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22082568 No.22082568 [Reply] [Original]

Suicidally depressed and can’t afford therapy because I’m a broke student. What books can I read in order too regain the will to live

>> No.22082571
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>Suicidally depressed and can’t afford therapy because I’m a broke student.

>> No.22082844

Crime and Punishment

>> No.22082850

Whats got you spiraling, anon?
Are you ugly? You don't need a gf to be happy anon.

>> No.22082861
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>Suicidally depressed and can’t afford therapy

>> No.22082876
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>> No.22082880
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>> No.22082881

The Bible

>> No.22082882

>paying for snake oil

>> No.22082894
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>> No.22082929
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Bhagavad Gita; detach yourself from the world and simply do your duty. Also don't go to therapy, that shit's retarded.

>> No.22083340
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I’ll start here
Mentally ill (now trans sexual) father who sends me death threats and a tumour that shattered my upper spine a few year ago. Also self imposed isolation and minor alcholism.
Not especially religious but I will see if I can get ahold of them
Hmm I’ve always been interested in eastern religions but never properly gotten into it, I’ll give it a read, thanks.

>> No.22083344

(Too clarify my father was born male and now identifies as a woman)

>> No.22083355

My dream is to be at least as well off as those who were never born, once I'm finally dead. The Bible does state that the dead are better off than the living, but that those who were never born are even better off than the dead. My dream is to overcome that last truth.

>> No.22083366

I'd try talking to your student counsellor about ir

>> No.22083495
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Sup lil nigga
I'll help you out

>> No.22083499
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>> No.22083519

>The one thing... that I need...
>to talk to some random fuckwit...
>I can't afford.....

>> No.22084045

Unironically the Bible

t. faith in Christ prevented/prevents me from blowing my brains out

>> No.22084051

Depression isn't real. Just stop being a fag.

>> No.22084060

become an alcoholic

>> No.22084062

The dream of a ridiculous man by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. It's a short story, 30 pages or so.
I don't want to spoil, and any detail I give it's a spoiler since it's a 30 page book, but the protagonist is also suicidal, and by the end of the book he has a new reason to live.

>> No.22084074

>Not especially religious but I will see if I can get ahold of them
I think everyone can get something out of Tolstoy, religious or not.

>> No.22084091

Reading the Bible hasn't given me any faith.

>> No.22084196

Look into apologetics, fast, pray. Most importantly, don't read it like any other book. It's meditation literature, and, if you're willing to believe it, it's a living book which speaks to the reader. You merely have to receive the gift of grace.

>> No.22084274

super massive cope.
live and endure, just to spite life and this world

>> No.22084287

You sure your uni doesn’t have some kind of counseling services available?

>> No.22084962

This is an excellent short-term solution. If alcohol isn't for you, try benzodiazepines: unlike alcohol, they are not addictive, yet operate upon the same GABA receptors that alcohol does to give you langorous, mute feeling of detachment you need. I take 30mg of diazepam everyday and it hasn't impacted my cognitive or physical performance at all.

>> No.22084973

The 12 Rules of Life by Dr Jordan Bernt Peterson PhD

>> No.22084982

>(now trans sexual)
Problem identified.

>> No.22085084

There’s one called Learned Optimism that helped me a lot years ago. Don’t let the title fool you, it’s based on a psychologist’s decades long research on the mechanisms behind pessimistic and depressive patterns of thought and why certain people appear to be “immune” to them. The book’s main objective beyond that is to teach you how to recognising and understand your own depressive thoughts so as to diminish their hold upon you. It’s not a magical cure but I do believe it’ll help you.

>> No.22085097

Not op, but ty. Checked.

>> No.22085103

reading comprehension

>> No.22085107

>vent to some disinterested normie roastie
>she gives you some validation out of a book
>that'll be $200
why do men think there's an institutional solution to their problems?

>> No.22085118

Fuck, there’s so many mistakes in my post. I should go to sleep. Anyway op, if you’re serious about it read the book, eat and sleep well and practice some form of exercise. Besides being good for you these things also give you a routine. Routine gives depressive people stability. I can’t find it right now, but there’s a short interview where Tyson Fury describes how he has been depressed for pretty much his whole life and how fucked up he got after retiring for the first time. The guy went from being a heavyweight champion to becoming an alcoholic who spent his days feeling like shit, laying around and getting fat. Then he had a wake up moment, went back to training despite being all fucked up and managed to win the championship again. Getting out of his routine destroyed him and going back to it was his salvation.

>> No.22085288

leaves of grass is garbage and you cannot change my mind

>> No.22085300

Therepy doesn't work. Go to church retard.

>> No.22085317

Bump. I read it every night and super content with life.

>> No.22085362

After months of mixing valium and alcohol I started smoking again as well. I am smoking more than a pack a day. I've got an aching between my wingbones that I know is due to how much I've been smoking. I'm telling myself I should quit, but I don't want to feel better, and certainly I don't care about my health anymore. I just want that little tiny bit of relaxation and numbness. I cannot kill myself as long as my family is alive.
As for the topic, I think if you have chronic suicidal thoughts they will never go away. This is like a chronic illness, it's going to be a lifelong thing. You will always want to kill yourself.

>> No.22085371

Possibly the only thing that I have found to work is to keep yourself busy. If you always work on something you can get to the end of the day without thinking. Now the problem here is being motivated to keep a job or work on a hobby. I personally have stopped. I'm out of money and I have a gym subscription, so every day I show up there and one hour is gone. Most of the time I just sleep. I quit reading a few months ago.

>> No.22085487

I think some people are just more attuned to Death than others. It's like the lady has taken a special liking to you, and you can see her and hear her whispers. God isn't real, dreams aren't real, but Death is very real, and you know very well what she offers to you. Just like a revelation of the existence of God would stay with you forever, so does this awareness of Death and her gift. It will never go away, you cannot forget it just like you cannot forget any absolute truth that you come to learn during your lifetime. And the lady has all the patience and time in the world to convince you.

>> No.22085494

A thread like this one shows up every 3 days here on /lit/. If you're serious, why don't you visit some of those threads? See warosu.org/lit/
Otherwise, if this is a joke, it is not funny, nor does repeating it 4000 times a month make it any funnier. A good thread died for this.
Or maybe /lit/ is full of depressed weirdos.

>> No.22085852

Read some of tolstoy and dostoyevskys big novels. Worked for me at least. I get frustrated sometimes, sure, but I don't get depressed or suicidal at all anymore after reading some of those books, after years of dealing with such feelings for most of my life

>> No.22085873

>Calls faith a cope
>Literally advocates for coping and seething
shiggy diggy

>> No.22085910
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Just bury it down. White knuckle it for a few weeks until is subsides. Read Schopenhauer for the resonance.

>> No.22085918

>Mentally ill (now trans sexual) father who sends me death threats
No way, that sucks bigly if true anon.

>> No.22085930

Song of Myself is the best thing to ever be written in English

>> No.22085954

Couldn't agree more. It won't go away and it gets worse. It gets worse the more you read too. You'll form a resilience to the hopelessness but the big waves will only get bigger.

>> No.22085996

>Life A User's Manual
Two people get their throats slit open in the first like ten pages of the book, how is that bloomer

>> No.22086107
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Some of these where on my top read list anyways so I’ll start with those, thanks.
Maybe it’s time to try to become religious, I haven’t really had any luck with it, but I guess it’s worth a shot.
I could probably read that in a day if it’s only 30 pages, thanks for the recommendation.
Literally clarified it here >>22083344
how the fuck did you still misinterpret
Your post already seems like solid advice, I’ll look into the book as soon as possible, thank you.
Last time i was there it was just a bunch of bored old people and a half interested preacher, maybe it’s just because I’m European though.
Seems to align with what >>22085118 said, so probably sound advice, I’ll try to develop some kind of routine.
Well unless I get amnesia it would seem I’m pretty fucked then.
Apologise if that’s the case, I only browse lit every once in a while to pick up book recommendations so I haven’t noticed posts like this.
A lot of other people are have recommend Dostoevsky in the thread so far, I’ll probably start with his books and the learned optimism book.
Some cherries on top is that he beat my mother and gave her ptsd and has been trying to jeporise my academic pursuits by sending false claims about me to schools. (He was also a prostitute as if he couldn’t be anymore of a failure)

>> No.22086126

I love Rousseau’s reveries but I am not sure I would call it life affirming or optimistic. 25% of the book is him bitching about being exiled and dunking on the Philosophes.

>> No.22086131

Your school may offer free mental health services

>> No.22086222

OP doesn't care about helping himself... he wants to relish in his trite jokerfied dark academia pity party literary infant terrible bullshit fantasy guys

>> No.22086347

They say they only deal with mental health directly caused by academic work
Which is obviously why I asked for books on how to solve the situation or wanted therapy. Fucking tard.

>> No.22086374

>They say they only deal with mental health directly caused by academic work
Just lie so you can get your foot in the door

>> No.22086416

Worth a shot, though none of my issues are actually academic so not sure how long I can keep that up.

>> No.22086432

There isn't a counsellor in the university system who's going to refuse you help because your depression isn't technically workload related. You're paying these cunts so stop whinging and get help.

>> No.22086508

Anon, please don't hate your father for being XYZ, because that'll lead to a lot of disgruntled resentment. However, feel free to resent him for being an asshole abusive piece of shit. Death threats towards your son is fucked up.

That being said, please don't kill yourself. Don't know who you are anon, but am sending you a virtual hug, full homo. Unless you hate faggots then strictly bromo.

For books on will to live I'd strongly suggest Man's Search for Meaning. Dude who went through holocaust and lost everything - including his wife - and figuring out how to cope.
Also would suggest hopeful memoirs like Memoir of a Boy Soldier, which explores finding hope from strangers. For fiction I really enjoyed flowers for algernon. Has disadvantaged person gain intellect. People interpret the ending as sad, but I see it as a hopeful ending and valuing self-worth, even for the literal retarded. Disgrace is a good book of coping with people who just have different world view / choices than you and learning to cope with that, even if you view their path as self-destructive. Do you have a goodreads anon? If you're suicidal anyway might as well share it

>> No.22086777

This was beautifully put.

>> No.22086878

Out of everyone in the thread you could listen to, please ignore this retard:

>> No.22087167

My ex didn’t even pretend to be going because of college related issues and nothing happened to her. At most the therapist just told her that she should still pursue therapy outside of uni once she had the money for it. My only advice about therapy is to avoid the egocentric ones and psychoanalysts.

>> No.22087531

You read half-assedly

>> No.22087542

every college has free shrinks for students. go sign up.

>> No.22087737
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Generally a good read for this kind of condition

>> No.22087742

>Or maybe /lit/ is full of depressed weirdos.
It's this. I am not OP, so I can vouch as a suicidal regular. It's just a bit tough to bite the final bullet. Hope springs eternal, annoyingly.

>> No.22087764

unless you are dealing in deadpan sarcasm, the is the most idiotic and senselessly advice one could ever give someone with suicidal idealization. truly disgraceful. 100 points from Gryffindor.

>> No.22087815

You are not your father, anon. Just because he made you doesn't mean you owe him anything. If anything at all, he owes you, and while waiting for any kind of catharsis through him may well be a waste of time, it also pays not to to give him the power over you life, that he so desperately craves for his own. From what I can understand, he's trying to assert control over his own life vicariously through you, and that's not the workings of a loving parent, but of a narcissistic scumbag with no sense of self value. You don't have to take after him in any way, you can be your own person my friend, It may take

I'm no psychologist or therapist, but I was born to a very shitty family and both of my parents were the black sheep of their respective families, so by proxy, I have an extended family of aloof bougie assholes who never wanted anything to do with me and looked at me as guilty by association. If there's one thing I know, it's that you can't pick your birth family, but you can choose the kind of people to surround yourself with that make you happy and accepted. It may take some time to find them, but they are out there. You may ever know them already, who am I to say, I don't know you from Adam, but I do believe you will be alright in the long run. I believe in in you.

Also, fuck this guy

>> No.22087819

Dammit, I meant this >>22086878 guy