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22126089 No.22126089 [Reply] [Original]

What is this character type called and why is it the most kino

>> No.22126119
File: 1.47 MB, 1253x1316, berserkfanboys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are zoomers like this?

>> No.22126141

It's the zoomer archetype
>Retarded gf

>> No.22126150

Aesthetically, just a 90's anti-hero.
In terms of actual character content (the parts worth remembering the series for at least) it's harder to say. There's a reason he's often lumped in with Gosling feels characters but I'm not sure if there's a term for "Hyper-Competent Product of Trauma".
I would honestly say Byronic but only loosely and no one uses that term these days, especially not in reference to modern media.
Seeing as you've read both titles in the image, could you fill me in on what comparisons/assumptions you're making here?

>> No.22126202
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>Seeing as you've read both titles in the image, could you fill me in on what comparisons/assumptions you're making here?
One is well written, original character
The other is a shitty, plagiaristic ripoff written by a nip hack who is only loved because zoomies can't read and think anything japanese is "cool"
Seriously, guts is literally just corum, his berserker armor is no different from elric's stormbringer, but zoomies who have no idea of the shit miura took from think guts is the most original developed character in the world

>> No.22126240

So because of fairly obvious but ultimately superficial influences (Hellraiser would be another blatant example) Miura is a nip hack with no talent of any kind?
That's the level of bad faith we want to dismiss entire bodies of work under?
Because if we're really being this disingenuous -- why isn't Corum just Odin?
Wait, even better, weren't there a ton of direct Irish/Celtic references in those books as well?
Damn, I hope someone does something about all this plagiarism.

>> No.22126265
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>So because of fairly obvious but ultimately superficial influences (Hellraiser would be another blatant example) Miura is a nip hack with no talent of any kind?
Miura is a hack
>That's the level of bad faith we want to dismiss entire bodies of work under?
There's inspiration
Then there's plagiarism
Moorcock was inspired by the kalevala and xenith the albino when creating elric of melnibone, but elric is an original character
>Because if we're really being this disingenuous -- why isn't Corum just Odin?
Because corum also has his hand cut off
>Wait, even better, weren't there a ton of direct Irish/Celtic references in those books as well?
Stop defending plagiarism
you weebs always do this