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File: 412 KB, 1200x1856, bhagavad-gita-as-it-is-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22063471 No.22063471 [Reply] [Original]

Literally the Bible we didn't deserve, but still got anyway

Praise lord Krishna

>> No.22063546

I really liked it because it’s still inferior to the New Testament all things considered. It is VERY good though and is a great supplementary work that gives a great alternative perspective to Jesus’ teachings. Jesus taught a more robust version of Bhakti Yoga essentially and Bhakti yoga is the most superior form of Yoga. Gita does go into more depth philosophically about certain things though that I did appreciate. Also Krishna BTFOs every wanna be yoga hoe and McMindfulness enthusiast so that was pretty based as well. Over all great spiritual work and I respect anyone who tries to seek the divine through the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It’s right in the cusp of being Interchangeable with The gospel of Christ but is lacking in the realms of the significance of the family and role of parents and gets the afterlife wrong with its insurance upon reincarnation as apposed to resurrection and judgment doctrine.

>> No.22063945

It doesn't tell me to worship the jew god, so I think it's more based.

>> No.22064070

The Jews don’t know God.

>> No.22064192

i feel like my racism hinders me to read this. i cannot believe that the indian race has produced something thats of high value so i cannot get myself to read this. i bet im missing a lot.

>> No.22064215

Why does the culture it spawned worrship poo? Don't redeem?

>> No.22064296

Race isn't homogeneous in India, the higher castes have the most "white" blood.

>> No.22064339

>thinks a spiritual book speaks about material races
Lol, lmao even.

>> No.22064526

Races don’t produce works, individuals do. Besides, sacred knowledge transcends race.

>> No.22065536
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Actually the higher castes are mix of early Middle eastern (Harrapan) and Aryan blood, because they Indus Valley was was ruled by Neolithic Iranians similar to Mesopotamia. This class ruled over a majority Austro-asiatic population, so when the Arya invaded they incorporated some of the previous elite. That's why high castes will often have paternal dna relating to this original class that is not found among tribal castes or other Indo-Euopean people. I mention this because it's this collision of values that created Vedic spirituality, rather than being a pure Arya dichtomy.

>> No.22065548
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>> No.22065549

This is why Krishna is based

>> No.22065555

I hate Indian stuff. The words sound stupid, and the aesthetic is ugly as fuck.

>> No.22065566

interesting, where can I read more about this?

>> No.22065567


>> No.22065574


>> No.22065638 [DELETED] 

We wuz pooz n sheeit

>> No.22065742

damn so wee wuzz heendizz ??

>> No.22065753

99% of the ridiculous indians you see online are low-caste dysgenic trash

>> No.22065769
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>> No.22065862

The ISKCON Version isn't even the original one
>higher castes have "white" blood
Absolutely retarded. There are Brahmins that look East Asian and Tamil Brahmins with less Indo-Aryan admixture than Jatt Dalits. That's presupposing the Indo-Aryans were even white and not swarthy Armenian looking people. Lord Krishna is literally described as being Black-skinned
t. North Indian Brahmin
Caste is endemic to India, that's correct. It's not something that came with the Indo-Aryans but rather something they married into. Anyway, race was important in India or conceived of like it is today - what mattered was culture

>> No.22065869

*wasn't important in India.
Also, the Harrapans weren't just early Iranians. They were already heavily mixed with Ancestral Indians. Calling them Middle Eastern is misleading

>> No.22066074

Why do people always mention this version when talking about the Gita?
You're supposed to read this text with the classical commentaries, preferably by Shankaracharya, which is the oldest one.
If you don't want to read any commentaries then get Winthrop Sargeant's translation.
Also, hindu bhakti is not comparable to christian worship, the bhaktas have received an initiation (diksha), method (sadhana) and belong to an initiatic chain/lineage (guru-shishya-parampara).

>> No.22066149
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Finally, an online Brahmin that isn't a snivelling cunt who can speak proper English. Where u from ? I'm from Kerala desu

>> No.22066336

>Krishna is literally described as being Black-skinned
Why haven't Hoteps taken advantage of this yet?

>> No.22066357

The indians you knew of didn't write this. A higher caste did.

>> No.22066375

>nooo whites didn't write this book
>noooo lower caste or unmixed browns did
>noooo jews wrote this
Why do you people not decide by the content itself? Would divinity care a whit about who it blesses?

>> No.22066391

This is also why Jesus is based. It’s the same shit. Y’all glorify Krishna becsuse you’ve been brainwashed to be antagonistic to Jesus because of the Jewish media.

>> No.22066399

Go proselytize elsewhere.

>> No.22066449

I don’t like the aesthetic either but lamb tika misala is goated.

>> No.22066566
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Thanks, I'm from Eastern Haryana but I'm a Hindi-Speaker.
I mean I've seen Afro-Centrists claim that the cap of snails of Buddha's head was coiled African hair before. I suppose Hinduism is less accessible to the mainstream in the West
That "higher" caste still exists today. Actually, there are probably more "high" caste Indians now than ever in history. Regardless, saying one group of people is better than an other for something they can't control like caste is a foolish idea

>> No.22066593

the words are either watered down or exaggerated for the new indians
the aesthetic has also been fucked with quite a lot during 20th century new age phase

>> No.22066599

number checked kar liye bhosdiwale, kya naseeb hai tera. kuchh hindi novels recemmend kar na mujhe, Mai itna familiar nhi hun Indian literature mai (sorry for the bad hindi, I speak marathi)

>> No.22066637
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You retards, the "caste system" wasn't hereditary especially during the Vedic times. So most of these scriptures could have been written by men (and women, like a lot of Rig Vedic hymns) of any "caste"/Jati. There was no "caste system" in ancient India. There was only the Varna system and Jati system (cultural and ethnic clans). The Varnas consisting of the 4 occupational classes got turned into the "caste system" in modern times by the British to divide and conquer Indians. In ancient and even medieval India, Anyone could become a Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudras. There were entire kingdoms ruled by Shudra kings who became Kshatriyas.

>> No.22066647

Where do I start with Hinduism? It’s metaphysics seems bang on the money, especially against the semitic saturnic demon religions we call Abrahamism.

>> No.22066769


>> No.22066779

> another mainstream
bullshit and dogshit

>> No.22066782

start in your bathroom

>> No.22066787

true answer: overpopulation. kill as many as possible, enjoy to the fullest.

>> No.22066816

Neither the christians.

>> No.22066818 [DELETED] 
File: 857 KB, 1033x2675, Puranas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Bhagavad Gita itself. It's a perfect summary of Vedic philosophy and metaphysics. If you want to go deeper into the metaphysics, then read the various Puranas.

>> No.22066824

Start with the Bhagavad-Gita or the Upanishads, and then from there you can read the works from specific schools of Hinduism that each expound their own type of metaphysics like Advaita, Vishishtadvaita, Trika Shaivism etc

>> No.22066833
File: 864 KB, 1039x2694, Puranas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Bhagavad Gita itself. It's a perfect summary of Vedic philosophy and metaphysics. If you want to go deeper into the metaphysics, then read the various Puranas.

>> No.22066842

gita is bullshit, propaganda. don't start.

>> No.22066851
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came to say that you're a street shitting pagan subhuman and youre going to hell even after living in it on earth lmao

>> No.22067498

Keep dilating, christrannist. You will never get into your jew god's imaginary heaven.

>> No.22067512

Hinduism is so much more based than trendy B*ddhism.

>> No.22067551
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Any recs for which translation of the Gita to read?

>> No.22067559

>indian /lit/ thread
>/pol/ ruins it
Every. Time.

>> No.22067875
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>> No.22067900

Islam is better

>> No.22067904

Back it up.

>> No.22068015

Islam isn't even the best semetic religion

>> No.22068209

Actual Buddhism>Hinduism>trendy B*ddhism

>> No.22068217

Haters seething with jealousy rn

>> No.22068984
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I have just finished reading the Stephen Mitchell translation which was very clear, readable, and enjoyable without becoming stale, academic or overwrought. He has an excellent reputation - not that I am in a position to verify it, but his translations of Rilke where also highly praised.

>> No.22068986
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>> No.22069135

>"Don't be such a pussy and kill your fucking cousins lmao"
- Lord Krishna

Great read

>> No.22069269

>Caste is endemic to India, that's correct. It's not something that came with the Indo-Aryans
>There was no "caste system" in ancient India
holy shit you are legit reddit tier blue pilled
read Georges Dumézil

>> No.22069350

Still waiting on detailed hindu bibliography predating buddhism detailing and being very explicit about how non-duality is the real teaching of Hinduism, and how to get there, and how meditation is the way to go with lots of minutia on how to be good meditator, and on why the only compendium is from the middle ages by Shankara whereas the theory is supposed to be thousands of years old at this point and studied by thousands of brahmins already perfectly understanding it and teaching it.

>> No.22069357

The Varna system was always meant to be fluid and based on culture, not race. It was like Plato's Gold, Silver, Bronze men. Anyway, Georges Dumezil just has a hypothesis, nothing concrete. If caste was a feature of all Indo-European societies then caste identities would have persisted in Europe

>> No.22069365

>then caste identities would have persisted in Europe
What is Feudalism?

>> No.22069379

Not nearly the same thing. Anyway, the Japanese also have a feudal culture despite having no Indo-European ancestry. Why presuppose that priest-warrior-farmer was a unique societal division among Indo-Europeans? Also, this doesn't factor in things such as some Brahmins and Kyshatriyas coming from non-Indo-Aryan peoples such as Mundi-Kyshatriyas and NE Brahmins

>> No.22069396

Yes there's no similarity between church/aristocracy/peasantry and brahmin/kshatriya/shudra.

>> No.22069406

Why are you derailing this thread? Go make your own whining about whatever hurt you.

>> No.22069417
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Check this book out, it details the genetic history of India.

>> No.22069418

Very surface level similarities maybe. Thier were Native American groups with Shaman, Warrior/Hunter, and worker societal divisions as well. As well as many African ones. It's not at all a unique way to divvy up your society. The system isn't even threefold like Dumezil states, it's five-to-seven fold in India - Brahmin, Kyshatriya, Vaishya, Other-Middle Caste, Shudra, Dalit, Mleecha

>> No.22069425

You right probably somewhere in between Early Neolithic Iranians and pure Ancestral Indians. With the non-ruling population maybe having less Neolithic

>> No.22069432

Why do you assume that the non-ruling population was less likely to be Neolithic or that rule was based on your admixture rather than merit?

>> No.22069436
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Then why do different castes have different levels of paternal heritage. The suggests the castes original where started by different groups

>> No.22069443

Because lower class like the Chamar near 0% paternal Haplogroup L, Usually ethnic groups near the Indus like the Jat or Warrior castes in the South have high frequencies of Paternal L heritage. Other example is Zorastrian priest of whom 50% had L paternal heritage. L itself is non-into aryan as it is rare outside West Asia and mostly in India and Persia, with some Mid East isolations

>> No.22069447

Where's that from? Anyway caste now isn't they way it was originally formulated. Originally, it was mobile and based not on hereditary but aptitude and culture. If one propeciated to the Gods properly they were a Brahmin, etc. It slowly became stratified, then even further stratification occurred during Islamic and British India (because why wouldn't you want to take advantage of pre-existing divisions in a society you're exploiting)

>> No.22069454
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By the South I mean in South India especially among Dravidian war castes. There is the theory that originally the Indus Valley was a Dravidian speaking civilization, since proto-Dravdian is similar to Elamite, a neolithic language from the Zargos mountains. This would explain why some Dravidian, Indus, and Persian groups have large sums of Paternal L. We most likely had a large Dravidian speaking language network from Persia to Southern India, which was presumably only isolated to South India when the Aryans forced their language on the Indus and Iranic populations, despite incorporating them.

>> No.22069464
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It's possible, but I think blood caste was older. This why there was a struggle with Buddhism's rise in early India. They issue was mostly about caste politics, since Buddhism would make the priest class non-hereditary. That's why originally there was high tension between the Brahmins and Buddhist monks. That's also why high trade and economics areas like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Maldives, and Sri Lanka quickly become majority buddhist while other places barely converted. It was politically advantageous for merchants to be buddhists, since the priest Buddhist priest class held less power (being nonhereditary) and demanded less wealth for rituals, unlike the Brahmins. The struggle between Buddhism and Hinduism shows there was caste politics involved.

>> No.22069474

It got it from wikipedia, the quoted a genetic study done in India regarding male heritage and different groups. Study is called Sharma 2009

>> No.22069476

Buddhism wasn't exactly anti-caste. The Buddha himself was a 7th generation Kyshatriya. It was more anti-ritualism, something conducted primarily by Brahmins. It didn't mean necessarily that anyone could become a Brahmin, just that the functions of a priest should be reconstituted to focus less on Vedic rituals

>> No.22069495

But if Indian society was mixed before the caste separation would't you find more equal paternal heritages among groups? Some groups have consistently more one type of male dna over the other despite living in the same places for centuries, wouldn't this suggest the separation was kept for longer than just a 400 period?

>> No.22069503
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This air ea example of what I mean, a majority of Zoroastrians in India belong to haplogroup J which is also found in high frequency among Brahmins. Yet the Zoroastrian Priest class is majority paternal Haplogroup L

>> No.22069520

>Still waiting on detailed hindu bibliography predating buddhism detailing and being very explicit about how non-duality is the real teaching of Hinduism
The Upanishads that predate Buddha talk over and over about non-dualism, and so do the Upanishads that come after him do too. Before the time of Buddha it was more informal and it was first and foremost concerned with a practice that was esoteric and not widely explained to everyone, and it had not developed into a formal scholastic tradition, that is why large and complex commentaries explaining it don't appear until later.
>and how to get there
Non-dualism is not a place or a state of mind that you 'reach' through meditation, it considered to be an ever-present fact or truth, it's true and already the case even when the mind doesn't realize it.
>and how meditation is the way to go with lots of minutia on how to be good meditator
The Upanishads refute the premise that meditation brings about liberation by stating that liberation happens alone through spiritual realization or knowledge
>and on why the only compendium is from the middle ages by Shankara whereas the theory is supposed to be thousands of years old
There are many texts from centuries before Shankara also talking about non-dualism, like Gaudapada, the Gita, Puranas, the later minor Upanishads, even Bhartrari, there are other texts and thinkers referred to in medieval works but whose writings dont survive.

>> No.22069525

The Buddha was low key anti caste. There is no caste in the sangha but the Buddha only satirically really challenged the caste system outside of the sangha and didn't really bother trying to overthrow it

For example he once gave a talk about how much better ksitriyas are than brahmins, but only because he knew it was the only way for him to get through to a chauvinistic brahmin. As soon as the brahmin becomes more pliant and open, he starts discussing Buddhism and leaves his satirical argument about caste aside

>> No.22069540

>If one propitiated to the Gods properly they were a Brahmin, etc.
It wouldn't simply be a matter of having the proper belief or following the proper ritual but being a Brahmin by nature would mean having a sattvic disposition that involves essentially having an inquisitive or intellectual mind that is prone to reflection on spiritual/higher matters, not everyone is going to have this disposition and typically in any society its only a minority, while others by the law of averages will have a mental and emotional constitution that is more fitting of soldiers, merchants or farmers/craftsmen etc.

>> No.22069689

Read Christopher Beckwith for basically the opposite.

>> No.22070425

The good first half was written by Aryans, mate

>> No.22070487

Appeal to vanity

Appeal to greed

>> No.22070505

>This post
>appeal to midwittery

>> No.22070523
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The first half is just rituals. The philosophical writings come later.
Looked like this Indian man

>> No.22070593

>Ad hominem

>> No.22070598

Buddha literally had blue eyes...

>> No.22070604

Just completely disregard the fact that the person that produced this wasn't "indian"

>> No.22070605

My reading so far of the Bhagavad Gita is that Krishna is a demon who is playing 4D with Arjuna, appealing to his ego when he wants Arjuna to do something and claiming everything unverifiable (such as the creation of the universe) to him without any proof so that he can farm loosh off of his followers

>> No.22070618

>Christian claiming something that another religions text says is "unverifiable"
the irony

>> No.22070630

Beckwith's "Greek Buddha" thesis relies on extremely weak inferences, it's a stretch to even call it "circumstantial evidence". That Buddha's ideas developed in a foreign setting makes little sense when so many concepts and teachings of Buddha are slight modifications of ideas that were already found in the Upanishads and Sankhya, and the Pali Canon even mentions Buddha studying with teachers of an early type of Sankhya before his claimed enlightenment. Sankhya didn't exist in Persia/central-Asia.

>> No.22070638

>Assuming I am Christian

>> No.22070650

What's a good English version to read, Pajeet?

>> No.22070653
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Not necessarily, Buddhist canon describes him as also having spoke symbols on the rose-colored palms of his feet, webbed fingers, a fleshy protuberance on his head, a bright red tongue with special saliva, chest hair that formed a Swastika, and a cap of snails. Imagery and color in Hinduism is symbolic. Indra is described as having Yellow skin because he's made out of lightening, but one wouldn't expect him to be East Asian or anything. Also, there are plenty of Indians with light eyes all over the sub-continent, doesn't mean they're European looking

>> No.22070657

Beckwith's deconstruction of the existing chronologies and arguments for placing the Buddha is very useful though, after reading that book I was immediately curious how mainstream Buddhist scholars would react to it and found that they were mostly cautiously positive about Beckwith's underlying point that arguments like his are possible, and they are possible because the field is so fucking shitty and people are just re-heating compromise datings nobody has ever really agreed on.

Beckwith's thesis is perfectly plausible as a "what if." Some of his ideas are more farfetched, but if you connect with something like McEvilley's Shape of Ancient Thought, which does a lot of work to establish subtle lines of influence and intellectual continuity in ancient Eurasia, it makes something LIKE Beckwith's thesis inherently plausible. Even if one rejects the thesis specifically. It's not even that far-fetched that a basically Aryan religious perspective inserted itself in South Asian metaphysical discourse, since this is only a modification of the "everything comes from the Indo-Aryan invaders" thesis, and it's only an inversion of the "everything interesting about Indian philosophy really comes from Greater Magadha which wasn't even Vedic" thesis that is now popular (Bronkhorst et al.).

I will say Beckwith's book opened my eyes the same way McEvilley's did back in the day. I was reading Diogenes Laertius again recently and reflecting on just how little we know about Pyrrho. He must have been a Gymnosophist and I think he definitely does provide a window onto Theravada practice at least.

The whole study of Indian philosophy needs a shake-up, now that 20th century Indian nationalism has died down and it's easy to separate 21st century nationalists from pure philosophical study, and simultaneously the western interest in seeing Indian religions as Protestantized Platonism or California hippie new age shit has also died down.

>> No.22070665
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>Intro reads so apologetically as though otherwise Goebbels himself would use the book to justify another holocaust against non-aryans

Are there any good books on human origins?

>> No.22070669

Buddha wasn't even Aryan, he was a half-Mundi tribal that disliked Vedic ritualism. After he shaved his head and beard and became an aesetic he didn't particularly stand out from the rest of his followers

>> No.22070674

Stick to Thor comics Timmy

>> No.22070753

>Beckwith's thesis is perfectly plausible as a "what if."
I really don't think so since he veers towards presenting Buddha originally teaching a kind of Phyrrho-like skepticism without any commitment to rebirth etc even though this is explicitly identified in the Pali Canon as one of 6 heretical views which Buddha rejects and says is wrong in the Samaññaphala Sutta.

The linking of "shakya" to "scythian" is itself specious when Shakya already has a meaning in Sanskrit and Pali and so there is no reason to assume it has a foreign origin when it's not out of place in northern India. It's only reasonable to presuppose a foreign origin in the first place if the word is out of place in India and hence inexplicable but it's not in fact.

I don't find Bronkhorst's Magadha thesis to be serious either, the Upanishads very clearly come from circles of Sanskrit-speaking Brahmin intellectuals. They presuppose extensive knowledge of the Vedas, Sanskrit, Vedic deities and rituals; the notion that a semi-foreign group outside of the Vedic system would have written texts that required all of this Vedic knowledge is just absurd, and it becomes even more absurd to imagine elitist and exclusive Brahmins adding passages to their scripture that were written by foreigners when there was such focus on memorization and proper pronunciation and the proper transmission of this to the next generation. Even the style of writing in the Upanishads is halfway between Vedic Sanskrit and it's later formalization by Panini etc, which is exactly what you would expect if it came from Brahmins.

>> No.22070859

Yep, every non-Vedic text is non-dualistic at its core. Whether it's all the Puranas, Mahabharata, Ramayana or the Gita. They all talk Brahman and Atman, every deity you find in them are just Avatars of different aspects of Brahman.

>> No.22071543
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i know people have replied saying this already but the vedic texts (including the bhagavad gita) were written in vedic Sanskrit, An Indo European language. The vedas were originally composed by Indo Europeans. funily enough Sanskrit and Lithuanian are incredibly closely related languages.

>> No.22071565

i want you to look up the translation of varna


go ahead. you disingenuous faggot.

>> No.22071639

Your fake ass "god" is as imaginary as the family you think you're going to have someday

>> No.22071683

>Varna, Sanskrit varṇa, any one of the four traditional social classes of India. Although the literal meaning of the word varna (Sanskrit: “colour”) once invited speculation that class distinctions were originally based on differences in degree of skin pigmentation between an alleged group of lighter-skinned invaders called “Aryans” and the darker indigenous people of ancient India, this theory has been discredited since the mid-20th century. The notion of “colour” was most likely a device of classification. Colours were frequently used as classifiers; e.g., the Vedic scripture known as the Yajurveda is divided into two groups of texts, White and Black.

>> No.22071759

Whoops, sorry, I made some typos.

My reading so far of the Bible is that Yahweh is a demon who is playing 4D with MOses, appealing to his ego when he wants Moses to do something and claiming everything unverifiable (such as the creation of the universe) to him without any proof so that he can farm loosh off of his followers*

>> No.22071766
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>> No.22071773

>thinking any religion is somehow more "verified" than the Gita

>> No.22071777

>I respect anyone who tries to seek the divine through the Supreme Personality of Godhead
The actual Gita doesn't say this, only Prabhupada's whacky (mis)translation does

>> No.22071948

No one uses varna to refer to skin-color. That's raṅga which means to "take on a color" or "become a color"

>> No.22071954
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>we wuz Vedic and shiet

>> No.22072047

I am going to make a /lit/ Gita chart that will finally give people an answer as to what sort of one they should read based on what sort of reading experience they want.

>> No.22072240

The Vedic culture of India was seeded by the Aryans during the liberation of the area from the Kali cult.

These particular Aryans came from the Russian steppes. Vedic culture is white culture.

>> No.22072248
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>Vedic culture is white culture
Is this how whites cope with having a dead Pagan tradition

>> No.22072569

>Anyway, the Japanese also have a feudal culture despite having no Indo-European ancestry
But they do have ANE ancestry, and Indo-Europeans were 70% ANE. You're correct they have no IE ancestry, but the hierarchical caste system could have predated them.

>> No.22072772

>I really liked it because it’s still inferior to the New Testament
a true intellect

>> No.22073085


>> No.22073276

Ancient DNA and the European Neolithic: Relations and Descent - Whittle, Alasdair

>> No.22073464

Perhaps not what you were looking for anon but here you go:


>> No.22073547

I'm told that Sanskrit is basically old Russian

"If I were asked what two languages of the world resembled each other most, I would reply without hesitation: 'Russian and Sanskrit.'" "When I went to Moscow, the Manager of my hotel game me the key for Room No. 234 and said 'Dwesti tridtsat chetire'. For a moment I could not decide whether I was standing before a pretty girl in Moscow or I was in Banaras or Ujjain of our classical period of some 2,000 years ago. In Sanskrit 234 is 'Dwishat tridasha chatwar.'" "Here is another Russian sentence; 'To vash dom, etot nash dom'. [That is your house, this is our house] In Sanskrit it is: 'tat vas dham, etat nas dham.'" "How I wished that Panini, the great Indian grammarian who lived some 2,800 years ago, could listen to the language of his own times so wonderfully preserved with the least possible variations in this part of the world. The Russian word "sewn'[syn] is 'son' in English, and 'soonu' in Sankskrit. Also, 'madiy' of Sanskrit may be compared with 'moy' of Russian and 'my' of English. But it is only Russian and Sanskrit in which the possessive pronoun 'moy' and 'madiy' must be changed to 'moya' and 'madiya' because it qualifies the word 'snokha' which is feminine. The Russian word snokha is snukha in Sanskrit and can be pronounced either way. Here the relationship goes beyond the son on to the wife of the son too by similar words in both languages." "The word 'is' is also very similar in both, 'est' in Russian and 'asti' in Sanskrit and yet another 'estestvo' in Russian and 'Astitva' in Sanskrit meaning 'existence' in both."

Prof.Durga Prasad Shastri, Links Between Russian and Sanskrit (Indo-Soviet Cultural Society. Meerut District ISCUS Conference, 22,23 Feb. 1964)

>> No.22073566

>This class ruled over a majority Austro-asiatic population
Where the hell are you getting this information from

>> No.22073719

IVC was dravidian.
there was either an Aryan migration or an Aryan invasion. nothing's conclusive.
is this the "we wuz kangs" for whites? the higher caste was and is Indians you retard. India is not a homogenous society. there's tribabls, dravidians, aryans, and a whole lot of other ethnic groups which have mixed.
the hindu texts have dravidian elements, the aryans intermingled with the dravidians which led to the mahabharata, ramayana, bhagavad gita, etc. the upanishads as well most probably. the vedas consist of songs of praise to hindu deities. the four vedas were written as the aryans delved deeper into the Indian subcontinent. its possible that the vedas didn't have any external influence.
some braindead aryans probably got mad at the intermingling and imposed a caste system based on birth. the pasty skinned people became brahmins, followed by kshatriyas, vaisyas, and shudras. a large part of the Indian society today still consists of the upper castes such as Brahmins and Kshatriyas.
also, proto indoeuropeans had fair skin, black hair, and brown eyes. not the blue eyed blond rhetoric put forward by white supremacists. white people, especially americans and germans callling themselves aryans is the same as blacks saying cleopatra had black ancestry. you're not aryans, get over it.

>> No.22073927

>not yet on libgen
life is suffering. Guess I'll check on it some time later.