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/lit/ - Literature

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22135978 No.22135978 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22135980

Map and Territory

>> No.22135995
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Van Gogh’s Letters are probably my favorite book and I never tire of it. I read it twice a year

>> No.22136047

why would you bring an eReader & a physical book to a coffee shop? That has to be just for aesthetics.
Currently reading Moby Dick for the first time. Yes I know I should have read it by now.

>> No.22136056
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Stubb rocks.

>> No.22136057

PBUH brother

>> No.22136061

I'm out for a long time every day and in some situations I read my current physical book and in others I read on my kindle, I was just showing my two current reads in the pic.

I love Moby Dick, never too late for it. I hope you enjoy it, anon.

>> No.22136078

Imagine reading Guenon in full view of everyone

>> No.22136080

>Imagine reading Guenon in full view of everyone
So? What the fuck will they do? Kick and scream?

>> No.22136082

this thread retard

>> No.22136089

topology of violence byung chul hun

>> No.22136117

The Trial - Franz Kafka.

>> No.22136130

>latte art
OP is a fag

>> No.22136140

what was he supposed to do, to tell them not to do that?

>> No.22136162
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Scattered Minds - Gabor Mate

>> No.22136239

what makes his letters so good and re-read able? if you do a good job explaining their appeal i will buy a copy and discuss them with you on here once I finished it

>> No.22136242
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>if you do a good job explaining their appeal i will buy a copy and discuss them with you on here once I finished it

>> No.22136243

La barraca - Vicente Blasco Ibáñez

>> No.22136244

please give it a shot bro

>> No.22136250
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The Passenger by Cormac McCarthy

About two fiddy in. Mixed bag so far
Some prime Cormac and a whole lot of wtf bullshit.

>> No.22136268

I am not that anon

>> No.22136313

It is probably the best insight into the mind of a truly uncompromising artist, aka the starving type. Van Gogh has a peasant like wisdom that is profound and he hits on a lot of lofty thoughts and ideas.

The relationship between him and his brother Theo is heartwarming. The younger brother supporting the older despite all the financial problems and social problems that Vincent brought. Vincent was a difficult person to get along with and was often blunt and didn’t care how he was viewed by the public. Despite this, Theo stands by his side and believes in his brother.

It is often a depressing book as Vincent faced many problems but he absolutely believed in his art. His attitude in the face of tribulations is inspiring. I’ve always tried to incorporate Vincent’s views into my daily life as far as trying to see the beauty and poetry in the mundane. I’ve learned it’s all about perspective

I wish Theo and Vincent could see that they were vindicated in the end; both died before he became a success. I’ve often thought about Vincent’s life and is it a life worth living-all the criticism, problems, lack of success, depression, mental breakdowns, loneliness, etc, and I’ve come to the conclusion that it 100% is. There is something goes beyond our life, and to live one’s life to the fullest, one must walk one’s own path no matter what.

I like the Penguin edition most because it gives a little background info in between letters which makes them easier to follow. I’ll add some more thoughts later as I don’t really have the time to give a thorough reply now

>> No.22136858
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>> No.22137053

that looks comfy!

>> No.22137073

I heard that reading Evola or Guenon may scramble your mind in a way that isn’t safe. That without being grounded in a tradition (since modern life is ungrounded), you risk your sanity

>> No.22137078

I'm Catholic (raised as one, not converted) so it's ok.

>> No.22137093

The Magic Mountain

>> No.22137121

american psycho, honestly can't tell what's the point of it, it could have been 200 pages long

>> No.22137132

Journey to the End of the Night
Much funnier than I had expected

>> No.22137141

what ereader is that anon , is it 8 inch display ?

>> No.22137148

On the geanology of morals
My introduction to nietzsche. I plan on reading human all to human next. Then I guess beyond good and evil then thus spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.22137202
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>> No.22137213
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Broclus commentary on da area

>> No.22137520

Just finished Two Gentlemen from Verona.
Rape, lmao, good joke, still bff?
No idea what to read next. Completely empty backlog, nothing that would capture me on horizon.

>> No.22137523

hard times dickens

>> No.22137605

Just finished Roadside Picnic
Have finished a chapter of Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson (the writing is bit too reddit for my taste, alan turing gay sex on chapter 1 btw), the premise seems interesting

>> No.22137670
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its very good
any other short story collections I should ckeck out? ive read most of the ones that are often shilled here

>> No.22137696

Some I don’t see mentioned often here are Frank O’Connor, Jesus’ Son, Barthelme, Stephen Crane, Henry James, Beckett, Last Evenings on Earth, Cortazar, Fitzgerald, Balzac, and Carver

>> No.22137735

kindle oasis 7 incher https://www.amazon.com/Kindle-Oasis-now-with-adjustable-warm-light/dp/B07F7TLZF4

>> No.22137737
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About a third into this

Really surprised so far with how modern some topics and humor are for a book from 1963

>> No.22137749

How is this? I read Golden Mouth before and it was very interesting. I’m currently reading Mere Christianity

>> No.22137813

Check out Maupassant, Machen, Hodgson. All are excellent

>> No.22137821

Bretty good. It's always better to just read the Fathers than to read people writing about what the Fathers said.

>> No.22137850
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based anon

>> No.22137857
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What church do you belong to (if any)? Just curious

>> No.22137972

Makes sense

>> No.22137984

Maronite Catholic.

>> No.22138000

Most people irl even the ones at coffee shops have no idea who Guenon is. Maybe it’s just cause I’m American (and specifically in Michigan near detroit) but most people here think Schopenhauer and hegel are obscure philosophers

>> No.22138030

Those places are full of theosophists and counter initiated npcs, proceed at your own peril

>> No.22138075

I’m about to take the Jung pill

>> No.22138108


>> No.22138115

Simulacra and Simulation
The Soul of the World
Baby Alex (surprisingly good for a pseudo-meme book)
Maybe my favourite Houellebecq after Elementary Particles.

>> No.22138116
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I’m reading candide it’s pretty funny

>> No.22138121

I don't suppose you ever contributed a piece to the Lit Quarterly, did you?

>> No.22138160

More like shit tzu.

>> No.22138165

How is Stendhals non-fiction? I’ve actually had a couple of people tell me to steer clear of it.

>> No.22138201

No. Why do you ask?
I have a strange answer- it isn’t good but it is great at the same time. His autobiography was one one the worst books I’ve read yet I like it because his personality shines through. Stendhal and Montaigne are the best personalities in literature IMO. Both have a laid back, go with the flow, good natured vibe to them, but with real insight. Stendhal was like a leaf blown in the wind. He lived during turbulent times politically and socially and adapted as such, not in a fake way, but molding his personality to the situation. I’m only ~70 pages into Love so far, I’m taking it slow, but I like it a lot better “content” wise than his autobiography. Some ideas are outdated because the court system is gone, but I think he is right in the mark with others, particularly the types of love, and especially what he calls “crystallization”. The latter seems very true from my experience.

>> No.22138204
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>> No.22138345
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the virgin Fukuyama end of history liberal


the chad emil cioran end of history kino aphoristic western fatalism

>> No.22138407
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I love Stephen

>> No.22138621
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>> No.22138658
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Thanks for the info my friend, gonna get myself a copy.

>> No.22138689
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pretty good. I like Delillo

>> No.22138705
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I really hate saying this but he sounds a lot like me
I have always disliked talk about Van Gogh because of how much he suffered in life, only to be cherished and celebrated well after his death, as if to mock him by having everyone in the world enjoy the fruits of his labor without giving him any sort of compensation
It's a sick, twisted joke that I, from the bottom of my heart, wish never repeats itself again (and much less it happen to me)
I just hope his rest is peaceful

>> No.22139097

What keyboard is that? Could you please show your battlestation/desktop?

>> No.22139339
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Holy shit, this is a thousand times worse than the brilliant first journal (The Weight of the World), even though written only a couple of years later. Not sure what happened.

>> No.22139410
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