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/lit/ - Literature

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22141544 No.22141544 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22141552

it's a free country, they're entitled to their opinion(s)

>> No.22141564

Dirac's take isn't so bad. It really is frustrating that nothing can be clearly agreed upon in philosophy, and mathematics gives the explanation as is.

>> No.22141568
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>it's okay when wittgenstein says it

>> No.22141569
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>> No.22141573

it was autism

>> No.22141582

So do you expect us to get mad at them and cancel them or something or agree with them 100% because they're geniuses? Smart people can be retarded sometimes. I know, it's crazy to hear that but it's true.
Sometimes you need severely autistic or weird people to do something profound.

>> No.22141584
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He's right

>> No.22141587

The point is they are smart and contributed to our understanding of reality more than all the philosophers combined. So it's philosophers who are useless.

>> No.22141588

hawking was a pseud

>> No.22141591

but Dirac is a legit genius

>> No.22141601

Trust the science goy

>> No.22141609

Any diligent midwit can appear intellectual and cultured if he reads enough, thus gaining prestige and pussy. Math autism on the other hand requires genius IQ and is repulsive to everyone around unless you make it big in finance or something.

>> No.22141620

Philosophy was never meant to be useful, even philosopers admit that. It's an useless science and It's okay that way. Nor science or philosophy can bring existential satisfactory answers.

>> No.22141638
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Jpeg compression makes text look the way God intended.

>> No.22141665

Lol and their domain has floundered and stagnated for decades. Which is probably good, because if they made breakthroughs on their magic unified theory of everything they’d probably sell out, weaponize it, and destroy the universe somehow. All autistic brains, no wisdom, pure faggotry you can smell miles and decades away.

>> No.22141685

>so it’s philosophers who are useless
Philosophy has directly and indirectly influenced state politics for millennia. The greatest social upheavals in history have resulted from ethical and political philosophy’s influence. The greatest empires were led by men who were well-versed in philosophy. People forgot philosophy is not just an attempt to describe what is, but how one should live.

>> No.22141711

You can find physicists saying the exact opposite. Doesn't mean much I'm afraid.
Trust the science doesn't work with physics because it's actually verifiable. Medicine fails reproducibility all the time, hence why vaxxism is highly suspect.

>> No.22141801

So you should have people in OP pic on the right instead.

>> No.22141805

I dont understand the point of poetry either. There does not appear to be any remarkable takeaways.

>> No.22141828

There will be more scientists on the retarded pleb side of any subject. The quotes themselves paint the picture not the numbers.

>> No.22141842

these faggots would sell their souls to have a 1/8 of impact aristotle had

>> No.22141964

Less, to be honest. They’d give everything to have an insignificant equation named after them

>> No.22141972

LOL. Philosophy is WAY harder than philosophy. All science is philosophy. The issue is that most scientists never seriously looked into the presuppositions of science. And why should they? If they did, they would all be philosophers. Language itself is very influential in the development of science. It's not worth even looking into unless you want a rabbit hole.

>> No.22142075

Comparing rational sciences to an artistc form is fucking retarded. Philosphy and great literature doesn't have to work on the basis of logical sense. It can take borrow ideas and views from the other sciences, as we can see with many various examples. But it is never objective, nor does it aspire to be. The statements, these undeniably very intelligent people made cannot be taken seriously under any circumstances, because philosophy tackles the abstract, the core of all being and not the bare form of reality.

>> No.22142090
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Only faggot pop scientists say this. Every genuinely talented scientist I've come across respects and reads philosophy and contributes to philosophy of science discussions. Likewise every talented philosopher comprehends scientific advances.

>> No.22142107

Lol. You faggots are nameless retards pointing at the greatness of Aristotle in lieu of any personal greatness whereas these men are immortal geniuses. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.22142149

If they're so smart then why hasn't physics advanced a single bit the entire time I've been alive?
It's real easy to say physics is all the same around our single Sun, but most systems have more than 1 star and the average is more than a few.
Those chumps at CERN better get to work because as far as I can tell, their atom smacking has produced nothing because the idiots don't even know where to begin if they wanted to record "a whole universe" happening in a fraction of a second.
Christ in Heaven, we can't even get the world to run on nuclear power. It's right there, energy freedom for the entire planet.

>> No.22142153

Stephen Hawking is "the black hole guy".
Black holes are absolutely going to change in the next 10-30 years.
I've already heard one. They're stars that we don't see the light of yet.

>> No.22142214

OP pic shows that you are wrong.Smart and bright can still consider philosophy useless.People who consider the question of appreciation of philosophy a mere matter of smarts (If you don't like what i like it's just because you're stupid) are themselves rather deprived in that matter.

>> No.22142227

>whereas these men are immortal geniuses
A-grade cope.

>> No.22142324

Feynman's invention of the concept of "cargo cult science" and his writings about the scientific mindset are valuable.

>> No.22142329

What's wrong with what Dawkins said? He specifically said he meant it as a compliment.

>> No.22142354
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>> No.22142356

When you read Dirac wikipedia article you realize the guy was the king of autism, in a lovable way. He was not really human.

>> No.22143208


>> No.22144507

Despite basically starting it he is always the most reasonable of the nu-atheists and even says he's culturally Christian.
His quote isn't that bad but the limited perspectives and basically dogmatic thinking the pop scientists offer contrast with the physicists. The pop scientists present the appearance that they don't think they work within any philosophical system. They do and they probably know they do but still present this impression to retards
It's like they're using pop science as an instrument to manipulate thought based on the justification that they ultimately know better than the retards they know they're manipulating.

>> No.22144527

These aren’t even real people. Those quotes were written by the US government

>> No.22144546

>mathematics gives the explanation as is

>> No.22144558

The point is that it represents something that can be clearly expressed and agreed upon.

>> No.22144562


>> No.22144589


>> No.22144595

On this basis philosophy should strive to resemble clear formal arguments instead of literary criticism.

>> No.22145226

Philosophy is not physics
It's not attempting to be physics (not in modernity at least)
The notion that you must choose one over the other is absurd

>> No.22145686

pack up and fuck off >>>/sci/ pseud

>> No.22145693

No, it was just people fighting for basic necessities and bourgeois taking advantage of the situation to push for institutions that benefit them. It's all motivated by hunger and greed rather than philosophy.

>> No.22145706

Stephen Hawking was a retarded drooling vegetable. Fuckin' dweeb is held up as the smartest man in the world for normie retards. It's a fucking joke. Imagine those kids in school in the separate rooms, the ones with motorized wheel chairs. That's Stephen Hawking. It's an insult to the wheel chair droolinh kids because the wheel chair drooling never pretended to be geniuses.

>> No.22145719

It's not when it gets to astrophysics. Tons of science is built on a faulty foundation. Lots is just the best model we have so far.

>> No.22145725

Richard Dawkins is the most legit of them. What has neil degrasse tyson ever done?