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/lit/ - Literature

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22126777 No.22126777 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22126785

The Beats were a bunch of degenerate faggots and the only one worth paying attention to, now that the dust has settled, is Burroughs. Kerouac is Ayn Rand for people who dont want to get a job.

>> No.22126801
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This book is full of rambling, also the gimmick of "Read in this special order" is fucking stupid.

>> No.22126803
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Kerouac is objectively the only one of value. Burroughs himself said so, that he and Ginsberg rode to their fame on the back of his success.

>> No.22126816
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picrel is alright, if only because Kerouac begins to realise how much of a degenerate faggot he is

>> No.22126817

Burroughs and Ginsberg were faggots, and they were only famous because of Kerouac. There writing is just edgy nonsense.

Kerouac was a skilled writer, and at the end of his life he disavowed the beatniks and his pedophile friends. He was a very flawed man, but he was a very devout catholic and is undoubtedly in heaven now.

>> No.22126857

That's his best book
>Burroughs himself said so
Burroughs teaches you not to listen to junkies whereas Kerouac romanticizes nonsense.
He was a pathetic drunk to didn't give up the LARP and ended up dying because he ran his mouth at a bar (but not before embarrassing himself on national television a few times, kek). If you're under 20, pick a better hero. If you're over 20, you should be embaressed.

>> No.22126876

>Burroughs teaches you not to listen to junkies
Bullshit. Burroughs makes junkyism look cool to impressionable young readers and dickhead adults, like how Sonic Youth and Kurt Cobain wanted to collaborate with him. None of them are "heroes" but Kerouac is the only one not absolutely consumed by darkness.

>> No.22126948

Be Kerouac
>idol for hippies and boho losers
>LARP as a romantic drunk
>become a pathetic drunk
>keep LARPing
>embaress yourself on national television
>run your mouth at a bar and get beat the shit out of you
>die because your mouth wrote a check your bloated alcoholic body couldn't cash
>inspire insufferable boho LARPers who conveniently ignore the pathetic part
Be Burroughs
>mostly a loner
>addicted to heroin
>have a downward spiral, murder your wife in Mexico, write about it
>out live all the degenerates who hung around you
>retire to a little house by yourself
>keep a journal about your cats

If you think any of the Beats look cool you're retarded. Burroughs was the most interesting one and didn't romantize his bullshit anywhere near the degree to which the rest of them did. That's why he's the best out of all of them. Cope.

>> No.22126981

This nigga has never known wanderlust

>> No.22127097
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half of /lit/ hating on Kerouac is just them falling for him being a punching bag for critics. The other half is christcuck moralfags. imagine using the term degenerate unironically like some fucking grandma

>he was a very devout catholic
Any real catholic would condemn his catholic-buddhist-hindu mishmash. If you walk away thinking he was a complete catholic you haven't read enough Kerouac. He died in 69. In 67 he wrote Vanity of Duluoz where he waxes at length about Kali, noted non-catholic figure

>> No.22127120

wanderlust is a faggot meme so people can pretend their life had any meaning. I've been all over the world, every continent, on both short and long-term stints, and it's all the same.

The internet totally killed any diversity that might have existed between the lands, and globo-homo internationalists had already been digging the grave for the last century or so.

>> No.22127198 [DELETED] 

Is that what you call being a drunk retard who wanders away from a wedding and dies of exposure by the side of some train tracks? How romantic.

>> No.22127210

Is that what you call it when an alcoholic pseud gets drunk at a wedding and tries to show off by walking home--dying of exposure because he was too drunk/retarded to figure out he needed a jacket?

>> No.22127214
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>> No.22127291


>> No.22127346

War and War
Carpenter's Gothic
Infinite Jest (yrstruly, 'marlon brando', etc.)

>> No.22127353

If you're still buying into Kerouac on the wrong side of 25 there's no hope for you. Also, who the fuck thinks pumping yourself full of smack and murdering your wife is wholesome you absolute retard? Would you rather read a babbling old drunk still pathetically harping his glory days or a mellowed out ex-junkie that accidentally murdered his wife and developed a weird obsession with cats? Both of them came about during the rise of confessionalism and their work is autobiographical--the former just romantizied his LARP while the latter at least had some substance. Kerouac is a 50s version of Rupi Kaur; if you don't believe it I'll post quotes that read like something an artho would stencil on her wall.

>> No.22127932

Jack Black - You can't win