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/lit/ - Literature

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21868425 No.21868425 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to "(you)r new home" edition.

Previous thread: >>21845727

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

Thread theme:

>> No.21868445

I'd like to make a public request of the pastebin manager (and I'll probably DM the guy for good measure) but the author listing ahould be expanded to include how many books the author has released and the publication date of the most recent.

>> No.21868480

Is this acceptable prose?

>> No.21868486


>> No.21868495 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 722x574, 2C01EA87-F873-4463-B71A-5AE2D9DE246F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought into the hype. Kabbalah of the Crocodile is officially the best book from here. Pic related is the first couple pages. What is F Gardner’s goal with this? Is he trying to get his book banned? I’ve never seen a book so blatantly antisemitic and Gardner’s motives seem unclear, if not nonexistent.

>> No.21868500

Really? I've been told my prose was dry before. But is it bad?

>> No.21868505

Started writing again after two years of absence from the craft. For now I'm writing a convoluted freeform book of oldschool surrealism that I will never publish anywhere while I'm still alive.

>> No.21868528

>Gardner’s motives seem unclear
speaking out against the jewish genital mutilation cult is a motive as pure one can get

>> No.21868572

I’ve gained so much respect for Gardner with this. He’s proven himself to be the most redpilled person out of all of /wg./ Go F Gardner!

>> No.21868586

I can't entirely tell if this is ironic shilling, or if Gardner thinks he is subtle.

>> No.21868590

>He took her hand as if he were picking up a jewel
when you pick up a jewel you pinch it between your thumb and forefinger, something you never do to a hand
>Cradling the fiberglass shell he tested the joints of her fingers, and when Catherine replicated the motion,
it's not clear what you mean by "tested the joints" so it's confusing when she replicates the motion because I don't know what the motion was to begin with.
>and that which was still sprung to life in his palm, he let go, with his breath in a hold and his heart racing.
the way you've constructed this sentence makes it impossible to understand on the first read through. Stop being so cute with "that which was still" and "breath in a hold" if they get in the way of comprehension.
>In a gesture that strikingly resembled human curiosity
find a better way to prosaically describe how it resembles human curiosity
>down at the hammered inlays on the back of her forearms: a pattern like that tattooed in henna on an Indian bride, exalted to the white lustre of platinum
hard to describe how much I dislike this description for being simultaneously vague and ostentatious
>She understood that Allan had made a work of art of her, and he's meant every detail to be sumptuous and baroque
So lame. All these gay little tricks with sentence structure and word choice aren't a substitute for vivid description. The reader only sort of understands what's going on and the imagery is confused and vague.

>> No.21868613

Do you quote the entire thing here on purpose?

>> No.21868632
File: 106 KB, 800x1028, HD-wallpaper-yuri-fanart-cute-girl-lovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to write a romance between an euphoric atheist girl and a Jehovah's Witness who is secretly a lesbian.
Before I continue though, I need to know what the fuck I am doing wrong. Rate and hate.

>> No.21868665

>I need to know what the fuck I am doing wrong

Well, for starters, you're getting into writing.

>> No.21868689

so while all forms of jew worship are cults, jw's are much moreso a cult than a number of others. that said the thing you have to understand is they're typically very genuinely nice, well meaning people, but because they're a cult they have very strict rules they have to follow and their activities are scheduled pretty closely. I assume you're going to have the jw girl be proselytizing and that's how she meets the fedora

so anyway what you're doing wrong is you're starting off the story after they already met each other. the scene you skipped is what caused the two to feel some attraction for the other. that's your inciting incident. that's what I want to read about.

my recommendation is you do more research on the jw's, and I would change your story to 1st person perspective. either focusing on the jw (secret lesbian) girl entirely, or swapping perspectives every other chapter. because this is a romance type story I think it'd be better if the reader is inside the character's heads.

>> No.21868737

I wanted to make it into a forbidden love thing with a tragic (or at best bittersweet) ending. A story in which they both want to change the other to their ways, but it just wont work.
Are the JW's too extreme for this sort of story to be "plausible"? I know they are strong in the mind-control business and that they discourage members from talking to non-believers, but I'm not sure if they are the kind of cult that obsessively keep tabs on their members.

>> No.21868762

no, jw's are perfect for this
jw's are required to go to regular sessions so they are pretty tightly controlled, however they are encouraged to spread the good word and proselytize. so while they're discouraged quite heavily on one hand, on the other they are forced to go out. this sort of internal conflict should make for a good character

>> No.21869012
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Probably a Barneyfag like situation. One man replying to himself, arguing with himself about a subject no one else cares about.

>> No.21869025

I’ve developed the strange notion that the anti-Gardner poster and the Gardner shills are both Gardner in truth.

>> No.21869118
File: 83 KB, 840x1192, soffice.bin_2023-04-04_00-30-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched some videos on what to avoid on the first page and what to avoid in writing in general. Anything I missed? Can giving out the premise in the first sentence work?
and the most important question: would you turn the page?

>> No.21869170

At first I wanted to say I didn't like the first sentence, but after thinking about it for a moment or two it works. I love it.

>> No.21869262

It's taken me 3 years of writing and a 2 year break from writing, but I'm closing in on the final draft of my novel. I don't I'll make an attempt at getting it published but I'm happy with it

>> No.21869275

what tips did you gleam?

>> No.21869279



>> No.21869288

it's ok
you're on the right track

>> No.21869298

Want in the pastebin?

>> No.21869304
File: 277 KB, 1280x2508, Transmutation Magic - Sensua Silverfeather by XiryaMaharani .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m thinking of having my MC specialize in transmutation magic, what are some cool ways that they can use it, especially in a fight?

>> No.21869306

I tried to avoid anything ending with -ly, the word "was", infodumping/world building on the first page and purple prose
thank you sirs

>> No.21869314

Two words.
Penis sword.

>> No.21869339

Yeah that'd be nice thanks.

>> No.21869344

He should be about preparation. Unless you make him seriously op and have the swords/arrows that hit him turn into jello on impact

>> No.21869492

Awesome well done. Might as well share it somewhere if you don't intend to publish. Never know what might come of it.

>> No.21869522

Nice. I try to at least put all the stories from here on my follow list, though I don't read as much as I used to on account of friends and writing getting in the way.
If you handle the pastebin, I'd appreciate my story also being added.
It is rather basic, but a simple trick my character has used is just softening the ground, either this causes them to slip, or if it is more of a liquid, they fall in and then he hardens it again so they are stuck.

>> No.21869525

Okay Beowulf, calm down. Not everyone can use the three sword style.

>> No.21869526


Can I get my stuff added? linktr. ee/alexbeyman

>> No.21869541

>The oni witch raised her palms in front of anon, her fanged jawline stretched into a sly smile.
>Anon held up his shield preparing himself for a fireball of a bolt of lightning.
>Frayed beams of green plasma exploded from her rough hands.
>The light enveloped Anon circling around him as he tried to slash the beams of light with his sword.
>The oni let out a smug chuckle. Anon shrank in size while his flesh transformed into chocolate.
>The oni strutted over to the tiny man, kneeling on her haunches she picked him up bringing him toward her mouth.
>Anon now the size of a delicious sweet kicked his legs as the witch dangled him over her tongue
>With a flick of her wrist she sent Anon into the air snatching him midair with her teeth.
>The oni sucked Anon passed her pursed lips into her mouth, sloshing him around with her tongue. His chocolate skin melting as it contacted her warm saliva.
>His horrified cries dissipated as his body turned into a melted puddle of candy in her mouth.
>The oni savored the sweetness of her treat. Letting out a satisfied moan as she swallowed the gooey ball of chocolate.
>She skipped away licking her lips searching for another treat.

>> No.21869625

There are tons of testimonials on youtube. Just search the anti cult or athiest channel. Theramin Trees is one. You can mine IRL stories for ideas.

>> No.21869627

No. The other guy is too coherent. And only one half of the convo tends to get banned.

>> No.21869635
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>> No.21869653
File: 31 KB, 797x587, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search "slut" on urbanthesaurus.org
>pic related
What a load of woke bullshit.

>> No.21869656
File: 24 KB, 855x498, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even the regular thesaurus has the balls to pull that shit

>> No.21869787

what a bunch of pussies. I was looking for similar words to retarded (as in the verb, not the adjective) and it gave me a similar result.

>> No.21869839

I updated my story about a workaholic business consultant who lost all sense of humanity:


Tell me how shit I am

>> No.21869859

People last thread said they liked these two ideas the best, please vote to help me choose a project to just buckle down on and write: https://strawpoll.com/polls/eNg694mO3nA

Whatever /wg/ decides is what I'll focus on until at least the second draft is complete.

Eldritch Casino
>Guy in his late 20s down on his luck finds a job posting for Casino concierge in Vegas and takes it hoping to improve his life. He's stuck in the hotel and things get more and more strange around him until he mentally breaks and tries to escape only to end up outside in a dark post-apocalyptic world akin to the surface world in the Matrix trilogy. Lots of political commentary along the way about how those with power don't have anyone's best interests at heart but their own and how these cycles of revolution and subjugation continue ad infinitum.

Post 1920s French
>Fresh college grad moves to Paris to try to live like his literary heroes from the lost generation except it's the early 1930s and all those artists have moved on. He's ostensibly writing for his father's newspaper but secretly trying to write an overly purple novel at the same time. He meets an African immigrant girl who's making an awful living as a working class cafe employee and has to deal with his latent racist views and his lusting over this girl ultimately learning about what it means to want, to love, and about facing his own preconceived notions of people. He is called back to America after the couple have a love affair which, unknowingly because it was kept from him, created a child. After news of the war breaks out and the invasion of Paris he enlists in the army and after a tour across Europe he makes it back to find that both his lover and the child he didn't know he had died in some way.

>> No.21869894

>le spooky casino vs nigger babby
the first sounds stupid and contrived and the message entirely hamfisted so I'm gonna say the second even though it promotes racemixing. I'd easily choose the first if you didn't have the dark post-apocalyptic twist. what's wrong with simply sticking with spooky casino?

>> No.21869897


Go back to pol please. You are not welcome here.

>> No.21869910

that's just, like, your opinion man
I know, let's have a straw poll

>> No.21869915


So you can brigade it? Get out of here. I don't want you and nobody in your life does either, some of them simply can't get away from you easily.

>> No.21869925

what dusty shithole did you blow in from?

>> No.21869930

>trying to start a retarded thread culture argument instead of posting or replying to prose
Loser retard

>> No.21869932


I spit on your dead mothers.

>> No.21869939

https://lampbylit.com/magazine/authors/ is a better list.
Also...previous thread >>21854152

>> No.21869960

Once i get home ill look into changing it to include those details. i don't want the pastebin to be confusing to look at and navigate
>better list
>doesn't include any of the anons on RR or other webnovel sites

>> No.21870145
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Second sounds more palpable for the modern publisher.

>> No.21870183
File: 72 KB, 750x503, moonies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you going to do research? These won't work unless you nail the setting.

>> No.21870187

Thanks mate.

I hate to shill when ever banner ad is for Kabbalah right now but its dumb to not say I released my 4th book today

>> No.21870195

Second idea sounds a bit like Salinger's "A Girl I Knew". I'd like the first idea more if you removed the Matrix twist. Casinos seem like an underrated setting for horror, seeing as they try to keep you in them for as long as possible (no windows or clocks).

>> No.21870212

Why do I hate everything I put on paper. It’s seriously becoming a problem. I can’t get past the starting point. Everything I write sounds dumb.

>> No.21870220

>you saucy little minx

>> No.21870223

You should check out "Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes" by Harlan Ellison.

>> No.21870274

Shilling is fine, even expected to an extent.
The issue is when people act as if they aren't shilling.

>> No.21870277

the book with the cat on it describes how young adolescent boys jack of on a partially sunken boat, how their load sizes compare and how the cum then mixes with birdshit to a sublime, slippery white mass, suitable as lube for gay sex.
truly sublime. i will never be able to read other authors, because I will never be able to read anything again (except the book with the cat on it)

>> No.21870324

You should write it out as "four o' four".

>> No.21870325
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>Somehow, I'm only averaging 12 pages a month

>> No.21870387

fuck off gardner

>> No.21870413

I want to learn to write a genuinely nice character in an adventure story. Not a roguish antihero, not a brooding emo bastard, not some smug teenaged SI, just...well, a friendly chap you'd like to be friends with.

I want to know how to make someone like that interesting. Any Recs?

>> No.21870429

make him like that pudgy English bloke with his beer you see posted from time to time on varying boards

>> No.21870431

Oh God I wish I could write
I want to write
Oh God Oh God Oh God

>> No.21870435

Then write, do it.
It might be shit at the start, in fact, I'd say it almost certainly will be, but then you keep writing until you get better at it.
Take what you write and post it here, get criticized, do better, post it again, repeat until you have some confidence in your writing.
The worst thing you can do is want to write and then never even try.
It doesn't even cost you anything but your time, and if you are shitposting here, then you have time to spare.

>> No.21870539
File: 52 KB, 593x680, 1590594161893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try to write a story about the relationship between a guy and a robot girl
>Ends up one of two ways
>Robot girl is kind and loving and perfect but the guy acts all tsudere because he's worried about how others will view him.
>Guy fully embraces his robot gf and it just becomes a fap fic of them fucking
Why does my brain keep coming back around to this concept and how do I make it not shit? I tried spicing it up by putting it in a post apocalyptic setting, but it just turned into the first two things only the robot girl is the gunner for the guy's Mad Max car.

>> No.21870552

make it mad max in space
just have it be comfy adventures drifting around the the belts of Saturn or some shit
I would read it

>> No.21870565

You could have him build a robot with free will, at first it would be perfect, then as it learns it starts to question their relationship, drama happens, they get back together, leading to your second way.
Some concepts don't have the same legs as others, so try to think of how you could add conflict or some other hook to make the story interesting.
Or, as the other anon said, make it a comfy adventure. If it is well written, you can just write the adventures of Guy Dude the Robofucker and his Wife, no need for anything but that.

>> No.21870626
File: 165 KB, 480x622, 1561226924110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am really bad at writing relationship drama. Probably due to my own personal baggage, I feel compelled to have the guy suffer in some way for having a perfect robot waifu, while never wanting anything really bad to happen to the waifu bot. The robot always ends up being less of a character and more of a prompting for the guy to have mental anguish about how he subconsciously believes he doesn't deserve nice things.

Oh damn, I think I just realized one of the reasons why I have trouble talking to women. Thank you anon for helping me peel back this layer of my own emotional onion. Have another robot girl from my collection.

>> No.21870627

>the guy to have mental anguish about how he subconsciously believes he doesn't deserve nice things.
Haha, wouldn't that be crazy. I mean, surely none of us clearly well adjusted individuals have such a complex.

>> No.21870630

main character going on a vision quest inside the furthest inner chamber of a nuclear waste storage facility guarded by the solar priests who send people they dislike into the cave but Our Boy is an extremely robust mutant whose clone line of royalty was created by the freaky people who live in orbit with the intent of seeding the population of a war-ravaged Earth with advantageous artificial genes so instead of dying the radiation just makes him trip balls and see his dead dad Mufasa style

>> No.21870634

The robogf is an unintentional vehicle for therapy for the guy and he slowly learns to be okay with himself with her help

>> No.21870656

In the current draft of the story I'm working on, the guy receives his robot gf from the company he works at as a "social prosthesis." Because happy workers are productive workers. They want to keep workplace shootings to a minimum, so handing out a few robo waifus helps keep insurance costs down. If there's one thing that's consistent in my writing, it's that even when corporations do something good, they're doing it for greedy reasons.

>> No.21870671

more nigga. This is great

>> No.21870694

There should be a company AI playing matchmaker and causing shenanigans, up to its own agenda that primarily involves making people happier and more fulfilled in life despite the corporation's interests, with enough control over the information flow in the company to avoid the execs ever catching on.

>> No.21870721

I'd read it since I'm into lesbians, but I won't touch religionfaggotry with a ten-foot pole

>> No.21870742

Imagine them keeping track of all of your waifus from the media you consoom and then using it to make an aggregate personality for your waifu bot. It would be great, but the disturbing implications would almost ruin it.

>> No.21870754

all this talk of robot girls reminds me of an old setting I came up with where a group of gynoids take a vow of chastity and become nuns at the behest of a strange AI that declared itself the new pope

>> No.21870764
File: 124 KB, 1170x1872, littlerobotcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're talking robo gfs...


You can even talk to her here:

>> No.21871053

Why do i detest hugboxing fantasy writers so much?

>> No.21871115


You don't believe you deserve hugs

>> No.21871139

>You don't beleive
No i do, its just i havnt found anyone deserving enough to give them in a while.

I'm starting to think my dislike stems from their espousal of inclusion. Yet when someone has a different take on their chosen genre they try and get them cancelled because they used a word like 'snigger' or 'cunt'.

>> No.21871159

Because you're a /pol/tard.

>> No.21871176

>show don't tell
I'm struggling to understand this, coming from a film background. Isn't all text just "telling"?
how do you show in text?

>> No.21871182

Presenting information vs informing conclusions
Show don't tell is mostly retarded. Though, if you come from a visual media you almost definitely should take the advice when it's given
Think on the purpose of a scene. If you ever, EVER conclude a scenes purpose is to portray the visual details of the scene, slap yourself in the nuts immediately and cut that shit out

>> No.21871183

It means to not stop the active scene to explain something. If it matters, it gets explained in the moment

>> No.21871291

What's the best way to have a character who starts out as a normal guy but suddenly gets corrupted and does more and more depraved shit? Demonic possession is off the table as that wouldn't even fit with the setting. Right now I'm bouncing between the corruption being the result of a curse or the result of hereditary issues. Any other ideas?

>> No.21871393

An emotional shock out of nowhere, e.g. his fiance gets killed.

>> No.21871405

acute psychotic episode. psychotic disorders can be hereditary
t. went in public with a knife during an episode and almost hurt a kid

>> No.21871410
File: 77 KB, 1000x1500, 611L+iXC4NL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writing Emily project 2.0?

>> No.21871469

It’s alright, I suppose. Reads more like the thesis of an essay than a clever book that’s supposed to convey the premise of the story.

>> No.21871478

There’s nothing wrong with any of these things, provided that they’re executed well. But most people don’t know how to write first page exposition without making it boring or confusing. Also, I fully resent the idea that there’s something wrong with using -ly adjectives.

>> No.21871484

It sounds incredibly awkward. Are you an ESL?

>> No.21871508

Alternative twist to the casino plot: the casino is run by seemingly strange and unusual (human) figures who hardly anyone sees or interacts with barring upper management. There is potential for a red herring in portraying them as mobsters, feds, or a cult. By the end of the story, the protagonist discovers that the proprietors of the casino are eldritch monstrosities which feed on human greed (in some physical and metaphysical way?). They should ideally be depicted in a way which reflects avarice, southwestern demonic aesthetics, or something else relating to the themes of your story (this part is up to you). If you use my phenomenal idea - which is arguably better than yours - please include me in the acknowledgements, anon.

>> No.21871516

I wish I was even that prolific. I spend too much time researching and doing the dreaded mid-writing edits. Really oughta kill those habits.

>> No.21871520

The tavern keeper.

>> No.21871534

I am yes, I've been influenced by hundreds of english speaking movies, numerous from the era this story takes place in (early 50's).
What stood out as awkward the most? I know I struggle with dialogue because autism and being shut-in.
I want to execute them well, I've erased many adverbs already.

>> No.21871536

>Alex Beyman
More like Alex GAYman, amirite?

Jabs aside, I see that you have a chat bot set up. Would it be interesting or cringe to use something like ChatGPT for the robot's dialog and responses? I'm not sure if that's exactly what you did, I'm not reading your book lol.

>> No.21871537

Show don't tell is a pitfall of a writing fallacy that media creators think is a universal truth when in actuality, it hurts more than it help if you do not know what the fuck you are doing. In writing, this is especially true.

>> No.21871540

Create conflict. Give the characters some reason that they can’t be together - multiple ideally, both physical and emotional. This reinforces the desire of the reader to want them to make it work. This is romance storytelling 101.

>> No.21871631

>What stood out as awkward the most?
Unkempt is usually used to describe a person's general appearance, clothing, hair, or sometimes lawn. Unkempt teeth sounds weird.
>grinding together and yearning
It sounds like his teeth are doing the yearning, which is strange.
>He fell down with a high pitch cackling filling the store.
'He fell down with a high pitch cackle' would be a normal description. But adding a participle (filling...) to the end makes it sounds like the cackle is coming from somewhere else.

So it's not bad grammar, but odd choices that make it sound unnatural. You are one of the people that might actually benefit from an AI. Have it rewrite your stuff to help you calibrate the bland baseline.

>> No.21871634

I have all these great scenes in my book and the words came easily writing them. It's such a shame the other 90% remains unfinished as I find myself getting bored whenever I attempt to write it.

>> No.21871639

>They should ideally be depicted in a way which reflects avarice
hey, cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.21871641

Do you plan out every detail of the ending? If so you might want to try and include the possibility of a more entertaining, unpredictable ending to keep yourself engaged in the story.

>> No.21871652

>Unkempt teeth sounds weird.
roger, I will change that
>It sounds like his teeth are doing the yearning, which is strange.
that's how I experience yearning for snacks, I want to drop in hints of my experience with autism without the book being about autism, like it's an "iykyk" moment. I do understand how this could come off as strange for others though.
>the cackle is coming from somewhere else
it was coming from the other boy who tripped Nick over, but I seemed to have forgotten that I erased the part where he was tripped over because I did a lot of edits.
The original plan was that the boys were trying to steal some candy by distracting the clerk with a broken bottle, and their plan being foiled because Nick is the shorter one of the two

>> No.21871656

The picture in my head of the ending is what gave me the idea for the story and characters. Everything else is how they get to that final point.

>> No.21871666

I'm not saying you should change your ending completely. I do think though that, from personal experience, knowing too much about how the story ends can be very unmotivating. You've locked in a certain amount of twists and turns in the story, and that puts a creative dampner on everything you do.

All I'm saying really is you could include a greater level of uncertainty for yourself about the ending. Typically the initial endings writers come up with are better off as starting points to even better twists and turns in the narrative.

Hope this helps.

>> No.21871682

I understand what you're saying though I think in my case it's more the fact I just seem to hate writing the sections that get me from scene A to scene B. Writing the cool stuff is fun, the rest not so much.

>> No.21871768

Does he love his family? Have him get wrapped up in some mess they made, either covering up a murder or dealing with a shady debt they have.
I think this works as it shows him as normal due to his love of them, but also how that love can lead to a 'normal' person doing horrible things.
Maybe their sibling or parent is in an abusive relationship but he can't convince them to leave it, so he has to take matters in his own hands because if he doesn't then he believes they are actually going to be killed.
I remember overhearing my father telling my sisters that he didn't tell us boys about one of my sisters having been beaten by her boyfriend because he was worried one of us might actually kill her boyfriend.
And, for just a split second, I had the intrusive thought to actually do it, but that faded away pretty quickly. you could use that moment of passion intrusive thought to make your character do something out of the ordinary.

>> No.21872420

Is there something that would count how many times a certain word appears in my novel? I'm trying to eliminate overused words/phrases. I'm already combing through the amount of 'couldn't's and 'but's.

>> No.21872428

Grep if you're a linux fag, ctrl-f otherwise.

>> No.21872584

Should I use third person to avoid having to deal with the PoV of a genius protagonist?

>> No.21872723

sherlock holmes did this by having watson, maybe do something like that?

>> No.21872831

How often do you read? Just watching videos on a subject isn't enough to get good at it, and your writing shows why. You start with a good hook but automatically transition into a scene that has nothing to do with it. This would be fine if the scene served some other purpose, but all it offers is some weak characterization. The page ends by returning to the hook but by then the momentum is loss. To put it simply, you have the hook but no bait. Either give the reader a reason to care about the hook, or have the hook grab them immediately and not let go. Also work on your prose

>> No.21872874

Premise is interesting enough, but your writing style is fucking unbearable

Write longer paragraphs

Half of the time you didn't even need to start a new paragraph

It's fucking obnoxious

And stop using he said, I said, then said, so much

That was unnecessary most of the time too

All these quirks make your already mediocre prose borderline unreadable.

>> No.21872887

I can't tell you how much I hate the phrase "unkempt teeth." It doesn't fit.

>> No.21872920

It should be tartar encrusted

>> No.21872950

I'm new to these threads and I'd like some pointers for a short story I've written. I have it published on a substack but I was wondering if you guys have a prefered format/platform for me to post it on rather than just reading it off of that?

>> No.21872993

Noted. Thanks for the feedback. I've put the sentences into longer paragraphs to fix the issue a bit.

As for the 'said' issue I really don't know when its best to remove them or keep them, so I'll need to get someone to do an edit for that at some point.

>> No.21873120

I read a few paragraphs, that guy is right. You use way too many words, and you keep slipping in abstract words that disrupt the flow and pull the reader out of viewpoint.

>I woke to find I couldn’t breathe.
Adding "to find" makes this very abstract. You cannot see someone "wake up to find x". You can watch someone wake up, and you can watch someone try to breathe, and you can watch them choke; but when you express all three events into a single phrase, it breaks the illusion that we are seeing these events in real time.

>My nearly useless right hand reached into my mouth and poked into a sponge-like blockage which burst and a thick lime-tasting substance shot from my mouth like vomit.
"Nearly useless" is a judgement, and the MC would not be thinking in such a detached way while choking on a sponge thing. This muddles POV because we don't know if we are seeing the scene through MC's eyes as it is happening, or being told this story by him much later.

Don't treat the hand like it's its own fucking character. Say "I pushed my hand..." or "I reached...". Your viewpoint is fucked enough without telling the story from the perspective of the MC's bodyparts. What were his cock and balls up to? I want their opinion.

When you use "which" to create a subordinate phrase, you are treating the sentence like a solid block of information which you can only take in as a whole, like a painting. Combine phrases in a way that creates the illusion of momentum, time, and the first clause causing the second.

"I stuck my fingers into my mouth and found a spongy mass lodged in my jaw. I tried to fish it out, but it burst, shooting a stream of thick, lime-tasting liquid from my mouth."

>With each minute that passed my loud gasps for air quietened until I lay on my back on a hard grated floor. I crawled on my hands and knees until I found the corner of the cryostasis chamber.
Stop overusing phrases which fuck with the sense of time. "With each minute" and "until I did x" tell the reader to conjure up a span of several moments and then get ready to fill in the details. You can't be in the moment when several different moments are being bundled together in one sentence. Let things happen one by one and drop the qualifiers that frame them as part of a larger goal, or process.

You seem to have an idea you are passionate about, but yeah, you really need to work on prose. More than anything else, I would focus on cutting unnecessary words and creating the illusion of narrative flow in your paragraphs.

>> No.21873125

If it can be fit in the postbox here then that works, if not pastebin.
Though personally I don't like reading the pastebin as much, it does have the benefit of letting me write the line number instead of needing to quote the entire section in my own post.

>> No.21873144

Great, thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.

>> No.21873171


>> No.21873173

That was a shockingly mature response. Well done.

>> No.21873195

I'm color-coding my characters because I'm retarded. What colors best compliment cyan and red? I was going to go with violet, but I'm not sure if I like it. The colors are supposed to be symbolic and violet fits the character symbolically, but I kind of feel like it doesn't mesh with the cyan and red of the character's friends.

>> No.21873256

Yellow or green. RGB, is what I think about with cyan and red. I seem to recall some AV or composite cables had a green cable and some had a blue one, but I can't remember why other than adding another video signal.

>> No.21873286

sentai colors. red, blue, yellow, pink, green, white, black

>> No.21873298

Are you writing about Pokemon or describing a harem by hair color?

>> No.21873323

wtf. this is better advice than I get in my writing class.

>> No.21873413

Closer to pokemon because the colors are related to supernatural powers and are typically represented on the character as eye color. They should also represent personality traits to some degree.

>> No.21873426

No, since it deals with characters, places, and topics that are important in my other stories. There's also a lot of childhood memories mixed in there.
I will take the important bits that arise from this rambling thing and build actual stories from it.

>> No.21873636
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>> No.21873713

I want to write a novel.

>> No.21873729

I also want to write a novel but I don't want to actually WRITE it.

>> No.21873747
File: 1.65 MB, 1650x2550, Wake KDP copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shilling my first book here, first time writing anything.


if you don't particularly feel like paying for it my twitter is in the author profile, if you dm me i'll send you a pdf

>> No.21873758

In my opinion that kind of thing works best if there's a logical progression from virtue to depravity, perhaps some kind of situation thrusts your protagonist into doing something horrible and they find out a) it's the best way to get what they want, or b) they actually like the dark side.

>> No.21873775

want on the pastebin? with your twitter linked there too?

>> No.21873781

Sure, thanks. I'm reading through some of the books on there right now.

>> No.21873809

Er...apparently, the & guy is a total druggie loser... >>21870704
I am SO glad I didn't send him any copies of my novels.

>> No.21873849

NLTK will do that if you really want to analyze your text.

I would use ack

You can't do POV of a genius if you're not one. YOu have to do it from somebody else's POV. As the other anon said, you need a Watson to your Sherlock Holmes

>> No.21874189

I read daily but I haven't been in the hoppy for long. I've only read 28 fiction books, and I feel like I really should read more books before writing one. Would you agree? I've seen 750 films and yet I feel like I'm not ready to start a screenplay.

>> No.21874192

I'm sleep deprived

>> No.21874212

If you want to do something you should just do it; if you want to wait until you feel "ready", the time will never be right in my experience. The most important thing is to keep momentum so you don't abandon your work in progress.

Something that I do when writing is to imagine scenes like a movie, visualizing the setting and characters, working through the dialogue that way. Not that dialogue in a book works the same as dialogue in a movie, but it helps to get the general structure down.

With all that said, I would recommend reading classics from your genre of choice and try to see why those stories work, not just the structure and characters but also the style of prose and how they lay out paragraphs and sentences. It never hurts to have a broader base of influences to draw from, but don't let a lack of experience deter you from creativity.

>> No.21874251

Noor was sure at this point that God was playing tricks with him. He had woken up this morning determined to give that gray eyed witch a piece of his mind, and had somehow ended up having to pretend to be betrothed to her to avoid ending up in prison.

Ah well, God's will. Can't complain.

"So when exactly did you meet Noor, and become so well acquainted with him?" Asked Mary, her sky blue eyes positively smoldering as she glared at an increasingly pompous Areia.

"I'm sure I don't understand what you mean. I have a certain partnership with this gentleman for certain matters of mutual self-interest, and the circumstances of that are for private." The self proclaimed goddess said, as affronted as a Duchess.

"And that "partnership" is why you were sleeping in his bed?" Mary asked suspiciously.

"Since I am currently unhoused, yes.", Areia replied with a disdainful raise of her eyebrow. "I am quite sure that you are too well heeled a lady to be implying that I would be indulging in some disrespectable activities, so I won't openly accuse you of such. But please don't force me to do something so impolite, and keep out of the affairs of others."

Mary blinked in shock. So did Noor. That Areia could say something that ridiculous with a completely straight face would be unbelievable if they hadn't seen it by themselves.

The scene is supposed to be after Mary saw her sleeping in his bed at night, and is confronting him in the drawing room. Areia was only there because she is a goddess that's on the run from Eldritch Abominations while trying to carry out a mission from Not-Zeus.

I want her to come across as haughty, self possessed, and out of place. Mary is supposed to seem jealous, but not OBVIOUSLY so. Her affections for the MC are supposed to be secret at this point.

>> No.21874397

Advertising/begging is against global rules

>> No.21874415

>tfw just discovery drafted the end to third book.
>so good i got the chills
Its all down hill from here isn't it bros.

>> No.21874434

What are some realistic experiences of having depression while being a teenager? More than cutting the wrists if you are a woman, or just feeling sad all day

>> No.21874436

Feeling really lazy, and wanting to do nothing but lie around and watch vapid videos on YouTube.

>> No.21874448


Looks cool, good for you.

>> No.21874460

what this guy said.>>21874436
I was too scared to die, but living was suffering because I was in constant pain.
I turned apathetic, just watch videos, play games, anything to keep my mind off how much I wanted to kill myself to make the pain stop. I was 15 when it happened, I'd say I was severely depressed until I was 18 or 19, at which point I finally got past it.
The pain never stopped, but now I can live without wanting to kill myself.
I finally got out of the depression when I played the game Lost Odyssey. The stories contained inside of the game wore down the shell of nothingness and I cried from something other than pain for the first time in years. At which point I considered myself out of the deep depression, and then just in a normal depression. Last time I had a depressive episode was in October, but that was just because I was out of state for a wedding in the family and I'm still a 23 year old kissless virgin who actually wants kids and a wife but I don't have any income and no matter how much people tell me it is fine, I don't want to be a burden on a significant other.

>> No.21874483


You're way too young at 23 to be despairing like this. You expected too much too soon, all that has happened is a reality check and recalibration of your expectations to within more reasonable bounds.

>> No.21874484

I wish i could find delight there but its all so staged and played out. Honestly its just a bunch of dickbags spewing racial vitriol at each other over the news of the moment. Not that some of it isnt based on fact, but there are much better things to talk about.

Like gatekeeping flurohaired freaks screeching against the heterosexual male so he will never write words again.

>> No.21874491

I expected my body to not fail me at 15, I expected to work manual labor, probably construction with my father. Maybe married by 25 like my oldest sister. I would've liked to be able to run around with my nieces and nephews again.
I don't think I expected too much, but boy was having my spine fucked outside of my expectations. And hey, I'm not 24 until the second half of July, maybe I'll be making money by then, literally anything would be nice.
I realize this may have come off as somewhat aggressive, and I don't mean it in that way.
To bring this more on topic.
I often have an issue where I write out scenes with explosive anger, then I wait an hour or so as I work through that, erase what I just wrote, and write it as something a little more level headed.
I choose to believe this is a path untaken by the main character, as an example of what could've happened if he didn't get his own anger under control.

>> No.21874498


Keep the angry text to mine it later for when you need authentic emotion in a passage

>> No.21874628
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I'm writing some practice stuff to try and brush up before I do longer stuff, I posted here before and got the feedback that I used too many pronouns (lots of "he said" "I did") So I tried to cut back on that, not sure if its still too much. I'm not really happy with the flow either but I think that might be one of those things that come with time. I'd really appreciate any help/critic, I'm also wondering if the descriptions are too much

>> No.21874631
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>> No.21874633
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Subject matter is silly, but I wasn't trying to write a serious thing. I was going to try to read and compare with an author I like and and do a rewrite tomorrow, also to implement suggestions for what to improve.

>> No.21874636


Decent. Overuse of "had". They'd gone could be they went, for example. Good thing to be conscious of.

>> No.21874648


Here’s my short story. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated <3 You can always zoom out by the way, since substack really squishes together the text.

>> No.21874677

Horror WIP, not sure where the plot should go, was focused on worldbuilding: https://write.as/ibl6cla2oa4zh.md

>> No.21874806

Learn how to punctuate dialogue. God damn.

>> No.21874816

Noor was sure at this point that God was playing tricks with him. He had woken up this morning determined to give that gray-eyed witch a piece of his mind and had somehow ended up having to pretend to be betrothed to her to avoid ending up in prison.

Ah well, God's will. Can't complain.

"So when exactly did you meet Noor and become so well acquainted with him?" asked Mary, her sky-blue eyes positively smoldering as she glared at an increasingly pompous Areia.

"I'm sure I don't understand what you mean. I have a certain partnership with this gentleman for certain matters of mutual self-interest, and the circumstances of that are for private," the self-proclaimed goddess said, as affronted as a duchess.

"And that 'partnership' is why you were sleeping in his bed?" Mary asked suspiciously.

"Since I am currently unhoused, yes," Areia replied with a disdainful raise of her eyebrow. "I am quite sure that you are too well-heeled a lady to be implying that I would be indulging in some disrespectable activities, so I won't openly accuse you of such. But please don't force me to do something so impolite and keep out of the affairs of others."

Mary blinked in shock. So did Noor. That Areia could say something that ridiculous with a completely straight face would be unbelievable if they hadn't seen it themselves.

>> No.21874819

The worst kind of /pol/tard, one who doesn't stay on his containment board.

>> No.21874827

My displaced Nigerian prince you best check (you)r levels of delusion. I haven't posted there in years.

>> No.21874870

There's no story. It's just infodumping about the setting. If you want a weird world, that's fine, but don't explain it. The readers will be smart enough to piece things together themselves.

Having something totally unrealistic can be fine, as long as you don't explain it. That makes it come off as surreal horror. But as soon as you try to pass off something crazy with a scientific explanation, it shifts the genre toward sci fi. Readers will then be way more critical and rational. The idea that the sun disappears without the earth freezing is ridiculous, as is the idea people could genetically engineer plants fast enough to survive. It makes the whole thing stupid instead of dreamlike.

Also, Boomer parents? Eleven years in the future. Did they have a kid in their 60s?

>> No.21874978

You seem underage. Keep this stuff private. Write more, and revise often.

>> No.21875033

What if I write something and have no talent?

>> No.21875040

you'll become a YA romance best seller

>> No.21875097


>> No.21875164

Have you read Crime and Punishment? Pay attention to Raskolnikov when he is on his couch or out and about for no reason. He is absolutely depressed and disappointed that he will never be the powerful man he hoped to be. You can see it in his mannerisms.

>> No.21875354

Any actual criticism, or is it all just juvenile insults?

>> No.21875407

>Waves bashed against the manacruiser as it sputtered along the coastal regions of Rhodophyta. Rachel's rear found itself constantly unseated from the boat jumping over the waves and landing with a thud. One hand gripped tightly around the nearby rails and the other tugged tightly on her hood. Sleets of saltwater splashed over the deck and droplets rained onto her face. Visible breaths escaping her mouth quickly dissipated into the chill. All around her there was nothing but the empty sea shifting directions as chaotic as phantoms haunting the door toward the afterlife, a crash, then a disappearance, both equally mesmerizing.

I'm not sure about the metaphor. Or if bouncing butts already indicated the open sea was chaotic already. Do I just delete it?

>> No.21875426

Nah I like having woman ass in my descriptions as much as possible. Throw in a juicy right after Rachel's and you're golden.

>> No.21875453

I like it, only part I would change is
>visible breath
to something a bit more evocative
>Her breaths spilled puffs of vapor that whirled away in the chill
or some such

>> No.21875580

If your first chap[ter takes place a year before the rest of the book should it be a prolog?

>> No.21875588

When I have Lord Lucisatan rape Hiro Protagonist to exert his dominance, should he come in Hiro’s ass or pull out and jizz all over his back to mark him with his evil sponge? Which is more evil/humiliating?
Is there a better way to show your villain is villainous other than a gay rape scene?

>> No.21875710

What even are the qualifications for a prologue.

>> No.21875742

hello /wg/. i have an offer for a creative writing MA from warwick and birmingham. which one is better? from what i've seen they're pretty much on par with each other. that said, birmingham has a long project module which is only optional in warwick.

>> No.21875748

Which school has hotter chicks?

>> No.21875753

I enjoyed the themes, you didn’t fall into the usual cyberpunk garbage tropes. The intro’s kind of messy and it takes a sec to finally get going, so I can imagine it might turn some people off. Sometimes it’s very obvious that english is a second language to you.

>> No.21875846

on a more serious note, birmingham supposedly has the better nightlife. but i don't really care about all that.

>> No.21875866

It does. Because you want people to read your book. Talking with others having them make silly tik tok help.

>> No.21875878


>> No.21875914

How do i make something consistently threatening to characters when they are repeatedly exposed to it over the course of a couple of chapters?

>> No.21875950

like radiation or poison? those get more dangerous with more expose. please be more specific if you want specific advice

>> No.21875952

Flashes of it or trauma. People are squishy and the cringey shit I did as a kid still haunt me.

>> No.21876247

What is it you want to accomplish?
Do you need to have the characters scared of it for plot reasons? Do you want the reader to feel the danger? Or is it something else?

>> No.21876526

Warwick is considered the better university overall, and to be frank it's a nicer area too. I can't speak to the quality of the creative writing schools though.

>> No.21876643

It's not bad, but sounds like you are ESL. You need to take care of the small things, figure out the proper grammer and proper formatting, but your pacing, description and dialogue are basically fine.

>> No.21876655

Your dialogue tags are excessive. Let the dialogue line speak for itself. No need to say things like "suspiciously" when it's obvious from what they are saying.

>> No.21876786

Characters are in imminent mortal danger from monsters and i'm trying to convey it without being to purple or verbose.
You mean sparingly? Also yeah some of my earlier writing is scream inducing bad.

>> No.21876821

whyd you post it then?

>> No.21876830

I'm writing this as a kind of fairy tale inspired by Persian mythology and the Arabian Nights, set in a fictionalized version of the ancient Tarim Basin (in modern-day Xinjiang in China). This is actually the second of a series of interlinked fairy tales but they're designed to stand on their own.

It's about a princess who is the captured war bride of a king called Badalzak. She vows to kill herself if she bears his child, and attempts to do so when she does actually get prengnant, but is stopped. When she does finally give birth to the hated child, she finds herself overwhelmed with love for him; but he is taken from her, and the princess is blinded, her hands lopped off, and turned out to roam the open desert for the crime of trying to murder the king's heir.

While she roams the desert, waiting to die, a wandering daeva, a spirit of the desert, is struck by her beauty and takes her to his mansion inside the mist of a waterfall. Inside the mansion, her vision and her hands are restored to her. She does not grow old, nor feel pain, and every pleasure and entertainment is provided to her by her. But she cannot smile, and her face is shadowed by sadness. Being a daeva, not a human, her daeva-lover doesn't understand. After some time (years in the human world) he asks why she cannot smile. She says that if she could see her child again, perhaps she would be happy, but she cannot remember his face, or his hair, or his scent, only his eyes and a birth mark shaped like a comet on his forehead. The daeva, with his magic, takes a clod of dirt and shapes a child for her out of it. For the first time since arriving in the mansion, the princess smiles.

You can imagine it doesn't end well.

Anyway, just wanted to post a short sample of this. I've only gotten the first little bit of this particular tale written out, but wanted to see if there was anything I could improve. The style is deliberately archaic.


>> No.21876852

easy. make them get increasingly tired and hungry and thirsty and suffer more and more injuries as each encounter wears them down

>> No.21876871

as the other anon says, also good use of casual activities
like, is it safe to take a shit here? might be, was the last four times-ACK!

>> No.21876889

I would say, start at 'Getting here had been an ordeal' and cut everything preceding.

As soon as I read 'Hot rays from the midday sun snapped off the ...' I groaned internally. Something about that kind of irrelevant description feels very amateurish, like the writer's picturing a little movie in their head and trying to describe it to you. It just makes me think, 'I don't care. Let them snap all they want. I'm going elsewhere.'

Yet somehow a guy getting up early, and his feeling superior to the amateurs around him, and the sense of a little fractious world of tired, superior-feeling men is immediately intriguing. I'm definitely not against abstract, meandering writing, but even very abstract writers keep things grounded in human detail.

(Also, cut 'Tch' and 'Click, click, click'.)

>> No.21877026

Rebecca’s high heels clicked on the linoleum floor in the restaurant lobby. iPhone in hand, Ronnie followed closely behind as the two were cheerfully greeted by a petite hostess. Ronnie took the lead.

“For 2, in the dining room please. Thanks.”

The hostess flicked through her seating binder, tensed her cheeks as to make her lips as thin as possible, gently tilted her head a few degrees to the right and through squinting eyes begged forgiveness on account of the only seats available, were not in the dining room, but in the bar.

“That’s fine, right?” Ronnie looked at Rebecca but didn’t wait for a response. “We’ll take it.”

The soundtrack in the lounge, expertly curated to suit the young professionals having now descended from their grey office buildings, and carefully censored to remove any language not approved by the corporate head office, was just quiet enough that conversation was possible, albeit with some effort and the occasional need to turn one's head perpendicular to their counterparts.

As the two took their seats at the bar, Ronnie tucked the blinking iPhone into the left breast pocket and began to converse.

“You know, market research suggests that music that is played just a few, that is to say 1 or 2 decibels too loud actually promotes consumption. You see, consumers have the tendency to drink more when they aren't as engaged in stimulating conversation. We had a lunch-and-learn about this very phenomenon, and others like it, given to us by a marketing expert. He was the Vice President of Marketing, from one of the top marketing firms in the city. The thesis of the presentation was about how to incorporate marketing theory into our consulting practice, to help increase our efficiency. Using marketing. It was just before you joined the office, maybe 3-4 months before. I don’t remember the exact magnitude of the increase, but I believe it had an impact of around 5% on top line sales. I made a connection with him on LinkedIn, I could get the powerpoint deck for you if you’d like.”

Rebecca nodded along politely.

“I’ll put a reminder to get the deck for you in my Google calendar.”

Ronnies’ calendar was programmed meticulously. The time to watch Netflix - one hour - a daily allowance Ronnie awarded to the daily agenda had been substituted for this outing. Socialization and the development of Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, as Ronnie called it, was considered in some leading business journals just as important as a technical skill set and for this reason Ronnie was happy to substitute the usual Netflix time-slot for something that could be considered more productive. Quantitatively, managers with strong EQ’s outperformed their counterparts by 13%. Ronnie had been sure to highlight this statistic while reading in bed in Q4 of last year.

First part of my short story, thoughts?

>> No.21877062

Numbers less than 100 should be written out. Doubly so in quotes. It looks extremely retarded. "For 2". Really? Do you even read?

>> No.21877082

A few things:
1) Write out numbers, it's just the done thing in writing
>tensed her cheeks as to make her lips as thin as possible
I believe you mean "so as to" here
3) Is it really necessary to brand the phone? It can come off as tacky, but I understand you're trying to lay on the image of a chic young professional. Your choice, really.
4) It's clear that you're going for a sort of updated American Psycho look at modern yuppies, but your technobabble paragraphs aren't fun to read. Yes, I realise that's the point, but I hope you can see the issue here. To be honest I don't have any solution, really. Maybe refer to similar works and see how they made them interesting.

Other than that, nice. I like your prose.

>> No.21877094

Noor is a female arab name btw. Your excerpt is too small to say anything other than fix your formatting.

>> No.21877096

If there's nothing to this story beyond 'young marketing executives are vapid and dislikable' then I I wouldn't be interested in reading it. I already know that fact and I know the cliches of that world.

Also I don't get why everything's described in this moment-to-moment level of sense-perception detail. Maybe you just read too much 'show don't tell' advice and not enough literature?

>> No.21877114
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since we're on the subject of writing numbers, it's okay to type actual numbers when writing machinery\mech\weapon names right?

>> No.21877124

If you're asking if AK-47 should be AK-FORTY-SEVEN then you're even more retarded than the previous poster.

>> No.21877135
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>> No.21877140

>The soundtrack in the lounge, expertly curated to suit the young professionals having now descended from their grey office buildings, and carefully censored to remove any language not approved by the corporate head office, was just quiet enough that conversation was possible, albeit with some effort and the occasional need to turn one's head perpendicular to their counterparts.
this sentence. goodness. I like what you're trying to say but some of the verbs and articles are off.
The soundtrack in the lounge, expertly curated to suit the tastes of young professionals - and tastefully censored in order to assuage their neuroses - was just intrusive enough to permit conversation while also facilitating misunderstandings on every third or fourth word.

>> No.21877143


yea thats kind of it, but I wanted to paint Ronnie as more of a tragic figure who has an incredibly empty life. I try to do that in the rest of the story.

>your technobabble paragraphs aren't fun to read

Yea I dont know how, they were supposed to be excessive. I thought theyd be more entertaining for people who arent working white color jobs, but most people who read probably are.

I read Captain Pantoja and the Special Service and Vargas Llosa nails when he describes the pimping service in the form of a militray memo. I wanted to steal that a bit. Maybe that technobabble style only works if youre explaining something ridiculous, if not it jsut reminds people of work.

and yes, numbers

>> No.21877149

>facilitating misunderstanding on every third or fourth word

lol i like that

>> No.21877281

Using neuroses colloquially leaves a bad taste in my mouth

>> No.21877323

I can see that. it may also be a little too on the nose. maybe
expertly curated to suit the tastes of young professionals - and tastefully censored to appease the grey suited curators

>> No.21877446

>tensed her cheeks
>tilted her head
>squinting eye
>to turn one's head
>nodded along
Too much of this shit turns it into pantomime. You don't need every gesture and tic.

>> No.21877455

you're getting closer:
professionally curated to suit the taste of young suit wearing professionals - and tastefully censored to suit the young professional expert curators' tastes

>> No.21877470

>The soundtrack in the lounge, expertly curated to suit the tastes of young professionals - and tastefully censored in order to assuage their neuroses - was just intrusive enough to permit conversation while also facilitating misunderstandings on every third or fourth word.
The soundtrack in the lounge--expertly curated to suit the tastes of young professionals and tastefully censored in order to assuage their neuroses--was just intrusive enough to permit conversation while also facilitating misunderstandings on every third or fourth word.

>> No.21877587

Anyone know how to put a Scrivener work into AO3?

>> No.21877618
File: 3 KB, 188x120, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get from 2 to 4...

>> No.21877644

put gamer moment before cucked again

>> No.21877787

Aerodyne is an actual company. Hope you don't get sued.

>> No.21877797

Welcome home.

>> No.21877808

What do you mean? Posting a full scriv project to Ao3 all at once?

Dunno if there's a way to do that. Even if there was, you shouldn't. As an author without an active fanbase, the only way to get traffic is through "recently posted" and "recently updated". If you have a large backlog, you want to post chapters once every day/few days, as to maximize views.

If you mean how to move text from scriv to ao3 without losing formatting (italics, bold), copy and paste from scriv to word, then word to ao3 (rich text setting, not html).

>> No.21877812

>getting sued over your fictional company in your fiction book
I don't think so

>> No.21877818
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Tell me if I have any hope. It's about a person who finds out they have a large family and goes around the world visiting each to find their father.

>> No.21877824

If you use a trademarked name, and the company decides to raise a stink about it, you're in deep crud.

>> No.21877885

oh fucking please

>> No.21877892

I find myself lurching on my projects. I suppose I should spend this weekend trying to find a cyberpunk-esque cover artist worth a damn so I can move forward on finishing and releasing this novel. Of all my projects, copy editing that is the quickest to finish.

>Just wrapped up a short story for a contest due this month, sent it to my workshop group for feedback
>I've got 20k words to add to this isekai manuscript
>>Also have to interest some more beta readers for it
>Need to get 1 alpha reader for my zombie novella
>I've got 2 months backlog for my RR webnovel but two months will pass before I know it
>At some point need to start a fresh manuscript
>Not to mention I need to shill my books constantly

I think this is too many possible projects at once right now. I should put off the new manuscript for a couple months.

I also need to think of a new title for the aforementioned cyberpunk. The working title was Dateless because the story kicks off over a guy's gf cheating on him, but he's actually the exact opposite of an incel and just has idiotic taste in women, so that's a bad title. I could do "Mindbreaker" as a title but that doesn't really convey that the story is a drawn out chase. "Wall Runner" would make sense but reeks of trad pub bad marketing.

Any constructive opinions on the matter would be appreciated.

>> No.21877897

Well, he's not entirely wrong, but it requires the novel becoming big enough to matter, which has happened 0 times in /wg/ history so ... yeah, anyone can do whatever they want.

>> No.21877898

Fine, whatever. You have been warned.
And since you're such a petty, mean-spirited sort, I'm not going to read the "Look Inside" portion of your book.
We're all drowning in content, and I'm not going to waste my precious time on some asshole.
You have a lot to learn about interacting with the public.

>> No.21877903

nta but cringe

>> No.21877913

How did BE Ellis survive writing that Patrick Bateman found a bone in a Luna bar? Or all the other trademarked things besides content that warranted death threats from people?

>> No.21877937

Cuckoo punk.

>> No.21877955

>cyberpunk-esque cover
Why not use Stable Diffusion?

>> No.21877981

your an idiot

>> No.21877985


>> No.21878001

going insane
thats the post that s it
cant get pubslished no onlyfans no twitter with butts no simps
should do andrew weir and just ragepost the whole thing

set out a tip jar and wait
done with this shit fuck agents

>> No.21878002
File: 575 KB, 512x768, 00003-1540756311-cyberpunk parkour, noir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a potential cover for your novel, courtesy of Stable Diffusion.

>> No.21878003
File: 581 KB, 512x768, 00004-1956696744-cyberpunk parkour, noir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another.

>> No.21878009

>have extensive and vivid experience in this
>not giving my material away
i suffered for that material fuck you dude, go get your own depressive episode

>> No.21878012

>andrew weir
It certainly worked out for him, didn't it?
Anyway, you can always post it for free online.
Depending on the content, places like RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub, and WattPad might be appropriate.
Some people pair that with a Patreon account, to try to get paid.

>> No.21878021

opinion discarded

>> No.21878028

Just read >>>/lit/wwoym/ ... most of it is depressive whining.

>> No.21878044

but my fucking thing is, what the fuck good are agents? agents turned weir away by the dozen. he went on to be a best seller even without their platform and management. if agents can't discern good novels from bad, why the fuck are they in the industry? where is the accountability for their choices? if they suck at their job they ought to be fired. but there is no mechanism to fire these weasels.

>> No.21878064

When should I stop writing FanFic and try and try to start my own shit, I'm worried about the universe I was writing in seeping into my own works.

>> No.21878068

Don't worry about firing them...simply make them irrelevant by working outside of their system.

>> No.21878077

I'm going to give you some advice.
So long as you are not wholesale plagiarizing the other story, it is fine.
Every work has been built, consciously or not, on other works. Comparison will happen, but the same concepts can be written in different ways, or even in a similar way, and not be a shameless ripoff.

>> No.21878091

The Dresden files books use real company names it I don’t think just mentioning a company can get you in trouble.

>> No.21878093

Is there a better way to write thisline for my screenplay. The context is the ehero detective is walking out of his office after being suspended: Keep it up fucker and you'll be serving espressos at starbucks soon enough.

>> No.21878157

how about shoveling shit down at sanitation

>> No.21878201

How do I know when to abandon an idea?

>> No.21878407

Is there anything digital I can use just for writing? Like a big calculator type tablet
I know it sounds weird, but writing physically takes forever, and writing on a pc or phone is too distracting.

>> No.21878424

As long as it's not Disney. Never make the mouse angry.

>> No.21878425

this is really good. don't know what you're doing in these threads.

>> No.21878506 [DELETED] 

This is genuinely pretty nice. And the influence of a thousand and one nights comes off strongly. I loved that book when I was a kid.
I don't appreciate how it reminds me of the fact that I was much smarter as a kid. I wouldn't have had a problem with this prose when I was younger. Now I just stop for a moment every time I find non-conventional (for me) grammar within prose. I really should read the KJV.
But aside from that personal problem, it's very nice and it imitates the style of old tales nicely.

>> No.21878522

It's very nice. The influence of the 1001 nights comes off strongly and I enjoyed the prose.
It also has the right tone to be a fairy tale or an old folklore story. Nice.

>> No.21878704

Thinking about writing an autistic character but avoid directly mentioning it and just have the reader go, "huh, maybe she's autistic"

I don't want to poorly portray an autistic person and piss people off, so I want to give myself that out. "She's not autistic, she's just antisocial and kind of dumb with talking to people but she's really smart when it comes to anything that doesn't have any abstractions to it."

>> No.21878908

I am considering working with an illustrator who offloads most of the work to SD, but it's currently very obvious when it comes to humans. It still gets anatomy wrong.

Also, there's a lot of discrimination against AI art at the moment.

>> No.21879266

There's no reason for agents to exist in the twenty first century. There's no reason for publishing houses to exist. It's an archaic industry running on inertia.

Eventually the whole thing will disintegrate into a few companies that print the books and a few companies that handle advertising and promotions. Authors will self publish ebooks at first, and if the titles are successful, they'll move on to contracting those companies to print and distribute the hard copy. The market will decide. Agents won't factor into it all.

>> No.21879301

Ask /sdg/ on /g/. They might do recs. Some of those guys are pretty good.

>> No.21879312

I feel that if I start the story with mortals being made to fight in a proxy conflict for gods, that's basically what the entire story will be about. No matter what elements I add later, the plot will be irreversibly hijacked.

>> No.21879387
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>Have a chapter containing a small mystery that needs to be solved
>Evidence is all there and set
>Write like 7 pages worth (I know that isn't a unit of measurement, fuck you)
>Get this far and find out I'm unsure how to resolve the mystery
>Like none of the evidence really amounts to anything or can amount to anything
>Characters are about to watch a video as part of the clues
>If crucial evidence that I don't know isn't presented during this stage, everything is fucked unless I deus ex the whole fucking mystery
Jesus I really wrote myself into a corner, huh?

>> No.21879420

>"Never bring Time Travel, the Cthulhu Mythos, or Giant Robots into an established setting, because if you do, all it will ever really BE about from then on is Time Travel, or the Cthulhu Mythos, or Giant Robots. Or Giant Robots traveling through time to fight the Cthulhu Mythos."

>> No.21879459

Happened to me too. I resolved it in the stupidest way possible and just more or less ignored it. Let the reader figure it out while the MC remained oblivious and an idiot

>> No.21879562

You gotta start with the trick for solving the mystery and then work backward from there. Like I had an idea of illegal contraband being photographed while sitting on a wooden table. The characters realize the natural wood grain is basically like a fingerprint. Then they just have to find the table, compare it to the photo, and confirm they're the same. That was the starting point. I had to construct the crime and mystery and resolution around it.

>> No.21879671
File: 45 KB, 500x381, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like an electronic word processor ex. the AlphaSmart?
I haven't ever used one, but I think they are neat.

>> No.21879707

I have an idea for the sequel. The main character is the son of Badalzak. Troubled by war and inquisitive about his past, he wants to find his mother. After a few failed attempts in his search, getting scammed, mugged and even losing track of Kingdom, reduced to the status of a slave. Eventually, after the hardship of reclaiming his freedom, he finds his mother. He doesn't know who she is, she doesn't know who he is, and she has not aged at all thanks to the daeva. After spending time together, the prince is infatuated. And eventually, they have sex.

>> No.21879717

Hello, would love feedback on my latest post about the Renaissance. Thanks!


>> No.21880041

Is it
>You're hot, girl; the world just needs to see it.
>You're hot, girl: the world just needs to see it.
or should I not be fancy and just write
>You're hot, girl. The world just needs to see it.

>> No.21880055

just use a period or an em dash

>> No.21880070

Semicolon, em dash, or period. The connection between the two clauses isn't strong enough to justify a colon, nor does the sentence meet any of the other reasons why one might use a colon.

>> No.21880079
File: 219 KB, 1024x1104, 162922789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx frens

>> No.21880083

I will name the antagonist of my novel Henry Edward Pankinson Hank E. Pank

>> No.21880092

>em dash
boomerspeak aside would you really use just one dash? It is a parenthesis and you wouldn't use just a ( without closing it.

>> No.21880101

yeah, the em dash is more like a comma than a parathesis.

>> No.21880129

I'm def not using any em dashes, I'm writing a screenplay and that shit is cliché as fuck in them

>> No.21880136

>I will not use this commonly used device because I am a special snowflake
good luck with that

>> No.21880139

You're writing a screenplay and having a character say "You're hot girl, the world just needs to see it," there is nothing you can do to make it more cliché or cringe so just roll with it

>> No.21880140

It's just punctuation. Use it for effect and clarity.

>> No.21880228
File: 5 KB, 384x193, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote this unironically

You have no idea how cliché I'm talking

That's a good point, I guess cliché sells better too

Clarity shmlarity, I wanna be a special snowflake

>> No.21880236

Forgot to say thanks for advice, still digesting it desu. I think i may have shot myself in the foot with the setting. Characters are superhuman and cognitively enhanced + dont need to poop.

Already used 'in spite of x', 'despite y' and 'even though' a couple of times, plus a bunch of other negative adjectives. I'm not yet at the point where i have to pull a 'stop invincible son' and break my plot, but I think i may have to go full purple prose to drag the reader along.

>> No.21880316

Tempted to write a story on Royal Road that appeals to the userbase there. Might be fun to churn out a story and not worry if its going to be my magnum opus. Basically put my writing abilities to use as a service than writing my own deeply personal story. Dunno, might have to have a think about what kind of story people desperately want to read more of. Not smut though, even I'm not that pathetic.

>> No.21880437

I wrote my first short story on that thing. I had several I did in gradeschool but destroyed all the writing it was that cringe.
>Lovecraft pastiche gone wrong because it involved a clumsy "truth to power" that made no sense
>haunted hotel with ghosts inspired by bullshit I saw on rotten dot com
>another story about a day laborer who has a mental breakdown near a fairy circle over some kind of weird romantic complex
>a hero quest inspired by Deltora and shonen with 7 elemental wizards and basically Cloud Strife with green hair
>a grimdark shonen of tournament series inspired by Chinese Zodiac
And MUCH more cringe.

>> No.21880471

It's best to never delete your older works, even when they are cringe worthy. It's nice to go back and see how much you improved and your child self's works may end up having some cool element that you can recycle for your current work.

>> No.21880500

Smut isn't a top performer on RoyalRoad. It's LitRPG and cultivation. Obviously other stuff crops up but quality becomes more important.

Anyway, not sure why erotica gets so much hate compared to other low effort genre fic. It's all bottom of the barrel. Thinking about writing number go up RR shit and saying "at least it's not erotica" is pretty pathetic. I don't even have anything against genre fic writers (necessarily) but the inconsistency makes me roll my eyes.

>> No.21880508

It also works when there is a mastermind behind the mystery. First you come up with the big reveal, them you work your way backwards. The mastermind's actions will conveniently lead to the clues being left where they are, taking advantage of the fact that we never see how he accomplished those feats in the first place. You just need to worry about making sure that what he did is coherent with his motivation and to not accidentally give him an unbelievable amount of foresight.

>> No.21880521
File: 57 KB, 640x800, 1663470276293454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a PhD in literature. I've only ever written research articles and my monograph. I've decided to try my hand at writing an actual book. I've bought:
>The Elements of Style
>On Writing
>Zen in the Art of Writing
>Plot and Structure
>Steering the Craft

How likely is it that I can study these books and produce an adequate book in about a year? I'd like to think that I am reasonably intelligent, but I don't feel like a particularly creative person. When I read books in the New Weird genre, for example, I'm blown away by the incredible ideas they come up with and I'd love to do something similar. I am mostly impressed with books that are idea-driven and that's something I'd like to explore.

>> No.21880543

I actuall remember enough of the hero quest that I worked into a really sick spiritual fantasy with a belief/character development based magic system that was a fusion of four classic elements and biblical context of them. Simply put water was childlike faith, fire was zeal, earth was godless practicality and wind was devilworship. But I had decided I enjoyed writing litfic so much that project might be tabled forever. I was pleasantly surprised Elden Ring had a cool quasi-faith based system as the Grace vs Fingers (works) is actually a massive theological can of worms. Being able to come up with some cool symbolism that is spiritually engaging I think is really cool, cooler than elements just being different damage types.

>> No.21880577

It’s a headline to bounce around empty skulls and pour buckets of subzero liquid on people’s dry tongues. Just like for any other sour candy, they had to put a kiddy spin on the same old slop for people to suck on it. Something to all-inclusive lap dance the unspoken need of the masses. A current thing. For too long they had gone without a circus to their bread.


<: In the age of dirty bombs, the capitalist is shitting his pants!!!

<: WHODUNIT? – Mother Gaia doesn’t care!

A current thing was just around the corner, and the popcorn-for-brains producing newspapers were already about to blow their own load all over – before even asking who was behind it all. But Memphis knows. He knows exactly who is going to do it, because he’s the one who decides. Well, technically it was the script that they had given him that decided. Or maybe it was the writing hands that called the nuclear spiked shots - punching on the big red button. Even he's unsure about the realiti on this one. Any hand can push buttons, slap detonators. But they all lacked the finesse required to twist incidents, split seas of people and turn tides of spit in heated online arguments. Nowadays, that was a greater weapon of maximized mental discord than any explosion of poison.

Thoughts? Pointers?

>> No.21880597

well preferably something a bit more modern that I could upload to my pc or into a cloud

>> No.21880700

reading all those books is a colossal waste of time. skim a couple, at best. stop procrastinating you fool

>> No.21880882

I wrote a fantasy book. Can I post it on here?

>> No.21880884

Yes, I'll read some pages

>> No.21880986

My dad gave me advice and told me to do what Dostoyevsky did.
>Don't use your good characters to preach your own message, and don't make evil characters into easy to attack strawmen
>Instead write everyone in a serious and belivable way, let them dictate what they say and do, and let the reader make the final verdict
Is this good advice or nah?

>> No.21880995


>> No.21881009

You want to have your own voice, you don't want to end up reading the same as everyone else who tries to paint by the numbers so to speak.
I don't think they are going to hurt, but don't feel the need to follow them exactly.

>> No.21881043

Reading books on craft is where I made my mistake. I became more obsessed with process than product. You're better off re-reading your favorite books and trying to figure out a) what about it you actually liked and b) how the author created those effects through the text. Then you can try to write something in a similar vein, maybe focusing on one or two specific things at a time. Short stories are good for this since you can iterate quickly.

Ideation specifically is usually just a combination of some disimilar ideas.
You can do this for practically any literary element. e.g setting: desert island and school. Plot: a serial killer murder mystery and a comedy of manners. Tone: medieval and hard-boiled. An easy one to start is take two cliched character archetypes and create a unique relationship between them. e.g nerd and school bully but the relationship is father and son, or criminal and cop, or brother and sister etc. Generally you would start with one such idea and develop it by asking questions about it. Answers, even mundane ones, will suggest new, more specific questions.

>> No.21881058

Surprisingly insightful post, thanks anon!

>> No.21881228

I really liked the art of fiction by john gardner, I reread it every now and then. It's very much about the art aspect and not the technique (though there is a chapter on common mistakes). Even the first few pages were really helpful

>> No.21881290
File: 225 KB, 1200x627, 14508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An interesting idea anon, but I have bad news for you. Badalzak, his son, and the city of Badalbasar are destroyed in the story preceding this one by an ancient witch and an immortal prince (made immortal by his mother in order to take revenge on Badalzak) who was enslaved by Unush. But that's another tale.

The clod-of-dirt child grows up in the mansion and is raised by Iltanu (the princess) and Arshaka (the daeva), but the ghost of Badaldun (the real child) resides in the child's mirror, drawn to him from beyond the pale of death, and whispers to him about his destiny and who he really is. Eventually, dirt-boy confronts Iltanu and Arshaka, calling them and himself false and beginning to uproot the flowers from the garden. For the first time since the birth of the dirt-child, Iltanu begins to weep. Arshaka, being a daeva, not a human, not understanding, but loving Iltanu in his way, is enraged, and returns the child to what he really is - a clod of dirt, as punishment.

This devastates Iltanu, and she tries to kill herself. But the knives turn to flowers, the poison to sweet wine, and when she jumps from the heights she sprouts feathers and flies. Arshaka tells her that he will cast a spell upon her that will make her forget her life in the human world. The spell works, but no matter what, she cannot forget her son and her love for him. Finally she asks Arshaka to leave the mansion. Arshaka warns her that she will be blind again, and she will have no hands. She will grow old and die. Iltanu says that she still wishes to return to earth, and so Arshaka, loving her in his way, takes her back.

A hundred years have passed. Badalbasar is a forgotten ruin on the edge of the desert. Everyone Iltanu every knew is dead and gone. She is blind, and her arms end in knotted stumps. But she remains in the ruins of Badalbasar, dragging stones, building a cairn to her lost child, her lost life. Arshaka, loving her, conjures food and water for her, but never reveals himself, taking on the form of a kindly shepherd who makes sure to look out for her when he grazes his flock nearby. Finally, after seventy years of dragging stones with her scraped and calloused stumps, her cairn is complete, and Iltanu dies. The daeva Arshaka, returning to his mansion of pleasure and forgetting, never smiles again.

>> No.21881390

Seems like pointless tragedy to be honest. A trick story without much substance.

>> No.21881537

I could see that argument for sure, of course it's all about the delivery and I'm hoping that that will drive home the point of the story which is that love is a spell, it has no reason and obeys no logic, it is above us. It's why a mother who saw her child's face just one time can love him for more than a hundred years and a daeva who has never known sadness or pain can love a blind, suffering woman. There's also a conceit (conveyed through some exchanges/imagery) that love is a prison to be escaped. As Iltanu lays dying she's smiling - she's achieved a kind of freedom. At the same time, Arshaka, an immortal spirit, is doomed to eternal love.

I get that it is a pessmistic/tragic kind of story though and I get the idea that it might not seem to have substance. I haven't finished writing it though so perhaps it will grow in the telling, and I'll keep your commentary in mind. I appreciate you for engaging with it at all.

>> No.21881554


I really enjoy the style desu, I think that other anon is just getting sadistic enjoyment from tearing down a more skilled stranger

>> No.21881644
File: 115 KB, 750x608, 5652F441-2375-4809-9D17-455EF3275833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21881665

I thought the style was quite suitable, so don't take what I said to be completely condemnatory. If you can adequately incorporate the elements you posted, then it will be a great story. I, personally, still won't like it because I disagree with its proposed philosophy, but I wouldn't deny that it's a great story (I feel this way about many of Chekov's stories for example).

If we go by the Aristotelian model, a tragedy is only pointless if there's no catharsis, and catharsis requires hamartia, peripetia and anagnorisis (usually all coming together at the same moment). I see now that, in fact, this story has all those elements coming together at the very end (even without your addendum) and that I was mistaken in calling it pointless. If you can sufficiently render that moment incorporating all the irony and contrast between Badalzak's love, Arshaka's love and Iltanu's love, then it will be a very special story indeed.

Aristotle also encouraged a pedagogical component to tragedies (and the 1001 Nights has this as well), but obviously this story has a more modern sensibility (it could even become postmodern--and that might be an interesting angle in itself, if e.g it's framed as lost stories from the 1001 Nights (with corresponding metacommentary and annotation)). Compare this with Skinny Gotami and the Mustard Seed from the Pali Canon.

>> No.21881681

RoyalRoad might eat that up.
Was ChatGPT trained on this?
I mean, that would explain a lot...

>> No.21881688
File: 95 KB, 703x962, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abandonded this story last year but I'd like some input on the prose. So sleepy... gonna take a nap. I'll respond in a while.

>> No.21881706

I wrote a YA adventure romance because that's what I like to read and write. I'm too scared to try and get it published but I'm glad I did it.

>> No.21881716

Are you kidding?
That probably has major commercial possibilities!
Go for it!

>> No.21881720

good for you
now write something else

>> No.21881779

your first line would sound much better without the word moist

>> No.21881827

Hey anos, its bad as hell. You should read more.

>> No.21882140

Depends on what kind of story you are writing. Morally grey characters who compete over their own personal ideologies is one thing, but the classic clash between good and evil can also be appealing.

>> No.21882253

>and don't make evil characters into easy to attack strawmen
this is goddamn golden advice, I fucking hate it HATE IT when a character is a strawman for everything the author dislikes, even if I don't like those things myself it just takes me right out of the story

>> No.21882264

>Tell me if I have any hope
You can always improve, so saying you have no hope would be incorrect. However...this is definitely not good. You would drastically benefit from reading a lot more while paying attention to what certain writers are doing and why they may have made the decisions that they did. It doesn't even have to be a well-written classic novel. Pick up a popular fantasy novel and try to figure out what about it makes the reader want to keep turning pages. You severely lack an understanding of what makes writing interesting and enjoyable to read. Reading your excerpt made me feel like I was just having a bunch of trivial information listed off to me. I didn't get a sense of any interesting characterization or an enthralling narrative. There's nothing there to convince me to turn to the next page

>> No.21882288

>that is, of course, expected of an island where it never rains
Extremely weak. You can find a more interesting and less matter-of-fact way to tell the reader this information
>just fine, for, even through
You don't need the comma after 'for'. This sentence would also be stronger overall if you changed the order: A calm life suits these folks just fine; for an endless summer presides even through suns and passing moons
>crops are not grown, for / everyone is friendly, for
You repeat this phrasing way too many times.
>life is assured...for a time
I'd avoid using an ellipsis when you could make a dash work perfectly fine.

That's all that I have time for right now. Overall it's not that bad. I think you have some bad habits with overly relying on certain phrasings and sentence structures, but that can be easily cleaned up as you become more conscious of it

>> No.21882341

Can't sleep.... I'll try again later.
It's because of the slang term, isn't it?
Thanks for the feedback. Your specificity is appreciated. Around the time I wrote this, "for" was at the 'forefront' of my mind for some reason. hehehe. I should employ word play into my stories more often. Anyway, yeah, looking through more recent work I don't see myself making that same mistake, but it's good to note for future reference. I suppose I still do have habits I should quit, so I'll poke around for those tomorrow.

Good night.

>> No.21882517

I think "the candy section" is better than "a candy section" for readability/clarity

>> No.21883010

Maori Fantasy. Prologue

From upon the ancestral mountain, beneath the ominous skies, the world of the living breathed with the whispers of ancient spirits. Shadows stretched, intertwined with the essence of the sacred land, as if Marunui itself were a canvas, capturing the primal darkness that precedes creation. The embers of a setting sun retreated behind the mist-shrouded peaks, igniting the horizon with the fury of the gods, their wrath a lingering echo in the dimming light.
Amidst the ferns and the karaka trees, the tohunga stood, his tattoos a living testament to the legends that flowed through his veins. Clad in a flax cloak woven with the stories of ancient battles, he seemed to embody the dreams and fears of a bygone era, his eyes burning with the knowledge of both the seen and the unseen. The wind whispered his name, Hotukura, The Red Sorrow his prophecy forged in the stars and bound to the earth.
He gazed upon the vast ocean, its waves reflecting the eternal darkness that beckoned from the depths. The whispers grew louder in his mind, a chorus of forgotten voices crying out for vengeance, for retribution. The ocean's relentless surge whispered to Hotukura the secrets hidden within its abyss, ancient truths long buried under the weight of time.
As the final light of day bled into twilight, Hotukura found himself surrounded by a procession of wretched warriors, their faces etched with the anguish of a thousand sunsets. Their eyes, black as the void between stars, shimmered with the tears of lost souls, and their corrupted haka thundered a relentless beat that echoed across the sacred land. Their voices, once the song of the earth itself, now tainted by the sorrow of half-death, surged through Hotukura's very being. The tohunga beheld these fallen spirits, their once-proud lineage now a harrowing testament to the eternal struggle between the living and the dead.
The wind carried the scent of impending doom, and the earth trembled beneath their feet, as though fearing the awakening of primordial forces. Hotukura lifted his hands toward the heavens, beseeching the gods for guidance, but the silent cries of the lost drowned his supplications in the vast expanse of the cosmic void.
With a sigh as heavy as the ocean's depths, Hotukura turned his gaze to the gathering darkness, to the first glimmers of distant stars. He knew the time had come, the hour of reckoning when the living world would stand at the precipice, its fate uncertain in the face of the coming doom.
And so, beneath the shroud of twilight, Hotukura ran, driven by the weight of ancestral wisdom and the promise of redemption. As he followed the path down the mountain, a single question haunted his every step: could the living world be saved from the encroaching darkness, or was it already lost to the taint of undeath?

>> No.21883170

Lots of ancient, ancestoral and lineage and history and primordial stuff here. It sometimes get very bland when reading this style of describing a culture, even if I get which tribal itch you want to scratch with that. I'm not super familiar with Maori culture (beyond Bionicles) but I'd say the islander-style of reverance for the past can be a lot more subtle.

>> No.21883366

The bread is moldy
The bread is old
The baker is away