear, you are now free to bring this matter to fruition, as they say in our circles. Administer the coup de grace to this fair oriental maiden.” “Yes, sir,” Shirley acquiesced, her voice a mixture of passion and determination. Turning to his assistant, the boss commended, “Well done, Rex. Relax your hold on Ms. Ming, but ensure she remains upright. Do not be astounded by Shirley’s upcoming actions. She must physically gratify Ms. Ming’s sacred womanhood until the climax of ecstasy is reached. This act, though seemingly lascivious, is not driven by desires of pleasure, but rather it is the pinnacle of the ancient Chinese methodology, outlined in the relevant texts. The attainment of climax while under the influence of the Giant Malaysian Swamp Leech (Mimobdella Malaysianus Giganticus) is essential for the subconscious imprinting of our own voices, either mine or Shirley’s. Devoid of this libidinal imprinting, the entire procedure would be futilely temporary, verging on the absurd, and dare I say, immoral.” “Yes, sir,” Rex responded, his discomfort evident as he tugged at his collar.

“You may now proceed with the second stage of the operation, Shirley.” “It would be my pleasure, sir.” Ms. Ming, still partially supported by Rex, allowed Shirley to concentrate on removing her soiled undergarments, tainted with the odoriferous remnants of urine. With gentle dexterity, she parted Ms. Ming’s swollen nether region, seeking traces of the creature that initiated this incredible process. Failing to locate it, Shirley then scrutinized Ms. Ming’s erect clitoris, a customary occurrence at this juncture. To further guarantee her findings, she requested Rex to turn Ms. Ming, exposing her posterior for closer inspection.

“No, he does not reside there ... almost certain,” she pondered aloud.

“By the way, her posterior has a rather pleasant aroma, peculiar as it may sound.” A stifled snicker escaped from Rex’s lips, as his own manhood involuntarily stiffened. He attempted to conceal this embarrassing ordeal by pressing it against Ms. Ming’s clothed derriere, now that she was positioned forward once more.

>> No.22476407

Shirley became surgically focused on Ms. Ming’s utterly exposed and exquisitely carnose quim. Her mouth attached like a parasitic lamprey to the glistening sex, as her tongue skillfully stimulated the accessible orifices and folds of said succulent organ, with particular emphasis on the astoundingly erect clitoris. After roughly five minutes of such oral and lingual attentions, Ms. Ming began to emit moans and groans, signaling the awakening of her entire being, from her gaze to her bosom, from her womanhood to her backside, and every inch in between. Although her conscious mind remained entranced, this entire process would ultimately function as a physio-sexual-psychological resuscitation, resuscitating her individualized consciousness. Eventually, Ms. Ming’s reflexive utterances crescendoed in tandem with the arching of her back and the rolling of her eyes, while Shirley, akin to a persistent vampire eel, remained latched onto Ms. Ming’s pulsating feminine core, particularly her clitoris. Shirley clutched onto Ms. Ming’s haunches, employing them as anchors amid the fervent writhing and thrusting. Gradually, these convulsive movements waned in intensity, until they ultimately ceased altogether. Ms. Ming’s exhausted moans lingered for a few more minutes. Finally, after the passage of a significant duration, Shirley detached herself from the intimate embrace. Sheepishly, she surveyed the two men before her, as her tongue discreetly swept away remnants of thick white substance, her swallowing and consumption of it communicated both avidity and an attempt at discretion.

Having cleansed herself, much like a feline, Shirley shifted her attention towards her boss, reporting, “Indeed, the leech remains wholly concealed within Ms. Ming. Yet, as she has concluded her orgasmic state, it should be the cue for the creature to withdraw from her intimate sanctum.” As anticipated, the now engorged creature began to emerge from the saturated orifice, streaked with the white residue of Ms. Ming’s climax. Having consumed various fluids, it had more than doubled in size. Remarkably, it resembled a lubricious obsidian phallus of unparalleled magnitude. Perched upon Shirley’s arm like a cherished pet, it elicited jubilant fascination in her countenance. Affectionately, she bestowed a kiss upon the creature’s exterior, before returning it to its watery abode, hidden within a concealed compartment.

Shirley’s thoughts danced with a mixture of intrigue and admiration for the ancient Chinese methodology she had just borne witness to. The culmination of Ms. Ming’s resplendent climax marked a pivotal moment in their quest for subconscious imprinting. Every act leading up to this point had been a carefully orchestrated dance, steeped in tradition and purpose. The sacredness of this ritual extended far beyond the desires of mere pleasure; it was a means to an end, a gateway to another realm of understanding.

>> No.22476410

With the creature safely returned to its hidden chamber, Shirley took a moment to collect herself, aware of the weight of what they had just accomplished. The physical gratification she had provided to Ms. Ming was not an act of passion, but rather a philosophical passage and method steeped in tradition and guided by ancient texts. It was an act of immense responsibility, for without it, their entire endeavor would be futile.

As they prepared to move forward, Shirley couldn’t shake the lingering intensity of the experience. The taste of Ms. Ming’s climax, intimate and exhilarating, lingered on her tongue. It was a reminder of the depths they were willing to explore, the extremes they were willing to personally undergo in the pursuit of subconscious imprinting.

Shirley, with a mesmerizing radiance illuminating her countenance, once again redirected her focus toward her superior, inadvertently employing her cuff to wipe her mouth, a telltale sign of her anticipation and excitement.

“I intend to bestow upon Ms. Ming an extensive cleansing, that is, if she has awoken sufficiently,” she declared.

“Lily, do you perceive my words,” she inquired gently, “my dear, are you prepared to engage in a thorough ablution? It shall merely be the two of us women, assiduously attending to our respective cleanliness. How does this proposition resonate with your sensibilities?”

"What has transpired?” Ms. Ming queried, her own mind thrown into a state of bewildering befuddlement.

“It is a tale of considerable length, my dear, yet understand that you are now in our employ. Henceforth, every weekend, you shall encounter an ethereal ecstasy unmatched, a pinnacle of female rapture. Some claim it rivals the unparalleled pleasure certain women attain prior to asphyxiation or hanging. However, in your case, you shall be afforded the opportunity to recount this delight time and time again, with the advantage of continued vitality!”

Curiosity ignited within young Ms. Ming’s eyes, as she naively and wondrously inquired, “Pray tell, what shall occupy my hours during the remaining days?”

“During those hours, you shall act as a clandestine operative, diligently reporting to us regarding activities within the Triads located in China Town. Yet, let us not leap too far ahead, my dear. For now, let us concentrate on our shared shower, shall we not?”

"Indeed,” Ms. Ming replied simply.

>> No.22476413

As the two women departed, their garments stained with traces of urine and intimate exudations (although it should be noted that such stains were predominantly attributed to the younger one, of Oriental origin), the two men were left to dwell in their own thoughts. Almost simultaneously, they cleared their throats, their voices breaking the silence that enveloped the room richly saturated with the heady fragrance of feminine excitation, so tangible it could be severed with a spatula. In this charged atmosphere, the Boss asserted, his tone laced with authority and anticipation, “In the following years, Ms. Ming shall serve as an unwavering member of our organization akin to an untiring rower, for no fewer than five years, I dare postulate. Afterward, she may ascend to a position of greater responsibility, much like Shirley herself, or choose to retire and focus on endeavors undoubtedly less surreal. None of this shall ever make logical sense to her from this point onward, yet the memories of the sublime heights of preternatural bliss that await her shall serve as her indelible guide, propelling her forward. The immeasurable pleasure that awaits her intimate core, time and time again, shall act as a supreme aphrodisiacal force, making all trials and tribulations worthwhile. And let us not overlook the tremendous scientific contribution this spectacle represents.”

>> No.22476420

Getting paranoid about seeming paranoid in a way that's visible.
If you breathe loud enough they can hear.
I need to occupy no space, if i subsisted in a place they'd start to question what this thing was doing here why it thought it had a right to exist in space.
Hiding under the covers nothing is covered Nowhere is free from observance.
Signals go outward constantly.

>> No.22476490

There's no justice in the world

>> No.22476508

there is the chance of vengeance though

>> No.22476629

I swing between thinking it's absolutely over and megalomia.

>> No.22476663

Nothing good comes out of vengeance

>> No.22476709
File: 699 KB, 570x760, tokyo decadence - correct fallout 2 poster version.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually not bad, it reminds me of Jaq Dracos adventures

>> No.22476758

I just think the reality is that people who really do something with their lives are very often at least somewhat handsome. As I get older, I feel that my natural features are actually just ugly and so I feel like I can’t really do anything in particular with my life and lately, I have no success with friends or with women.

>> No.22476776

It's honestly not true, but it does give rise a different kind of vigor, a different archetype: The man with a chip on his shoulder who defies the world and builds something both in and out of spite. Stop pitying yourself and develop some meanness. Get a little greasier, a little more willing to do someone else might not. Impose your ugliness on them and laugh as they recoil.

>> No.22476830

I dont like my life. I don’t like myself. I want to stop existing.

>> No.22476838

>Lots of people with horrendous acne have partners who love them.
thats not me ;_;

>> No.22476845

Living in a relatively small college town late 20s through early 30s. I don’t know if there just aren’t many people that age or if I’m the problem. Don’t know if I should move to the city or not.

>> No.22476847

Supplements are so useless and ineffectual
>pop 3 mags
>no change whatsoever

>> No.22476870

Lmao at this dumb bitch reporting my coworker for sexual harassment not knowing him and half the guys in management are frat brothers.

>> No.22476871

I don't think anyone but millionaires should be having kids. If you're poor and you have a kid then you should be shot on sight.

>> No.22476885

I have ten kids that I know of and Im on the dole. Square up bitch.

>> No.22476888

Should I get an apartment in Brooklyn for a while or should I just go back to my college town? I might end up going back for a master’s degree eventually, but I’ve just spent so much time there that I want a change of scenery for a while.

>> No.22476895


i don't understand what you mean. you are around thirty and dissatisfied because your town's average age is slightly younger? and you'd rather live in a city?

be glad the college is there. otherwise your town would probably be economically defunct, or if it was sufficiently charming to begin with, terraformed into an expensive and tacky weekend getaway for affluent 40-60 year old covid refugees from the nearest city and/or airbnb feudalism. i assume towns that are more than a realistic driving distance for a weekend trip are spared this gristly fate.

>> No.22476901

dump your stuff in storage and live as a homeless person for a while.

>> No.22476902

>and Im on the dole.
Lol, based and takingadvantageofthegovernmentpilled.

>> No.22476916

I’d rather not.

>> No.22476929

that didn't really address the issue. he said he didn't like himself, not that other people didn't like him.

>> No.22476934

I lived in a traphouse in Brownsville for a year. Shit was funny and Im almost sure one of the dudes on my floor was the most prolific rapists in Brooklyn.

>> No.22476948

Suppose, an infuriating conflict came to be, where you are objectively the victim, but you were the one to bring it about in the first place.

>> No.22476954

I've been thinking about 4chan's IQ fetish lately. This is as a tested high IQ with a shit life and no future prospects. It's interesting.
Plenty of average to below average types seem to do well for themselves. It seems like all cleverness brings, in any form, is suffering. Not an original thought, I know.

>> No.22476970

I’m looking at a studio in a nice neighborhood. I’m just tired of being in a college town or my parents’ house, man.

>> No.22476984

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/Nem0u9vJT1I?si=5bLYhVbN9Dm5zdIE

>> No.22476995

A schizophrenic person moved in with me recently. It's one of the worst things I've ever experienced. I don't know how people can handle life like this. She refuses to take medication either. It's really fucked up. Trying your absolute best to help someone just to be met with insane delusions really tears at the soul.

>> No.22477001
File: 21 KB, 593x517, Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aesthetics is a perfectly valid reason to commit ethnic genocide

>> No.22477002

apologies citizen, I have frozen your assets and declared you a criminal; forcing you to undertake this assignment sans the previous terms of enjoying disposable income. rendezvous in one year at our Kabul branch office with your findings. you are advised to proceed to the nearest exit immediately to avoid an unauthorized military skirmish with the local earthmen.

>> No.22477004


>> No.22477022

What are her delusions like?

>> No.22477040

>Why am I being put into a concentration camp?
>You're ugly

>> No.22477044

She has an imaginary boyfriend. She hears voices that say my roommate is trying to hurt the boyfriend which has lead to a threat from her.
She thinks she's being hunted by police and stalked online.
One day she asked me to do sexual things to her so she could be a better hooked to get more money. Yesterday she banged on my door and was bowing down naked crying saying she has given up on true love and will marry me as a formality so I can have her money. It's fucked.
A lot of random delusions too. Mixing reality with movies or games. It's bad man. I hate my roommate for inviting this into my life.
It's also strange how vain and narcissistic she can be.

>> No.22477045

So you don't actually have an argument, you just want to be edgy? Gotcha, anything else?

>> No.22477059

Sounds more like crack addiction.

>> No.22477062

How? I'm not an expert desu. She doesn't go outside ever out of fear so there's no way she can get drugs. She eats a lot too.
She's been in and out of asylums. The diagnosis keeps changing from bipolar to psychosis and others. I don't know. Seems like schizophrenic delusion to me.

>> No.22477081
File: 66 KB, 708x800, Uhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uhh... that's heckin edgy, you know? Not wholesome!
Ugliness is bad, the argument is implicit and obvious enough

>> No.22477085

the light show for private psychedelic reel from the chemical brothers 2023 tour goes hard af

>> No.22477089

Oh yeah? Ive been doing that for a decade with family members

>> No.22477097

Yeah, no dawg, its too late for me

>> No.22477105

I'm sorry you have to go through that. This is genuinely one of the most difficult things I've experienced. My parents were very abusive drug addicts. I think if rather be beat by them again than this.
I want to give up on her.

>> No.22477110

You took all that time and didn't come up with a real argument? Gotcha, anything else?

>> No.22477119

>You took all that time and didn't come up with a real argument?
Sorry, I was searching my folder for the right basedjak to portray you

>> No.22477125

I appreciate it.

>> No.22477128

Hey, anon, I don't know what relation you have to her, but it's okay to prioritize yourself. You are not a professional and you are unlikely to help her. Your life and wellbeing matter too.

>> No.22477142

Describe the conflict in more detail.

>> No.22477410

I love flat chests and I cannot lie

>> No.22477443

Sobriety sucks. Fuck a career. I'm going to be drunk.

>> No.22477595

>The diagnosis keeps changing from bipolar to psychosis and others.

the latest DSM has consolidated all such disorders. they're now called "bat shit crazy". it also states that transsexualism is a minor form of delusion, similar to OCD. neither hormones nor surgery are indicated, least of all in minors, for the obvious reason that both are severely disfiguring. mood and behavioral disorders like "oppositional defiant disorder" are removed altogether as they are simply attempts to pathologize non-compliance. authors who consistently publish unrepeatable results are to be disbarred and sent to serve ten years in a siberian asbestos mine. it's the best dsm yet.

>> No.22477632

does the dsm have a name for being extra susceptible or averse to cringe? sometimes i'll say something triggers my autism, but what i really mean is it's too cringe to bear.

>> No.22477679


>> No.22477752

>One day she asked me to do sexual things to her so she could be a better hooked to get more money. Yesterday she banged on my door and was bowing down naked crying saying she has given up on true love and will marry me as a formality so I can have her money
Bro really has a girl banging on his door asking for sex and he thinks it's a bad thing.
Golden opportunity, no one would believe her anyway.

>> No.22477758


can't you deposit her at the nearest loony bin?

>> No.22477772

I think he's talking about the holocaust.

>> No.22477773

I am a man of high moral fiber. I'm not going to use and hurt someone. Especially not someone already hurt. She told me she has no sexual or romantic feelings for me too.
Probably. She has been in and out of them. She stays for months just to be spat out in a worse situation. It's a very depressing cycle. She told me she's "Seriously considering moving in with her hot friend." So maybe that will be something.

>> No.22477796

I’m reading the Iliad and just finished book 19 and my god. Seeing Achilles prepare for this final showdown is crazy. Him being told that hes destined to die and his acceptance of that, the talk of his father and mother… it’s just so gripping bros. This is honestly better than the odyssey. I can see why Homer has lasted. Holy fuck

>> No.22477853

>the latest DSM has consolidated all such disorders
It has not, schizophrenia is in the schizophrenia spectrum disorder category, bipolar disorder is in the bipolar and related disorder category...
>transsexualism is a minor form of delusion, similar to OCD
It's not, conditions related to transsexuality are categorized in the gender dysphoria category, and delusions aren't a symptom of OCD.
I hope for everybody's sake that you've only just taken abnormal psychology 101 and you're not a mental health professional.
Besides, what you're describing isn't a mental disorder according to modern criteria.

>> No.22477858

dude i'm p sure he joking bro the "batshit insane" thing might be a clue

>> No.22477866

>It's not, conditions related to transsexuality are categorized in the gender dysphoria category, and delusions aren't a symptom of OCD.
>I hope for everybody's sake that you've only just taken abnormal psychology 101 and you're not a mental health professional.

it seems there's little difference between someone who has an irrational and all-consuming preoccupation with their gender and someone who has an irrational and all-consuming preoccupation with germs or any other frequent subject of rumination that people with OCD become distressed over beyond a reasonable degree.

>> No.22477870

You definitely fall on the retard spectrum

>> No.22477871


i was only half joking.

>> No.22477881

I invented a new alphabet and started writing a chevaleresque novel with it.

>> No.22477911


it is not rational to ruminate about one's gender to such an extent that one is compelled to pursue treatments that interfere with normal bodily functions and are arguably disfiguring. these treatments have no objective value. likewise, if someone suffering from OCD is abnormally distressed about burglary, for instance, there is little objective value in buying thousands of dollars of CCTV equipment to monitor their house. OCD is never treated by indulging the sufferer's obsessions, which is obviously counterproductive.

>> No.22477922

Bend over at Butterface Bunker

>> No.22477927


does it not make more sense to encourage sufferers from gender dysphoria to come to grips with the fact that are biologically male or female? is this not a healthier approach than subjecting them to extensive and ultimately futile body modification? by what sort of fucked up anti-logic does this make any sense at all?

>> No.22477935

>does it not make more sense to encourage sufferers from gender dysphoria to come to grips with the fact that are biologically male or female? is this not a healthier approach than subjecting them to extensive and ultimately futile body modification? by what sort of fucked up anti-logic does this make any sense at all?

so don't bullshit me with facile nonsense like
>It's not, conditions related to transsexuality are categorized in the gender dysphoria category, and delusions aren't a symptom of OCD.
>I hope for everybody's sake that you've only just taken abnormal psychology 101 and you're not a mental health professional.


>> No.22477950

Symbolism is the mark of middling literature.

>> No.22477955

True, but the left has politicized transgenders. After the idea that LGB people are a collective (they are not), and their consequent 'liberation', they made themselves a politics out of trans people, and now they believe society will become super culturally marxistic, where every conceivable wish of an individual can be fulfilled with technology, as long as it doesn't directly harm anyone physically or mentally. On top of that, the people who are against such perversities and degeneracies will slowly die out, and they only think like that because they have something wrong in their mind that causes oppression and suffering.
The stupidity and inferiority of these lefts is something they are well conscious about. The moreover, they have a fetishistic preference for everything that is inferior to the superior. A great example is the libshit derived 'scientific' theory that language will only keep becoming simpler over time. It is not that the left actually has done research about language (the leftoid falsely believing that language consists of arbitrarily chosen blobs that arbitrarily interchangeable and completely analogous to every single other language, the related languages just having more similar words), but that they prefer inferior simple language to superior complex language. Now they are trying to use the state to inferiorize social organization in the office.
If the lefts side with troons, it's because they find their obvious inferiority compared to normal people appaling, and instinctally they defend them.

>> No.22477975

Nvm i was just sleep deprived, all good now.

>> No.22477976

>On top of that, the people who are against such perversities and degeneracies will slowly die out

i beg to differ. ideas like "you shouldn't cut your dick off" are very much timeless.

>> No.22477981


i agree with this entirely, except that i think "middling" might be a bit too generous.

>> No.22477983

But that's the point. A troon is inferior to a normal gender person in every conceivable way. Your comment is almost right as it puts something that shouldn't even be said for how stupid it is. But the lefts want that the trans people get their wishes granted, exactly because they have a tendency for everything that is inferior, so they want trans people to cut their dicks off and be treated as equals.

>> No.22477989


I'm enjoying this negro's video

>> No.22477997


who are "the left"? why do you make statements on their behalf? i've just explained why transsexualism is pathological. let anyone who thinks i'm wrong say so and explain why. if they can't or won't, then there's no need for you to express and validate the viewpoints that you've described and ostensibly disagree with.

>> No.22478006

Because you are making an argument to people with whom arguing with is impossible. The logic of the lefts, I say the lefts because it is mainly libshits and neomarxists who promote these legislations in "parlament" (or whatever degenerate shit these buildings have become these days), can be reduced to no other that they prefer the inferior over the superior. They will still promote laws for transgenders getting hormone therapy and surgery at even younger ages, because they want more inferior people in the society inferiorizing morality of everyone as a whole (they don't even deny this, when they say society became more tolerant they actually mean that morality has become more inferior and celebrate in success).

>> No.22478018

>Because you are making an argument to people with whom arguing with is impossible.

i am making an argument to anyone who cares to read it. nowhere in


do i address the argument to anyone in particular. if anyone can refute it, they are more than welcome to do so.

>> No.22478030

Because there's no need to argue that trans people have "issues". It is only the lefts fault that such displays of mental and physical inferiority have become or possibly become tolerable in society.

>> No.22478044

>there's not much difference between gender dysphoria and OCD because they both refer to an irrational, exaggerated preoccupation over imagined problems
The hallmark of OCD is the fact that people affected by it have obsessions that they try to suppress or ignore or suppress by performing a compulsion, most of which are unrelated to the obsessions, and they might well recognize their obsessions as such, but be unable to get rid of them.
Gender dysphoria refers to the negative feelings caused by one's perceived incongruence between their sex and gender, specifically and exclusively, often without trying to suppress or ignore them, and never with compulsions.
They are markedly different syndromes.
>it's not rational to want to align one's manner of expression to the way one feels
You might not like it in regards to gender, but it's absolutely normal to want to appear in a certain, specific way, that's why you probably don't go around campus dressed in adidas tracksuits.
>OCD is never treated by indulging in the affected person's obsessions
Because that wouldn't solve the problem.
Presenting as another gender, whatever that may entail, can fix gender dysphoria instead; it might cause other issues but it fixes that one still.
Another thing you might find funny is that it's not uncommon to indulge in schizophrenia patients' delusions during treatment, so gender dysphoria wouldn't be a first.
>come to grips with the fact that they're biologically male or female
People affect by gender dysphoria can very well look down their pants and see whether there's a rod or a slit, what you're arguing is that they shouldn't transition because trannies are icky and rod should mean boy and slit should mean girl, which is understandable, but useless to gender dysphoria patients and unprofessional.
>extensive body modifications
You might not know this, but many transsexuals only take hormones as part of the process, which don't cause extensive changes.
>ultimately futile
Where are you getting the idea that it's futile?
A number you read on /pol/?
>facile nonsense
The more you post the clearer it is that you're unqualified to discuss this topic seriously.

>> No.22478082

>The hallmark of OCD is the fact that people affected by it have obsessions that they try to suppress or ignore or suppress by performing a compulsion, most of which are unrelated to the obsessions, and they might well recognize their obsessions as such, but be unable to get rid of them.
>Gender dysphoria refers to the negative feelings caused by one's perceived incongruence between their sex and gender, specifically and exclusively, often without trying to suppress or ignore them, and never with compulsions.
>They are markedly different syndromes.

in both cases, there is an irrational preoccupation that sufferers ruminate over. the "compulsion" manifests as a futile, time consuming effort to "fix" what they perceive as the problem.

>You might not like it in regards to gender, but it's absolutely normal to want to appear in a certain, specific way, that's why you probably don't go around campus dressed in adidas tracksuits.

it is reasonable to wash one's hands once an hour or spend a few minutes sorting pencils or whatever the case may be. it is reasonable to spend some time on one's wardrobe. it is not reasonable to wash your hands sixty times an hour. it is not reasonable to spend hours each day wishing you had a vagina. this is an issue of extent, so you're drawing a false equivalence here.

>Presenting as another gender, whatever that may entail, can fix gender dysphoria instead; it might cause other issues but it fixes that one still.

installing thousands of dollars of cctv equipment because you ruminate and obsess about being robbed "fixes" the issue in much the same way body modification with hormones and surgery "fixes" one's gender.

>You might not know this, but many transsexuals only take hormones as part of the process, which don't cause extensive changes.

you must concede that growing a pair of tits is arguably an "extensive" change to one's body, no?

>The more you post the clearer it is that you're unqualified to discuss this topic seriously.

more weasel words. one doesn't have to be a chemical engineer to observe that water is more likely to extinguish a fire than kerosene.

>> No.22478086
File: 971 KB, 2000x1500, Golden-Chanterelles-wikipedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a quick poem about my favorite mushroom :)
I get a real kick out of finding these lil guys

fruit of the forest floor
golden gleam grown neath green
shine shrouded shyly by bushed brush
autumnal august aureus
furtive final flame afore
the wilting winter winds

>> No.22478089

Fuck influencers, fuck reels and shorts and all other short form vertical video nonsense, fuck instagram, fuck threads, fuck twitter, fuck jewbook, fuck youtube, fuck snapchat, fuck tiktok, fuck china, nuke the 3 gorges dam, fuck all this shit, enough.

>> No.22478091

Oh anon, I wish I was a US liberal leftist, that way I could live in your mind for free...

>> No.22478095

Here's my solution to trans people.
Pat them on the shoulder confirming their beliefs: "of course anon, of course you are a man/woman".
The important thing is to keep them ignorant, and later, incapable of acquiring sexual partners. The best thing would be to keep them ignorant about what sex is entirely, telling them that babies are brought by pterodactylusses.
They are child-brained to such a degree that there will never be a need for further elaboration.

>> No.22478102

Oh trust me I have analyzed libshit society and Ideology to an extent inconceivable to shitlibs. One could say that I understand libshits as much as Weininger understood sex relations.

>> No.22478104
File: 142 KB, 1000x1340, 1677613294181926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the great Neinsagen comes the great Jasagen

>> No.22478108

>Pat them on the shoulder confirming their beliefs: "of course anon, of course you are a man/woman".

unacceptable. i refuse to humor delusion and irrationality.

>> No.22478114

Then what is your solution?

>> No.22478117


treat it like ocd using cognitive behavioral therapy.

>> No.22478118
File: 95 KB, 1024x693, gq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22478122

Ahh, the psychiatric jew has brought his masterful plan of increasing profits in non-libshit communities to almost full completion

>> No.22478147

>in both cases there is an irrational preoccupation
You keep saying it's irrational to wish to present as a different gender, but you've made that up.
Leaving that aside, why did you put compulsion and fix in between quotes?
Are you by chance suggesting that starting to present as a different gender is a compulsion and that it won't cure gender dysphoria?
>it's not reasonable to spend hours every day wishing you had a vagina
You're confusion your similies, washing hands might be a compulsion for an OCD patient, something they do to alleviate the stress caused by their obsession(s), which might be about germs or thieves or anything else unrelated to washing hands.
Wishing to have a vagina for someone affected by gender dysphoria isn't a compulsion, because it doesn't in any way alleviate what you yourself called an obsession.
You might argue that actually undergoing a sex reassignment surgery might be a compulsion, but it's not something that can be done repeatedly, nor it's something that's done to alleviate stress caused by something that will come back later, so it's quite plainly not a compulsion.
>a security system "fixes" the issue as much as taking hormones
Wow, you really don't know what you're talking about.
The thing about compulsions that makes them alleviate the negative emotions caused by obsessions in OCD is the act of doing it, not the rationally understood consequences of having done it.
Buying a security camera might be a compulsion (though compulsions are most often a lot more simple than that, like washing hands, reciting a poem in your head, touching your left elbow...), but the fact of having an expensive security system is not.
Taking hormones instead is not a compulsion because the reason to take them is the result, looking and feeling more like a boy or a girl, not the act of taking them, and they achieve exactly that, evidently and measurably, which often is a cause for relief.
>growing a pair of tits is a big change
Taking female hormones changes your fat distribution but it doesn't make you """grow tits""", and because it's only fat, as much as they look like small breasts, the change is reversible.
It's arguably an extensive change, and as testament to that we're arguing about it, but I would say it's not any more extensive than a full sleeve tattoo.
>weasel words
This is not debate club, it's plain to see that you're unqualified to discuss this seriously because, just to mention a couple, you don't know what a compulsion is and you can't distinguish it from an obsession, which you can't distinguish from a delusion.
You're also writing about transgender people while only considering mtf, which is another indication of where your arguments are coming from.

>> No.22478157

>trust me I have analyzed liberals extensively
I trust you.

>> No.22478214

>ex didn't wear bras
>at first said it's because they're uncomfortable
>then said they're a tool of oppression
>then she told me that women were historically forced to wear bras beacause before that men used to rape them and justify it by pointing out that their tits were visible
>"where did you hear that?"
>as a teen from her highschool teacher
>had to endure an hour long rant after I implied that the guy was talking out of his ass and suggest that she googles the real reason
I can't empathize with men who miss their exes. Everytime I'm reminded of her retardation the only thing I feel is relief.

>> No.22478220 [DELETED] 

>example is the libshit derived 'scientific' theory that language will only keep becoming simpler over time
woah so the reason the new testament greek is so much simpler than homer is because of a liberal conspiracy? very interesting.

>> No.22478268

I'm so bored of metaphysical masturbation. God is real, god isn't real. God is dead, God is the universe, I don't give a fuck man. I still need to avoid agonizing disease/disfigurement and go to work every day.

>> No.22478298

>it's irrational to wish to present as a different gender, but you've made that up.
To "present" is outward, related to appearance, but a transgender person claims or wishes that they're actually the opposite sex.
Here's the definition of delusion:
>A delusion is a false fixed belief that is not amenable to change in light of conflicting evidence
Evidence: People with penises are male. I have a penis.
Belief: I am female
Conclusion: Delusion.
A delusion is not amenable to empirical evidence, and involves a belief that conflicts with reality.
By said definition, it's a delusion, a belief that you are something that you objectively are not.

>> No.22478329

I find myself annoyed by the more vocal (online) sort of trans people. I'm not entirely sure why, either. They're very memetic, and paradoxically both aggressive and meek in the same writings. I don't know what they look like, and I don't care, so that has no influence on my thoughts. I mean, I don't even have a real problem with them. I think it's strange and quite dependent on how rigidly defined our system is in its ideation of male/female (mostly due to what we consume through capitalism and how we present ourselves... through consumption and capitalism).

I am genuinely getting slightly angry whenever I see, "I'm a trans[insert gender]..." and, if they say "female" I don't take it as I would an actual female who says it. I get that trans people have a lot of external issues, and before anyone quotes me and begins the 'KEK' or reaction images, and internal/mental issues, but I remember when I talked about this to an actual woman. She told me that she accepts them and will be polite, as I hope everyone would, but that they are also a caricature of a woman, like they're acting how they think a woman acts. She even said she found it slightly misogynistic. Now, I do think we all mostly "act" how we've seen others do it, but I also see her point(s) too.

>> No.22478334

I find myself annoyed at the woke men I know looking at me like I'm a monster if I say I respect trans people and their right to exist but don't think they and a regular woman are the same. Mysteriously none of thoese fuckers has ever matched with a trans woman or gone on a date with one despite using dating apps for years and living in a metropolis full of transexuals. Bunch of hypocrites.

>> No.22478336

>Che Guevara was a pathetic coward, like all activist socialists.

>Ernesto "Che" Guevara
>fought in revolutions to see humans free of capitalist oppression
>was a doctor, an actual medical doctor
>met death with dignity

>Anonymous, writer of post 22471452
>posts on the Literature board of 4chan
>has absolutely retarded thoughts and ideas

>> No.22478351

I only simp for 2d women.

>> No.22478359

No one's forcing you to do it. If you don't care about things like metaphysics or ontology then don't think about them. Some people will gravitate towards those subjects naturally and have a strong drive towards or obsession with finding the final truth of all things but if you're not one of those people you shouldn't feel forced into it.

>> No.22478361

I don't think they're necessarily hypocritical for that but instead just flowing with a lot of the current zeitgeist, assuming they're in the circles that accept trans people like I would think. They, undoubtedly with your continuation, do not think trans people are the same as "regular" women, because there really is a difference. Mostly, from what I've seen, in the expression of identity. Women (and men, for the record) can also fall into this too, but the trans people I have encountered offline (very few so extremely anecdotal) have made being trans and being seen as [opposite gender] their main presentation. I liken them a bit to superhero movie fans, or football fans. Again, our identities and their expression are wholly dependent on what we consume, and how we "brand" ourselves. But the trans people (again, very few so I could be easily talking out of my ass) I've been around in social settings did seem a forceful in their quests to appear as something other. Probably not the right words. I really don't know. I try to treat everyone kindly and with politeness, and I don't focus much on gender or anything. Everyone is pretty much the same to me, male or female, or even xer and Xerxes, child or adult, etc.

It is very awkward to be around a trans person who is misgendered, or assumed someone did so, and then correcting this person, who didn't even say the opposite gender in the first place. I genuinely cringed, not knowing where that was going to go.

>> No.22478386

I really enjoyed studying it for a while but I am starting to realize all of my obsession was biased towards an inclination to try and escape my material woes in life, which is a poor reason to begin with.

>> No.22478392

As a "woke man" myself, I reckon it just comes down to nothing but appearance at the end of the day like most things. The distinction I've seen personally is that diagnosed trans people care more about their appearance and are rare, while non-diagnosed trans people have zero reason to ever want to improve themselves but are the vast majority. If they're ugly they'd probably be ugly as either gender, but with the odds stacked against them they should at least be putting in the bare minimum for a date

>> No.22478415

Define horse-whale

>> No.22478424

I’m not from here. I came here to work at the college, which is fine but most of my peers are 35+. This college town is mainly people 18-22, some 23-26 grad students, and 35+ with families. There are actually very few people 27-34 without kids. As a 30 y.o. single man, it’s a bit alienating. I feel like I’ve opted out of the civilization in a way. Nothing really important or interesting happens here and nobody really important or interesting makes a name for himself here. I feel like I’m wasting away in social and professional isolation.

>> No.22478443

If you're not an academic whose livelihood depends on studying philosophy then you can always put it on the back burner as you take care of other things. You have your whole life to study it, so if you did enjoy it then you can always come back to it later when you've stabilized your situation,

>> No.22478485

Believe me, in these guys case it's just double thinking. I'm not exaggerating when I say this city is Thailand tier when it comes to trans people, it's basically impossible to say you would totally go out with one but never saw one who was your type while living here. They just don't consider them women, although they'll swear hand on chest that trans women are 100% the same as a real one.
Tbh these woke middle class fucks are hypocrites about a lot of things. All have tried to lecture me on race at some point despite never having a single black person among their friends and exclusively dating white women while I've black friends and dated multiple black girls. It's even more bizarre when you take into consideration we live in a majorly black/mixed country.

>> No.22478526

>trans people have zero reason to ever want to improve themselves but are the vast majority. If they're ugly they'd probably be ugly as either gender, but with the odds stacked against them they should at least be putting in the bare minimum for a date
Tbh no amount of changes to appearances would ever make any hetero men consider dating a tranny.
The few that do do so probably as a fetish, that the idea of dating this medical artificial creature is so perverse that it turns them on
Or they're gay ...

>> No.22478559

college towns are hella comfy dude i wish i still lived in my hometown.

>> No.22478568

>applying to military position
>months long process in regular contact with recruiter
>go through medical & other processing
>recruiter suddenly ghosts me
You think they found my internet/4chan posting history?
Not sure,what other reasonl.
Only other thing I can think of is I have very faint scars from self harm from years ago, but they're not really visible at all.

>> No.22478580


your weasel words, question begging and hair-splitting sophistry do not refute the obvious similarity that i've pointed out. their efforts are futile and destructive because it is impossible for a man to become a woman or vice versa. it is body modification, not medical treatment, and as with any overly-ambitious body modification the results are often freakish.

>> No.22478615

It’s comfy, but you can’t go through your life just being comfy.

>> No.22478623

i hate wasting time pseuding it up on here

>> No.22478624


and i certainly sympathize. one can easily become upset over any given thing, myself included. but the bottom line is that it's nuts to let a teenage or prepubescent minor make life-altering body modifications, and starting the process as an adult will not make most people into women even superficially. estrogen turns adult john wayne into adult john wayne with tits. i see no way to justify this.

>> No.22478625

In a documentary I watched shortly before bedtime this morning, pointed use of the "when pigs fly" metaphor came up, and for some reason it inspired a dream sequence about flying pig performances, way beyond the Big Top. At first there were youth piglets lamely sliding down ramps in competitions, but soon enough there were adult ones expertly racing airborne around obstacle courses like particles in an accelerator, thence a whole industry serving astonished tourists willing to travel to New Mexico, where the fad took root, for some reason, perhaps atomic. While it's obvious enough that comedy of the absurdist kind leans heavily on the fuzzy logic of dreams, where things, settings, situations, and even persons freely morph from one moment to another into related ones, it's not so obvious why a troubling sense of loss can accompany the experience. Nothing is ever quite where you left it a moment ago, or in the same form. A feeling of paranoid apprehension about kleptomaniacs of unusual ingenuity can build. It can border on a nightmare of infancy in which the world lacks object permanence on the short term, even while memory persists in a stability that far exceeds that. Much as is made of the value of journal keeping of events easily corroborated in waking sequence, reflecting on dreams probably contributes as much to one's grip on reality, especially later in life, that can't happen in the first place without sleeping to a quite thoroughly self-indulgent completion, even when nightmares of loss are what rouse us from time to time.

>> No.22478637

>and i certainly sympathize. one can easily become upset over any given thing, myself included. but the bottom line is that it's nuts to let a teenage or prepubescent minor make life-altering body modifications, and starting the process as an adult will not make most people into women even superficially. estrogen turns adult john wayne into adult john wayne with tits. i see no way to justify this.

of course, it's not my prerogative to tell anyone what they can or can't put into their body. my point is that it's grossly irresponsible to prescribe such treatment, and equally shameful to make a spectacle of it like the media does.

>> No.22478675

i'm of two minds about work. i hate the idea of going in to work tomorrow especially on sunday nights, but on the other hand, if i didn't have to go to work anymore, i would just become one of those super online nuts that you see on sites like this. i definitely wouldn't do anything productive with the extra time.

>> No.22478687

Changed my mind. I have been vomiting drunk all day and will never partake alcohol again.

>> No.22478714

>and will never partake alcohol again
You'll be back just wait till next Sunday.

>> No.22478726

Follow the Greek rule: three drink limit.
Moderation is not a meme. "Enjoy responsibly" is more than a marketing platitude.

>> No.22478750

My close friends all have very warm, loving families and it makes me really jealous sometimes. It feels like they’ve never, ever wanted for love. That’s probably not true, but looking in it sure seems that way.

>> No.22478788

I've always enjoyed the social or discourse aspect of work more than anything else about it. Of course it's nice to accomplish anything substantial. or at least pleasing, but how can one measure these things without conversation that includes a whole lot of what one doesn't do for a living? I used to work in a business in which I could set aside half-hour chunks of time on the phone to bullshit and gossip with everyone from engineers to veterinarians to lawyers to journalists to luxury furniture retailers to cops to tax accountants. I'm like a skinny Casper Gutman, if not nefarious, and like to talk with a man who likes to talk, for its own sake.

>> No.22478858

haven't done math since middle school really. Can barely fucking perform college-freshman level algebra now. Never felt like it's this over for me, might just become a drug dealer at this point or start gambling wildly with borrowed cash.

>> No.22478872

my Jehovah's witness housemate is challenging me to prove the divinity of Christ to him. help me out out, Nicene bros

>> No.22478909

All those fags do is say "nuh uh, that verse is just translated wrong, it doesnt actually mean that!

>> No.22478918

How would you contact lost cousins if there’s resentment in the family?

>> No.22478925

I don't know. My family is the black sheep that everyone tolerated and now doesn't talk to anymore since they have no obligation to do so.

>> No.22478967

The other day while driving i had a sudden moment of realization.
I suddenly became very cognizant of my surroundings, the trees and landscape passing me by, and of myself. As though suddenly reality felt alive. Normally the sights i see pass me by unaware
Not just cognizant but like i was suddenly hyper aware of my reality within reality.
I am really here in a point of space passing by all these things at 70mph.
Like the opposite of derealization but strangely similar.

>> No.22479019

Why don’t you just learn math again? You’re probably missing some foundational stuff. Since you’re an adult this should be easy for you.

>> No.22479103

>a transgender person claims they were the opposite sex
This hardly ever happens, because, as I wrote earlier, it's just as easy for a trans person to look down their pants and see what's there as it is for you.
They most often claim they're a gender not usually corresponding to their sex, which is, indeed, related to appearance.
>a transgender person wishes they were the opposite sex
How's that irrational?
>here's the definition of delusion I found in a dictionary
You don't know what you're talking about, not only you don't know the definition of a basic and commonly used technical term, you also go look for a definition on the first dictionary you can find, without any regard for the meaning a word might have in a specific field; by that definition an obsession is a delusion, which, as I explained before, is not the case.
I recommend you use the APA dictionary next time, it's free.
>you're begging questions
Where have I begged a question?
>hair splitting sophistry
You mentioned the DSM yourself, maybe you should go and read it.
>it's impossible for a man to become a woman
Oh wow anon, wow.

>> No.22479166

>This hardly ever happens, because, as I wrote earlier, it's just as easy for a trans person to look down their pants and see what's there as it is for you.
Then why the statement: "trans women are women"?
The implication of this statement is not as you claim that trans women merely appear as women, but actually suggests that they are in fact women. To suggest otherwise is to be met with accusations of transphonia.
>They most often claim they're a gender not usually corresponding to their sex, which is, indeed, related to appearance.
To say one's gender doesn't correspond with one's sex is the same as saying: even though physically im a black person spritually, in my mind, i feel that I am white.
In other words ... a delusion--a beluef that conflicts with reality.
>for the meaning a word might have in a specific field; by that definition an obsession is a delusion, which, as I explained before, is not the case.
I recommend you use the APA dictionary next time, it's free.
>muh experts!
I don't see how any psychiatrists would disagree with my definition of delusion: as a persistent irrational belief that conflicts with reality / empirical evidence.
I see nothing wrong with this definition and if you have a specific complaint to make against it go ahead and make it instead of making a spurious appeal to authority.
The apa dictionary's definition of delusion is:
>n. an often highly personal idea or belief system, not endorsed by one’s culture or subculture, that is maintained with conviction in spite of irrationality or evidence to the contrary.
Which has little to no difference from my own.
I don't believe you have to be a genius or an expert to recognise a delusion. Although there can be subjective judgments in the case of ideological, religious, or cultural beliefs.

>> No.22479289

I put on my sock and there was a dead bird inside. Is this an omen? I can finally be free of this world?

>> No.22479293

I do not like the hustle and bustle of the big city.

>> No.22479332

Your concerns are valid, you have to have a disgusting personality to become trans, no exceptions. To be so narcissistic and concerned with how others perceive you in such a hollow/shallow realm as gender that you mutilate your body. To have this be some of the most pressing issues in your life shows there is little depth to you and you have completely bought into society and see yourself as nothing divine.

On a semi related note, I used to think I hated gay people but then I realised that I only hate the ones who make it known to me that they are gay when I barely know them. Unfortunately this is still like over half of the gay people so I guess I do still hate them as a group but it's correlation with their personality traits and not because they both defy nature and refuse to transcend their base desires.

>> No.22479334

>move to a different part of my country that had not yet been overrun by immigrants
>10 years later and it's overrun by immigrants
I guess it's time to emigrate myself, I just want to be around people with similar values to me. Their text 'etiquette' is actually what annoys me the most about them.