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22422891 No.22422891 [Reply] [Original]

you know bap admitted to liking twinks, right? you need to know this to understand this, you guys really still support the ideas in it?

>> No.22422905

i don't know what bap is or why i should care
is this a furry thing?

>> No.22422909
File: 49 KB, 406x411, 1684786790995213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know bap admitted to liking twinks, right? you need to know this to understand this, you guys really still support the ideas in it?

>> No.22422933

What? I'm done with him. I can only support masc4masc fags.

>> No.22422962

Yes all his fans do in fact still support zionism.

>> No.22423102

>you know bap admitted to liking twinks, right?

hmm. post proof

>> No.22423106

how Greek of him

>> No.22423119

who cares nigger joe?

>> No.22423134

this gay Greek psyop really needs to end

>> No.22423135
File: 112 KB, 900x1200, EvRY9qmWYAApQ9Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it's clear he's gay. Even if he wasn't, that whole Twitter clique is too sensualist to be actually right-wing.

>> No.22423151

Greeks did have twinks in their brothels but not because they were gay
They did it solely to spite their women

>> No.22423309

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.22423380

Who doesn't like twinks? Don't act like you wouldn't crush some twink ass if given the chance

>> No.22423453
File: 2.93 MB, 4158x2146, 1691434989544609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care. He still wrote a solid, vitalist response to liberal hegemony.

>> No.22423600

But no response to zionist hegemony, which he supports

>> No.22423672

What should we do about the zionist if not to be men? Like, that's even your goal?

>> No.22423677

he's some jew grifter who attached himself to a new political movement to make sure it gets jewed.

>> No.22423685

>the response to globohomo is shitposting on twitter as jews burn everything to the ground unimpeded
It really is over huh

>> No.22423686

can someone post the bap dog

>> No.22423691

Costin Alamariu is a Yale PHD and a Romanian-born jewish zionist who wrote a book that is often shilled here

>> No.22423738

>too sensualist to be actually right-wing.
The eternal question: did a judean-bolshevik or a christcuck write this?

>> No.22423767

Your response it to rant about jews on 4channel...

>> No.22423796

He almost never talks about Zionism and he regularly compliments hitler. I don’t know where you retards get this shit from.

>> No.22423845

Who cares? Why do you care?

>> No.22424256
File: 4 KB, 225x225, IMG_6954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know bap admitted to liking twinks, right? you need to know this to understand this, you guys really still support the ideas in it?

>> No.22424262

Everyone likes twinks, some are just more honest about it.

>> No.22424352

Who cares? F Gardner is into trannies and you guys still spam his books too. Why would anyone care about Bap’s sexual preferences? I would prefer to not even think about it.

>> No.22424400

Sorry anon, you are gay if you like BAP

>> No.22424408

>i-im not the only one who's a faggot, we all are secretly!
average BAP enjoyer

>> No.22424411

Because he's meant to be le based fascist, retard

>> No.22424443

these threads are so funny. people climbing over each other and getting in fights to prove they're the biggest bap hater

>> No.22424516

bummp on this ground

>> No.22424555

He's hated because he detracts from people who genuinely want fascism

>> No.22424563

Why didn’t he get an editor for his book? Did he want me to read it in his stupid accent?

>> No.22424862
File: 82 KB, 498x468, soyjak-angry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being right-wing is when everything is boring and stolid
>no... you can't make jokes and promote beauty...why are you being so sensualist??

>> No.22424865
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>> No.22424949

There is no shame in appreciating the male form. It amazes me how homophobic leftists can get when trying to find "faults" in right wing authors

>> No.22425094

>you know bap admitted to liking twinks
Lot of ancient literature should be left unread if that's where the line is

>> No.22425144

never got the BAP dick riding
guy is the worst type of nietzschean
no wonder he is a jew

>> No.22425224

I don't care about people being gay or bi, why do you?

>> No.22425230

Retarded theory. Just accept that being an active bi man in the ancient world was not frowned upon (being a passive one was a completely different story, but even then you could still pull it off, see Caesar for example)

>> No.22425231

He's meant to be le basis greekophile nietzschean, so there's no contradiction there

>> No.22425287

original line that this parodied?

>> No.22425317

He never mentions jewish power and shuts down anyone who tries to
He was mentored by Sidorsky who literally fought for the IDF, and frequently retweets Luttwak who also fought for the IDF
And he wrote this, he's not hiding anything. You're just dumb
>I believe that Zionists of Hazony’s bent, those of the Netanyahu faction, don’t really care what politics exist in the West as long as they promote a frame of mind favorable to Israel. In practice, Hazony would promote open white nationalism if he thought he could, or whatever—anarchosyndicalism, constitutional monarchism, distributism, ice cream nationalism, and so on. It doesn’t matter. Maybe they liked my book too, who knows? People who think Hazony is an existential antagonist who wants to negate the ethnic basis of America as such are as wrong as those who think he has any fundamental interest in America’s welfare. He’s fundamentally indifferent. But I do think white nationalism has been covertly promoted by this faction online since 2015. I can’t prove it but for those who have been trolling since that time, it’s been obvious. Israeli nationalism and white nationalism are the same thing.

>> No.22425337

I like twinks and I wish Hitler won WW2. OP is a little worm. Crawl before me and eat my shit.

>> No.22426065

Hello, DYEL (OP), I found your reddit profile. The board has reeked of plebbitry the last few days soecifically, so I checked the subreddit for pseudo-intellectual losers (r/rsp) and noticed the posts there correlate specifically to threads made here. For example, this thread, the /tv/ thread of the creator, among others. Stay off the internet (or at least exclusively stay on plebbit) and try lifting weights, you fucking loser.

>> No.22426076

Also, unsurprisingly, you’re the Joanna Newsom spammer faggot. This single profile is the source of almost every single shit thread

>> No.22426097

BAP fucks whores and takes drugs and implies others should do the same in his book. Dasha and Anna are alcoholic whores who need drugs to function socially. DT is a mentally I'll sex addict and junkie. If that's beauty then fuck your beauty.

>> No.22426139


>> No.22426194

BAP is read widely and loved by reactionary girls and gays--degeneRATE \lit\ REEEEtards dwelling in INCEL stink-whole parents basement get poopulariser of fundamental react aesthetic notions--with effective prixis to boot--and they SEETH when /soc/iety tastemakers--gays; girls; jews--get react program handed to them on silver plate and you cry ur little norwood IV nasolabial fold ''tears'' because they get RADICALizzzed and--what--you have less to sob about with DEGEN gays 'n' girls??? REACT was only for sallow skin LITards with ROAST fantasies of HOOTler 'n' gay MEMEocide?!

can only be good thing that such tastemakers turn REACT--perhaps you should stay at home with silicon pleasure EGG?? i hear from demented FARTxist CUMrades it is great way to decompress after long day serving ''bean juice'' to pajeet ‘’knowledge’’ workers at communal slope hall. yes yes i think this is much more your style, anons---stay off COOMputer and do workout perhaps in woods and maybe you'd get thos ROASTIES to ''pay'' you some attent-----PA-THEH-TIC!

>> No.22426238

Enjoy the leather season dude!

>> No.22426251

leather as such is TACKY--nonono thank you very much what a ghastly thought--anon.

>> No.22426301

who doesnt like twinks? theyre extremely based

>> No.22426789


>> No.22426824

don't care, BAP is funny and tradlarpers are faggots

>> No.22426861

this is why i don't quite understand the seethers. BAP is entertaining, do you genuinely expect 'serious' philosophy from someone called Bronze Age Pervert? he has a sense of humour; something the tradtards sorely lack...and they know it. which is why i think they get so worked up by him. he's doing in a handful of years what decades of 'right wing' literature never could; radicalise fashionable people in the culture.

>> No.22426896

Who is bap?

>> No.22426902


>> No.22426917

>do you genuinely expect 'serious' philosophy from someone called Bronze Age Pervert
Ok, are you really so retarded that you don't understand the problem with this kind of argument?

>> No.22427618

not an argument, a dig...at you, retard. can you 'seriously' not read between the lines?

>> No.22427786

It was frowned upon though

>> No.22427937

BAP isn't even a whoremonger, if he was he would hint at various lingo like vfm, gfe/pse, rates per country for extraball, no condom oral included or not etc

>> No.22427943

fuck off tom

>> No.22428462

He says, in his own words, that he's a fascists. How come I know more about this faggot than his fans

>> No.22428471

>Just accept that being an active bi man in the ancient world was not frowned upon
lmao we have primary sources from Xenophon stating the the Spartans found it as vile and disgusting as Athenians did incest.
We also have primary sources including sagas, law texts and archeological finds, that the Norse didn't tolerate faggots of either kind to live.

>> No.22428706

He literally tweeted a picture of a prostitute he bought holding his book and thanked the people who give him money

>> No.22429037

He’s a Jew. End of story.

>> No.22429042


>> No.22429203

Ancient men conquered cities put them to the sword and fire, meanwhile you go to WINE BAR with "gf" and enjoy tasteful banter...YOU ARE GAY

>> No.22429278

It mainky stems from their own masculine insecurities. Just look at Adorno. They are afraid of a big burly homofascist coming to take their virginity. Truly deranged minds

>> No.22429293

Okay, so you're saying that BAP shouldn't be taken seriously but it's a dig at me somehow?

>> No.22429456

BAP shouldn’t be taken seriously or unseriously but in a third, more subtle way. Is joke on you because you don’t get it. You are artless and insipid and BORING! It’s not for you, anon. Back to your rigid dualisms and scholasticisms! Back to your ROASTIES! Back to LESSWRONG.COM!

>> No.22429465

Spartans were into literal cuckoldry anyway, who cares

>> No.22429716

His constant exaltation of Anglos sometimes makes me wonder if at least a fair bit of his followers aren't just having an ethno-narcissist moment now that they are of decreasing status, and go to people like this guy to compensate.
Nothing wrong with Anglos. But sucking them off at this point seems kind of funny. They haven't had an empire or been all that important for 60 years.

>> No.22429807
File: 943 KB, 3590x3840, Costin Alamariu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to repost this in the next shitty thread OP (Costin) makes. He doesn't want you to remind everyone that he's a homosexual romanian jew and a zionist, maybe a pedo as well.

>> No.22430057
File: 513 KB, 886x467, Cucko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being attracted to feminine features is indicative of high tetosterone, acting on those desires is indeed gay because a twink or a tranny are still a man, but getting a boner out of it is just normal high T reaction.
"Bbb-but I would never get a boner, I'm 100% straight" maybe you are indeed straight, but you are almost certainly low T and therefore I can dismiss you as a man because you are weak, the body isn't perfect and wasn't design to not react to what looks like a woman but isn't, you not getting a boner is just indicative of ED and that you'll never be able to pleasure your woman.

/thread. (kys OP)

>> No.22430101

You think this retarded post-irony shit isn't boring? Not like it's been already done approximately a fucktillion times by people both right and left, right?

>> No.22430275

He literally had both a nazi and sedevecationist holocaust-denying tradcath bishop on his show.

>> No.22430287

'he had X on his show' isn't a great argument. Neonazis have been shown on Vice too. Does that make Vice sympathetic to them?

>> No.22430456

So having luttwak on show is evidence of him being zionist but having holocaust denier isnt evidence of being anti-semitic?

>> No.22430598

BAP is still gay and retarded

>> No.22430606

Also trve

>> No.22430649

No. Overall though I would agree that there's more evidence for him being Zionist than not.

>> No.22430659
File: 53 KB, 206x255, 1692948633855886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BAP is still gay and retarded

>> No.22431742

>Ancient men conquered cities put them to the sword and fire

But they didn't rape all the twinks. That's just a BAP fantasy

>> No.22431782
File: 2.29 MB, 1000x600, 1669522490992541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I mean, in Xenophon's Anabasis there's a peculiar moment that's been on my mind where because they have to march swiftly through a mountainous territory the chiefs/captains order to leave behind much of the slower baggage with them, including slaves and whatever cannot aid them to move faster
and to enforce it they place sentinels to catch those trying to smuggle quote "good looking boys or women"(ὑποστήσαντες ἐν τῷ στενῷ οἱ στρατηγοί, εἴ τι εὑρίσκοιεν τῶν εἰρημένων μὴ ἀφειμένον, ἀφῃροῦντο, οἱ δ’ ἐπείθοντο, πλὴν εἴ τις ἔκλεψεν, οἷον ἢ παιδὸς ἐπιθυμήσας ἢ γυναικὸς τῶν εὐπρεπῶν)
what they did with those boys, well, considering the situation, is kinda left to the imagination I guess

>> No.22431873


Well it might have something to do with the location. The Turks as well after they took over Anatolia were inspired to do the same thing and the Australian boys at Gallipoli were all notoriously raped by the victors. So it's probably not a "Greek" thing. Maybe it is even pre-Greek or West Asian.

>> No.22432020


Maybe it rubs people the wrong way that he spends his day promoting the most vile right-wing fascist ideas and then at night he's feasting on twink boy pussy.

>> No.22432044

>you know bap admitted to liking twinks, right?
Early on in Bronze Age Mindset there's a part that describes BAP being felt up by some chad. Does anyone actually read this book, including his fanboys? Him being a fag is pretty obvious just from the book alone.

>> No.22432086

what books do twinks read?