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2214033 No.2214033 [Reply] [Original]

Sum up what you've learned from reading philosophy.

- Humans are mostly irrational creatures.
- There is no right and wrong - only opinions.
- The duality of man creates an unsolvable paradox that renders life absurd.
- Most importantly, things can't be easily summed up.
- The truth resists simplicity.

>> No.2214049

Wow, you should read better philosophy.

>> No.2214053


The first three are scientifically confirmed.

I disagree with the fourth and fifth though, my understanding is that every single phenomenon can be reduced to underlying physical laws (biology, physical, psychological). So, the truth is simple, humans just don't believe it to be the real truth.

>> No.2214054

>- There is no right and wrong - only opinions.
[citation needed]

>> No.2214057
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You can't know shit. This is the one I keep coming back to. But while living with that in mind:

-Pleasure is pleasant.
-Might as well do what I want.
-Things such as truth, meaning, morality etc are for kids why can't into philosophy just yet.
-As soon as you can into philosophy you destroy philosophy leaving a barren wasteland with maybe the question of 'how shall I live' remaining, but there are no actual guidelines for that so:
-Might as well do what I want.

>> No.2214058

That's cool. I'm the greatest tripfag this board has ever laid eyes on.

I'm the greatest tripfag this board has ever laid eyes on.

>> No.2214060


>The first three are scientifically confirmed.

No. No they aren't.

>> No.2214064

Philosophy is pointless.

>> No.2214065

>every single phenomenon can be reduced to underlying physical laws (biology, physical, psychological).

the map is not the country.

>> No.2214068

wtf is the duality of man?

>> No.2214071

I don't think I've 'learned' anything from philosophy. It's not like math or science, which have consistent rules, and can be taught and understood.

To me, philosophy is more like a conversation. It serves to ask questions and provoke thought, not necessarily provide answers.

Philosophy has opened my mind to new trains of thought, given me many subjects for contemplation, and led me to explore ideas I wouldn't have otherwise.

>> No.2214077


There's more to knowledge than episteme, friend.

>> No.2214121

one of those trains of thought undoubtedly may be why cant you find a job

>> No.2214128

philosophy is pointless, it is illogical to argue about subjective opinions about what things may or may not be

>> No.2214147

Philosophy is useless, study critical theory instead.

>> No.2214156
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>implying philosophy is only ontology
>implying logic itself isn't susceptible to criticism
>implying that value isn't something which is worthy of discussion
>implying philosphy isn't the study of value in the end when you strip away all the domains covered by sciences
>mfw I agree with you that discussion of value is pointless but still enjoy it so it finds it's meaning in my hedonism which is meaningless in itself but luckily pleasure isn't dependent on truth

>> No.2214169

I have learned not to look for facts in philosophy.

>> No.2214207

I haven't learned anything, but I've gotten better at thinking.

>> No.2214213

I have learned not to look for facts in life and to examine the facts given to me.

>> No.2214265

>ITT: Motherfucks regurgitating sassy oneliners as if they're on Oprah

>> No.2214276


>> No.2214273

>jesus sucks
>always shoot arabs
>be selfish or you'll never make it as an architect

>> No.2214280
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>be selfish or you'll never make it as an architect

>> No.2214287
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>- The truth resists simplicity.

Find the balance in all things for true harmony

>> No.2214294


It's true. Once I found the right balance for my crystal meth habit my life really turned around.

>> No.2214300

One of the most interesting thing I have learned from Satre.
We can never judge ourselves just out of our own perspective. It is always based on what we look like to the "other".

>> No.2214297

>be selfish or you'll never make it as an architect
This is True.

>> No.2215723

That none of you guys realise that philosophy extends as far as your entire knowledge base. Silly people.

>> No.2215843

>The apparent duality of everything is our own invention, a way to reduce the world to the convenient abstraction of two polar opposites. There are infinite things between, but it is all one. There is only one everything.
>I don't fear the cold indifference of the universe; I revel in it.
>Absolutely everything is completely your own original invention, even if it is based on some sort of outside stimulus. Awknowledging this process of constant mental modelling gives one the means to shape the very fabric of their existence.
>Life is awesome once you stop giving a fuck.

Actually, I learnt that last one from watching FiM.

>> No.2215846

that whole thoughts are fundamentally inexpressible and incommunicable language blah blah balh thing was an excuse for me to avoid learning how to speak eloquently even though it's true

>> No.2215849

Are we even talking?

>> No.2215874


1. People will continue to believe in goofy shit, and encourage others to believe in goofy shit simply because science is either lacking the Grand Universal Theory of Everything or because we are limited by our language.

2. Majors in the sciences could do with a little philosophy

3. Majors in philosophy could do with a little science

4. Professors of Philosophy NEED active scientific knowledge of whatever topic they are discussing. If you are teaching the Philosophy of Mind, I expect you to be in touch with above average knowledge of how the brain physically works.

5. Philosophy needs to rejoin the scientific community or risk near complete dissolution

>> No.2215881

Dual major in physics and philosophy master class here.

>> No.2215884

You're so full of shit. Everything is simple. Stop making it sound like truth is cumbersome.

>> No.2215892

simplifications are simple. Reality isn't.

>> No.2215893

what this guy said.

>> No.2215902
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>scientifically confirmed that opinions are all there is

>> No.2215910

reality may be complicated but it is nowhere near as complicated as philosophers make it out to be

>> No.2215927

The universe is a mistake. Reality is an illusion. One cannot escape one's nature.

>> No.2215930

>- There is no right and wrong - only opinions.
I'm an ethical anti-realist and I still belief in right and wrong; they are just rational, not metaphysical, constructs

>> No.2215932

Smellin some Gnostics up in herr.

>> No.2215936

No human has ever made an abstraction that was more complicated than the reality it was supposed to describe.

>> No.2216017

and why does that matter?

>> No.2216027

Because it's true, and >>2215910 believes otherwise.

>> No.2216037

>even though I know there is no actual motive to do so I will still agree with Jesus because it's nice

how are they rational?

>> No.2216052


>> No.2216058


All "real" philosophy is dealing with the sciences. Only half baked retarded undergrads talk about it as if it doesn't only matter when dealing with the philosophy OF something else.

Philosophy and math/physics are becoming inextricably tied.

>> No.2216067

Seriously guys. If you don't know anything about philosophy and have never read a single text, just say so.

>> No.2216072

I was going to post a rebuttal making your response to >>2215910 seem silly and out of place but I got a cloud flare message and lost the text and I'm too lazy to retype it all out. in short philosophy involving those kinds of abstractions and aspects of reality doesn't matter to anybody who does matter, mainly everybody who isn't worried about it.

>> No.2216332

You can't reconcile the paradox with the intellect, which is inherently dual. But consciousness is more primal and exists in a permanent state of holistic presence among the flux of changing forms.

>> No.2216423


>> No.2216464


>> No.2216756

if you you tell me there is no actual motive you are begging the question
If you want to know why there would be a motive or what that is, ask that question, as retarded as that question is.
Don't know what Jesus has to do with it son, get your shit together.

>> No.2216832
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>had to read philosophy to figure that out the obvious.