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22210198 No.22210198 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fucking shit this book was good. For fear of spoilers I will not be returning to this thread, but I just needed to get that off of my chest before I start reading Words of Radiance

>> No.22210201

it doesn't last

>> No.22210308

What did I miss? It's just kinda marvel slop like. Even Rothfuss was better than this

>> No.22210384

Felt the same but then I keept reading the series and oh no no no....

>> No.22210639

you, my dear friend, are obviously retarded

>> No.22210650

yea, it was pretty sick

was it book 3 for you as well?

>> No.22210662

name of the wind was very well written, people just cry about the character being cringe
the way of kings does almost everything 'right' despite it's hero structure

>> No.22211145

>I’m going to praise this objectively shit author and not return to defend my position
Incredible bait

>> No.22211427

>was it book 3 for you as well?
NTA but book 3 was where thing started to go downhill. Sanderson's books often devolve into multiple cosmic forces doing "battle" which sucks because he's good at writing interpersonal conflict but he insists on making it about forces of nature fighting each other for heavenly dominance. Oathbringer was also the book where the Shallan character goes off the deep and and does not get better. Really annoying because she's one of the "three" main pov characters so a full 1/3 of the next couple books become suffering to read unless you want to hear what her headmates think of everything. Thought she was a fun character before she became defined by her mental illness too.

>> No.22211548

Okay I lied, because I'm back, but I'm glad that you guys didn't immediately spoil the series for me. I've felt like even the slightest bit of world building be revealed to me is like a spoiler because of how invested I was in tWoK. Sucks to hear that it starts falling off at Oathbringer, but I'll just have to read it all to see what I think. I'm gonna start on WoR tomorrow.

It got me back into reading novels after 5 years, so I'll always be grateful for it doing that

>> No.22211594

>Sucks to hear that it starts falling off at Oathbringer
I think it starts falling off hard but millions of other people don't think so so don't let our dislike of it affect your enjoyment. I duty read book 4 and hated over 50% of it but even that had some high moments. The only downside is they are 1000 pages long. Book 1 is still one of my favorite books ever.

>> No.22211601

>don't let our dislike of it affect your enjoyment
What fucking site am I on?

>> No.22211612

4chan got invaded by redditors after the protest shutdown.

>> No.22211626

That's what pisses me on, the first book is actually good the every other book qdter gets worst

>> No.22211648

Ditched the book halfway in. I think there wasn't a single thing that I really liked about it. All characters were annoying, and the worldbuilding was just so cringe for my liking. It's nice that others like it, but it's not something that I enjoyed in the slightest.

>> No.22211955

I shouldn't wright while drunk but got the point

>> No.22211996

goddamn i'm retarted

>> No.22212171

Why not?

>> No.22212398

>4chan got invaded by redditors after the protest shutdown.
And I'm never leaving.

>> No.22212427
File: 8 KB, 289x280, 1683743540627412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you drinking, m8? me I just gulp down a bottle of some cheap wine once every Friday all by myself, alone in my sad little apartment. I hope it's not unhealthy as I've been doing this for like half a year now. Doesn't feel unhealthy.

>> No.22212435

someone post it

>> No.22212439

>drinks one bottle of wine a week for less than a year
Bro you can drink a lot more than that without seriously hurting yourself

>> No.22212448

I suppose you're right. I never consumed any alcohol growing up because I had no friends and didn't go to parties, and I've just started as an adult so I'm completely new to this still

>> No.22212503

Book 1 and 2 are great. Sanderson is going to follow in the footsteps of Robert Jordan though. Prepare for the slog.

>> No.22212638

What do you mean?

>> No.22212659

Sanderson would benefit a lot from not writing fantasy characters like west-coast liberals from the 2010s. So much of what is otherwise serviceable writing is ruined by the characters talking like Joss Whedon characters.

>> No.22212746 [DELETED] 

The best part is when he's still a little bridge slave slowly building himself up. Never read book 4 but already by book 3 I got the feeling that he had blown his load way too early for a 10 part series. Its just going to be super saiyin characters doing sky battles for 6 more books?

>> No.22212749

Robert Jordan wrote The Wheel of Time which Brandon Sanderson completed for him after his death. Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time was a good fantasy series that had TONS of books that were absolute slogs and his fans dredge through it because they just wanted the end of the story. Sanderson will do the same. Stormlight Archive is set to be a TEN BOOK series. It's gonna become a slogfest if he doesn't improve on book 5. I'm in for the long haul though. I can't quit now cause I already read so much.

>> No.22212759

So what you're saying is that Sanderson wrote his own version of Egwene?

>> No.22212896

I fucking hated Shallan in WoK, WoR and OB but I kind of changed my mind after RoW. Getting the last few missing pieces of her backstory made her a lot more sympathetic imo.
OB is also my favorite out of the mainline Stormlight books, but if you aren't into the worldbuilding or Dalinar's story there's not a lot there.

>> No.22213363

If brando has one writing skill down pat it's pacing. When he got his hands on Wheel of Time he floored it for 3000 pages to tie up all the loose ends. RoW was a slog but given how this series is structured it seems like that's mostly because it's setting up for the climax of the first 5 books.

>> No.22213506

I started reading it and I got to the cheesy Matrix fight in the hallway and it was probably roughly around that point that I realized "I'm an adult and need to start reading better things."

>> No.22213729

lol what chapter are you talking about

>> No.22213852

The prologue where they have a fight using magic. I don't remember, I read it when it came out.

>> No.22213892

>stopped reading at the prologue
are you for real

>> No.22214174

I know pseuds like to read 300 pages before they decide if a book is worth their time or not, but thankfully I'm not retarded.

>> No.22214573

I'm still buying book five. Sanderson does write a good ending to his novels at least. I'm dreading if 6-9 are slogs cause I'm so invested that my ass will buy them all just to see the conclusion in book 10. Same shit happen to me with the wheel of time. I feel like I should stick to long series that have shorter page counts like Tony Hillerman or Jim Butcher. But I see big epics and I have to read em.

>> No.22214726

>4chan got invaded by [thing I don't like] after XYZ.
This meme has been around since at least 2012, hasn't it?

>> No.22214771
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pseud detected

>> No.22216035
File: 88 KB, 691x633, 1673391675291588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WoK + WoR is a pretty solid fantasy story (even is Shallan is kind of a waste of space in book 1). Oathbringer is so fucking bad I quit about 4/5ths through, and I already bought RoW because I was enjoying the series so much. Sanderson is a complete hack and probably just got lucky with the first two books.

>> No.22216084

his lauded worldbuilding:
>what if... CRUSTACEANS

>> No.22216933

The first book could be decent if all the bloated boring shit were edited away.

>> No.22217113

I'm sorry to break it too you but I've been here all along.

>> No.22217122

Is mistborn any good? I prefer reading paper books but for stuff I don’t have time for (like fantaslop) I can listen to at the gym and I need recommendations

>> No.22217589
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it's good currently reading can recommend but i am a fantasy slop enjoyer so take my word for a granted

>> No.22217632
File: 210 KB, 700x915, high_functioning_down-syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is the most prolific and high profile authour of our day and this is alongside the fact while also having high functioning down syndrome is so inspiring