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File: 308 KB, 1020x600, Scientific_racism_irish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22445236 No.22445236 [Reply] [Original]

I want to read books that are openly abusive and racist against the Irish. Recs?

>> No.22445491


>> No.22445497
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>> No.22445525

North and South is pretty racist against the Irish. They’re just depicted as shitty workers who get imported to undercut English labor

>> No.22445532

The Irish were officially inducted into the Great White Race and it is unbecoming of our nobility to hold their "less than ideal" past against them.

>> No.22445550

The problem with the Irish also applies to the Anglo Brittons. They are the same and an excretable race and I could write a book on them if you so wished. As a whole people from these islands with majority of anglo/Irish DNA should both be referred to as bongs. They are stupid, beyond stupid, a history of residing in swamps and filth prior to the Romans. Their only accomplishment was putting some stones in an arrangement. The only redeeming ones were those diluted with Saxon DNA from Germatic migration and viking intrusion, these bred with others and the more germatic, the higher the intelligence creating an overclass of no more than 5% of the population responsible for all scientific and industrial progress in the country's history. Even more of these were lost with brain drain to America and Australia. I dare say in terms of intelligence, the average Anglo is dumbest race, exceeding even the pygmies and Sub-Saharan Africans. Don't believe me? Raise a black child in Britain and watch him adopt the language and speak like one. The find someone with 90% bong DNA and 10% Saxon or less and you'll find the black exceeds the mental performance and is less susceptible to addiction and obesity than one of these subhumans. They are content with drinking and watching footy. The Saxon superstructure and grasp on the country has collapsed and Britain is a cesspole as bad as Ireland is now. If Hitler had met a single actual bong in his life, he would have realized like Carthage, Britainy delada est and made them the #1 problem. The dumbest and most backwater Americans are those in the Appalachian region with the most Anglo/Irish DNA. If you see a white person in America who looks like a peasant and is stupid ask about their ancestory and you won't be surprised to find they're ancestors are from the cursed isles. Anglos may be worse than Irish as malnutrition, famine and alcoholism obfuscate inheritable traits. Lastly there is an analog to the Anglo-Saxon in the Irish-Basque due to oceanic trade and interbreeding with them and later the Spanish armada.

>> No.22445554
File: 52 KB, 842x600, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ribbit... ribbit...

>> No.22445719
File: 121 KB, 1237x1017, Western achievement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a whole lot of words, just admit you are jealous of your superiors and move on.

>> No.22446328

They achievement is attributable to the top 5% of the British gene pool, which is more germanic than bong. Their bong inheritance is nothing but stupidity and failure. Do yourself a favor and book a trip to Liverpool or Birmingham and speak with the townsfolk. You'll find incredibly dimwitted people. So much so you wouldn't think it was possible.

>> No.22446335

it's funny cuz the Irish btfo of Bongs in their own language

>> No.22446339

Flann O Brian a true blue irish cunt wrote the most anti Irish shit ever.

>> No.22446400

They’d BTFO them in Irish if they still knew it.

>> No.22446405

>Le hecking science
All those great “accomplishments” are the technologies that currently rule our lives and were used to enslave us

>> No.22446412

Because they're Irish.

>> No.22446486

What's funny is that the irish are mostly native to british isles while the english are a mutt mix of danes and french-iberians kek

>> No.22446499

This book counted number of citations, not importance of inventions

>> No.22446590

That's clearly a toad retard-kun.