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22397596 No.22397596 [Reply] [Original]

prev >>22389963

>> No.22397599

What kind of lives to camgirls lead? Whenver I try to watch, I notice they are in a hotel room so I immediately feel it's too depressing to watch them. Like you can see the sadness in their souls projected from the plain hotel drapes.

>> No.22397602

Can i post from this diner or is my data IP banned

>> No.22397609

Wow great

Greetings from the diner I am conquering my social anxiety

>> No.22397616

I don't think they live in the hotel room

>> No.22397628

Why not record themselves at home? Do they live with their parents?

>> No.22397636

Maybe, or maybe they have kids

>> No.22397640

What they need is a hug anon. why don’t you try to stalk them, find where they live and give them a hug?

>> No.22397646

>maybe they have kids
That's even worse though
That's disgusting

>> No.22397648

That makes a lot of sense. Single mother with no skills camgirling for money.

>> No.22397654

Acceleration is the only way forward

>> No.22397665

Regret! Regret!

>> No.22397670

You can accelerate in any direction

>> No.22397672
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>> No.22397675
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I found my 9 year old little nephew reading pic related. What should I do?

>> No.22397679

Report him for advertising.

>> No.22397684

I lost control of my life, it is all pointless, I want to wake up and go forth to fight for a tomorrow, but what for? I can't see roads converting to anything fruitful, it is all worthless and doomed.

>> No.22397689

All directions lead to collapse so all directions lead forward

>> No.22397692

get anything nice senpai?

>> No.22397695

step away from the rectangle

>> No.22397722

Sounds cute

>> No.22397726

Oh it's a frog, it took me a while to figure it out

>> No.22397737
File: 439 KB, 720x719, 1673561643571770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel lonely and I have nobody in my circle of friends or family who is capable of giving me practical advice to help me meet new people and possibly a girlfriend.

One time I reached out to one of my friends who kept saying he would be there if I ever need him and it was apparent after only ten minutes that this was just a way to make himself feel important by consoling me. Like he was getting off by not being the emotional one for once.

>> No.22397740

Don't worry the friends will fade away through your twenties and then you'll have the relief of total and irreversible isolation

>> No.22397746

I dreamed I lived a full life and this life was my second chance.

>> No.22397752

Did you get to that point?

>> No.22397760

This summer I've really upped my reading game. It's mostly because I replaced watching videos during breakfast and lunch with reading.
It's been so long since I've had a solid block of reading. When I was in grade/high-school I read all the time. Picking it back up in my mid-thirties has been nice.

>> No.22397763
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Yes about three years ago. Your soul will react against it at first and probably compel you to go out and try to meet people, but Houellebecq described it well when he said that at this point a thin transparent film separates you from the rest of humanity.

>> No.22397779

I've only read Submission. He gave the Identitarians too much credit.

Maybe being a crypto-Buddhist will help. I'll just feel lonely and try to detach more every time.

>> No.22397788

Many camgirls are sex trafficked. That's why the room they're in looks off.

>> No.22397817

>I feel lonely
>my circle of friends or family
"Loneliness epidemic" confirmed fake and gay

>> No.22397827

Brothels should be free for all men and supplied with 19 year old blindfolded women from Central Asia, Latina America and Eastern Europe.
(In my country, not yours)

>> No.22397858

I'm one of the 20 or so regular anons on this board. Been away for some weeks because I got (forgive me for this) tw*tter. Did I miss anything?

>> No.22397865

The Nietzschespammer and the BAPspammer got in a fight, nothing happened except bruised egos though

>> No.22397870 [DELETED] 

The kid is probably in this thread kek

>> No.22397917


>> No.22397923

I’m very ambitious, but the people closest to me are not and worse yet, they don’t believe that any of us, can achieve anything. They’ve all head poison dropped into their ear by someone else and now they drip poison themselves.

>> No.22397927

the timescale matters: 20 or 200 years? with prudent management this nightmare hellworld could last c e n t u r i e s

>> No.22397928

nice frog, wouldn't mind giving it sex with my penis.

>> No.22397930

So you’re struggling to meet new people? Why do you think that is?

>> No.22397944

What was it about?

>> No.22397948
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>> No.22397957

BAPspammer called Nietzschespammer a jew after the latter stole some of his Tyson buffalo boneless chicken bites

>> No.22397960

Altruism is wasted on those who mistake it for weakness and submission.

>> No.22397964
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reminds me of a preposition chart

>> No.22397969
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me in red
your mom in blue

>> No.22397996

I find the idea that art is or should be therapeutic for either the creator or the beholder a loathsome idea.

>> No.22398006

Art should be beautiful so it can cause deliberate distress to ugly people.

>> No.22398012

Art should be beautiful so the next time life hits you in the gut it hurts like new again

>> No.22398016
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I sleep

>> No.22398017

*gently pets you*

>> No.22398022

We're all naked under our clothes. Imagine that.

>> No.22398038

I wonder what the reaction would be if 4channel was sold and new ownership was doing away with /pol/ and /pol/posting would warrant a permaban.

>> No.22398047

do you not realize that people get banned for /pol/posts all the time? bans don't work, permabans are even less effective than 3day bans because they're taken as a a challenge.

>> No.22398063
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Damn St. Bernard really had a vision he was sucking Mary's titties and then decided to pioneer mariology and instance Mary as the co mediatrix of salvation. Hmm, must have been a powerful experience...

>> No.22398066
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>> No.22398076

taking a shit rn

>> No.22398083

I work in the cigar industry and most cigar smokers are worse than jews. They always buy a couple of cheap Nicaraguan or Dominican cigars and nothing else

>> No.22398088

Lol ok Mr. Cigar Store cashier

>> No.22398111
File: 35 KB, 720x644, 1691871328167439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got waffles and the waitress was nice to me. But then I got stranded in the city because my main bus was out of service and my backup bus was rerouted so I had to ask people for help. Then the rerouted bus never came and I couldn't install Uber on my phone because of an error accepting my credit card so I had to ask a policeman where the trains are and learn to take the train and the train lady yelled at me but out of concern (because I seemed retarded) and when I left she told me to have a nice day

This was a big adventure for me and I want to do it again

>> No.22398122

>t. poorsencia aficionado

>> No.22398124

I walk in crowded areas at night to gather mires from women. I can easily spend two hours like this. Then I go back home and flex in the mirror.

>> No.22398139

That's gayer than sitting on a dick

>> No.22398153

I am invulnerable in a platonic sense

>> No.22398172

I think I got too drunk and embarrassed myself at a wedding yesterday

>> No.22398231

I am 5'6" and my penis is 4 inches. How could God allow this? What practical design guidelines did he follow through? I would rather an inferior vessel cease to exist completely, instead of forcing him into existence with subpar qualities. Why does God not do anything about this? Is he even real?

Diversity indeed is nice, only if equality was made certain despite all our differences. Based on all empirical evidence however, inferior groups exist, and I can't deny it anymore. No attractive woman will ever accept me for who I truly am. I will have to choose among females in my league and be forced to continue a lineage of sub-par, incomplete, uninteresting, imperfect bloodline. Glory to God for his designs.

>> No.22398237
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>> No.22398247

Nothing more pathetic than a White Buddhist.
Just laughable cope with life

>> No.22398248 [DELETED] 

damn this shit goes so hard makes me wanna write code all night

>> No.22398252

being a 21st century christian is equally as pathetic desu

>> No.22398255

I caved and watched the first couple seasons of Stranger Things after my sister annoyed me about it for years. I usually only watch anime or 90s scifi like the X-Files and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I'm a big fan of the young character pairing shoujo dynamic that Mike and Eleven have going on, it's kinda like Sakura and Syaoran or Anya and Damian.
Knowing how these things go (and that it's produced by Jewflix) I expect there to be woke progressive nonsense in the latter two seasons but we'll see.

>> No.22398258

Not even close

>> No.22398260


>> No.22398334

I think they just go home and draw pictures. Whenever I ask one of them what they do they name some profession they can't possibly have like fashion designer.

>> No.22398351

I like peeing outside because it makes me feel like I'm giving back what I've taken from the earth.

>> No.22398356

I think I’m a pervert. I like walking around with my dick hanging out but a long shirt covering it. I get a rush the shorter the shirt or if I start to get a stiffy. Nothing like standing in line behind a girl, staring at her, with the tip of my dick poking out. I also like masturbating in my car in public places

>> No.22398405

Hegel is a BIT of a snake

this now, this here, all secret meetings

>> No.22398408

Are you just looking for companionship? If so, you could be my girlfriend(male).

>> No.22398441

Los Angeles here. Theres a helicopter flying around making announcements to the homeless to find higher ground on account of the oncoming hurricane. Feels apocalyptic, third world, and dystopian at the same time

>> No.22398450

Good, hope there are juicy habbening threads

>> No.22398461

Nah, we in SoCal spazz out everytime it rains. Its actually obnoxious. Peoppe were panic shopping today because of a fucking rainstorm.

>> No.22398617

I'm very frustrated. I've been waiting to get back into university for an entire year now. But in the interim, everything has been going wrong. My family is falling apart, I'm having personal issues, my job is just failure after failure after failure, and I'm getting older watching the time just pass by wastefully. I just want to go back to university, and I'm playing this stupid waiting game as I try to hold it together.

>> No.22398632

It was at that moment that great dog burst through the bushes and began to defecate, my face formed a picture of disgust as it presented its rectum and a spent condom emerged from the cavity and flopped onto the ground

>> No.22398656
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>> No.22398696
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I have maintained a clandestine career as a writer of fetish fiction for more than ten years now. In particular I specialize in weight gain fiction, with side helpings of slob, toilet issues, infantilization, hypnosis, and brain drain. I have written about both men and women. Almost everything I write goes into pastebins which I post anonymously on various message boards and websites, including sometimes on 4chan. It has left me with basically no paper trail and I never admit to having written previous works when I put a new one out for perusal.

I have been nearly universally praised for this work, everyone agreeing that my stuff is fappable. Everyone who shares my fetishes has wound up deeply enjoying and appreciating pretty much everything I have written, even if they have quibbled with certain details of certain pieces.

Nobody knows I'm the one behind ALL of it. They think I'm probably a dozen different people, I suppose.

I know I should stop but I've had a hard time doing so. It's just an itch I feel compelled to scratch from time to time.

>> No.22398712
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What is the most aesthetically pleasing outfit for a man?

>> No.22398726

I have a fear and paranoia complex and it makes me both hate myself and constantly stressed out. For example today I saw a small bug run across some paper towels I had in the kitchen and I failed to identify before I knocked it into the sink and washed it down the drain. It was really very small, could have been sort of elongated and moved quickly. My mind is a blur in what I saw. But now I can't stop thinking about what it was. I keep searching for images of cockroaches, what if it was a small cockroach? I've wasted three hours, feeling worse and worse about this possibility. My mind can't seem to let it go despite my rational brain knowing that there's no way to positively identify it now. And even if, in the worst case, it was a cockroach its 12:25 AM on a Saturday and outside of making sure the area is clean (which it is) there's nothing I can do about it.

But my mind clings on to the thought in relentless hyper-focus. If my brain were a muscle it would be tensed up, sinews taut and hanging on for life. I wish I could let go. I wish I had someone to share my fears with or someone to confide in. I wish I was brave and these things didn't phase me.

>> No.22398734

antifa hoodie

>> No.22398743
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Black Tie. That's why it hasn't changed in almost 200 years. Don't mess with perfection.

>> No.22398749

Jeans and a t shirt

>> No.22398750


>> No.22398752

what's to stop me from throwing a spanner into this whole farce? i'm probably capable of it, given the hard-won knowledge i have. the job of the propagandist is hard. they must convince people of lies and fight against natural tendency. conversely, the citizen has a relatively easy task. it's a house of cards.

>> No.22398755
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Would you prefer midnight blue?

>> No.22398758
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>> No.22398763

Suits are for bugmen.

>> No.22398781


i haven't really been trying up until now. i haven't felt all that determined. but i'm starting to feel a sense of annoyance, as though i'm being taken for an imbecile.

>> No.22398809


or rather, i feel tempted. perhaps i amount to nothing, but then, why all the fuss in the first place?

>> No.22398903

Blue jeans and a flannel oversight

>> No.22398914

I have a question:

At what point do we take things seriously? Let it be literature, games or money

>> No.22398917

Is coffee something depressed people turn to? Or is it usually just alcohol?

>> No.22398919

christ is or is not family

>> No.22398927

I take nothing seriously as a defense mechanism. So it won’t hurt me. If God tells me I have to take something seriously then I will. God hasn’t. So everything is unironically a joke.

>> No.22398935

Same :)

>> No.22398936

I use both in excess

>> No.22398938

absolute state, that is the mess

>> No.22398946

Read James V. Schall

>> No.22398964

I don’t take that guy seriously

>> No.22399011

>This was a big adventure for me and I want to do it again
Right on, bro. Breaking the chains of autism? Anyways, I have a bus stop story. Dude at the bust stop collapsed in the Summer heat in Phoenix. That's nothing that unusual in 115 degree heat, but he didn't hit the ground very hard. It seemed like he was faking it. He was writhing on the ground and his buddy was telling people that he was wrecked and he needed to eat and hydrate. He went down the list of what dude needed. It looked like a mooch scam. Some random broad asked the dude on the ground, ''Are you sure that you are not just high?'' Dude jumped up out of indignation and proceeded to lambaste her about how he does not even do crystal, ran across the parking lot, scaled a six foot wall, and disappeared into the residential neighborhood from the commercial corridor. His compatriot casually sauntered away. Such is life in the city.

>> No.22399025

I like to save the 1.6 gallons of water that the toilet uses. I stank up an area, though. I think that I will install a piss pipe. Literally just a pipe to piss in to deposit the urine deeper and somewhat enclosed in the Earth. It works. I have done it before.

>> No.22399026


Hmm. Now I wonder what's he's doing now

>> No.22399046
File: 60 KB, 640x640, I Feel I Think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont feel honest when I pray, I feel like I'm just deceiving myself and feel like I'm lying to god.

>> No.22399051

I hope he has a good time. Maybe he will make a friend and start urbex.

>> No.22399061

Me too, bro. Just tell him so. He'll understand. He already knows that you have less faith than a mustard seed. It's OK.

>> No.22399065

But praying didn't cost anything. Might as well believe it

>> No.22399113

i get i get i get
a little at a time
tickle and a touch
wiggle and a step!
oh, but honey
when are you gonna be oh mine?

>> No.22399126

for a long, great while women claimed how strong and independent they are only to get played by pimps. its definitely a man's world and will always be

>> No.22399130

no food for 24 to almost 48 hrs until Monday. top ramen, tea, water and coffee until then. debit card is missing so that's not a choice.

>> No.22399140

I have over 300k in the bank and nothing to want to buy.

>> No.22399141

I’m still not even sure what happened to me back then. It’s like I was a totally different person for a few years.

>> No.22399142

If you are fat then it will be good for you.

>> No.22399148

Good for you, man. Keep the urges under control.

>> No.22399153

I don't think it'll be good for skinnies either

>> No.22399156

It is good for fatties to go without food once in a while.

>> No.22399166
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I want a job but for some reason they're so hard to get. The ones near me either start at 6:00 AM and I don't have a car so I can't get to those or they require a specific skill that I don't have. Why is it so hard to get a fucking job? Whatever happened to the days of just being able to shove your resume at a grocery store and being hired that same week? How am I ever meant to fucking travel if I can't even get fucking hired anywhere? Seriously, why do I have to live in the fucking shittiest area in my city?

>> No.22399169

Would buy some land if it were me

>> No.22399173

Hmm. Usually it have to do with how you present your achievements and skills on your resumé

I mean, imagine a guy in an office looking for suitable job candidate and he scrolls and scrolls and didn't find what he's looking for. I personally believe to include your picture to be noticed (if you do already, well, congrats) because if I were to hire someone I might wanna narrow down resumés that seems legit and won't waste my time

>> No.22399183

I'm not even looking for anything that require special skills or anything, I've already applied to all the shit near me that a person with down syndrome could do and none of them have gotten back to me. I don't have any special skills so it's not like I could apply to anything that requires them.

>> No.22399186

> I don't have any special skills
Anon, I think this is the reason

>> No.22399196

You don't need special skills to work at a cinema or a supermarket or a fucking tool shop for tradies and yet I've been turned down from all of them.

>> No.22399214

How many applications did you put out

>> No.22399222

I'm pretty sure they're looking for "diligent, hard-working, able to do basic math calculations and read and write"

>> No.22399224

I put applications out to all the places within an hour of me that I could work at so about three places. Every other place is either over an hour away by public transport or I need some special bullshit skill or experience and how the fuck am I meant to get experience if they won't hire me?

>> No.22399226

lol politics

>> No.22399227

Those aren't special skills, those are just normal human things, I can do all of those.

>> No.22399241

ngl senpai sounds like you've pretty much slapped social anxiety down, that was a lot for a single day and would've defeated a lesser lad. happy for you, mate.

>> No.22399268

What is this>>22398617?

Just life?

>> No.22399275

Is wuthering heights worth reading?

>> No.22399280

>find ugly girl
>she has low esteem
>inspire her to improve
>she gets more attention from men
>realizes that can get a better quality man
>get dumped

>> No.22399287 [DELETED] 

migrated from /gioyc/ /adv/
hmmm. well there's a name in the field so i wouldn't do that.

i'm shit.

(i am disturbed by snowflakes. consider it: abort yourself abort myself)

who gives a shit about this other world you connected with.
what are you trying to save me? are you literally preaching that to indoctrinate people? i'm not impressed by the claims unfalsifiable. ignorance will call: speaking with it's ignorance to provably false ideals working hard, getting naught done except to tie some strings, still: speaking with imaginary characters that are either manifest or trivial. manifest as in, able to be programmed, manipulated, moved about and acting, as it is, by artificial synthetic means, organic, psychological, lawful and indeterminate, so as engaged with the strain of the world: not real, encapsulated-fragmentary, null or void. I cannot be saved, I can simply read words on a page, or listen to them in situation, to move on to the next circumstances. it is only most likely you're 2nd/3rd person: no matter discrete. why do I do this then? because my suffering has been judged vain, worthless, nothing.
blahhah: the people pointing the finger are the ones guilty of their crimes and are not acknowledging my HOLY PASTA!
my cheek is turned, and God the Destroyer, Of Death has crushed my spirit, body, mind, soul, and annihilated (God's) word, law in it's fist, casting down the acts of the detested, repugnance of Holiness, stench of the leprous.

blahah. it stinks in here. i love classical gas. i smile after everytime i smell these roses. i have viewtiful shit. where was i?

>> No.22399299

Can't they denounce their traffickers seeing that they're in front of a large public audience? Or even better, can't they just call the police?

>> No.22399308

superfluous man summed up in one problem

>> No.22399324

Yes and no.

>> No.22399344

You ever think “Damn, it’s just really never going to get better”

>> No.22399351

I love sunny side-ups so much you wouldn't believe it.

>> No.22399359

Dying in your sleep is the best ending to this shitshow

>> No.22399364

It's Sunday bro just go to church and stop being a faggot

>> No.22399375


>> No.22399380

Why not?

>> No.22399389

Should I read Great Gatsby's long introduction? I can't make tails or heads of it

>> No.22399391
File: 32 KB, 460x450, it's over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Damn, it’s just really never going to get better

>> No.22399393

Yeah being responsible for your actions sure does suck, right?

>> No.22399396

>carbs are good for you if you’re fat

>> No.22399475

I fundamentally understand nothing.

>> No.22399493

Girl I lost my virginity to is kind of teasing me and giving me mocking smiles because the girl I'm currently dating has the same name as her and looks similar to her. She also stares at me more intensely when she talks to me which makes me feel funny

Why is she doing this and why does it feel like I still have a little crush on her?

>> No.22399583

Ironic since BAP is jewish himself and some of his grandparents are lolocaust survivors

>> No.22399585

I didnt need to read this.

>> No.22399608

Why do you guys broke up?

>> No.22399614

I did. But after seeing a bunch of funny videos it made me realize that I am just getting too emotional for my age.

>> No.22399617

surrounded and can't land?

>> No.22399668

This is why Jane Eyre is the greatest English novel

>> No.22399673

>tfw russian gf stuck in russia and have no idea when we'll see eachother
Such is life.
Think I'll get a typewriter, how do you guys find using them? Had one as a kid but don't remember really well.

>> No.22399694

When she gets raped and taken for a wife by a victorious Hohol chad you'll understand that you had a duty to go fight for her country

>> No.22399702

Doubt it she's behind the urals

>> No.22399705

Hohol Nazis will finish what Hitler started

>> No.22399711

She was never an ex and we never even dated. She got annoyed with me and ultimately rejected me when I was telling her I loved her and wanted to be a couple lol.

>> No.22399776

Are you in high school or something?

>> No.22400015

I really fucked up by not pivoting my education hard when I was younger. I could’ve gotten a graduate degree in something else, but now I think I’ve been pigeon holed into economics, finance, and business.

>> No.22400022

Quantity surveyor is a good job with little stress. or you could pivot to financial law.

>> No.22400268

been getting better for me the longer i abstain from drugs, internet, porn, music, etc and meditate more


>> No.22400441

Dude you cant get a job with just three applications

>> No.22400464

I've worked three jobs in my life and submitted exactly three applications

>> No.22400510


>> No.22400512

can you make one?

>> No.22400523

tale as old as time. likely she'll be back but have some self respect and deny her. in any case, it's a good rule of thumb never to increase some else's self-esteem

>> No.22400526

If you like such things then you would probably enjoy it.

>> No.22400541

>carbs are good for you if you’re fat
No. I was addressing the -
>no food for 24 to almost 48 hrs until Monday
part. Stopping eating is good for fatties. Besides, if you had read the thread properly, I already addressed this here >>22399156 .

>> No.22400547

>manage to have a three month break from this place (I know, I know, you never leave)
>life is great
>smitten by God with the flu
>feverish and bound to my bed
>to stupid to read
>come back here
>immediately fell my quality of life decrease, my opinions turn to poison, my attitude turn querolous and unpleasant
I'm gonna watch porn 8 hours a day instead of shitposting for these next few fever days. At this point I'm fairly sure it's healthier and better for the soul.

>> No.22400549

I just remembered one of the things that were really banging on in my head driving me toward attempting suicide was that apparently my father said I was his greatest disappointment. I say "apparently" because I don't remember it, but my mother told me that I told her that he said this. I don't remember much of those weeks. I think his problem with me at the time was that my psychosis got in the way of him finishing his book. He doesn't know that I attempted suicide, even though I've spent the last 6-7 weeks in hospital.

>> No.22400552

I'm currently fucking up my youth because I have no idea what to do. Just doing shit jobs and in my free time read books and lift weights. Literally zero (0) ambition to do anything else, though the thought that I will regret it soon lurks somewhere in my mind. It's probably because I spend too much time reading +30yo posts here, but fuck if I know what should I do

>> No.22400561

A neglected woman that has mental problems started living with me recently. My roommate invited her.
It feels really strange to be able to relate to someone so much but to not have any understanding or connection. Some of the things she says are word for word what I have said in the past. Very weird.

>> No.22400577

Never understand why sometimes you guys lump music in with all that other stuff

Lol man just play a video game or watch some movies or something

>> No.22400583

How old are you and what jobs do you work? Are you in school?

>> No.22400593

Well lucky you mr anomaly. Most of us have to put out 100 application to get one call back

>> No.22400606

I bought three womens snowsuits. They're metallic and shiny and I masturbate while wearing them. I'm not a cross dresser or anything. I just get insanely aroused by winter clothes. Thank God I live in a warm climate

>> No.22400613

>I'm not a cross dresser or anything
Yes, you are. This is how it starts.

>> No.22400623

Let me guess, you didn't have a firm handshake? I just had a dream where I had a limp handshake. It was horrible.

>> No.22400624
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>I'm not a cross dresser or anything.

>> No.22400664
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My greatest sexual fantasy is to be strapped to a carpeted floor, my limbs immobilized, and to have anywhere from 1-3 girls jerk my penis with their feet, put their feet on my face, and spit in my mouth. They would never ever let me finish, and once they're done for the day they would put my penis into a chastity cage and tie a shoe around my face so even as I sleep all I can think about is the smell of their feet.

I would never be granted release.

>> No.22400666

23 and riding forklift

>> No.22400685

I've been getting flustered going back in the archive and rereading an argument I had 5 years ago.

>> No.22400687

how to turn off brain cells to do this?
i found the inverse true for me, qua inner conflict
it's not like it's enjoyable, but since i discovered spine orbiting line thing meditation i haven't been fapping like i normally do.

>> No.22400710

No, really. I just have a fetish for puffy winter clothes. That's it.

>> No.22400726

forklift certified is based unironically. You can get into driving heavy machinery and gt paid out pretty good for it. You should aim to get into some kind of certification, training, or degree program at a community college. Don't worry about being too old. I went back to college at 23 and things are working out pretty good so far.

>> No.22400730

There's no way I'll manage to juggle all these hobbies but fuck it, my life would be too dull otherwise.

>> No.22400736

Just be sure to actually finish something. Finish ONE thing.

>> No.22400746

I am in pain how to make it stop

>> No.22400752

2 ibuprofen and one tylenol every 4-6 hours

>> No.22400755

Emotional pain? Nothing, just gotta ride it out.

>> No.22400769

I just took a massive shit. It was glorious bros. It just kept going and going, and then it coiled peacefully, like a resting snake.

>> No.22400775

Based. I had a squat wide turd pop out which uncorked a rancid fart that had been festering up there for probably two days. It was so vile the dog came running in to investigate.

>> No.22400792

ya i think i might install counterstrike again. i felt like i was wasting too much time on it but if i'm going to waste my time i'd rather be having fun playing a game than arguing with the dregs of civilization on here.

>> No.22400799

I think I eventually will. A lot of blackpilled content here on this site sometimes absorbs too deep and I don't filter all of it pretty well. But I guess there's always another option than just whining about my situation. Thanks for response, I appreciate that.

>> No.22400801
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>mmm yes quite pungent

>> No.22400885

I feel like there's no point reading nonfiction books. If the book is about a story or an experience or something, a book where you feel a pang of loss when you finish it, that makes sense that it can only be conveyed in the author's original words. If it's about an idea, like economics or a political philosophy, it's just a presentation of ideas that either stand on their merits or don't. For most people, it would probably be a lot easier to learn the concepts they're reading if they could see a human face saying it, with graphs or charts appearing at the key times. The mediums of conveying information has advanced so far beyond books, it's like writing with a quill and inkpot instead of a pen or a keyboard.

>> No.22400895

Read some tranny interviews. This kind of fetish is very highly represented at the beginning stages. Stop now or else enjoy the ride.

>> No.22400908


>> No.22400927

Who was the hero of The Great Gatsby? Obviously Gatsby but oddly people don't always agree.

>> No.22400936 [DELETED] 

Someone said "Пoдyть в cвинью" to me. What does it mean?

>> No.22400941

I'm interested in reading about the various conditions and experiences of mental patients from an analysis' perspective. Do I just start reading Freud from anywhere?

>> No.22400943

>A neglected woman
Wtf? A neglected woman? A roastie didn't get enough attention and developed mental issues, my heart bleeds

>> No.22400951

NO jew brain I will NOT call my ex and I do NOT need her. I also do not need to call any woman in the world. Mom will not do either she'll just gossip about everything I say. One more day.

>> No.22400964

Be sure to read Alan Harrington's ''Psychopaths'' while you are at it. He interviewed several nutjobs, mental health workers, and police officers in preparation for his writing of fiction. This book is a non-fiction culmination of those interviews.

>> No.22400990

Wasnt the point that everyone was an ass hole

>> No.22401084

I think it's either Stockholm syndrome, or they are being threatened in some way (financially, physically, emotionally, etc.) that makes them believe they can't do anything else. Also, many of these women are located in parts of the world where the law does not favor prostitutes and sex trafficking victims. If these women were to say something about their situation, they'd probably be put in an even worse situation than if they'd just stayed quiet.

>> No.22401085
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i didn't get banned for my auogggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhpost

>> No.22401102

Why is everyone on /ck/ so antagonistic

>> No.22401121 [DELETED] 

Sometimes you think something is obviously true, but then you read some knowledge which shows that something is obviously false. You need to know.

>> No.22401139
File: 61 KB, 794x997, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is overflown with /pol/ bait threads, chuds and other low tier shit. Jannies are worthless. Kali Yuga is merciless and without bounds.

>> No.22401141
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>> No.22401144

You must have not been here for a while

>> No.22401145

Reading his essays and damn this Samuel Johnson nigga knew how to write

>> No.22401147

discussing literature is impossible so i try to make fun shitposts instead of mean shitposts

>> No.22401149

The status quo here is guns blazing, aggressive, and defensive. Every thread is a battlefield

>> No.22401222

I do not know how to cope with my friend leaving me like that and replying to me as if I was a stranger, without any concrete explanation.. when I tell my friend the situation I get no reply at all... it feels like shit. Is this friendship really worth it?

>> No.22401228

What does it mean to be have a higher consciousness than human? It's easier to imagine lower, like bugs lacking self-reflection.

>> No.22401236

you know that time you made a fool of yourself? imagine you're perpetually aware of it, and every other time you've been an embarrassment, and all the implications of it and just how utterly irreversible it is at all times.

>> No.22401249

Hyperthymesia? Those people have a lot of issues from their perfect memory and don't amount to anything great it seems.

>> No.22401254

i don't think it's controversial to say that there's a sweet spot of consciousness that lends itself to greatness.

>> No.22401260

We must let the /pol/tards in otherwise /lit/ will not survive, my fellow /lit/izen... Think about all the diversity of thought!

>> No.22401269

So there was no hero character in it? And I'm wondering what made Gatsby an asshole?

>> No.22401305

you say E.L. James, I say Marquis de Sade.
You say Tao Lin, I say James Joyce.
You say Stephanie Meyer, I say Virginia Woolf.
You say Ayn Rand, I say Slavoj Zizek,

>> No.22401317

>And I'm wondering what made Gatsby an asshole?
He defied the natural order.

>> No.22401322

This week at work two of my female coworkers asked me which book I read. I said "a bit of everything, mostly fiction and fantasy, though", and the one nearing her fourties laughed in my face like I was a child and asked if I needed superheroes in my life, then proceeded to point at my coworker and say "look, you've got one right here, hahah!". I interjected to say I also read non-fiction books that she'd probably like such as Sea of Tranquility and she did not talk to me afterwards. I didn't want to play some pussy size game saying I also read Dostoiewski and others as I knew women don't read that kind of shit I'd pass for an arrogant person. They then just kept citing book titles (e.g the Alchemist) and saying "Oh, I liked that one."

What the fuck is wrong with office women? It's like they're trying to make me pass for a stupid fuck every time they talk to me. I'm only 5 months in and I think I'm already hating half of them.

>> No.22401324

I read love fiction* not nonfiction, sorry.

>> No.22401331


>> No.22401344

I'm really not LARPing. I know this sounds like one of these retarded threads but I'm not. This is 100% what happened to me last week even though I can't prove it. I work in a clinic.

>> No.22401360

are you working in a mostly female office? maybe they can smell the chud on you. i worked with an old lesbian for a few years and she was a bitter cunt and hard to work with but never pulled anything like that.

>> No.22401366

Dont even try to defend it. Just say "yeah I like fiction" and then ignore her.

>> No.22401381

God fuck I can't stand people complaining so much about the most menial shit, we meet, I ask them how it's going, they start complaining about how everyone treats them unfairly, how they hate their job, how their partner doesn't even fuck them anymore, and it's not even something that you can laugh about, like a guy at a bar being an idiot and an asshole towards a bartender or server, it's just complaining about them not getting their way for whatever reason.
Not everybody's like this but fucking hell, maybe 3/4 of the people I interact with on the daily have so little going on in their lives that they can't find anything interesting to tell me about if they try.
>inb4 you're doing the same thing
Yeah, and fuck you too.

>> No.22401406

the only place where i hear so much whining is on /lit/. no one on this board can just live in the world as it is and enjoy life. they always have to whine about how it's not the way they would like it to be. i would say they're just young but there are a lot of old millenials on here still complaining like a college kid who just learned the world isn't fair.

>> No.22401411

You mean like you're doing now?

You mean like you're doing now?

You mean like you're doing now?

>> No.22401476


>> No.22401489

Reread the post. Anon is claiming to be a broad.

>> No.22401492

Everything that I do is a sign for someone who isn’t there and wouldn’t notice it if they were

>> No.22401493

tfw can't read

>> No.22401496

>old millenials

>> No.22401499

What are your thoughts on MBAs and MPAs?

>> No.22401510

I can talk about corporate life if you want. For starters, read Alan Harrington's ''Life in the Crystal Palace''. A lot of dudes get a job, get on the inside track, and get the company to subsidize the degree.

>> No.22401518

this, a lot of guys at my corporate dinosaur do this and take a promotion with their MBA. it's a no-brainer if you don't have the capacity for some niche technical role that exempts you from the faggot game of making fake schedules and fake budgets followed by fake investigations for why a project didn't meet schedule and budget.

>> No.22401636

I’m not in corporate and don’t plan to be. I work in higher education administration and I don’t hate it, but I’ve fucked my self over because I failed to get a graduate degree while I was younger. Now, my potential is capped unless I go and get one and come back.

>> No.22401655

My mother is practically begging me to come live with her.

>> No.22401665

>That's disgusting
if they don't want to get harassed then maybe they shouldn't have become e-whores in the first place.

>> No.22401696

I'm the youngest in the office and by extension the nerdy, sensitive guy. Pretty sure those vampires can smell weakness when they see me.
Will do. She's the kind of woman who is nearing 40 and doesn't have any kids and only talks about men all day so I should have the moral high ground but that bitch is really strong at what she does. It just didn't come at the moment.
>Anon is claiming to be a broad.
I'm not a woman.

>> No.22401701

I mentioned pussy size game because they were 2 women. Obviously I'm not going to play in a dick competition with two chicks, I'm an ESL sorry if that sounded weird

>> No.22401713

Do you regret the choices you’ve made in life?

>> No.22401742

>sorry if that sounded weird
Yeah, that sounded like broad larp. Anyways, be sure to stay one step ahead. If they get into your personal business again, just tell them that it is dude stuff. Then, when they pry again and you elaborate, and they follow with insults, you can tell them, ''See? I told you so.''

>> No.22401748


>> No.22401749

I could not have made better choices because I did not know any better.

>> No.22401752

I have never made any choices

>> No.22401778

The fact that I can write anything worthwile only after having coffee is concerning me. It makes me extremely anxious, depressed and overly conscious of any little thought and observation. And then I write and write some more. I wish I didn't. Usually nothing good comes out of suffering and most of the stuff I write is just putting my own suffering in somebody else's hands, usually imaginary.
There's also a high frequency whistle that is coming out of neighbour's pipes and it's irritating

>> No.22401801

You will always be a woman

>> No.22401817

browsing 4chan mainly because i'm still doing it unlike other regrettable life choices

>> No.22401829

No. She wasn't fed at her home and she was passed around hospitals. She's off. Talks to people that aren't there.
It's not just a woman crying about her life. She had real problems.

>> No.22401832
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>> No.22401837
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Yes, most of them.

>> No.22401862

The ubermensch is inferior to God. Why spook yourself with that?

>> No.22401870

I want to start dating again, but I feel like I have to buy a house and work on my appearance first.

>> No.22401887

You can still regret though.

>> No.22401939

I’m such a pathetic chad.

>> No.22401943

It can be a simultaneous process. You do not need to marry the first broad that is not a cunt to you.

>> No.22401950

Why bother?

>> No.22401960

You think God wants gay little submissive automatons that suck His dick all day? You think that's what He gave you free will to do, just suck His dick except sometimes you also bitch and moan about it? He created you to become His peer. No matter what He says he wants, He clearly really wants us to challenge Him.

>> No.22401983

Well bros, I wasted my entire weekend

>> No.22401991

> challenge Him
You can’t challenge Him. He is right and you are wrong. There’s nothing to challenge. That doesn’t make sense.

>> No.22401996

I wasted my entire life

>> No.22401999

Sometimes I wish I could waste my weekends. I have so much fucking shit to do

>> No.22402057

Depending on the specific day you're asking that answer will change. But yes, probably. I regret a lot, and nothing at the same time. I kind of hate the people who say 'I wouldn't be me right now if I didn't make those choices', because that implies those people actually think they are the best version of themselves when they aren't. Pretty prideful imo. I'm pretty sure 17 years old me was a better person than I am right now, or that he could at least pretend to enjoy life much better than I do, so I can't say that. I regret that I forgot how to be happy. I also regret the timing of the times I acted upon my emotions. I think my world would have been exceedingly different if I had put my pride away and acted like a cold, calculating machine a few times in my life.
I regret a lot of stuff but to sum it up I regret that I didn't follow the right paths when I clearly KNEW at the time what to do and still acted like a dick. I only traded 2 days of satisfaction for 3 years of self-hatred.

>> No.22402082

Idk what to do with my life, I am having a baby soon and don't really have anything else I need to get up to. I'd like to have bigger goals or something but a career is out the window not just because of the baby but because I am socially retarded. All 3 times I got an office job I got fired, for various things but honestly I'm pretty sure it's because I found it difficult to fit in. Ive got aspergers which makes that kind of group culture difficult. Anyway I wish I had some goal or aim to go for. I'd like more out of life, either I want to be a cave woman and just crawl around in the dirt or I want some goal to aim for. Maybe a small business where I can try to get the numbers up, I feel like that'd keep me entertained. I'm not sure

>> No.22402098

I’m honestly wondering whether a PhD is ever advisable at this point. It seems pretty likely that if you’re not a young undergraduate wunderkind then it’s almost certainly not, but it might never be.

>> No.22402099

How did you get a womsn pregnant if you have assburgers

>> No.22402104

Pretty sure the answer is always no, just get the minimum degree for entry which is generally a bachelors. What field albeit?

That poster is a transwoman

>> No.22402112 [DELETED] 

I am the woman

>> No.22402118

I'm not trans I'm pregnant...

>> No.22402125

Ah, you musst be one of those tard wives I've heard so much about

>> No.22402130

It's trad wives but I'm not religious

>> No.22402133

No, I'm pretty sure it's tard wife

>> No.22402137

I would literally kill myself if it meant I would be reincarnated into a life where I could have children. Unless you need money I don’t see the need for further goals. These goals are just delusive ideas you impose on yourself.

>> No.22402139

>No attractive woman will ever accept me for who I truly am. I will have to choose among females in my league and be forced to continue a lineage of sub-par, incomplete, uninteresting, imperfect bloodline.
or you could just be like Kant, volcel and develop your intellect

>> No.22402150

regency era

>> No.22402156

dude it's not that hard. literally just find an employment agency.

>> No.22402157

It's an okay degree to get if you are very very talented or from a rich family or both. Otherwise it's not. I know a few PhDs IRL and none of them regret it, though. It's definitely the kind of experience you think is gonna kill you before you get on top of it. In my country (France) PhDs end up as lab techs or as cashiers so it's definitely not a degree I'd recommend.

>> No.22402161

I am a turtle.

>> No.22402164

Are you a 40 years old unloved woman? If you have working legs and a human face why the fuck are you talking like an unloved woman?

>> No.22402205

I just wonder if I could achieve my goals with a master’s and a law degree rather than a PhD. The PhD job market is so fucked up that it almost seems retarded to get one if there’s another route available.

>> No.22402209

I bought a cheap black suit and i’m going to wear it everyday. Am I stupid? I’m employed at a blue collar wage slave job.

>> No.22402211
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That's a great idea!

>> No.22402215

>I bought a cheap black suit and i’m going to wear it everyday

>> No.22402222

Black suits are traditionally very formal wear. In a working environment, which was obviously white collar and not blue collar, you’d be more likely to wear a dark charcoal grey or deep navy than black. Why do you want to wear a suit?

>> No.22402240


>> No.22402246

I fucked up this degree. The best time to do this degree was years ago but the second best time was this year. I missed that one too.

>> No.22402266

She has an imaginary boyfriend. She knows he isn't real but it's really strange. I genuinely feel bad for her. She told me she gets uncomfortable around because she likes the way I look. It's taking all my will power not to act like lonely retarded man.
I know people like her will just bring pain any way.

>> No.22402272

I wish my parents were dead so that I could kill myself.

>> No.22402273

>Why do you want to wear a suit
I always liked the look of suits. Better than wearing a t shirt and jeans. It can give me a reason to get up everyday. Why should I care if people think it’s odd? I think it’s odd people give up and wear athletic wear every damn day.

>> No.22402278

>Why should I care if people think it’s odd?
You haven't noticed that people can do bad things to you, like laugh at you and fire you for being a sperg?

>> No.22402283

You trying to be reviewbrah?

>> No.22402296

>wife missed out on getting a particular ballcap she wanted
>tell her I'll get her one she likes
>as new ones release, I ask her if she likes any
>get a strong yes today
>immediately spend $70 bucks on it
>"NOOOOO. DID YOU BUY IT? I'm sorry, I feel bad. I like it for you."
Thank you, dear

>> No.22402297

>fire you
You think it can really go that far?

>> No.22402299

Let's suppose you dressed in a clown suit every day, you think you'd keep your job?

>> No.22402312

Not him, but what is the wageslave job? It matters. Not all blue collar jobs are the same.

>> No.22402316

That's just women for you. Next time but her a washing machine.

>> No.22402334

I don't know, /lit/, it's like the regularness of life is too fucking hard for me or something, idk

>> No.22402342

Do NOT buy land if you don't have experience developing land, it will ruin you

>> No.22402345

In general you shouldn't do anything until you have a few years of experience doing it

>> No.22402352

I'm wondering how to politely leave a small cliquey book club because at least half of the time is spent arguing with people I don't really enjoy being around. They keep inviting me to things. I don't really like lying directly, so I'm leaning towards just simply saying I'm not having fun anymore. Anyone relate?

>> No.22402355
File: 46 KB, 590x421, Isaac %22Bend Over%22 Asimov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Next time but her a washing machine.
1. Drag wife over to washing machine.
2. Back her into it.
Sounds good to me, anon.

>> No.22402390

Don't lie. That's gay. Tell the truth and let them hate you for it.

>> No.22402392

just masturbate to the depressing room instead

masturbate in comfort knowing that you have power to make another human's life even shittier

>> No.22402395

The entire city doesn't want to date "me"

>> No.22402427

It’s highly impractical for blue collar work.

>> No.22402438

I barely sleep because I want to do everything in the world and I don’t know how to stop myself.

>> No.22402558

when you're young, that's the mindset you should have

>> No.22402610

Explain consciousness if you can.

>> No.22402621

The final cope frontier of /x/ schizos to try and deboonk materialism/modern physics.

>> No.22402635

No matter how hard I try, I can never convince myself that I am just a bag of meat and bones

>> No.22402640

i'm going to go to bed soon but i was really thirsty from running this evening and chugged a shitload of water now i will inevitably have to get up and piss in the middle of the night resulting being tired as shit to start the week. damn it man. i should have just waited till morning to drink water.

>> No.22402692

Someonen makei ag newg threade pleaser

>> No.22402696

Cut back on your drinking

>> No.22402902

Not necessarily. I was a Test Engineering Technician for several years. That was technically blue collar but a suit would not have been out of place. A few dudes did it.

>> No.22402903

I second this.

>> No.22402906

>i should have just waited till morning to drink water

>> No.22403039

I'm really thinking about going back to University at 28 now that I have a full time job with a house and everything.

I want to either study History or Literature, am I making a mistake?

>> No.22403046

>I want to either study History or Literature, am I making a mistake?
None of these things will make you learn about History or literature. You will get brainwashed and learn how to write essays no one will ever read. This is not going to get you anywhere except teaching, do you understand?

>> No.22403161

Incomprehensibly based.

>> No.22403163

Are you me

>> No.22403183

Sounds like you need some kind of long-distance job. Look into being a transcriptionist and try to better yourself in general each day until you can start to branch out. Also I recommend teaching English to ESLs online, it's easy and brings in money if you find people who know it a decent amount and just need practice, especially if they're chatterboxes, you just sit there and get paid basically. I've also met friends this way and beefed up my social capabilities.

t. male sperg.

>> No.22403205

They are in 'studios', virtual whore houses, since they can't afford their own setup and are too dumb to figure out half the shit. They also lack self motivation so if they did stream from home you would barely see them, having a contract keeps them working.

they go home to their own shitty apartments and do what normal girls do. Gossip with other girls, bingewatch shitty media, get drunk a lot, fuck a bunch of guys, start drama, etc.

T. Friends with a few of them

>> No.22403207

Recently I've been trying to understand liberalism better in all its historical mutations, but find myself struggling to clearly define what it even is or what presuppositions it rests upon. First, I started a book about postwar liberalism and Rawls, which was extremely boring. I've read a little bit of Rawls and never liked his extremely abstract way of writing.
Currently reading Fukuyama's "The End of History and The Last Man".
One interesting shift is that Rawls, according to the book, from his time in Britain was influenced by thinkers associated with the Labor Party. Turning to Fukuyama, though, that ambiguity, between socialism and liberalism, is stripped away and we are instead presented with a very simple international division of the world between liberal/democratic/capitalist countries v.s authoritarianism whether left or right-wing.
Even after all this reading liberalism still confuses me. I often can barely define its content beyond this vague commitment to individual liberty, an idea so vague it dissolves into nothing..
As best as I can understand, liberalism commits itself to a limited, minimal government that is democratic and which allows individuals to enjoy expansive social freedoms--the freedom to consume, to own land, and to express differing political opinions.
Liberalism is opposed to using state power to force any one worldview, and rather embraces the idea of a plurality of differing groups negotiating their differences democratically. And political debate should be confined to what all different groups can debate as in their common, overlapping interest.
The issue with liberalism I see is its tendency to define itself as non-ideological, as a sort of default neutral. In contrast to all other ideologies which are deemed backwards, coercive, and infantile.
In contrast to liberalism Fukuyama describes totalitarianism as supplanting all traditional associations with those of the state. Whereas liberalism would--as I understand it not as Fukuyama describes it--rather seek the domestication of those affiliations, each existing passively in their own private exhibits.
Only pages earlier he had deemed such associations (ethnic affiliation, religion, nationalism, family, etc ) as a source of irrational prejudice and potential threat to the liberal state. Such traditional associations ought to be undermined and the citizen should be inculcated with a sense of respect for rational non-ideological debate and for individual freedom. Yet such "inculcation" is for some reason not coercive.
How paradoxical that an ideology should revolve around coercing non-coercion. An ideology defined by the abscense of ideology (at least in the public sphere)...
Another internal tension I've noticed is between this commitment to the sanctity of the individual contrasted to this egalitarian and democratic strain. This tension is rarely acknowledged, as ideologues like Fukuyama collapse the difference entirely.

>> No.22403209

2/2 Democracy is seen as the best form when it comes to recognizing the value of the individual. Yet I cannot see how this at all follows.

>> No.22403278

I fucking hate nostalgia so much. I heard the song jerk it out today and it brought back this wild flood of emotional pain and memories from a time I don't even really remember enjoying that much. Fuck nostalgia.

>> No.22403312

Yeah but what was the first cause? It's more likely you found the motivation to quit those things because you started to feel some spark for life, it's more just correlation that you continue to feel better.

>> No.22403336
File: 179 KB, 1024x1024, 9hDqz0MWkc2VRNmZoM04--3--21v6y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just doing shit jobs and in my free time read books and lift weights. Literally zero (0) ambition to do anything else
Same man, currently working a dead-end security job at 23 after getting a meme degree. I'm a creature of bad habits. I'm the perfect loser mix of indolence and uncertainty to the point I can't commit myself to anything.
And worse I've zero friends, horrible social skills, and have never been in a relationship.
My social skills have atrophied to such a degree that I can barely even make small talk, and am afraid of everyone even my roommates who I barely talk to.
But it's like I don't have the will to change my life because I view my life and others with this total detachment, where objectively every aspect of my life should make me feel ashamed, but instead I just feel nothing.

>> No.22403351

thinking of reading that oppenheimer book before watching the movie

>> No.22403381

>Democracy is seen as the best form when it comes to recognizing the value of the individual.
Yet, Socrates still gets the Hemlock.

>> No.22403385

>jerk it out
Is it about tugging your meat?

>> No.22403393

Be careful with your diet. A lot of security guards succumb to boredom and eat a bunch of garbage all night. Before you know it, you'll be back here telling us how you are 30 and beyond redemption. I had a security guard friend die from obesity complications at 40.

>> No.22403404

Any sub 200 page book that I can read. I have been in a slump lately. I like crime stuff. Anything good.

>> No.22403405

Not really a problem for me, I can never gain weight. And don't really order takeout or anything. Usually just eat a dinner I packed. I've actually been forcing myself to eat more to try and gain weight.

>> No.22403408

Most Sherlock stories are way under that. A lot of detective fiction is really, because they were published in magazines. So Christie or Sayers are also in the running.

>> No.22403413

Sherlock is a bit too eh for me because it's highly unrealistic. Christie is decent but I don't like her style that much.

>> No.22403435

>I can never gain weight
I have a touch of old faggotry and I have watched a few lads that said such things drift to the other side. Just be careful. Stay active and walk around a lot. Have good boots at all times. I am partial to Danner, Corcoran, and Matterhorn. Security can be a good interim job.

>> No.22403443

I'm not a big fan of any of them, but most crime stuff I read is nonfiction about financial crime which tend to be doorstoppers.

>> No.22403444

Alan Harrington's The Revelations of Dr. Modesto. It's more mystery than criminal. If the ending seems trite then give it credit that it is likely the genesis from which the twist was originally derived, due to its age. He makes some interesting commentary on interpersonal relationships and gullibility.

>> No.22403452

If you get in the mood for a tome, then Stealing the Network is badass crime fiction. It's thick and expensive though. Everything in it is plausible.

>> No.22403462

It's not so much the length as the nonfiction I'm interested in. Most financial crimes are absolutely wild and if you put it in fiction would not seem plausible.

>> No.22403480

Stealing the Network literally has sidebars that explain how the technological function is programmed and operates. The book is unironically the fictional counterpart to the instructional text Hackproofing Your Network. They were both published by Syngress.

>> No.22403498

Yeah that doesn't seem like it's for me

>> No.22403511

Jaynes' TOOCITBOTBM or Hart's Experience of God come to mind, it's been a while since I read the latter

>> No.22403524

yup i slept like shit but it was because i had indigestion instead of having to piss

>> No.22403531

A junkie got in my back yard and stole some wire that I had left out. I circled the block, thinking that I might find him. I heard him trip over sheet metal in someone else's yard. I never found him.

>> No.22403572

I'm meeting up with a friend from Hong Kong tomorrow and I have a bunch of saved videos on my phone that I think are funny but they're all in Chinese, I wonder if it would be rude to ask him to translate them for me.

>> No.22403593

No, it is not rude. Keep in mind that, you not understanding the content, something in one of the videos might offend him.

>> No.22403739

They're just funny animal videos.

>> No.22403752

Then have at it. If he cannot share the moment with you then he is not your friend. Have a nice day and carry on.

>> No.22403992

I have a lot of ambition, but no obvious way to achieve these things. We’ve effectively built a society where you can’t do much unless you have a lot of money or the right university degrees with the right grades, which very often you can’t get without the right university degrees and right grades, which very often you can’t get without money.

>> No.22403997

I’m really disappointed at how boring life has turned out to be. It’s just been a series of university programs and mediocre white collar jobs. I wish I had risked it all and been a bohemian poet in New York, or elected poverty. I could still do that but the part of my life where it’s sort of a romantic and youthful commitment is over and I’m well at the stage of “should have a good job, getting married, buying a house, having kids”. It’s not really romantic anymore in your 30s.