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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 330x413, a3a45697e82cffcc69a2cdffebf6521e84-23-thomas-pynchon.rvertical.w330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21865806 No.21865806 [Reply] [Original]

>From the time we were little kids, they brainwashed us with all kinds of jive about how lucky America was, is and will continue to be, world without end, amen, and how lucky we were to be living in it. They taught us Dr. Johnson's line ass backward, that there is much to be enjoyed, little to be endured, and we, saps and too young to know any better, believed it.

>So, sure, when we run into things like hate, and ICBMs and cancer, it seems like too much to endure. And if enough evil and misfortune succeeds in piling around us like a heap of shit till it's up to our necks, and then some cat walks up, unzips his fly and prepares to piss on us, and it becomes a choice of whether to take it or duck, or to get out of the game completely, we not infrequently choose out.

>Older people, like the Negroes we've put down for 300 years, have not forgotten that might makes right and talk is cheap. It is interesting that Negroes in America have survived indignity, pain, hunger, sickness and poverty of a sort and depth that would have drive most whites to suicide. I think it's because they never got a chance to start conning themselves, because it's root hog or die from the minute the cord is cut. It is something we can learn from them, maybe, if we're hip enough.

>> No.21866324

Go to bed, Tom. It’s late and you’re too old to be up all night on the computer.

>> No.21866362

Okay, I will now read your Pynchon novels.

>> No.21866386

You just know he was licking black toes during the Greg Floyd riots

>> No.21866390

Cool! I recommend The Crying of Lot 49 as a starting point.

>> No.21866406

I'll try that, I read the first 15 or so chapters of Gravity's Rainbow at some point, I liked the writing but it felt too self aware.

>> No.21867496

Nigger worship is so insufferable.

>> No.21867511


>> No.21867744

So is racism. Pack it in, faggot.

>> No.21867748

Calm it down, incel. Jamal won't fuck you for standing up for him online.

>> No.21867754

Now that it's grown to gargantuan proportions it's easier to see how it has been latent in American culture for generations

They are slaves to their own slaves, amazing how it worked out that way. Hold your head down so you don't risk antagonizing them as they walk by! Don't forget to pay their welfa-, I mean, your taxes.

>> No.21867789

In John Muir's day they stood at attention and took their hats off when a White Man walked by. So glad we're not racist anymore, I'm not tired of knock out game videos!

>> No.21868595

You need to go back.

>> No.21868615

Thomas Pynchon can lick my ass

>> No.21868692

Pynchon is the only postmodernist with any brains.

>> No.21868930

Its interesting and all but what made you think of this in the first place?

>> No.21868967

There are plenty of destitute white people, in some cities of California there are whole blocks of tents of homeless white people, many of them very young. Definitely black people have been oppressed and disadvantaged in America but people like Bernie Sanders and so forth who talk about poverty as something only black people deal with, are out of touch in their ivory tower.

>> No.21869023

Pynchon’s rude assumption that every white in this country was born with the same advantages and comfortable upbringing as his old money WASP family is something to behold is a good example of rich liberals being out of touch with the world. Did he not have a single white friend from a broken family with murders and rape and drugs and alcohol? I guess four years at Cornell and two in the Navy doesn’t teach you basic common sense. Oh — also — he betrayed his friend in college over pussy. He’s as paper thin as his characters

>> No.21869031

This rich cunt doesn’t know the first thing about humiliation and suffering

>> No.21869130

Sounds like a fucking boomer

>> No.21869246

You know, maybe this is why his more emotional registers come off as inauthentic. His characters don't feel connected even when their purpose is clearly to draw an emotional response from the reader. I wonder if Pynchon ever truly knew the disenfranchised people he opts to write about. His version of them don't seem to extend beyond rebellious stoner kids with a lot of old money.

>> No.21869329
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A lot of seething ITT
Pynchon is comfy. I like him all right?
He's soothing just like Netflix after a hard day's work for some of you.

>> No.21869657

shitty author lole

>> No.21869759

I like him too, I've read GR twice, plus V. and Vineland. But his ire with WASP society can get pretty gay. I feel the same way about Zappa and a lot of guy's like that nowadays.

>> No.21870019

pynchon is basically saying niggers are too dumb to kill themselves and understand in a more abstract sense the suffering of existence (he's right btw) and sardonically suggests whites could learn that from them, but chuds just read "negroes" and go overdrive with seethe

>> No.21870321

This stupid liberal wouldn't understand suffering. His opinion that it is difficult for whites to cope because there dreams of America were silkier is retarded. The poor whites of the old south never had such dreams to begin with. This is something only a ivy going, self righteous phony would cook up.

>> No.21871128

Nah you just got filtered

>> No.21871130

Which order should I read Pynchon?

>> No.21871165

Zappa was not at all like that.

>> No.21871254

Chronologically, like you would any author.

>> No.21872207

He did his part.

>> No.21872612

Is he Pynchon in his chin or did he lose it in ‘nam?

>> No.21872929

Pynchon -- to no one's surprise -- was a draft-dodging son of a bitch.

>> No.21873122

He might. Do not pretend to speak for Jamal's proclivities.

>> No.21873859

>pynchon is basically saying niggers are too dumb to kill themselves
No he didn't

>> No.21874218

I thought Bernie was the one guy who didn't do that.

>> No.21874253

"When you're white you don't know what it means to be poor" - Bernie Sanders

>> No.21874258

Is there anything more fucking pathetic than a post-WW2 liberal whitoid showing off how tolerant s/he is by pandering to the worst shittiest elements in some minority group


>> No.21874292
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He recanted after the backlash.

>> No.21874616

fake ass corny faggot

>> No.21874629

What’s his problem?

>> No.21875343

No need to sign your posts, frendo.

>> No.21875646

>/lit is turning on Pynchon
Say it ain't so.

Is there a source for the letter OP mentioned? It sounds like Pynchon and the sentiment lines up with similar things he has written about in the past but I can't find it anywhere online.

>> No.21875704

a couple of assblasted polfags aren't /lit/

>> No.21875730

Pynchud was always shit.

>> No.21875766

Sounds like your average burger. Isn't his latest novel full of pop culture references à la Ready Player One?

>> No.21876131


>> No.21876159

>be the descendent of old blood English settler and grow up with a golden spoon in your mouth
>never work or struggle a day in your life
>waaaaaahhhh waaaaaaahhhhh l-l-l-life is h-h-h-hard!!!! waaaahhhh!!! everyone i-is e-e-vil!!!!! wwaaaaahhhhhhh waaaaaahhhhhhh

>> No.21876587

That’s not just negroes it’s poor people in general who were born poor. That’s my dad. Man can be an utter asshole but he has an absolutely iron will from his upbringing. You can’t learn it unless you go through a bunch of bullshit early on to harden you.

>> No.21877388

>implying you can write a novel in and about the postwar west without referencing pop culture

>> No.21877463

No kidding. That was one of the most boomer things I've ever read.

>> No.21877477

It was common for white intellectuals to idealize black americans back then as now. There were less woke versions though, compare Kerouac:
>At lilac evening I walked with every muscle aching among the lights of 27th and Welton in the Denver colored section, wishing I were a Negro, feeling that the best the white world had offered was not enough ecstasy for me, not enough life, joy, kicks, darkness, music, not enough night. I stopped at a little shack where a man sold hot red chili in paper containers; I bought some and ate it, strolling in the dark mysterious streets. I wished I were a Denver Mexican, or even a poor overworked Jap, anything but what I was so drearily, a “white man” disillusioned.

>> No.21877513
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why do they worship niggers so much?

>> No.21877515
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>> No.21877680

Why are you quoting me?

>> No.21877719

Americans faced increasing industrialization and complexity of civil society in the late 19th and early 20th century, which led to fantasies of escape in the disenfranchised negroid population -- see the popularity of blackface, with it's carefree and lackadaisical portrayal of blacks. Extremely notable examples include Al Jolsen's "The Jazz Singer" (though Jews will literally claim this is somehow different. They are wrong, they faced the same problems as us, but their negro-worship is on another level). This fantasy has stuck around, to the detriment of everyone, but it will hopefully be reduced once we amplify Black voices more and more (they're insufferable).

>> No.21878234

Tell me of the betrayal

>> No.21878471

Quintessential AMERICAN

>> No.21878477

Spoken like a good slave for white-niggers.

I didn't know he was this based.

>> No.21878885

It's always some case of the grass always being greener. Boomers are the most unwise degenerate generation that ever lived.

>> No.21878891

redditors mad

>> No.21878910

pynchon's non-fiction stuff reminds me of toby fox

>> No.21879544

i agree with this. beat culture (similar to the gen x malaise of the 90's) was a product of young men prowling the streets with no ambition or goal. none of them had done a day's work in their life. the general emptiness they felt was due to their extreme laziness.
imagine driving around 50's USA as a young virile male and being such a fool that you don't know how to experience a good time

>> No.21879650

it's called having a conscience , chud.

>> No.21879752

Those are the worst. They alienate you from your own race. As a poor white, other races don't like you and the privileged from your own deny you exist.

>> No.21880509

all this applies to current day "doomers" desu

>> No.21880734

I mean Chrahst, sensitive minorities, you know? I mean it's really people like us, you and me, we're the persecuted minority. White, Protestant, male, over twenty-one, I mean we don't belong anywhere, you know?

>> No.21881788

>It is something we can learn from them, maybe, if we're hip enough.
What a faggot

>> No.21882549

you will never find love

>> No.21882765

growing up during the depression would have a pretty big effect on your ambition when you see everyone around you destitute and all their plans fallen to shit

>> No.21882800

I mean he's not exactly wrong though, white people do off themselves more than any other race. I don't know how many blacks committed suicide compared to whites during Jim crow to get a more accurate measure.

>> No.21882863
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>> No.21883461

sorry bossman

>> No.21884483

subtle kek

>> No.21884493

...you know that jewish prayer about them thanking God for not making them a goy, right? I feel the same about not being american. Praise be to your name, Lord, that you did not make me an american.

>> No.21884517

Why can't americans just be degenerate as themselves, like europeans? What is with this bizarre dichotomy of serious, adult, no fun allowed whites vs. fun-having, but childlike negroes in american thought?

>> No.21884859

there's a type of puritanism which continues to this day in america. it has had many different forms throughout the years. currently this puritanism is observed in SJW/woke politics as well as in conservative christian politics.
nobody is allowed to have fun in america, everything that brings you joy is looked down on by somebody

>> No.21884916

New England Yankees are the most miserable and neurotic white people in America. Even Jews have more fun than them.

>> No.21885766

Yankeesisters... our response?

>> No.21885984

>fuck it we ball