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/lit/ - Literature

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22217730 No.22217730 [Reply] [Original]

>trying to create a Youtube video about an obscure book I enjoy
>keep stuttering, speaking too quickly and struggling to pronounce words

Any suggestions on how to read aloud in an authentic, articulate way?

>> No.22217748

Not being autistic helps.

>> No.22217749

Anon, just practice. Seems like you have some speech disability but you can overcome it.

>> No.22217750

Pick up a book and read aloud for an hour every day, don't even record yourself before practicing for a month, don't upload anything before doing this for 3 months. Also learn how to use DAWs and vocal plugins like iZotope Nectar. There are also several helpful books focused on narration, voice acting and such.
>t. doing this myself

>> No.22217751

Write a script and read from it. Also, put captions. Some stuttering is fine.

>> No.22217838

I'm just some fag who doesn't know anything about speech disabilities but since I just watched The Kings Speech try that thing where you're listening to something so loud you can't hear yourself, and record your script from there.

>> No.22217841

My dude I'm on the opposite end. I can speak well enough for a voiceover but editing is a nightmare. Been sitting on recordings for three 20+ minute essays for over six months.

>> No.22217866

get a job where you have to present to people

>> No.22217925

Thank you. I've tried recording the opening paragraphs of my essay at least 100 times by now, but it still sounds retarded. I feel like I lack an "authentic" voice, or even accent.

>> No.22217930

Thank you.

I have written a script, but it's almost 6,000 words in length and I have been struggling to properly record myself reading aloud the first 100 words. For example, the word "literary" is used in the essay several times, but I can't pronounce it, maybe because of my accent or because I naturally talk very fast.

>> No.22217934

Editing in what sense?

>> No.22217941

Just use AI to generate the reading, it can make you look more attractive as well

>> No.22217962

Any advice on how to do this?

>> No.22217978


AI speech analysis tools can help identify areas for improvement in your speaking skills. Services like Speechify, Grammarly, or even AI-powered language learning apps can provide feedback on pronunciation, grammar, and clarity. By practicing with such tools, you can refine your speech patterns and improve articulation.

AI chatbots or virtual reality simulations can simulate public speaking scenarios, allowing you to practice in a controlled environment. These tools can help you gain confidence, work on your delivery, and receive feedback on areas that need improvement. One example is the VirtualSpeech platform, which offers virtual reality environments for public speaking practice.

Various AI apps and platforms focus on improving pronunciation and diction skills. Apps like ELSA Speak, Pronounce, and Speechling offer personalized feedback on your pronunciation, helping you refine your spoken language skills.

>> No.22217980

>or because I naturally talk very fast
hopefully you see this as a problem that needs to be corrected

>> No.22217992

Thank you.

I do, although it's hard to know what is normal when you rarely speak to anybody.

>> No.22218009


>> No.22218015


>> No.22218020

The book isn’t obscure, moron

>> No.22218023

Anon if you feel just below the middle of your ribcage and let out short sharp hisses you should feel something push outwards. To get a deep, resonant voice you should practice having it pushed out as you speak.

>> No.22218044

Keep practicing. And edit it. Is the video just going to be you talking to your camera? I really recommend occasionally cutting to relevant pictures or something so you have natural places to cut your dialogue without the video looking choppy, and also it maintains visual interest. Also you should take comfort in the fact that basically nobody will watch it.

>> No.22218053

For now have AI read it
Slowly gradually with steps be the man your mommy wants you to be

>> No.22218065

Is this free?

Any recs for free AI software that is decent quality?

>> No.22218066

AI is going to make everyone more retarded than they already are. You can insist it's just a stepping stone to learning more or improving a skill, but let's be honest: most people are going to stop at letting the computer do it for them. And that includes all you shills itt

>> No.22218067

Talk slower, and your eyes should always be several words ahead of whatever you are reading from, and never record your first take.
Your first take should just be for practice and you should use no infliction or emphasis, just deadread it as preparation.

>> No.22218068

Just bring in a friend to sit behind the camera and talk to them.

>> No.22218073

Try voice recording the Ms word or google or Adobe's or e_reader apps' text to speech engine

>> No.22218076
File: 52 KB, 750x900, sonnerad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a drink or two to relax. It can take dozens of takes to read something correctly. Put in natural breaks where you can pause long enough to edit pieces together. Hope it turns out well.

What is the book you have enjoyed?

>> No.22218077

Okay, this is great. Writing the script is okay for me, so I will just have a robot read out the work. Thank you :)

>> No.22218078

It's free, but you can only do and download 333 words each time. Just edit it all together with some editing software. You have to pay otherwise.

>> No.22218084

Thank you, but drinking alcohol (which I rarely do) only makes me slur worse. I will post the video here once I am done having an AI read it, if that is okay.

>> No.22218105
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That's a shame, Skepitcal Waves uses AI or a program to read texts aloud and it is the most awkward and unpleasant way to experience a written work. I implore you to overcome your difficulties and read it yourself, even if you think it is subpar.

>> No.22218138

Listen to people you enjoy hearing speak, and emulate them.

>> No.22218159

yeah, what they say about Ai, they said it about wikipedia lol

>> No.22218206

This reply was generated by an algorithm, wasn't it?

>> No.22218219

Practice. Do it for like 500 hours and you'll be good at it.

>> No.22218234

i read a majority of the iliad aloud when i was 15-16. just read through the voice cracks and dry mouth so now i can do it p well.

>> No.22218238

Just upload your video at 0.75x

>> No.22219112

I checked out that channel and agree that it's very difficult to pay attention when the speaking voice lacks appropriate intonation, emphasis etc. I tried it out on my video but it sounds so artificial. Perhaps I will just push through and read the entire script, flaws and all, and then see if I'm overthinking it after further editing.

>> No.22219137

just use youtube to see how fast people talk

>> No.22219246

As a kid I loved reading out loud and emoting every part. I practiced since I was 4 and was already really good at it at 8. The teachers resented my superior reading skills which felt weird. Later I found out it was the classic small town resentment against the new family from the city.
Thanks for reading my blog about how great I am.

>> No.22219287

Take it slowly at one sentence at a time. Use cuts if you need to (you can obscure these with visuals).
You'll get better with time.

>> No.22219305

Good luck with your channel, anon!
Practise reading your script without looking at it, memorize passages of it and read it in front of the mirror (as if you're recording a vlog) and pretend you're having a conversation with someone else.
Trust me this will work, I had the exactp problem as you and this helped me.
It's so odd, like you think you don't know how to speak or something.

>> No.22219314

Just keep practicing dude, record yourself each time and notice the subtle improvements. After a while you'll be able to do it.

>> No.22219541

Thanks, bros.

>> No.22219551

Watch The King's Speech and listen to the SCATMAN



>> No.22219585
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Link your YouTube channels

>> No.22219601

How do you guys do your video editing? Any tips for someone just getting started? I want to make tutorial videos for this niche hobby I'm into and I want to hit the sweet spot for "cheap but does the job" microphones, editing software and such.

Why is editing such a hassle if you're just following a script?

>> No.22219666

Whenever I'm making a video and I'm recording my audio, I'm just repeating talking points that I've said out loud to myself like a schizo whilst going about my daily life (obviously inside and not out in public). Just sort of practice to yourself until you know what you're going to say without really having to think about it. For editing, I'm using Movie Studio 18 Platinum and it's okay, and Clipchamp for tweaking clips. Good luck with the channel yo.

>> No.22219694

OP here. I use Shotcut, a free video editing programme. It's pretty good and easy to get to grips with. For microphone I just have a cheap headset with a microphone attached, and I cut off the end of a sock and tied it over the microphone to prevent breathing noises etc from reducing the quality.

>> No.22220407

I run a /mu/sic related channel and I use Final Cut Pro. You can torrent a copy still.
I used to use Vegas, back when I ran Windows but point is pirate something good.

As for microphone, you can get a lot of mileage out of shit microphones as long as you set up your environment correctly.
Don't have background noise, don't be in an empty room with echo etc.

Editing and adding visuals is a pain in the fucking ass but is what will push you over the edge in terms of quality.
You know what a good video looks like, so keep working until it looks and sounds good.

>> No.22221407

As the other anons have said just practice. Also, don't beat yourself up about your voice, most people hate the sound of their own voice. If it's one of your first videos, I say just bash it out and post it. Early on volume is better than one polished piece. The more you create the better they will be. Treat all your work this way or you will never complete anything. Perfectionism is procrastination, don't let those negative voices in your head stop you from moving forward.

>> No.22221430

Eat an apple immediately prior to recording.