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/lit/ - Literature

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22079955 No.22079955 [Reply] [Original]

If you had to recommend 1 book to someone who is really struggling, what would it be?

>> No.22079962

Your diary desu. You are all that matters. Crush those in your way. Rape a hot woman, go prison, become the alpha male and rape and subjugate other men in prison. Get out, become a CEO.

>> No.22079995

books are not going to help

start going on walks in nature by yourself and you'll figure it all out

>> No.22080049

In complete and total seriousness, Lord of the Rings. I’ve recommended it to several people with completely sincerity lately and I’ll continue to do it. Specially, the advice Gandalf gives to Frodo is particularly profound if you really consider it.

>> No.22080061

I started this habit when I was young. It did give me a 10 mi per day walking habit and certainly made me healthier, but I can’t say it gave me meaning or purpose.

The reason that people struggle so much with this question, and giving a satisfactory answer, I think, is that there is no one obvious answer. Ultimately, every individual is born with a degree of freedom to choose what they should do with their life and why. There is absolutely no way around choosing for themselves because their lives belong to them and their God and that’s all.

>> No.22080094

Meaning is for words. Want meaning? Read a dictionary!

>> No.22080131
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>> No.22080252

a textbook on positive psychology

>> No.22080435
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A mini bible. It is very short and can be read rapidly. It is small enough to keep in your pocket. It only costs 2$.

>> No.22080439

Are you asking for a friend? What’s wrong with him OP? What’s wrong with your friend?

>> No.22080468

Can you tell me what you are struggling with? That will inform my choice.

>> No.22080481

Imitation of Christ
As a Man Thinketh
Now that book recommendations are done, I'd say you should get a job doing manual labor if you're a young man still in good health. Work with your body now and your strength will endure greater than those who pitiably slave away at screens in cubicles.

>> No.22080544

Im regretting all the decisions I have taken in the last 10-15 years. These last couple of days I have been having a depressive episode since it has become crystal clear to me that I have taken the incorrect path in so many ways, wasted so many opportunities because I was young, arrogant, naive and immature.

>> No.22080550

That’s most everyone and the others wonder what life would have been like if they don’t stay on one narrow path so much. All you can do is climb that mountain and turn around. Find a happy place and learn from this. Also /adv/.

>> No.22080553

Man's Search For Himself - Rollo May
Man's Guide to Psychology - Mark Derian
Taking Responsibility - Nathaniel Branden

>> No.22080562


If you're concerned about "meaning", you should read an introduction to semiotics. All other replies to OP are nigger aids homosexuals btw

>> No.22080564

Mein Kampf

>> No.22080569
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Right now? Just something like picrel. I know this will be unpopular here, because it's a diet philosophy self-help book written by a fucking YouTuber, and people here want you to read the ancients. But if we're being honest with each other I know for a fact you won't read anything longer. Stuff like this is good enough that it's worth reading if you've never touched a philosophy before and are looking for advice rather than literature. This one in particular accurately summarizes the main foundational ideas of Stoicism (including the virtues) in a faithful manner and concisely gives practical tools on how to apply those virtues to everyday situations. I read it on libgen and liked it so much that I ordered a copy.

>> No.22080580

what are the best compilations of stoic thought?

>> No.22080585

Anything that gives real-world examples, and actually mentions the virtues. Stoicism is a practical philosophy. You can identify if diet Stoicism is legit if it mentions the virtues and whether it gives real-world examples rather than vague generalized advice.

>> No.22080590

>picks up art hoes by quoting Barthes

>> No.22080593

The best text that mentions stoicism is the one where Nietzsche BTFOs it.

>> No.22080596
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You replied to twice to >>22080061 and to >>22080544

>> No.22080597

The book I linked mentions that as well. Ideally read about both Stoicism AND "nihilism".

>> No.22080601

isnt he basically a stoic to some degree?

>> No.22080602


>> No.22080604

do you have some book recommendations?

>> No.22080622

I really dont know much about Nietzsche or stoicism. I only know a little bit about the concept of amor fati and Ive heard of other of his ideas were it might intersect with the key ideas of stoic thought to some degree, I also know Nietzsche had some critiques of stoicism but I dont know why and the context behind.

I guess I will be asking chatgpt

>> No.22080626

Inside The Third Reich. See what becomes of an innocent man named Albert Speer.

>> No.22080653

Rest assured that you’re young enough to start down a new path.

>> No.22080660

why would studying the history of the third reich and hitler give me any answers to the meaning of live? Genuinely asking

>> No.22080670

>Lord of the Rings
>C.S. Lewis
>eternal damnation
>live action role play
it's all connected, it's all garbage.

>> No.22080679

Stoicism in a nutshell:
>The external world is our of your direct control, but you have power over your own thoughts and will, so you are empowered to align yourself toward virtue. Rejecting emotional reliance on external influences and relying only on your own behavior, and acting in accordance with the our virtuous nature (which is objective, and defined by cosmic order) is the key to happiness.

Nietszche's existentialism in a nutshell:
>There is no inherent order or meaning to the universe, and attempts to create a faith or a define cosmic order is an irrational attempt to seize power from nature itself. We are creatures capable of great beauty due to our creative and expressive nature, but we don't allow ourselves to unleash our true potential because we have a tendency to shackle ourselves by seeking answers for everything. The only way we can achieve meaning is by asserting our individuality over all adversaries (including other people, and the universe itself).

Nietzsche commended the concept of amor fati, but denounced stoicism, since the two philosophies are fundamentally at odds with each other. He considered the way the Stoics viewed virtue to be a "tyranny" against nature itself, and he thought Stoicism was far too passive.

>> No.22080687

I second this anon >>22080481 with Ecclesiastes, then.

>> No.22080700

from the broad perspective of both philosophical currents, how does one deal with suffering?

>> No.22080709

Copy/pasted from another thread where I talked about taking the good parts out of Stoicism:
1. Identify the difference between things that are in your direct control (your own thoughts, reactions, etc.) and those that aren't (the way other people treat you, unexpected tragedies, fortunate windfalls, etc.).
2. Alter your expectations towards the latter category of thing such that you won't be lost or thrown off-balance if something happens (or doesn't happen) in a way that is outside of your power to affect.
3. Identify "nice-to-haves"; external things that aren't entirely in your power, but that you are still able to appreciate when you have them. Things like shelter, loving friends, or anything that improves your quality of life and state of mind. Don't rely on these things, but learn to appreciate them as temporary boons, and identify what they are.
4. Develop a set of personal values that are conducive to those nice-to-haves. For example, if you value friends, develop pro-social tendencies that may lead to friendship more often than it doesn't lead to friendship. This is entirely up to you, unlike with vanilla Stoicism, and it circumvents Nietszche's biggest critique.
5. Reject events that are outside of your control, and rely only on the values you set in step 4. Realize that you are fully able to control your behavior; also recognize that anything can happen, and that you aren't guaranteed anything, regardless of how you behave. But by aligning your thoughts and actions with values that are conducive to circumstances that you find favorable, you can live knowing you are at least maximizing your potential for enjoyment of life at any given moment.

>> No.22080708

Enquiry into Human Understanding, then maybe some camus.
Anti-Realism isn't really that depressing, just grow up.

>> No.22080725

Also, have a love of fate (amor fati). This is the one thing both Nietszche agreed with the ancient Stoics on. Basically, if you are able to follow all of those steps and create a set of values that you are happy with, then you are no longer relying on external influences; in that way, you can accept fate, and be confident that you will be able to simply accept whatever comes your way using the same tools that you are already using in the present. The strength of your mind is universal and can weather any storm.

>> No.22080766

What you described sounds like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to some extent. What do you think Nietszche would think of Eckhart Tolle and his teachings? If you had to guess what are some books or philosophers Nietszche would recommend to read apart from him?

>> No.22080776
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>this popular, genuinely good, adored series you like? Umm akshually, it le sucks, and let me autistically list out arbitrary reasons why.
Shut the fuck up you smug bitch. This is why you have no friends. Kill yourself

>> No.22080788

Precursors of certain fundamental aspects of CBT have been identified in various ancient philosophical traditions, particularly Stoicism.[24] Stoic philosophers, particularly Epictetus, believed logic could be used to identify and discard false beliefs that lead to destructive emotions, which has influenced the way modern cognitive-behavioral therapists identify cognitive distortions that contribute to depression and anxiety.[25] Aaron T. Beck's original treatment manual for depression states, "The philosophical origins of cognitive therapy can be traced back to the Stoic philosophers".[26] Another example of Stoic influence on cognitive theorists is Epictetus on Albert Ellis.[27] A key philosophical figure who influenced the development of CBT was John Stuart Mill.[28]

>If you had to guess what are some books or philosophers Nietszche would recommend to read apart from him?
For people who influenced him, Kant is a good start.
But he would also probably recommend starting with the Greeks just like /lit/ does, especially Plato (even though he disagreed with Plato on almost everything)
Niestzche wouldn't want you to treat his philosophy as dogma, and would want you to come to the same conclusions he did through natural means, which started for him by familiarizing himself with all the main arguments about morality, nature, and existence.

>> No.22080829

My diary

>> No.22080857

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essays especially Nature

>> No.22080878
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>In complete and total seriousness, Lord of the Rings.
It's a good book, but come on, really? There are far better books that can really change someone's outlook who is struggling. The Brothers Karamazov or Don Quixote come to mind.

>> No.22081029

I will probably soon. fuck you right hander

>> No.22081034

anna karenina

>> No.22081091

Is DQ really like that? I attempted it but it felt like dated babby's first satire so I threw it away after the first unfunny chapters about helmets and horses and pigs. Are you really saying it can be used it as a self help book?

>> No.22081115

soulcraft by plotkin

>> No.22081122

Very reddit post

>> No.22081135

The meaning of life is to eliminate idle thoughts. There is no answer. Keep your mind and body leisurely busy with any amount of progress.

>> No.22081174

The 12 Rules For Life by Dr Jordan Berndt Peterson PhD

>> No.22081448

Yes, really. Pay close attention to the dialogue between Frodo and Gandalf. Frodo has very relatable complaints and problems while Gandalf offers very simple and yet profound advice. In one of the early chapters, Frodo complains about his life to Gandalf and Gandalf straightforwardly tells Frodo what he needs to do with his life to make it worthwhile.

>> No.22081507

So this is what /lit/ has devolved to. Nobody here actually reads philosophy (it's just a big larp) but your onions reddit Lord of the Rings reps are honed enough that you are able to circlejerk about it containing profound philosophy, because it's the closest thing to something you have actually read and are able to talk about.

>> No.22081540

You will never find what you’re looking for if you’re only willing to look in one place.

>> No.22081548

Is it actually worth reading or just another Jewish lie book?

>> No.22081555

I hope you aren't implying philosophy texts are "one place".

>> No.22081560

You lost? Back to >>>/pol/, this isn't the place to feed your delusions.

>> No.22081631

If all you’re willing to do is read philosophy then it is indeed “one place”.

>> No.22081642

This is some extremely advanced bait.

>> No.22081683

Thanks for reminding me.
Read the One Piece manga, OP. Luffy already has life figured out by chapter 1. The entire manga is about him using his autist rage to convince the retards around him that life is actually pretty based.

>> No.22081715

Starting strength

>> No.22081729

How could it possibly be bait? Only an idiot would deny that worthwhile ideas can be found in fiction. Only an idiot would deny that if you can’t seem to find something, you’ll have to look where you haven’t yet thought to look if you want to find it.

>> No.22081759

How is that helpful for someone that hasn’t found their thing? They’re not going to imagine themselves as one of the side characters? Japanese stories in general are very often about the relentless pursuit of something or else how to cope when that’s off the table no matter how retarded that thing was in the first place. Retarded quests aren’t going to resonate with Westerners. What Westerners want is not just a quest but a worthwhile quest.

>> No.22081764

Read the Musashi novelization and Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.22081813

You don't seem to understand that the concept of "looking for worthwhile ideas" is literally what philosophy IS. If you have a worthwhile idea, your idea is philosophy. if something has been covered in fiction then it's been covered ten times over by philosophers. Saying philosophy is "one thing" is borderline retarded. It's like cargo cult commentary, it's genuinely incorrect, you have have taken a common proverb (don't get all your knowledge from one place) and mistakenly applied it to something where it doesn't apply. If you struggle with that, then of course you're the type of person to think a quote from Star Wars is mind blowing, but you don't belong here.

>> No.22081833


>> No.22081918

Go ahead and recommend pure philosophy to a depressed scatterbrained doomer, see how well that goes

>> No.22081920

But you don’t seem to understand that the same notion can be found not only in books labeled philosophy and written by philosophers. What’s happened here is someone has attacked the label and you’ve mistakenly confused the label for the thing which it’s referring to. You’re failing at this whole “you’re Reddit and I’m not” move that you’re trying to pull by the way.

>> No.22081939
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You know what already anon. You're just afraid to take that step.

>> No.22081942

Musashi is actually a perfect example of what I’m talking about.

>> No.22081950
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>> No.22082026

I keep seeing posts like these on /lit/ asking for life advice, but consider this: if you actually managed to achieve a modicum of self-control, wouldn't one of the first things you'd do with it is leave this shithole website forever? Why would you listen to anyone that hasn't managed to do that? Moreover, it proves that reading books has no effect whatsoever on achieving that self-control. In fact, you can consider every single recommendation given itt as things that don't work. Religion, books, walking, manual labor, etc. all useless since the people recommending them are still here.

>> No.22082031

I come here because I like to laugh at people who are inferior to me intellectually.

>> No.22082105
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>> No.22082112

based, the post that convinced me to quit 4chan.

>> No.22082119

Dao De Jing

>> No.22082134

I know that's why I said it. (I'm more of a drunk loser like matahatchi)

>> No.22082146

Fucking hell man. Look. Any "meaning" or "purpose" you manage to dredge up for yourself will only sustain you for some time before you find yourself on this hill again. Accept that you don't have the countenance for suicide and maybe you'll take a step forward towards becoming jaded enough to let life and its futility and its measliness pass through you. You'll be listless and dispassionate and detached but at least you'll let go of this putrid fucking non-struggle you have. This artificial need to find meaning in your own existence. There is no meaning.

Or you could turn religion. Take your pick. The market's saturated. The system of values religion provides you with is robust enough to be tenable for a lifetime. And there's a small consolation to know you're not grazing forth alone but there are millions if not billions of other lost sheeple rousing themselves from bed every morning and keeping the despair at bay solely because Jesus or Krishna or whatever told them there IS inherent meaning to their lives.

>> No.22082160

Bro lift weights and you'll feel better lmao

>> No.22082187

The reason more and more people are going through this fucking crossroad of "oh whoopsie what's the meaning to my life how do I rationalize my existence." is because the widespread access to education. Tell me whose brilliant idea was it to fucking expose everyone, even the little genetic blunders who had been shaped minutely and with extreme intricacy by nature to be biological dimwits, to complex philosophical ideas elaborated by men of greater wisdom?
Okay, we had a decent thing happening. You were born, you got the lot you inherited from your parents (a plot of land, a trade, fucking rags, shackles) and that's that. You procreated. You provided. You moved on. Do you think fucking serfs took a time of their day to ponder if their toil had "meaning".
What a joke.

>> No.22082431

babby think his existential crisis makes him spwecial? babby tink it make him smawt UwU

>> No.22082635


>> No.22082659
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>> No.22082677

No you fucking retard. If I had been illiterate I'd have pumped out my 4th child by now. But then again my grandmother was illiterate and that didn't stop her from leading a miserable life.

>> No.22082682
