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22263878 No.22263878 [Reply] [Original]

for vacation with her family.
what red-pill novels I should get her?
nothing heavy

>> No.22263879

Shes not gonna read it whatever it is

>> No.22263882

the turner diaries unironically

>> No.22263888

A red pill which is not heavy is not a red pill.

>> No.22263895

she reads a ton, but light trendy novels

>> No.22263899
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you don'tg need a sledgehammer to make a birdhouse.
sometimes sowing seeds of doubt is more effective than screaming in someone's face with a megaphone, m8.

>> No.22263908

Even if you use a tack hammer the result is still a birdhouse.

>> No.22263910

Get her some Stephen King or something, chicks love the Kang.

>> No.22263950


>> No.22263954

"The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" by Taylor Jenkins Reid

>> No.22263966

She's not American. Plus, it's extremely heavy.

>> No.22263970

the turner diaries is a fun and undemanding read, what makes it heavy?

>> No.22263977

>"The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" by Taylor Jenkins Reid
“People think that intimacy is about sex. But intimacy is about truth. When you realize you can tell someone your truth, when you can show yourself to them, when you stand in front of them bare and their response is 'you're safe with me'- that's intimacy.”


>> No.22263984

...mass murder?

>> No.22263988

you asked for redpill novels, inherent to the redpill is that billions must die

>> No.22263992

The Alchemist. Either that or Looking for Alaska. If not those two then I could recommend Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach.

>> No.22264011

Orwell's Animal Farm, unironically

>> No.22264053

you don't seem to understand whst redpill mean. this bro does tho >>22264011

>> No.22264075

Get her some Swedish crime or horror. Chicks love that shit. May I suggest The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, and Let the Right One In?

>> No.22264078


I read it in a beach in Tunisia. 2 shark attacks that week. Really set the mood.

>> No.22264086

Pandora by Gene Wolfe. It's basically Wolfe but without all the subtext, a nice comfy read.

>> No.22264088

Possibility of a platform or whatever hollaback novel is about tourism

>> No.22264108

Brave New World

>> No.22264312
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came here to post this, also try rites of passage and the ecology of invasions

>> No.22264425

incel brainlet take

>> No.22264431
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why get her anything else

>> No.22264443

This is actually probably the best choice for a red pill beach read.

>> No.22264447

Are you sure she didn't say "bitch read", anon?

>> No.22264454

Give her The Wanting Seed

>> No.22264512

Can second The Alchemist or anything else by that hack Paulo Coelho. Different enough to make her feel like she's learnt something but not different enough to break out of light beach read

>> No.22264517

Wuthering Heights, Bro. Trust me.

>> No.22264536

Jane Austen or Tolstoy? Maybe a Charlotte Bronte?

>> No.22264543

Redpill half the times hear means "kill all minorities" because this a shit pseud /pol/ board, you have to use your words more carefully

>> No.22264784


>> No.22264812

Child of God, bit if you are anything to go by she might be too retarded to get it.
I don't think GWTDT is a redpill novel. I mean, the author thinks there is some clandestine nazi conspiracy among rich people who are united in their shared desire to rape women. Or maybe he just feels sad about never having done anything to help the poor woman he saw getting gangraped in an alley by a bunch of lower-class dregs.
I know you like being angry but you need to kys asap.

>> No.22264823
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>girlfriend wants a "beach read"
>my fist slams into her face
>girlfriend wants a backrub
>my fist slams into her face
>girlfriend wants me to pick up those ciders she likes
>my fist slams into her face
>girlfriend thinks she's smart, wants my fist slamming into her face
>throw her bitch sister down the stairs

>> No.22265147


>> No.22265185
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Give her the BBC.

>> No.22265223

While that is fiction, OP specifically requested a novel

>> No.22265458
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>> No.22265481

1,001 ways to conceal your maxipad : a gripping digest on the psychological flaws of contemporary women
So You Think You're A Cat, by the Duchess of Sussex, Illustrated.
Jesus Is My Night Light : a compendium on the premature waking-up of the political ideations of a teenager, w/ Pamela Anderson

I fucking love Kappy the Kike

>> No.22265508

>beach read
>nothing heavy

Forget "red-pilling".
Forget novels.

Get her a collection of light, easy-to-read short stories written by someone who can actually write.


Cathedral by Raymond Carver
My Oedipus Complex and Other Stories by Frank O'Connor
Tales of the Unexpected by Roald Dahl
Revenge of the Lawn by Richard Brautigan

>> No.22265567

fahrenheit 451, has the subplot of the wife that only consumes media for entertainment value.

>> No.22265592

The Steppenwolf

>> No.22265643

Youre a faggot for even making it that far in that fucking god awful book

>> No.22265677

She's going on a beach vacation without you? talk about cucked. Tell her to read Lady Chatterley's Lover

>> No.22265771

Mein Kampf

>> No.22265781
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>> No.22265871

Yeah honestly these or like Ride and Prejudice. Elizabeth is pretty based and maybe seeing how Intelligent and anti superficial she is will snap your girl out of being retarded .

>> No.22265875

Damn that’s crazy I need to read it now. Bradbury is great

>> No.22265903

and you're a faggot shill because the book opposes your goyslop programming.

>> No.22265914

yes. besides brave new world, it describes the state of our current world pretty accurately. the person that takes issue with it didn't even state why they think it's "godawful". the only issue i take is that the young female in the story is too idealized and not indicative of any real females.

>> No.22266159

You're going to want to red pill her something which appears to be a romance novel but actually tackles deeper themes. Since you requested something light the prose must also be clear and straightforward. I recommend It ends with us by Colleen Hoover.

>> No.22266173

just give her a good fucking book, retard.

>> No.22266245

The Gulag Archipelago. Get the unabridged version. Throw all three volumes in her carry-on. She won't read them, but it would be a good work out.

>> No.22266284

Unironically Beautiful World Where Are You by Sally Rooney. It is secretly red-pilled (at the end of the book, the only thing that makes its two joint protagonists happy is some manner of Catholicism, marriage, and the prospect of children).

>> No.22266304

Consider The Lobster (not a novel) and Lolita

>> No.22266869


>> No.22266891

Start with the Greeks

>> No.22266992

my struggle by knausgård

>> No.22267157

Of mice and men

>> No.22267528

One of the most eye-opening books I've ever read was Gödel, Escher, Bach, but that's a bit heavy for a beach read, so maybe HPMOR?

>> No.22267724

Watership Down