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22237204 No.22237204 [Reply] [Original]

Is literature better or worse off thanks to Christianity?

>> No.22237206
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>> No.22237221

>be Rome
>fall due to internal strife and conquering tribes
>most knowledge of the Empire is lost as a result
Fucking Christians

>> No.22237312
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>not posting the whole graph

>> No.22237320

humanity is worse off thanks to christianity. if there was a genocide of all christians, regardless of race, we'd probably save the planet and mankind.

>> No.22237322

>le galaxy
Total Faustian Death

>> No.22237334
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Woah. Where do I find out more on the Finnish and Korean empires

>> No.22237338

Dark ages are a meme. I thought this caught on, There was plenty of advancement once the Franks got everything together, after LE FALL. You know, we used to have these people called Medievalists who could maybe tell you all about it. The decline of Classical studies is in no way as tragic as the absolute falling out of any knowledge of the middle ages. Don't believe some facebook graph from "Roman SPQRposting". At least the Classics world gets fetishists who larp for aa sun worshiping fascist state, or to talk about homo Achilles all day. Now to answer your question literature is probably better off with Christianity. A closer to the modern use of writing really flourished as a medium starting after Latin began to fade ironically, and the various regions of the former empire began to form a new identity. For example Beowulf/Old English, Troubadors, Dante. Now I love the Roman Empire more than the next guy, but blaming Christianity or the "fall" of Rome, as impeding scientific or literary progress is retarded.

>> No.22237355

Why do Redditors always want to "explore the galaxy"?

>> No.22237369

>explore the galaxy
why though? There's nothing out there

>> No.22237370

Tremendously worse off in ways I don‘t think are even really accounted for. The inability for several hundred years to write without connection to jewish folklore is a big deal, as was the overwriting of historical legends such as Beowulf with christoid identifiers. But probably more significant is the separation from other arts such as music and athletics, followed by the banishment of such things from the public sphere.

Frankly, we‘ve never recovered.

>> No.22237446

found the pagarape baby. how are there even people like this lmao

>> No.22237454

>The inability for several hundred years to write without connection to jewish folklore
That's essentially Europe by default, starting with the orientalizing period and beyond

>> No.22237465

Because they are obsessed with the physical and apparent world. Redditors=Satanists

>> No.22237473

Finnish & Korean Empires wtf. I always wondered who claim this things. Was Blavatsky dear anon?

>> No.22237518

Sam harris obviously.

>> No.22237535

Recently I have been playing with this schizo idea that the christianization of europe resulted in a jekyll and hyde scenario where ever since then europe has been a battleground for spiritual semites (such as protestants) and spiritual hellenes (such as the people of the renaissance, baroque artists, romantics, etc.). Like a yin-yang, Creation and Destruction are locked in a perpetual struggle where neither one can completely erase the other, but the periods of the dominance of one or the other do fundamentally make their mark on the core characteristics of certain phases of history.

>> No.22237572

The inventor of the rennaissance was Catholic (Mirandolla) and the leading proponent of using Greek philosophy was Scholastics (Sts. Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure), so this graph's uptick is caused by that. It's worth noting that literature's greats all struggled with Jesus Christ's teachings and anyone who didn't is a liar - from DFW to Faulkner or from Swinburne to Rilke they all dealt with and struggled with in a way that Buddhism does not. I think the key here, for why Christianity is the best for literature, is it is a beauty and faith that causes struggle because of its universal and demanding nature where as Yoga, Buddhism, Shintoism, and Islam do not demand the same internal judgement which a Confessional does.

>> No.22237576

It's shit

>> No.22237595

Greek history is millions of years the Vatican burned all the books not Jesus

>> No.22237612

People arguing with points like "but scholastic philosophy kept Aristotle alive" remind me of battered housewives who are thankful that they only got beaten a little and instantly take it as a sign of benevolence that they weren't beaten as badly as they thought they were going to be beaten. Cicero and Archimedes were lost and had to be deciphered from palimpsests because christians believed that scribbling jewish fairy tales over them would make better use of the paper. The physical, philosophical, and mental damage to european civilization due to christianity is unspeakably massive...if not for christianity, the renaissance would have probably happened five or six centuries earlier, and Europe wouldn't have had to be mentally subjected to the alien gospel of weakness and self-hate that lies at the root of every boil and festering wound of our sickly and suicidal modern culture.

>> No.22237736

>kept Aristotle alive
No revived.
>Cicero and Archimedes were lost and had to be deciphered from palimpsests because christians believed that scribbling jewish fairy tales over them would make better use of the paper.
They were right.
>The physical, philosophical, and mental damage to european civilization due to christianity is unspeakably massive
List 5-10 examples

>> No.22237975

I bet you also believe in climate change, that the world is going to be unlivable in a few years, and that humans will be extinct within one hundred. If you believe the message of the Facebook post, then you should realize it is false we could be "exploring galaxies by now". Because if the Renaissance happened six centuries earlier, then the human race would be extinct due to climate change and the technologies we developed. If anything Christianity and it's supposed effects on technological advancement was a good thing. It delayed climate change and the extinction of the human race.

Checkmate redditor.

>> No.22238022

Why couldn't other areas of the world fill the gap?

>> No.22238035

Dude Islam is Christianity with rolling heads

>> No.22238054

>Cicero and Archimedes were lost and had to be deciphered from palimpsests because christians believed that scribbling jewish fairy tales over them would make better use of the paper.
1) Parrs of Cicero's writings are lost, but access to Cicero's various philosophical and rhetorical writings was damn near constant; what was discovered were his *letters*.

2) Besides a *single* work copied over relatively recently rediscovered, Archimedes' works were accessible before the Renaissance in Latin and Arabic translations, and was retranslated afresh in the 13th century, unless you're taking the 13th century as = the Renaissance. Shit, there's a multi-volume study on his reception in the middle ages by Marshall Clagett. The church was still regularly using Euclid for the study of mathematics, it's not like they ignored Archimedes because "math bad" during the several centuries of Germanic and Islamic invasions as opposed to needing deal with other shit.

>> No.22238057

The specifies keeps failing to launch. Humans are NEETs of the universe,

>> No.22238064

No. You don't understand. Reddit and the internet and the Democrats have told me be Christianity is bad. Therefore you are wrong and any "historical" documents or facts you can cite are just propaganda.

>> No.22238066

Weren't monasteries the bastions of knowledge of their time?

>> No.22238110

It's not reddit, it is the frontier spirit of the race, the same thing that motivates us to explore everest and the mariana trench. SAD that your jewish brainslug is causing you to belittle that.

>> No.22238131
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Literature is better off thanks to Christianity because if it wasn't for the anti-Christian Renaissance, art would have always remained a sacred and divine activity instead of an increasingly profane and atomised hobby.

>> No.22238137

Protestant or Catholic Christianity?
Because the Protestants encouraged reading while the Catholics did all they could to suppress it.

>> No.22238170

>starting after the Silurians
Another fucking warmblood whitewash.

>> No.22238454

How come this map doesn't included the Islamic Golden Ages? Islam saved scientific knowledge which the Christians destroyed. Muslims were like really smart and I mean they still are really smart people but they were like GOLDEN thats why its called the golden age because gold is good and dark is not good.

>> No.22238503

they want real life to be like star trek.
not that exploration isn't an admirable goal, but it's not some sense of wonder that drives them, just an inability to separate reality from fiction.

>> No.22238512

>Islam saved scientific knowledge
Only because they happened to capture Egypt and the library at Alexandria
>which the Christians destroyed
lolwut? all the destruction was wrought by pagans.
It's only called the "Dark" Ages by Christfags, because it was such a low ebb for Christianity. Everybody else was having a great time.

>> No.22238593

Way worse.

>> No.22238693

>fall due to internal strife and conquering tribes
What was the source of this internal strife? The rise of Christianity and the resistance from the pagans. What religion do you think those tribes belonged to? A very large number of them were Christian.

>> No.22238953

Didn't know the germanic tribes were Christians, that's news to me.

>> No.22239089

They were mostly Arian Christians afaik. Spared the Churches .

>> No.22239115

Fun fact, Medieval knights can defeat any Roman legion.

>> No.22239194

The Byzantine Empire existed and I don't think it was thanks to Christians that a lot of their manuscripts do not exist now.

>> No.22239311

>the history understander has logged in

>> No.22239355

i love this meme. you'd think these neckbeards would have learned their lesson, but this image should always be posted after op's

>> No.22241119

>most knowledge of the Empire is lost as a result
Such as?

>> No.22241139

It was objectively useful for the fantasy genre as they wrote down fantastical concepts and recorded information about some Pagan faitts as well

>> No.22241511

They have. The West forgets the humongous debt it owed to the Islamic scholars, that did their work in exactly the time range that corresponds to those "dark ages". Look to the Ibn Haytham and the invention of the scientific method. Or the work of Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine, which was used in the West as the standard at medical schools until the mid 16th century.

>> No.22241550
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Funny how they think themselves enlightened because they're more Scientific™, when this graph is the furthest thing from scientific. How in the hell do you even measure ""scientific advancements""?

>> No.22242118

We define scientific advancements as something that the white man does, therefore you see the superiority of white man, given we own all scientific advancements

>> No.22242144

Fear and hunger

>> No.22242167
File: 2.61 MB, 2160x2880, IMG_20230704_184616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The RPG that will BREAK you. I don't know about you, but it for sure BROKE me and left me a CONVULSING and DEFECATING MESS due to how BRUTAL and CRUEL it was. Definitely... the MOST... DISTURBING... games... of all times

>> No.22242934

The clickbait youtubers are what broke me. But im glad all of those are getting their deserved praise.

>> No.22242994

Christian literature is worse than Pagan but better than atheist literature

>> No.22243003

hes trolling my friend lurkmore

>> No.22243012

Not every knight in a medieval army would wield a plate armour cuirass, and even if we stepped out of reason and gave every single one of them one, the romans still had a same concept called lorica segmentata, in which we should equip the roman legion. roman legionnaries were also professional, heavy drilled soldiers, the likes of which would not develop until the end of middle ages in france a nd maybe with janissaries. As napoleon said, midwits discuss tactics, and geniuses discuss logistics, which were much superior in roman legions, because they were again, a professional army.

>> No.22243033

Yes, the introduction of pattents started in venice, that sought to record scientific progress and reward it. Before that, scientists can survey various documents and find some fascinating ancient inventions,such as the Ancient egyptian pregnancy test,Aeolipile,Antikythera mechanism, and much more, Some of these presumptions may have been wrong like Plato's idea of cosmos, but the scientific method that, was developed by muslim and later european scholars, was inspired by aristotle

>> No.22243044

build roads christroon

>> No.22243053

The printing press, gunpowder, paper money, the compass and paper making was invented by chinese. Sugar, chess, algebraic equations and medicinic practices were brought over by arabs and invented by indians. The scientific method was invented by arabs, as well as algorithms. European racism was also invented by andalusians, where they refused to let go of muslim black slaves due to never being abrahamic and being of other skin color, which led to spanish Limpieza de sangre, and reconquista, following up with conquest of americas. Also go back to /pol/

>> No.22243068

Nope. The reason knights win is because of horses. And we know legionnaires were replaced since the byzantines kept getting their asses kicked

>> No.22243088

The romans could ride horses too. The main role of a horse on the battlefield is intimidation and breakage of enemy lines, a disciplined army likely wouldn't fall for that. The byzantines faced seljuk horse archers, a different thing entirely, or khalid ibn walid, one of the greatest generals in history and insane zeal of a newborn militaristic religion, if you refer to earlier periods

>> No.22243806

>The reason knights win is because of horses
Horses are defeated by any well-disciplined body of spearmen. You can't train a horse to impale itself on a hedge of spearpoints.
Do you even play Total War?

>> No.22243827

>I remember that at that time his steward was a great Cacique to whom we gave the name of Tápia, and he kept the accounts of all the revenue that was brought to Montezuma, in his books which were made of paper which they call amal, and he had a great house full of these books.

>They burned Nezahualpilli’s royal houses, where there was a large room that was the general archive of their papers on which were painted all the ancient things; now his descendants cry with great emotion for having been left in the dark without news or memory of the deeds of their ancestors.

>Others kept the books of laws, rites, and ceremonies.. and calendars. Finally, the philosophers and learned people... were in charge of painting all the knowledge that they had acquired and understood and of teaching from memory all the songs with which they preserved their knowledge and histories...but the majority of their histories were recklessly and heedlessly burned...all of the aforementioned books, texts, and materials

>The dwellings of King Nezahualcoyotzin...the grandeur of their buildings, halls, bedchambers and other private rooms, gardens, temples, patio...it had another large hall with many rooms all around it; this was the university where all the kingdom’s poets, historians, and philosophers gathered, divided by field and school according to each one’s branch of knowledge. The royal archives were also here...The fire consumed everything...This was one of the greatest losses that these lands ever suffered, because all the memories of their antiquity and other things that served as writings and records were destroyed

>These people also made use of certain characters...with which they wrote in their books their ancient matters and their sciences, and by these.. they understood their affairs and made others understand them and taught them. We found a large number of books...as they contained nothing in which were not to be seen as superstition and lies of the devil, we burned them all, which they regretted to an amazing degree, and which caused them much affliction

(note: not all of these are describing books/libraries from Tenochtitlan like in pic related)

>> No.22243980
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You are wrong sir. After the Hyperwar, the two great founders of the people who would become the Tartarians, Pajeet Khan and Aisin-Gioro Pupi, founded the Tartarian empire and preserved the technology and culture of the ruined Finnish and Korean empires. There never was a dark age until a few hundred years ago when colonialists unleashed the strategic mud reserve and flattened the great civilization. Please correct sir.

>> No.22244053

because of star wars, really

>> No.22244061


>> No.22244082

Yeah but that was in the 3rd century AD, when Rome already was in the middle of its collapse and there had been emperors killing each other for almost two centuries at that point.

>> No.22245159

nothing is better off thanks to christianity. its a stupid fucking religion and its followers and autistic at best. christians should commit suicide.

>> No.22245173

>why people want leave cave?
>cave safe
>me think should improve cave

>> No.22245279

There are those who say that human morality itself would not be as advanced as it is if christ never existed, and I suspect they might be right. I wouldn't want to risk it, certainly

>> No.22245295

Based take.

>> No.22246561

christians killed europe with their sand nigger religion

>> No.22246567

no argument, nigger

>> No.22246573


>> No.22246578

all hebrew sand niggers are cancer

>> No.22246604

Maldek will always continue to exist in my heart

>> No.22247676

You've never read about the fenno-korean hyperwar? Neo/lit/ is something else man ....

>> No.22247797

>The inventor of the rennaissance was Catholic (Mirandolla) and the leading proponent of using Greek philosophy was Scholastics (Sts. Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure), so this graph's uptick is caused by that.
Are you retarded?
Of course they were caused by christians, they had purged everybody else.

>> No.22247821

Beowulf is crap compared to Homer