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22153758 No.22153758 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here Niggermanbros....
>last Lovecraft story you read?
>last Lovecraft story you read that was new to you?
>fav Lovecraft novellette/novella?
>fav Lovecraft story under 10 pages?
>most overrated Lovecraft story?
Talk Lovecraft ITT

>> No.22153780

Why is In the Vault so underrated?

>> No.22153781

>fav Lovecraft novellette/novella?
shadow over innsmouth
>fav Lovecraft story under 10 pages?
that one based off a dream he had of ancient rome

>> No.22153786

>>fav Lovecraft novellette/novella?
shadow over innsmouth
Probably going to read this next. I'm on chapter VII of The Dunwich Horror and really enjoying it.
>>fav Lovecraft story under 10 pages?
that one based off a dream he had of ancient rome
Which one is that?

>> No.22153790

Fuck lol I meant to greentext those other replies too. Sorry I like to get high when I shitpost on /lit/ and prior to reading Lovecraft lmao. Gotta get on that...
I also need to re-read At the Mountains of Madness because I read it when I was less enamoured by Lovecraft and I didn't pay good enough attention and forget most of it.

>> No.22153793

>>fav Lovecraft story under 10 pages?
It's either What The Moon Brings or The Terrible Old Man. I think both do a great job of condensing his style into a few paragraphs.

>> No.22153798

finished reading lovecraft's work and he truly is one of a kind

>> No.22153800

Nice. Are you gonna read Robert Howard complete works next?

>> No.22153804

>Which one is that?
The Very Old Folk

>> No.22153811


>> No.22153825

>last Lovecraft story you read?
the outsider
>last Lovecraft story you read that was new to you?
the temple
>fav Lovecraft novellette/novella?
the whisperer in the darkness
>fav Lovecraft story under 10 pages?
the outsider
>most overrated Lovecraft story?
call of cthulhu

>> No.22153834

Been thinking of reading Arthur Machen cuz I'm into folk horror movies. How does his work compare to Lovecraft's?

>> No.22153843

yep i have his work downloaded already

>> No.22153907

>fav Lovecraft story under 10 pages?
definitely The Festival
>most overrated Lovecraft story?
I think the perception of him as a horror writer is kinda old in general. He was much more a poetic fantasy enthusiast and his Dream Cycle is the meat of his work desu

>> No.22153934
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Reading some (actually, it's the entire) Poe at the moment and afterwards I will read Dagon again and then some more of his letters because those are 10 times better than his stories.

>> No.22153960

>he's not an e-reader digital pirate fag
Those are some nice books but nothing will beat free information.

>> No.22153963

I like reading books and not just texts. Reading Lovecraft's Arkham House publications isthe comfiest shit ever.

>> No.22153970

>anon is unevolved, news at 10

>> No.22154101
File: 1.56 MB, 978x589, 1679032428065505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one I read was I the haunter of the dark
It was the last one in the complete fiction comp book I had
Idk if they put them in publication chronology or not
My favorite stories are the white ship and the music of erich zahn for the shorter ones and I'm gonna have to go with dream-quest for the longer form stories. I liked the other long form ones, too, like mountains of madness and the fishpeople one, but dreamquest is just on another fucking level bros
The book I had put it right after the silver key so it fit fucking perfectly
It feels like a prelude to the whole dreamquest, even though I know the actual chronology is not exactly right
>when Randolph Carter was thirty he lost the key of the gate of dreams
HOLY fucking kino bros

>> No.22154203

I read most of The Complete Fiction of HP Lovecraft and my favorite story was The Case of Charles Dexter Ward. It was the longest (by quite a bit) of the stories contained in that anthology, it was really more of a novel than a short story

>> No.22154390
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>> No.22154928

Is he wrong here?

>> No.22154937

I didn't finish his complete works, but I read a number of his poems and I liked them a lot. Especially Laeta; a Lament, but a bunch of his horror poems have inspired me as well. I need to buy his complete poetical works.

>> No.22154940
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>> No.22155265

What should I read next? I've read only The shadow out of time, The Call of Cthulhu, and Dagón.

>> No.22155268

rats in the walls

>> No.22155274

I like that one where he goes into a fantasy dreamland. His prose could be quite lovely. Shame he didn’t explore that genre more.

>> No.22155510


>> No.22155708

>fav Lovecraft novellette/novella?
Call of Cthulhu
>last Lovecraft story you read
Shadow over innsmouth
I'm a little new

>> No.22156371

Rats in the Walls was the last I read and I enjoyed it. I do wish his dreamland stories got more exposure as I think there is some good grim bright fantasy stuff there that could make a great movie.

>> No.22156451

I love The Dreams in the Witch House, the idea of the corners of your room just not making sense and driving you insane is just very appealing to me. Also the racist rat-monster was hilarious.

>> No.22156460

Yeah, the Cats of Ulthar is very good.

>> No.22156519

For me, it's Polaris. Don't ask why, it just depicts the comfy tragedy of forgetting a dream that you were dreaming that was so good.

>> No.22156652
File: 1.01 MB, 1400x2099, MV5BNmIyZDJlMmEtNmJiZS00YjlkLWFhMDktZjVlNDQwZjk5OTE5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUxMjc1OTM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his most knowledgeable scholar is indian