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/lit/ - Literature

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21962907 No.21962907 [Reply] [Original]

2 mega normies told me this book was mind blowing. Is it worth reading?

>> No.21962914

vile yiddish bullshit

>> No.21962916

I've read the first, yes

>> No.21962923

Haven’t read. But he’s like any other futurist, except for his ties with the ruling elites. So his ideas are getting pushed by them. I’ve written him off as another Sam Harris type of empty intellectual. Worth a read if you want to know what the oligarchy are planning for us and how to argue with the “normies” (npc/bourgeoisie/shitlibs)

>> No.21962931

don't read the second one

>> No.21962932

Harari is immature and says chuuni shit because he thinks it's cool to hate humanity. Might as well read Ray Kurzweil who basically advocates the same ideas but doesn't sound like a cartoon villain.

>> No.21962957

I had a class the other day where my teacher showed the class an interview with him.
Didn't like what said, overall.

>> No.21962966

can you summarize it in 10 words or less?

>> No.21962974
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>recommendation from Bill Gates on front cover
I think that should answer any concerns you had about the book

>> No.21963052

/x/ thinks this dude is a leading candidate for the anti-christ that's all i know about him

>> No.21963061

wow that book would be really good if greek history weren't millions of years old because evolution is a hoax by the vatican

>> No.21963083
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they might be on to something
I hate the antichrist and I hate him, so there's some connection

>> No.21963129

Everything is a "fantasy" to this shithead, except his best selling books, these items are authentic truth.

>> No.21963130

bill is a good person but he has to know masons made up evolution as a prank

>> No.21963151
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, hey yuval you should put this on your reading list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah here's a book yuval should read

>> No.21963154

it's glownigger propaganda

>> No.21963173

It's Harari's hope that Interracial Breeding Grounds will open the racist mind by enticing them with the powerful sexualities of the foreigners. Envisioning a theme-park scale environment, Harari expects the future of Hen and Bachelor Parties to romp around sprawling sexual neighborhoods with one grotto devoted to this or that fetish, while another theme or scene occupies a warehouse down the street. "Besides the merchandise, refreshments alone would pay for the whole thing," Harari explained. "You entice the racists into the park with fatty food and cheap booze, but you sell them tolerance once they're inside, and once they've seen how beautiful it all is, they'll be a customer for life!"

Harari explains the invention of the inspected penis was the good fortune of aristocratic hygiene traditions converging with efficiently run private bureaucracies. In the American towns where Penis Inspection Days were held, incidences of penile injury and STDs are nearly zero. Women also reported a higher quality of life and degree of happiness, compared to those living in cities that did not implement Penis Inspection Programs. Harari also presents compelling evidence for publically subsidizing all cosmetic vaginal and vulvar surgery, because the savings in mental health benefits are hard to understate. If women could more easily repair their battered vaginas, their sexual and emotional health could be readily improved.

>> No.21963198
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These are the first words I've read from Harari. I now finally understand why this guy's book is pushed so hard by Amazon, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Hollywood, etc.

>> No.21963237

boring as fuck

>> No.21963243

>bill is a good person

>> No.21963252
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did they ... you know?

>> No.21963293

lie about evolution being real? yeah

>> No.21963295
File: 107 KB, 611x674, literally my copy of the talmud - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zero percent of the bible is incorrect, yuval, you ugly degenerate. it's about mathematics and you should unironically walk into the nearest synagogue and tell them to stone you to death

>> No.21963316
File: 478 KB, 952x873, ED21B887-87BE-4740-B875-33569EEA0BC8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“My comparison of the Bible with Harry Potter” (Yuval Jakobin Harari; Zionist Controlled Province, Sometime 21st century)

>> No.21963320


>> No.21963332

Is he more the goblin type or the rat type jew?

>> No.21963338

Looks like gollum, expects dudes to fuck him. His spiteful petty NPC rhetoric makes more sense now.

>> No.21963344

It's an interesting read. Don't waste your time with "21 Lessons" but Sapiens is at least interesting.
Also, take with a grain of salt as it was written by a literal jewish faggot.

>> No.21963354
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2 cuties

>> No.21963357
File: 189 KB, 1300x832, IT'S A BIRD, IT'S A PLANE... IT'S THE MOSHIACH!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this failed universe is run by the sabbatean-frankist erev rav. in no way is any part of this satanic clown world helln*gger prison planet "zionist."

frankly the sanhedrin should elect a moshiach to skullfuck this ongoing sodomy-themed war crime the CIA dares to call reality into the fires of hell where it can be pissed on by the rebbe's force ghost until the end of days

>> No.21963360

Its reddit on steroids. Its one giant twitter atheist >euphoric post
Rat definitely. Also, has anyone else noticed that herschlags face is becoming more jewy the older she gets?

>> No.21963438

>great works of literature
>Harry Potter

He has no expertise in the fields he covers in Sapiens, I'm giving it a miss, sounds like typical popsci crap.

>> No.21963458

It's mediocre and reddit. I wouldn't have read the 2nd one (which is worse) if I hadn't got it for free from my friend. Tells nothing new if you've dabbed with history and archaeology

>> No.21963460

>great works of literature like Don Quixote, War and Peace and Harry Potter
I guarantee Harry Potter is the only one of these he has read

>> No.21963476

It certainly is. I'm just saying that I got it as a gift and I read it in like six days because it was very engaging.

>> No.21963492

Is this from the OP book? This is reads like an r/atheism reddit post.

>> No.21963524

don't bother reading the words of a lying homosexual. BBC reads them out loud for free

>> No.21963586

If normies say it’s based, it’s not

>> No.21963591
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So, briefly, what is the upshot of this little rat fella's oeuvre?

>> No.21963592

I found the concepts in Homo Deus to be much more interesting, even if it's extremely pessimistic. Sapiens is okay, nothing groundbreaking about it, I have an issue with his issue of not acknowledging Europeans post-Middle ages were basically had alien tech compared to the rest of the world.

>> No.21963615
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>frankly the sanhedrin should elect a moshiach to skullfuck this ongoing sodomy-themed war crime the CIA dares to call reality into the fires of hell where it can be pissed on by the rebbe's force ghost until the end of days
What the fuck does this mean, anon?

>> No.21963682
File: 253 KB, 1280x1280, assocracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This world is an assocracy: a government by homosexuals

>> No.21963768

Catnip for techbros

>> No.21963816

idk seems inferior to 10k year explosion to me

>> No.21963893
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He's a transhumanist and a personal advisor to Klaus Schwab. He is not to be trusted.

>> No.21963914

The fact that Russel scored Katy Perry with a button penis invalidates all blackpill incel philosophy.

>> No.21963933

The interview; it's in portuguese but he speaks in English:

>> No.21963940

No it's garbage. Dumbed down evolution stuff and then just making shit up an >civilization le bad!
Also jew. Dropped

>> No.21963967

what about the transvestigation theories?

>> No.21963970

I tried to read it but he's so weirdly critical of all of the different "revolutions" that happen it's hard to finish. It feels like he has something against all the stuff we've managed to accomplish and it's weird.

>> No.21963973

>I had a class the other day where my teacher showed
the worst thing about this guy is how popular he is with half-wits. He is a once in a lifetime visionary thinking to 110 IQ individuals.

>> No.21963979

>a jew in auschwitz mode

>> No.21963982

isn't the blackpill just stats from okcupid? basically saying how entitled women can become if they have countless options and attention, where they only for the 1% top looking guys who look almost doll-like

The only blackpill theory i've heard about IRL is that height matters... which it does, unless you want to approach 100+ women in which case it doesn't stop you

>> No.21963998

The black pill is mostly the belief that genetics and to a lesser extent physique/grooming are all that matters for attracting women(for sex, not necessarily for relationships). So being tall, attractive, broad shouldered. In so far as they think personality matters they think women are attracted to psychopaths and narcissists.

They were a kind of reaction to the red pill PUA bloggers who said that having "game"(essentially a set of somewhat manipulative behaviors centered around appearing very confident) was what mattered most.

There is a bit of truth to both positions but anyone who has actually dated a few women knows it isnt this rigid and black and white.

>> No.21964091

I tried it once because so many people recommend it. Dropped it about 20 pages in. Too much pseudoscientific nonsense.

>> No.21964107

Reddit: the book.

>> No.21964184

Based Juden

>> No.21964468

I dont read books written by ugly people

>> No.21964481

>Nosferatu look'n A
Not remotely. Hell, throw them Bicameral Mind their way to be civil and see if they come back lightly less retarded.

>> No.21964507

First half is great but then he inserts blatant BS propaganda

>> No.21964516

Graeber has a newish history book that’s probably leagues better. It was published posthumously if I remember correctly. Same guy that wrote Debt: first 5000 years. He is a fun thinker to read.

>> No.21964525

I haven't read the book but that makes sense to me. When you're a part of the current elite, it would be only logical to portray everything and everyone who came before you as worse than what you are offering to them right here and now. It's about legitimacy - if you aren't offering the "best of all possible worlds" by your rule, then are you really fit to be a ruler to begin with?

>> No.21964574

Graeber's book is woke garbage. He views everything through the worldview that material inequity is the thing everyone should be worried about.

>> No.21964667

I haven’t read the whole book but only select chapters which were very influential in how I see the world. I.e, agriculture revolution bad, gossip is part of human nature/why we advanced etc.

>> No.21964686

This is exactly how cults operate. They feed you easily verifiable truths and once you believed them a couple of things your brain drops its guard (because calories aint cheap) and then they can push almost any old bs on you.
Someone once gave me a copy of sapiens once and I opened it at a random page and read until the first brainwashing thing. Didnt take me long, not even a page to have enough reason to tear it apart. And then I did tear it apart and skattered its pages along the train tracks. I had to do it like that so that no one else ever would be able to read this psychos thoughts.

>gradually it became the time again to do something about these "people"

Tldr: this faggot jew is a full on psychopath.

>> No.21964690

he is not a jew, adam and eve were greek

>> No.21964713

rather boring, i tried to read it but he seemed to constantly intertwine fact and his personal opinion, while considering his personal opinion as fact. Stopped reading by the second chapter, read Guns, Germs and Steel instead.

>> No.21964733

I remember reading that when I was 12, is it worth the reread 10 years on?

>> No.21964790

>read Guns, Germs and Steel instead.
How’s transitioning going?dvxwv8

>> No.21964846
File: 175 KB, 855x1280, V8BICYhyGK90NkaH4Sz3m84wPG39DMJlvjgP8TyFm0GXDpx4Nw8rq0U2Q3mz2f0iEGpf6J9s9z8ymYCK8qxMdAQR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump lost
The Confederacy lost
Hitler lost
Mussolini lost
Hirohito lost
Apartheid lost
Rhodesia lost
McGregor lost
Capitol rioters lost
Bane lost
Le Pen lost
Putin is losing
Chauvin is in jail
Roof is in jail awaiting execution
McVeigh was executed
The Northman flopped
Q was wrong
Alex Jones is banned
Joe Rogan apologized
Sneed won
Liberal democracy won
WEF is winning
Masks are safe and effective
Vaccines are safe and effective
Black Lives Matter
Protect Trans Kids
Touch grass
Slava Ukraini

>> No.21964854
File: 73 KB, 511x423, 1624392994288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy is considered one of the premier intellectuals of the 21st century

>> No.21964883
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i just touched grass, but evolution is still a papist lie. should i touch it harder?

>> No.21964895

>Bane lost
Hothead spotted!

>> No.21964914

Gradually I began to hate them

>> No.21964938

>sneed won
But Sneed winning was a W for chuds

>> No.21964946

I've seen videos of Harari and he's really smart, his book must be really good since chuds keep seething about it.

>> No.21964987

>lying about millions of years of human history is good because i saw a video of this bald man on youtube

>> No.21965105
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>> No.21965250

when you're a faggot spending all day getting ass fucked or searching for more sexual partners i doubt you're allocating much time to reading lmao

>> No.21965331

Wtf, I view Kruzweil as a naïve transhumanist, but at least one of my own, at least in a way. How is Harari different from him?

>> No.21965363

He's a historian, what are you? A faggot?

>> No.21965368

>hes a pop historian
>so he's not lying or agenda posting
>hes also a Jewish atheist

>> No.21965374

It justifies scientific racism like a trojan horse.

>> No.21965376
File: 116 KB, 1080x1080, 1680718904148039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harry Potter
>deep wisdom

>> No.21965377


Good seethe generator and not a single counter argument despite it being a "deep thought" from my 8yr old mind.

>> No.21965390

he has some quite interesting "bird's eye view" insights into human history, but at the same time he doesn't go in depth enough into his theories. After reading the book I just wasn't convinced in a lot of what he said. It shows that the book is essentially his notes for a World History class he was giving in some university. It really blows the minds of laymen, but to any serious academic it is far too shallow.

All in all, it is an entertaining read but don't expect too much if you already have knowledge of european history and philosophy

>> No.21965409

Sure whatever, it's just gonna make Christian larpers on /lit/ seethe.
That said, insisting that religion has a good side to it is sussy when it comes from people that are endorsed by powers that be. It's not that I disagree with that sentiment, it's more like what kind of religion they are trying to construct here, to their own benefit.

>> No.21965411

He has less of an agenda than you, retarded chud. Go groom newfag on /pol/.

>> No.21965425

>Yuval Noah Harari was born and raised in Kiryat Ata, Israel, one of three children born to Shlomo and Pnina Harari. His family was a secular Jewish family. His father was a state-employed armaments engineer and his mother was an office administrator.

Go figure

>> No.21965432

I don't understand, this seems quite stupid to me, and I'm a retard that has accomplished nothing. How do the elites who are obviously much more intelligent and accomplished than me eat this drivel up?

>> No.21965443

Almost no matter your denomination (exception is some sort of retarded hippie kumbayah all-encompassing syncretism) you agree with him on some 9999 religions, but take mortal offense that he would suggest this about the 10.000th, which you just so happened to be born into, which hence just so happens to be the correct one.
For all the kvetching he gives rise to, there is no counter to this argument of his.

As for Harry Potter, it is a great work of fiction in terms of popularity. He includes W&P and DQ to also account for great fiction in the sense of aesthetic value rather than merely popularity. For a literature board, you people really can't interpret anything charitably to save your lives.

These are but some of the reasons why he is a world-leading intellectual and you are a bunch of losers, permanently consigned to an inert echo-chamber.

>> No.21965445

>don't read this jewish pseud
>read this other jewish pseud
No thanks

>> No.21965446


You should check out Christ's early life and family history.

>> No.21965449

No, he's a queer.

>> No.21965450


She looks like she's still in costume from filming an episode of Star Trek TNG

>> No.21965462

Wow, was he a fan of Harry Potter too? Kick rocks, Shlomo

>> No.21965603


I despise Jewry. You're a dunce.

>> No.21965811

All religions are either historical accounts of astronauts or encoded magical grimoires. Yuval is nothing and he deserves to be in prison

>> No.21965847
File: 1.02 MB, 3722x1330, 1682629851734728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He hates humanity

>> No.21965937

For chuds, but not for chucks

>> No.21965952

>elites who are obviously much more intelligent and accomplished than me
They generate the shit to further narratives, they don't eat it

>> No.21965971

Nah, some of them do
There are some ultra elite jews above everyone else who are still paying by the secret Talmud playbook andndont eat this shit
But regular elites? They are dumber by sheer nepotism, even a lot of jews arent the genius villains they were until the 60s and are much more sloppy now
But peopel are getting dumber too on average so it cancels out

>> No.21966485

This is an insipid 120 IQ @ 19 year old take, though I can see why normies find such insights "notable".

He literally tailor cut these thoughts to sound insightful to a Redditor.

>> No.21966491

Clearly he has this ties as this shit resonates with their wonky agendas. Consider his book an application for wef and friends.

>> No.21966508

They don’t, it’s just goyslop with pages. No one with a bank account over 50k and a view of the world beyond a 50 mile radius would take anything this guy has to say seriously.

>> No.21966513

literally peak normie tier book
nothing original in there

dumbed down evolution type of stuff
idk why anyone would call this mindblowing, it's literally the same shit school preaches only dumbed down

>> No.21966546

Harari is very explicit in that he says humanity is inferior to what humans will create, and we therefore must be replaced.
Kurzweil argues that our non-biological descendants are humans and will have desires fundamental to humanity, such as the desire to explore and improve ourselves, and that they would cherish biological humans the same way that a large folder can tolerate the minute amount of space some older files take up, or how an advanced civ such as ours admire the Greeks, or as a successful man tends to his hobby garden. Biological humans do not intrude on the non-bio, they are the foundation to everything beautiful and complex about life. If it means anything, Bill Gates is also a friend of Kurzweil so I wouldnt be surprised if he is essentially after the same thing as Harari. It's just that Harari comes off as ungrateful for the complexity of the human mind.

>> No.21966560

And yet, you still haven't won.

>> No.21966604

Its worth reading because he basically advocates for transhuman elitism and people like Mark Zuckerberg have praised the book.

>> No.21966662

you dumb motherfucker the real israelites are caucasian, what race do you think moses was, fucking chinese?

>> No.21966681

>the real israelites are caucasian

>> No.21966688
File: 456 KB, 1731x1920, Jacob_Jordaens_-_Moses_and_his_Ethiopian_wife_Sephora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look at moses and then look at harari and tell me that someone isn't lying

>> No.21966703

At this point might as well read the talmud

>> No.21966710

>Euro painting of euros larping as jews 1500+ years after the fact the paintings depict prove that jews were euros

>> No.21966847

>Kurzweil argues that our non-biological descendants are humans and will have desires fundamental to humanity, such as the desire to explore and improve ourselves, and that they would cherish biological humans the same way that a large folder can tolerate the minute amount of space some older files take up, or how an advanced civ such as ours admire the Greeks, or as a successful man tends to his hobby garden. Biological humans do not intrude on the non-bio, they are the foundation to everything beautiful and complex about life. If it means anything,
This is a coherent line which, under a different perspective and moral framework, would be respectable.
Kurzweil argues a bit past the point, though. First of all, from the stance of some disembodied observer of the universe or of the posthumans themselves, of course what he describes applies: homo sapiens is equivalent to the first chimera that passed on the mitochondrion instead of clearing it.
But here's the issue: dealing all too much in possibilities, like the longtermist posthumanist view, is only reasonable to a certain extent. After a certain point that they have passed, you become a slave to this concept that there is just one more "possible world" that is even better.
These longtermists like to extrapolate to near-absurdum, but could they reject a critique that fully extrapolates ad absurdum for them? I.e. to posthumanists, it's not just that our successor species are a beautiful symphony that we should let play out, but that in choosing to hear the melody of that symphony, we suppress an even more beautiful, grander symphony. We could do more to bring that into being ("do" is used abstractly here. "Do" could mean just not opposing it, or being cautiously optimistic about it, etc.).
Certainly their critique against this argument is that these larger symphonies are just unreal possibilities, which have, no perhaps even *ought* to not have a bearing on our decision-making because we have to apply a cutoff somewhere.
Well, us people who are not okay with becoming just the vanity garden of a billionaire, apply that cutoff way before the posthumanists do.

>> No.21966883
File: 188 KB, 899x730, 978a9ff6-e306-4eef-a27a-bcdcb0a36995_899x730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10,000 religions agree that the divine exists. They just disagree with how it has manifested itself to humans.

Humans come up with theories to explain the divine, just as physicists come up with theories to explain physical phenomena.

Theoretical physicists agree that the phenomena exist, they disagree about what best explains that phenomena.

Different religions agree that the divine exists, they just disagree with what best explains the divine.

There you go, I have completely shredded your retarded argument.

Reddit spaced so your 110iq enlightened atheist brain doesn't get lost.

>> No.21967053

I got it with gift cards since my colleague told me it was mind shattering
Maybe I'll get around reading it now, but it has been collecting dust for 4 years and I can't be bothered to open it

>> No.21967161

You realize this wasn’t painted by someone who actually knew what Moses looked like, right?

>> No.21967183

>it wasn’t filled with acid
Guy had one chance to be a hero and chose to be a clown instead

>> No.21967209

bill is a nice guy but wrongly believes it is possible to lie for the "greater good"

>> No.21967214

Kek, another country for the list

>> No.21967226

Yes, I still disagree with Kurzweil it's just that he is more palateable in his temperament. He does describe the end of material humanity as well, where even our robotic humanity will be surpassed by purely energetic life. There are also a number of ethical concerns that come along the way to a Singularity that he has, at least the books I read, very poor answers for. The damage that the Genetic revolution and Nanotech revolution could be potentially massive disasters unless Robotics AI that emerges from a Singularity quickly after could stop it. He really kind of hand waves it so poorly it sounds like he isnt afraid that billions of people could die before his dream comes true. Or (as he's accused of) that disaster could be his dream in the first place. That is probably the most naive part about his writing.

>> No.21967404

Yes, the entire book is also just like this

>> No.21967441


>> No.21967897


>> No.21968520

Not really. It taught me about the psychopathy involved in the Dutch East India company, but not in any way I'm sure I could have learned better in a book actually dedicated to that topic.
The most bunk part of the book is when he insists that agriculture was a terrible mistake for the human race. He says stuff like "humans think they domesticated grains, but in actuality it may have been grains which domesticated humans" which is a fun thought to entertain for a minute, but then you realise he means it completely literally and in a negative way; he maintains that hunter-gatherers had better lives than modern humans in every meaningful way.

It's also true that he's an anti-religious Zionist Jew, possibly the most deplorable group of people on earth (and I'm not even antisemitic), but this didn't really come across in the book unless you're completely /pol/ brained. His ideas as expressed on the page are dumb enough without looking at the rest of his life/personality.

>> No.21968871

No. You've made a not particularly compelling case for religion from underdetermination, when the original argument targets any and all specific religions.
As for 110 IQ, since you fail to even make this distinction, no u.

>> No.21969146

This guy is propped up as the next intellectual genius of our time to the point of having even long-form interviews in own shitty little European country. Makes me instantly distrust him, he's someone halfwits read to larp as intellectuals.

>> No.21969155

>you agree diseases exist and get spread somehow
>yet you also disagree with 999 possible theories of sickness transmission, except number 1000 which states that diseases are caused by viruses and bacteria
>not miasma, not humours, not wrath of god, but viruses and bacteria

>> No.21969276

No it's not, it boils down to muh meritocracy and progressive human thinking or whatever

>> No.21969311

It's a good fiction book.

>> No.21969317

>unironically making an analogy between empirical science and faith
Even within a religious perspective this is internally retarded.