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/lit/ - Literature

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22390491 No.22390491 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22390936

damn. you are right. never saw it that way desu.
imagine living 70 years and adhering to a couple of rules only to be awarded with eternity in literal heaven.
sounds way too good to be true.

>> No.22391086
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>> No.22391089
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>> No.22391095

>Religion built on literal cuckoldry
>White people are infatuated with it

Really makes you think....

>> No.22391159

Okay Chang Li

>> No.22391210
File: 52 KB, 728x410, jesus-christ-desert-sadness-christianity-wallpaper-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read Mere Christianity
>Lewis says that Jesus was either the son of God or evil, nothing inbetween
>try to imagine him as some schizo fraud
>genuinely can't even accept the idea
Was I just brainwashed by the portrayal of Jesus or is there something truly divine about him?

>> No.22391215

I agree with you.
You can usually tell frauds who pretend they're divine or whatever because they fall prey to money, sex, drugs, or just pure power. He traveled with literally nothing his whole life and came into Jerusalem on a donkey (the ancient equivalent to a 1994 honda civic)

>> No.22391237

>Assuming that everything in a new testament is historical fact and it wasn't redacted and written by paul and all other sects

>> No.22391243
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Here's a quote I think you would enjoy. It's done wonders for me on my intellectual journey.

>> No.22391274

>Was I just brainwashed by the portrayal of Jesus

Yes. Shit, Christianity has been manufactured to be a force of colonization by empires for centuries. Jesus was a shit disturbing anarchist in his day

>> No.22391287


>> No.22391288

>Jesus was a shit disturbing anarchist in his day
Uh, no. He was a chill dood who did literally nothing political except overturn a moneylender's table in the temple
that's why the Pharisees had so much trouble getting him in legal trouble with the romans
hope this helps nonironically

>> No.22391294

There is also the possibility that he was an apocalyptic teacher mythologized into God. Look up Bart Ehrman: How Jesus Became God. It makes a lot of sense.

>> No.22391300

Yes, that's what a book says about him

>> No.22391304

>bart ehrman
dude pretends to be "evenhanded" despite being a fervent atheist
his legend thesis comes down to dude just believe me they made Jesus into a myth

>> No.22391316

what a waste of dubs

>> No.22391337

Yes. It's hundreds of years of telephone tag followed by thousands of years of an armed PR department murdering generations of people who dont believe in it. God spends infinite resources building the universe, maps out every genome, every mathematical equation, every law of physics and then leaves it up to some hairless apes on a rock to collect baby foreskins for him? Fuck outta here.

>> No.22391348

No, it actually systematically exegetes the gospels, showing they walked back Jesus' divinity from his baptism to his birth and finally to the beginning of time in the non-synoptic gospel of John. It explains why there is no virgin birth in Mark (the earliest gospel regardless of your copeology), why Joseph's lineage is even traced in Matthew (since Christian orthodoxy makes his bloodline irrelevant) and why John is the only gospel which unambiguously states Jesus is God. The Bible has literally never made as much sense to me by reading it as something other than the inerrant word of God. Even if there are explanations for its internal tensions, these are ad-hoc and barely plausible at best.

>> No.22391355

>muh dubs
Fucking moron

>> No.22391365

>why John is the only gospel which unambiguously states Jesus is God
I forgot that nigga ehrman said this
holy moly I don't even know if he reads hebrew but Matthew for one is filled with hebrew references to the messiah and being the Son of God)
also loves how ehrman autistically throws out recorded ancient history of the apostles' meeting in Jerusalem about the church and how they literally approved of Paul (who ehrman hates)
no offense to you but I read him a long time ago and this triggered me

>> No.22391376

>dude you just have to read it in greek and Hebrew and it leaps off the page
Gatekeeping bullshitter.

>> No.22391382

I don't mean to trigger you but Matthew is filled with direct Hebraic references (including the same language) to many different O.T. books where God is the actor.
Hope you have a good day.

>> No.22391386

Also what about "son of God" necessarily implies a coeternal, eternally begotten person sharing an essence with another person called The Father?

>> No.22391390

Ehrman assraped your desert religion and now you on a full on "dude you just have to read it in greek and Hebrew" cope

>> No.22391391

That still doesn't get you to the trinity. All of that could be symbolic.

>> No.22391394

why do soi millennials bring up gay as fuck shit totally unprompted
are you gay?

>> No.22391399

>Jesus suffered for our sins.
>Getting fucked in the ass by a dude is a sin.
>Jesus knew what all our sins felt like.
>Jesus knows what it's like to get fucked in the ass.
Lol, what a homo.

>> No.22391400

Why are you using 4chan? Paul says to not be "partakers with them" and that such evil "should not even be spoken of". Are you a hypocrite?

>> No.22391403

Best argument against christianity is that it's a fake religion of the dishonest

Take islam from a muslim and his life will be left in shambles
Take judaism from a kike and his life and bank account will suffer greatly
Take Christ from the christian, he shrugs and carries on. Perhaps he has a bit more time on Sundays.

The latter man is not a hypothetical either. There are millions of people who, for whatever reason, left christianity and either readily accepted atheism, or satisfy their faithful urges with new age currents, neooccultism, or as of recently, sexuality. In fact, I view LGBT as a phenomenon as the latest denomination of the christian church. Millions of fanatical, self-flagellating weaklings thronging towards their doom while sucking the toes of the superior jews.

>> No.22391404

>post constantly revolving around gay cock slurping faggotry
now I think i may understand why (You) don't like Christianity

>> No.22391407
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>sucking the toes of the superior jews
Thank you Chaim. Great post!

>> No.22391413

>Are you a hypocrite?
Yes, and not just for posting on a Cantonese Anime Board
not every Christian is a holier than thou snob you know

>> No.22391421
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>> No.22391451

I don't like it because it teaches people to be hateful hypocrites that in their minds can never do anything wrong because "jesus" will forgive them.

>> No.22391467

IOh - That's anEvangelical mindset, that you can do absolutely whatever you feel when you're born again. Maybe some other sects of Protestants too.
Orthodox or Catholic: if you do something wrong (and hypothetically die) without confessing it to a priest or a fellow person you would be punished with HELLFIRE!

I understand how you might feel that way as that mindset pisses me off too.

>> No.22391493

>It's hundreds of years of telephone tag followed by thousands of years of an armed PR department murdering generations of people who dont believe in it.

>Christianity is le so easy lol!!!!
read Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky

>> No.22391495

>Christianity is le so easy lol!!!!

>> No.22391511

>God is omniscient
>there are far more dark thoughts than good ones. This must be true because moral and ethical behavior is a struggle for most people e.g. if humans naturally tended towards goodness there would be no need for laws of conduct and criminal codes.
>this means that God experiences far more wicked thoughts than good ones. God knows what it's like to rape a child and ENJOY it, God is aware about the ecstacy of a maniac, the powertrip of a genocidal tyrant, the intoxication of theft, the cold smugness of a con artist who scams his fellow man, the apathy of a lying politician and of the doctor who denies lifesaving surgeries to patients without insurance.
>by definition, those who thoughts are predominantly evil, are themselves evil
>ergo, God is evil
There you go, theodicy rekt.

>> No.22391521

>>there are far more dark thoughts than good ones.
for man. fall of man baby genesis first book

>> No.22391527

>>there are far more dark thoughts than good ones.
“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” (John 1:5.)

> God knows what it's like to rape a child and ENJOY it
he knows what its like for the perpetrator to enjoy it, that doesn't mean he shares in that enjoyment, rather he finds it an abomination and pitiful

>>by definition, those who thoughts are predominantly evil, are themselves evil
God has infinitely many thoughts and one thought of God is infinitely greater than all finite evil thoughts anyway. If your'e doing some sort of moral thought weight game, which makes no sense, evil is a deprivation of good anyway it has no existence in itself

>> No.22391528
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>> No.22391532


>> No.22391538

good post but you're responding to a troll

>> No.22391568

I did not know who this man so I looked him up.
What is going on with these kinds of people?
Do they not know that God in unknowable?
What does this man think when he reads of the apostle that almost fell into the sea because he lost his faith in Jesus? Does he think about how he can find out if on that day there was a storm on the sea?
Has he tried perhaps believing in God and having faith?
>Oh no! We don't have the original manuscript of the Gospel!
Maybe God wanted it that way?
I don't even know where this thought patterns come from. Dedicating your life to the study of the Bible and you don't have faith. Looks like some cosmic masochism.

>> No.22391584

pretty good post

>> No.22391599

>And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” (John 1:5.)
I don't care about quotes from the boobel, produce a rational human thought like an adult if you wanna be heard
> God knows what it's like to rape a child and ENJOY it
>he knows what its like for the perpetrator to enjoy it, that doesn't mean he shares in that enjoyment, rather he finds it an abomination and pitiful
That's not how it works, knowledge only approximates the experience, an all-knowing God would have no need of approximation. I'm also not sure why or how should God feel unpleasant about the very things he created, predicted, and has full power to stop at any moment. Is God a moron or secretly enjoys the show?
>by definition, those who thoughts are predominantly evil, are themselves evil
>God has infinitely many thoughts and one thought of God is infinitely greater than all finite evil thoughts anyway. If your'e doing some sort of moral thought weight game, which makes no sense, evil is a deprivation of good anyway it has no existence in itself
"Evil doesn't real" is perhaps the saddest christian cope there is. Honestly, the guy who appended the christian lore with a spooky winged demon called Satan was a genius (by christcuck standards) because he realised that fighting a comicbook villian is slightly less embarrassing than struggling against empty air.

>> No.22391604
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>I don't care about quotes from the boobel, produce a rational human thought like an adult if you wanna be heard

>> No.22391605
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Atheists btfo

>> No.22391608
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>> No.22391611

85 IQ Facebook-tier meme

>> No.22391617

This pasta is stale and should get an addendum:
Suppose this speaker performed miracles right in front of your eyes and suppose that you saw Him in agony on a cross and then you saw Him die and come back to life three days later only for then to ascend to heaven in front of your eyes.
Whose Son is He?

>> No.22391619

>Do they not know that God in unknowable?
>What does this man think when he reads of the apostle that almost fell into the sea because he lost his faith in Jesus? Does he think about how he can find out if on that day there was a storm on the sea?
He probably thinks it is a pleasant fictional story and that your question is completely irrelevant.
>Has he tried perhaps believing in God and having faith?
He did that for the first 2 decades of his life. He started out wanting to be a Christian scholar. One day he came accross Mark 2:26 where Jesus names Abiathar as the high priest who gave the bread to David in 1 Samuel when it was actual Ahimelech. So he wrote a complete dissertation outlining a complex copeology of how Jesus was actually referencing Ahimelech when he said Abiathar. When he presented this to his teacher, his teacher being a liberal Christian (not in the theological sense) said "you know, Mark could have just made a mistake". This spurred him on to look for other inconsistencies in the Bible and he found a lot of them. From thereon he slowly became an atheist.
>Maybe God wanted it that way?
A bandaid for literally almost any counterapologetic
>I don't even know where this thought patterns come from. Dedicating your life to the study of the Bible and you don't have faith. Looks like some cosmic masochism.
Cosmic masochism is called Christianity or Abrahamism. Ehrman's work has been an invaluable resource for getting many people out of Christian dogma. The cosmos doesn't even enter into it from where he is standing.

>> No.22391620

Christ is King, brother!
But you are arguing with the same tired atheists who come in a Jesus thread to spam.

>> No.22391622

>hurr durr us Christians gotta stick together, so I will overlook that your post demonstrates a lack of comprehension of theory of mind, familiarity with Ehrman's background and most egregiously, the english language itself
>heckin' wholesome chungus updooted!

>> No.22391623
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>He probably thinks it is a pleasant fictional story and that your question is completely irrelevant.

>> No.22391626

you sound kinda mad, bro

>> No.22391631

How can you prove that evil is a deprivation of good and not good a deprivation of evil? You can't its wishful thinking at best.

>> No.22391633
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>You can't its wishful thinking at best.

>> No.22391636

Its 4chan, people exclusively come to this site to get mad at things.

>> No.22391642

If anyone is genuinely interested in learning about Christian history that isn't muddled by sciencefags and 'rationals', Atheist Delusions by David Hart is wholly recommended. Despite the title, it's more of a look on history and how it's been twisted and/or utterly ignored over subsequent generations.

>> No.22391643
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I happen to subscribe to both the existence of God and the idea that evil is a deprivation of good. I just don't think you can dogmatically assert it as if its axiomatically true. Its something you have to take oj faith.

>> No.22391645

Based. Will give it a read, brother.

>> No.22391646

Sounds like antiintellectual schizophrenic horseshit to me. Into the trash it goes!

>> No.22391652
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Argument status: null

>> No.22391655
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>antiintellectual schizophrenic horseshit

>> No.22391661

Are books about Christian history typically written by atheists? Not to my knowledge. Sounds like something you made up so you could mald. Anyway, I recommend The Pilgrim Church.

>> No.22391662

True, unlike fresh intellectual memes such as these
These are some 2000s bangers

>> No.22391676

>I'm also not sure why or how should God feel unpleasant about the very things he created, predicted, and has full power to stop at any moment
Read the story of Joseph and his brothers...read Job...read Jonah....read the gospels then the epistles.

>> No.22391678

You fucking Q-boomers have astroturfed the site.

>> No.22391687

Not often, but I would be more correct in saying that atheists nearly always (recent times, at least) present themselves to have the ~truth~ of matters when in fact they make up lies and sell them as facts. The burning of the Library of Alexandria, Christians starting wars when their express goal has and is peace and love towards those who hate them, the supression of science when many places of learning were maintained by Christians and especially monastics, I could go on. I may be speaking from an Orthodox perspective, but I believe history is near-painfully important.

>> No.22391695 [DELETED] 
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>The burning of the Library of Alexandria
You realize that Julius Caesar burned it down...
Damn it man Cicero literally writes about this....
And there's literally like 500 paintings about this....

>> No.22391717

Yeah, nonfiction is written by people who believe they are disseminating truth. What a concept!

>> No.22391721

>He probably thinks it is a pleasant fictional story
So this man falls from the faith and and gets btfo by "you know, Mark could have just made a mistake" and this completely shatters his faith in God?
What kind of faith is it that gets destroyed by trifles?
>He did that for the first 2 decades of his life.
So? Saints have fallen from the faith and repented for it until they died.
Is faith some vogue diet that you keep until things get hard?
>A bandaid for literally almost any counterapologetic
We are talking here about a central principle of Christianity, faith, which this man had a total lack of, there is nothing written that affirms the idea of man having to know the intentions of God unless they are revealed to him.
Why must man know everything? Why can't he have some humility and admit that he is lesser before God.
The western churches are so fascinated by worldly knowledge that they traded their souls for it.
I could not help my shock when I read of a scholar of the Bible which lost his faith at the first hurdle. I guess that is what being born into a heresy which splintered off another heresy gives you.
If this man were to read of the lives of the desert fathers what would he think? Schizos stuck in the desert?
The miracles of Holy Athos? Lies and tall tales? Any recorded miracle by that logic is a lie or some tall tale or whatever.
>He probably thinks it is a pleasant fictional story
Jesus spoke in parables so that everyone could get something out of the story and this man and every man like him can't even get the most basic meaning?

>> No.22391726

Do I realize this? Yes. Do atheist writers believe Christian mobs were at the forefront of the destruction of knowledge in the period and that Islamists were the saving grace to sweep in afterwards?

>> No.22391730

based posts

>> No.22391740

imagine being filtered like this by the bible. Maybe early, non-orthodox sects were right

>> No.22391750

i'm not even christian but holy shit what a stupid picture. Intentionally committing an act of sin because you "will be forgiven" is genuinely a rejection of the holy spirit and jesus' teachings. Please get a grip and make a valid argument that doesn't originate from the 2009 atheistweb

>> No.22391751

>without confessing it
This is what he means though.

>> No.22391754

Don't you think the poster would have said that if that were so autismo?

>> No.22391756

Were you bullied by a Christian?

>> No.22391759

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.22391761

A religous group.
But now you won't apply it to communism, right?

>> No.22391762

it's a discussion of philosophy referring to a specific book, the Bible. I'm sorry you haven't read the rules of 4chan.

>> No.22391763

An addition to: >>22391721
>you know, Mark could have just made a mistake
Has Sola Scriptura rotten these peoples minds? The authors of The Scriptures were divinely inspired not divinely led by the hand on the paper.
Now that I think about it this is probably the cause. He built up this thing in his mind which he devoted years of his life to study only to find out that humans are not perfect and that Sola Scriptura is dumb and since he had no presence of the Holy Spirit it is only natural that he fell from faith in the end.

>> No.22391782

This is a problem I see with Augustine. If you observe the natural world, which is a good way to infer reality of other things, we would see that absence, or at least potential in more euphemistic terms, is what exists. Space exists as a canvas for something to form, so in our western understanding it is "nothing" as it has not actualized into "anything". Light is kinetic. The stars form in the void of space, making it kinetic. It is DOING something. Kinetic vs potential, where the potential or nothingness is first. For evil to be a deprivation of good, and to really argue this from an objective perspective as Augustine was attempting to do, good would have to precede evil, or rather something would have to precede nothing. I don't see this as accurate, at least in the natural world. Of course, there's arguments to be made about God's supranatural aspects, but if thats the route to be taken then arguments like mine or Augustine's are futile as there's genuinely no way to perceive something beyond our dimension, and no conclusions should be drawn from natural order.

>> No.22391792

I think you are very right about him getting triggered by Sola Scriptura.

>> No.22391798

>What kind of faith is it that gets destroyed by trifles?
The Bible having errors is not a "trifle". The inerrancy of the Bible is the entire foundation of orthodox christianity.
>So? Saints have fallen from the faith and repented for it until they died.
Is faith some vogue diet that you keep until things get hard?
What was so hard about reading the Bible objectively without presuppositional goggles on? Its not like his gf died in a brutal car wreck and he was shaking his fist at the sky, he just found there was no good reason to believe in Biblical Christianity anymore, since its basis, the inerrancy of scripture was untenable.
>We are talking here about a central principle of Christianity, faith, which this man had a total lack of, there is nothing written that affirms the idea of man having to know the intentions of God unless they are revealed to him.
What the literal fuck are you on about? This particular thread of the conversation had to do with your cope that God wanted to destroy all the first century manuscripts because.... he just did OKAY (who are you o man)? This has nothing to do with Bart Ehrman. Here you are gibbering like a moron and the other Christians itt are showering you with "W"s just because you're effortposting while wearing the team colors.
>Why can't he have some humility and admit that he is lesser before God.
I think he would first have to believe in that God in order to do that.
>Jesus spoke in parables so that everyone could get something out of the story and this man and every man like him can't even get the most basic meaning?
The most basic meaning is only relevant to the initiates. You have to go outside the text to get the actual meaning, that its another one of many passages meant to instill a sense of helplessness and dependency upon "the word of God".

>> No.22391802


>> No.22391806

That's a Catholic meme thobeit. And you are a Christian and you are willfully committing the sin of bearing false witness.

>> No.22391811

Nope. I just think antinomians are heretics and "christians" who use 4chan are hypocrites.

>> No.22391815

Good post

>> No.22391819

>The inerrancy of the Bible is the entire foundation of orthodox christianity.
but it's not you absolute american idiot
that's where the phrase sola scriptura came out of

at least EDUCATE YOURSELF about Christianity, a thing you apparently hate so much yet only have a superficial knowledge of

>> No.22391823

>im not even christian
you are really dumb

>> No.22391839

Sola Scriptura is literally the only thing you niggers have. The most compelling evidence for Christianity would be an inerrant self-consistent book that describes things about the natural world that wouldn't be discovered for millenia and has prophecies that consistently come to pass and cannot be fulfilled by the conserted efforts of people who want to see this outcome (ie the gospel writers). One which also has no interpolations or forgeries. That would be compelling evidence for your beliefs, if you actually had it. Failing that, you have no advantage over other religions unless you can produce a miracle that somehow confirms all of your dogma.

>> No.22391845

You said that and it was obviously a lie. No atheist or non-christian makes a post defending antinomianism.

>> No.22391847

Bro, you literally thought Orthodox people were Evangelicals. You are sub-90 IQ.

>> No.22391851

No wait, you weren't even doing that, its worss. You were criticizing my use of that picture against an antinomian; you literally ignored the context it was posted in just to seethe about the picture itself.

>> No.22391861

It was real in your mind

>> No.22391864

What you wrote:
>The inerrancy of the Bible is the entire foundation of orthodox christianity.
I can't describe to you how functionally illiterate you are and the arrogance you had behind your pitiful rant while starting off with that is so funny i literally. laughed. out. loud. :^)

>> No.22391877

When I said Sola Scriptura is all you niggers have I was talking about Christians in general, my numbskulled friend. At least the protestants realize the best way to sell your religion is to say you have a supernatural book, and gaslight people into seeing the book as supernatural.

>> No.22391885

Do you know what orthodoxy is? Its not the Orthodox (notice the big "O") church. It just means adherence to basic Christian dogma. This is supposed to be one of the smarter boards on 4chan and you christniggers are just astroturfing the shit out of it.

>> No.22391896

>orthodoxy doesn't refer to the orthodox church it refers to MY version of orthodoxy
it's okay bro. I hope you have a good day

>> No.22391907

I was the one who commented, so you haven't been messaging me. Arguing that point doesn't make me a christian, and I don't accept the Nicene creed or anything else that is required for the label Christian.

The reason i said what I said is because you made a strawman argument like an absolute brainlet. This is the problem with le critical thinking atheists like yourself. You need to argue from within the same context. Otherwise everyone ignores your argument like they do when the dumb girl in class who has no grasp on the material starts talking.

We are in the current year of internet discourse. Please get it together.

>> No.22391910

Even if you beleive that orthodoxy and the doctrine of the Orthodox church are synonymous, how the fuck does that have anything to do with the utter retardation of your accusation that I said Orthodox christians believed in Sola Scriptura?

>> No.22391913

why is your barometer for legitimacy whether it elucidates natural mechanisms? Are you really that secularized and domesticated?

>> No.22391915

What orthodox christianity could you have reffered to you schizo?
There is no such thing.

>> No.22391916
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What makes you think I'm an atheist? Are you really this much of a hylic piece of shit?

>> No.22391918

You don't know what Orthodoxy is.
You don't know what Sola Scriptura is.
You DO know what Evangelicals believe and think it applies to the rest of Christianity as "orthodoxy".
You are so fucking stupid it hurts.

>> No.22391919

Because failing tangible proof, I ought to believe in whatever I feel like, instead of a random Caananite war god that happens to be popular.

>> No.22391921
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>a random Caananite war god that happens to be popular

>> No.22391923

>The most basic meaning is only relevant to the initiates. You have to go outside the text to get the actual meaning, that its another one of many passages meant to instill a sense of helplessness and dependency upon "the word of God".
>Sola Scriptura is literally the only thing you niggers have. The most compelling evidence for Christianity would be an inerrant self-consistent book that describes things about the natural world that wouldn't be discovered for millenia and has prophecies that consistently come to pass and cannot be fulfilled by the conserted efforts of people who want to see this outcome (ie the gospel writers). One which also has no interpolations or forgeries. That would be compelling evidence for your beliefs, if you actually had it. Failing that, you have no advantage over other religions unless you can produce a miracle that somehow confirms all of your dogma.
You all sound like you got btfo just like this Ehrman fellow did.
>that its another one of many passages meant to instill a sense of helplessness and dependency upon "the word of God"
No it isn't to instill whatever in the "word of God" it is in God as he is perfect and perfectly good, any christian is dependent on him as Father. You naturally being born in heresy see this in the sense that it was used by the pope to control the masses or whatever seeing as he had primacy in this word which later splintered into Sola Scriptura when Luther had his fit.
So many years of Papal domination broke the complete character of you people.
Do this: pray to the Holy Virgin Mary so that she may relate onto The Son so that he may hear you firstly, after this, pray and ask for guidance and get baptised.

Thank you for this thread as it has confirmed to me that those which are born into a nation plagued by these doctrines are completely and utterly deranged and no attention should be given to them in any matter.

>> No.22391926

You don't know what theory of mind is. That makes you the stupid one.

>> No.22391927

You argue like an atheist, which is to say you demonstrate a tenable grasp on religious subject matter.

What i do know for sure is that you're absolutely seething right now

>> No.22391931

OK Bud

>> No.22391932

wait, is this you?

>> No.22391934

Epic! Updooted!

>> No.22391943

>basic Christian dogma.
but it's not, as the other anon must have tried to explain to you 10,000 times already, but you still wouldn't get it due to how thick you are

>> No.22391945

Yes. What of it?

That's because a vast majority of counterapologists are atheists. Its not a huge coincidence or anything.

>which is to say you demonstrate a tenable grasp on religious subject matter.

Thank you for noticing, I agree. My grasp on religious subject matter is definitely well able to be maintained in argument. Meanwhile you demonstrate a TENTATIVE grasp of everything!

>What i do know for sure is that you're absolutely seething right now

I live for this shit!

>> No.22391950

reddit spacing
you are a newfag and a retard
go back to whatever internet hole you came out of, boomer
hope this helps

>> No.22391952

>but it's not, as the other anon must have tried to explain to you 10,000 times already, but you still wouldn't get it due to how thick you are

That presupposes I am operating from your premises. That's what none of you can seem to wrap your head around, I'm not.

>> No.22391955

>reddit spacing
cringe and embarrassing
>That presupposes I am operating from your premises
yeah reality. i think you are actually a reddit boomer schizophrenic now.

>> No.22391962

>newfag thinks paragraphing is reddit spacing and calls me the newfag
>on the fucking literature board

Many sucnph cases. You are the one that needs to go back to Truth Social, electionfaggot. I also made these posts


I format my post howeved the fuck I feel like.

>> No.22391963


>> No.22391970

holy trigged schizophrenic redditor
>paragraphing is reddit spacing
you stick out like a sore thumb boomer just go back

>> No.22391971

You're both retarded. The word is tenuous.

>> No.22391975

You want to throw anymore buzzwords in there sport? I think you are a pedo communist aspie now.

>> No.22391977

meds now

>> No.22391981

>I am operating from your premises
What premises? Those in which you were born into? Neither me or that other anon are adherent to Sola Scriptura.
But you, being a schizo assumed that we are, and spent the rest of the thread defending Sola Scriptura from the grounds of an atheist which knows nothing of Christianity.


>> No.22391983

You are the one who believes that sloths lumbered over 4000 miles of water to get in a 600 year old Jewish man's boat.

>> No.22391988

Not even trying anymore.
Baptism, prayer, meds, in that order so that you may be healed.

>> No.22391989
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>> No.22391998

>Yes. What of it?


>> No.22391999

I didn't say any of you piece of shit lowlifes adhered to Sola Scriptura. I said its the best case Christianity has if its true and failing that, there is no reason to believe in Christianity over any other religion unless you can produce something as miraculous as the Bible supposedly is; something that confirms all your doctrine and cannot be explained away.

>> No.22392004

You literally thought Christian orthodoxy had the same beliefs as Evangelicals "infallible text" AHAHAHAHA LMAO and KEK @ U, redditor boomer schizophre nic

>> No.22392006

true. I concede

>> No.22392008

I have not said anything remotely crazy. Why don't you apply the same standard to this guy who is barely able to hold a conversation?


>> No.22392013

If my definition of orthodoxy is Christians who affirm the Bible (including Orthodox and Catholics) as opposed to Gnostics and Mormons for instance, then indeed evangelicals fall under that umbrella.

>> No.22392014
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No, I think I'll apply it to the guy who says he doesn't go by the premises of reality, and types like a boomer straight from reddit.

>> No.22392015

Another stellar nonargument from the christcuck division.

>> No.22392016

I think you literally have an IQ of 80 or are DEEPLY schizo. I don't even know how you manage the captchas. Is this even a real person?

>> No.22392019

>me zoom zoom, you boom boom

>> No.22392023

And for the whole thread I explained that Sola Scriptura is a dumb idea conceived by a heretic to which you have an inclination towards as you are a schizo.
You have for the whole thread defended a principle to which you do not adhere to, this is SCHIZO behaviour.
Then your definition is wrong since you are a schizo who does not and cannot understand reality for what it is and you make your own definitions to fit your fantasy world.

I will pray for you tonight, so that this disease will leave you before get more incoherent than you are now.

>> No.22392035

I don't know, I could be schizophrenic. I actually believe I am arguing with multiple people right now and not just one absolute trad Orthodox madman toggling his airport mode like a motnerfucker. Multiple people couldn't be this dense in the exact same way. You know that Calvinists call their doctrine "orthodox" right? Have you ever heard of "orthodox chess"? "orthodox" is an adjective. They call standard chess "orthodox chess". It has fuck all tomdo with the Orthodox church.

>> No.22392037
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>> No.22392047

Goddammit you are so fucking dumb! I'm saying if the Bible was evidently an all-sufficient, inerrant, supernatural book as protestants claim, I would be a protestant! Now make your fucking case for why I should believe Eastern Orthodoxy is true! You already said you don't have a magic infallible book. So should I join for, what, the hats?

>> No.22392053

Dude, please just stop posting for a bit. Get some sleep or have a meal.

>> No.22392054

Take your own advice. Ephesians 5:4 is literally this pic in biblical form for christians.

>> No.22392060

Okay, now I know you are 100% schizophrenic, not in a funny way, not in an internet way, but in a "this poster takes medication for this," way. This is just sad.

>> No.22392063
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>dude I'm totally concerned about your wellbeing dude, this totally isn't me being passive aggressive and condescending dude.

>> No.22392068

>maybe if I keep telling him he's schizophrenic he'll think I am right

>> No.22392073

How many times do I have to explain this to the absolute buffoon that you are?
There is no such thing as the "orthodox christianity", as to the characteristics by which you defined this christianity.
There is no such thing as "basic Christian dogma" and if there were such a thing Sola Scriptura is not part of it as it only exists in Protestantism.
I do not want to convert you man, you are confused about what the faith is about, as was the man from which this whole matter started.
I am telling you that the Bible does not have to be the only part of the faith as there is the Tradition, The Mysteries and The Fathers.
In my opinion this is why Sola Scriptura is dumb, if you believe in it you will fall from the faith when you inevitably find that it is not perfect, as all things in the world are.

>> No.22392080


>> No.22392114

I never conflated sola scriptura with "christian orthodoxy". But I certainly didn't think Orthodox (and maybe even Catholic) Christians believe the Bible can err. That is completely new revelation to me. But like I say, it just makes the case for Orthodoxy seem even weaker; like I said the strongest argument for Christianity would be an infallible supernatural all-sufficient book as protestants claim to have.

>> No.22392123

Dude I have to be honest with you; neither the other poster nor I don't really care in the slightest what you think of Christianity, it was simply astounding it took 50 posts for you to understand that most Christians do NOT think the Bible is a errorless document. I still think you are slightly schizophrenic and urge you to consult a psychiatrist (not in a condescending way)

>> No.22392153

also have a good day orthodoxbro this was an insane thread but you made some good posts

>> No.22392157

I thought the EO and RC positions were that you need the church to interpret the infallible word, not that it could be supplanted by church doctrine and wasn't ifallible at all. That's why it took 50 posts, because of how pathetic it is.

>> No.22392159

Cool opinion man, just going to spam this if you keep responding

>> No.22392191

Well his main problem is that without this errorless document the faith makes no sense to him, to which I must tell him:
The need to see proof, to touch the holes which the nails left in the palm is natural, as the Apostle Thomas wanted to. But this supernatural evidence which you want is common in the faith and outside of Scripture, take the example of the Desert Fathers or many of the saints to which God revealed Himself to and instructed and performed miraculous works on. The stories which the monks will tell you are plentiful, miraculous events in the current day.
This need of yours, you can hear of it, see it, even touch it but only in the faith. You don't have to join but be around it, talk to the monks and the need to touch will go away with prayer and in unity with God.
It was fun.
There is more you need to know, that being, the stance is that it is infallible relating to matters of divinity (I am not proficient enough in english to express this rightly but divinity is the closest thing I know)

>> No.22392198

He was obviously evil.
All awakened Buddhas, even though it is super rare, are ontologically equivalent to Gautama.
You will always be ontologically inferior to Jesus, an irrelevant Jew whose message isn't even reducible to peace or wisdom.
Jesus' message is reducible to apocalyptic Messianic bullshit, however, which is fundamentally evil.
Abrahamists have no Buddhanature in this lifetime.

>> No.22392216

cringe buddhist larper

>> No.22392262

I was a Soto Zen Buddhist for many years, sitting in Zazen for 7-9 hrs a day.
I am no LARPer. I am also very very scholarly in that I always seek the best translations of the sutras and more.
There is nothing against my traditions to say Abrahamists are icchantika. It would be against my tradition to torment or berate you though, yes. That can be difficult not to do.
Indeed, you are icchantikas and will suffer for thousands upon thosands of kalpas. Now go cry to your Jew on a stick or circle a black rock of death rather than penetrate into your true original nature, icchantika.

>> No.22392270

>something is never too good to be true
Like Leibniz's argument for the best possible world? Schopenhauer refuted it.

>> No.22392279

>guy who just read a summary of zen buddhism
you don't fool me, your hatred gives away your (kind)

>> No.22392284

Also, post your pictures (with the same person visible) in Zazen or forever be a lying fraud. your choice.

>> No.22392290

I read The Platform Sutra, Diamond Sutra, Lotus Sutra, 1/2 of the Lankavatara Sutra, poets like Han Shan and Shiwu, vast portions of Dogen's Shobogenzo (though to be fair, most translations suck), and etc.
I am 100% certain all Abrahamists are icchantika and will suffer for thousands upon thousands of kalpas. You effectively worship an angry and jealous god.
When Buddhism spread to the East, it coexisted with animist customs. When Islam and Christianity spread, they sought to stamp out in any such animist customs. It is not possible to coexist with Abrahamists.
You will suffer for a long time, but it's not eternal.
A single line of the Lotus Sutra is worth more than the entirety of Abrahamic corpus.

>> No.22392292

hey bud, let's see a picture of your robes and your texts with timestamp.

>> No.22392298

I wish I was brought up with some kind of religious base.
My family/friends are atheist/agnostic and uncaring about religion at the very least. I feel like there is a God shaped emptiness in my life that religion could piece together and, as an Englishman, Christianity is the probable destination and what my ancestors believed in. I just wish modern Christianity wasn’t as tainted as it has been but I guess the nature of man goes a long way of being the main cause

>> No.22392304
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take this cool chart anglobro

>> No.22392306

I mean, I can take a picture of my texts with a time stamp later, but why does that matter to you?
The Dharma is obviously incompatible with Abrahamism, especially Christianity. There is nothing like a "pratyekabuddha" in Christian doctrine. The closest was "virtuous pagan", but there are significant differences. For example, I am learned in Christcuckery, but I don't find a single beautiful thing in it.
I will go a step further and say a truly virtuous leader has a moral imperative to destroy all Islamic, Christian, and Jewish holy sites and eliminate all traces of their cultural "legacies".

>> No.22392310

>I mean, I can take a picture of my texts with a time stamp later, but why does that matter to you?
kek LATER you are a FRAUD who most definitely did spend 8 hours in zazen a day
if it was that important to you you would have something on hand

>> No.22392311

>after reading these fake mahayana sutras im convinced christians are deluded
>another way I know this is true is because buddhists were good friends with idolaters, simple as, case closed!
you should read ''Christ the Eternal Tao''

>> No.22392320

this "guy" is a fraud with an ax to grind
>I am learned in Christcuckery, but I don't find a single beautiful thing in it.

>> No.22392329

I used to be buddhist like him and quite anti-christian, i ended up arguing with the wrong christians for months and then began reading the bible and church fathers, started changing my meditation into prayer sessions and ended up converting and accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior....so I feel some sympathy for goofs like him, I used to be one

>> No.22392420

The Nicene derived Christcuckery is the worst tradition that has ever befallen this Earth. The only exception are Unitarians to some extent. I have complex philosophical reasons pertaining to this such as Ludwig Klages, some modern panpsychist thinkers, etc.
The way you describe Jewsus makes him into a wicked demon, which Christopher Jon Bjerknes adequately addresses. I don't agree with him on everything however.
Combining Original Sin with logocentrism creates a demon on unparalleled scaled.
In fact, St. Augustine most likely created the concept of Original Sin as a way to "get back" at the Manichaeists for not making him an Elect. Original Sin grew out of ressentiment.
Also, Jesus was most likely described as a celestial spirit that guided people to gnosis. I doubt a historical Jesus even existed.
Christcucks don't even know their history well with figures like Marcion, Valentinus, etc. Christcuckery begins with them with St. Paul's "innovations", and St. Paul was a very shady figure.

>> No.22392496 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 1280x960, buddhist-library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a picture of some books of Mahayana and other Eastern traditions. I can also share my Buddha altar if interested. You have to zoom in to see some of the books.

>> No.22392637

he got his superpowers by fasting in the wilderness for 40 days
I'm gonna try it

>> No.22392652
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>/lit/ still infected by furious fedora tippers with baseless arguments

>> No.22392676
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>gospel written to first-century Jews by a first-century Jew contains claims to Jesus' divinity that are obvious to first-century Jews

fedora on 4chan:

If you're serious, read Pitre's Case for Jesus.

>> No.22392737

What are your views on jews and judaism and Hitler and Nazism?

>> No.22392954

Ex-Muslims are total fedoralords thoughbeitever
Judaism is more of an ethnic identity than a religious one at this point, so Jews transition to atheism pretty easily, since their community will still accept them most of the time

>> No.22393053

What's hypocritical about using an image-board?

>> No.22393509

Ephesiwns 5:4-7

>> No.22393525

Cool, now explain how this proves the Trinity rather than adoption to the status of a lesser god?

>> No.22393590
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No one's going to spoonfeed you schizo atheist

And imagine citing that verse unironically on 4chan three times in a single thread like it's a burn. Are you straight up retarded? Did that work on the boomer forums you clearly came from?

>> No.22393611

>imagine trying to convince Christians to actually follow the book they claim to pattern their lives after
Can't imagine it. They are incorrigable.

>umm, its not my job to spoonfeed you, sweaty
Reddit moment

>> No.22393622

>they made Jesus into a myth
Well if you're an atheist then a man definitely didn't rise from the dead and ascend to "heaven." So like today's capeshit it was made up.

>> No.22393626

Go back to plebbit plebeian schizophrenic
>imagine trying to convince Christians to actually follow the book they claim....
a low-iq mega-boomer cope straight from 2007 KEK
you must be like 40

>> No.22393644


>> No.22393652

Been found out huh? Don't like it? too bad 40 year old plebbit schizophrenic

>> No.22393700
File: 49 KB, 550x543, Christcucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The vast majority of people will burn in hell forever because there is a highway to hell and only a narrow road to heaven
You think this is a good thing??? Christcucks really are the most disturbed individuals imaginable.

>> No.22393704

"If God real WHY Good thing happen?"

Yeah... Yeah... Uh NO


Thanks for playing. You out-retarded Epicurus himself

>> No.22393711


>> No.22393714

Kek, this

>> No.22393724

(40 year old plebbit schizophrenic)
don't make me out your username

>> No.22393728

The concept of Jesus being sacrificed for you is the negation of morality. Not only are you asked to accept a benefit from human torture and sacrifice, but the whole crux of the scapegoat mechanic is abhorrent. Another person may pay your fine if you are liable to pay. Another person may volunteer to server your jail sentence potentially. Even, like in A Tale of Two Cities, a man might substitute himself on the scaffold for you. But what no other being can ever do is absolve you from the responsibility of your actions. To suggest a third party can intercede and forgive you your trespasses against the second party is immoral in the highest degree. Jesus, if the myth of Jesus actually maps on to a specific person, was likely very much more mundane than your image of him which has passed through many tellings and retellings and translations and modifications. The myth of Jesus is also massively poached from a number of other deity myths, like Dionysus who transformed water into wine or the Jewish tradition of Purim which was a celebration of a Jew escaping execution by scheming to have his rival executed instead, thus saving the Jews and instantiating the right for Jews to preemptively attack those who threaten them. Jesus was simply one such victim of this barbaric practice, which is why Pilate, though he would have preferred to let Jesus go free, was forced to free another condemned man instead, thus the man who goes free is the Jewish representitive of Mordecai, and Jesus was forced to play the role of Haman and die as a person attempting to subvert the Jews. There is nothing divine about this, just power politics and cultural rivalry.

>> No.22393739
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>The concept of Jesus being sacrificed for you is the negation of morality

>> No.22393747
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>Can't engage to any degree with my post

>> No.22393750
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At the end of the day, Christianity cannot be taken seriously.

>> No.22393764

Explain to me in simple therms why do you think you deserve to exist forever and to be happy in eternity with all your loved ones? Why do you think you are so important and why do you think the universe has this debt towards you?

>> No.22393765

No, I agree with you, sir. That's why I posted the image.

>> No.22393777

I'm a Christian, but I never found that argument convincing. Jews believe that Jesus was either malevolent or delusional. Mandaeans think Jesus was an agent sent by the god of evil to corrupt John the Baptist's work.

>> No.22393782

>John the Baptist's work.
John the Baptist approved of Jesus himself though.
Gotta love people that say "no, ackshually, we know better than the actual person who was there at the time,"

>> No.22393787

that's the best argument for it though because people will just use it for whatever they want.

>> No.22393799

They also believe that Abraham and Moses were evil.

>> No.22393806

nta but cool list. thanks.

>> No.22393810


>> No.22393819

To this day there’s not a single good argument from any religion that can counter the evidence collected since the XIXth century that clearly shows that all forms of live, including humans, evolved over billions of years from a common ancestral life-form and trough a process that doesn’t show any miraculous force, but simple random interactions of matter.
There’s also not a single good argument to explain why there’s so much pointless suffering and pain in the universe and why countless forms of live die excruciating deaths without any apparent meaning and reason behind it. For example: imagine a baby that is born with serious health complications, a baby that exists in the world for a few days of agonizing pain, only to die a terrible death, without ever doing anything to deserve that. If one could miraculously interview that baby, if that baby had the ability to reason and think, and if one told the child that his pain was part of God’s plan, that it had meaning in the eyes of God, how would you respond to the baby if he said that he doesn’t accept God’s plan, that to him the plan is not justifiable and that, to him, his suffering was worthless, even if it had to happen so that the whole machinery of the cosmos could keep on existing? And when one thinks that what happened to this hypothetical child indeed happens all the time with people around the world, and with countless forms of life…it’s really difficult to explain the existence of this suffering that serves no purpose. It’s especially difficult to accept rational explanations for suffering like this when one knows the random ways on which life and nervous-systems originated.
It’s far more explainable to see the universe as existing without any loving God behind it. The only thing that blinds people to it is the fact that it’s simply too horrible an image to contemplate.
I would honestly choose to believe in Heaven and in a Gos that has an explanation for everything and would make suffering rewarding in the end. Unfortunately I can’t force myself to believe. I would if I could.

>> No.22393824


>> No.22393829
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>To this day there’s not a single good argument from any religion that can counter the evidence collected since the XIXth century that clearly shows that all forms of live, including humans, evolved over billions of years from a common ancestral life-form and trough a process that doesn’t show any miraculous force, but simple random interactions of matter.
You sound like a 99 IQ guy who thinks Buddhism or Catholicism requires a belief in a seven-day creation.

>> No.22393837

t. a 40 year old megaposter on plebbit with schizophrenia, a penchant for debating religion and politics, who is riding his time

>> No.22393861


>> No.22393864

Don't be surprised to see your username on here on any given thread. Better start searching. And I agree, you definitely need to take some meds.

>> No.22393865

there are atheist scientists who have refuted evolution, do you even keep up with ''modern science''? half of it is fake.

>> No.22393867

>You sound like a 99 IQ guy who thinks Buddhism or Catholicism requires a belief in a seven-day creation.
why yes i do need a sweating pepe

>> No.22393871

Four books. And the consistencies and inconsistencies match up with forensic expectations of four perspectives telling one story years after the fact.

>> No.22393876

Your dumb post doesn't deserve engagement. If you can't get it through your skull the Christological significance of Jesus being human, your post will not be taken seriously. Sorry you can't just get everything you want without putting in the effort, kiddo.

>> No.22393877

seething atheist concern trolls incoming

>> No.22393891
File: 103 KB, 1024x617, lake megachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what that is but it sounds awesome

>> No.22393899


>> No.22393902

>there is a highway to hell and only a narrow road to heaven
Not true. Stop making excuses.

>> No.22394207

You don't know what a concern troll is you newfaggot

>> No.22394214
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>four books
>they are all literally based on the first one

>> No.22394216

don't sign your posts
u mad?

>> No.22394218

That's what the bible says my coping friend

>> No.22394220
File: 26 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK like pottery
why are atheist so easy to predict bros?
Is it because they are actually incredibly dumb?

>> No.22394236
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>> No.22394346
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>heh, I predicted that you would argue with me so it means I am vindicated or something
Almost as retarded as "Oh my science! The book said people would call us retarded faggots and they did, so that must mean the book is literally from God".

>> No.22394349

According to Catholic apocrypha

>> No.22394355

I'm not even an atheist, so you actually didn't predict shit.

>> No.22394356

Me in the middle

>> No.22394363
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>> No.22394392
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>> No.22394410

did you just fucking contradict AC/DC

>> No.22394419

thats why I took gnosticpill. Benevelont creator god who set this in motion, malevolent current god who eats babies and causes all the horror in the world

>> No.22394564

You sound just like any other religious lunatic. At least Hinduism has sweet lines like "I am become Death, the Destroyer of worlds". Even through translation that's more badass than anything in the cucked religion of Jew worship which is Christianity.

>> No.22394566

Yes, I know it's not true, but it's what the Bible says and what Christians must believe if they follow the Bible

>> No.22394568
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>At least Hinduism has sweet lines like "I am become Death, the Destroyer of worlds"

>> No.22394576

Did you find your username yet bud?

>> No.22394582
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Cope more Christcuck

>> No.22394585
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>Cope more Christcuck

>> No.22394589
File: 8 KB, 275x183, download - 2023-07-25T055222.902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't the benevolent creator God stop the malevolent current God?

>> No.22394614

>God has infinitely many thoughts and one thought of God is infinitely greater than all finite evil thoughts anyway
Complete smoke and mirrors sophistry. Kant BTFO'd this rational theology cult science centuries ago and people still make appeals to malformed concepts such as "infinite essence," "greater than,' "divine perfection."
Scholasticism truly was a disease.

>> No.22394623

>suppose you already believe the things this hypothetical scenario wants you to believe, NOW LOOK HOW REAL IT SEEMS
Do theistniggers really?

>> No.22394625

hey autistic eternal kant bro
im loving that you took your kant shilling to even this level lol

>> No.22394629

Pinecreek does this with his "Flying Man" all the time

>> No.22394631

You sound like trailer trash btw
Le edgy atheist from the trailer park
When I read "theistnigger" I'm just lol'ing @ u
I GUARANTEE you don't speak to anyone this way in real life, fatass. xo

>> No.22394641

Yknow exposing the deep division in Christian interpretation and the fragmentation of the religion into contradictory sects is not helping your argument for the one true god.

>> No.22394644


>> No.22394646

Im not religious or raised religious and the only religious works ive read are some books by gk chesterton. Is his conception of christianiry anywhere close to what christianity is?

>> No.22394650

Have you taken them? You are trailer trash.
>this much cope for taking 70 posts to realize am interpretation of orthodoxy was based in your head

>> No.22394699

Meds. 4chan isn't just one person.

>> No.22394706

Sure thing buddy. Cope more.

>> No.22394774
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there is only one Church. not 40,000 different ones.

>> No.22394793

t. Mitt Romney

>> No.22394824

No memearrow therefore...

>> No.22394837

LMAO, don't come to me and complain that there was a highway to hell when you willfully chose that path.

The bible doesn't say what you think it says, but I really should be ignoring your baiting ass.

>> No.22394872

I don't think he has anything resembling a "mass" or devoted people these days. In fact the current "god' has the luxury of winning just by people not attending mass ever.

>> No.22394882

So he requires praise to do the right thing?

>> No.22394887

>LMAO, don't come to me and complain that there was a highway to hell when you willfully chose that path.
God willfully created this world, right? So he is content with his creation ushering the majority of his children into hell, right? And you think the idea that he just gives a token chance at salvation if you pick the right cult to join makes it all right? People invent the most retarded, demented, disturbing sadomasochistic fantasies, I tell ya.

>> No.22394892

Matthew 7:13 13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."

How could you possibly misconstrue this? Are you gnostic?

>> No.22394907

I won't say no to that. I think what is needed is a very tight and devout Community. Uniting around something like the Eucharist has historically kept people together

>> No.22394915
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>People invent the most retarded, demented, disturbing sadomasochistic fantasies, I tell ya.

>> No.22395233

he was a jewish rabbi that was upset that his fellow jews weren’t taking the jewish holy day of passover seriously and were conducting business at the jewish temple during that time, that why he got upset

>> No.22395235

Pilate wasn’t forced don’t make shit up

>> No.22395245

He sounds based af, and I'm atheist

>> No.22395254

He is recorded as wanting to let Jesus go free, but for some reason he was compelled to wash his hands and let Jesus be executed while freeing some other condemned man. Why would he not let Jesus go if that's what he wanted? Obviously because Jesus was already selected as the human sacrifice to die in the role of Haman in the Purim festival.

>> No.22395266

The myth of Jesus has been so edited and manipulated you can literally cite Jesus from the Bible advocating opposite attitudes and morals. Should you take no thought for the morrow and trust that God will provide? Should you sell your cloak and take up the sword? Should you resist not an evil person but turn the other cheek, carry his pack an extra mile, give him your shirt as well as your coat? Should you sell your possessions and give all the money to the poor? Should you invest your money wisely like in the Parable of the Talents? If a mythical figure holds all possible positions, of course he is going to be based SOMETIMES, but in totality, Jesus as a mythical figure is a muddled mess.

>> No.22395272
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>If a mythical figure holds all possible positions
you got filtered

>> No.22395281

I swear, /lit/ is literally the dumbest board on 4chan. Do you have a single thing of substance to say? Are you so totally brain dead that the only word that can be conjured up by your dopamine addled, functionally retarded cerebrum is the categorically cliche, "filtered"? Absolutely embarrassing. You should be ashamed of yourself you confirmed reprobate.

>> No.22395284

for fuck sake, I didn't know he considered that a bad word

>> No.22395309


>> No.22395882

The bible is a book, stupid faggot.

>> No.22395892

>I swear, /lit/ is literally the dumbest board on 4chan
What should worry you more is it's probably one of the smartest.

>> No.22395898

lel I can't imagine him as anything but a schizo fraud. I've even prayed to make me see the light or whatever but nothing ever happens

>> No.22396697

Its not a higher level, it is the most basic critique of metaphysics and rational theology from the Transcendental Dialectic.

>> No.22396715

Maybe he had delusions about being a prophet but was also a genuinely pretty good guy.

>> No.22396719

You have to believe something or other, surely a theist isn't any more capable of being 'evenhanded' by that standard?

>> No.22396724

He was far from the only person in the ancient world who claimed the title 'son of god'. In any case 'son of god' is not the same thing as 'god', much as you are not your father.

>> No.22396729

Er... aren't there a lot of Jews who have abandoned their religion nowadays too?

>> No.22396737

>I'm also not sure why or how should God feel unpleasant about the very things he created, predicted, and has full power to stop at any moment. Is God a moron or secretly enjoys the show?
I think the usual argument is that if we didn't have free will, including the capacity to choose evil, then we would essentially be automatons and our good actions would be meaningless because not freely chosen.

>> No.22396742

Some people allege they saw that. I sure haven't seen it. Inb4 muh martyrs- what religion hasn't had people die for it?

>> No.22396748

You're trying to discredit ideas by associating them with low-status people instead of actually refuting them. That's epistemically unvirtuous, stop it.

>> No.22396767

Because it would constitute strong evidence of supernatural origin.

>> No.22396890

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. (1 Timothy 3:16)

Salvation isn't by rule keeping, you've already broken the rules (God's Law) and are under condemnation. You're running with the devil on the highway to hell. God's a Holy and Righteous judge and justice must be carried out, you've broken the law, the punishment is death.

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:28)

That's a lie, but you like it because it helps achieve your goals. Why wouldn't you lie? Morality's relative and nobody's watching.

You're an uneducated liar. You'd be better at lying if you weren't so willingly ignorant of that which you mock and scoff.

First off, You can't take Christ from a Christian.
>John 10:29 My Father, which gave [them] me, is greater than all; and no [man] is able to pluck [them] out of my Father's hand.
If someone fell away, they were never of the faith in the first place.
>1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would [no doubt] have continued with us: but [they went out,] that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
You get that with a lot of false converts and "cultural" or "communal" Christianity or with fake Christian cults like Roman catholicism or Mormons or JWs.

I don't expect you to read and learn, that's all for others.

You're projecting.

>common ancestor
Evolution religion is stupid. It's literally scientifically impossible and proven false every day, but you go on believing in the "experts" who told you to believe. All you do is parrot all the usual mantras and talking points. You were shown variations/adaptations within a kind and you say that proves all life comes from a common ancestor, you see finches make finches and you think that proves fish made man over 6 gorillion years.

I just don't have enough blind faith to believe in the foolish man-made superstition of evolutionism.

That proves God's Word is true.

Matthew 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
Matthew 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Mark 13:6 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am [Christ;] and shall deceive many.

That's not talking about people who claim to be Jesus of Nazareth, but people who claim to be in Christ. I could get many more verses, but you can also read Matthew 7:13-15 and 7:21-23, or read the whole sermon on the mount.

>> No.22396957

>linking a fucking bill nye debate to dunk on evolution
This is the equivalent of a reddit atheist trying to critique christianity by linking videos of televangelist nonsense. Your failure to comprehend/honestly represent your opponents views is a sign of intellectual dishonesty. Very sad.

>> No.22397374

Scientists infer that all life forms on Earth are descendants of a common ancestor through various lines of evidence, such as genetic similarities, shared biochemical processes, and the fossil record. The study of DNA, RNA, and protein sequences across different species reveals patterns of common genetic code and ancestry. Additionally, the universal presence of certain molecular structures and processes in all living organisms supports the idea of a common origin. Fossil evidence shows a gradual progression of complexity in the history of life, supporting the concept of common descent over billions of years.

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid) are fundamental molecules that carry genetic information in all known life forms. The similarities in the structure and function of DNA and RNA across different organisms provide strong evidence for a common ancestry.

1. **Genetic Code:** The genetic code is the set of rules by which information encoded within DNA and RNA is translated into proteins. This code is almost universal across all life forms, meaning that the same sequences of nucleotides (the building blocks of DNA and RNA) correspond to the same amino acids during protein synthesis. This consistency suggests a shared origin of the genetic code.

2. **Homologous Genes:** Comparative genomics involves analyzing the DNA sequences of different species to identify genes that are similar in structure and function. Scientists have found numerous instances of genes that are shared among different organisms, including humans, indicating a common ancestry. These genes often have minor variations that reflect the evolutionary divergence of species.

3. **Conserved Processes:** Many biochemical processes are conserved across different organisms, indicating a common heritage. For example, the process of DNA replication, where DNA is copied during cell division, is remarkably similar in all life forms. Similarly, the basic machinery for protein synthesis (translation) is highly conserved.

4. **Pseudogenes:** Pseudogenes are non-functional remnants of genes that have undergone mutations and lost their original function. They are often shared among related species and provide insights into shared ancestry. By comparing pseudogenes in different organisms, scientists can deduce evolutionary relationships.

5. **Transposons and Retroviruses:** Transposons (jumping genes) and retroviruses are DNA sequences that can move around the genome. Shared sequences of transposons and retroviruses in the genomes of different species indicate common ancestry and past genetic interactions.

The cumulative evidence from these factors strongly supports the idea that all life forms on Earth share a common ancestor. The universal presence of similar genetic molecules and processes points to a long evolutionary history of gradual divergence and adaptation from a single origin of life.

>> No.22397396

While there are significant differences in brain complexity and structure between humans and other animals, there are still several common features shared with fish, amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals. These shared features reflect the evolutionary history of vertebrate brains and the conservation of certain basic functions across species. Some common features include:

1. **Basic Brain Regions:** The brains of fish, amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals all share basic regions such as the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. These regions are responsible for various functions like sensory processing, motor control, and coordination.

2. **Brainstem:** The brainstem, found in all vertebrates, is responsible for vital functions like heartbeat, breathing, and digestion. It controls basic survival processes and connects the brain to the spinal cord.

3. **Sensory Processing:** The processing of sensory information, such as vision, smell, and touch, is a common feature across vertebrates. These sensory functions are often associated with specific brain regions that process incoming sensory signals.

4. **Motor Control:** The ability to control movement is present in all vertebrates. Basic motor functions, like coordinating limb movements for locomotion, are governed by brain regions that are similar in structure across species.

5. **Hypothalamus:** The hypothalamus is a critical region for regulating various bodily functions, including temperature, hunger, thirst, and sleep. It's present in all vertebrates and plays a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis.

6. **Limbic System:** While simpler in structure compared to humans, other vertebrates also have structures resembling parts of the limbic system, which is involved in emotions, memory, and motivation.

7. **Cerebellum:** The cerebellum, responsible for fine motor control, coordination, and balance, is found in all vertebrate species. Its size and complexity vary, but its basic function is shared.

8. **Nervous System Connectivity:** The general layout of the nervous system, including the spinal cord and peripheral nerves, is similar across vertebrates. These structures facilitate communication between the brain and the rest of the body.

It's important to note that while these basic features are shared, the complexity and size of brain regions can vary significantly among different species. Evolution has led to the development of specialized brain areas in different animals to suit their specific ecological niches and behavioral needs.

Also, how to explain the concept of soul if changes in the brain also change a persons personality, so much that some people might even become aggressive and prone to crime because of brain damage?


>> No.22397401
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Wait an atheist is calling Christians reprobates now?

>> No.22397409

The concept of a "soul" is often deeply rooted in philosophical, religious, and cultural beliefs. However, from a scientific standpoint, there is currently no empirical or physical evidence that definitively proves the existence of a soul. The existence of a soul is a metaphysical question that falls outside the realm of scientific investigation, as science deals with observable and testable phenomena.

Regarding the relationship between the mind and the brain, scientific evidence strongly suggests that changes in brain structures and chemical processes can indeed lead to changes in a person's cognitive and mental functions. The field of neuroscience has provided substantial insights into how various aspects of the mind, such as consciousness, emotions, thoughts, and memories, are intricately linked to brain activity.

Numerous studies have demonstrated that altering brain structures, through injuries, diseases, or even medical interventions like surgery, can lead to changes in cognitive abilities, behavior, and personality. Changes in brain chemistry, such as imbalances in neurotransmitters, can also impact mood and mental states.

For example, psychiatric conditions like depression and schizophrenia are often associated with specific brain abnormalities and imbalances in neurotransmitters. Treatments that target these biological factors can lead to improvements in the mental state of individuals.

In cases of brain injuries or diseases, such as traumatic brain injury or Alzheimer's disease, changes in brain function can result in significant alterations in a person's personality, memory, and cognitive abilities. These observations strongly suggest a close connection between brain function and mental processes.

While scientific research continues to explore the intricate relationship between the brain and the mind, the current consensus is that changes in brain structures and processes have a direct impact on a person's cognitive functions and mental experiences. This perspective aligns with the broader understanding in neuroscience that the mind arises from the complex interactions of neurons, synapses, and brain circuits.


>> No.22397460

If a person is rewarded or condemned in Christian religion by his or her actions, and if brain injuries might lead to a person’s personality become aggressive and prone to harmful actions because of organic changes, how can this person be punished if it was an injury that changed him/her?

>> No.22397495

No one deserves it, that's the point, holy shit.

>> No.22397500

>You were shown variations/adaptations within a kind
There is no coherent definition of what constitutes a kind.

>> No.22397510

It is impossible for the monad to have will since it preceeds everything, including will.

>> No.22397530

I like to think his friends loved him so much they could barely cope with his death, and that's how the religion was born. He was their friend and he still lived in their hearts :)
I'm atheist but the thought of that always brings tears to my eyes

>> No.22397556

People used to do that since at least our period of cognitive modernity, since at least the time of religious animism.

Ancestor worship is something that several hunter-gatherer society’s practice to this very day. It’s very hard for people to simply move on as if their loved ones had simply vanished into nothingness. Is quite a beautiful and touching thing, to love someone so much that we want this person to keep existing forever and to be eternally happy and loved.

>> No.22397608

Thank you, effortposter.

>> No.22397612

Beautiful. Thank you anon.

>> No.22397750

It’s not a question of deserving in the eyes of God, of being worthy in the eyes of God. Is a question of deserving all this comfort and all this consolation in the face of an universe that gives evidence, time and time again, of being devoid of any though, soul, mind, understanding, and much less any interest in the fate and destiny of all life forms, an universe where most life forms suffer terribly without a single reason or explanation.
In the face of all the accumulated evidence of an indifferent universe, why do you think that stories that bring you comfort and a warm feeling of hope and meaning are true? All the evidence is against you, there’s nothing in your favor that is not fear-based-faith, instinctive-self-protection-faith.
So, why do you think your fear and your desire to be comforted are more worthy of acceptance and validation than all the vast amount of evidence that go against it and that point all that you, your family, your ancestors and all humans and animals are all alone, all mere accidents of the interactions of matter and energy in space-time?

>> No.22398191


>> No.22398666

Then how the fuck can it be "benevolent"?

>> No.22398672

Why are you bumping this shit thread that has nothing to do with literature?

>> No.22398722

But anarchism is gigabased. Besides he says render unto caesar. But they can't tax you if you have no money.

>> No.22398728

Damn its almost like life is complecated and there are times do do two different things in a similar but subtly different situation.

>> No.22398732

Thats chat gpt anon.

>> No.22398739

Prompt Satan trips. I really don't know, I am not strong enough

>> No.22399235

>fake Christian cults like Roman catholicism

>> No.22399291
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>> No.22399479

Holy shit I'm dumb

>> No.22400133

I know there's a meme with more or less the same words ("Lord forgive me but..."), however in Portuguese there is a common saying, "Que Deus me perdoe." <May God forgive me> that is used in the exact context of this image.

>> No.22400604

Yes, that was made in chat gpt, it’s easy to see because of the writing style and the point by point separation of the examples and main arguments.
But I’m a physician and my speciality is endocrinology and metabology. I have studied cells in deep during my training and as a professional, and those informations in the chat gpt posts are all true.
I don’t want to take part in any religious or philosophical debate, but however wants to deal with reality and at the same time sustain his faith needs to acknowledge those informations as real, because they are.
Of course, there’s always the decision to close your eyes and call all that false, but you would be fooling yourself.

>> No.22400617

do you want The Secret History?

>> No.22400714

You already posted that one.