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File: 91 KB, 666x1051, lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22153792 No.22153792 [Reply] [Original]

>start reading pic related
>really enjoying it
>go out for dinner with some family
>they ask me if ive been reading anything
>mention pic related
>one of them has never heard of it
>asks me to explain
>stutter in my explanation cause im so nervous talking about this at dinner
>everyone gets really uncomfortable and weird around me after

wtf litbros i thought this book was based?

>> No.22153815

Describe it like this next time
>The confessionary tale of a criminal written in an elaborate prose.
If asked what he does you say
>He killed a guy and was a creep
None of them are lies. They just dont mention lolita

>> No.22153837

The most unbelievable part of this is people asking if you've been reading something. People just ask what goyslop you've been consooming nowadays

>> No.22153855

i wish it didn't happen anon. my close relatives all avidly read and talk about what they're reading though

>> No.22153860

and they didn't know what Lolita was? what does your close relatives usually read?

>> No.22153863

murder mystery slop they all talk about john grisham or whatever the fuck every time and try to convince me to read something of his

>> No.22153874

>murder mystery slop
I see these types of books when I go to used bookstores and I just think to myself ‘who the fuck reads this shit’. I’ve read a few of them and it’s like reading a book equivalent of a completely forgettable show on Netflix.

>> No.22154283

Why would you just say it? Are you retarded, or did you expect them to already know what it was?

>> No.22154291

Agreed. lol. For me it's people recounting spoon-fed mass media clips from one of the big four media outlets. Multiple people every day wanting to discuss the same one or two headlines

>> No.22154336

Some people are gonna be put off by the subject matter and there's nothing you can do about it apart from insisting that it's anti-pedo (a message that was lost on a lot of posters on this board).

>> No.22154351

I read a lot of true crime and history.
At any given time if asked I could go full edgelord but honestly I can't recall the last time anyone asked about anything related to books.
I get occasionally asked what movies or videogames I thought were notable, but not books.
People also rarely bring up tv now days ether. At least to my personal recollection.

>> No.22154418

He was a romantic and hopelessly-in-love silver-tongued poet, he was anything but a creep

>> No.22154422

he sexually abused his stepdaughter anon

>> No.22154431

>murder mystery slop
so most of your relatives is either female or homosexual males?

>> No.22154455

Yes but he didn't do it out of malice; out of a mentally-ill pedophiliac need to harm a child, he did it because loved Lolita from the bottom of his tormented and frustrated heart
I don't condone the raping of a 12 year old girl or any of his other actions, but I have to give credit where it is due: Humbert's love for his Lolita was pure and true. My romantic record, albeit extensive, pales in comparison and I hope to one day love a woman as truly and fiercely as Humbert did Lolita

>> No.22154499


>> No.22154532

ITT: Autistic Anon learns that honesty is NOT always the best policy.

>I'm actually re-reading [other book] again, there's so much detail that it's worth going over again
>I'm not reading anything believe it or not, you might have me pegged as a bookworm but I'm taking a break. Time to catch up on other things!


>> No.22154590

>asks me to explain
>It's a book about a pedo and for some reason people act like it's great literature. Like sure, the writing style is good but it just shows how many ''intellectuals'' are just filthy animals
It's not that hard. Anyone becomes uncomfortable around insecure people

>> No.22154605

OP was probably nervous about talking about the subject of the book because he thought everyone would look at him and think he was a nonce, self-fulfilling prophecy

>> No.22155134

i see that humbert managed to fool you with his silver tongue

>> No.22155145

>uncapitalized i
Hallmark of the tippity top of the Bell curve

>> No.22155161

Next time explain that it's basically a prank, demonstrating how tropes and prose can supercede plot in developing interest. Whether he meant to or not, Nabokov essentially tricked a bunch of critics into publicly stating they don't mind pedos, just by appealing to their sense of superiority. Pretty funny joke, teebeehaitch

>> No.22155186

>he did it because loved Lolita from the bottom of his tormented and frustrated heart
Yeah he loved "Lolita", the creation of his own imagination. He did not love Dolores Haze the individual person. Hence why she is barely present as a character in the book ostensibly named after her. Hence why every thing Humbert does with her is to satisfy himself and has no regard for her well-being.

The only person Humbert truly loves is Humbert.

>> No.22155187

Anon, OP already mentioned his relatives mainly read bargain bin murder novels. I don't think they would understand that explanation.

>> No.22155188

>He was a romantic and hopelessly-in-love silver-tongued poet, he was anything but a creep
That's literally what a creep is - a weak shell of a man who hides his true self beneath a facade of niceness and romanticism.

>> No.22155195

Are you perhaps a woman? the only people I've met that'd criticize and assume things about a man with honest, genuine feelings have been women

>> No.22155200

>he wrote a disturbing story about a narcissistic pedo defending himself from judgment, but wrote it so well that it tricked pedos in universities into defending his actions

>> No.22155207

>he got conned by the textbook unreliable narrator
Bet you thought Charlotte's death was an accident, too

>> No.22155218

>reading The Catcher in the rye
>mom casually asks "What are you currently reading?"
>say "Moby Dick" just because I've read on 4chan that eventually Holden rapes his sister, Phoebe

OP we might be opposites

>> No.22155223

I am a man who used to lie to himself that he was good, nice and so on in order to not have to take a good look upon himself. And as such I have met many other men similar to me - social rejects, nerds, single mom kids(though these turn equally as much into "nice" pussies and into hyperaggressive manchildren)
A man can't be nice without strength. And I've yet to see a strong man boast about his niceness.
In other cases it's a very transparent display of weakness(not talking about physical strength here, in case I need to point it out).

>> No.22155227

Reading is a weird hobby nowadays, so if a family member sees you doing it, they will start asking about it.

>> No.22155242

Catcher in the Rye is peak normie, no-one would judge you for reading it

>> No.22155249

Phoebe doesn't get raped in TCitR, that's the point of the joke

>> No.22155261

It's a layered takedown of child predators and a profile of the psychological gymnastics they'll go through to justify their crimes. Sorry you can't go back in time and explain it this way, but maybe this will help in the future.

>> No.22155367

>taking a degenerate pedo freak at face value

>> No.22155544

Serial killers would be doing triple digits if people around them were as gullible as you are

>> No.22155613

Only in America. In the rest of the world is not that known.

When I was reading it I had my suspicions, so just in case I didnt said it.

>> No.22155640
File: 2.96 MB, 1300x542, lolidriel.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start watching pic related
>really enjoying it
>go out for dinner with some family
>they ask me if ive been watching anything
>mention pic related
>one of them has never heard of it
>asks me to show him
>tap replay with trembling finger cause im so nervous showing this at dinner
>everyone gets comfortable and weirdly friendly around me after

wtf lolibros i thought this show was not based?

>> No.22155685

now this is decent bait

>> No.22155700

>imagine not liking Lolita
Good riddance. Find yourself a new family.

>> No.22155729

is she an elf? sup with her ears

>> No.22155752
File: 1.88 MB, 2120x3000, whoresome elven family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, shes a 100000yo elf, that means she can consent to Anon`s marriage proposal.

>> No.22156266

Maybe he usually talks with his family about the books he reads? Not everyone is trapped on that small talk hell

>> No.22156324

Every man wants to be a woman at least on occasion in order to experience a female orgasm, which is incomparably more powerful than a man's, and being a woman said man would then want to experience being a young girl, because their orgasms are allegedly even more powerful still, since the relevant nerve endings are allegedly even more delicate and sensitive.

>> No.22156389

My family looks at me as something halfway between a retard and a mystic because I have no streaming subscriptions except spotify and read “the classics and weird old greek books”

>> No.22156956
File: 74 KB, 294x294, 1576889470095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish my parents would ask about what I'm reading

>> No.22156971

>"Just like porn, but with kids"

>> No.22156976
File: 2.58 MB, 576x1024, 1686628856550506.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this proves your point

>> No.22157052
File: 104 KB, 778x626, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only bell curve you're on the right of

>> No.22157536

This book is one to read on the phone. I didn't feel like reading anymore after the rape. And my ex spoiled the ending, so I don't think I will ever finish it. I will have to try Pale Fire eventually, love the writing style.

Love the part at the beginning where he has to kiss the dead girl. I'm not into that shit fyi.

>> No.22157634

>Humbert's love for his Lolita was pure and true.
You are mistaken. Pure and true love is not the kind where you threaten, neglect, and rape its object. It's the one where you glorify, nourish, and elevate. Ideally it's reciprocal so you also get to bone.

>> No.22157661

Just scoff and act like a pretentious asshole. "Pff, you've never heard of Lolita? Seriously! One of the greatest pieces of American modernist literature ever written! The subject? It's about a peadophile and his twisted desires, resulting in his eventual downfall. It has marvelous prose might I add. Kubrick made a film of it, albeit heavily butchered. In any case Nabokov is a master of the craft and I highly recommend that you read it."
Now THEIR uncomfortable.

>> No.22157707

Don't worry I've made that mistake before. Never again will I read in public and risk having someoneone ask the title of my book or what it's about.

>> No.22157739

Very well put

>> No.22157745

I brought my kindle to read at work and I knew I was going to be asked what I was reading so I scrolled through and found the least embarrassing thing, which was Zecariah Stilchen talking about ancient aliens and the bible and I had to try to explain that to my boomer coworker.