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21920054 No.21920054 [Reply] [Original]

Discussion on Camus

>> No.21920087

Nah, I prefer to just accept the world is fucking awesome and keep living life uncucked by sadboi ideologies.

>> No.21920121

No I wanna whine about the world not being my mental image of based and trad while I jack off to drawn pictures of Japanese children online.

Yeah I'm a frequent user of /pol/ how did you guess?

>> No.21920129

I wish I wrote that in my literature review

>> No.21920143

i a the fat fingered francophobe your mother warned you about

>> No.21920159

I'm reading Sisyphus and I think I'm getting filtered. I get the idea of the absurd but then he seems just to reiterate the point from slightly different angles and citing a ton of other authors. I think I'm missing some subleties.

>> No.21920346

I think you should read The Stranger first.

>> No.21920466

Ok, will do that.
He also mentions Kierkegard and Husserl a lot, should I read them too?

>> No.21920561

Personally, I don't think it's necessary. Just be familiar with existentialist philosophers and their ideas. Some on here will argue otherwise and tell you that it is necessary.

>> No.21920571
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This meme best explains it

>> No.21920878

Not purely for understanding the MoS, but you should eventually try them anyways.

>> No.21920884


>> No.21920891

>reality is absurd
>but its le wrong to murder people
Camus is a moralfagging charlatan who got buck broken by chad sartre

>> No.21920901

>who got buck broken by chad sartre

>> No.21920930

Camus and sartre got in a friendship-ending fight since sartre said that killing millions to save billions is good, whereas camus said that any type of murder is wrong. So even though albert was an absurdist, he was a deontologist at heart.

>> No.21920932

Both Camus and Sartre were moralfagging charlatans that got buckbroken by Zapffe.

>> No.21920960 [SPOILER] 
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>buck broken by chad sartre
> Beauvoir only settled for Sartre after she got Noped by both Camus and Merleau-Ponty, leading to Sartre eventually sperging out against both.
> When "Chad" Sartre suggested the group should start setting up bombs he got immediately shut down by both Beauvoir and Camus so hard he never once spoke about it himself.
> didnt die young on his way to meet the love of his life after plowing a prodigious amount of hoes.
Sure, quite the "Chad"...

>> No.21920961

Camus, who was born in Algeria to
French parents, refused to endorse the Algerians in the Algerian War, saying "Between justice and my mother, I choose my mother." That got him excommunicated from most of the French left.
Sartre would also later break with some French leftists by supporting Israel during the Six-Day War.

>> No.21920963
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>refused to endorse the Algerians
As one should.

>> No.21920991

>didnt die young on his way to meet the love of his life
Dying before achieving your goal is for suckers.

>> No.21920999

Elaborate on Zapffe?

>> No.21921035

So basically Ozymandias vs Rorschach?

>> No.21921053

Yes exactly
And the consequentialists were right both times

>> No.21921083

"It's only when I stop giving a shit about the world that I'm able to live life to the fullest."

>> No.21921094

I personally think Christian Absurdism has a lot of potential. I know Camus personally advocated for an atheist-style Absurdism but he still sympathized with his Christian friends. Christianity still formed a background for the direction of his opinion on meaning.

>> No.21921103

>Christian Absurdism

>> No.21921107

Zapffe stated that:

>Evolution made men smarter;
>Men could identify objects with their features, explain cause and effect, create abstract concepts, etc;
>Finally men realized that they are mortal animals that would sick, rot, and die. To cope with this, men created artificial meanings in this tragic meaningless world;
>Those artificial meanings could be implemented by isolating, anchoring, distracting, and sublimating oneself.

>> No.21921184

>To cope with this, men created artificial meanings in this tragic meaningless world;
completely wrong and ahistorical if he's talking about religion

>> No.21921192

No, he is right.
Or do you actually believe in the magic man in the sky?

>> No.21921207

I'm saying man didn't create religion to cope with the "meaningless world." The very modern idea of a "meaningless world" is anachronistic when applied to ancient cultures and mythologies. Man stopped being religious and spiritual and then thought the world was meaningless, not the other way around.

>> No.21921401

I think he's saying you can classify religion under the "identify objects with their features, explain cause and effect, create abstract concepts" more so than the "artificial meanings could be implemented."

Religion straddles both the explanatory framework and the artificial meaning for cope. Its just that as it lost ground on the former it found utility in the latter.

>> No.21922045

>Is it better to just accept the world is absurd and move on with your life?

"Better" than what?

The right thing to do is to occupy oneself with something, and to excel within it, embracing proactive poeisis, thus, committing to the faithful, optimistic transilience from absurdity to rationality.

One finds a way in this world, but not without meta arteriogenesis.

>> No.21922238

Contrary to what most people say, it's not the easiest read. This is mainly because of the way Camus writes. The essay is quite poetic and vague (i.e., you have to read between the lines a lot of the time) and not very straightforward. At least this was my experience, but I could just be an idiot.

>> No.21923131

i agree with this 100% though just as easily another idiot