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/lit/ - Literature

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22335488 No.22335488 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong /lit/?

>> No.22335673

>not putting God as the author of the bible
>putting fagles as the author of the odyssey, but not the iliad

>> No.22335674

Idk, 2019 chart was the last good one IMO but even that one trying to find online you now find a bunch of troll versions people edited.

>> No.22335678

Any mortal above god…

>> No.22335679

God isn't real sheep

>> No.22335682

The very concept of yearly charts is absurd. There is absolutely no good reason as to why a solid top 100 chart should significately change in less than 15 years time.

>> No.22335686

You aren't real either.

>> No.22335697

>No u response
The mental capacity of religion sheep

>> No.22335705

Are you serious?

>> No.22335724

There was a good recent one that's adjust ed to remove memes like Harry Potter, mein Kampf and the Bible

>> No.22335774

You don't deserve anything more sophisticated than that, soulless boy
100%. What makes you think that yearly charts are even remotely necessary? We should come together and put up a new one every 10 years, max. There's no argument to be made to try and reinvent the wheel so often.

>> No.22335785

Things are exactly the same.

>> No.22335787

>t. Low IQ anon

>> No.22335837

>have only read 2 books from this list
bros? I think I should leave

>> No.22335853
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Yeah I haven't read much of it

>> No.22335871

You're just trying to sound smart but you have no arguments whatsoever. I'm right, you're wrong, end of discussion.

>> No.22335877

>I couldn't think of a response twice in a row
Typical of a room temperature IQ anon like yourself

>> No.22335885

Exactly the same can be said of you, yet you don't realize the irony. How pathetic.

>> No.22335891

>same can be said of you
Wow another no u response because he has nothing to say kek. Who would've guessed

>> No.22336212

If you think the literary value of the Bible is equivalent to Mein Kampf or Harry Potter you are not fit to post on this board

>> No.22336712
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> the meme trilogy dominates again
> the Bible is 64th
> Illuminatus! is back
> VALIS is in
> pomochads dominate
we healed...