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21895924 No.21895924 [Reply] [Original]

I’m so bad at sex that a girl thought I was a virgin. Can this book give me a solid theory on the sexual arts that I can use later in practice?

>> No.21895936

Nah, but it's actually a fun read regardless.

>> No.21895946

It's not a sex guide, is that what your hippie wine aunt told you?
It's a philosophical/theological treatise on the pleasures of the world, which includes far more than just sex.

>> No.21896112
File: 3.09 MB, 1160x1999, Manuel Garc+¡a Rodr+¡guez (1863-1925) Callejon del Agua, Sevilla- Oil on Canvas 1896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most important thing:
>Practice, practice, practice
Find a good woman that is enthusiastic about experimenting new things and about learning how to pleasure each other. If you have difficulties about this step and can only get drunk ONS once in a while, you aren't ready for the "how to get good at sex" books and needs to step down to the "how to build healthy relationships with women" module.

Courses(you could find them in a thread on /t/, but it is already dead, search for it and you'll probably find it):
>Kenneth Play – Sex Hacker Pro
Good introduction and basics of how to be good at vanilla sex. Start here if you are not sure.
>Sexual Dominance Escalation - by Stirling Cooper
As the name says, focus on dominant sex, I recommend it after reading Sex god Method and understanding the DEVI framework.
>Hunk Hands – 6 Step Squirting
Basic of sensual massaging and fingering. Really good stuff.

>Sex God Method - Daniel Rose
Get the DEVI framework into your head, the book becomes bragging about the author's sex life and talking about his ideas about relationships in the middle of the book , but you can skip that and focus on the DEVI.
>How to Make Love All Night (and Drive Your Woman Wild) (And Drive a Woman Wild Male Multiple Orgasm and Other Secrets for Prolonged Lovemaking) by Barbara Keesling
As the title says, nothing more to add really, it's a must have set of skills.
>Women's anatomy of arousal: Secret maps to buried pleasure - Winston, Sheri
PhD on pussy.

Books - woo-woo edition, only read if you are into surpassing experiencing sex as only a physical thing:
>The Enlightened Sex Manual Sexual Skills for the Superior Lover - Deida, David
Light woo-woo, can be read even by Reddit atheists if you interpret it as using mystical language to describe physical and psychological occurrences.
>Taoist Secrets Of Love - Cultivating the Male Sexual Energy - Chia, Mantak
Medium woo-woo, Chinese edition. I personally only take a few things from this book, don't use it as a bible if you don't want to go 100% into Chinese LARPing.
>Eros and the Mysteries of Love The Metaphysics of Sex by Julius Evola
Extra Spicy woo-woo, only worth it if you are deep into the rabbit hole, I even recommend to read "The Doctrine of Awakening" and "The Yoga of Power" before it .

>> No.21896115

Goddamn /lit/fags really be looking for any excuse to ask for book requests instead of just getting practical experience.

>> No.21896118

>reading theory about how to fuck
NEVER gonna make it
it's fucking OVER

>> No.21896223
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Good advice

>> No.21896667

There's a thread up on /gif/ right now with plenty of sex ed webms.

>> No.21896963
File: 332 KB, 1200x1800, Iam innocent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEVI framework, Hacker Pro. God Method, Prolonged Lovemaking, Superior Enlightened Lover, Taoist Secrets, Cultivating Energy, metaphysics and the last straw: healthy relationships

How about just using a knife?

>> No.21896966

Jamal pls

>> No.21896983

>instead of just getting practical experience
There is nothing practical about having casual sex.

>> No.21896990

She supposed to give me dem cheeks, is all am sayin`

>> No.21897009

Any books on how to build a healthy relationship?

>> No.21897034

>healthy relationship
Chastity, foreswear women.

>> No.21897151
File: 2.00 MB, 1183x1600, Adrien Dauzats (1804-1868) A street scene in old Cairo near the Ibn Tulun Mosque - Oil on panel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Take in consideration that this is 100% my opinion and I won't even bother defending it if anons try to poke holes in it. I already spent more time in relationship and "manosphere" discussions that I would like to admit.
>Step 0. Proper Grooming
Won't even go in details about it, I trust that you aren't a dirty retard, and if you are, It won't be me to change that.

>Step 1. Be Attractive
No, seriously, and I'm not talking about the blackpill conception that looks are everything. For you to be desirable you have to be valuable. But what determines your value? It's looks, like the incels screech about? It's money like the taters go around screaming? It's the ability to do the monkey dance as is sold by the PUAs?
In my conception you're attractive to (good) women if you shows the characteristics of being a good father. That's it, you want woman to know you and think "I want his babies". And that is where I lost some people, justly because they never even seen what a good father is, they don't have that reference. I'm not talking about the glorified ATM machine the current culture reduced it to.
You have to be able to provide stability, as much financially as emotionally, you have to be good with kids, you have to be dependable in your community, you aren't a fucking lone wolf, for fucks sake don't be a sack of potatoes that can't even pick your kids without sweating and gasping for air. There is so much to it, it's because it's something that you had to learn by having a good father as you grown up, so playing catch up on a 4chan post is difficult.

>Step 2. Don't be crazy and don't pick crazy
TL;DR: Fix our head before anything. I really recommend the book by Adam Lane Smith, and that you watch the 3 podcasts he's done that vindicated several things that I had learned over time:
And when you are healthy mentally you won't pick crazy girls to fuck your life more. And yes, being a passive phaggot that let's clearly insane woman destroy you is not being a good person.
After learning about healthy attachment it'll be even funny to look back and see that 99% of the problems on the manosphere would be fixed if they stopped being insecure little bitches.

>> No.21897702

Are you an early 1st millenium Indian Prince? Then no.

>> No.21897783

it's a bad idea 1/ base your life on whores
2/ try to please whores

>> No.21897884

>Just spit in the tranny's mouth. Then piss on him. Women love that.
You're not fooling me satan

>> No.21897915

Don't listen to the women's opinion, you'll find out via the body

>> No.21898622

Who cares what the woman thought, as long as you finished you did your part.

>> No.21898666

Tinder and porn speak the truth.
Porn has nothing to do with abuse, contrary to the atheist propaganda. And another thing atheists push for is ''sex is about power''

Yes women love to be fucked by Max Hardcore, James Deen, Woodman. Women say it explicitly and they keep doing it.
Women don't love the guy infatuated with beautiful women. What In their teen age men know unconsciously, then very much consciously in their adult age, is that women
-never value the eternal beta orbiter
-women will have debased sex with the first stranger who ''makes them vibrate''

Women don't give a shit about long-term relationships. Women just want to larp over a few days as the non-slut girl and then they want the sex, and they want it bad.

The second strategy women build to avoid viewing themselves as slut is their fantasy of ''summer love'', which is just the situation with the ''stranger which makes them vibrates all over'' extended to a few weeks of casual fun sex with no string attached and zero bad consequence for the girl (especially no pregnancy, which is reached thanks to normalization of abortion).

And by the way, women cannot be degraded, because women are not pure to begin with . Purity of women is myth, built by men but which women find very very useful. Jews know that women are whores, contrary to romans who think women are pure lol. So jews only define jewisness through women, because only the mother is sure to be known by the community. On the opposite side is literally homosexuals like greeks and romans and kings who keep basing their lineages on purity of women, which we all know is a lie.
This is why I will always respect more jews than goys.

What a girl utterly despises are 2 things:
-being called a slut, but only outside of the romp
-having physical contact with repulsive orbiters (but still wants all their attention and all their money) which is why tinder and other onlyfan are a godsend and makes women thrive in democracies

Women don't want to to be respected and make love in the dark with their devoted provider. What women want is to be fucked raw by an Adonis they barely know who makes them squirt everywhere and fuck them until they can barely walk the day after.

Women want the convulsive orgasm where they lose consciousness to the point that they roll their eyes and lose their social self, getting in touch for the first time their true self, ie the sheer whoredom. You think they will get that by looking into the eyes of their generic subservient beta appliance fucking them in the missionary position?
Think again.

Everything you see in porn and tinder is the truth about women. And that's why you hate it.

>> No.21898729

The degenerate westoids have cherrypicked it into a sex guide

>> No.21899427

Eh, actresses get paid to get fucked, Anon.

>> No.21899434

Don't feed the incel, anon.

>> No.21901119

Tell me books to awaken the kundalini and have magic sex with the chubby /x/ wicca girl

>> No.21901219

Just buy an aneros bro

>> No.21901223

>pajeet sec tips

>> No.21901230


>> No.21901248

He is gloating at the fact of the most recognizable "sex tips" book in the world is written by Indians, a ethic demographic that he deems to be sexually undesirables because of his terminally online complexes.

>> No.21901680

Porn sex is not sex that a real women would enjoy. You need to put your ding in there and scoot up and down using your dick as a leverage. This will squish her clit around while you are in her. Of course you can thrust and all that too and this is also assuming you’re in missionary but this will make her climax every time. Be passionate. Handle her body like you own it. Confidence will mask most perceived “missteps.”

>> No.21901750

Buckland's Big Blue.

>> No.21902041 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 746x662, 1678549085167649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always found posts that use the word "insecure" as an insult off-putting. The reason for this may be the following. Security comes from the Latin word securus, which literally means to not care. So according to the etymological definition, people who consider others insecure, believe that they are not careless about things.

>> No.21902056 [DELETED] 

I've always found posts that use the word "insecure" as an insult off-putting. The reason for this may be the following. Security comes from the Latin word securus, which literally means to not care. So according to the etymological definition, people who consider others insecure believe that they are not careless about things.

>> No.21902079
File: 223 KB, 746x662, 1678549085167649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always found posts that use the word "insecure" as an insult off-putting. The reason for this may be the following. Security comes from the Latin word securus, which literally means to not care. So according to the etymological definition, people who consider others insecure believe that they are not careless about things.

>> No.21902363

I’ve always hated it when people imply that a word’s etymology provides some profound insight into what a word akhchually means. Meaning comes from how a word is used, not where the word originated.

>> No.21902374

i came here for position images from the book.

>> No.21902382

>Meaning comes from how a word is used, not where the word originated.
Holy midwit.

>> No.21902392

It's pasta, not a particularly good one.

>> No.21902490

>people who consider others insecure believe that they are not careless about things
that really is it. makes sense why its the insult de jour. people dont give a fuck about anything anymore and if you do youre somehow the bad guy.

>> No.21902515

Being physically attractive is mostly about having desirable physical traits, i.e, face, height and frame. That's why a very attractive man won't have much issue getting casual sex and relationships, regardless of how bad his "game" is, bar extreme circumstances like severe autism or debilitating mental illness. Women are often attracted to men who are NOT good father figures or stable whatsoever. They will often consider sex with someone, but not a LTR. This isn't some incel blah blah blah, it's common sense. Even a child when shown a picture of an ugly and an attractive man will be able to say which one should be prince charming and which one is a peasant. No matter what PUA tier guide you write, you are writing utter drivel unless you state that there are barriers for entry. Even as far as penetrative sex goes you should ideally have a large penis. You can't "learn" to get into women's panties magically - the natural selection has perfected its process of weeding out undesirables and fakes over several million years. It has been said a picture is often worth a thousand words and it couldn't be more true for when it comes to sexual and romantic affairs.

Be beautiful or try your hardest.

>> No.21902522

thank you for effortposting

>> No.21902833
File: 61 KB, 640x769, 1679593455429689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me, what does security really mean?

>> No.21903349

dicklet cope
its over for you
start hrt

>> No.21904308

There is a sweet spot between being careless and being a paranoid schizo.