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/lit/ - Literature

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22242820 No.22242820 [Reply] [Original]

Pulp edition

Previous: >>22233545
/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcVqfR4SMzg

>> No.22242837
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How to improve my prose other than reading?

>> No.22242849
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Edit more.

>> No.22242862
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This one is rewritten. I even made a game in order to have an easier time writing.

>> No.22242865
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And this is unedited. What do you guys think?

>> No.22242903

Last thread died just after I posted this, so:
One of the villains in my story wants to consume his entire Empire and then kill himself so that they can all "ascend" to a higher realm. To godhood.
The type of god this would birth is best left to the imagination.

Somehow, it should require a noble girl I'm shipping with the Hero's bro. I don't know how. Any tips?

>> No.22242912

Did you see my tips?

>> No.22242914

Yeah. I'm working on a few of them. Specifically the one about the special bloodline. I was just hoping to snap up some more.

>> No.22242939

Write fanfiction.

>> No.22242958

I have for 3 years and it still sucks. My sentences are clunky and awkward. I don't have a good ear for prose.

>> No.22242973

Have you tried the fimfiction writing guide?

>> No.22242977

im looking to write pulp, where do i start?

>> No.22242979

With the Greeks.

>> No.22242985

As in classical theatre? or stuff like the illyad?

>> No.22242999

Love Pulp
Submit to Unreal.
Tales 2 deadline July 30th

Now THAT's what I call pulp.

Submissions filling up fast and the editors are lazy sacks of shit so if you dally they may not even read that sumbitch I hate these niggas more than a nazi

>> No.22243000

I think it'd help to answer some of the questions from the second half, to give a better idea of what you're looking for.

If you can notice your own prose's clunkiness you're already halfway there. Keep fiddling with it. Stitch sentences together or pull them apart and see if that improves the flow. Remove chunks or move them around. If a word doesn't hit the spot, grab a thesaurus. Add flourishes, things that pop in your head and sound nice but don't necessarily make sense—you can always remove them later. Immerse yourself in a writer you like, then imitate the style and see if you learn anything.

>> No.22243004

Read Art of Fiction by John Gardner
Steering the Craft by Ursula K Leguin
Write with intention every day
Read your models
Workshop aggresively.
After this it's all talent, sorry to say.

>> No.22243075

I just watch YouTube authors.

>> No.22243085

New issue of &amp magazine just dropped. Check it out and submit your writing for the next issue.


>> No.22243092

I'm reading the Neocities one right now. It's a decent guide, but a lot of this stuff I already knew.

>> No.22243122

Yeah, no shit your prose isn't improving. Too many people are petrified of engaging with their medium within the damn medium. And most likely none of those youtube authors write prose worth a damn

>> No.22243126

That guy isn't me. I read books.

>> No.22243129

but they're able to sell books. What good is the greatest prose in the world if no one reads it?

>> No.22243137

Sounds like a you problem, buddy. Good prose ain't why you can't sell
Ah, I see that now. He's the autist who is always suggesting that having standards prevents you from selling books.

>> No.22243204

How to write a good short story?

How do I write a good scene? Give me an example and analyse it.

>> No.22243216

"Give me an example and analyze it."


>> No.22243290

Sarah J Mass
Brandon Sanderson
Colleen Hoover
James Patterson

Not the greatest prose, but will be more eternally remembered than whoever.

>> No.22243298

I feel like my story is progressing too fast.

>> No.22243307

here you can read mine


>> No.22243313

then slow it down :D

>> No.22243318
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anyone else need a cheap editor?

>> No.22243319

Brandon Sanderson, possibly, but low retention pulp is never remembered much in the long run. James Patterson has no shot because in addition to writing the lowest of pulp,there are no memorable adaptions of his work, unlike King and Clancy, so he'll fall out of the zeitgeist in a decade after he dies, despite becoming obscenely rich off of his writing.
I know you style yourself as a demoralizing troll, but truly, men who were popular in their time fall off the face of the earth more than not. Even those who did write quality fiction! I wonder how much Wodehouse has been read in this thread. Lytton? Do people even know that Walter Raleigh wrote novels? He was ubiquitous in his day.
What stands the test of time are works of great influence or great artistry. There are few, if any, exceptions. But, I'm rarely in these threads. You'll be in the next one, and the next one, and the next one, peddling this silly idea, and no one will combat you, and this is the sum of your life.

>> No.22243330

What you say is 100% true, but on our time here on Earth, those alive would fondly remember the artists that sell versus the artist that do not.

I much prefer a life of Taylor Swift over Bumfuck Indie guy, or Nathaniel Hawthorne over Herman Melville. Both are well known, and Melville today is considered the better author, but who died poor and starving and who died happily rich and content?

>> No.22243347

Give me the life of Umberto Eco, a man who wrote dense and beautiful works of historical and occult fiction, and turned one such work into one of the best-selling novels of all time. In 1995. And anyhow, Melville saw much success in his day, but it ebbed and flowed, and Moby Dick was a failure.
But, you initially said those schlock pushers would be remembered, which is totally ridiculous.
Also, get this, the percentage of shitty prose stylists that make any money is, if anything, much smaller than skilled writers that make money. So, really, there's no point to anything you're saying.

>> No.22243348

Maybe that girl just happens to own a fragment of something the bad guy needs, as maybe a pendant or something else that can be carried in one hand.
Maybe something grandpa snagged off some ancient ruins when he was a roaming young man that she inherited.

>> No.22243356
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>I wonder how much Wodehouse has been read in this thread.
I haven't read him myself yet but he has a presence on Tumblr for whatever that's worth

>> No.22243359


>> No.22243678
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Too shameful to self bump, not shameful enough to shill. Would you anons consider looking at my AI thread?

Also, here's a bad poem I wrote. Maybe not bad. Lemme know your thoughts, if you want.

>> No.22243695
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Time is always moving.

>> No.22243826

Have you studied pulp-fiction as a genre yet?
It has specific properties that you'll need to reproduce, e.g. melodrama.
"Encyclopedia Of American Film Serials" by Geoff Mayer (2017) covered pulp in film serials; the principles are applicable to what you want to do.

>> No.22243833

>SPG errors usually persist even until the final draft
Sure...a sprinkling of them. Less than 0.01% of the text.
But given the overflowing basic errors we see all too often here, yours is a strawman argument.

>> No.22244037
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>> No.22244045

I have held a job for quite some time but here's your (You), don't spend it all in one place.

>> No.22244054
File: 102 KB, 1200x840, 1613235648173(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Dude, it's a giant head."
>"Dude it's a talking tree and a raccoon."
>"Dude, it's a bunch of mutant turtles and a rat."
>"Dude, it's a talking blue hedgehog and his friends fighting an egg shaped man."
>"Dude it's about a plumber that goes through pipes and fights weird mushroom monsters."
>"Dude it's a pink ball with eyes that sucks things up."
>"Stop taking all that seriously."
Rendering the barest possible description of a story's premise to back the argument "the concept is ridiculous so it only works if it's funny" is the bane of modern media and needs to die horribly. How the fuck do you deal with people like this?

>> No.22244101

>How the fuck do you deal with people like this?
Dedicate yourself to writing literature that destroys postmodernism.

>> No.22244194

Outline it like this.
>Synopses of the story
>Mechanics of fighting
Main Characters:

Secondary Characters:

Minor Characters:

>> No.22244209

Holy fuck. Shorten your paragraphs.

>> No.22244211

"Some people can read 'War and Peace' and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe." -Lex Luthor

>> No.22244218
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>>Mechanics of fighting

>> No.22244234

Have you tried the snowflake method?

>> No.22244271

Start with someone shooting at your protagonist. Never fails.

>> No.22244272
File: 139 KB, 1200x1873, techniques-of-the-selling-writer-dwight-v-swain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A scene is goal, conflict, and outcome (usually disaster).
Picrel has a lot more basic info on story structure.

>> No.22244494

God I love these not nu websites. The ones that use flat designs. I trust these sites more than any "professional site", because if a site looks like it came from the 2000s, it likely did and is thus, a great source of information.

>> No.22244560
File: 29 KB, 539x569, Caring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why care about some faggot?

>> No.22244604
File: 304 KB, 512x512, 1688828686807565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm writing a story where the characters are going to have to move and change their names. They're going to use their real names in private but have to call each other by their cover identities in public. Is this going to be too confusing?

>> No.22244621

Is your story written for preteens? If not, no issues.

>> No.22244631

I have about 21 online publications but 0 job experience and I'm almost 30, is there any way to leverage this into a job is my only hope getting lucky with a novel?

>> No.22244650
File: 1.51 MB, 1527x2000, Ben-Affleck-and-Ana-de-Armas-Relationship-Timeline-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i have this idea for a novel, maybe two, about a guy living on the moon in the near future who can't find a gf so he clones a female version of himself and at first it's this tranny fantasy where they both totally get eachother, have great sex, she is happy because she is pretty and he is happy because he has her, but then reality sets in and the situation crystalizes as this she can't interact with her friends (they are *his* friends), doesn't actually love him(self), isn't actually comfortable with being a girl, atleast the whole time, especially as the social pariah clone on the small colony.
It becomes clear that, although they share the same life, they are now fundamentally different people and she doesn't actually want to just be his own gf.
They're supposed to get into hot water because they paid off the space mafia to clone him, have a deer-headlights moment with armed goons, and decide that she will go to mars to figure it out on her own and he will stay home and face the wind. The idea is he realizes how stupid he is and she has to live with the consequences of her terrible choice (she is still he and he cloned himself)
In the other book it's supposed to be about her life on mars and the failiure of the west and capitalism and the fall of the communist world and the very short glimmer of hope it gave, she kills herself in the end by taking off her helmet after she realises there is no hope for her in the promised land.
Also about how she still is the perfect girl when it comes to looks and how honestly full of rapists megacities are. Even as a guy i had niggas following me lookin all rapey, shit's unreal.
I want to use historic iconography and concepts from aztec culture mostly because i know that and this is a self insert story get real.

>> No.22244657

2/fuck you it didn't update with one sentence.
the first novel is about growing up, not being a loser incel, and the second is about living in the adult world as a complete outsider.

>> No.22244671

Sometimes I wonder how some of you anons are able to express yourselves so eloquently and clearly on here. Idk how to write without sounding cringey and/or mentally retarded and even struggle with very basic emails. I want to write better myself. I wish I was at a level where I could write a book, but if I were I couldn't justify writing one. It seems like there are enough books that exist already. For any one of my problems, interests, or what have you, a book on this subject undoubtedly exists. Do I write it to take notes? Understand myself? Explore an interesting fiction? I can do this already with books that already exist. So anon, what are some reasons that you write for?

>> No.22244685

>forgets to add a sentence
>blames it on 4chan
>Even as a guy i had niggas following me lookin all rapey
What does it mean for someone to look rapey?

>> No.22244695
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can't explain it but there is a difference between someone following you (robber) and someone following you (rapist)
in the latter people tend to notice and oftentimes i had randos just stand between is so the guy would stop following me.
You get a lot by being an attractive """effeminate""" man. You also get bullshit ideas planted into your head by the degenerate world we live in and always have and will live in.
Also fuck gender dysphoria and the idea of what a "masculine" man is and that being anything other than that must mean you really secretly want to be a "cool" cute hot sexy girl or whatever the fuck. Need to put it into words

>> No.22244701

>What does it mean for someone to look rapey?
it means anon's anus is tingling for some cock in there and he's projecting that onto everyone around himself

>> No.22244705

cringe and neverwentoutsidepilled take

>> No.22244738

You certainly have a thought-out idea. Now write it.

>> No.22244825

Hey guys. This is a short story about a guy who gets stuck in a Wendy's. I wrote it a couple years ago. I never got much feedback. If you're looking for something to read/review, here's the link. I'd appreciate any criticism


>> No.22244909

How the hell do I keep track of two dozen characters?

>> No.22244940

Outline, create character sheets and update them. It will make you able to remember them or read the outline and get the idea after you weren't writing for some time.

>> No.22245392

Still writing my crime novel for the crime novel contest. I am trying one specific thing. I want memorable scenes in my novel. I read a bunch of newer crime novels that have been published here, and I noticed a lack of any meat to the story. Almost every scene, and almost every piece of dialogue exists to take the story forward. That's it. Characters just say things that take the story forward, and each scene takes the story forward.
Well my plot calls for one of the characters to surrender himself to a mob boss, who he and his friends recently stole from. He basically makes a deal, to save his own ass, at the cost of betraying his friends.
Now what most amature writers would do, would be to have the character convince the mob boss by either having good blackmail material, a great deal, or just plot armor and convince.
What I would like to do, is to turn that segment into it's own sort of short story. The mob boss is young and green, and had to prove himself. So when that character (let's call him E for now) comes to beg for his life, the mob boss orders him to be tied up and wants to personally interrogate him. What follows is the two of them talking things out, and bonding. They realize that they are both young family men, who have much in common. On an intellectual level, they are both better than the people they have surrounded themselves with. So while bouncing from topic to topic, they get a feel for each other, their motives and even their fears and regrets. The young mob boss realizes that by giving this man back his life, he would gain something like a friend or an advisor, the first person who truly understand him. And E is ready to sell out his friends, becuase as he puts it, his wife and unborn kid are more important. So they reach and agreement, but as a fresh traitor, he has to both prove that it's not just a ploy, and also the boss has to save face. So E has to cut off four of his own fingers, to prove his resolve. He does just so, because he is ready to do everything for his family. And so for a while he works close to the mob. That is until things go south again, and staying with the mob boss becomes a danger to him and his family. That's when E executes him on spot, and continues his desperate journey to protect his family. They had an understanding as two family men, and yet he executed him without giving a singel damn about the widow and orphan he leaves behind.
Well something along those lines. Basically I want to make it more interesting than just the straight forward approach, that gets them from point A to B.

>> No.22245531

Is it cringe to implement Christian stuff in a fanfic starring a franchise about a corrupt catholic church and false-demons?

>> No.22245563

Maybe, but fan fiction is already cringe and I wrote my best stuff when I stopped worrying about that and leaned into my passion. Go for it.
What do you mean, though? Christian messaging? Intricate theology presented neutrally? Something else?
It helps to signal it with a tag.

>> No.22245670

Great concept, could be prime chudcore literature. Please write this. I'd love to read it.

>> No.22245683

Please improve your written English by the time you publish, though

>> No.22245737

won't write it in english, will translate but i give up writing in english

>> No.22245742

Define prose and define improve.

Make your words more flowery? Make it easier to read? Say less with more?

What the actual fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.22245753
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Coming to terms with being mediocre. Everything I write will be lost among the other thousands of KDP pap to be published that day. And that's fine.

>> No.22245758
File: 105 KB, 599x331, fecha-coronacion-Moctezuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find something obscure to always reference, something a random can deduce the meaning of, but someone who knows can get.

>> No.22245765
File: 50 KB, 206x244, Average Chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try not competing with Amazonslop then.

>> No.22245770

>Find something obscure to always reference
I feel like such a fucking hack if I do this. I feel like a snickering nerd making references to Greek philosophy and Roman sayings.

>> No.22245778
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be based and aztecpilled like me and find something genuinely obscure but complex and harp on that

>> No.22245780
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>you know it when you see it
Consider the possibility that art can't be reduced to its smallest components. Prose isn't something you engineer, and it's not subject to a discrete set of criteria under which it can be evaluated. Engineers HATE this. It's why they stick to science fiction and fantasy. These genres are literally overrun and filled to the absolute fucking brim with bored engineers whose retarded, concrete viewpoints are wholly inapplicable to art. Again, this is why they write science fiction and fantasy. Without the tropes and guidelines of genre they are wholly adrift. Point being, it doesn't matter if the quality of your prose can't be distilled down into its smallest axioms and examined with a microscope. Art is under no obligation to be comprehensible or reproducible. Deal with it, nigger!

>> No.22245781

Trying to read Dunsany to inform myself of good fantasy prose but it just gets me right into feels and I can't concentrate.

>> No.22245788
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>hello my name is Robert and I am an Engineering-American and this is my fantasy story that doesn't at all take place in the moderately affluent, middle class suburb in which I grew up and doesn't reference my totally epic time at college spent studying real hard but instead has totally awesome orcs elves and goblins plus the Plot Twists which will Subvert Your Expectations in a way you've never seen before now please subscribe to my Patreon so I can allay the existential despair I feel without changing or growing at all as a human being

>> No.22245798


>> No.22245803
File: 45 KB, 769x935, 1681025992463131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantasy is basically like technical writing for gamblers. It's potentially a jackpot, but if you really wanted to make writing a job you'd just write technical manuals and earn a salary.

>> No.22245809

>Engineers HATE this. It's why they stick to science fiction and fantasy. These genres are literally overrun and filled to the absolute fucking brim with bored engineers whose retarded, concrete viewpoints are wholly inapplicable to art. Again, this is why they write science fiction and fantasy.
I am not an engineer, but I wrote low fantasy and scifi and I feel like this is directly targetting me.

>> No.22245812

At least the ducks are free!

>> No.22245823

You're horrifically insecure so I'm not reading a line of your crap until you grow some balls and stop acting like a redditor

>> No.22245824
File: 10 KB, 300x168, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scifi should be used as a way to kneejerk "hindsight" into your story or as a way to comment on the current state of things and how the world does not change. No scifi writer, that i have read (outside of like maybe 2), has actually presented an interesting story or world, always pages of worthless schizoramble technojargon.
Scifi lets me have "impossible" things happen, or lets me literally say someone "is from mars" and the baggage that phrase already carries in my language

>> No.22245827
File: 8 KB, 300x168, download (2) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello my name is Shouto and I am an office-Japanese and this is my fantasy story that doesn't at all take place in the moderately popular, 00s MMO role playing game which I grew up playong and doesn't reference my totally epic neet fantasies of escapism but instead has totally awesome regular loser japanese man who courts orcs elves and goblins plus the Plot Twists which will Subvert Your Expectations in a way you've never seen before now please buy the digital ranobe version of it so I can allay the existential despair I feel without changing or growing at all as a human being

>> No.22245838
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Thinking about how I moved on from art and went to writing because I feel I can express myself better there

Have you guys ever done this? Trading one hobby for writing? or feeling you can express your self better via writing?

>> No.22245845
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, Chad smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always pages of worthless schizoramble technojargon.
I am proud to say my story only has 1 page of semi-schizo not-so-technojargon.

It does have descriptions of things being done to people with the technology though.

>> No.22245850

I avoid technojargon and the only time it's in any story i wrote the whole point is the main guy is too plastered to even get it.

>> No.22245857

I went from hobby coding to writing and now I'm back to writing with coding because I'll never make it with the constant stream of slop being churned out as a pure bookwriter so I decided to write a VN instead.
A VN hits the sweet spot between a book and an anime or a movie. I can forget about the latter two due to how hilariously expensive they are to produce.

At least my time spent dicking around with code wasn't wasted.

>> No.22245862
File: 218 KB, 310x310, Moonage_Daydream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love books with pictures on every chapter, if you have the skill to visually and verbally express something, why not both?

>> No.22245870

I'm an engineer type and I love prose and I love engineering it.
Some parts are ineffable (or very hard to eff) but enough of it is mechanical. You can and should pay attention to your mental process, particularly when reading bad prose: there tend to be clear material reasons why sentences don't work. Flow of information, rhythm, associations, referents, all of these could even be diagrammed. "You know it when you see it" is pure laziness if you stop there.
Good prose takes creativity, not just rule-following. But so does good engineering. I'm sure you've read prose advise like this:
>It would be well if engineering were less generally thought of, and even defined, as the art of constructing. In a certain important sense it is rather the art of not constructing; or, to define it rudely but not inaptly, it is the art of doing that well with one dollar, which any bungler can do with two after a fashion.

>> No.22245902

>write down a comprehensive overview of all the technologies used within the story and setting, describing each in excruciating detail
>in the actual novel, dont even waste even a single page on exposition or explanation, as the technobabble has no bearing whatsoever on the emotional and narrative journey of the characters
It's all there, but they'll never know. THEY'LL NEVER KNOW

>> No.22245930
File: 155 KB, 840x648, 235-2353753_post-thinking-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get into the vibe?

>> No.22245952

>"You know it when you see it" is pure laziness if you stop there.
Who would stop there? You need to read broadly and deeply enough to actually know it when you see it. It's a simple idea which has a functionally infinite amount of work behind it. I'd rather know it when I see it than be able to reverse-engineer a hypothesis that can never actually be confirmed. For any discrete set of criteria under which you think you can define good writing, you can find bales and truckloads and entire dimensions chock-full of writing which fulfills each and every criteria but is nevertheless bad. Your ability to think about and articulate theoretical maxims about writing ultimately has no connection to the quality of your writing. The fact that many great authors can do so is coincidental to their competence rather than causal. If it were causal, anyone could acquire the requisite knowledge and become great themselves, which is obviously not the case.

Knowledge is a parasite continually lying to you about its own utility.

>> No.22245959

I don't. I write like after a two week constipation with all the hemorrhoids out.

>> No.22245960
File: 317 KB, 1000x1000, martianamericacoatofarms2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so i was thinking of writing it like the main character is being interviewed in universe by like scifi werner herzog or something and this is his written testimony, plus from her perspective based on a "diary" she wrote. for the other book i was thinking of writing it more traditionally but never leaving present tense unless the character is talking about the past.
I also have this really developed world with weird larper factions and delusional nationalist fantasies and the main idea here is mars is an apartheid state with the ruling american minority supressing the russian/former communist majority and the themes are the fall of the USSR and the failiure of "democracy" and capitalism. The first story is more a general small-town that has some "nationalist" fiction but it's cemented in at the time recent history. Also i love heraldry and it's fucking retarded how scifi just absolutely dismisses any heraldic tradition and uses weird simple graphic design *logos* instead of real crests, arms and blazons, with real connection to the modern day.
I am also obsessed with beurocracy and how when you're waiting for a new ID you just get to meet the strangest bunch and some of them are my friends and i just really like the idea of hyperfocusing on just how regular and everyday the scifi world is. And only really so i can have cool pictures of like the Partizan cafe with a cool space mural on a chapter page.

>> No.22246008

Ok I hope someone steals your idea and writes it in English because I want to read it.

>> No.22246074

>I love books with pictures on every chapter
That's called an LN.

>> No.22246078

>Who would stop there?
>>22245780 did stop there, by replying to "what's good prose" with "actually you can't know nothing" and zero practical advice. This post is a little better but I still don't agree.
You're slipping into binary discrete reasoning, like a Hacker News commenter or an analytical theologian. The smarter kind of STEMoid has sayings like "all models are wrong but some are useful".
All good engineers know that there's no sufficient ruleset, and maybe not even a correct one. But they also know that there are principles that will help beginners do better than they would otherwise, and that there are principles that experts should internalize even if they ignore them some fraction of the time. You can laboriously and subconsciously discover these principles on your own, or someone can put them into words and give you a leg up. You still have to put in the work to properly understand them and see the edges but it goes a lot quicker.
Yeah, you can't say "if you do A the result will always and totally be B with no exceptions". But you can't say that anywhere besides pure mathematics (and even then only sometimes). Writing isn't special.
Let me remind you that the context is somebody's complaint that their sentences are clunky and awkward. Do you really think there's no practical mechanical advice that could help? I'm not talking about maxims. I'm talking about pulling sentences apart and saying "here's a problem, pay attention to such and so while editing". (And I always stress the importance of paying attention to your own taste, of not following any rules blindly.)

>> No.22246120

You might like Terra Ignota. Lots of bizarro nationalism, rooted but changed tradition, failed ideologies, powerful larper factions, strange but believable glimpses of everyday life. The author is a historian.
Not the easiest of reads though. It's written in an 18th century style for a 25th century audience.

>> No.22246141

>You're slipping into binary discrete reasoning
Which, without a direct address of that reasoning, I can only interpret as a kind of "okay, you've got a point, but..." segue into the rest of your post. You're talking about getting a leg up and that's great and all, but my only question is... a "leg up" to what? What is so pressing that you need to skip parts of the learning process, which everyone can do for himself? Everyone is capable, and what's the rush? I can totally understand adopting certain models in engineering, if for no other reason than that new engineers need to get jobs, and that if they do get a job, they need to not fuck up because safety could be at stake. We're not building bridges or laying bricks. We're trying to write, not to get a leg up in "becoming a writer." What if by taking more time to learn something, especially something in which there aren't actually any concrete principles (to which binary logic absolutely applies), you learn it more thoroughly or learn it in a way that's unique to who you are and what you want to write?
>You can laboriously and subconsciously discover these principles on your own
It's not laborious at all to read excellent writing and interact with it. It's the opposite of labor, which, to me, could be more accurately described by "learning" a bunch of principles to get a "leg up" on something I'm going to be doing for the literal rest of my fucking life.

>> No.22246266

Like the cover art.
About who are the books? Who's the main guy?
Don't spoil tho

>> No.22246303
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I've been stuck in editing hell all year AARRRGH I want to write something new! But I have to finish this asap or else I never will.

>> No.22246323

>Which, without a direct address of that reasoning, I can only interpret as a kind of "okay, you've got a point, but..." segue into the rest of your post.
I'll be more direct. You said that you can't just learn a bunch of maxims and thereby become a great writer, *therefore* there's no connection between writing ability and talking about what makes for good writing. I don't think that follows, something can be helpful yet not sufficient.
>skip parts of the learning process
Accelerate, not skip.
>what's the rush?
You never stop learning, so the faster you learn, the more you learn. And the more you get to put your learning to use, of course.
If you learned everything ten times as slowly (but otherwise the same) then you'd mind, right? It might not stop you but it wouldn't be irrelevant.
>We're not building bridges or laying bricks.
It's not about safety. I'd apply all of this to recreational programming, which has no safety ramifications whatsoever and more often than not no audience.
There's joy in learning, you've said as much. Would you rather learn more or learn less?
There's joy in accomplishment. All else being equal I prefer writing something mediocre to writing something bad, especially once I've seen greatness.
And there's concrete advise that can make the process less frustrating, and that will let you learn more thoroughly, not less.
>you learn it more thoroughly or learn it in a way that's unique to who you are and what you want to write
Sure, this is a risk, but good advise diminishes it enough to easily be worthwhile. It describes what happens and invites you to understand exactly why it happens and whether or not you want it to happen.
Good writing might even pose more risk to individuality than good advise (and yet it's essential).
A good learner will keep refining their knowledge after the lesson.
>It's not laborious at all to read excellent writing and interact with it.
Labor can be fun.
But say somebody wants to write poetry. Would they have more or less fun if nobody told them "hey, by the way, meter exists, try to notice it and play around with it"? Is it good advise to tell them to avoid all analysis?

>> No.22246339

>Be me
>Writing in first person
>My main and only character is meant to die at the end
>It is not told through the perspective of a ghost
Is this possible?

>> No.22246345

you can establish that atleast one other character has a perspective in the story

>> No.22246360

After you're done with your story where do you post it?

>> No.22246366

That would be a bit difficult to integrate considering that my entire story has been written in first person, maybe I could end it with another character closing the diary or locking the phone after reading the notes of my main character though, that could work, kinda feels like a shitty ending though.

>> No.22246370

Would it be unwise to begin writing stories without reading about writing strategies and such? I have many stories stored in my head after many years of dreaming and wish to have them on paper to perhaps be enjoyed by somebody other than myself.

>> No.22246372

Why not simply have the story cut short upon the killing blow. That is the end of the characters first person perspective after all.

>> No.22246375

I'm writing a story about a bard and (female) dragon. Try stopping me.

>> No.22246378

There's a whole set of main guys, including "Freemason emperor", "genetically perfected Duke de la Trémoille", "anonymous blogger elected vice-president", and "chairman of the Mitsubishi-Greenpeace corporation". (The focus is very aristocratic, which can be frustrating but reflects the kind of historical document it imitates.)
Most of it's written by a Servicer, somebody sentenced to be a kind of free-roaming slave (inspired by the 1516 book that coined the word "utopia"). He has very idiosyncratic ideas that don't match either ours or those of the rest of his society.

>> No.22246384

That's a good idea but now I'll feel like a hack if I use it, fuck, I've gotta stop coming here for advice when I have writer's block.

>> No.22246385

>Try stopping me.
No, I hope you have fun and I hope it becomes successful and I hope you get signed to a three-book deal worth seven figures.

>> No.22246389

You can always rewrite, and it's much easier to learn once you have writing experience. Advice is helpful but don't let it detain you from writing.
Once you do start writing it also becomes easier to know what kind of advice you need.

>> No.22246391

depends what kind of story

>> No.22246392

I assume you don't actually have complete stories with developed characters. Together with the fact that you probably don't understand why it's required and what you can exclude for the genre's sake your stories are most likely shallow. Like they say, it's a situation, not a story, nothing comes to conclusion, set up without an enfing in mind. Don't rely on writing techniques, but if you don't know what's essential you should try looking up into how stories are made and check what you're lacking.

>> No.22246393

Don't worry Anon. I've used it and I took it from the ending of the Sopranos. Mostly everything created has had a form of inspiration or little ideas taken away from them.

>> No.22246399

Well, I can't publish traditionally, but thank you. Positivity is appreciated.

>> No.22246400

The stories are incomplete as they're iterated every night and advanced in my head. There is a beginning and an end although I've not gotten to the ending yet and the characters have morphed and changed so I think you're right. It lacks a form of structure.

>> No.22246412

>the Sopranos
Obligatory kino remark.

>> No.22246414

I can empathize. But there's usually internal conflict in character driven stories, novelty in setting driven stories and complexity for plot stories. Going in depth is also of much help. I can just warn you of working hard on a detailed piece and thrn having to redo it all again because the concept changed, it can happen.

>> No.22246416

>I can't publish traditionally
Why not?

>> No.22246426

I want to write in english but not able to deal with any english publisher. Plus I'm new and would get rejected anyway.

>> No.22246428

Fantasy YA like everyone else.

>> No.22246433

>Plus I'm new and would get rejected anyway.
You have to get rejected a bunch before you get accepted, no one gets accepted on their first, second or even third try.

>> No.22246452

It is true. But I imagine those 'tries' are individual books written with progressing mastery rather than simply applications for publishing the first messy book.

>> No.22246526

will writing 500 word flash fiction pieces improve my writing?

>> No.22246528

Just a reminder that you can start your own publishing house, pay some printing service to print your shit and seem legit, thus avoiding looking like the self publish trash you are.
>been getting good reviews and selling books with 0 attempts at advertising, shilling or any of the shit people here say one needs to do to get sales.

Just make it look good, if it looks professional people will assume it is. WAGMI

>> No.22246607

Just wrote the first draft of a short story.
It’s a 4 thousand word diary entry, written by a pro skateboarder where he outlines why he doesn’t think skateboarding is a sport, and much closer to artistic expression. Mixed in with anecdotes from his life.

There is no plot and it’s pretty schizo-pilled. Should I try and clean it up or start something new? It’s basically my own opinion on skateboarding and how I feel about it, so it’s personally pretty satisfying but I doubt it has any appeal to readers beyond that. There is also no plot.

>> No.22246617
File: 1.30 MB, 1536x1152, 1686752585510522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got distracted with an idea for a fapfic about fantasy world of mostly women (1m to 6f). World building got out of control so the fap part shrank. This is an intro chapter. Any xxx in the text is an undecided name.


>> No.22246618

How weird would it be if the MC found out that the heroine's family can only bear daughters - and daughters that all look almost completely alike?

It's a fantasy setting, and I want this to be a hint that there's something deeply magical about her bloodline. Creepily so. It's foreshadowing of the villain's real plans.

>> No.22246746
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>mfw 40K words and 7 chapters done as of today
I'm gonna make it, bros. If I keep this up, I'm really gonna make it. This is the furthest I've ever gotten with trying to write a novel. If all goes well, I should be done with my first draft by late August, early September at the latest.

>> No.22246786

Hello /wg/. Please rate/review. Would anon read the whole story?

"If I might opine-"
"listen here you insufferable little faggot", I interjected, "this is not a place for CHILDREN."
I moved to address the whole crowd. "We need to find a way out of this grocery store," I bellowed. "I have thought of several possibillities."
"Maybe we can remove the tiles and dig our way out", offered the mother of the child.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP," I bellowed again, wads of spittle flying several meters out onto her forehead, nose, chin, and hair.
The woman didn't flinch or even try to wipe the spit off her face.
"I don't BELONG to you", she said angrily, offering up some of her own spittle out as payback.
Just then I got the strangest sensation. The spittle was warm, and moist, and almost felt like it was kissing my skin.

>> No.22246840

Get rid of the all caps.

>> No.22246874

thoughts on journaling? better to write it out on notebooks, computers, or voice records?

>> No.22246928
File: 1.83 MB, 1795x895, Was this the Klaxosaur transformation process.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Franxx's entire plot and setting hinges on Papa, a literal catholic Pope, the Klaxosaurs, the witch, and Hiro rejecting the false prophet.

The anime quite frankly fallen apart because it went off the grid to random nip philosophies and Gaimax Garbage. Rather than accepting that humanity itself could be corrupted or daring to address the obviously Catholic setting.
>Catholics hate Klaxosaurs. Their Sages live at the top of the skies. (Living close to the heavens)
>Klaxosaurs resemble demons and live underground. (Guess where hell is.)

During this process, I discovered a far better and potentially canonical explanation for the Klaxosaurs and how they ended up becoming beasts. They took the Devil's magic and completed a ritual. In this little canonical book of scrapped lore, the Princess was transforming into a beast due to taking a spell to make her appear human. She was directed by the purple Witch (Satan) to kill her own human husband to 'cure" herself. It never made sense to me, up until, I realized that every Klaxosaur (whom are all female) needed an internal core (which are male, Papa literally used these exclusively to create his own mega weapon in the anime) to become complete. It also helped that in the obviously retconned lore, Klaxosapiens still became Klaxosaurs because of their involvement with the purple Devil (Virm). Since she didn't murder him, she must be reverted back to her original humanoid form. Thus, allowing her to create the Picture Book at the present-day setting.

>> No.22246935

be honest with yourself, do you believe that your intended audiece is as studied on every single type of cliche or literary ending as you are, an actual writer? furthermore, do you believe they really care for similarities between disparate works when they are just trying to read a story? unless anything exceptionally egregious stands out to the layman, literally nobody cares, and even then, no one of significance gives a shit and you should steal more things if you want to be good at what you do

>> No.22247246

I mean, you have ambition for a first time writer. But it's all about the prose and the style. That's what makes you a writer.

>> No.22247269
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I believe in you, frogfren. I've got 13k words and 9 chapters so far. My chapters are short, 2 - 3k tops. I realized this is the best for me as I get bored when a chapter gets too long. But that's personal taste. My novel will be 50-60k words total - enough for me to say what I want and to send it to literary competitions.

>> No.22247275

i'd just establish maybe two or three times that one other character has a unique perspective then have them take over once the main guy dies

>> No.22247685

Does getting good at writing make you better at social interaction? You're improving your articulation after all.

>> No.22247704

No. Talking to others improves your talking

>> No.22247726

i haven't written shit in days. i want beer and cigarettes. i should buy food though. i'm supposed to be getting ready for a group show at a gallery, not writing anyway, but that's what i'm thinking about. a couple of cold ones and wordpad. lucky strikes

>> No.22247763

It expands your vocabulary and wit.

>> No.22247794

Anime is just neat visual design and a hodge podge of mythemes. You are putting way more thought into this than the show's writers. The whole premise of that show was: 'mecha pilots who look like they're doing it doggy style'.

>> No.22247829
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I published my first book in December. Now I'm finally organizing the next ones and getting back into sitting own to write them. Feels familiar, sitting here in the summer doing this all again.

>> No.22247867
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I feel somewhat overwhelmed starting out again but also more experienced after finishing the first one and more driven to make these even better. Feedback on the first has been positive but also shown me weakpoints I can adjust and do better here and there in my organization of plot points and their resolutions in particular. I'd be lying though if I said it didn't feel a bit like I'm summoning up a gigantic amount of effort for very little reward, since my current book basically brings in enough to buy my groceries once a month, but then I also don't really write to be a billionaire either but more because I have stories in my head I want to export before I die mainly. Some feedback has been incredibly rewarding though from a few people who've been touched by my writing and that's pretty worth.

>> No.22247871

>Anime is just neat visual design and a hodge podge of mythemes
I prefer worse visuals with better themes myself.

>> No.22248031

>You are putting way more thought into this than the show's writers.
Perhaps. But, no other anime or any other media had allured me and grasped on for it for so long. Everything else is about weird Shinto stuff or "God sucks, kill him". Or, whatever is going on in Final Fantasy and Evangelion.

Also, why do nips and other writers get so obsessed with the pseudo-Bible instead of the actual, literal Bible? You know, the Golden Bough?

>> No.22248077

I wish I had an actual keyboard to type properly rn to explain but check the warsou archives for jap philosophy related stuff. Japs never developed an understanding of the form/essence dichotomy and their view of religion is entirely divorced from true faith or belief or even on a level like the Golden Bough. In simple terms they really don't "get" Christianity or any other religion for that matter.

>> No.22248104

Did I mention there is no plot?

>> No.22248150 [DELETED] 
File: 1.83 MB, 1125x2333, 469A85B2-E79A-47CD-999E-2BC10A62BDC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every moment Canadian populist-progressive-libertarian-nazi-communism grows more empowered.

Visit France or the USA and help the boarder situation.

Be alert to the subversion that happened.

Empower police and empower populist revolutionaries.

Many Europeans are visiting France just to go protect Paris. Many people are also helping build boarder walls in America.
Have agency.

Spread the word UwO

Also protect the soul of 4chan. It’s important for real information transfer and true news.

Every victory requires love.

Write reality.
Every story is a soul.
The stories you write, write you.

>> No.22248154 [DELETED] 
File: 290 KB, 1125x1494, 48519743-2348-4E48-964F-9D53F8A85E91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All fates are intertwined.
All matters.

Love the strangest most abstract forces/magic.

>> No.22248245

buddy outed as underage because he doesn't know why france is "failing" and how they totally deserve what is coming to them.

>> No.22248388

They seriously couldn't copy China on that front?
Yet, they would be obsessed with Christain imagery, races, and concepts.

>> No.22248488

>Japs never developed an understanding of the form/essence dichotomy and their view of religion is entirely divorced from true faith or belief or even on a level like the Golden Bough.
They're so soulless.

>> No.22248492

>talking out of my ass

>> No.22248841

>>>/pol/ is that way

>> No.22249024

How do we feel about lengthy monologues, fellas?
I cannot shake the desire to have this short story end with a shockingly eloquent criminal lowlife spieling for 2 pages (then being shot, of course, as the previously stone faced private detective has his faith in humanity reduced to -1((all done, somehow, without a trace of gross sentimentality)))

>> No.22249043
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>> No.22249056

how do you cope with the fact that you wrote better on an SSRI?

>> No.22249083

What's a SSRI?

>> No.22249138

I like it, anon. Do you have any more?

>> No.22249167

Too dense. Too many adjectives. Too many images. Needs restraint.

There are some nice descriptions in there though.

>> No.22249182

Each paragraph needs to be its own frame. Just like a sentence.

>> No.22249212

So how do you sell your books? Door to door? I refuse to believe anyone would order physical copies of an unknown dude's unknown book by an unknown publisher online with full printing fees and postage included.

>> No.22249219

well it is in fact a real publishing house, so the book's available through some stores and also most online platforms. So you need to sign contracts with distributors and register as a company etc. Just adds to looking proffessional. And yes, i've absolutely spent more money on this than i've made, but sales are increasing and who knows where it'll end.
It all comes down to what you're willing to do to actually have people read your shit. I have a full time job which makes me able to fund my writing and make it look more proffessional than a regular self publish. I think anyone who can do that should if they're really serious about being read.

>> No.22249237

Mr. Hare and I sat closely, smiling widly, crisscrossed and tired. He had been different when he was a child, playing with his cat, day after day, stroking her calmy and sternly despite her scratching his knee. Hare thought himself unable to read the Bible, which deeply upset miss Hellen.

And she reprimanded him for boring her with his stories.

>> No.22249245

Update: Demons are real. Witches are real. Wizards are real. Magicians are Sorcerers in disguise.
Now I finally have a good explanation behind 02's and the Nine's humanity. Literal demonic acts and sacrifices. Costing the blood sacrifices of men and horned beasts (the demon's favorite sacrifices besides children) for 02 for her rituals to be complete. The Nines physically suffer from notable underdevelopments, especially when you look at the girl's breast, and have other health difficulties.

What kind of rabbit hole am I going to? What is God leading me to for this fanfic?

>> No.22249260

Want an overt example? Consider aum shinrikyo and how japs think that is not too far from what all religions are especially organised religion.

>> No.22249297

>It all comes down to what you're willing to do to actually have people read your shit
I think posting online is a lot cheaper and more effective for that. And probably more profitable too.

>> No.22249318

you're probably right, but with a lower chance of success, considering the amount of self published books that aren't geting any reads whatsoever. Good luck, i just wanted to give you guys another way to what you call "making it".

>> No.22249336

Our time is nigh. I'm not even sure if I would be a father before the end arrives.

>> No.22249359

Should I try posting my stories on royal road if I'm an awful writer?

>> No.22249365

After I've browsed RR for a little I figured that you're only supposed to post there if you're a bad writer.

>> No.22249417

Here is what you do.
>Open the Google
>Select a time frame of one week
>Google every possible way to find writing contests and competitions
>Look for novels, stories, books, however it's advertised
>Specifically look for stuff in your own country, if you are not living in an English speaking country
>Set a phone reminder for next week
>Repeat the process every week, until you find a writing competition or two
>Write, submit, win prize, get published for free
>If you lose, learn a lesson from it, and try again
That's my grind at least. Failed the historic novel contest and another general novel writing contest, but I have my hopes up for the upcoming crime novel contest.
Captcha: KMS4D

>> No.22249484

Has anyone read or listened to shit by John Truby? Is he a good source of information and tips?

>> No.22249563

Is there credit to the theme that truly evil bastards have trouble visualising how sane, civilized men will behave?

>> No.22249578

>i just wanted to give you guys another way to what you call "making it".

>just set up your own publishing house lol
How are people poor? Like, just start your own bank nigga haha invent your own currency

>> No.22249609
File: 292 KB, 460x480, 1448798400917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I write an interesting main character whose job is to observe another character (the target is quite fun and colorful, so I think it will be easier on that front.)

>> No.22249629

There was an anon a bunch of threads back who was writing a story just like this. Hey, anon who was writing about the chick that had to watch over the drunk guy at the bar, I think his name was Jack, you here? I'm the anon that pointed out that you never mentioned your main character looking out of the window before randomly mentioning that they returned to looking out the window. It's a long shot but it might be fruitful.

>> No.22249908

I am getting so frustrated because I don't know how to come up with plot points!

>> No.22249955

What do you call that “style” of prose where every paragraph is only a sentence?

>> No.22249962

I forgot to mention how, in spite of this, each chapter manages to exceed 10,000 words. There over 50 chapters.

>> No.22249998

I don't get it. Do you just format it this way or are the sentences so distinct from each other they deserve to be separate paragraphs? Can you give an example?

>> No.22250019
File: 22 KB, 601x287, bell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bell is a dick

>> No.22250024


By the way my main character isn't dead. There's stuff there usually connected with death in symbolism bells ringing and fog but I just thought the imagery would be cool


You mean like Thomas Bernhard or Laszlo Krasznahorkai style of writing? I guess experimental or avant garde

>> No.22250041

Penultimate edit of this first novel.
Slowly making it.

>> No.22250059

Nay, I mean modern webnovel writing.

>> No.22250067


>> No.22250184

Is this a better first sentence?

Tainted orange by the dust storm, the cautious Mongol crossed the mountains, reaching the warted face of the unknown being.

>> No.22250189

>chiming sonorously
is a really ugly phrase. try something like
>the bell's sonorous chime
this doesn't come from a place of dogmatic rejection of adverbs. it comes from turning a pretty word into an ugly one in the process of conversion thereto.

>> No.22250268

/wg/ frens, are you active on social media? I like to consider it a waste of time but the writers I see using Twitter are actually published so is it possible I am the one who is wrong?

>> No.22250271

You probably needed twitter for any kind of engagement with public. Basically everyone used it for notifications about new content. But twitter might soon be dead so I don't really know.

>> No.22250274

No, but I will consider it. Not exactly something I want to do on a daily basis. Different social media posts are relevant for different lengths of time. So timing and post frequency is important if you do that.

>> No.22250280

anyone here into AI? i'm considering trying out sudowrite.

>inb4 consider killing yourself

>> No.22250304

'web fiction'

>> No.22250306

> Maybe if I could, then I might perhaps
Little redundant there.

>> No.22250331

I doomscroll every morning and I use it to message my brother and stalk the cute Korean girl that I'm too scared to message but other than that, no.

>> No.22250490

Sudowrite story engine can generate a lot of text, but giving context to it is labor intensive. As in 2000 words per chapter, and also big passages for summary and outline. Sudowrite is godawful at style. It is like herding cats. I think there is a course to make it work better, but most likely you are going to rewrite the hell out of the draft it gives you. If anything, Sudowrite is a tool to have a manuscript that sucks and you can edit, which is preferable to staring at a blank page.

>> No.22250585

how is it for brainstorming and planning?

>> No.22250589

reddit spacing

>> No.22250598

nta, AI writing is more for shitting things onto the page. It can provide for connections between passages and also, if you are esl, write better than you most of the time, but as a whole its more useful under somebody that knows what he wants than for looking into things
In terms of planning and brainstorming you will have to lead it and come up with directions it should go in.

>> No.22250618

I don't know, I haven't used it that way. If you want to use a tool to brainstorm, ChatGPT is better because it is conversational. In Sudowrite you are alotted words generated per month, not something I think is worth brainstorming. Sudowrite's story engine can generate outlines or elements of the outline that you can refine, and outside of the story engine you can ask it to review your work.
If you want to brainstorm or plot, I'd still stick with my own ideas first and just discuss it with others or chatgpt to see what more ideas or options you have. Some ideas have to be coaxed out through discussion.

>> No.22250623

>AI is more for shitting things onto the page. It can provide connections between passages and also, if you are esl, write better than you
I'm not against AI but that is really shitty anon. It's fine to use it to help you brainstorm but using the outputs in your final work makes you the hackiest of hacks, no better than celebrities who use ghost writers. You can reply with some snarky cope about "well nobody can tell the difference so I won't get caught :^)" but if you favor popularity, reputation or money over your skills as a writer then you have nothing to say and you're no more than an NPC. It doesn't matter if nobody knows you're doing the literature equivalent of a roastie putting on makeup.

>> No.22250637

I don't use it btw just because I find that the habit of writing is more important than the ability to shit on a page.
It does seem like a really dumb opinion just because when you write you are doing exactly what chatgpt is doing just in your brain. You are synthesizing information and trying to come up with how a story looks and feels to you. I don't see any problem with using AI written things in you're work and I believe the output wins over everything, so, yes, you will see AI output win sometimes and sometimes not.
maybe you should get off your high horse and see the practical uses of it instead of believing that shitting on people who use it will make it go away

>> No.22250707

this is going to turn into a very archaic way of thinking very soon.
what you don't realize is how iterative the process of working with AI is. for example, would you still call it fraudulent if you trained the AI on your own work?
what if you just tell it to write a certain way, a way that is in line with your own vision?
it's almost like you treat the AI "outputs" as tainted, but it's the user that ultimately envisions and vets the process to get what they want.

i'm an artist (and not a writer) so i understand your sentiment, but i think people will have to come to terms with the fact that technology is starting to encroach on areas that used to be uniquely human.
yes, writing is a skill, but parts of that skill are now able to be automated, so the some aspects of the skill will be less valueable now.

right now AI is already "good enough", and it will only get better.

>> No.22250835

AI is not a good enough writer, at all. It's completely unskilled and unable to grasp the subtlety of composition present in eventhe lowest of pulp.
This is not a cope, it's just completely observable reality. I use it to brainstorm and run pieces through there for quick critique, but it cannot write anything well. Not stories, nor poems, nor songs.
Maybe in the next few iterations of the technology it'll get there, but right now creative writing is safe from the AI menace.

>> No.22250927
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>and not a writer
Why do you like /wg/? Do you just like to read cutting edge /lit/?

>> No.22250947
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>> No.22250997

Yes that is a dictionary.

>> No.22251000

Guides or books on writing thrillers?
Something akin to The Girl on the Train.

>> No.22251010

As a new writer, what's harder to (e-)publish?
Feature length execution of a good idea, requires long term attention capture
>Short stories compilation
Several good ideas, individual sprints rather than a marathon

>> No.22251122

I think it depends on what you're writing, how you're publishing, and what your precise goal is.
If you're publishing online for free then long serials win handily. They stay visible for as long as you keep posting chapters, and people who like them will keep reading but are much less likely to check out your other work. Posting short fanfics for years got me a handful of fans, which was very gratifying, but now that I'm writing a longer serial I have over 200 subscriptions which is way more than I'm used to.
If your goal is to get something (anything) published traditionally then writing multiple short stories and submitting them in lots of places seems like it'd give you better odds than writing a single novel and pitching that. (I have not tried either.) Don't count on selling all your stories, but don't count on getting your first novel published either.
I don't know anything about commercial self-publishing.
Different genres with different audiences surely work in different ways.

>> No.22251130

Self publishing is easy. The hard part is convincing others to shell out $10 to buy your shit.

>> No.22251192

i came in here specifically to ask about sudowrite.
i was also curious if the people here were as anti-AI as /ic/ is about AI art.

>> No.22251216

There are some anti AI schizos on /lit/, but I see AI as a tool and I use it to start projects. Ive seen presentations about how it has been used in research. It's great but requires a ton of input for good data. As far as creative writing goes I am incredibly doubtful that the present tech paradigm will bring it to maturity. I think its future capabilities are greatly exaggerated based off of what I believe it may take to reach a new paradigm. I do think it will get better in our lifetime. The loftier promises I think are 22nd century.

>> No.22251223

There's basically zero market for short stories.

>> No.22251346

Doing something a lot makes you better at that thing, mostly

>> No.22251831

Why doesn't anyone reference more from the Bible? It has far better lore, world-building, and kino-moments than any other book I've read.

>> No.22251834

Do you mean in this thread or in general? Because basically the entire western cannon is a fanfic of the bible, bruh.

>> No.22251843
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I reference the Bible (King James Version) all the time in my writing because I talk like that in person. I just don't share much of my work until it's done.

>> No.22251859

In general. Authors have long detracted from the Bible with terrible sci-fi, fantasy, and nip stories.
All of which ranges around:
>God doesn't exist. Evolution did it.
>I will piss on him by embracing magic.
>I will kill him.
While, having ANGELS.

>> No.22251863

I do it because his framework is naturally the most constructive, especially in regard to how evil functions.

>> No.22251889

>reading a well selling booking
>come across this
>He’s handsome, I notice. Mid-thirties. In very good shape, as far as I can tell, under his flannel shirt and dirt-streaked jeans. He has a full beard and hair grown a little too long so that it curls slightly at the back of his neck. I’d be interested under different circumstances. Completely different. Living-another-existence different. Just like car repairs, my life doesn’t have room for romantic entanglements. And no, Kenny doesn’t count.
>instantly put it down
why the FUCK does this shit seem to be in every good selling book

>> No.22251899

True. I draw from Psalms, Proverbs, the book of Daniel, Jude and Thessalonians in the that regard. I don't like to make my antagonists as villainous as I like to make them typify the spirit behind what is wrong.

>> No.22251910

Can one write a rape scene without people think it's porn

>> No.22251931

The rape scene in Deliverance, by James Dickey.

>> No.22251935

I have noticed that God made patch changes because of the influences demons had on humanity. From appearances, their language, their races, and their lifespans.
With this, I considered making the side races (elves, horned humanoids) a divine punishment for humans messing with Magic to separate them from the rest of the crop.

>> No.22251941

Did you forget that the primary consumer of fiction today is women?

>> No.22251952

this doesn't read like it's glorifying rape does it
i want it to impart to the reader that what is happening is a bad thing

>> No.22251976

Why doesn't anyone reference more from the Avengers? It has far better lore, world-building, and kino-moments than any other movie I've seen.

>> No.22252018

What even happened in that Movie?

>> No.22252032

No it doesn't feel like that at all.

>> No.22252071

cool thanks

>> No.22252197

How could a life not have room for car repairs?

>> No.22252205

women can't car.

>> No.22252219
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and one of the main reasons the character goes despite not wanting is that she is poor and needs money
the line itself is pretty funny, I just find it strange that a man wrote this and he wrote it in this way because it sells. Like what happened to books for men?

>> No.22252222

>Like what happened to books for men?
They're called video games now.

>> No.22252231


>> No.22252333

There's a setup I like so much, I want to use it twice.

Can I?

>> No.22252336


>> No.22252405

Yeah, but you have to iterate on it in some creative way, you can't just repeat yourself

>> No.22252419

It's the MC getting saved by a manic pixie dream girl. The difference is that one time it's a succubus leading the MC to ruin, and the other time it's an angel the MC is leading to ruin.

>> No.22252465

have u considered writing ur will and then killing yourself
those are shitty ideas

>> No.22252473

phew you agree they're distinct enough to be their own ideas

>> No.22252479

maybe i was being too generous
maybe cliche would've been the right word
and cliche does not imply that is has been done before and seen success because it's a good idea
it's a cliche bc pornsick men fetishize eccentric women and want to remove any responsibility for their own actions and force them onto someone else who can be held accountable for their dumb shit

>> No.22252486

see, you agree with me
thank you bro

>> No.22252530
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I just started writing for the 1st time today ever in a small note book i bought. I felt like i could KILL it because im normally good at typing out prose and coming up with scenarios and wording it out in my head but the moment i put my Gel pen to the notebook i started instantly having writers block and having some kind of disassociation with my writing style. Is this normal? I feel like hand writing on paper kinda made me a different kind of thinker and processed things differently. I feel kind of embarrassed now. kek

>> No.22252577

Does anybody follow independent authors on Substack? I've been reading this guy's novel "Methuselah" and it's actually fantastic so far. (apiper.substack.com)

Here's the pitch (I refuse to use the word blurb):

>July 15th, 1918 — Second Battle of the Marne.
>Sergeant Samuel Carmichael of the United States Army was weary of soul and bone. He missed Pittsburgh, the shepherd’s pies his mother baked on Sundays, the innocent banter of his doting sister, and more than anything, he yearned for —
>“GAS! GAS!” — explosions, shouts, panic. The men cursed and fumbled with their gas masks, save for one: Private Maynard, whose mask was lost in the darkness. In a final act of heroism, Sergeant Carmichael — war-weary but evermore loyal — gives his mask to Private Maynard, and, suffocating to death …
>… awakens hours later, alive and inexplicably well.
>Almost a hundred years later, his centenarian wife Victoria dies, but he is still a young man. As the anchor to his secret existence dissolves with her last breath, Samuel is an ageless, perhaps immortal, castaway in a world alien to memory. His grip on reality wanes; his soul stirs relentlessly. As the tapestry of the past century unravels, the sergeant is plunged into an odyssey through the shadows of a fracturing psyche and the agonizing questions of his life.
>Methuselah is an unflinching gaze into the opera of divine providence, the abyss of true malevolence, and the trials of the Western soul — a soul once bound by faith, wonder, sacrifice, and redemption, convictions now adrift in the same tempest of decay that threatens to drag Samuel Carmichael down to the depths of ruination forever.

Any other recommendations? I feel like this is a hidden gem and I'm wondering what, and where, you've find your favorite "unknown" works

>> No.22252737

tfw author bf/gf never EVER
where do i meet you people? every time i find a decent web serial to read i instantly fall in love with the author, but messaging a stranger "hello i love you marry me pls" is probably a little off-putting i would imagine

>> No.22252761

you forget, the angels are evil, and even when they aren't they have very little similarities to the bibilical angels.

I read one about Gabriel, but there's nothing in the story that shared anything with the Archangel.

>> No.22252765

You should consult a therapist

>> No.22252768

>le biblically accurate angels
fuck you

>> No.22252770


>> No.22252813

Don't you curse on us in this world of God. Your time is nigh.

>> No.22252830

You're not supposed to fall in love with strangers even when you like their works

>> No.22252841

shouldn't an aspiring author understand the concept of hyperbole?

>> No.22252848

Just discovered the power of a discovery draft Will not be going back. No idea why I put so much stress on first drafts before. Nothing like getting to the 4100th worth and only now realising how this story is gonna go
And to think, draft two will have more surprises. Maybe I'll do 10 drafts! Imagine the kino!

>> No.22252852

There wasn't any hyperbole impliee in the first post, after this backtracking I can even assume you're a woman. Check your psyche first.

>> No.22252853

is it normal to feel like as you're writing a character, it's less you describing them and more you getting to know them?

>> No.22252855

>doesn't understand subtext either

>> No.22252894


>> No.22252908
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>Write isekai/litRPG slop
>On chapter 2
>Got 120 people reading this crap
>Unsure if I should just stick to generic isekai faggot shit or try to write something I might actually enjoy at the risk of potentially losing my audience
What would Jesus do?

>> No.22252914

Reading my old scrapped unfinished draft. I am usually careful with writing drafts and expect to edit them rather than starting again. And yet the prose is really bad. But dialogue works, I think. Don't even know if I can actually write something good in the end. Maybe I'm really missing something?
Mostly dialogue
Mostly not dialogue

>> No.22252924

If you actually hate writing it then don't. If you like it well enough, even if it isn't your ideal genre, but want the easy readers that come with it, then write isekai. Who cares?

The pseuds are annoying as fuck but at least they aren't wish washy. Write trash if you want but don't be a faggot about it. Trying to join the pseuds in their imaginary superiority while simultaneously wavering over writing isekai makes you my new least favorite anon.

>> No.22252940

People have such a gross inferiority complex about writing trash fiction. You’re doing it for money. Your only measure for success is how much money you make. Why trifle with the pseuds? Your aims aren’t theirs. You don’t want acclaim or awards or validation from the literati. You want patreon subs. So why lash out constantly at the oppressive scrutiny of the pseuds?
You’re a man who sells burgers and aspires to be McDonald’s. Your trade will always be in slop and people will always say as much. How can you weep about it when a Michelin star was never your aim?

>> No.22252947
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I'm going to print this post and hang it on my wall.

>> No.22252954

Who's weeping about what? I agree with what you said. I just called the pseuds annoying because they have unfounded egos and frankly are worse writers than most genre writers (because they don't write lmao). I brought it up because anon above was wavering between being a pseud and also writing trash.

Aspiring to be a great chef doesn't make you inherently better. If you're shit (most pseuds are) then you're shit. Butting into conversations about genre fiction and being annoying when you're probably a worse writer is obnoxious and it keeps happening.

>> No.22252974

You have embarrassingly low standards for what makes an iconic post. Or are samefagging. The second would somehow be better.

>> No.22252980

It's just a nice little way to remind myself what I'm writing for.
What's the matter fag? Jealous no one's ever said anything nice about your posts?

>> No.22252990

Im a voice first writer. It’s like the kernel of the first character is there from the opening sentence, and thus his story.
The common aspect of my meandering drafts is having a narrator without a strong voice and therefore no real character.
This also means that my most interesting ideas get fucking wasted because the narrative took shape before the narrator and I’m never able to unfuck those messy drafts

>> No.22252998


>> No.22253035

Didn't know about Royal Road before coming to this thread. Funny enough it seems to be no different than that one Japanese website from where all isekai novels and anime are born.
Does anyone that started with Royal Road actually make money and sell books?
Are there any other alternatives to Royal Road?

>> No.22253044

I don't like isekai at all, but I can see you're doing a good job utilizing the genre to flesh out the setting. It's quite readable, good for the type of story even. But it is, of course, only considering the prose and flow. The start of the literary work doesn't really tell me about how deep you can go with this premise and if the plot is good. And I personally don't like a trope of older guy being reborn as younger protagonist.

>> No.22253045

speaking as someone who reads way, way too much, royalroad is going to be your best place to find a "mainstream" webnovel audience in the west. scribblehub is decent and has slightly better tagging, but most of the good stuff is on royalroad

>> No.22253165

Damn, beautiful. I have no criticisms, mostly because I'm falling asleep. More please.

>> No.22253283

i've spent about 1000 bucks on the printing. I get it some of you guys don't have even that kind of money, but it isn't really that expensive, you just need to get into the details. It's not like a bank at all, it's just like a music label or any other indie shit people do all the time.

>> No.22253383

I think if you have both events happen fairly close together in time, you can get away with it being considered a single setup rather than repeating yourself

>> No.22253647

CUTE anon

>> No.22253943

Probably no one here, but the top writers on RoyalRoad easily take home $20,000+ every month from Patreon alone.

>> No.22253978

Name three.

>> No.22253988

>try to read Irene Iddesleigh in order to improve prose
>it’s the most purple (in the purely negative sense) piece of work
>can’t make it through a paragraph without losing it
Amanda McKittrick Ros is the most based author for self-publishing her book. Is it even possible to be so unintentionally amusing without being genuinely unable of introspection?

>> No.22254000

Zogarth, TheFirstDefier, CasualFarmer, Shirtaloon, PirateAba

>> No.22254106

Imo your prose is serviceable but bland. Your dialogue is definitely sharper but the tone is monotonous. Experiment with rhythm and word choice. Overall, not bad

>> No.22254116

it might be cute if i ACTUALLY HAD ONE but i do not so it is not

>> No.22254128


How do you outline? How do you outline a scene? How do you create your characters?

>> No.22254150

How do I write. How can I make a story people will read? Why am I writing?

Why do you people keep asking stupid questions like this?

>> No.22254167

Not the anon who posted it, but https://www.advancedfictionwriting.com/articles/snowflake-method/ was helpful for me

>> No.22254171

Sorry, intended for

>> No.22254173

That's not three. Genre fags really be this retarded huh

>> No.22254194

There's at least 2 anons who make decent money from royalroad. Trailer Trash anon has been around for a while but idk how often he's actually here. There's also a newer one but he's never posted work so could easily be larping

>> No.22254271

>newer one
Which one do you mean?

>> No.22254286

There's an anon saying he makes 'living wages' with litrpg who started out recently. He was giving advice to someone else a few threads ago.

>> No.22254296

NTA, but I'll still answer your silly questions. The solutions are usually universal.
Try really hard again and again until you get good.
Imagine a memorable appearance, matching personality. Then figure out what's his/her goal is. Make a chatacter arc where the character changes in some aspect. Add theme to your character if you're into this style of writing. Try until you get good.

>> No.22254320

I could have made money with burgerpunk if I had kept at it? lmao.

>> No.22254349

Some pocket change probably. Four digits monthly like the two I mentioned? No, probably not. Unless you were trending massively with thousands of followers, and even then, some of those stories cap out at a few hundred $ a month. You have to have a huge audience and also a story that makes people want to sub to your patreon. The first part is much easier, actually. Of the stories that hit top 5 trending, probably 1 or 2 pull in good patreon numbers as well

>> No.22254366

Ah, that's what I thought. It wasn't really the place for it. My writing was garbage and it all turned into short stories. No cliff hangers. No anime. It would not have made money. It was fun though. Got to stretch writing muscles I hadn't used and got feedback from anons.

>> No.22254474

What if you want to write complete books and not weekly isekai chapters?

>> No.22254498
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>Any undue interest in or physical contact with children will set off alarms. If you do not want your reader to think he is reading about a pedophile, dandling of children on knees should be kept to a minimum by fathers, and even more so by uncles. If your character is in any way associated with organized religion, whether he is a bishop, a minister, or the kindly old church caretaker with a twinkle in his eye, he should not even pull a child from a burning building.

>> No.22254511

>bishop, a minister, or the kindly old church caretaker
>no mention of rabbis who are record breakers in child diddling

>> No.22254538
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>I don't like isekai at all, but I can see you're doing a good job utilizing the genre
I'm not super hot on it either, but it's sort of required for the premise. If you want to show a female dominated reverse-world, then there has to be an outsider to explore it, make assumptions, ask questions, etc.

I was planning to cut out lots of the standard isekai discussion/discovery/filler since the readers don't really need any of that explained to them. Like, the only thing showing that the guy is from another world is his dialog, not anything narrated in the text.

>> No.22254551

Then write them in books and post the chapters serially?

Or are you saying you don't write popular web serial genres like isekai, litrpg, etc? Then RR might not be for you, just like Wattpad isn't for something besides romance. So if that's the case I guess go pub on Amazon where your audience is. I don't get your question.

>> No.22254726

How do you pace out action scenes? Feel like I edit them down too much and they're super short.

>> No.22254820

Yes but I do not know how to come up with plot points. Like what is supposed to actually happen?

>> No.22254840
File: 172 KB, 1080x1326, ChaddestChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my protagonist serves as a crying pillow in bed for his adoptive father
>my protagonist also protects his loli adoptive sister
>his said loli adoptive sister grows up a bit and thinks of him as a man
Another protagonist?
>Has a 17 year old fall in love with him slowly as they travel the country, he's in his mid 20s
I'm not a pedophile but you're free to think so.

>> No.22254856

>Feel like I edit them down too much and they're super short.
Are they supposed to be?
Is it a prolonged swashbuckling with a character explaining to another that he killed his father? Or is it a scene where a guy cuts 3 heads off in a matter of seconds?

If it's the latter, keep them short, even if you want it to be cool. It'll be cool that way.

>> No.22254878

It's stuff like the protagonist runs and gets somebody
I don't want to skip right to him getting there, but I also don't want to describe scenery. How do I show down the pace without killing the forward momentum of a simple task?

>> No.22254991

Nigger I first have to know if you are even doing anything wrong.

Use simple one-word synonyms as replacement for entire sentences if you can. Running very fast is sprinting, running very fast away is bolting.

>> No.22255009

I'm trying to make it longer, not shorter
I have no problem condensing action down
My problem is elongating action to make later events more impactful

>> No.22255152

You sound adorable :3

>> No.22255254

Post an excerpt and we can give our views on it

The novel that cracks open this taboo in the mainstream is going to be huge. Controversial, maybe hated, could get its author killed, but it will be big.

>> No.22255529

Will writing short stories regularly improve my plotting skills? I ask because I have written a 30k word story and a 40k word story; both of which I did not reach the ending because I thought the story sucked. I think that if I went back to short stories again that I could "master" outlining and plotting by having to do it more.

It would be so useful for me if I could get someone to critique my outline for me. I am overthinking it but I want to have a story where it has a complete and definite ending.

>> No.22255545

I use short stories as training exercises. It might help you.

>> No.22255628

What do they train? And do you also edit them afterwards? How do you get your ideas? Also, how long are they on average?

>> No.22255839
File: 187 KB, 1500x1000, valles marinares4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How racist can i make a character and his whole nation until it's too much for any publisher?
My country is the source of the "swear like a sailor" phrase so swearing and general racism isn't frowned upon, but i really want to go far in hammering down just how fucking racist the martian americans are to the shitskin nigger ruskies they have working the hard work. Also commentary on how racism and discrimination and the american concept of "white" makes no fucking sense and there are more sensible reasons to hate someone. IDK how the rules work when i try to publish in english, idk if i'll publish, i already have an "audience" willing to read books.

>> No.22255865

>What do they train?
Literally everything you want but you need to set out to learn what you want to learn. Dialogues? Write a dialogue-heavy story. Action? Write action-heavy story.
Sounds like you want an outline exercise. Try that.
>And do you also edit them afterwards?
Yes, obviously.
>How do you get your ideas?
In my schizo brain although I'm inbetween something of being too busy with another thing and a writer's block.
>Also, how long are they on average?
One "short" story is 22k words, other will be(TM)™ 6~k.

>> No.22255871

You should worry less about if your work is spicy and more if it's in good taste and if anyone will read it.
If it genuinely can capture an audience and has some deeper message beyond just inserting a racist character in, it'll probably get published anyway.

>> No.22255879

I'm so used to generally racist language and i want to make an english audience know how it feels to have a free language. I won't go cartoonish, but for english it is cartoonish. But honestly i don't know how english swearing really works i always just use my logic.

>> No.22255939
File: 272 KB, 440x552, anon-net-girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all fall in love with strangers.

>> No.22255949
File: 141 KB, 820x627, pepe-typing-thumbsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That may have been me. I post that link on occasion.
If so, glad I could help.

>> No.22255958

>hurr durr i'm so edgy

>> No.22255960

You're way too late.

>> No.22255963

apparently...OP didn't link to it from here

>> No.22256223

not an answer to my question >:(