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22047799 No.22047799 [Reply] [Original]

How did this piece of filth become so popular? It’s not even well written. It’s just the sadistic fantasies of a common thug.

>> No.22047806

because it's every far-rightwinger's fantasy

>> No.22047810
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>sadistic fantasies of a common thug
Have you ever met an American white supremacist?

>> No.22047820

Reading it atm. Im halfway through and struggling to find the motivation to finish. Was expecting better.

>> No.22047897

I've never read it. I just savor the butthurt that ensues whenever someone mentions it. Maybe I'll get around to it one of these days to see what the fuss is all about.

>> No.22047978

Let’s be real here, sadistic fantasies where idealized good guys slaughter evil subhumans has always been a big part of human culture. it exists in the culture myths of tribal peoples, in the pulp paperbacks of democratic societies, in communist propaganda

>> No.22047982

Streisand effect.

>> No.22048035

Started off good like it would be a good tv series but it’s like the writer gave up halfway through

>> No.22048103

it's wholesome, funny, and actionable. meanwhile you seethe and do nothing along with the rest of this sundowning civilization.

>> No.22048110

is it less shitty than Iron Gates?

>> No.22048176

Yeah, I think "wholesome" is a good description.

>> No.22048188
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>> No.22048493
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Because they found a copy of it in Timothy McVeigh getaway car. This board is full of zoomers

>> No.22048544

Modern right wing ideology has no real beliefs or content, it's just the same mental defects that school shooters and serial killers have. The only actual philosophy behind it is finding any possible justification for sadistic violence against others, the more vulnerable the target and sadistic the violence the better. It's closer to a sexual fetish for societal dropouts and defectives than a political program. They need to go back to writing about monarchies and the catholic church and shit.

>> No.22048549

You're entirely missing the point. The author was a literal rocket scientist and he wanted to make a highly accessible and inspiring work of propaganda in the grand tradition of American pulp adventure fiction. It's a masterpiece of the genre and very underrated.

>> No.22048593
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>> No.22048597

The far right today are just accelerationists

>> No.22048606

even so, to quote Lewis
>Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

>> No.22048609

Really? Damn. I thought I just didn't want to become a minority in my own country.

>> No.22048610

how about modern left wing?
and what about the historical ideology of both?

i'm curious, but would guess they converge on the same points through different paths.

>> No.22048619

Not him, but all of those labels are ambiguous. They are borrowed from various political paradigms around the world at specific time periods. The same word carries a different meaning in a different context. Don't get caught up in the names.

>> No.22048622

Their beliefs are deeply intertwined with modern hyperalientation and social media culture. They are completely nihilistic about the future and the prospect anything good happening to them, so their only outlet for their frustration is to get some cathartic release out of something bad happening to someone else.

also stalin was one of the most based men to ever live desu

psedu idea tbqh

>> No.22048627

Your description only applies to a thin veneer of wingnuts. You sound locked in ideology. It's nothing rare and nothing new.

>> No.22048637

yeah, i wanna dig into that.
understand the line of thought each side had throughout history and how it changed.
my current idea is finding main theory and the ideologues surrounding it for each of the movements.

any suggestions on studying all of that properly? and of anything to avoid?

>> No.22048642

I mean look at /pol/ telegram discord ect. It's just constant demonization, sadistic fantasy, purposelessly trying to scare and hurt people. It's much less about the ideas and more about reaching for any reason to inflict your pain on someone else and watch them suffer. I don't think the people that get involved are like evil racists or something, they are just victims of a hyper individualized dying society where nobody has a common purpose to believe in.

The modern western left has a very similar pattern of hyperindividualism and sadism. Look at how they constantly create new microidentities and attack others through cancel culture for no reason. The main difference is that the modern right is a power fantasy of domination and the modern left has a more vicitm complex religious guilt thing going. You can see how neither side is actually doing anything to help people irl though, just constantly finding the most polarizing belief to have and trying to attack people.

It's an accurate description of every RW movement since the nazis, very nihilist, sadistic and pointlessly obsessed with violence ect. All these people ever do is rant about how disgusting and subuhman their personal boogeyman minority group is and indulge in their fantasies of violence and war towards them. It is not a political project to do anything better for our society and more than isis is.

>> No.22048653

I wish rightwingers were as cruel, sadistic, and power hungry as leftist projection makes believe they are.

>> No.22048672

i wonder if that's how it also was back then.
it's always some mob mentality thing where your side will end up on top, built on a flimsy fallacious cult of personality most of the time.
nazism rose thanks to Hitler, communism rose thanks to the main thinkers, that being Lenin, Marx, Trotsky, and maybe Engels. chinese communism rose through Mao and the others.

funny thing is the contrast too; one side has sadistic fantasies about minorities, the other vitimizes themselves as such a minority and fight for some superiority over the perceived majority.
they're both delusions about what some sort of group is, but opposites in the bad group being the minority or the majority.

i wonder if i'll find some sense looking into the theory of all of them.
probably just come up empty and be proven right that the book we all need is a Bible.

>> No.22048673

For modern society basically right now in the west due to capitalism/consumerism and liberal individualism most people are very alienated and nihilistic. They see themselves as an individual consumer and see any other person as a competition or threat. Because of that they cant/dont want to unite with others and empathize with them. They also can't imagine a genuinely better future. They still feel anger and anxiety about their lives but since they are too individualized to really trust others and engage in a mass movement. So all of societies political anger just goes into these further polarizing political groups who only really care about seeing the other side get hurt/punished. See cancel culture from the left, and triggering the libs from the right. Basically they are removed from any real political project and are just identity politics based mirror images of eachother.

idk about books, Capitalist Realism by mark fisher is a decent one about modern society

>> No.22048674

worth noting they were all extremely charismatic.
everyone has heard of hitler's speeches, and there's accounts of deserters basically becoming fanatics after trotsky goes on an hour and a half spiel.

>> No.22048677

very decent analysis.

also clears up the notion as for why traditional catholic groups have been monitored by three-letterers.
in a place of alienated masses, cohesion stands out.

>> No.22048679


Have you never real /pol/

>> No.22048686

/pol/ is teenagers and manchildren spewing out the hatred delusions and power trips.
if only glowies uprooted the rare extremists better.

>> No.22048718

>any suggestions on studying all of that properly?
You do not need a lot of depth, just an understanding of what your conversational partner means when they say ''X''. If there is ambiguity then ask for clarification. Anyone that does not recognize the importance of everyone agreeing on terms is a pseud that can be dismissed. For starters, just dive in the wiki rabbit hole. Don't get caught in the weeds. Some people look at the political spectrum as a line, some as a horseshoe, some as a circle, and some as a tapestry. At first blush, this is not always readily apparent. The left right thing was from a parliament where one major party sat on the left and the other on the right. It's as simple as that. The specific political views were conglomerated for whatever reasons on either side of the aisle. This does not really translate to the modern era, outside of that country, outside of that parliament. Some see the line with repubs on one side and dems on the other. Where do anarchists fit? Some people want them to the right of the rightest repubs because anarchism is the absence of government and repubs generally stand for minimal government. In reality, many ''anarchists'' are really just socialists of a different name, so the actually belong to the left of dems. Take a glance at third positionism. See what everyone calls everyone else - [capitalist] pig, running dog [socialist], etc. You can sometimes tell one's political persuasion by how they couch something.
>and of anything to avoid?
Avoid conflating economic terms with governmental terms where possible. They are not always interchangeable. Avoid getting stuck with pejorative pigeonholing like Marx does with reactionaries. This is strawman garbage. Especially don't get confused when terms get mixed like Left versus Conservative.

Most of all, don't make it a chore -
Keep clicking on links and go with the flow.

>> No.22048721

>/pol/ is one person

>> No.22048761

Read Marx if you want to understand how society functions. Das Kapital specifically. And Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism by Lenin. They are memed a lot and associated with dumb modern political shit but their writing is still the best framework for understanding the ruling class and how the economy and hierarchy of our society works.

>> No.22049192
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It’s always funny when somebody is like ‘fascists are psychotic nihilists who live to hurt people’ and then immediately afterwards are like ‘yeah josef stalin was based’

>> No.22049214

The craziest thing is he is both a freudomarxist and a stalinist. Baiters need to make their larps the tighter.

>> No.22049224

>It’s just the sadistic fantasies of a common thug.
Based. Thanks for the rec.

>> No.22049610

Anyone who isn't both a monarchist and a theocrat isn't right wing.

>> No.22050264

Wie heißt nochmals dieser werte Herr der gearteten Sitten? Ihn hab ich doch schon mal auf YouTube gesehen

>> No.22050297

This is why Fascists/National Socialists should distance themselves from the term „right wing.“ Besides providing zero intrinsic value, what little part of it isn‘t occupied by Trump sycophants owes to ideologies which fundamentally resist conceptions of nationalism.

>> No.22050435

I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or not, but fascists/nazis aren't right-wing because they are neither monarchist nor theocratic.

>> No.22050558

Its worse, at least iron gates had some semblance of a plot even if it was just edgelord shit. Turner diaries is just page after page of this faggot talking about fixing radios and generators.

>> No.22050592

It isn’t popular.
It’s only known by the filth that seek it out.
John Waters early films are more popular and that’s just because of his mainstream success and morbid curiosity.
TD isn’t going to get any further than filth attractor

>> No.22050644
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>Modern right wing ideology has no real beliefs or content, it's just the same mental defects that school shooters and serial killers have. The only actual philosophy behind it is finding any possible justification for sadistic violence against others, the more vulnerable the target and sadistic the violence the better. It's closer to a sexual fetish for societal dropouts and defectives than a political program. They need to go back to writing about monarchies and the catholic church and shit.

>> No.22050660

Its a handbook on how to organize a far right terror group and commit terrorism disguised as a love story drama.
The plot is secondary the book is about telling you that mortars are an efficient tool to kill your political enemies during their own rallies.
Its Rules for Radicals for Chuds.

>> No.22050675
File: 315 KB, 960x882, 49825CA6-E505-4B47-9CB2-B4BCD2B953AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a far right terror group and commit terrorism disguised as a love story drama.
Defending your own race from extermination is not terrorism you utter fucking mong.
Whites have a divine duty to survive, because we are the most advanced and profound civilisation

>> No.22050693

It's pulp.

The left/right false dichotomy is for morons, anybody engaging in that conversation is a moron.

>> No.22050701

>It’s just the sadistic fantasies of a common thug.
It's not written from the perspective of a black man?

>> No.22050718

The black man would write about murdering crips and fucking shawty.
The white man writes about nuking china and murdering every non white... and also fucking a tradwife.

>> No.22050726

You miss my point my illiterate friend :)

>> No.22050731

What was it then >_<

>> No.22050757

Spreading Islam is not terrorism you utter fucking mong
Muslims have a divine duty to survive, because Allah says we are the most advanced and profound civilisation

>> No.22050957

Can't see what Timmy saw in this. The Organization probably killed more whites than the System in the end.

>> No.22050974

Whites are superior to Muslims. Your post is irrelevant

>> No.22050975

There are white muslims.

>> No.22050980

>rants vigorously against the right and nazis in a largely emotional way devoid of any analysis
>is a tankie
Every time

>> No.22050983

>There are white muslims.
don't care

>> No.22050986

Who, Albanians? Lmao

>> No.22051138

Bosnians? Russian Muslims in the Caucus?

>> No.22051165
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Come on.

>> No.22051260

Where do I read this garbage?

>> No.22051291


>> No.22051321

that's not a rightwing thing per se. it's an ego thing. you either admit you were wrong about something, or double down. and although there's a LOT more nuance to that; it just so happens that rightwingers (of several demographics) are wrong about a lot of things, and also heavily targeted by (external) disinfo because they are more vulnerable

>> No.22051323

>telegram discord
Go back you mentally ill retarded tranny you literally don't live in the world you try to talk about

>> No.22051330

oh did he use the wrong word? i guess he's wrong then, yea? the rightwing telegrams aren't unhinged. that's what you're saying right?

>> No.22051334

Disgusting insect

>> No.22051857

I would say dropping mortars onto a public rally and bombing federal buildings and hanging coal burners and nuking chinks pretty much qualifies as terrorism

>> No.22051864

>Read Marx if you want to understand how society functions
hurp durp something something class warfare

>> No.22051886

What a terrible example, this has actually been working for them, are you trying to justify terrorism here?

>> No.22052066

Er heißt Daniel Beuthner. Er hat eine Youtube Kanal, in dem er Zigarre macht Bewertungen von Zigarren und spricht über Philosophie und Gedichte. Sehr comfy, Ich schaue sie an, um mein Deutsch zu übungen

>> No.22052080

As opposed to what? The sadistic fantasies of a self-obsessed intellectual?

>> No.22052085

It's really not that popular.
You confused infamy for popularity. It has never been remotely close to actually popular.
Even the anarchist cookbook sold 10x better.

>> No.22052119
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>william luther pierce read the audiobook himself
>MC pretends to be a jewish shopkeeper to get the system of his back
>get to hear him impersonate a jew in a way he believes is convincing

>> No.22052379

>Ich schaue sie an, um mein Deutsch zu übungen
Viel zu lernen du noch hast

>> No.22052402

>cohen act
lmao, couldn't he have any creativity?

also dude looks repulsive.
funny how people from both extremes of the political spectrum look repulsive and disgusting.
horseshoe theory yet again

>> No.22052506

>Main character wants to save the white race
>Has to murder a white woman and child with a crowbar just because her husband is a police officer who wasn't nice to him
>In any other story ever written this would be the sign that the people he's working with are evil but instead it just moves on

>> No.22052508

Give me the audiobook and timestamp please.
No way I'm listening to all this shit.

>> No.22052865

Sorry. I deleted the audiobook when i finished it. I usually save them but this wasn't worth it. You can find it on audiobookbay.

>> No.22052956

Because people with an enormity of hate in their hearts are basically brain dead- retards really.
True, fuckin' incandescent hate is corrosive, it will make you a dullard.

>> No.22052967

>It’s not even well written
God, yes, I read it last December, and it was just horrible! It does have so much potential, but putting shit like a footnote for what an afro is, is just fuckin' ridiculous!
If this was an unearthed diary, it would be fine, but we all know this is a novel and it ought to be written like that.
I swear I could write a better one.

>> No.22052974
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Can you imagine turning on the news and seeing that your physics professor wrote the book in McVeigh's van?

>> No.22052977

What real beliefs or content do niggers that harrass pregnant White women have?

>> No.22052982
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>also stalin was one of the most based men to ever live desu

Have you read Stalin's "Response to greetings from workers of the main railway workshops in Tiflis June 8, 1926"? What you may find there may surprise you

take this pic into consideration as well

>> No.22052989

Yeah sure. It's McVeigh and like just about everything w/ him that was some fed/spook planting that.

>> No.22053055

Non arguments

Stalin, notoriously the most destructive and murderous commie still at least
>industrialized his country and turned it into a world power
>lifted millions out of medieval poverty and illiteracy
>won a world war which saved eastern europe from extermination

Whereas the closest thing Hitler has to an accomplishment is mass death camps filled with innocent women and children and starting a war that completely destroyed his own country. If you can not see the clear difference in how evil, sadistic and degenerate right wing ideology is you are retarded.

Good examples of the mental illness I am talking about lel. Imagine being one of these people and thinking you have a legitimate beliefs system and deserve human respect

He cute

>> No.22053162

>He cute
You can't even comprehend what is being relayed/shown to you here. You are an NPC, complete dog-brains.

>> No.22053181


>> No.22053193

It's fr though, no cap frfr

>> No.22054491

>it’s actionable
> The Organization then uses both its southern Californian base of operations and its nuclear weapons to open a wider war in which it launches nuclear strikes against New York City and Israel, initiates a nuclear exchange between the United States and Soviet Union, and plants nuclear weapons and new combat units throughout North America. Many major U.S. cities are destroyed, including Baltimore and Detroit. While the United States is being engulfed in a nuclear civil war, governments all over the world fall one by one, and violent anti-Jewish riots break out in the streets. After the nuclear weapons are launched against Israel and Tel Aviv is destroyed, the Arabs take advantage of the opportunity and proceed to swarm into Israel, mostly armed with clubs and knives, and kill all of the Israelis. The governments of France and the Netherlands collapse, and the Soviet Union falls apart while experiencing a surge in anti-Semitic violence. Meanwhile, the United States is put in a state of absolute martial law and transformed into a military dictatorship. The United States government decides to launch an invasion of the Organization's stronghold in southern California. The leaders of the Order now inform Earl Turner of his punishment for having failed to resist his Jewish interrogators during his captivity: he must pilot a crop duster equipped with a nuclear warhead and destroy the Pentagon in a kamikaze-type suicide-strike, before the invasion can be ordered.

>> No.22055820 [SPOILER] 
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