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22440631 No.22440631 [Reply] [Original]

>read philosophical work
>don't understand it
>look up explanations
>no one can agree on what the work means

What's the point? Why not make up your own philosophical system at that point?

>> No.22440636

Which one

>> No.22440637

Stop reading continental philosophy, it's basically a type of poetry or performance art

>> No.22440655
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All philosophy other than the positivist tradition of political philosophy, political economy, and early economics is completely worthless
In other words, basically, if your "philosophy" was written by anyone other than an Ancient Greek or an Anglo or Anglo-American, throw it out.
God help you if you're reading anything written by a German or Austrian. That shit is autism personified. How many times do those freaks have to try to summarize all human history to one causal variable and go insane in the process, before they realize it isn't going to work?
If it's French it's just masturbation on the page to look cool
"Intellectuals" are almost definitionally people with a combination of personal grievances and personal neuroses / pathologies which infect their work irreparably. That is why they write incomprehensible gobbledygook that ultimately says nothing. Anything other than joining the winning team of 'Constitutional Liberalism and Free Markets, Broadly Defined' which has been kicking the shit out of every competing ideological movement for hundreds of years with no stopping.
But oh no, some retarded German homeless guy or whatever got really angry about it and declared it a mortal evil and tried to invent a new system which never once worked, and the French guy said "Well how can we know what it is to be a subject under our current condition if we are ourselves a subject to be experiencing the object which cannot be objectively defined because we are the subject of the object as much as we are the object of the subject?"
It's like just shut the fuck up lol, I hate the poors so god damn much

>> No.22440657

GPT Is unironically pretty good at this stuff. You kinda need to hold its hand adding stuff like "Lets break this down"

>> No.22440676


>> No.22440680

kill yourself

>> No.22440685

>Anglo or Anglo-American
Anything past maybe 500AD is crap. You don't need anything besides greek and far eastern philosophy.

>> No.22440688

GPT constantly spits out wrong information.

>> No.22440689

Plato's republic.

>> No.22440696

I haven't read it yet. Is this your first dialogue by from Plato? You probably shouldn't start with one of the largest and most central works by him.

>> No.22440705

No I read the the one where Socrates argues about what piety is and the one covering the trial of Socrates.

>> No.22440707

So what did anon (OP) ((Faggot)) mean by this work?
From the frog I infer that he is disappointed with the subject at hand but (speculation) I think deeper than that he is disappointed at his own prowess when it comes to analysis of philosophical texts. In line 2 he writes
>don't understand it
And so I think what he's really complaining about here is that his education system has failed him so utterly that he isn't able to understand simple philosophical works.
My personal view is that Anon (OP) ((Faggot)) is taking a kind of self harming jab at the education system. The irony is that this implied failed system taught him well enough to hide such a statement behind layers of potentially ironic frogposting.

Did anyone get anything different?

>> No.22440723

There should be nothing controversial about that one. The state Socrates argues for is a metaphor for the soul. He argues aginst nihilism and atheism in that dialogue. It even ends with the myth of Er to make this obvious.

>> No.22440740

Well there's some shit at the beginning about justice that threw me for a loop so I looked it up and some people say that he's just wrong and others say that the whole work is satirical and is mocking the Socratic method.

>> No.22440746

In Thrasyllus' order, it is suggested you read the short Clitophon dialogue first to be introduced to Socrates' views on justice.

>> No.22440750

Well that is just not true. The Republic is not one of the aporetic/ "ironic" dialogues where Socrates is being facetious. It is a middle period diaogue where he expounds his ideas about the forms.

>> No.22440759

The work is fairly straightforward. It's most people who read it who are too retarded to get the point.

>> No.22440769

Well if you want an explanation I made this thread to see how people interpret philosophical works (because I have trouble with that) and also to piss people like you off. That way I get information and entertainment from one thread (also inflammatory threads are the only ones that get replies).

>> No.22440797
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You really going to make me explain the joke? Baka Frogposter

>> No.22440804

No I get the joke. But I wanted to just be open and honest about my intentions.

>> No.22440816

It’s called being based and reaching noesis. Hylics need not apply

>> No.22440828

You know I've been doing meditation and some occult stuff for 4 years at this point and I've not noticed any effects. So either it's all fake or I'm a Hylic. (or I'm just not trying hard enough)

>> No.22440860

What do you mean by occult stuff ? If you want life changing experience i recommend the triune God.

>> No.22440891
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Mainly the LBRP. I've been doing it every night, but not much else.

>> No.22441000

you should list the author and the book. while many argue about the scriptures, far less talk about philosophy - ancient or contemporary. It is vastly less important. any and all philosophy is basically a belief system involving the will and language, etc., which is what Wittgenstein showed; aside from him, the moderns offer basically nothing of value. the scriptures can be meaningfully debated because hundreds of monks and saints and later writers clarified beliefs and dogmas in reference to the scriptures; the debates become matters of minutiae at a certain point because some basic assumptions are satisfied. no philosophical school has lasted for two-thousand years, unless we're counting the Greeks and pre-Socratics which arguably were "completed" with Christianity. many many early priests, monks, etc were steeped in Platonic thought and later neo-Platonic thought. a lot of neo-Platonism in theology.

>> No.22441005

What about Kant?

>> No.22441024

He already said it was Plato’s Republic which is dumb because that collection of dialogues is entirely straightforward.

>> No.22441112

nta, but something I found interesting is this part

>>look up explanations
>>no one can agree on what the work means

can you find three different scholars that agree on a specific topic? like, each one of them explain pretty much the same thing?

>> No.22441162

It takes a lifetime Anon. Try to focus more on reading philo though. Meditation existed for westerners as well, it was usually spent reading the Bible to a state of exhaustion

>> No.22442102

honorary anglo, he's one of the good ones

>> No.22442109

>far eastern philosophy
ping pong shii soo go into the tanks bing bong beep boop obey your master

>> No.22442131

Alright OP, you go ahead and dazzle us with your own completely original system.

>> No.22442144

nice feudal mercantilist monarchy you have there, would be a shame if someone LIBERALIZED IT

>> No.22442159
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Falling prey for the temptation of the pursuit of knowledge without any intended purpose behind it other than the sole motive itself is a wrong decision to make and only leads to confusion or worthless ideas made for an idle mind.

>> No.22442398

It's what ML is. Brainlets think it's some kind of a magic box, but in reality it's a linear algebra monstrosity that uses shear computation power of modern hardware and stupid amounts of (self-imposed) tinkering to maybe get the right answer like 85-95% of the time, depending on how well-correlated the training set is to real data.

>> No.22442483

It’s not necessary to use a commentary for The Republic. Just read it again.

>> No.22442497

>the pursuit of knowledge without any intended purpose behind it
>only leads to confusion or worthless ideas
Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

>> No.22443915

What if they are Italians or Spanish or Japanese?

>> No.22443987

>What's the point? Why not make up your own philosophical system at that point?
What? Are you actually reading philosophical works and just taking them wholesale and copying them instead them to just diversify your knowledge by exposing yourself to ideas you didn’t know before? Are you retarded? You know your supposed to think for yourself right?