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File: 92 KB, 785x1024, 1686043957534068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22125537 No.22125537 [Reply] [Original]

Please help a poorfag in finding good PDF sites where I can get all those books. PDFDrive is offline, or buggy to me as I can't download anything.

Anyone got some recommendations?

>> No.22125543


>> No.22125571


>> No.22125689

2.Libri Vox (for audiobooks)
3.Audiobook Bay

>> No.22125730

Check out Annas archive

>> No.22126012
File: 2.98 MB, 1536x2304, 4832y54982436584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the replies. I have now some new skills to learn as I've never use any of these sites, me ye old peasant.

>> No.22126628

Pdf bad. Epub good.
Sumatra is a decent simple viewer that can open almost anything.

>> No.22126636

google name pdf

>> No.22126866
File: 28 KB, 382x680, EehV4pZXkAEAi_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get a slight smirk everytime I encounter a digital pirate. The mere thought of someone being reduced to the state of cowardly thieves in regard to things as cheap as intellectual property. We should actually legalize this practice and have the depth grovelers pay in humiliation, as if they were just caught stealing from their parent's wallet. The impulses of the unwashed masses always affirms the nobility of the aristocracy.

>> No.22126873

> intellectual property
> “things”

>> No.22126888

Your microcephalic skull prevented you from regurgitating the point you heard others make. You don't deny the existence of intellectual property, you deny the creator's right to the proceeds of his work.

>> No.22127013

Check the fucking sticky :|
I have pirated over 3500 books. So long as it doesn't take too much time, sure, I'd grovel in order to be spared the financial cost. You can feel free to go ahead and blow your money on information the quality of which you do not even know yet.

>> No.22127040
File: 39 KB, 680x633, EjjbiBsXsAYy4gT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is cute and expected that you would start out your response by justifying yourself to me, passing off fear for cooperation. You see it all the time in the wild — the smaller animal going limp in the jaws of the larger. Genetic instinct. At some level food knows it’s food.

>> No.22127041

> You don't deny the existence of intellectual property, you deny the creator's right to the proceeds of his work.
Where did I deny the ability for someone to make proceeds? Do you think intellectual property laws are the only way to derive proceeds from mental work?

>> No.22127122

Seeing the pics you post and the bratty submissive act you're putting on, I guess you're here just to get some attention and maybe hear a daddy say how much he wants to work your bussy, or something? Unfortunately I am a bit busy for that. But I am sure there are plenty of Arab daddies to take care of a twink like you.

>> No.22127411

libraries exists

>> No.22127414

>download epub
>convert into pdf
>send to kindle
>repeat a thousand times

>> No.22127453
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>> No.22127463

pretty sure that's AI bro

>> No.22127471

>instantly confirm his psychoanalysis with homosexual thoughts(desire to submit yourself to a superior)
Armchair psychologist 1 : Pirate 0

>> No.22127513
File: 365 KB, 1583x2257, 1686282926835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about not converting anything?
Your method sounds so retarded that it transcends retardation and might actually work fine. If you're such an avid pdf user, look up kpdfopt - it can reformat large pdf pages into kindle sized.

>> No.22127589

Ok queer.

>> No.22127672

nice try elsevier

>> No.22127719
File: 2.21 MB, 1169x1754, 4832y5498243584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I've never tried making epub work because pdf-s are always much simpler.
>Check the fucking sticky :|
Literally never read it, I automatically hide that thread. Oopsie :(
Going there soon, but ours is quite small with a even smaller selection of English books.
Very much so
It's from the unstable diffusion reddit. They make God's work there.

>> No.22127874
File: 64 KB, 750x1167, EgJeUNzWAAAjcg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where did I deny the ability for someone to make proceeds?
You deny their ability to make proceeds everytime you pirate.
>Do you think intellectual property laws are the only way to derive proceeds from mental work?
Intellectual property laws are not a way of deriving proceeds just as your right to not get stolen from isn't a way you earn money, it's a protection of rights.

>> No.22129566

Goddamn those digits. You really are an aristocrat.