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22155318 No.22155318 [Reply] [Original]

why does he make this board lose their minds?

>> No.22155328

It's what happens when you circlejerk about the same 5 authors for years.
Truth is nobody dislikes him, those who seem to hate him are his biggest fans. They've read all about him, watched every interview.

>> No.22155329

he left us all hanging

>> No.22155333

this but unironically

>> No.22155346

He's extremely pretentious.

>> No.22155355
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you come at the king, you best not miss

>> No.22155389


>> No.22155402

people hate DFW because his fanboys keep harping on about how he surpassed pynchon (the GOAT) when he obviously didn't

>> No.22155417

Because after it’s all said and done, we’ll probably look back and realize he really was the best of his generation and yet he really was a disappointment. Like all of Gen X.

>> No.22155424

pynchon is worse than watching paint dry. i watched inherent vice and fell asleep 20 minutes in

>> No.22155431


>> No.22155455


>> No.22155469
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My wife tried reading him but gave up because she only reads fantasy novels. I still hold this over her head every day.