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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 82 KB, 785x1200, brothers-karamazov-translated-by-michael-katz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22402725 No.22402725 [Reply] [Original]

>Dostoevsky wanted to make a sequel of pic related

How do you imagine it would be like?

>> No.22402727

alyosha gets corrupted

>> No.22402731

Alyosha gets raped by father zosima

>> No.22402733

no, wtf

>> No.22402734

there was nothing really left to say after this t bh desu peak lit

>> No.22402740

Peak lit for mid wit

>> No.22402743

What's your favorite novel?

>> No.22402745
File: 368 KB, 4800x2400, 59409540954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got filtered

>> No.22402750

Imagine being this soulless

>> No.22402937

If you are alluding to Dostoevsky’s worst novels, then, indeed, I dislike intensely The Brothers Karamazov and the ghastly Crime and Punishment rigamarole. No, I do not object to soul-searching and self-revelation, but in those books the soul, and the sins, and the sentimentality, and the journalese, hardly warrant the tedious and muddled search. Dostoyevsky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human dignity – all this is difficult to admire. I do not like this trick his characters have of ”sinning their way to Jesus” or, as a Russian author, Ivan Bunin, put it more bluntly, ”spilling Jesus all over the place." Crime and Punishment’s plot did not seem as incredibly banal in 1866 when the book was written as it does now when noble prostitutes are apt to be received a little cynically by experienced readers. Dostoyevsky never really got over the influence which the European mystery novel and the sentimental novel made upon him. The sentimental influence implied that kind of conflict he liked—placing virtuous people in pathetic situations and then extracting from these situations the last ounce of pathos. Non-Russian readers do not realize two things: that not all Russians love Dostoevsky as much as Americans do, and that most of those Russians who do, venerate him as a mystic and not as an artist. He was a prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. I admit that some of his scenes, some of his tremendous farcical rows are extraordinarily amusing. But his sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes are not to be endured for one moment—by this reader anyway. Dostoyevsky seems to have been chosen by the destiny of Russian letters to become Russia’s greatest playwright, but he took the wrong turning and wrote novels.

>> No.22402941
File: 458 KB, 1597x1315, russians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nabokov pls go

>> No.22402951

nabokov pls stay

>> No.22402965

Dosto is essentially sadomasochistic, he loves dwelling on characters who revel in how depraved they are, but who also prostrate themselves in the just punishment or humiliation of their depravity. Again, sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes imply the exact situation he adored, all the violence and sexual intrigue he desired so much, but with the approval of his super ego since they ritualistically degrade themselves in a kind of spiritual fetishistic pleasure in confessing, being punished, and then being "redeemed". It's lurid and partakes of a sick kind of gratification in self flagellation.

>> No.22402985
File: 665 KB, 1366x2920, schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have schizophrenia my man.

>> No.22403002

Every single day I go on /lit/ catalogue there are multiple Dosto threads, I know I must do my duty

>> No.22403007
File: 97 KB, 1600x900, 488209023902900003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22403012

Why are Dostoyevsky threads always just arguing about translations or battlegrounds for christers?

>> No.22403016

why are you upset tho?

>> No.22403019

/lit/ needs to read another author

>> No.22403021

Schizophrenic seethe.

>> No.22403028
File: 68 KB, 850x400, DostoRetarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dosto is peak cult mindset. The cult takes precedence over reality.

>> No.22403035
File: 245 KB, 1380x949, schizophrenia summerfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizophrenic summerfags apparently drawn to dostoevsky threads like flies

>> No.22403064
File: 352 KB, 319x402, JesusSaves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you only use this jpg this summer, you must only have been coming here this summer
Proving once again the average IQ on /lit/ is double digits.

>> No.22403067

Schizophrenic cope.

>> No.22403076
File: 52 KB, 1024x767, 1662930262800063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use your brain and come up with something original. You are beyond cringe at this point.

>> No.22403077

You taking meds buddy? You sound unhinged and mentally unwell.

>> No.22403081
File: 198 KB, 768x392, einsteinLetter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22403082

Nice meme, schizo. You get that from Facebook? KEK

>> No.22403093

>A quote with a picture has to be from facebook
You're not even smart enough to use cliches properly

>> No.22403095

Lol you fucking fag you unironically did get it on facebook didn't you

>> No.22403113

Keep trying kid, you'll figure out this banter thing eventually.

>> No.22403116

fucking kek @ u

>> No.22403126

Weak as hell man, never let it show you're that rattled

>> No.22403129
File: 47 KB, 750x713, 94039409032903209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a comeback from the boomer academy of posting? kek @ u

>> No.22403208

This is a leftist btw

>> No.22403222

>pre-Freudian complexes
Quite the man of science this Nabokov!