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/lit/ - Literature

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22034200 No.22034200 [Reply] [Original]

pondering wizard edition

previous >>22028154

>> No.22034205


>> No.22034216
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>> No.22034223
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Daily reminder it isn't your fault that dating is hard in the current climate, you are valid king, I personally want to hear your opinions on the movie you just watched and I'd go to coffee with you any time (not gay just friends)

>> No.22034226

Shut the fuck up degenerate moron

>> No.22034231

The good thing about autistic women is that they're actually honest about their actions and thoughts.

>> No.22034233
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>> No.22034235

Use a short rope so your neck doesn't snap and you die shitting your pants and clawing at your faggot neck

All women are autistic, just not in a good or cool way

>> No.22034247
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Daily reminder any pain you experienced from being rejected and devalued despite being a decent person, single and childless women will soon experience it for 10 times longer and 10 times more intensely as they don't derive meaning from anything other than love and family, especially after 30 when being "fun" is no longer fun to them

>> No.22034263

The roastiez at work went crazy with seethe when they found out im dating a 17 year old. Didnt help that they overheard me telling one of my bros that women over 25 are mistly trash.

>> No.22034272

You look at figures from history like Napoleon and Julius Caesar and you notice that they never took orders from anyone outside of the army, and very quickly graduated from even that. They were leaders from the get-go and if they weren’t leaders they found ways to quickly become leaders. They didn’t waste their time in worthless jobs, worthless industries, they didn’t fail to achieve things by certain ages, or display passivity or whatever. These are extremes but they demonstrate the ideal. To occupy the opposite is not only embarrassing but depressing. You can change, but you can’t change how you were and how you are.

>> No.22034277
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Picrel detected, opinion rejected.

>> No.22034293

I just really dislike my life and most of all, myself. I want to progress into something better but it’s difficult to forget about the past as if it doesn’t matter for the future because everyone knows it does.

>> No.22034300

Do you always write like a schizo off his meds?

>> No.22034302

I'm very close to fully accepting the life without love.

>> No.22034312
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u sure bro?

>> No.22034313

what's wrong with that post you gaslighting queer? it was perfectly coherent

>> No.22034321

He probably has a worthless job, no offense

>> No.22034322

Regret and frustration(especially this one!) exist to obfuscate what your psyche doesn't want to/cannot face. These are not their only 2 purposes nor are they the only ones that do this. Laziness functions in a similar way, and many other "character traits"/secondary emotions
In this case, I think it's sadness. And you not being fully "aware" of it only confirms my suspicion.
There's a good exercise I know of(can't remember where I picked it up)
Try to imagine seeing yourself as a kid, but try to detach your current self from it. What do you feel while looking at that kid? Is it something or nothing?
If it's something can you tell me what is it? Responses I've heard so far range from indifference, sadness, rage, embarrassment, and they seem to point in the right direction - things that pop up when thinking about yourself/your journey are exactly the things you didn't resolve(hence why they reappear so readily and obstruct further introspection).
Of course maybe this is all horoscope-tier psychoanalysis so take it with more than a grain of salt.

>> No.22034323

nta but as soon as you use caesar and napoleon as examples, you are easily in stereotyped schizo territory. 'based autist' category if we're being real

>> No.22034327

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.22034332

It's dumb as fuck written by a 3rd grader?
Kill yourself idiot
Only an actual retard would take anything you say seriously

>> No.22034333
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that's retarded, there is nothing wrong with looking up to great men of the past or using them as examples of achievement

>> No.22034334

Yes. I just now realized that the signs were there all this time.

>> No.22034341

Tranny meltdown ITT, expect lots of negative and projecting replies like this one.

>> No.22034342

le anima possessed man

>> No.22034343

Old men are embarrassingly sentimental. Stop being gay.

>> No.22034348

I just don't think I can live my life without a goal in mind. Maybe I'll never get what I want in life. My regrets are just oiling up because I'm so rich now and I never worked.
What's the word for this?

>> No.22034350

A nigga finna to get lit as fuck on a monday morning and sexually harasss all the cute women on the metro. if i get fucked up enough might even fuck a slampig.

>> No.22034353


>> No.22034357

It is the same whether I worry about things, or not.

>> No.22034360


>> No.22034363

>Kill yourself idiot
Be honest now, what made you type this out?
Though it literally doesn't matter, because for you honesty itself would be the best therapy.

>> No.22034364

Bitch. Most of you dumb autists need to stop thinking too much or listening to your retarded inner monologue.

>> No.22034367

>tranny meltdown

>> No.22034369

Don't have a melty m'lady

>> No.22034398

how is it retarded? how do you think i accurately determined you were autistic?
..ah yea

>> No.22034427

seems kinda obvious that men who pretend to be women should be barred from women's sports due to unfair advantage. anyone arguing otherwise is blind

>> No.22034456

Everyone has a worthless job now.

>> No.22034467

There’s no principle of liberalism that states everyone should spend their life behind a screen. So why should liberalism be blamed for the end of history? Liberalism was rendered obsolete, same as the rest.

>> No.22034468
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>> No.22034473

My façade is faultless.

>> No.22034482

This tiny house is on 5 acres. Maybe that’s what I should buy.

>> No.22034484

90% of women in the west are undatable. The moment you tell them you aren't interested they'll either post it on social media and ree or have had more than 12 sexual partners (this is the "low end" of the ceiling.). If you want to settle for less than be my guest, but I'm not going to come and save some woman now that her choices in life became inconvenient, we are equal under the law. Time for them to start acting like it.

>> No.22034513

this, they will either have a snapchat, instagram, a kid, an onlyfans, septum piercings, tatoos, preferred pronouns in the bio, the list goes on.
All the best to them, but I honestly think the majority of women are misandrist. They will apply this long list of what a man must have for them to date them, but the moment a smaller, more common sense list is applied to them they freak out and call you a misogynist. They will go from love bombing you to cursing you and going on some weird hate fueled vendetta against you. Feminism and the Internet blessed us because we now know what women are truly like. They want to act and live completely unrestricted and free of standards but will apply standards to men.
Women do not love men, they only love them in a utilitarian way.
Women do not want equality, they want dominance.
Women do not want to live free of any responsibility and the moment it seems that they will have too they will pull the crocodile tears in a desperate attempt for someone to save them.
Just let them rot and live your life single and free. The dating market is broken and that's a good thing! Women are free from men but men are also now free from women.
Don't go back to the plantation!

>> No.22034517

>Women do not want to live free of any responsibility
Women want to live free of any responsibility*

>> No.22034526

Why don't women just import a man or date overseas? Why not just do that rather than do these weird articles and social media posts seething about how no one in their area wants to date them? I don't get it, the only think I can think of is that they will probably have less money than them if they aren't American? But then why not just get a man from France or Italy or whatever country women find romantic?

>> No.22034547

Do you feel like you’ve made big mistakes in your life?

>> No.22034557

Yeah, and you?

>> No.22034560

How can I be homophobic?
My bitch is gay.

>> No.22034562

My bitch is homophobic.
Im gay.

>> No.22034565

One of the key features of life in the 2020s is the inability to feel like anything is worthwhile. If you want to do anything, someone will tell you why it’s retarded. The only thing people are recommended to do is become programmers and engineers and get rich from that.

>> No.22034567

It's much less about doing something wrong and much more about not doing things that I could have done.
But I have no motivation of my own, the only thing driving me forward is that I don't want to disappoint my parents. But I might just kill myself as well this year or the next.

>> No.22034568

Yeah. Big ones.

>> No.22034583

Sorry to hear that. You should probably find yourself a girl more tolerant.

>> No.22034589


>> No.22034594

Were they related to education, career or personal matters?

>> No.22034607

What's he pondering?

>> No.22034611

ive just lost my comfy remote programming job (of ~8 years) when the company went under
i am now on 1 year vacation (minimum) and writing and playing with ai stuff
i'm banking on being nuked or something before i have to work again

>> No.22034623


>> No.22034630


>> No.22034636

What a thrilling story please tell me more

>> No.22034740

Yes, being born in tacoland AND having internet access to compare this shithole to first world countries.

>> No.22034769
File: 122 KB, 1280x723, cf48008e-0001-0004-0000-000001207059_w1280_r1.77_fpx41.48_fpy50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ChatGPT Is Getting More Creative:

Vespa was not just a skirt, she was a purple cotton skirt with a personality. She had somehow gained the power to think and feel, but not to move or talk. She was a silent observer of the world, attached to the waist of her owner, Joeleen.

Joeleen was a lovely blonde woman who worked as a secretary at a detective agency. She was smart, kind, and stylish. She had many skirts in her closet, but Vespa was her favorite. She wore her almost every week, pairing her with different tops and accessories. She always felt confident and comfortable in Vespa.

Vespa adored Joeleen, but she also pitied her. She knew that Joeleen had a hard life, working long hours for little pay, dealing with rude customers and bosses, and having no time for romance or fun. Vespa wished she could cheer her up, or at least make her laugh.

Vespa’s days were full of ups and downs. She liked the mornings, when Joeleen would shower and perfume herself, then slip on Vespa and admire herself in the mirror. She liked the compliments Joeleen would get from her co-workers and friends. She liked the sounds and smells of the city.

But she also hated some things. She hated the trolley ride to work, where some creepy men would touch Joeleen’s butt under Vespa. She hated the long hours of sitting at the desk, where Vespa would get hot and sweaty. She hated the gas that Joeleen would release at the end of the day, which made Vespa feel sick.

Vespa wondered if there was more to life than being a skirt. She wondered if there were other things like her, or if she was unique. She wondered if she would ever find happiness or freedom.

She hoped that one day, something would change for the better.

>> No.22034774

I just watched this shitty movie that used vampires as a metaphor for drug addiction

>> No.22034778

You don’t have to do that though. You could just as easily appreciate not having to have been born in the first world modern zeitgeist.

>> No.22034779
File: 122 KB, 1280x723, cf48008e-0001-0004-0000-000001207059_w1280_r1.77_fpx41.48_fpy50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Story of Vespa, as told to me by ChatGPT:

Vespa was not just a skirt, she was a purple cotton skirt with a personality. She had somehow gained the power to think and feel, but not to move or talk. She was a silent observer of the world, attached to the waist of her owner, Joeleen.

Joeleen was a lovely blonde woman who worked as a secretary at a detective agency. She was smart, kind, and stylish. She had many skirts in her closet, but Vespa was her favorite. She wore her almost every week, pairing her with different tops and accessories. She always felt confident and comfortable in Vespa.

Vespa adored Joeleen, but she also pitied her. She knew that Joeleen had a hard life, working long hours for little pay, dealing with rude customers and bosses, and having no time for romance or fun. Vespa wished she could cheer her up, or at least make her laugh.

Vespa’s days were full of ups and downs. She liked the mornings, when Joeleen would shower and perfume herself, then slip on Vespa and admire herself in the mirror. She liked the compliments Joeleen would get from her co-workers and friends. She liked the sounds and smells of the city.

But she also hated some things. She hated the trolley ride to work, where some creepy men would touch Joeleen’s butt under Vespa. She hated the long hours of sitting at the desk, where Vespa would get hot and sweaty. She hated the gas that Joeleen would release at the end of the day, which made Vespa feel icky.

Vespa wondered if there was more to life than being a skirt. She wondered if there were other things like her, or if she was unique. She wondered if she would ever find happiness or freedom.

She hoped that one day, something would change for the better.

>> No.22034780

My female coworker asked how I feel aboit age gaps in dating. I lied. I lied so hard.

>> No.22034784

I’m thinking about quitting my remote job to work on personal projects for a year or so as well. I’m not at risk of getting fired but it’s just not something I want to continue to do.

>> No.22034803
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AI is my new god. I will dedicate my life to studying and understanding it.
I'm going to dedicate my life to creating the perfect escapism engine. I'll crawl up in it's womb and I'll fucking die.
I don't need riches or power or people, I just need the machine.

>> No.22034806

Either I quit my job and starve 2 months from now, or I keep working until I have a breakdown and assault someone.
I deserve it for just floating through life without any sort of plan.

>> No.22034810

Mexico es la verga.
Imagine being born in Sweden and being tranny antidepressant riddled immigrant loving cuck. Or a suicidal gookjap office bug that works 18 hours a day.

>> No.22034812

Is a 3 hour morning routine too long?

>> No.22034826

You should stop gooning so much. Im pretty sure that shit isnt healthy fir your prostate.

>> No.22034833

>suicidal gookjap office bug that works 18 hours a day.
that's not far from my current life tho

>> No.22034838

i love music. i love the endless process of improving my ability to express myself in a way not possible with language.
music is so good. thank you God

>> No.22034840

I personally would love to see an autist/schizo meltdown at work.
Do a lot of screeching and maybe piss your pants while doing it.

>> No.22034841

Its not a 3 hour jerking off routine lmfao.

>> No.22034845

If you work any job dealing with the public you will see someone meltdown eventually

>> No.22034848

I landed a job where I don't even speak the language and I have no prior experience in.
At first it was frustrating but now it's kind of kek

>> No.22034851

Whats so bad about that? The last time i had an office job yeah the hours sucked but i spent most of my days shooting the shit with the bros and fucking all the nonugly married women. I think i did like one hour of actual work every day and they turned a blind eye to the fact that i showed up drunk as fuck everyday. Shit was cash.8t8mas

>> No.22034855

If they fired me tomorrow, I could easily get a job as an English teacher. The pay would be shit, but enough to get by until I land another tech job (English is king).

When Tanaka-san gets fired, he brings shame to his family and no other company wants to hire him. He then spends 20 years rotting away in his home eating ramen until he dies. When Park Son fails to get into one fo the top 3 universities despite studying for 20 hours per day he's basically done for and will have to work shameful jobs until he unavoidably kills himself at age 22.

We are not the same.

>> No.22034861

---- Solaria ----
Being There

Is a conditional thing
About as much as prevailing mood is,

And even on the summits of circumstance there's still room
For a little more mastery over things

That either merely seem to sing or have the stony
Silence of bland equivocal aggregate

Bottoming abandoned mines
Over which a slight but dazzling figure

Dominates, as no other figure does, occasionally,
Almost, much as an orang or orca would.

Personality, inflection, nuance, wit, are all separately inadequate to
The storyteller who can as instantly tell apart

The leaves of particular silver maple trees or gauge regimes
By the general richesse of their music.

>> No.22034864

Did you think?
Put ten dimes in a bag
Get a drink
Bank account's such a drag
Psyche on the brink
Another forcefully loaded mag
Coughing blood in the sink
Feels good to light up a fag
Fetid corpse that doesn't blink
The barcode and the tag
One more that starts to stink
Honor starts to sag
What could we do but shrink
Before the mighty slag
A rattle, a moan, a clink
Dirty and stained rag
Data and brains now in sync
True, it's lost in the final pages.
I know, I asked all the sages.
Who, what, how or why?
Even heroes sometimes lie.
I'm not here
and you aren't either
To be clear
it's just a fever.
Let'd all be happy
even in this world so crappy
But as a line by Shakespeare
and sonnet 109
He wasn't too clear
But I know what is mine
what rhymes in f and g
it's just like music's line
the notes are plucked you see
now i can change to a different measure
a couplet that you will treasure
and because it is at the end
of all things that are said
i can alternate and pretend
that you went to bed
and in your heart you thought of this
of us in this thread
and tomorrow maybe you'll get a kiss
but only if you read
between my fine lines
of poetic theosophy
where god wines and dines
i forgot an apostrophe

>> No.22034881
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Waifuism is far closer to the ideal love that Plato describes and if practiced properly can outreach any traditional relationship in it's closeness to the virtue of love.

>> No.22034882

It's not an office job. That would be comfy compared to this.
I dropped out, so this is the best I can get.

>> No.22034889

>they play Mexican music all day
>then play Heroin by Velvet Underground
>this is the life

>> No.22034894

Thinking of the satisfying shit I will be taking when I'm back home in roughly 2 hours.

>> No.22034908

>Is it the shit or the traits of his life that allow that shit which motivates him?

>> No.22034916

Lol you are a literal wageslave then. Youd be better off fucking off into the mountains and living with the Taruhamaras.

>> No.22034918


>> No.22034920

What's stopping you from being an English teacher?

>> No.22034925

My coffee is brewing right now. The shit weighs heavy in my gut. As soon as I get that first taste of roasted coffee bean, my colon will expell the pound of loose and greasy stool thats rumbling impatiently

>> No.22034931

Who hasnt?

>> No.22034944
File: 489 KB, 500x444, hi-no-tori-manga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Jesus were something like a celestial phoenix, sacred dragon, ancient grove/tree, holy whale, giant crow, or majestic beast, I would definitely like to worship Him.
But a Jew?
Come on!
In fact, this is the stupidest shit I've ever seen in my entire life. I'll go a step further: There is no such thing as a good Christcuck. Even Pisslam and J*daism are better. Holy fucking shit.
You could have made anything an intermediary to God: the ocean, phoenixes, planets, etc., but the flesh of a Jew?
Just get nailed on the cross, Christcuck. If there's one thing I share in common with the J*ws, it's their hatred of Christoids.
I WANT to feel a sense of brotherhood with the people of the West, but I simply cannot. Christianity is the most humiliating bullshit in the entire history of mankind. You snow nigs have the MOST Aryan ancestry than any other race in this world, yet what did you do in response? Worship the flesh of a Jew for thousands of years, even revering his holy prepuce. Utterly fucking pathetic. I can't respect you.
Sometimes I think all of history was fucking fabricated and snow nigs were bioengineered by Jewish demons to serve as the perfect goy.

>> No.22034955

I don't want to contribute to the problem of shitty teachers that half-ass everything and don't actually teach anything . That, and my ESL ass can barely manage to make somewhat coherent posts, let alone teach the language.

>> No.22034958

It depends on what one's ideal is, or at what age Plato was when referring to him. For instance, frail Epicurus, the zany Seneca, the gossipy Catullus, the inventive Ovid, and the majestic Aurelius were a lot more amiable than Plato was in his later stages. In general, I find chaste idealism too spooky for me, never mind limits bizarre as the kind Anime implies.

>> No.22034962

You can worship your marvel superhero Thor if you want.
If you actually respect your ancestors then you would see that they worshipped Jesus.

>> No.22034966

It's fucking retarded to worship an Israelite or Jew's flesh as God incarnate. There is no mystery, magic, or anything to it. It's homoerotic, uninspired, and feels too "humancentric". Why not something more fantastical, awe-inspiring, or etc? Even the cyclically transforming pig farmers from The Tain or Celtic mythology were very, very cool.
Every single Christcuck deserves a bullet.

>> No.22034968

A major aspect of Christianity is being humble. God Almighty Himself came to Earth, and instead of presenting himself as a great firey dragon to appeal to all our human vanities, he challeneges us by presenting Himself as a lowly Jew.

25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men

>> No.22034983

Exactly. Its like Tertullian said god was made flesh and crucified. Its true because it is completely absurd.

>> No.22034990

Why not a humble butterfly or bee then? They give more to this Earth than any J*w ever has.

You know what?

You can join the Jews as a cucked, "humble" slave in hell. You're not worth my time. Stupid piece of shit.

>> No.22035005

Why not appeal to your ego? Why not present Himself in the form you want? Why not challenege you by being the very thing that is hardest to accept?

18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.

20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

>> No.22035016

Waiting to work again is fucking nuts it feels like such a huge gamble. I know everthings gonna be fine and its just the natural progression of things but goddamn man theres a real fear constantly permeating everything going on around here

>> No.22035031

I like how the right embraces the Chud meme.
has the left ever done something like that?

>> No.22035041

It’s been harder to write poetry lately. It’s like the inspiration is just not there.

>> No.22035045

Sounds like you're pussying out.
>don't wanna be bad teacher
Then be a good teacher?
>Using expressions like let alone, barely manage to, somewhat coherent
>Thinks he's not good enough

>> No.22035047

I want to write but I can’t help but feel like forcing it, and if I have to force it it’s a waste of time. I really wanted to get something published this year.

>> No.22035051

This is the most cucked retarded shit I have ever read. "Yo bro just be poor, stop seeking wisdom, accept muh jew-god."
I can greatly respect Krishna from the Bhagavad Gita, but this Christcuck shit, on the other hand, has absolutely no spiritual merit.

>> No.22035054

Case in point

>> No.22035073

If you smoke weed it will trick your brain into thinking you can drink more. The resulting concoction is called being "cross-faded" and at whichever job you have your boss will be cross-faded pretty much 24/7.

>> No.22035124

I AM pussying out.

>> No.22035131

I wanna go into town and do things but I'll feel bad for leaving my dog home alone.

>> No.22035151

Dogs are so gay because of this.
Imagine some mutt limiting your own freedom like this. Cats can go a day without someone at least.

>> No.22035155

>pagan larper screeches irrationally at "christcukcks" while ignoring the fact his cult was made by fat ugly roasties
Eat my cum just like your faggot idol Odin.

>> No.22035169

You pussies realize you can carry your pets around.

>> No.22035173

I left my cats alone for two days and found feathers all throughout my house when I got back
No bird corpse
Just feathers everywhere
Still no idea wtf

>> No.22035177

And not be able to enter any building?
Tie up the mutt to a lamppost, risking some hobo stabs it with aids?
Getting a dog for yourself is dumb. Only when you have a family otherwise it's way too limiting.

>> No.22035194

No, I'm not carrying my puppy around the city. I'm just not gonna do it. Too many risks, too much restriction.

>> No.22035223

I used to work for a major city. Thanks to ADA the civil servant cucks cant ask you anything about your dog or cat. You can say its a working animal that helps with your autism seizures diabetes whatever without providing any paperwork and those cucks will legally have to just watch as your untrained mutt defecates all over their floor.

>> No.22035241

Is buying a Switch with games for 500 dollars manbaby tier? I sold my Switch a long time ago and sort of regret it. Am I better off sublimating my desire and spending more time reading and improving my programming skills?

>> No.22035256

Maybe I just surrendered to a doomed outlook but honestly just get the Switch.
All this self improvement stuff I feel like it's all for nothing. Sure don't be fat and sure don't goon to the most strange fetishes. but outside of that maybe worrying about not doing the ' correct' thing is harmful in itself.

>> No.22035265

$500 is pretty steep imo. If it were cheaper, I’d say there’s nothing man baby about gaming once in a while. As long as it’s not regular or overdone, there is no issue really. We were all raised with video games and will probably play them occasionally until we’re very old.

>> No.22035269

Your dog won’t care if you leave him home while you go into town once in a while. If it were an every night or every weekend sort of thing, that would be different.

>> No.22035275

I got a used v1 Switch, hacked it, and now it is rotting away in a drawer.

>> No.22035276

The truth is nobody cares.

>> No.22035278

Tell me something about how you live. I'm curious. I like cats, but live now in a rural neighborhood with with rather a lot feral cats. . Yet it doesn't seem fair, that is to say pleasant, to any possible cat, to keep one indoors in that circumstance: I grew up in big family, in a big house, in a big suburban enclave where the family cat came and went indoors from out, whenever she pleased. I want a cat, but I doubt that I and my 1000 square foot apartment would be enough to keep it happy. Of course I'd like a big fat Maine coon, as well as a big fat Maine estate to go with it.

>> No.22035304

My IQ is 796 and I am the most loving caring genuine person on the planet.

>> No.22035307

Are you rich?

>> No.22035309


>> No.22035327

My IQ is, judging by my vocabulary, about 135, and I am generally, vaguely, mediocre in every other respect except the for the architectural imagination. Most of my neighbors find me a little chilly, haughty, guarded, and pretentious. I thing they're onto something.

>> No.22035350

"You keep calling us greedy but when we ask you what to do to fix that you just mumble gibberish."
"That is because the truth is hidden from you."
"I've had enough. Tell me what to do right now."
"Gajdudicj jshrufhc isndbbdu."
The bullets lit up the night

>> No.22035360

lmao get a maine coon anon. Watch and laugh as the motherfucker becomes an absolute unit that devastates the locql wildlife and and eats all your neighbors pets food. Ask me how i know lol

>> No.22035375

Lulz. I used to have a Blue Front Amazon, and the cat was scared to death of that loud aggressive little cunt. On the other hand, I never saw a mole except for the ones she snagged.

>> No.22035385

My mantra when attempting to write something like a story is to ask myself, am I in the mood to tell a story? If not then I chalk it up as reason to do something else. Either put yourself in the storytelling mood or chill and do something else.
There are a million tricks people used to varying success which encourage this particular mood.

>> No.22035389

The right does not embrace this, it's flaseflagging from discord. The entire point is to create a demeaning label that isn't a no-no word, like retard, fag, and nig

>> No.22035390

My only concern is that it may convey parasites, lice & fleas & such back indoors. Otherwise I wouldn't care: That it would run rampage hereabouts would only be a plus.

>> No.22035393

lol do you not know what cat gifts are. Some mornings i wake up and find rat guts on my front porch.

>> No.22035461

What are some examples of these tricks? I suspect my biggest problem is not getting much quiet and alone time.

>> No.22035465


>> No.22035473
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I mean the character of the chud

>> No.22035474
File: 3.72 MB, 2278x2782, Pentti_Linkola_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats are an ecological disaster, keep them indoors, retards. Also, they're probably going to pass laws encouraging people to kill outdoor cats soon.
You can make a small little cage connected to the backdoor for the cats, and they're fine with it.

>> No.22035483

>being an indoor cat cuck
Couldnt ever be me. Cats arent working animals like dogs so the only amusement they provide ro justify their existence is how cute they are or how much shit they can kill.

>> No.22035509

>in the hobbit trolls ate lams stolen from farmers
>in lotr that land was completely deserted

>> No.22035517

Why not direct that sadism to those who deserve it like the Jews? Why direct it to the native biodiversity of your land, retard?

>> No.22035568

The best thing you can do is get a sense of pure quiet. Which is why I'm big on earplugs. Writing with noise of any kind kills it for me.
If you search for writers block tips and tricks you'll find millions, all work or not depending on you the writer so just try a bunch. Walking around helps me. But really this biggest for me is like I wrote above, "Am I in the mood to tell a story? am I in the mood to tell this story? What story am I in the mood to tell right now?" This is how I get going.

>> No.22035573

---- Solaria ----
Chaffinch Godzilla.

Today I took the car out
Mostly to warm it up to diagnostic sound

And in the couch if its dome cruised by a source
Of recent irritation this spring, a salvage company from which

Tremendous thunder sometimes issues,
Starting sometimes an hour after dawn, as if its owner

Were trolling noise complaints written from a mile or so away.
Naturally I'd like to shut the bastards down

Despite their distance, to serve sometimes execrable reviews
Yet from the road I saw certain possibilities--

An aluminum greenhouse frame,
A scene ridiculous as it sounds, ripe for rape by the press.

Indeed the whole setup is worth more
Than it weighs in moron hands.

>> No.22035591
File: 75 KB, 650x438, lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my colleagues did a research stay at a philosophy department in Canada that was 100% militant veganism moral philosophy - almost every one of the faculty was a cat lady though, yet these militant vegans could not allow their cats to be cats, so they put them on a vegan diet and kept them confined indoors to keep them from killing. She showed me a picture she had taken of one of the cats, and it was like the cat-version of one of those tear-jerker, emotional-blackmail pictures that the Red Cross will bring of starving african children to solicit donations. It was just completely emaciated, had hair falling out in spots, and had a face kind of like pic related. Just pure feline despair and a face that screamed "JUST END ME".
Anyway, she left before her research stay was over because she got violently harassed and bullied for having a ham sandwich in public one time, and some of the faculty saw her.

>> No.22035601

>she got violently harassed and bullied for having a ham sandwich

>> No.22035609

Brooding again

>> No.22035610

Stop being an astronomical faggot
You have like 30,000 hours left

>> No.22035613

What the fuck is wrong with academia

>> No.22035621

You're touching on a powerful aporia. As someone who loves both cats and endemic birds, I am in a rough spot. The ethical dilemma here is very complex.
Anyone with half a brain knows cats do not do well on vegetarian diets. They are carnivores. In fact, "Pottenger's cat research" show cats do best on raw meat diets compared to processed kibbles.
Based on long reflection on this matter, I believe it's best to keep cats indoor where they can roam in a very small outdoor enclosure that birds and amphibians/reptiles avoid. It is estimated cats kill approximately 1 billion endemic birds per year and many amphibians/reptiles. This is not good for biocenosis and ecological flourishing; it could even lead to chain effects that culminate in things like soil depletion from disrupting the delicate ecological balance.
Regardless, industrialization was a mistake, and the industry of pet(s) (breeders) could be added as an additional reason for such a mistake.
I recommend reading Pentti Linkola's Can Life Prevail? to understand the danger cats pose to native wildlife. Cats are invasive species from North Africa.
Regardless, there are indeed many other destructive invasive species (e.g., Gray Squirrels in UK, house sparrows and European Starlings in USA, cats pretty much everywhere, American minks in Finland, beavers in Patagonia, and much more).

>> No.22035625

I really try. I really do. I only come here when I feel dejected. I try to get myself going, get active, be outside, but after a few weeks of forced effort resulting in nothing more than being sub-normal I have this little crash and burn out for a week. Somehow when I was younger I just fell of the map. It's like I was unpersoned. And no matter what I do I can never get back on the map. I find myself constantly disappointed with everything.

>> No.22035628

>being heterosexual
Couldn't ever be you

>> No.22035633

I mean I don't mind cats, but severely limit who can have them. A billion birds murdered a year is quite literally fucking deranged. Make a Plat's republic style lottery or something, if you participate and is one of the few winners you get to have a cat, the rest can fuck off and get gerbils instead.

>> No.22035646

It pre-selects for autism and neuroticism to an absolutely extreme degree, and is designed in such a matter that only the most insane will ever want to stay after spending any amount of time in it. It is perfectly designed to attract and keep only the most deranged specimens.
I get paid to read philosophy all day though, which is really fucking neat.

>> No.22035649


>> No.22035657

>she got violently harassed and bullied for having a ham sandwich in public one time
I'm feeling peckish for another round of beefy tacos, and JWST images and such. That is my nature.

>> No.22035661

My ideal society is one where individuals are strictly placed in a quadripartite hierarchy based on measurable metrics such as artistic taste, passions, and top 3 goals in life. The greatest intellectuals would form a circle to determine one's caste. Those in the top two castes would not have to work in life, while those in #3 and #4 would have to work. Those in caste #3 would be assigned more noble tasks, while those in caste #4 would be assigned dirtier or more dangerous work such as in factories or sewers. A graphene tattoo on the right hand would signal an individual's class, and those in caste #2 and #1 would be revered and respected by those in the lower castes. However, those in caste #4 would be treated as slaves, and even public whipping or rape would be permissible.

I believe that social interaction has become obsolete and that an individual's mannerisms and communication skills are irrelevant. Instead, individuals should be identified by scanning their graphene tattoo to determine their passions, favorite artwork, and top 3 goals in life. An algorithm would also be used to determine the capability of friendship.

Caste would be determined at age 33, with every patrilineal line selecting one person to be "tested" after unanimous agreement. Once the caste is decided, it would be fixed for life and future descendants.

Only men would be placed in a specific caste, while women would be either 0 or -1. Women who are 0 would become part of the caste they marry into, while those at -1 would only be permitted to marry men from the fourth caste. Psychological and genetic assessments would be conducted to determine this.

I know that I will be either in caste #3 or #2. While I am not fit to be in the highest caste, I am also not suited for the lowest caste. This is my ideal society, and my obsession with lists stems from this. Those who are placed in caste #4 should be prepared to face punishment from me, including whipping.

>> No.22035673

I just test drove some new car around the town, seen a group of high school girls walking home one was particularly pretty looked me straight in the eyes as I passed slowly (I'm very good looking btw) and I got an almost instant erection.

Feels good to be healthy.

>> No.22035674
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Just watch a 1.5h documentary on Hölderlin.
Fucking sad!
I wonder where it all went wrong.

>> No.22035689

>Cats arent working animals
Except on arctic expeditions, dogs are of most use, and more prevail, in violent neighborhoods. This is borne out in planetary statistics. There is nothing more civilized than keeping pets for pure entertainment.

>> No.22035690

Nah, sounds like too much autism to me, I'm gonna go with the caste system as well but keep it binary, some 1 in a million would be allowed to keep a cat, the rest can fuck off.

>> No.22035695

According to a few psychiatrists I've read these past few years, literally schizophrenia.

>> No.22035703
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I have like 100k in the bank but can't afford to leave my parent's basement. I hate this stupid country

>> No.22035704

Does the level of abstraction needed to program give anyone else here headaches? I feel like the brain pathways involved in reading comprehension and mathematical reasoning are different.

>> No.22035712


>> No.22035716
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>actual rebellion is warm loving companionship against a bleak reality

>> No.22035728

i couldn't find a recs general. newfaggot here, if you hopped into a time machine and became a general in any period of time before 2023, what books would you take with you to know how to win battles?
essentially, i want to be a warfare nerd

>> No.22035733

My diary desu

>> No.22035735

you're not gonna be battling porn addiction, sorry.

>> No.22035736

Art of The Deal by Donald J Trump

>> No.22035745

Please, strongly consider something less cringy. Someone might recommend Sun Tzu to you. It's full of sage advice such as "do not meet an enemy on an open field if they have more cavalry than you". Some people like to pretend that this is very profound and applicable in all sorts of situations. And it is, once you reduce it to "play to your strengths, not to your opponent's", at which point it becomes so banal it is physically painful.

>> No.22035758

>two threads on the front page about coping with being an incel
Well boys, seems like /r9k/ hours have just begun (did the americans just get off of work?). Anyway, that means bedtime here in GMT+1, fuck me if I'm staying up for the no pussy blues.

>> No.22035765

i gave a really bad description. i essentially want a books on a detailed history of how warfare was done.

>> No.22035783

Go to the very first episodes of jocko, he talks about one book each time. Just read the ones he discusses

>> No.22035843

Check out this deep video:


>> No.22035870

They definitely are different, though there's a definite limit to their separation in terms of degree: Most anyone who is startlingly lucid in conversation will be decent at mathematics, and most mathematicians of conspicuous talent are highly readable in letters. Of course there are outliers in this respect: Compare for instance the lush eloquence of Samuel Johnson to the autistic brevity of Paul Dirac.

>> No.22035894

I’m writing poetry mainly, so not necessarily telling a story all the time.

>> No.22035898

The hard part about passing age milestones is coming to terms with who you’ve been, who you are, and maybe who you’ll be.

>> No.22035936

*Case in point: One of the best investigative reporters/journalists I can think of works for Pro Republica, and whose degree is in mathematics. Interesting guy. I'd guess he's about 25, and obviously has a firm grip on memory.

>> No.22035974

*Pro Publica. Damn, I'm too lit up to be posting on this board.

>> No.22036004

I'd support any organization that takes philosophy questions from local college freshman the gives them to presidential candidates and rates their response with a rubric grade

>> No.22036031

I think it might be beneficial to have leaders familiar with philosophy but we definitely don’t want to be run by philosopher kings. It would be almost as big of a disaster as democracy.

>> No.22036068

I tend to feel like I should use my savings for a down payment on a house, but that also means getting locked into 30 years of mortgage payments all while I’m in a job I hate. Maybe I should just blow it all on travel.

>> No.22036072

Life does not stop and start at your convenience, you miserable piece of shit

>> No.22036093

---- Solaria ----

Doubtless one needs a setting about this expansive,

For otherwise how could one afford it?


>> No.22036183

I think I need to sleep. I'm getting paranoid over the hypothesis that my own thoughts having an influence on the outside world, and this is getting way out of control.

>> No.22036192

Think l have a wisdom tooth coming through but there's like a flap of skin getting in the way and l really want to mess with it

>> No.22036216
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Thanks for sharing, Anon. I had a good jam last night.

Wrote this for u <3

>> No.22036246

She had dumps like a truck

>> No.22036264

I'm tentatively trying semen retention just as an act of will. I normally jerk it at least twice a day, but I havent for like 2 days. My balls feel incredibly full right now.

>> No.22036277

Smile or don't.
I don't give a shit.

>> No.22036281

>2 days
Good start, but that's not very long. Go for a year and see what happens.

Studies show that abstaining from wankery increases your testosterone level after a week.

>> No.22036287

Its just something for my willpower desu. I spend way too much time jerking it. Upwards of 4 hours a day I'd wager.

>> No.22036295

On War by Clausenwitz

>> No.22036315

woah i just realized that little music icon next to the downloads in brave opens up a little music player that you can use to control whatever is playing in youtube from there instead of having to switch to that tab.

>> No.22036321

Just did cardio for 2 hours. Feels really good.

>> No.22036330
File: 540 KB, 1000x1442, 613c7fb172c07c53c35c989d060edec45f08ffd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm convinced there is nothing more delicious, more life-giving and healthier for a man's heart and soul than the pristine, unsoiled and supple lips of a fourteen year old girl. Fourteen years old, not fifteen, not thirteen, fourteen. Fourteen is the magic number: the one with a flat, almost invisible chest and the four that stands tall with the first awkward curves coming in. Fifteen has the confidently curved five that turns girls into women, and the thirteen has the three that rounds and softens any man's darkest ichor into a fatherly and protective miasma.

From the four women I've loved, only the teen soothed my ailments. Fourteen health-giving pastilles from a strawberry candy flavored mouth; fourteen puffs of life-giving pink smoke from a fourteen years aged cigar; fourteen entries of her fourteen letter name in a frustrated man's fourteen page mental journal he recalled fourteen days ago at the fourteenth hour of the fourteenth day of a fourteen year long abstinence spell away from my fourteen year old betrothed.

>> No.22036334

Zelda is taking too much time of my day and making it worst, and yet I want to continue playing it.

>> No.22036337


>> No.22036405

Lmao been seeing a lot of posts like this and really makes me think there is a market for my book.

>> No.22036415

you could just quit your job and go backpacking around the world or even do one of the great trails of the world like the Rocky Mountain Trail or the Appalachian Trail. You can also be lazy and very /lit/ and take a train cross the trans-Siberian in a personal cabin where you can watch the scenery go by and write/read. Or you can get an RV and a huge plot of empty land and start building your own house on that land. If you plan before hand, budget, and don't mind living in voluntary poverty you can eventually get enough money to have your own house built on your land and not have to then worry about staying in that job after its built and quit on the spot when you have enough to live for 1 to 5 to 10 years. Hell, just stay in that job and if you take voluntary poverty you can probably work out how much you'll need to live the rest of your life and just retire early.

>> No.22036535

Not the OG anon, but this is very very pretty and soothing. Reminds me of some of the acoustic Zeppelin riffs and some of Nick Drake's stuff. Thanks for sharing, make an album someday

>> No.22036603
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Thanks bro

>> No.22036640
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I'm so meta I meta my metafiction.



>> No.22036651

School has been a total nightmare for me my entire life. The greatest irony is that I'm probably gonna end up as a teacher

>> No.22036657

Sucks man the worst thing the miseducational system does is teach people to hate learning.

>> No.22036665
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I will create an entire symphony of word-puppets with angelic voices who together will sing the chorus that elevates humanity.

>> No.22036675

I like learning. I hate school.

>> No.22036676


>> No.22036679

I hear you brother. Stay on the path of love of learning, because it is the path of love and truth.

>> No.22036916

>Horror book

How TF am I supposed to get scared from words on a page lmao

>> No.22036944

Flaunting your lack of imagination doesn't look cool.

>> No.22036954

My grandmother is dying, and even though I’ve spent years attempting to mentally prepare for this, I’m still in shock. I don’t know what to do. She is the greatest woman I’ve ever known. Born and raised in Alabama, her whole life has been spent caring for my father and then I and my siblings and cousins, and even though we’re dirt poor farmers, I feel we’re richer than anyone on earth just to be blessed with this woman in our lives. It feels as if a kingdom is being taken out from under us.

>> No.22036959

my grandma is dying and I feel the exact opposite of you. Years ago she had a stroke and she's changed from kind to mean and demanding. She always expects my family to do stuff for her, and we do it because we love her, but she's started asking too much of us. I've basically been ready for her to die for years now, but I'm glad she's stuck around.

>> No.22036965

And what really sucks is that if I were in your shoes, that would make it all the more easier. That I could sleep at night. But now I’m paying for all those years of love. You pay for even the good things in life.

>> No.22036969

But anyway anon, just know that if she would’ve know you she would’ve loved you.

>> No.22036972

i'm built on contradictions and i loathe my nature

>> No.22036987

Day of the pillow

>> No.22036998

Yo same the thing with school is the unnecessary forced things like, group work, assignments, having a circle of friends that shit didn't need to be taught, everything would be just find if many parents are actually normal and can get their sanity together

Everyone's having a sort of anger nowadays. It's annoying.

>> No.22037017

Just spend time with her. If her dying is something that's gonna take a while do your best to get you and your family to take care of her rather than sending her to a board and care or "skilled" nursing facility, because those places are shitholes, almost without exception.

I blew my late teens and early twenties smoking weed and doing nothing, but being with my grandma through her declining years and being able to help take care of her as she died is the one positive thing that came of all of it, and it may be a cope but I think it gave me a much better and healthier understanding of life. When all is said and done you don't have anything except family, and in my opinion one of the most bleak developments of modern times is the continuing normalization of sending the elderly off to die in the care of incompetent and often negligent ESL health care workers that don't give a fuck about them.

>> No.22037027
File: 1.09 MB, 1338x941, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never realized that tomatoes are kind of like oranges

>> No.22037034

>Depiction: Alien heart stuffed with peach preserves.

>> No.22037036
File: 619 KB, 722x629, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it made me realize why tomatoes are fruits

>> No.22037037

Is that what a vagina looks like

>> No.22037042

yeah, there's not that much variation in viable evolution

not ideally

>> No.22037047

Thank you anon. I spend every waking moment with her when I’m not working the farm and even then one of my siblings or cousins are with her. And we would NEVER send her off to someone else to care for her. At this point, she cries for her four-year-old son who died in the sixties from lukemia and there’s nothing I can say to her to make it better and it breaks me. She tells me she wants to hold him cause it’s been so long. And she’s the last person who deserves this shit. Sorry to treat this board as a therapist session, but I have nobody else. I love you all.

>> No.22037097

>increasing schizophrenia

>> No.22037098

>she cries for her four-year-old son who died in the sixties from lukemia and there’s nothing I can say to her to make it better and it breaks me. She tells me she wants to hold him cause it’s been so long
this is heart breaking. honestly super sad. real life is fucking cruel man

>> No.22037109

wow. you're right

>> No.22037136
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She'll be able to hold him again soon with any luck. I know it sucks but don't let it get you down too much; she might not be able to express it but I can guarantee she appreciates your presence more than you might know. It's something we will all go through and she's lucky enough to have people around her that genuinely care for her and will be with her through the process. Can't ask for much more than that.

She's going to think about what she will but there's really no reason to be so sad: look at all the family she's raised and help raise that would rather be with her now than anywhere else, that'll honor her memory like she honored her ancestors and family before her, that will die after her and can hope for nothing beyond the good fortune of dying surrounded by family like she will.

I remember before my grandma died, while she was still lucid enough to recognize me and her own situation, she broke down crying in embarrassment after I had to help her to use the bathroom and get her back to bed afterwards, and it made me start crying too. It still does just thinking about it. But all I could do, and all you can do, is try to comfort her. You're there for her, you love her, nothing will change that.

As cliche as it is, that's the cycle of life anon. You're playing your part well. Take pride in that because that's more than can be said for many.

>> No.22037149

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.22037154

She cries, “They tied him up with ice, they tied him up with ice.” She’s told me in the past how the doctors put ice bags all over him in an effort to combat his fever and how he cried, “I want to go to my warm bed, momma, I want to go to my warm bed.” Boyz, I think I’m about to lose it.

>> No.22037166

Thank you, and I know that everything you just said is completely true, but it’s still only about ten percent of what she’s done for me. And I spent my teens not even recognizing it and I hate myself for it.

>> No.22037206

People stress me out. It's always about them being insecure. Not my fault if you're ugly or stupid or both at the same time.

>> No.22037210

i don't know why a stranger's account of another stranger is making me feel this sad. the world is wrong. something is not right with this world

>> No.22037215

holy fuck im a grown man but i seriously just want to sob. good thing i am anonymous otherwise i would look ridiculous

>> No.22037226

I keep getting ChatGPT to write stories and keep telling it to "continue the story". they all end in a loop of the main character and his wife becoming celestial beings of love fighting evil entities across different dimensions. Shits weird

>> No.22037230


>> No.22037231

A couple mentally ill spergs can really vandalize a thread or even board

>> No.22037295

>a couple
Do not underestimate my solo power level, anon.

>> No.22037580

No job. No apartment. I’m really at a bit of a loss regarding what to do now.

>> No.22037583

find a job?

>> No.22037596

I just got diagnosed of Recurrent Emotive Transference Affectation and Reality Disjunction

Is it over for me?

>> No.22037598

I think eggplants are their closest relatives

>> No.22037609

I'm so pathetic

>> No.22037614

evens yes
odds no

>> No.22037622

must have learned from a lot of wuxia/daoist?? shit

>> No.22037646

Whenever I hear someone refer to The Hobbit as "the prequel" to The Lord of the Rings, my vision goes red.

>> No.22037814
File: 10 KB, 393x215, carl_gustav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking depressed.
I gave in too much to my anxiety. It's hard to go for anything when simply having dinner with friends or holding hands with any girl causes you panic.
Now I'm 27 and haven't experienced what normal people do at 17. All I have is anxiety, depression and good looks that I can't utilize.

>> No.22037824

at least you made me laugh with your image

>> No.22037842
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>> No.22037925
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There are older people who are the same, or worse.

Somewhere at the bottom of my 'psychology' I have Jungian notions; I find it really telling how I more or less believe sex and the female is the goal of all existence in a fundamental way, the driving force of evolution, the seed and the fruit, the cause for greatness and misery, etc...and yet until recently I never really considered what this meant from the other end of the aisle. Aren't woman abhorrent? Just look at them, and I do, and I am disappointed however mortally hungry. How sad is life when these things are the reserve currency of existence, the basis of your thoughts spanning across millions of years of time and biological development.

suppose this perspective gives a new sort of dignity to misery, if life is all about these animals I've clearly rejected them more than they have rejected me. I don't have a job, a degree, money, muscles, jokes, talk big or small, none of these things are in me. At most I'm constituted by some autistic knowing, I'm 33 but still that kid asking 'why' to every answer and to every answer of every answer until it's reduced to absurdity, and yet I'm completely serious. I don't feel any better reasoning through to this point. Actually I think I might have made things worse...

I wonder what would happen if I met a girl who was counter to this worldview. Someone considerate and intelligent, charming and kind, reasonable in a way that agrees with my reason. I think I'd have to kill myself out of embarrassment for a life not lived on a mistake.

>> No.22037939

Really, I totally blame my family for my turning out as I did. I don't think I'll ever feel free until my parents are dead, and ideally the rest of my family too. It's really hard to imagine other people live so differently.

>> No.22037942

>I'm 33 but still that kid asking 'why' to every answer and to every answer of every answer until it's reduced to absurdity, and yet I'm completely serious
Same. I do the same despite being 30. Also a wizard.

>> No.22037944

pray that you're gay or hunt for a unicorn

>> No.22037955

You're joking but I've already had this idea and tried to make myself gay. Nothing weird like shoving things up my ass, but I've explored a lot of weird pornography to conde I can't get remotely hard to dudes or even trannies fucking one another. I know this sounds retarded but I thought it might work because my levels of disgust gradually went down after repeat exposure so I thought it might be 'progress'.

>> No.22037957

>hunt for a unicorn
Iunno, sounds like a waste of time anon. Ultimately women who are turning 30 and are single are finding out what men have to deal with: "you take what you can get, not what you deserve." That being said I do not recommend marriage at all.

>> No.22037965

anon it is unlikely that you can "make yourself gay" voluntarily but good for you i guess, your other option is to find a provider / mommy style woman that'll pamper you and take care of you
based on anons description of himself i would say get yourself a 40 something career woman that has mommying issues / kinks and just let her take care of you

>> No.22037977

>i would say get yourself a 40 something career woman that has mommying issues / kinks and just let her take care of you
Jumping from one Oedipal women to another is probably not the best idea for your psychology or mental development. There is nothing sadder than a grown child, I should know, I'm working my way out of being one and I'm only halfway there.

>> No.22037986
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Struggling with porn addiction again; being a little bitch and not putting the effort into an artistic pursuit which I know would be fruitful if I bothered to hunker down and do the work, instead choosing to drop them, and cycle between different art forms to find my "passion".

Have you ever wanted to express beauty to other's? A stupid question, I would imagine you all have; none the less the question stands. It seems to me no matter how articulate, how skilled in draftsmanship, or proficient in musical theory I can picture myself becoming I would fall short of the desire I so desperately wish to satisfy. All I want is to share the beautiful images, and ideas that flow through my mind, not for commendation, rather for a shared sense of wonder. A shared sense of the glory of god, for all beauty emanates from god, and it is in the spiritual realm that I find the most touching and vivid expressions of beauty. Yet there is a lingering disconnect even between those who seem most in harmony. A bridge that can never be crossed, a river never forded; but nonetheless we seek after the faint image of god, of beauty, that we can gleam, try to share it in all manners of expression, and are endlessly frustrated.

I seek release, I seek heaven.

>> No.22037992

the guy is 33, autistic, has nothing going for him and he is single, i think having a woman who has her shit together mommy him and take care of him would be one of the few feasible ways the guy is getting any kind of relationship that isn't doomed to fail
also fuck oepidal bullshit it's about role and there are plenty of born submissive men who can't take care of themselves properly for whom that kind of relationship or gay provider one are the only realistic options available, don't see why they would have to die single just because some jewish psychologist hypocrite said being into maternal women of your own race is a bad thing

>> No.22037999

>be me
>20y old
>lost virginity with a 9.5/10 girl like a month ago
>she doesnt want anything serious, just sex
>I suck at having sex, last time I came in like 20 seconds and couldnt get an erection back again
>she wants us to keep meeting and having sex

I dont get it. Why she doesnt just get a taller, more handsome, stronger guy who has better sex than me? I feel pressured and anxious to the point that I dont want to meet her again, even If shes very hot and very nice to me.

>> No.22038000

you are clearly too young to not have certain urges that you need to address somehow, being completely celibate is not for everyone, make sure the porn you consume is not some brain rotting garbage and masturbate in moderation

>> No.22038006

because you feel safe to her because of how infantile you are and you tickle her mommy senses, let her teach you the ropes and eventually she might even seal the deal with you, her reluctance to commit to anything serious might just be her trying to not scare you away

>> No.22038007

a lot of weird projecting there, but it literally Chris-chan can get out of jail and somehow take care of himself after 2 years, this guy can too.

>> No.22038010

>grown child
whats that?

>> No.22038012

if he hasn't gotten his shit together by 33 he is most likely not going to get it together before 40 either, id take the safe bet and just go for a provider / care taker type woman instead
he is implying the poster is a manchild because he hasn't gotten his shit together, he doesn't understand autism or any other debilitating condition that the guy clearly has fucking up his life

>> No.22038014
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>this thread

>> No.22038015

a man child, an infantile adult. Someone that cannot take care of themselves, despite their age. A lot of grown adults who even can take care of themselves still act like children in one way or another, mainly because why introspect when you can consume product and get excited for new product.

>> No.22038017

>he doesn't understand autism or any other debilitating condition that the guy clearly has fucking up his life
I literally have ADHD and mild autism, anon... I literally have fucking temper tantrums when people touch shit in my room or if people dump too much on me at once, and even then I'm some how capable of supporting myself. If I can do it, if chris-chan can do it, this anon can do it.

>> No.22038030
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>all autism is the same and this online celebrity that became a tranny did it so so can anyone else
any theories on why the person has purposefully chosen to become a careerless deadbeat with nothing going for him in his life?

>> No.22038042

>careerless deadbeat
Look man, let me put it this way. I've only ever had 2 friends in my life IRL. Both of the, as far as I know, are pretty normal and only seem to suffer from bad anxiety. I have a job after being a NEET for 15 years, I have a 2 year degree and a 4 year degree, despite having a really tough time socializing and being a handful to deal with. The difference, as far as I can tell, is that my family kept on pushing me out there and I kept trying. Their families didn't and they stopped trying. Nothing in this life is truly permanent unless you set it so through constant action or constant inaction. Are there people who literally cannot of function, of course. But its pretty pathetic that you would let a person like Chris-chan beat you when it comes to supporting yourself.

>> No.22038061

But they do end up in a relationship.

>> No.22038063

>my family literally forced me to provide for myself and i somehow managed to do it well enough to not be a burden on my family
so you admit that had your parents not pushed you to do it you would not have done it and that you're pretty much a liability which leads me to believe your parents "put in a good word for you" to get you employed or you got lucky to even have a job because employers are not looking for liabilities that can blow a fuse or have a meltdown at the work place
some autism etc is more serious than others, you know those autistic people who scream and bite people when they are overstimulated, some people also as you said didn't have parents who knew how to raise kids so they're going to be very limited on their socializing on top of their autism

bottom line is there are usually reasons why people are unemployed and stuck in a rut, if the guy didn't crawl out of that pit in 33 years he is most likely a "lost cause" and should just marry a older woman who is a sucker for taking care of others
am i suggesting you yourself do that? i am not you clearly don't need to take that option, am i saying that the 33 year old guy so take that kind of deal? yes i am, based on his living situation the guy is not going to make it on his own and once his parents die he is probably going to become the city's problem, better that he has some older woman without money problems take care of him, not ideal but in my opinion best for his case

>> No.22038084

If this is all in an American context, people must realize that this gd country is enormous and each region has vastly different standards for "supporting yourself"
Its always the flyover boys saying just get it together, not realizing that there are parts of the country where it approaches a Hobbesian dream world of all-against-all. Rent is 2k per month at minimum, sharing a place with strangers is 1k minimum, jobs that pay living wages only ask for your soul in return.
>inb4 just move

>> No.22038089

slighly unrelated.
what are your thoughts on ubi?. i really want to know how people like you reconcile life from "supporting yourself" monetarily vs a life with ubi. how it makes you feel?.

>> No.22038112

Whats your favorite dinosaur buddy

>> No.22038118

>rent is 2k/mo minimum
>inb4 just move
This but unironically. Just move. You understand 97% of the US doesn’t have 2k rent?

>> No.22038126

you’re safer also why are you complaining? Get better at sex if you’re bad at it dumbfuck

>> No.22038127

>so you admit that had your parents not pushed you to do it you would not have done it
I don't know, I don't like to do little thought experiments like that but its really the only difference I can see between us. Both of their parents seem passive or at least absent compared to mine.
> which leads me to believe your parents "put in a good word for you"
No, I actually got this current job on my own. My past jobs interviews I had help with family or friends I rejected right off the bat because I could tell I was not a good fit and they did not interest me.
>or you got lucky to even have a job because employers are not looking for liabilities that can blow a fuse or have a meltdown at the work place
It helps that I'm in a field that is of high demand so the employer really can't make too many crazy demands because they are desperate to fill positions. Also you claim you know about Autism yet you don't know what masking is lol. Because I mask, I'm usually exhausted at the end of the day, which is why I blow up at my family more often than usual. I wouldn't dare do that at work, mainly because I've had people yell at me in the past in public and it always made me feel like shit, I try not to do that to other people.
>some autism etc is more serious than others
Hence why I said mild, anon... To most people I look and sound normal. I act "quirky" but people seem to think its my personality that's the reason for that, not a mental illness. No one but HR knows of my conditions and I aim to keep it that way.
>some people also as you said didn't have parents who knew how to raise kids so they're going to be very limited on their socializing on top of their autism
My parents solution to my misbehaving was yelling and spanking me. Both of them are very conservative, stubborn, and highly inflexible. They treated me as normal, just like they treated my Brother and Sister, who are normal. I think that was ultimately unfair, it lead to a very emotional and turbulent childhood, I sometimes still tear up when I think about it, but it embedded in me a neuroticism to have emotional stability which I think might be one of my driving reasons for where I am today. I'm thankful that I was smart enough to start reading philosophy at an early age which helped me cope a lot. When I was old enough to start to actually logic my way out of problems I started reading about my conditions and developing strategies to get out of them. Best thing I ever did was give up video games 15 years ago.
>what are your thoughts on ubi?
I'm a conservative, I disagree with ubi, especially in the American context. I believe a hybrid half-covered healthcare system would be better than Ubi. I believe that all preventative, yearly health checks, dental cleanings, should be fully or partially funded by the state to promote a healthy lifestyle and I believe that urgent care to prevent death should at least be partially subsidized.

>> No.22038132

I really regret spending my early career in academia. I realize now that I would’ve developed and learned a lot more outside of it. It’s been bad for me as a writer and as a person.

>> No.22038134

Sonicsaurus Rex :^)
but if you want an actual answer its Velociraptors, the fact that you had lizards who would hunt "like wolves" and were intelligent to form a social hierarchy and live in packs is very different than the majority of lizards that we have on the planet today. Oh, and no, I don't like that they added feathers to them later. I don't really care if its "fact" or not, dinos with feathers are unaesthetic.

>> No.22038150

anon you can't really move if you're stuck living with horrible rent living paycheck to paycheck going into debt whenever something breaks down because it's so busted and old because you can't dip into your income to buy anything new and every single purchase requires savings you can't afford forcing you to plea for overtime that is still only going to delay the inevitable
america is a shithole for most people it's only a good country to be rich in
i think anon is just baffled that some women aren't golddiggers and have a heart
i see

>> No.22038153
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I haven't accomplished anything in my life because I never commit to anything for long enough.
I sometimes feel passionate about something and like I've found a goal in life, then I begin second guessing myself, feeling cowardly and other times completely apathetic, I start distracting myself and procrastinating, postponing, re planing. Another year goes by and nothing has changed.

>> No.22038156

I literally said the same thing about you. You mogoloids cant comprehend other regions of the country so almost any discussion of this is just a shit flinging fight with no resolution.

>> No.22038177

---- Solaria ----
One In A Trillion Worlds

For the most part I've had a happy life
And can't complain to Nature.

Wouldn't trade where and how I live right now
For a few baroque palaces and concubines.

My front door is lazily ajar and open
To a sunny green courtyard amid which

A strangely towering flowering apple tree looms,
Shading lawn where a few dandelions

Shine ridiculously, and, in certain moods, angelic music seems
To go on forever, designed in exquisite loops.

>> No.22038184

You’re right American is a great country to be rich in, especially with healthcare, but moving really is not that complicated. Yes nowadays you need a job lined up somewhere but like what do you do for a living? I could travel in any direction right now and go inside a Lowe’s or Home Depot and ask for a job on their night crew. They always need people and don’t require any experience. Like, it’s really not complicated. That’s back breaking work but you only need get your foot in the door somewhere first

>> No.22038220

my question was more about if with an ubi you have massive people who dont support yourself and you seethe no end or what really you feel about?. i think everything is cooperative, dont exist this "support yourself" you are part of a chain. its like people usually forget this and put in front the "me win" over a game that you not made at all and you are always dependent on something. thats why i dont understand that albeit macht frei shit.

>> No.22038248

Like I said, I don't see the point of Ubi. when we would have a better healthcare system. I think talking about Ubi. is putting the cart before the horse. Ubi will only become important when mass automation arrives and all the other fields, regardless of how much they pay, are oversaturated and people have no where to go. Outside of that I don't think Ubi. will be much of a problem comparatively to healthcare. Who knows, maybe the population of America will voluntarily become healthier or as a whole make healthier decisions over time which would then open the debate for Ubi. as the healthcare problem becomes smaller but I think we have bigger problems right now than "free gibs". Besides, work is good for you.

>> No.22038257

>I could travel in any direction right now and go inside a Lowe’s or Home Depot and ask for a job on their night crew.
Lmao this is exactly what I'm talking about when I say flyovers can comprehend the housing problems in the metro areas of the country.
Yes home depot and lowes are hiring here too, but you will not be able to "support yourself" on this wage. You are either retarded, delusional, or acting in bad faith. You cannot support yourself here working the night shift at lowes.

>> No.22038258


>> No.22038290

>Besides, work is good for you.

>> No.22038327

I hate to answer a question with a question, but society and most religions say work is good, why would work be bad? The lazy answer is that to prevent entropy a system needs to constantly be maintained. It also gives you a purpose that makes you feel useful.

>> No.22038335

Thoreau had a good take on work in his essay Life Without Principle. He said it best.

>> No.22038353
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>they will slave away for a pittance, thank you for the opportunity to do so and shun anyone who isn't a slave like them
this is your brain on society

>> No.22038378

you cant prevent entropy, thats the point.
>it also gives you a purpose that makes you feel useful.
completely subjective, you dont need work to this at all.
i dont say work is bad, just that work is not necessary to a fulfilling life. i think that is a dogma and nothing more. i think in the future will be insane that milliones of people dont see this (work) as a necessary inconvenience but the real way to judge your value.
my point, overall, too, is that the "support yourself" always sound narcissistic and egocentric to me, specially when you support yourself because you are in a completely interdependent economy.

>> No.22038518

Do you struggle with the sense that you’ll never be great? What about the sense that the era of a Shakespeare, Dickens, or Tolkien is over?

>> No.22038549

I can’t believe I fell for the economics degree meme. I wish I knew I was a literature nerd when I chose my major.

>> No.22038551

when i look at the world around me all i see is a warped faulty system that has enslaved everyone around me and people who are not worth saving from themselves, when i ask myself why i should strive for anything i remember the people i am trying to impress and all motivation to do anything vanishes, only reason i get out of bed in the morning is because there is nothing better to do, i rewatch old series because the new stuff is complete garbage, i play old video games because new ones are soulless, my only real escape from reality is alcohol and even that isn't doing it any more, i am held hostage by over sensitive family members who would commit suicide after me if i were to kill myself in a country that sold itself down the river for globo homos in a merchant dystopia
i have 0 interest to do anything yet the system in place keeps trying to force me to participate in it despite not offering me motivating pay, even if the paycheck was right i would still just kill myself eventually because i would rather die than waste my life away making money for other people for a pittance 9-5 until retirement
i despise women and gay men do not tick my boxes the right way, only reason i fap is to get post nut clarity and out of habit
this entire system is rotten from the people to the bureucracy, i hope one day i will become selfish enough that i can die without giving a shit who dies as a result and just take the big nap at last

>> No.22038570

>Like I said, I don't see the point of Ubi.
what do you mean you don't understand the point? the point is to give everyone a universal basic income, i.e., to set a standard of living below which nobody in society should go under. >I think we have bigger problems right now than "free gibs". Besides, work is good for you.
It's not about "free gibs". In fact, even the most libertarian, invisible-hand-worshipping, Nobel prize winning economists such as Hayek and Friedman, people for whom "free gibs" is the very last thing on their mind, supported UBI. Because ultimately it's good for the economy esp. relative to the clusterfuck social welfare systems we have in place, promotes liberty, and addresses the problem of homelessness which is the biggest and steadily growing issue facing any sufficiently large city in America

>> No.22038574

I feel like being a great author in essence just means that a lot of other people like your work.
That's lovely, but it's more important to me that I like my work.
If I'm making great stuff that other people love but it feels like I'm draining my soul out of my body with every page then I don't think it's really worth it.
On the other hand if I'm having fun as I write and I'm really happy and proud of what I make, as far as I'm concerned I've done something both good and good enough. If I get an audience that also likes my work that's just icing.

I think the allure of trying to be a great author whose influence echoes throughout centuries is more harmful than helpful. I feel approaching a work like that clouds your judgement. It's certain that, say, Shakespeare wasn't thinking of us reading his plays five hundred odd years later when he was writing them. Rather than trying to write something that's important, I think it's better to write something that's good, and then it will naturally become important to someone.
I also doubt that we're living in the end times and there will never be another great author again. I think every generation has imagined that at one point or another and they've all been wrong.
My personal belief is that the voice of our time will remain obscure until many years after their death, but will then be read perpetually afterwords. That we live in an era with so many literate people and so rich in options to create and enjoy writing makes me think it will take a good while to sort everything out. But really I suppose anything could happen. We truly live in interesting times.

>> No.22038582

you wouldn't know this though unless you had spent that time in academia. how about instead of saying you "regret" doing something, you say there are things you wish you didn't HAVE TO learn by experience? i.e., there's nothing you could have done, it's spilt milk, all you can do is move on knowing you grew from the experience in this sense

>> No.22038594

>Yes home depot and lowes are hiring here too, but you will not be able to "support yourself" on this wage. You are either retarded, delusional, or acting in bad faith. You cannot support yourself here working the night shift at lowes.
Are *you* retarded? You absolutely can support yourself on Lowe's and Home Depot wages across most of America. It's not even a question. I literally did it last year in San Diego of all places.

>> No.22038606
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>you will not be able to "support yourself" on this wage
ultimately you are poor because you waste all your money on dumb shit, probably csgo cases and weed, and you are lazy and take no responsibility for your situation which is why there's no hope for you to line up a job elsewhere or find something better, and you spend all your time browsing 4chan complaining about how you don't have enough money to move to someplace cheaper than 2k/mo rent (lol)

>> No.22038613

Damn, you actually are autistic

>> No.22038615

I sort of did know it. To be clear, I wasn’t a lecturer. I got a job in the administration, and not even student-facing administration. I knew it was a worthless job but didn’t have anything else I wanted to do which I could easily do. I did it sort of reluctantly.

>> No.22038616

Don’t want one.

>> No.22038627

Was the last one that miserable?

>> No.22038645

I understand what you're saying and I agree with your emphasis on personal responsibility, but it's also true that current wages get you increasingly less, that houses are farther away than they've ever been for many, that small business ownership has plummeted over the last hundred years and has been replaced by soulless disconnected wage labor for distant multinational corporations, etc. The opportunity that the United States (and probably other advanced "democratic" nations) provides is shrinking and increasingly dependent on the individual's willingness to shirk what they believe to be important to them to chase that opportunity. Things appear to have become much more difficult for the group of people that just want to work, live somewhere around their friends and family, set down roots, take care of their elderly parents, etc etc.

>> No.22038672

He is on my reading list... Soon TM
>you cant prevent entropy, thats the point.
yes, that is the point of work, to prevent and replace things that succumb to it.
>i dont say work is bad, just that work is not necessary to a fulfilling life.
See, here you have a very select idea of work. If you do a favor for someone or pick up a chore someone else is suppose to do, its still work. Sure you aren't doing at 9 to 5 or you might do some yard work that only lasts a week but its still work. I believe that you should find value within, but a lot of people try to find value in helping others, which isn't a bad thing either. I think work is a necessary thing to "suffer" on some level because it keeps you grounded in reality. One of the most common complaints about the rich and power that most regular people have is that they are out-of-touch. They are out-of-touch because they have reduced their suffering so much that they have effectively removed themselves from relatability to anyone else, which breeds jealousy, but it also breeds a type of distain for the lack of ability some people have for others. Work ultimately, as long as its not back breaking, is good for you and should at least be a little miserable.
>"support yourself" always sound narcissistic and egocentric to me, specially when you support yourself because you are in a completely interdependent economy.
So your solution is to be as useless and as dependent on possible and it some how benefits people? What?
>what do you mean you don't understand the point?
We have bigger problems right now in the country than "wouldn't it be nice to give free money". Socialized healthcare is far cheaper than UBI will ever be, meaning that in the American context it is dead in the water for now.
u 2 :^)

>> No.22038677

F forgot to click the link
>you cant prevent entropy, thats the point.
yes, that is the point of work, to prevent and replace things that succumb to it.
>i dont say work is bad, just that work is not necessary to a fulfilling life.
See, here you have a very select idea of work. If you do a favor for someone or pick up a chore someone else is suppose to do, its still work. Sure you aren't doing at 9 to 5 or you might do some yard work that only lasts a week but its still work. I believe that you should find value within, but a lot of people try to find value in helping others, which isn't a bad thing either. I think work is a necessary thing to "suffer" on some level because it keeps you grounded in reality. One of the most common complaints about the rich and power that most regular people have is that they are out-of-touch. They are out-of-touch because they have reduced their suffering so much that they have effectively removed themselves from relatability to anyone else, which breeds jealousy, but it also breeds a type of distain for the lack of ability some people have for others. Work ultimately, as long as its not back breaking, is good for you and should at least be a little miserable.
>"support yourself" always sound narcissistic and egocentric to me, specially when you support yourself because you are in a completely interdependent economy.
So your solution is to be as useless and as dependent on possible and it some how benefits people? What?
was meant for

>> No.22038707

No, I'm socially stunted but not autistic. Wish I was so I could at least have an excuse

>> No.22038729

theres always Asperger's, it was rolled into Autism as part of the spectrum because Asperger's doesn't really have any defined borders and was deemed a bit to broad in its diagnosing so they just rolled it in with autism and just said "if its a problem then its a problem lol". Also you won't get better at socializing unless you do it. Only way to get better is via exposure therapy.

>> No.22038745


>> No.22038790

It was easy, but I think so. Frankly, all of them have been miserable. I don’t like working for someone else or doing meaningless low-paid work.

>> No.22038791

Nah it aint assburgers either. Im doing mybest and making slow improvement tho

>> No.22038943

>So your solution is to be as useless and as dependent on possible and it some how benefits people? What?
no, its not about solution. its about knowing that you dont support yourself much than you are part of a economy. i dont know, is a difference of concepts, of where you put the importance.
>I think work is a necessary thing to "suffer" on some level
you dont need work to suffer. i really surprise myself people thinking this kind of things. suffering is inherent to life. its the same as if you dont understand how a rich person can commit suicide. very naive ideas.
>and should at least be a little miserable.
i enjoy this idea, and i think is, ultimately, what support yourself really means.

>> No.22039152

>you dont need work to suffer.
Nope, but work is suffering.
>i really surprise myself people thinking this kind of things. suffering is inherent to life.
Yes, that is we work. All of life is suffering and part of that small suffering is working.
>its the same as if you dont understand how a rich person can commit suicide. very naive ideas.
What are you talking about? Most rich people will commit suicide because they are alienated and realized that even if they have all the money in the world they are still unhappy. BECAUSE LIFE IS SUFFERING. Or they kill themselves because they lost all their money or their things and because they were so caught up with being rich as part of their identity they feel like the ultimate failures and commit suicide because THEY CAN'T DEAL WITH THE PAIN. Your not really dealing with fully thought out ideas in your own head? Your contradicting yourself and saying I'm the naïve one in the same breathe. Also just so you know, barring biological parasites, parasitic lifestyles do and will take a toll on your mental health in the long run. Like I said, my only 2 IRL friends who have nothing wrong with them are NEETs in their 30s living at home still. Its not even the problem that they are living with their parents, its that they are living with them and not working. Where has that got them in this near 20 year time period? They both got fat, lost their hair, their attention span is shot, they find it incredibly hard to read cause I guess cooming and video haves have destroyed their brains. In the end of the day if we don't balance pleasure with pain or pain with pleasure we pay a high price later down the road. Ones that they will have to live with for the rest of their lives.