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21979516 No.21979516 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading for May Day?

>> No.21979599
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A real socialist. Not that power-mad statist pig.

>> No.21979603 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21979617

Alec Nove's The Economics of Feasible Socialism Revisited
this guy is the granddaddy of all market "socialist", so it behooves me to read him

>> No.21979634

>ctrl f 'successful anarchist revolutions'
>no results

>> No.21979687

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.21979698

In what respect is Marx power-mad?? That's a crazy thing to call an English doctor lol

>> No.21979706
File: 237 KB, 500x375, bakunin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakunin was just mad because Marx exposed his plot to coup the First International. in other words Bakunin's screeds about jooz and le secret authoritarians was really just him projecting

>> No.21980540
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This actually but I was out on a labor picket to balance my yin/yang.

>> No.21980574

Except Marx couped the International first then guaranteed it's death.

>> No.21980621

>heh, what governments have you liquidated and replaced with a new governmental elite of anarchists, buddy?
That’s not a revolution, that’s a coup.

He helped found the International under anarchistic principals, it was wildly successful, but Marx and the minority statists were from the start trying to inject it with their authoritarian principles. As soon as he successfully did that, the International splintered apart. He wanted to be Germanys next Bismarck

>secret authoritarians
There isn’t much of a secret that Marx is an authoritarian-socialist

>> No.21980630

I respect anarchists for at least having integrity even if I think you're deluded. Communists are so fucking disgusting the way they say they want stateless, classless society yet apparently the very first step is an insanely tyrannical dictatorship which never seems to end.

>> No.21980651

We’re everybody. All we need is decent education/re-education and organization. It’s a tall freakin order.

They’re not even communists

>> No.21980890
File: 83 KB, 777x767, anarchist state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le authoritarian
>I respect anarchists for at least having integrity even if I think you're deluded
anarchists abandon this nonsense every single time when it comes to actual statecraft. when they don't they are inevitably crushed by reaction or straight up join it

>> No.21980901

anarchists are children who think utopia will come immediately after a revolution, and that the rest of the world will simply allow it to exist peacefully.

>> No.21981447

In what respect was he an authoritarian if he formally and publicly was an ally with those anarchists? I mean, did he try to change what the international looked like?

>> No.21982202

>here’s a link to a thirty page essay explaining how Marxist authoritarianism isn’t actually authoritarian because it’s named after the working class and everyone will be the authori— snitch—- i mean… everything will be good. Just read the essay, you bourgeois scum!

We have ourselves another ivory tower academic. Sharing his working man comics. Stupid Trots

Yeah. The Marxists want to win elections and take control of states. Being suspicious of the people making demands of freedom, instead of educating and appeasing their needs, the Marxists will (and have done on numerous occasions) implement authoritarianism. This regime will never end in communism. The power of absolute authority is just as seductive as the power of wealth. For all his smarts, he suffers an ivory tower academic sensibility that makes him and his kind deceptive elitists. They’ll never give the power to the people.

>> No.21982251

anarchists are always scrawny anti-gun faggots lmaoing
the day anarchism gets implemented they get their heads bashed in

>> No.21982254
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>thirty page essay
it's like two pages. also
>complaining about mucho text on /lit/ of all places

>> No.21982540

They think, and those that think it over well enough, know, that we must come together in an overwhelming number, OR ELSE THERE IS NO REVOLUTION. It is immediate or it ISN'T the revolution.

Can you post your explanation here. I dislike clickbait. Ten time out of ten it’s never worth it reading these Marxian can’t-copes.”le authoritarian”. You have no defense.
Bakunin was right. Bakunin should be read by all

>> No.21982586
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>Can you post your explanation here
have these gentlemen seen my balls?