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File: 79 KB, 674x506, Arthur-Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22452716 No.22452716 [Reply] [Original]

>"The elderly are venerated because their appetite and desire are judged to have receded with time, leaving only the finer virtues of wisdom and dispassion. This is why the lustful older man is treated with particular disdain by people of all ages, and why coquettish older women are held with a mixture of pity and contempt. At heart, most acknowledge the vile nature of libidinal desire and material ambition, but, cowards as they are, are quite content to allow their wills to be dictated by these base cravings for the simple reason that their lives are made simpler by doing so."

>"A married man with children at first feels a sense of inflated pride at having achieved what he knows his contemporaries are also striving for, but secretly, and over time, he feels more and more jealousy for the man unencumbered by the trappings bought about by an unrestrained libido."

Is Schopenhauer right about this?

>> No.22452723

0 pussy cope

>> No.22452728

Cumbrain cope

>> No.22452733

I want to fuck gilfs before I turn 30

>> No.22452744

>t. hasn't talked to a woman outside his family in months

>> No.22452752

Why would I talk to your mother

>> No.22452763
File: 538 KB, 630x1052, IMG_6032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly yea. raising children is a woman’s work. I feel pity for fathers stringing along several financial ball-and-chains, with divorce and child support looming over their heads like dark storm clouds in the distance, pregnant with storm if the arbitrary whims of a woman desire for precipitation.

As a sexpat coomer, it’s equally displeasing to see a sea of old fat bald faggots guzzling cheap beer at the patio seating in some red light area, watching the time go by, knowing they are thoroughly expired and no women want them. Likewise with old women who try to taper their drooping faces with botched plastic surgery thinking it can stave off the wretchedness of old age. The proper place of an older man is indeed a quiet an ascetic life of solitude and contemplation.

I do enjoy filling up 40 year old Thai women with a warm load of cum. Pic related. It’s a fine wine and they are ravenous and flattered by a young penis

>> No.22452915

>they are ravenous and flattered by a young penis
This is like thinking your waiter is your friend

>> No.22452922

Done it well I was 32 and she was like 51 but a waitress her whole life do body and puss was still very tight from working on her feet and legs so much

>> No.22453281

Impossible to take this seriously, sorry. He ended up as the creepy old guy hitting on young girls and getting laughed at, zero married men are jealous of that. Dude had 0 bitches.

>> No.22453337
File: 134 KB, 957x707, toy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he would have fit in so well here

>> No.22454247

>This is why the lustful older man is treated with particular disdain by people of all ages,
lustful old men are based

>> No.22454267

Did he really hit on young girls or is your 60 iq coombrain making stories up because sex and pussy is the only currency your intellect less ass understands

>> No.22454276

>"During his Berlin years, Schopenhauer occasionally mentioned his desire to marry and have a family. For a while he was unsuccessfully courting 17-year-old Flora Weiss, who was 22 years younger than himself. His unpublished writings from that time show that he was already very critical of monogamy but still not advocating polygyny—instead musing about a polyamorous relationship that he called "tetragamy". He had an on-and-off relationship with a young dancer, Caroline Richter (she also used the surname Medon after one of her ex-lovers). They met when he was 33 and she was 19 and working at the Berlin Opera. She had already had numerous lovers and a son out of wedlock, and later gave birth to another son, this time to an unnamed foreign diplomat (she soon had another pregnancy but the child was stillborn). As Schopenhauer was preparing to escape from Berlin in 1831, due to a cholera epidemic, he offered to take her with him on the condition that she left her young son behind. She refused and he went alone; in his will he left her a significant sum of money, but insisted that it should not be spent in any way on her second son."

>> No.22454479

Once you've finished with Schopenhauer, move forward into Nietzsche.


(The Absurdism of Camus is worth reading, too)

>> No.22454535

Get off 4chan and twitter.

>> No.22454623

The young read Nietzsche

>> No.22455149

Your his brother?

>> No.22455163

Hegel fucked his landlord and had a child with her before getting married to his actual wife.

I conclude that Schoppy was just a loser who was jelly.

>> No.22455216

Actually, nihilism as a philosophy worked very well for the last 20 years. But now, with global warming, global diseases and people getting dumber, pessimism works best. Not Schopenhauer's pessimism, a pessimism fueled with nihilism.

>> No.22455235

Yes beta cucks absolutely love to please women for free

>> No.22455237

All this means is that hegel is the average atheist cumbrain