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/lit/ - Literature

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22467946 No.22467946 [Reply] [Original]

Why are westerners unable to write about opportunistic, morally dubious or even psychopathic characters without shoving bunch of preachy moralfaggotry into it? Why can’t there be a story about a person who kills and rapes with no remorse and without continuous reminders from the author that the character is le evil and le bad? Why am I forced to read Chinese slop to be able to scratch that nietzschean hero itch?

>> No.22467948


>> No.22467956

What are you even implying faggot? Jews will be the first people to screech and whine if such book came out from a western author. ADL kikes would label it “white supremacist power fantasy” and try to get it banned

>> No.22467961

exactly you retard. Look who's controlling the publishing industry.

>> No.22467965

My bad nigger, thought you meant I was being a jew. But even before the jews took over the industry, such stories did not exist in Western literature. Or maybe they do exist and I’m just not looking hard enough

>> No.22467974
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westerners can’t even write proper anti-heroes anymore since they are so wrapped up in their trannykike victim politics

>> No.22468058

Fang Yuan did feel remorse in killing and raping but that was before the regression. Also everyone in RI is batshit insane, with even the supposedly good guys boiling people alive in the name of justice

>> No.22468125
File: 105 KB, 597x876, Viking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book may be up your alley

>> No.22468138

>recommends literal tranny feminist propaganda

>> No.22468146

Aren't you literally describing asoiaf
I heard it's pretty famous

>> No.22468225

You could’ve just said “Scandinavian”

>> No.22468336

Because China doesn't have the notion of an "original sin". You don't inherent your ancestors crimes, maybe you'll get killed as a multi generational punishment, but really doesn't have anything to do with something inherent about your "kind" in particular. There are no chosen"people" that are suppose to rule the land simply because a book or religion said so.

>> No.22468346

My question is why are chinks and other asians able to write degenerate shit and not copy it while in the West if you write about something deplorable people will think that’s your identity or personality, or that you have some retarded “message.” The only exception is sexuality, but apoarently that’s on its way out.

>> No.22468358
File: 13 KB, 194x260, 1677402291997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here it is

>> No.22468368

the narration in this book is completely amoral and any "moral judgment" is just one of the characters expressing their personal beliefs while the judge embodies obvious Nietzschean themes along with others with exultation and revelry

>> No.22468373

the Judge could even be interpreted as an embodiment of the west itself

>> No.22468387

As far as I'm aware in the literary world the same as the art fag world you have to go through some bullshit university degree to be accepted into the community so that means liberal arts and humanities. Anybody capable of going through this insufferable inhumanity is already lost to the world and nothing more than a shallow husk of a writer and a tool of the eternal Jew.

>> No.22468415
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Welcome to /lit/, faghot.

>> No.22468461

this was my guilty pleasure. I'm so sad the chinese government censored reverend insanity and forced the author to stop writing the series.

>> No.22468909

OP here, I’ve read this so many times that I’ve basically memorized the whole thing. I’m like 6’8, almost 7 feet with shoes and bit chubby so I used to larp as Judge shaving my head and shit and going on long monologues about ontology but I lacked the charisma or eloquence of the Judge so it didn’t work out

>> No.22468912

Judaism and Christianity

>> No.22468913

Thats le satire

>> No.22468952
File: 41 KB, 360x653, Bai_ning_bing_-_novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you forget about her?

>> No.22468969

Sounds like the mindset of Heroic Age humans to me

>> No.22468996

>Greek plays
>The Romans
Haven't read as much of them as I'd like, but there's something there
>Some of Romanticism
>Some of late 19th century France
I can't speak that much about the 20th century, but there's some stuff there, too.
>biographies of historical heroes
There were (and will be ;)) a lot of amoral/immoral heroes in history, both fictional and real.
If you're looking for fiction, as a rule of thumb tragedies and epics are the safest bet, just look for the author's view beforehand if you want to play it even safer.
If you're looking for history, I'll drop some names
>Cesare Borgia
Those are the main ones for me, but there are so many I'd never finish if I tried to name them all

>> No.22469018

The Chinese mind is just more depraved. I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.22469044


>> No.22469686

It was too high quality for the chinks liking

>> No.22469713

>My question is why are chinks and other asians able to write degenerate shit and not copy it
There is only one RI. Most if not all chink novels are more or less ccp approved and they may be somewhat violent but there are still morals there. Secondly, think of western thought and western writing as (3) multidimensional space, because it is western, total creative freedom exists within, authors can (or could have) write about anything in that space, but story like RI and character like Fang Yuan falls outside of it, they exist in 4d space. Those who live in 3d space cannot comprehend 4d space.

>> No.22469740

Asians don't feel the need to hand-hold the reader, they trust their audience is intelligent enough to form their own opinions and discern if the narrative presents a certain caharcter positiveky or not.
Ah, the benefits of living in a society with 105 IQ as an average

>> No.22469801

>but there are still morals there
I honestly wonder what CCP considers bad as most xianxia MCs are mass murdering rapists. Also, Soul of Negary is a pretty good evil MC novel.

>> No.22469810

Bakker has no moralityfagging. Check mate. Bakker remains king.

>> No.22469829

>mass murdering rapists.
Any examples? I have read several xanxia stories, there is killing but most MCs rarely murder innocents. Not sure about rape though, I don't read harem, but in non harem I haven't actually seen any rape.

>> No.22469851

On the top of my head, God of Slaughter, ATG. Tons of others though. Also, xianxia without harem? where?

>> No.22469889

reverend insanity

>> No.22469972
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>> No.22470480

reverend insanity is not even a guilty pleasure, its a very well written fantasy