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/lit/ - Literature

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22201183 No.22201183 [Reply] [Original]

The plot is perfect, I nailed down the characters, The themes are clear and yet i feel like something is missing, It's like i don't have a clear picture of the aesthetics of the story which's something that guided me in my previous projects during every bit of the process. Like i failed to direct my own story in my head.

Should i wait until i get the holistic picture or get down to write it anyway?

>> No.22201295

Let me read it fag

>> No.22201455

>Should I wait
NO. Start writing as soon as you have a pen and a piece of paper in your hand. There are countless master pieces that never got written because 'err it's just not good enough yet :(" in someone's head. Stop being a fucking faggot and write the thing already.

>> No.22201510

Not OP but feeding off this motivation thanks anon

>> No.22201525

What worked for me to find an aesthetic was getting stupid high and exploring ideas until I found something that tickled me.
Now that I know what aesthetic I want, I can continually work on writing drafts until I learn how to nail it down.

>> No.22201542

>the aesthetics of the story
Your problem is you're a pretentious prick and have no idea what you're babbling about.

>> No.22201547

Ah fuck this is what I needed, also not OP

>> No.22201553

I got really drunk this one night and in 3 hours I wrote a 400 page story about how I tried to commit suicide in a public park but ended up saving a rich girl getting attacked by a junkie, and she falls in love with me and I become a vigilante of sorts basically secretly killing the homeless and drug addicted dregs in the inner city in comically gory description for the rest of the novel. Its complete shit but its fun writing without any kind of comprehensive idea.

>> No.22201562

>There are countless master pieces that never got written
There is literally no evidence for this assertion, and never can be.
Meanwhile, humanity was spared any number of mediocre works because their authors inwardly knew they weren't good enough.

>> No.22201597

You have to start writing it. THe story and the characters are discovered as you write. There will be things you end up changing and editing. Nothign goes according to the plan/plot.

>> No.22201622

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth
t. Mike Tyson

>> No.22201636
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>le gardener
Good luck with that ever-unfinished novel, anon.

>> No.22201679

You niggas do everything except actually write. You need to write it down, redraft it and edit it. Writing is a process like all art, you can't usy have an idea.

>> No.22201682
