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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.45 MB, 1048x1158, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21852089 No.21852089 [Reply] [Original]

suzanne young bros...

>> No.21852093

Who's that

>> No.21852095

If suzanne young won't change your mind, baaaby baby babaabababybayby right on tiime

>> No.21852096

i don't know but it's funny

>> No.21852116
File: 317 KB, 625x1000, tsk-amazon-1000-625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a bigger launch than The Shitkickers

>> No.21852120

Zog moment

>> No.21852125

that's really sad and pathetic

>> No.21852127

>They hear that Lacey has returned from the Program and is attending a different school. Miller decides he must know if she remembers him, and he goes to find her. He discovers that she has no memory of him at all, and is a blank slate, an empty person. Distraught, Miller kills himself.
Different author? If not, she deserves to kill herself just for writing this ending to a novel I never even knew existed.

>> No.21852155

What if I was the only one who showed up. Do you think she'd agree to go out with me to get coffee, and..?

>> No.21852164

Fun memories. As a teenager I won a local award for best short story, and as part of my 'reward' was required to read it aloud at a local community Hall.

Now terrified of public speaking I made it pretty clear that I did not want to do this. However I was assured that my story was widely printed and distributed and that they had received many commendations and requests. I was also 16 and mildly autistic so I actually believed what they told me.

I also stumble when I read aloud (still do, don't know why) and had to practice quite a bit to be able to get through the whole thing in a respectable manner.

When I arrived there were my parents and exactly four elderly people from a local care center, to whom I was offered as entertainment.

I got up, feeling absolutely stupid, and got to the whole thing as best I could. I remember everyone was very kind, though I suspect it was more out of pity than anything else.

Now if you don't mind just dictating this into my phone makes me want to slice my own wrists.

>> No.21852169

you'd have to pretend you've read her books though kek
how the fuck do you dictate a 4chan post?

>> No.21852177

>Now if you don't mind just dictating this into my phone makes me want to slice my own wrists.
a..are you voiceposting?

>> No.21852189
File: 188 KB, 1217x816, Screenshot (43).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of her books (she writes YA obviously) has 50K+ ratings on Goodreads. No need to feel sorry for her.

>> No.21852205

>Now if you don't mind just dictating this into my phone makes me want to slice my own wrists.
Nice touch, the AI is getting good at cringeposting.

>> No.21852214
File: 40 KB, 495x375, agent cooper twin peaks cherry pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not dictating your posts into a cassette recorder and having your secretary post them for you later

>> No.21852224


>> No.21852235

the anxiety won't go away but if you're as strong as you were then you can beat it back again. beat it enough times and you'll ride that wave. nervous energy's still energy

>> No.21852238
File: 175 KB, 1300x957, FYA3K5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your secretary searching for the right picture of apu to scan and attach

>> No.21852244

Yeah, what a whiner of a cunt. Being Jason Bryan you literally have no way of marketing your shit, if I were a woman I could at least show off my tits and get some attention for my writing!

>> No.21852247

I'm going to dictate a best selling novel from my lazyboy, and none of you fagots are going to do shit about it.

Though it's probably going to have to be PG since the dictation software refuses to transcribe the word f a g g o t s.
Ha ha!

>> No.21852251

I don't know who's that lady but I feel bad for her.

>> No.21852252

let me be your lazyboy uwu

>> No.21852254

I mean, that's pretty sad, but if you are small or mid sized author you really should expect it. If you have 100k readers around the world only maybe 5 or 6 live near the library you are going to speak to, and not all of them are going to hear about you coming over, or care enough to go.
What's sad is inviting everyone over for your birthday and nobody coming.

>> No.21852257

I feel you brother. A story I wrote won an award back when I was in school and my prize was to read it in front of everybody.
Before I went on I had a massive nosebleed, the school nurse panicked and I was sent to hospital. Turned out I had catastrophically high blood pressure and I'm still on the blood pressure meds more than a decade later. But at least I didn't have to read my story out so it's all ok.

Sent by Tapatalk from my iPhone 3.

>> No.21852277

NTA, but would you scribble down everything I say as if I was a wise ancient greek and put it all into a big volume if I accepted you as my lazyboy?

>> No.21852289

Adult Youngs shouldn't write young adult

>> No.21852291

stopped reading right there

>> No.21852304
File: 93 KB, 1207x763, 5f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting the classic

>> No.21852330


> sent from my dictaphone

>> No.21852334

>published 2013
Given that I've never heard of her or this novel, I'm guessing her career took a downturn from that point

>> No.21852335

>social issues and gender

>> No.21852338

.-.. --- .-..

>> No.21852340

This thread sucks
>this post was created by an AI cabable of converting sequences of farts into morse code, and then into conventional language.

>> No.21852354


>> No.21852357

You should write a short story based on this. It's sad and hilarious.

>> No.21852366

I don’t feel bad for published authors. Besides, she has no idea what it’s like to struggle if that’s really her career low point.

>> No.21852369

Who the fuck is Jason Bryan? I'm intrigued.

>> No.21852387

Possible alien genetics in her face I saw when I looked up a picture of it.

>> No.21852436

Oh I thought she was saying the low point was having to do book talks at bookstores
That's sad, I can't imagine how it must feel to take the leap and agree to go to these thinking that someone has to be interested in your writing, the stress and anxiety of wondering if anyone will show up and then to get there and literally no one comes
Thinking about this is making me very sad but I have no interest in contemporary fiction

>> No.21852444

jason pls, this is pathetic

>> No.21852449

No, but seriously, who is he? Another Gardner?

>> No.21852452
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>> No.21852460

>50K+ ratings
90% are fake by buying goodreads bots

>> No.21852468
File: 373 KB, 1204x1330, Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 22.12.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her writing is incredibly boring based on these tweets. Zero talent.

>> No.21852476

She seems nice

>> No.21852482

She seems like a generic Twitter woman

>> No.21852486

a gardnerdrone who can't even reach gardner status
he's a 40 y.o. canadian who lost custody of his son to bitch mom because jason is a violent drug addict and a pornographer. he uses /lit/ to shill his "book" the shitkickers, which is some sort of owning-the-libtards screed not even worth pirating. his complete failure to meme himself on here led him to latch onto gardner, waldun, etc. he has just discovered schizoposting, which is why you're seeing a bunch of posts talking "about" him in third person lately
a sad specimen

>> No.21852487

she seems boring and vaguely malevolent, like most women

>> No.21852494

You guys have the same problem as the American Heritage Dictionary. You care too much about vague literally whos clogging up the reader's time from it. This is a cosmopolitan woke attitude that bothers me time and time again.

>> No.21852502

>you care too much because you discuss some random thing
This is basically 4channel small talk, no one actually cares newfag

>> No.21852507

>which is some sort of owning-the-libtards screed
I'm sold. I'll buy it.

>> No.21852509

The Shitkickers is on Amazon now... just released yesterday!

>> No.21852514

Damn, her tweets get thousands of views... I'm not even allowed to tweet because I said "Women don't have a penis" back in like 2019 on International Women's Day

>> No.21852519 [DELETED] 

the shitkickers is the only /lit/ shilled book i actually wanted to read based on the sample. i got to the part where some guy is trying to steal his bike but when he tries to stop him a crowd forms blaming him for attacking a homeless person or something. any working class person who actually has to deal with criminals in a city can relate to this and i wanted to know what happened next. the rest of those guys, gardner, waldun, don't write about anything anyone gives a shit about or can relate to.

>> No.21852531

Imagine being a popular author on Twitter and crying over empty chairs!

Meanwhile, schizo Jason Bryan cannot even tweet, cannot get any reviews on The Shitkickers, and is regulated to the sewer of 4chan to promote his work. Incredible!

>> No.21852535

The preview on Amazon is like 4 or 5 chapters long, right before Ken loses it and decides to fight back!

>> No.21852536


>> No.21852544

>the rest of those guys, gardner, waldun, don't write about anything anyone gives a shit about or can relate to.
Gardner is getting better. His last book is really, really antisemitic.

>> No.21852547
File: 372 KB, 480x638, 1680212045296082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you see the video of the guy stabbed to death in the middle of the daytime in downtown Vancouver? It happened right in front of his wife and 3 year old child.

The Shitkickers, like "City of Singles", is predictive programming, it's going to come true, just sit back and watch. Nothing is going to fix the coming(here already?) crime crisis in Canada.

>> No.21852550

Gardner is the hero of /lit/, without Gardner, I'd already have given up. Nothing but respect for him.

>> No.21852555

>Did you see the video of the guy stabbed to death in the middle of the daytime in downtown Vancouver?
He should have minded his own businesses, but instead tried to play Captain America and got what he was asking for kek.

>> No.21852559


>> No.21852572

A few weeks ago, I was outside of a pub in a small town and smoking a joint with a couple of friends. A family walked out of the pub and the smoke from my joint just caught the wind and blew perfectly in their faces. The father said, "Excuse me, do you mind"?

I apologized and we walked around the corner to finish the joint. Should I have beat the man to death in front of his family instead?

>> No.21852575

I can't wait to read the good and bad of /lit/'s reviews!

>> No.21852578

It depends. Are you BIPOC and he was white and wasn't minding his own business? Then yes. You had the right to make a bitch of him.

>> No.21852584

I'm a poorfag, so I'll pirate if I find it, but if I like it I'll make a thread to shill it. You will have to wait until I finish a couple books first though.

>> No.21852586

If it had been a black person stabbed to death by a white person, it would still be national news and people would be protesting I bet.

In the small town I live in, only 1 person out of the 20-30 people I regularly interact with even heard about the stabbing. The video is so gruesome, unless you're a /pol/ tard or on Twitter a lot, you'd never see it.

>> No.21852591

Sounds fair :)

>> No.21852603

Can't find it on there, I don't live in the Americas though so that may be why. Why were you suspended from Reddit?

>> No.21852629

BIPOC are owed reparations. If whites don't mind their own business they are asking to pay with their lives. Simple as.

>> No.21852632
File: 1.13 MB, 1539x907, stabbedtodeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Shitkickers is on Amazon.ca

Why was I suspended on Reddit? Which time?


One of the more memorable times was after this dude, Thomus, was stabbed to death by a druggie in downtown Vancouver. On the faggot-hive of /r/vancouver, someone had posted something in regards to Thomus and how he had been known to search for and help people who had OD'ed and passed out.

I posted this video link and explained I had interacted with him many times, and I used to give him all of the empties from parties I would throw and he used the money to buy food and hand it out to fellow street people. He wasn't a threat or a bad dude, but he got murdered on the streets of Vancouver being in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

Anyways, the moderators of /r/Vancouver, they know who Jason Bryan is and absolutely hate my guts. I'm an outgoing, rebellious, fun guy and I attract women like crazy, so they, naturally, see me as the enemy. I want to buy a The Shitkickers ad on /r/Vancouver and see if it gets removed. The moderators there know me personally and hate my guts like you wouldn't believe!

>> No.21852637

I'm surprised this wasn't the CBC headline for the stabbing, desu

>> No.21852645

Who is the blonde cute with a leather jacket? Will you pimp her to me if I read your book?

>> No.21852687


She was completely devoured by Vancouver, she came from a small town and the city ate her alive. I could write a book just about her and nobody would believe how incredibly fucked up her story is, pretty much the exact scenario white nationalist fags moan about on /pol/
>young white girl moves to the city
>city is a globohomo nightmare
>city teaches young white woman how ebil white people are
>city teaches young white woman how nihilism is the truth
>city teaches young white woman how to cope with feelings of despair
>city teaches young white woman how to profit off the despair of others

I met her parents when she was in the psyche ward after a drug binge and there were the nicest and most kind people. It broke my mind to see the most normie parents watch as the city ate their kid alive in front of them.

>> No.21852690

oh no no no....

>> No.21852695

Damn, she hit the wall hard. Just noticed your video is from 10 years ago.

>> No.21852744

Fuuuuck doesn't that tell the entire story of modern society perfefctly
>massively post wall
>no longer a mysterious qt that gets filmed and about whom people ask "damn who is that qt?"
>just some slag
>literal hooker
>posting her feet and begging for money
>in a sea of millions of other walled hookers, with no way to stand out in the pack, so all she can do is beg
>and women aren't entrepreneurial enough to at least master being a hooker and turn it into something viable

Just think, back when this video was shot, how many guys would have simped for her and probably did simp for her, back then her feet were like the holy grail to footfags, now she's some fat nobody slag giving them away for free on twitter and begging men to still want them even a hundredth as bad as they used to.

Now compare that with the way her life could have gone if she had kids around 25 and quit the game. She would live a totally different life, be a totally different person. She'd have millions upon millions of lovely little experiences with her kids that make life worth living, too many to count, just a continuous stream of "aw shucks life ain't so bad as long as I have little Timmy here" fuzzy emotions that women need. Instead she's forever living in the shadow of her 18 year old self, trying to do anything to even look 5% as good as she did then without any effort, and she's still got years and years to go, where she'll look even worse.

If I were a woman I would be like a superpredator, I'd be a hunter-seeker cyborg that exists only to harvest the cum of a reasonably normal man. If I didn't have a fertilized womb within 1 year of turning 24, I'd lower my standards 50% with each passing year until I was successfully inseminated. And if push came to shove I would get artificially inseminated.

Probably what ends up screwing a lot of women over is the fact that they live life on easymode, and all contemporary media is directed at them and hypnotizes them into this perpetual 1990s liberal utopia daydream where the purpose of life and meaning of the cosmos is "going to work and having fun" and always has been, a woman's perception of the world is like a very low IQ pagan vision of heaven, that is basically like everyday life but slightly nicer with free tacos at work. When you try to introduce a terrifying upsetting notion into this, like "if you don't have kids now, you will die a shrivelled old pig begging men to care about your feet," a woman's mind can't comprehend it even for her own good, because that's unfair/unpleasant, and unfairness is inconceivable for a woman, for whom life is like a sweet dandelion daydream of shopping for ironic sweaters online while group chatting with two other women. So they can't do something as strategic and cynical as artificial insemination, their mind goes UHHH NO I'LL HOLD OUT FOR CHAD THANKS! until they're 45yo "Want Somedays" and look like a tranny.

>> No.21852760

You have such an ideolized vision of marriage, when nowdays most marriages end up with one party cheating and the other losing everything. She might as well have become a single mother with the same psychological problems she has right now even if she had kids at 25, in fact it's a more likely scenario than the utopia you invented.

>> No.21852764

Imagine finding joy in another’s misery and imagine said person will never write anything of worth in their lifetime.

>> No.21852769

Did you read my post

>> No.21852777

Yep. As long as the jews are in power there's no escape of this nightmare. You can marry the perfect 16 year old virgin and even then there will always be a chance that at any moment, for the rest of her life, no matter how happy she is, the media jews will convince her that her life is not exciting enough and that she needs to leave her family to "discover herself".

>> No.21852784
File: 1.41 MB, 5616x3744, IMG_4892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People on /lit/ think I'm batshit crazy because I claim modern life is designed to push people to the edge, and the only thing keeping them from falling off the cliff is because they don't want to "become like them" AKA the homeless.

The system is designed to ass fuck anyone who thinks differently, and this young woman thought differently but the system has a convenient conveyor belt for those who do not conform
>social justice
>your typical anti-capitalist leftist
She was a bright spark, a very intelligent young woman, and a sacrifice on the altar of globohomo.
>now anyone wanna buy The Shitkickers and review it?

>> No.21852785

No, but now that I am my sides are in orbit.
I had read just the first part so the hunter seeker cyborg took me off guard

>> No.21852795

Stop this incel shit. Leave women alone, for fuck's sake. They are fine without us. Stop fucking bothering them.

>> No.21852804

Yes, I do find joy when nepotists get what they deserve.

>> No.21852809

I've fucked hundreds of women, it is incredible to be called an incel when I've lived through the most hedonistic of times.

>> No.21852816

Then learn to value women and stop talking shit about them? Thank you.

>> No.21852829
File: 978 KB, 240x250, 54320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally realize what women are and what this is, this is permanent schizophrenic delusion induced by having a child's mind that can't cope with an adult (male) world and being forced to do so anyway

Imagine if kids were forced to get adult jobs and drive around and do their best to cobble together a worldview and understanding of society to get them through the day, each would be insane and retarded in their own unique way. You'd have ones who are trying to go like "Um, excuse me? Like, no???" because they saw a real adult do that once, and ones who just start fights and bite people. Women are going insane because they're trying to imitate men (adults) and were never meant to do so. She's trying to cobble together fragments of character types and adult human behaviors from pop culture and observing men and other equally stupid women.

THAT is why every woman is a unique cocktail of childlike naivete and then out of nowhere oddly assertive entitlement and then equally out of nowhere self-pity and expectations of being coddled, all mixed in a blender with pathetic imitations of male assertiveness behaviors from TV shows they saw. She thinks she's people, she's trying to sit at the big boy table and was never meant to. This is just cruel.

>> No.21852833


>> No.21852838

Real question. Do you think she would have reacted the same if the guy had been black?

>> No.21852840

It clogs up my catalog so i don't mind saying it You care too much about nothing that you can have trannytalk on Kiwifarms or Discord but insist on seeding the pot with white nigger propaganda Respect me I have been on here since 2009 but you are one of Satan's obedient liars so bow down to King Jesus Christ and repent orbyou are a Nigger

>> No.21852869

This is unironically what schizophrenia looks like. This is not normal woman behavior, she's genuinely paranoid yet unaware about her surroundings.

>> No.21852900

>>21852093 >>21852116 >>21852354 >>21852687 >>21852833
>>21852095 >>21852116 >>21852340 >>21852547 >>21852559
>>21852096 >>21852120 >>21852125
>>21852155 >>21852164 >>21852189
>>21852189 >>21852169 >>21852235
>>21852224 >>21852291 >>21852335 >>21852869
>>21852338 >>21852444 checked >>21852452 >>21852536 >>21852744
>>21852468 >>21852482 >>21852494
>>21852509 >>21852584 >>21852632
>>21852687 >>21852784 >>21852777 checked >>21852795
>>21852829 >>21852838 >>21852840
You will never be with a woman

>> No.21852932

I have no idea why would someone post this humiliation but then again millennials to express faux compassion.

>> No.21852940

It's not even her picture. This image is used as a thumbnail for the same joke on a website called 4channel lit. She's laughing with her marxist friends from r/truelit

>> No.21852964

Comfy thread. Who is watching Boston vs Milwaukee?

>> No.21852971

She's allowed on Twitter and has thousands of followers. She is what Jason Bryan can only dream of as The Shitkickers goes unnoticed by normies.

>> No.21852980

The Shitkickers is too good for the normies anyway. They wouldn't appreciate Celine if he were alive today either.

>> No.21853002

Normies would fucking LOVE The Shitkickers.

I need someone to buy an ad for The Shitkickers on /r/Vancouver. I bet it would cause massive drama.

>> No.21853008

The Shitkickers is written as breadcrumbs, it is the most mildest of mild redpills as possible, full of hyperbole and psychopaths.

>> No.21853018

At least she got traditionally published...

>> No.21853020

It is hard to image how easy life would be if someone was guaranteed to pay you for whatever you shit out!

>> No.21853021

>predictive programming

>> No.21853030

Which was easier to predict:
>that dating would become totally fucked
>that crime would skyrocket but reports would be lowered
I wonder if you polled 1000 people, what % would say dating has become easier or there is less crime in Vancouver.

Everything is designed for maximum suffering in 2023

>> No.21853530
File: 98 KB, 1200x675, can I borrow a feeling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs more jpeg
pictures of people in front of empty rooms/crowds makes me sad. shame that most of /lit/ these days is just /pol/ runoff who delight in the misfortune of basically everyone (unless the author was an ugly white dude who shares their political views, in which case the thread would be full of empathy in the form of shitty sad apus and feels wojaks)

>> No.21853678

I miss the card catalog. If you did not know how to use it then you did not find your book. You had to earn it. Simple as.

>> No.21853696

The adult site I'm building is supposed to be like a card catalog in how you find the content you're looking for.

>> No.21853899

>shame that most of /lit/ these days is just /pol/ runoff who delight in the misfortune of basically everyone (unless the author was an ugly white dude who shares their political views, in which case the thread would be full of empathy in the form of shitty sad apus and feels wojaks)

A sentence that starts out decrying /pol/ runoff, and ends up becoming what it calls out.

>> No.21853908

Consent is a legal fiction anyways. It’s based on flimsy sentimentalism

>> No.21853914
File: 53 KB, 594x474, 5785D936-06A1-4AD6-996E-F6387B1501E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21853951

Hey Gardner. I agree with you.

>> No.21853953

it only seems that way if you're illiterate. I'm calling out the retards specifically on here behaving like that. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't feel similarly sad if I saw some scrawny 20 year old plain-looking white boy holding a microphone while looking dejected in front of a bunch of empty chairs.
>b-but basically any group will commonly feel more empathy for their own group so why are you calling out-
yeah and I'm not posting on a website right now with those other retard groups, now am I?

>> No.21853955

Umm... you're chinese.

>> No.21853957

You're wrong, it's Jason, you know, the other schizo!

>> No.21853968

>dictating this into my phone

Friendly reminder that dictator posting should be the only way authoritarians should post on here

>> No.21854074

>book has 50k ratings
>author doesn’t even have her own Wikipedia page, or even one she wrote herself
Yeah I’m not buying it

>> No.21854123

>harvest the cum of a reasonably normal man. If I didn't have a fertilized womb within 1 year of turning 24, I'd lower my standards 50% with each passing year until I was successfully inseminated. And if push came to shove I would get artificially inseminated.
No you wouldn't

>> No.21854129

4chan has as many corny moments as reddit.

>> No.21854147

sad shit

>> No.21854288


>> No.21854303

Imagine caring how popular you are except insofar as it enables you to meet your material needs.

>> No.21854317

>I finally realize what women are and what this is, this is permanent schizophrenic delusion induced by having a child's mind that can't cope with an adult (male) world and being forced to do so anyway
I agree with your post but we (men) are like that too, just in a totally different way. That's why things like romanticism exist. It's like Cobain said: nobody dies a virgin, life fucks us all.

>> No.21854338


Alternatively you're bitter that attractive women are uninterested in you and this mental vomit you typed out is your rationalization which demeans women, as you feel their rejection demeans you

>> No.21854366

Then what happens when an attractive slag is into him? Would it make you agree with him? Realize how retarded you sound right now.

>> No.21854475

The world doesn't need psychopathic narcissists like you.